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My customers can shop around; see who does good work and compare costs. It can also work that way with healthcare. With united healthcare, i get information on quality ratings of doctors, Treatment Options and estimates for how much ill pay. That helps me and my guys make informed decisions. I dont like guesses with my business and definitely not with our health. Thats health in numbers. United healthcare. Bnsf railway. And with the ongoing support of these institutions and foundations. And. This program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. And by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Woodruff the u. S. Economy turned in surprisingly strong jobs numbers for october. The Labor Department reported today that employers added 204,000 positions despite the partial Government Shutdown. At the same time, the Unemployment Rate ticked up a tenth to 7. 3 . Paul solman will have more on the numbers and what they mean right after the news summary. Wall street shot higher on the jobs report, led by bank stocks. The Dow Jones Industrial average gained more than 167 points to close well over 15,761, another record high. The nasdaq rose nearly 62 points to close at 3,919. For the week, the dow gained nearly 1 , the nasdaq fell 0. 1 . The head of the International Monetary fund says the Global Economic recovery still isnt strong enough. It agreed to pay a record 1. 8 billion in dispiens forfeitures to settle charges it allowed insider trading. The company formally entered the plea in court in new york. The head of the International Monetary fund says the Global Economic recovery still isnt strong enough. Christine lagarde spoke today in paris after addressing leaders of world financial organizations. I was able to discuss the change of the growth dynamics we see at the moment, to acknowledge the fact recovery is under way, but unfortunately at too slow a rhythm to actually create the jobs that are needed around the world. Woodruff the paris meeting came as standard and poors downgraded frances Credit Rating by one notch. The agency said the french governments Economic Reforms to date are unlikely to boost growth substantially. The central philippines began counting the costs today of one of the strongest storms on record. The super typhoon blasted across a series of islands. It struck with winds of near 150 miles an hour and gusts up to 170. Four people were confirmed dead. At least 750,000 fled before the storm arrived. Well have more on this in a few minutes. Secretary of state john kerry has joined the Nuclear Talks in geneva, but he says there is not an agreement yet. Instead, kerry acknowledged today that there are several key obstacles to be overcome before a shortterm deal is done. Well hear more about the talks a little later. The chief palestinian investigator in the death of Yasser Arafat declared today that israel is the only suspect. Arafat died in 2004. Swiss scientists concluded this week he was probably poisoned by radioactive polonium210. A russian report today agreed that poison was involved but said the findings on polonium were inconclusive. The palestinian investigator said either way theres no doubt who did it. translated it is not important that i say here that he was killed by polonium or any other thing. But i say, as the investigating committee, with all the security and medical defails available we have about Yasser Arafats death that he was killed and israel killed him upon woodruff israeli officials have repeatedly denied any role in arafats death. They say he was already politically isolated, so there was no reason to kill him. Today, a Foreign Ministry spokesman said it again. Let me say this as simply and as clearly as i can israel did not kill arafat, period. Its as simple as that. We have nothing to do with this. And the palestinians should stop leveling all these baseless accusations without the slightest shadow of proof. Enough is enough. Woodruff the palestinians plan to continue their investigation, and arafats widow has called for international action. The United States and russia now expect to miss a deadline for destroying all of syrias chemical weapons by mid2014. The Reuters News Service reported today that a draft timeline shows the real date will likely be closer to the end of next year. The document still calls for all toxic agents to be removed from syria by the end of this year, and for chemical facilities to be destroyed by march 2014. A campaign to vaccinate 20 million children against polio is under way in the middle east, after an outbreak in syria. The United Nations said today they are working in syria, in refugee camps like this one in lebanon, and in other neighboring countries. The vaccination is across the country, so its in the settlement, as the one that youll see here. And its in nonpublic health facilities, all shelter, and then door to door. All the children, irrespective of nationality are vaccinated. Woodruff children are especially vulnerable to contracting and spreading polio. The vaccinations will be administered over the next six months. The Obama Administration issued sweeping new rules today to expand Mental Health care coverage. The regulations mandate that Health Insurers cover Mental Illness and addiction the same as they would a physical ailment. Well delve into the new rules later in the program. The white house promised help today for americans whose Health Insurance policies have been canceled. A spokesman said that officials are looking at administrative solutions. President obama apologized yesterday for the cancellations. He had given assurances that people could keep existing coverage. Meanwhile, jeff zients, the man tasked with fixing the healthcare. Gov web site, said today that it is making progress but still has a long way to go. Still ahead on the newshour the surprising spike in octobers jobs numbers; the latest on the massive typhoon that struck the philippines; iran sits down with the west to hammer out a deal on nuclear arms; new rules requiring Mental Illness to be covered like any other health problem. Plus, we dig in to the Election Results in virginia in a search for National Voting trends, and we analyze the weeks news with shields and brooks. Woodruff this months jobs report was the first one since the Government Shutdown that captured some of its wider impact. It also came one day after a government report found stronger than expected growth in the u. S. Economy just before the shutdown. Newshour economics correspondent paul solman puts some perspective on the latest data, part of his ongoing coverage on making sense of financial news. Reporter it was a tale of two jobs reports. Employers added 204,000 jobs in october, yet the Unemployment Rate rose to 7. 