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The depart of Anthony Scaramucci and the conversation with jeff flake when we continue. Rose funding for charlie rose has been provided by the following and by bloomberg, a provider of multimedia news and Information Services worldwide. Captioning sponsored by Rose Communications from our studios in new york city, this is charlie rose. Charlie we begin with news out of the white house Anthony Scaramucci has been removed as Communications Director after 11 days in the role. Me attracted widespread criticism for his behavior. His exit comes on the same day general john kelly was sworn in as President Trumps new chief of staff. John kelly is seen as someone who may bring order to the west wing and he has an opportunity to give general kelly a clean slate and the ability to build his own team. Phil rucker is a White House Bureau chief and political analyst for msnbc and Jonathan Swan a National Political reporter for axios. Im pleased to have them both on the program. Phillip, what happened . With it simple or did he insist on an empty slate . Thats right. He came in as chief of staff and empowered the way Reince Priebus was never empowered. The whole staff would report to him including Anthony Scaramucci and he decided he doesnt want scaramucci here and he was a liability with the interview he gave last week to the new yorker and the decision was made he had to go and he agreed and was fine to leave and let general kelly have a clean slate sto start over. Charlie do we know now more about the marching instructions general kelly has from President Trump is it i want a clean slate and get started because im unhappy the way things have turned out the First Six Months. President trump knows hes had chaos and disorder in his white house and because of that in part theres no legislative achievements and he wanted general kelly to come in and whip the place into shape,4 and part of that involves getting the staff in line. Kelly is now empowered to overrule all these factions within the white house. Everyone will report through him. Its important to know kellys not of these factions. Hes respected and well liked by the nationalist and family folks like jared and ivanka and will remain in the white house. They like kelly and at least for now they seem to be willing to behave. Charlie have we, jonathan, heard from scaramucci . Id rather not comment on my own conversations. He hasnt spoken publicly. He hasnt said anything yet with a statement with the white house president secretary. One thing i would say in terms of what went down theres some reports coming out now the trump family women were horrified and disgusted by his language which is the most absurd retrospective analysis to try and put a nice coat of paint in all this. In real time we were not getting the horror, the horror about the comments leaked out and President Trumps first reaction was he thought it was funny and the next day he was joking about it and saying can you believe this guy. Hes crazy, what am i going to do with him. This is very much a general kelly decision. This is general kelly from the outset sending a signal he was in charge and everyone goes through him. Thats the authority he was giving by the president and firing scaramucci send a big signal to the staff. Charlie there was an interview with peter baker where he said youre either if youre chief of staff all the good ones have been stabbed rather than cheap and it has to do with their relationship to the staff that makes the difference in the white house. And look, scaramucci was brought in for a very specific purpose. Jared and ivanka and this is not wishful retrospectful reporting around he was brought in to destroy Reince Priebus. I dont imagine it was as controversial and a lot of people on the press team couldnt stand him and didnt want to work under him and the a lot of other people after the interview came out one senior official said if this kind of behavior is condoned it makes me question whether this is the kind of place i want to work. Getting rid of him was a very important cultural signal to the west wing. Charlie Reince Priebus had joined the white house staff for a while had he not . No, thats true. Charlie the other question that looms over general kelly arriving is can he say no to donald trump . Is the at longlastne peron that can say no to donald trump and perhaps influence his behavior. Is there some indication he can . Thats the big question right now whether trump is willing to be disciplined and tamed. T very best to try and i am upon the president how important it is to be disciplined, to be thoughtful, to be strategic in his actions but at the end of the day im not sure hell be able to change that much of what the president actually does. Charlie jonathan, do we know more about the Television Conversation and why he did it . Anthony does this. Anyone whos covered him will tell you hes colorful. A lot of reporters have dealt with him as a political donor to the Republican Party and a colorful figure on wall street. He usually did say off the record im told by others sometimes he forgets to say that and reporter have cut him slack but generally i understand he thought the conversation was off the record and never said that. I think