3 . How could both happen . Well, first, unemployment is based on a survey of households; the jobs number, on a separate sample of employers, the so called establishment survey. The fact that the data come from two different surveys means that its natural that from time to time you are going to see them telling different stories. Reporter and surveys, of course, have margins of error. So, any conclusion . We asked michael strain of the conservative American Enterprise institute. There is a tepid recovery; we are adding jobs, but were not adding enough jobs. The Unemployment Rate is doing okay, but its not falling nearly fast enough. And we have a lot of work left to do before the labor market is healed. Reporter dean baker is if youll pardon us top dog at the leftleaning center for economic and policy research. Never trust any one months numbers, he says, but, while not the best of times, october certainly wasnt the worst. In fact. Over 200,000 jobs being created in october, which is more than i expected, more than most economists expected and upward revisions for the prior two months. So were averaging over 200,000 the past three months, which is better than what were seeing. Reporter actually, the 16 day shutdown delayed the jobs report by a week, which, strain says, warped the final numbers. The collection usually begins immediately thereafter. In this case the government was shut down so collection efforts were delayed by a week. So youre asking households to remember what they were doing two weeks ago as opposed to remember one week ago. And while that may seem like a minor change to a lot of people, evidence shows that changes like that can actually have a big impact on the quality of the data. End the shutdown reporter whats more, explains baker, temporarily furloughed federal workers were counted as unemployed in the Household Survey since technically, they werent working. That hurt the Unemployment Rate. So the Household Survey showed a drop in employment, in government employment, of about 450,000. So, these are people that were employed by the federal government, presuming mostly employed by the federal government. Theyre on furlough, theyre asked, were you working the week of the 12th, answered no. Reporter but when it came to the establishment survey, Government Agencies reported these workers did have jobs. Regardless, the private sector added far more jobs than expected. I was actually surprised, hard pressed to find any evidence of the shutdown. I was looking at places like restaurants, hotels. I was expecting that you had areas. The National Parks were closed. Here in d. C. , a lot of the tourist sites. People. If you were planning a trip to d. C. , people would have canceled. So, i would have expected that there would be some fall off there. In fact, there was very rapid growth 50,000 jobs in that amusement entertainment sector. So, youre really hard pressed to find the evidence of the shutdown in the establishment survey. applause reporter during a speech today at the port of new orleans, president obama offered his own framing of the report. We added about 200,000 new jobs last month. But there is no question that the shutdown harmed our jobs market. The Unemployment Rate still ticked up, and we dont yet know all the data for this. This final quarter of the year. But it could be down because of what happened in washington. Reporter the white houses estimate of the shutdowns cost more than 2 billion in back pay and lots of lost productivity. And, says michael strain, the shutdown means the data are even less certain than usual. But i would expect that next months to be much more reliable than this months. Reporter the neverending story will pick up again on december 6. Woodruff in the philippines, speed may have saved lives. The massive typhoon that ripped across that country moved at about 25 Miles Per Hour so fast, it decreased the impact of rain and landslides, which can be a major cause of deaths. We begin with a report narrated by angus walker of independent television news. Reporter with gusts of more than 230 miles an hour, super typhoon haiyan hit the philippines with massive force. Houses torn apart, huge waves crashed into the coast. Almost a Million People forced to flee from one of the strongest storms ever recorded. There are reports of flash floods and landslides from many of the islands worst affected, but with power and communications severely disrupted, no one has an entirely confident assessment of the damage so far. At least seven ships have sunk in rough seas. Crew members from a barge forced to abandon their vessel were luckily spotted and rescued. This is the Main Operations center of the philippines red cross here in manila, and theyre working through the night trying to assess the extent of the damage, and one of the worst affected provinces is completely cut off. Do you think there are villages along the coast which have been completely destroyed . Yes. I think so. I think there are. There are coastal areas that. You know, its just like opening. Hopefully nobody died there. Reporter 12 Million People were living in the path of this huge typhoon, which measured around 120 miles across. Mass evacuations in the days ahead of the storm making landfall in areas most at risk has undoubtedly saved lives, but the death toll, mercifully low, is expected to rise. The philippines has been battered by more than 20 typhoons this year alone, but no one could have been prepared for such ferocity. Woodruff a short time ago, i spoke by telephone with rosemarie francisco, Philippines Bureau chief for the reuters news agency. Rosemarie francisco, welcome. So the sun is just coming up there in the philippines. What is the latest on what youre hearing about the damage done by this storm . Reporter from the images, we saw a few hours ago, the first images, in the central philippines, we can see that the damage could be very severe. The images we saw were from the city centers, and major roads in city centers were, like, filled with cluttered debris. Woodruff we are hearing that the casualty reports may be low at this point because the storm was moving so fast. Are you hearing anything about that . Reporter authorities are saying that the communication lines are down, so theyre not able to communicate with people on the ground quite well. So they dont know whether there are more casualties. But other officials are saying, because they were able to make preemptive evacuation quite early, even two days before the typhoon hit, that could have also been a factor in the low casualty count. But we will only know for sure when some of the communication lines are restored. So today is going to be crucial. Woodruff rosemarie francisco, with reuters, reporting from manila, thank you. Thank you, too. Woodruff despite a day of higher level negotiations, including secretary of state john kerry, an interim deal over Irans Nuclear Program Still has not been reached. All sides are expected to meet again in the morning to try to clear remaining hurdles. Jeffrey brown reports. Brown secretary kerry and Foreign Ministers from france, germany and britain arrived in geneva, saying they hope to narrow the gap with iran. But the secretary of state notably sought to lower expectations after a flurry of reports yesterday that a short term deal was imminent. I want to emphasize there is not an agreement at this point in time. We hope to try to narrow those differences, but i dont think anybody should mistake that there are some important gaps that have to be closed. Brown the Iranian Foreign minister, javad zarif, followed suit in striking a cautious note. translated we have now entered the very difficult and sensitive phase of editing the text that will be published, should the talks reach an agreement. It is possible that the negotiations will take more time. However, given the sensitivity of these discussions, we can see that the ministers are eager to participate, and we have to see what the results will bring. Brown the reported deal would suspend and, in some cases, reverse Iranian Nuclear activity for, perhaps, six months. In return, the Islamic Republic would receive moderate sanctions relief. In particular, Iran Wants Oil and banking penalties eased, but israeli Prime Minister netanyahu bluntly dismissed the potential deal today. He and kerry had a reportedly tense meeting in tel aviv before the secretary flew to geneva. Shortly after that session, netanyahu derisively labeled the reports from geneva as the deal of the century for iran. Its a very bad deal. Iran is not required to take apart even one centrifuge, but the International Community is relieving sanctions on iran for the first time after many years. Iran gets everything that it wanted at this stage and it pays nothing, and this is when iran is under severe pressure. Brown aboard air force one today, white house spokesman josh earnest told reporters that any critique is premature, and again he said the United States and israel are in complete agreement about the need to prevent iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. Russia and china are also involved in the talks, and Russian Foreign minister Sergey Lavrov arrived in geneva late today. This evening the white house said president obama called Benjamin Netanyahu and the u. S. Remains committed preventing iran from obtang a nuclear weapon. We get two views, Cliff Kupchan is the middle east director at the uration group and reul gerecht. Welcome to both of you. Cliff kupchan, let me start with you, while were waiting for the interim agreement the question is whether it would be a good first step. It would be a very good first step. The key goal for the u. S. And the west is to make it harder for iran to have a nuclear weapon. Were trying to limit their enrichment capability, their ability to enrich uranium, lengthen the amount of time for them to dash to a bomb, take steps to make the worst for occur and i think that could occur. Youre more skeptical. We have to depend on the press reports and what officials here suggested, but i dont think theyre doing anything to dismantle the program. Thats the real objective. And im highly skeptical if they dont go after such issues as the production of centrifuges, where cent rifortunatelies are manufactured, converting the iraq plutonium facility, the heavy water facility to a light water facility, to be honest about past weaponnization efforts, and also very importantly, getting a grip on their how they could abuse the system. I think the odds of this turning out well are very poor. Brown so those are the kind of things you think the u. S. Should be demanding, and short of that no deal is better . I think it should be very, very clear that right now the United States is nay very strong relatively very strong position. If you start dismantling sanctions, our position is going to get weaker and weaker and weaker. Brown what about that . I think any deal with an opponent is going to be an ugly deal. Brown you mean by definition. By definition. You dont get something youre really thrilled about when youre dealing with moarlsz an enemy. I think letting the good be the enemy of the perfect is a big, big, big danger here. I agree with mr. Grect, the things he mentioned are very important part of any deal were going to come to, but when you get to monitoring centrifuge production capability or uranium milling capability, the ability to make raw uranium thats the only thing were going to get to in a final status agreement. I think try to front load that risks detonating what could be a very productive, initial, interim agreement. Brown let me follow up on the other thing he said, the notion if you make concessions now, even small ones, theyre hard tore take back later on. It depends what the concessions are. What the administration is planning on doing is unfreezing iranian sanction