he might have set it later in the conversation for a certain portion but it was genuinely just very sloppy performance. Jonathan, i would add to this capacity he wasnt the donor anymore he was a Communications Director. You start speaking for the president. You should know to say off the record if youre going to be off the record. I am not excusing it yeah. It does show you how inexperience one of the arguments they were making for why he should not come to the white house is hes unqualified and inexperienced and if theres proof is saying all this stuff without saying off the record. Charlie does he stay in new york or washington . My understanding is he wants to stay in the administration but i dont have confirmation thats going to happen and they left that open in the press conference. Charlie and the president has said nothing . Not to my knowledge unless somethings happened in the last ten minutes. Charlie thank you both. Its a fascinating first day for john kelly. Big first day. Thank you, charlie. Charlie thank you, jonathan. Well be right back. Stay with us. Senator flake is here serving as a junior United States senator from arizona since 2013. The senior senator is john mccain. He said the conservative movement has lost its way and urges fellow republicans to put aside partisan politics and do whats best of the country. We take this interview at 11 00 a. M. This morning prior to the news that Anthony Scaramucci is ousted. Heres the conversation with senator flake. Thank you. We only did a morning show and its been a busy time. It has. How does a United States senator have time in a time like this to write a book . Late nights. Charlie early mornings or late nights. I promised my wife i wouldnt do it at home when i needed to spend time obviously with her and the kids so a lot of late nights, yeah. Charlie how did you write it . Well, i started actually last year. Last july or so. I started thinking that a book like this needed to be written and started to write parts of it and parts of it were written a decade ago when i was in the house of representatives. Every time i would travel home on the weekend on the plane before we had wifi on planes i would write. I have ten brothers and sisters and they were interested in what happened in washington that week and my wife sheryl said youd better write it and post it on the family website if you dont theyll be calling you all weekend to see what happened and it will allow you to spend more time at home and i did and kept a journal in the house 12 years and a lot of that has ended up in the book. To write this particular book i thought at that time were going if the wrong direction. Some will see this as a critique of the president. Its not. Its a critique of where the movements gone the last decade and think weve been losing our way for a while. Charlie the issue of behavior has looked to the president. Its worsened but the staying up and yelling you lie during the presidency during the obama state of the union and theres examples of after Gabby Gifford was shot and a year later she came back to congress to resign the next day but i was with her at the state of the union. I was her friend. I sat next to her. She was still unable to stand very easily and when president obama at that time, when the applause lines would come i helped her up and left he standing amid a lot of democrats and i started getting texts and emails from friends and other diehard republicans saying why are you standing when the president is talking. Why are you standing . I thought thats out of hand frankly you cant even do that. Charlie and the feeling that both sides of the aisle leaders were held hostage by caucuses. I think thats worsened over time. The us versus them and shirts versus skins over time. 24hour Media Coverage and social media has exacerbated that but its really our responsibility to break out. Steve scalise shot at the softball game, you were one of the first people to reach him if not the first. Yeah, i was the first. After the shooting stopped i ran out to him and it was a terrible thing. Charlie he was bleeding and you had to apply a tourniquet. I applied pressure and others were wounded. Charlie and you called his wife so she heard first from a friend rather than on television. I got him to the stretcher and off the field i went to call my wife to make sure she didnt see it and one of the Staff Members grabbed steves phone and gave it to me and said would you call jennifer. I didnt want her to see it on the news and learn of it that way. But i just remember just ten minutes earlier when the shooting started there was one shot that rang out and i knew it was a shot and someone yelled shooter. I remember turning to the dugout ten yards away being the only safe place to go that was a proper dugout to get down and seeing the gravel pitching up as bullets were hitting it but it was the only place to run and but i had this thought, why . Here . Really . Us . It was in congruent. Charlie what do we think about the motive now of the shooter . He had asked a few members who left early is this a republican practicing or democrats and they said republican and he had up his pocket a list of republicans and posted things that looked like he had it in more for republicans than democrats but i dont