sanctions, and providing relief on pret rochemical and precious metals. So to me were on the verge of what were hopefully on the verge of what would be a very good deal for the United States. I would say first and foremost, if you do not have the means up front of verifying the where the iranians are doing their nuclear research, if you dont have an additional protocol, at the very beginning, you are depending upon the iranians to be honest, and they have lied and cheated ever since 2002, when we discovered their facility. I would say again on the sanctions, if you give them any type of cash benefit, what youre essentially doing is giving them hard cirns they they could turn back around and invest in the nuclear program, they could invest in supporting Bashar Alassad from syria, they believed invest in supporting the revolutionary guard corps. To give them any kind of hard currency i think is a serious mistake. Brown how do you see the position of the iranians now . Part of this, of course, is how much can you trust what they say. I dont think this is about trust. Nobodys going to trust iran. It is a fact that they brown so the questions he was raising about earlier things, you dont worry about right now . This agreement cant be based on trust. It would be based on verification. One of the first things that the United States, the p5 1, is going to be looking for is an increased and very stringent inspection regime. But i do not think that looking for everything up front is going to work. I dont think were going to be able to, again, get them to let us into their physics lab, their Research Institutes up front. I think it would be a big mistake to go for that. Essentially, what youre saying is youre allowing them to determine the structure of these negotiations. If they say no, you stop. Well, the United States shouldnt say no. It should say, listen, we intend to ensure the dismantling of this program. All options are on the table. Either you agree to these terms or in fact all options are there. We will increase sanctions, and we will also consider a preemptive military strike. You have to be willing to say to the iranians that this position is unacceptable. You have been to be abe and willing to say you must sign the additional protocol. We know they have done weaponnization research in the past. Were 99. 9 shiewrp of it. We need to be able to get into the facility wheres we think that happened. We need to be able to talk to your scientists who undertook that research. Brown if you think of this as an interrism agreement, where does it go from there . How do you get what is the goal and how do you get there . It goes towards in the end state agreement sharply constraining, sharply constraining Irans Nuclear program at being very, very sure that they cant break out, that they cant get a nuclear weapon. But, look, we are in a very strong position right now. Iran is economically very, very weak. Their economy contracted by 5 so6 last year. So i think we should take a good deal. We should take what we can get. We shouldnt go for everything because were not going to get it. These guys, when you really press them, they get their backs up against the wall and they can walk away. We should not risk at this critical juncture when we have a limited, very tight space, make the mistake of going for everything and liewgz everything. That would be a huge mistake. I think it has to pass the pinch test, and i dont think if the press reports are true, that we have under discussion something that really passes, that were not really setting back the program much at all, that theyre maintaining the Nuclear Weapons infrastructure, and were really not pushing them when we do have the stronger hand. If you have the Stronger Economic hand, use it. Brown does your gut tell you they are going to reach some kind of agreement this weekend . I think likely so, because i think the president , most importantly, wants to avoid a binary choice between surrendering and having to engage in a preemptive military strike. Brown gloun youre agreeing. You think will happen . I think something will happen. I think both side want it. Cliff kupchan, reul gerecht, thank you very much. Woodruff back in 2008, president george w. Bush signed a new law guaranteeing Mental Health parity that required insurers to treat Mental Illness similar to other diseases. But its taken five years before the latest and final regulations were released today to fully implement the law. Among other things, it means the law will guarantee fewer limits on doctor visits and hospital stays. Hari sreenivasan looks at the changes for patients and what happened over those five years. Sreenivasan for that, im joined now by dr. Carol bernstein. Shes an associate professor of psychiatry at new york universitys school of medicine and past president of the American Psychiatric association. So, this law went on the books in 2008. Help us understand concretely what are the changes that happened today . Well, this is a very, very important day for all of us, and i think it just has taken a little bit too long to happen, i think. When these laws go into effect, if they happen, but in order for them to be enacted properly, a series of regulations have to be promulgated by the government to tell in this case the Insurance Industry and patients and providers exactly what this law means. So these regulations that are coming out today is the first time that the government is really setting forth exactly how the parity law is supposed to be implemented. Sreenivasan so what are some examples . So examples are this law is the first time on the books that it says that patients suffering from Mental Illnesses, as well as other medical conditions, are entitled to the same type of benefits under insurance policies as people suffering from other medical conditions. Up until now, theres been a lot of stigma against patients with Mental Illness, and they have been subject to a lot of limitations that patients suffering from other kind of illnesses have not been. For example, often there is a 30day lifetime limit on inpatient psychiatric hospitalization for psychiatric illness or Substance Abuse or a 30visit limit per year on how frequently you can see your Mental Health provider. Those limitations were not in effect for other doctors pup could go see your internist as often as you want. If you got sick and needed to be in the hospital for six months you were covered but patients suffering from psychiatric illness were descriminated against. Sreenivasan the Insurance Industry in one of their statements said this has been a top priority for their industry. Theyve been trying to make it affordable. In the past they made the comparison that physical illness and Mental Illness is not apples to apples, the cost structure is not the same. We can say the cost structure has not been the same and there has been a fantasy, somehow, if you open Mental Health services to people that the system will go bankrupt. We already know how much trouble the system is in. And in fact, if you look statistically at what goes on with the patients who are using the most of our health care dollar, theyre patients who are suffering from both medical illnesses and other medical illnesses, such as psychiatric one, and if theyre only getting treated for half the bargain theyll be sicker for longer and cost the system more. Sreenivasan is there a gam in what is covered today and what is not when it comes to private insurers allowing people to take their Mental Illness and go find a provider . To the extent you have not been able to stay in the hospital as long as you need to, or see your Mental Health provider as frequently as you could see your physician, yes. I mean, i dont know exactly what those dollar amounts are. But most important leiber the problem is that people arent getting the care that they need. They dont get the care they need, they cant work, they cant take care of their families, and theres a much greater drain on the economy. Sreenivasan connect the dots. What is covered under the Affordable Care act and what is covered under this law that has more specificity today. Having the parity law come first was critically important because without parity, if you have the Affordable Care act, we would still have this disparity between coverage for psychiatric illnesses and coverage for other medical conditions. And i really want to stress the fact that psychiatric illnesses are medical conditions, just like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, cancer, aids, all of those. But they have been considered as separate. So the parity law now will mandate the structure of the Affordable Care act to the extent that we the Insurance Industry and the government and this has been true in Government Programs will have to provide for equal types of benefits for Mental Illnesses and Substance Abuse problems as they do for other illnesses in medicine. Sreenivasan so this is something people who perhaps didnt have insurance, if they went through a Health Care Exchange yes. Sreenivasan these are now benefits that they are entitled to. Yes. I dont know the wording of the exchanges and how they develop, but to the extent that the Insurance Companies that participate in the exchanges have more than 50 have more than 50 people in the system or insurers that have more than 50 people in the workplace, and to the extent the Mental Health benefits are offered they have to be offered. Thats one thing thats different. They must be offered in the same way access to other medical conditions are. Sreenivasan as we approach the oneyear anniversary of the newtown tragedy, there was a conversation about Mental Health coverages, it was one of the recommendations the administration made. Does today basically fulfill that requirement on the checklist the white house had . I dont know what i would say it fulfills the requirement. Its certainly an important step in the right direction. I think its important to remember that most patients suffering from mental ill knows are not going out and shooting people. There are issues, but there is no question that to the extent there has been lack of access, lack of good care, and stigma, that patients suffering from psychiatric disorders have not gotten access to the care that they really need to prevent tranllies like newtown or others where there might have been someone suffering from Mental Illness involved. Sreenivasan one of the criticisms i have seen from the guidelines today is that there are still vulnerable populations, in the case of change, the chp program. Are there still populations that arent going to get the service they say need even with these new rules . Im sure there are, and i think that there are a lot of challenges and this is why the regulations are so important in how the plan is implemented because even up until now, even though some Insurance Companies have been very careful and are now applying the same deductible structure to Mental Illness and Substance Abuse as they have to other medical conditions, theyve been sort of going around, skirting around the issue of parity by doing things that we call are nonquantitative treatment limitations. What that refers to are requirements to, for example, get clearance from your Insurance Company before you can call your psychiatrist up. Those are all ways in which populations that need access to care arent going to get it if they dont understand that theyre entitled to do that. Sreenivasan all right dr. Carol bernstein, thank you for your time. Thank you very much. Woodruff next, we welcome back an old friend, dante chinni, who was a regular contributor to the newshour during our coverage of the 2012 elections. He now heads up the American Communities project, a county bycounty look at the u. S. Electorate. Its based at american university. He has studied the results of last tuesdays Gubernatorial Race in virginia; i spoke with him a short time ago. Dante chinni, welcome back to the newshour. Thank you for having me. Woodruff so tell us about the American Communities project. What is it . And what are i focusing on when you look at the american electorate . What we do is were using demographics. A lot of people talk about demographics. But were also talking about demographics in communities so different kinds of places in america, what kind of people live in those places, demographically speaking and how they vote. It gets beyond just