think he knew anybody in particular or was aiming for anybody in particular. But i mention in the book this came after the book was really finished but i added a couple paragraphs saying how awful it is to have somebody look out to see a bunch of middleaged middleaged members of congress and saying theyre the enemy. The way we look to other americans as the enemy and its troublesome. It really should motivate us i think to be a little kinder and a little more gentle and in one of the chapters into the book i talk about growing up in snowflake. Ten brothers and sisters. Charlie snowflake, arizona. One of 11 on a cattle ranch. Charlie your family has been in arizona for a while. Brigham young send my great grandmother William Jordan lake to colonize and found a valley to settle an apostle came along and was overseeing the colonization and asked him if he started a settlement and he said yes and he said call it snowflake and thats where i grew up. I had wonderful examples of my father who was mayor of snowflake. He passed away just a month ago in snowflake. My uncle jake flake from snowflake was speaker of the house he passed away ten years ago after being thrown from his horse. One of the last gentle cowboy legislators in his early 70s. My uncle was in the house. Charlie was it inevitable you went into politics . No, i have lots of cousins and sisters and brothers that havent. Charlie and your family have served in high positions in arizona. What always struck me was like jake and jack brown a democrat from st. John a great udall boy and thighs republicans and democrats got along well. In fact i mentioned in the book, i talk about how the flakes were mostly democrat. In the late 1800s the mor church was concerned there would be too many republicans or too Many Democrats and when a new administration would come in it might favor the other party and the church obviously had been concerned about things like that after the extermination order from missouri and that was fresh in their minds. The church said you on the left pews are democrats and you on the right are republicans in snowflake the ones east of main street were democrat and west were republicans. The flakes were east of main street so we were democrats really until this generation. Charlie while he was alive, marlo Marlon Brando use to communicate with me because the program was on late and would always describe things as snowflake. Where we leave it how is congressman scalise doing today . Because after the shooting and went to the hospital there was a sense it was worse than we thought and maybe a turn for the worse and he seems better now from what i read. He is. Hes out of the hospital and now in rehab. I spoke to his wife and saw his wife last week and hes doing better. The infection they had to go back and operate for seems to be taken care of and hes got a long road ahead obviously. Its a tough injury but boy he is tough. He has the whole country pulling for him and a great family. Charlie charlie after Something Like this there is always whether its new town theres two things that happen. One, the country unites in spirit for people who have been the victims of gun violence and at the same time people come forward and say lets figure out a way to do something about this. And then time passes and it fades. I do think after Gabby Giffords shooting it lasted for a while it used to be republicans and democrats on the other side and youd bring a date and frankly that was a good thing and not doing that anymore but it isnt as republican and democrat as it used to be. There is some lasting overall. Weve got to get away from ascribing the worse motives to our political opponents. Charlie is redistricting part of the problem . Yes, i talk a lot about that in the book. These days with the way you can use Computer Software and mapping you can choose your constituents rather than them choosing you. It has had an impact. A big impact. Its driven. Charlie the idea is if you redistrict so its primarily heavily republican then there is not an effort to reach out to democrats. Thats correct. And you have districts completely safe. You only worry about the primary. You just worry about the base and thats it. No, no matter how you redistrict if its just geography or what youll have some of those districts but right now you have far too many of those districts. Some states like arizona have experimented with independent redistricting commissions. One type or another. That tends to work sometimes. But its stuff. Its tough when the ability is there for politicians to choose their voters. Theyll try do so. So it has driven our politics apart and my biggest concern is charlie everything weve talked about is pretrump and pre2016 election. Obama and boehner could never reach a bargain. What bothers me most the biggest thing we need to do is reach the grand bargain on spending. We have the simpsonbowles for a cut in spending for revenue and we have to do a semblance of that. We know the basic contours of what that will look like but given the way the parties have driven apart its almost impossible to see when one Party Republican now with control over both chambers in the white house or if the democrats were in control of all three theres no way that party will take the Political Risk because