white, black, different ethnicities or different races or income levels. Were trying to merge things together to identify the different communities so the idea different communities vote differently when election time comes. Woodruff a good example is the state of virginia, which you focused on, voting for governor other and offices. Lets look how you divide up the state of virginia. When you look at virginia, virginia is made up of many different kinds of communities. As you look at that pie chart, the pie chart shows the vote there tuesday night, some parts of virginia hold a lot more people than other parts. You look at these urban suburbs, urban suburbs, what we think of as Northern Virginia, mostly, the areas primarily around washington, d. C. Theres also one down by richmond. African american south, large black population, military posts, obviously. Theres a big military contingent in the state. A work class country. The big parents of the state are the urban burbs that sit outside d. C. , and the excerpts this sit beyond that. And theres a big divide in those between liberals liberal voting tendencies and conservative voting tendencies. Woodruff so as you looked at the vote and you have gone back and looked at the numbers and divided in these categories why did Terry Mcauliffe win . What groups did he do well in . Mcauliffe out of all those groups only one wun three. He won the urban suburbs. High won the African American south and college towns. But he won them by large amounts. The urban suburbs are the biggest part of virginia in terms of population as we see it. Theyre also growing faster. Theyre not only the biggest portion of the pie when you look at that pie, their section of the pie is getting bigger and bigger and thats a huge advantage to mcauliffe. Woodruff and we than he won but by less than three points. Right. Woodruff ken couch nel ethe republican, came closer than a lot of people expected. Show us where he did well. Cuccinelli essentially won everywhere else in the state. But he did particularly well in these places. He did well in the exushes again, its the next ring out in washington, d. C. , from the Northern Virginia sush intushes to the exurbs. Youre talking about counties that border each other but the vote flips in most places from democrat to republican. That suburbexurb line is where it flipped. It flipped on 2012 and last tuesday glid flipped from the last governors election. It flipped from democrat to . When you look at the 2013 election compared to 2009, bob mcdonald won those places. In fact he won them pretty handily. He won in Northern Virginia. Mcauliffe didnt just do better, he really, really overwhelmed the numbers that deets had and crushed cuccinelli there, and there are so many voters there. That is what made it happen for him. Woodruff as you look at this and look at the whole country, what are the lessons here for republicans and for democrats . Well, in my opinion and there are going to be a lot of opinions because it wound up booing fairly close but when i look at these numbers what it says to me is cuccinelli, who was a social conservative and ran as a Strong Social creativity. He did not run from the positions he espoused for a long time, it really hurt him in these urban suburbs around washington, d. C. The pattern that we saw here on tuesday night is the same as were seeing in other big cities around the country. There are urban burbs around new york, around philly, detroit, chicago, denver. This pattern is popping up over and over again, and the fact that we saw them in state election, not just a president ial election, is significant. Woodruff so what is it about those urban burbs, urban suburbs, as you call them, that would make what cuccinelli had to say, what his campaign was all about unappeal . Yeah, well, whats happening and why we call them urban suburbs is they are increasingly taking on the tendencies of the big cities next to them. They are growing more dense. They are growing better educated. They are growth wealthier, but also poorer at the same time. So the top end is growing but the bottom end is growing. Theyre increasingly looking like cities and as they look like cities the vote is shifting democratic and that are moderating. Its hard to be a strong conservative and win in those places. Moderates win in those places. Woodruff any good message here for the republicans . The good message its republicans held on the exurbline. When you look at whats happened in politic politics in america e last couple of cycles, the democrats have held the cities and moved out and taken the suburbs. Its fine they held the line but them to get back in the game in National Politics and a race in states like virginia, they have to push the line back in. Thats the challenge for them. Woodruff dante chinni, and its the Americans Communities project. Great to you have back again. Thank you. Woodruff the virginia governors race was just one of the big political stories of the week, and shields and brooks are here to talk about all of them. Thats syndicated columnist mark shields and New York Times columnist david brooks. Welcome, gentlemen. So, david, you were both listening to dante chinni. What would you add to what he said about what happened in virginia . First on those terms, hanging on to theex urbs was key for the republicans. It was a much closer race than we thought it would be. They lost those counties, louden counties, generally around there, and they lost some of those because a lot of immigrants are moving out there. They held on. It was close. Basically, its not neuroscience. Mcauliffe won 11 of people who opposed president obama and obamacare. He won people in the other party, partly because of cuccinellis social positions and cuccinelli just seemed too strident. If you win, people who are in the other party you dont have to win a lot of them thats going to help you out. He hay more moderate posture. Cuccinelli had a much more strident, partisan posture, and the waiverrers went to mcauliffe. Woodruff mark what, is your take . A couple of things, judy and i thought dantes piece was fascinating and revealing. First of all, the efforts to bring in president clinton and president obama paid off for Terry Mcauliffe on tuesday. 