the other party simply wont help. They say let them bear the risk and brunt. Midterm elections are never more than two years away and it just really makes it difficult to see how we tackle the big things. I mentioned in the chapter when general mattis was asked what concerns you most. People expected him to talk about the Nuclear Threat in iran or north korea and he said basically dysfunction in washington. The lack of basic civility. Charlie bob gates says that all the time. The problem we have is three square miles. If we cant come together on debt and deficit and basic things charlie taxes and spending. Commitment to things like science and research. And immigration. How we deal with that. Longterm issues longterm issues, health care. Charlie politicians say youll get defeated if you depend on that. Yeah, that may be the case but we politician have to recognize theres some things more important than reelection. And it was difficult to write this book. Charlie i heard youre behind . You can discount the polls but having said that its a tough time to write a book like this. Charlie you department your family didnt know. And its not the easiest path to reelection. Campaigns are risk averse and you dont want to introduce any variables. It makes some people upset but i felt it was important enough to do. And just to deal with the consequences because were in a bad way now and have to come together as a country and around principles of Economic Freedom or free trade and just in terms of demeanor and comportment and basic kindness, the last chapter is talking about the way forward and i talk about what i grew up with with the saying in our home, put on the refrigerator as long as i can remember, assume the best and look for the good. Thats what my mother and father always wanted to teach us. Charlie assume the best, look for the good. Assume the best and look no future good and we can use more of that in politics. Charlie how is john mccain doing . He starts today a regime of chemotherapy and radiation. I can tell you its a tough diagnosis but an even tougher man. Hes shown the country again and again and again that toughness. I think he takes that with him into treatment. Were all just praying and hoping for the best. Charlie what did you think when he cast his vote . We cast opposite votes. I wanted to keep the reform alive. I thought weve got to. In arizona 200,000 people in arizona will wake up this morning without health fair. Theyll have paid the fine but cant afford care. People buying on the exchange are in a bad way and we need to fix it desperately. Senator mccains reason for voting against it is consistent with everything hes talked about for a long time. Get back to regular order. Charlie he also made a Sterling Appeal for bipartisanship. And order means that. You go to the committees. The committees are more bipartisan. They are more expert in the area. In this case is Lamar Alexander or patty murray. I am convinced we have maybe not the leadership on the democratic side but you have people on both sides of the aisle that are ready and ready to work across the aisle on this. Charlie it has to be by now, it seems, a repair of obama care. Even the former president has acknowledged there were certain problems with obama care and certain principles that everybody seemed to believe preexisting conditions and leaving kids on until theyre 26 are things nobody wants to get rid of. And some are willing to in the interest of what they thought were higher economic principles. Well, weve got to find ways to deal with this better. There are a lot of reforms needed both on the exchange side to make it affordable for average americans and on the medicaid side to make sure thats sustainable over time. Right now were growing those programs and spending more money than we can sustain long term. Charlie do they say theyll have another vote or health care or let it go for now . We got out of town pretty quickly after the last vote so we havent really sat down. We will this week to see the way forward but my guess is and what hes said publicly is we move on. That means i think charlie move on to infrastructure . Move on to we dont wait to do those issues until we do health care but all the while tax reform is desperately needed and need to be globally competitive and need to move to tax reform but it doesnt mean we leave health care behind. I think we recognized the limits of what one party can do on its own. Charlie whats the worst said about obama care . That it doesnt work and imploding and i think it very much is. Charlie it doesnt work its imploding. If you let stay on its own he says it will die of its own weight. It is but a lot of people will be hurt in the meantime. Charlie how many people will be uninsured if it goes away . It depends on which part goes away. Theres the exchange side and the expanded medicaid side. Charlie whats the worse for republicans . Expanded medicaid or the exchange side or mandate side . I think it was basically forcing americans to buy a product that they maybe didnt want and cannot afford. Charlie and penalizing if they thats right. We have 200,000 in arizona who paid the fine because they cant find affordable insurance and many had insurance before obama care came along. Charlie if you like your present health care you didnt have to move. A lot of people i know lost their coverage and havent been able to find affordable coverage or have a policy where theyre paying exorbitant premiums but have such high deductibles the first insurance dollar doesnt kick in for a long time so its meaningless insurance. Those are very real genuine concerns we have to address. Were just going to need to do it by sitting across the aisle, working with our colleagues across the aisle. What kind of grade would you give donald trump the First Six Months in office. I dont want to give a grade. Charlie youre promoting a book, conscious of a conservative. Youre running for election and asking people to support you. Isnt it a responsible question to ask you what you think of what the president s doing. On things like like he nominated a Great Supreme Court justice, neal gorsuch i was pleased to help shepherd him through the senate. On regulatory policy hes worked through congress to do 14 congressional review acts to nullify the regulation were hampering the economy and the Second Quarter numbers are due to the president and the congress. Charlie if there was Economic Growth i attribute it not to macroeconomics but changing regulatory i think thats part of it. The regulatory structure. Thats what i hear from businesses small and large. We were out of control in terms of regulation. The prospect of tax reform. I think the president s instincts on tax reform are quite good. Charlie a corporate rate. Lower the rate broaden the base orthodoxy. But then on the flip side i think the president s action on trade has been extremely detrimental. I think exiting the tpp will have longterm consequences well regret. Charlie the tpp. The transpacific partnership. It will have ramifications on our economy because it would have opened new markets for us but also has geopolitical implications. Countries need to be part of it and china is moving on every front. I had a previously scheduled trip i took to mexico city. In talking to the Mexican Government about trade and nafta, for example. At the time we were meeting is when President Trump said were going exit tpp. The Mexican Senate was talking about Going Forward with tpp and it made it moot. At the same time the chinese president and russian president were in chile and peru saying already, if america wont deal with you we will. Were losing markets. Once you get out of those supply chains it takes a while to get back in and theres detriments long in the future. Charlie on climate we also pulled out of the climate accord. Do you support the president for doing that . I think the goals set charlie the goals being met because of innovations and because of the exposure to natural gas oppose to goal. It looked like wed meet some of those goals anyway. Charlie do you believe Global Warming is caused in part by what we do and Climate Change and causing the destruction of the planet . I do think the earth is warming and i accept the science that said mankind is responsible. Charlie why would you support the president s withdrawal . What i support is responsibly moving towards a Better Climate and goals that are achievable. I do think the paris accord those may have been achievable because of the growth or abundance of natural gas and exploration. Charlie and alternative fuels are cheaper. One beef i have with the same ones that give republicans a hard time for the skepticism and im not among the skeptics, i believe the science. But if you believe the science then believe it and understand we will need baseload power like nuclear because its the only carbonfree base load power we have and too many on the left are reluctant to say all right it will be part of our energy mix. Charlie are you saying we cannot meet our energy needs if we reduce the level of fossil fuels without going to nuclear . I think its very difficult. Very difficult to do so. Charlie though theres a dramatic reduction in the cost of alternative fuels . Those are good, theyre great but theyre intermitt ent. Intermittent and youll still need base load power and in the future well likely have utility scale storage and batteries for solar and wind but that will take a while. In that interim were going to have to have base load power and that will likely include in the interim im talking decades, we need more nuclear power. Some people on the left wont accept that and i think they need to to accept the climate challenges well face. Charlie i asked you earlier in an interview, do you seek President Trumps support in your reelection. You always hope the president will support you. Charlie do you seek his support . I didnt support him in the elections id be surprised publicly for me. Charlie so you dont seek his support . Lets keep in mind with different president s with president george w. Bush he became president the same time i went to the house. I was elected the same time mike pence was and both ran conservative think tanks in the 90s and ran together. 