20 of the electorate turned out to be africanamerican. Thats exactly the same percent annual it was in 2012. He needed that. He lost the white voters almost as decisively as the president did. The other thing sand kind of a bookend to it, which daunt was talking about, Terry Mcauliffe lost voters who made between 30,000 and 200,000. He overwhelmingly won voters, 11 of the voters who earn less than 30,000, who are mostly minority mainly minority. But among voters earning over 200,000 in virginia, who are 11 of the electorate, Terry Mcauliffe won them 55 to 39. So its almost a barbell. You know, in other words, you have the democratic strength is at one end, in the middle it wasnt it wasnt there economically. Woodruff is that good news then for the democrats or not . I i dont think theres a great news i mean, the democrats can look at it and say, look, there are five statewide offices in virginia. Two United States senate seats held by democrats, governorship held by a democratic, won by a democrat, Terry Mcauliffe. The Lieutenant Governor is a democrat. The attorney generals race, the only one still to be decide, republicans have a very narrow lead. Theres a possibility they could have all five statewide offices in virginia. That would be quite a testimonial to the party. On that bardz bell, there are a couple of things to be said. First, theres a useful distinction to be made between professionals and managers. People who are professionals lawyers, teachers, doctors theyre tending to vote more democratic. People who are managers, midlevel Corporate Executives are tending to vote more republicans. There are a lot of affluent democrats, especially in the inner ring suburbs in arlington and places like that making a decent amount of money and theyre tending to vote democratic. The second thing to be said, is especially when you have a candidate strongly identified with social issues, politics is generally about social identity, not about economic class interest. People vote and join the party that feels like people like themselves. And for the highly educated people around washington, d. C. , because of social issues bawshz of a lot of issues, they just feel democratic, whatever the economic incentives are. And i think you have to say, this is the highest i have ever seen voters say that abortion was an important issue. 20 of the electorate in virginia said that on tuesday. And Terry Mcauliffe won them overwhelmingly. So his portraying cuccinelli and cuccinellis own positions as somebody who wanted to repeal or illegalize abortion except in the life of the mother, criminalize abortion, did work for mcauliffe. Woodruff let me turn you both to new jersey, david, Chris Christie, running reelection, republican ran a very different race for republican than Ken Cuccinelli did. He won a lot of people who support president obama. And so if you can to that, youre doing okay. He did it. Mcauliffe did it, and he won a lot. He got a huge margin. I think key moment for christie was in Hurricane Sandy when he made it clear he loved the people of new jersey more than he loved his own party. And that tribal affiliation you are my people, im with with you i think it changed the trajectory of his governorship, and now hes launched off. His victory speech was a president ial campaign speech, and meas launched off with a mission to reshape at least part of the Republican Party to look more like him. And so hes appearing on a lot of sunday shows this coming sunday. And hes on a mission. Woodruff how do you read christie . I dont know to whom crist sea bigger threat, the republicans in the primary or the democrats in a general. Conservatives are suspicious of him for the reason that david said. I mean, youre either an ideolog or pragmatist in this business. And those conservatives who are mostly ideologues believa what is right works. A pragmatist who Chris Christie turned out to be most conspicuously and historically in the case of Hurricane Sandy, is a pragmatist who believes what works is right. And it involves working woodruff with the president. Working closely with the president , crediting the president for the people of new jersey under a time of it worked for him. But id say this after saying abortion was a big help to Terry Mcauliffe, this is a man who is prolife, against same sex marriage. He carried 57 of women running against a woman democrat. He won pop of latinos, 66 of independents, and a majority of voter betweens the ages of 25 and 29. That is terrifying to democrats right now, just looking at those numbers. Those are impressive statistics. Woodruff but hes clearly somebody every is looking at for 2016 already. Right . Right, in part because this coming the last republican primary process, which we were stuck with, was miserable. It was horrible. There were no debates. It was loony toons. You didnt say that . I felt it in my heart. Remember, those debates . They were loony toons. But now youve got a real argument between at least two very substantive people. Youve got christie on one side, probably rand paul or ted cruz on the other, and well figure out where the party is going to stand on a whole bunch of issues. Woodruff mark, right next door to new jersey is new york city, where a progressive i guess we cant use the word liberal, but liberal democrat, bill de blasio, won the mayors race. He didnt win. He rolled like nobody has rolled in that state. He beat a very respectable republican candidate, joe lhota, deputy mayor to rudy giuliani, headed the new york transit system, had the endorsement of the papers, he beat him three to one. He beat him on every single Demographic Group that dante could break out. It was impressive. I really do think that this was the clarrian call. Theres a sense in the country that the system is rigged for the top 1 . And that the other the rest of the country is lagging, and being jobbed. Weve decriminalized wall street malfeasance. That if you want to pay a check and kind of get a little slap on the wrist, you can still go to dinner parties and keep your freedom. And theres a sense of income inequality and economic inequality. He tapped into it and tapped into it very big. And i think its an emerging