2001. We got elected. We came in and the first thing put on our table was no child left behind. We thought thats not very conservative. As a conservative i didnt like the federal reach into local education. Then there was a Prescription Drug benefit and thought thats not conservative at all. It added 7 trillion in unfunded liability. But president bush though i agreed with him on most of the things. I opposed him on his cuba policy. Ive been an advocate of lifting the travel ban and allowing americans to travel and trade with cuba. Charlie President Trump wants to change that and president obama was against him on that. Thats one area i agreed with president obama on. You dont have to agree with the president on everything. With president bush i disagreed with him on some things and agreed on some things and he recently did a fundraiser for me in arizona. I think thats people from arizona expect of me not being a rubber stamp for everything the president wants. I appreciate and work with this president , President Trump on Supreme Court nominees and other nominees to the federal bunch and regulatory and tax issues but ill oppose him if he tries to get away from nafta. Charlie the things with president bush the thing i think hes proud of is what happened is the idea of providing support. And people tell you in africa he did more than any president has done. That is completely true. And let me give you an anecdote. I did my Mormon Mission in south africa in the early 80s and 1999 we lived namibia and we traveled back a year and a half ago and were meeting with one of the worse dictators mugabe and hes still there and we met with him and it was a long twohour meeting. Wed requested out of protocol but thought hed reject it and he granted it. We were talking about it and he was ranting about every u. S. President and british Prime Minister forever and he got to president bush and was railing on president george w. Bush and finally i couldnt take it anymore and i said hey, president bush was responsible for petfar. That helped you guys. It saved their bacon. And he stopped and he said, ill give you that. [laughter] even mugabe but they do recognize president bush. Thats opened more doors and let to more alliance we have needed on the security front in africa to fight alshabaab because of that initiative. It was incredible. I was pleased to travel. I traveled back to africa with president obama later when he went to kenya and ethiopia. I hope we continue the progress weve made in africa. Charlie on an issue like north korea, whats the president do . Its cliche, theres no good options in north korea. Keep everything on the table. Thats all true. But there are just no good options. Hope we can go to china and get some kind of action. Charlie the president has said he tried to do that and hoped they would be more forthcoming. Their leverage may be more limited than we want to admit. Charlie or maybe they may be willing to do less than we want them to do. That is correct as well. That may be correct. I dont know. One thing i do know, you mentioned Foreign Policy is an area of rare bipartisanship but still is and i talk about it in my look. My work with tim cain to get an aumf nominee. 23 members of the senate were there to still vote on it. More than 300 members in the house has never voted on an aumf. We like this more than we should in the house and senate because then we can blame the president , republican or democrat for what theyre doing or not doing with regard to isis or responding to other nonstate actors when we should take our constitutional prerogative to declare war or authorized use of force and weve given that away. Charlie when should the president not have to go to congress. When theres danger. No president wants to accept that but they abide by the structure generally. When we have a longterm e engagement largely now with nonstate actors we have to have a template where Congress Weighs in and thats what we tried to put together and i think well get there. You have bob corker and ben carden as chair and ranking members and theyre reasserting the congresss role in these areas and hoping we can get that. The senate has sixyear terms. We approved treaties, we have more responsibility for Foreign Policy and we see beyond the next till. Charlie if the president decides its necessary to launch an attack north korea, he should come to the congress . Yes, certainly if that doesnt endanger us in the meantime. If its something that needs to be done quickly where were in imminent danger, then, yes, the president has all the authorization under article 2 powers to go ahead but ultimately hell have to come to congress and he should. But we are better off when our allies and our adversaries know we speak with one voice and right now our allies and adversaries see the administration doing something and congress not weighing in and thats not a good situation and our troops need to know that more than anybody. Charlie there are new polls that show decline respect for america. Yeah. I think thats unfortunate. I think we ought to and a talk about being a conservative in the book it not only has to do with adherence of principles of conservatism but comportment and demeanor and in the area of Foreign Policy. A conservative is nothing if hes not sober and measured. And deliberate and predictable in use of diplomacy and force. I think that has been missing in the past couple of months. I think we need a Foreign Policy that embraced our allies and recognizes our enemies. I think that has been missing of late. I am concerned about the path forward. Charlie and theres europe and nato. Thats right. They have to question or we have to give another speech and recommit ourselves to nato. I mean, theres a problem. Its a distress signal if our allies are having to seek that from us and wonder where we are. Charlie thats what the chancellor of germany said. We cant look to them, u. S. , for leadership. We have to look out for ourselves. We cant depend on them. I am concerned our whole world order or whatever after world war ii was to build up our allies and offer a security umbrella and help them realize as they grow and develop and prosper we prosper as well and trade is not a zero sum game where somebody wins and somebody loses. Thats all kind of been put aside. I think this banner weve taken up is unfamiliar to us and unfamiliar to our allies. And maybe our adversaries around the world. Charlie they use to say where theres a pat bathroom th see a potential president. Arizona has a long tradition like virginia on orders bruce babbot charlie the former governor. Its probably not wise to say you want to be president if youre running for senator. You must have thought about this. If you think about issues like this you have to think about what we need from president ial leadership. Not just that. Charlie yeah, an implied criticism let me read you the last paragraph. We must embrace intellectual in dependence and reject the politics of the nasty, punitive and factfree and reassert a conservatism of high ideals and good will and even better argument. I think thats right. Charlie when they read that they see you saying im not happy with the president ial leadership. That is true. Im not. Charlie and therefore does it follow that no, it doesnt. I think there are a number of people and i hope. Like i said there are some things the president is doing i agree with. I hope he comes around on the other. On nafta, for example, the latest negotiating points were good. Charlie hes changed on a number of things he said but not the wall. Do you think hell get the wall . No, i dont. The notion of a 2,000 mile solitary wall charlie were looking at appropriations in the budget . Well have better barriers in some places and surveillance and some things that need to be done but it doesnt involve a 2,000 mile solitary wall some people envision. But back with the wall or mexico some things are concerning to me as well. Its not just the policy that makes a difference its the rhetoric that you use this talking about the wall and theyre going to pay for it and you talk or you tweet out Crime Statistics in mexico to bug them. Charlie people come in here that are rapists. It makes a difference in terms of mexicos political backdrop. They have an election coming up and they may have a populist president on the left that would undo a lot of the progress that mexico has made with regard to trade and privatization and if we have that then that would be bad for immigration. It would be bad for a number of things we worked with the mexicans on. Charlie this is from barry gol goldwater written in 1960. The conscious of the conservative is pricked by anybody who would debase the dignity of a human being. Hes at odds at dictator whos rule by terror and those who play god with the human race, barry goldwater. And finally this, a dedication to that girl i met on a far away beach so long ago. To your wife, cheryl. Charlie thank you for coming. Thank you. Charlie jeff flake from arizona. The book again conscious of a conservative. Charlie and finallily a loo to tomorrow night broadcast about the production that ends august 6. I think the store of the play calls out for courage and speaking out in times of hatred and in times of real danger and creating art against all odds and as you see an indecent the odds keep increasing and telling their story over and over and over again. It comes to new york at the time of enormous Immigration Reform and where we cut down on immigrants in the u. S. It was an audacious move and its real. I think the play calls out a reminder to love. Charlie the New York Times said its about censorship and others. Its why its a per pertinent play. Charlie did you love it when you first read it . Wi i thought how is this young man write this story between these two women its like romeo and juliet in the rain and theres a brothel upstairs and a family downstairs and inheritly theatrical. Charlie visit us online at pbs. Org and charlierose. Com. Captioning sponsored by Rose Communications captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org rose funding for charlie rose has been provided by and by bloomberg, a provider of multimedia news and Information Services worldwide. Youre watching pb this is nightly Business Report with Tyler Mathisen and sue herera. Apple on wall streets eye. A Strong Quarter sends shares of next . Ch company to a new record split decision. Theres a widening divide between invest a vulnerable ands who absolutely dont. What should you do when wall street cant agree . And a growing threat. As the tension mounts between the u. S. And north korea, possibly economic hazards are starting to become more clear. All that and more for tuesday, august. Good evening, everyone and welcome. So, how do you like them apples . Apple

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