issue said before, in 2016. I think it may be even sooner than that. Woodruff is this an issue with legs, inequality . I agree. First of all, a real issue, maybe the biggest domestic issue. Wage stagnation is a real issue. You have had the democratic intelligentia, such as it is that wasnt fair. I apologize. Woodruff that was very generous. Whoa a certain snipiness there. So youve got the writers, the academics, theyve been on this issue. They, frankly, have been further to the left than even barack obama has been. You have to have policies commensurate with the size of the problem, and the activist base has been there. There havent been that many candidates, except maybe Elizabeth Warren who tapped into this. Now i have a candidate who tapped into it. I think we will see a primary challenge, hillary clinton, where the a lot of ideas and donors are. Theres a lot of energy there, maybe more than any other spot in american politics right now. I do think well see more deblasios. The one caution i would say is shall the irrational exuberance that surrounded the occupy movement, when people thought this was the big coming thing. Not really. The occupy movement was not the tea party movement, not as big, not as indurg. Im not totally confident, but i think this is where the energy is in the Democratic Party and well see a rise of economic progressivism. This is based on reality. I mean, its reality based. You cant look at the 21st century of the United States and see anything but the Median Household Income has gone down every year. I mean, so were not talking about some fabricated grievances. This is truly reality. Its a city, new york city, with 379,000 malarizona. I mean, this is the tale of two cities, truly. The only thing is the problem is real, but people have to trust government as a solution, and theyre not there yet. And obamacare, frankly, isnt helping them with that. Woodruff speak of trusting government and obamacare, the president apologized this week, he said if he mislead somebody because their Health Care Policy is being canceled, he feels sorry. Hes asking people to forgive him. Whats the significance of this, david . This is kind of unprecedented. Theyve had a series of obvious failures in the roll out and the administration has decide slight shift tenor. Instead of saying there are winners and losers, we have to tolerate some losers because there are going to be some winners, more of them. They have shifted to nobody will be a loser and i think it seems theyre going to try to make the people whole who have lost their selfinsured plans. But the fact is there are losers. There are going to be losers. Youre taking a lot of young, Healthy People and get them to subsidize poorer, sicker people. There are going to be a whole series of problems going down the road. One will be the burgeoning reality right now which is older people are signing up, older, sicker people are signing up. Younger, healthier people, who you need to fund the thing, is are so far not signing up. Woodruff democrats are getting upset about this. A group of senators went to the white house this week. If theyre not nervous, theyre downright angry. I did not think the president s statement worked. I really didnt. It was if i have offended anybody, im sorry. The president its on one of the youtube realities, hes on record 39 different times saying you will not lose it. You will not have to change your doctor. And i just think that this is one where you stand up you cannot trifle with the most indispensable cushesy any president has, and that is his integrity and his veracity. And i just think the president just this was my fault. My bad. And it will not happen again. And i am responsible. Woodruff were going to leaf it there. Mark shields, david brooks, thank you. Woodruff again, the major developments of the day. The u. S. Economy added 204,000 jobs in october, far more than expected. But in a separate survey, the Unemployment Rate ticked up to 7. 3 . Wall street rallied sharply on the jobs news. The dow industrials gained nearly 170 points to reach a new record high. And secretary of state john kerry and other Foreign Ministers joined the iran Nuclear Talks in geneva. The negotiations lasted into the night and resume tomorrow. On the newshour online right now, in honor of veterans day on monday, were asking how has a veteran made a difference in your life . Tell us your story and share a photo with us. Details of how you can do that are on the rundown news blog. All that and more is on our web site, newshour. Pbs. Org. And a reminder about some upcoming programs from our pbs colleagues. Gwen ifill is preparing for washington week, which airs later this evening. Heres a preview. Ifill new jobs numbers, health care apologies, what voters had to say at the polls, and the senates gay right breakthrough. Well take it all footer and put it back together again later tonight on washington week. Judy. Woodruff tomorrows edition of pbs newshour weekend looks at a legal fight over importing prescription drugs to reduce costs by importing cheaper drugs. The legal pushback from the u. S. Pharmaceutical industry. Pbs newshour weekend with Hari Sreenivasan airs saturday and sunday on most pbs stations. And well be back right here on monday with a look at a program aimed at educating veterans on ways to access healthcare. Thats the newshour for tonight. Im judy woodruff. Have a nice weekend. Thank you and good night. Major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by moving our economy for 160 years. Bnsf, the engine that connects us. And with the ongoing support of these institutions and foundations. This program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. And by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Captioning sponsored by Macneil Lehrer productions captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org  this is nignightly busines report with Tyler Mathisen and susie gharib brought to you in part by. Thestreet. Com. Up to the minute Stock Market News and in depth analysis. Our quant Rating Service provides objective independent ratings daily on over 4300 stocks. Learn more at the street. Com nbr. 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