Mayweather. Rose corey lee, his restaurant is restaurant benu. It cant be about notoriety because thats a byproduct of doing something well. You have to find satisfaction in coming to work every day and doing the same things over and over. Slowly, you know, it evolves because theres a creative, artistic aspect to cooking at a certain level but ultimately is what you make with your hands. Rose we conclude with Noah Baumbach, the movie called while were young, starring ben stiller and naomi watts. I wanted to do something in a traditional comedy movie tradition. Comedies for adults. Directors like mike nichols or cindy pollack, you know, are made over the course of their career and mainstream comedies but they were about people and the laughs often came from the characters and you cared about the people. But they could be broad. There was a kind of flexibility to them. This is my attempt to do my version of it. Rose teddy atlas, corey lee and Noah Baumbach when we continue. Rose additional funding provided by and by bloomberg, a provider of multimedia news and Information Services worldwide. Captioning sponsored by Rose Communications from our studios in new york city, this is charlie rose. Rose on saturday night Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather will face off in what many are calling the fight of the century. Each fight is poised to earn well more than 100 million. The bout first proposed nearly six years ago but neither camp could agree on terms such as testing for performanceenhancing drugs. Joining me from las vegas is teddy atlas boxing commentator for espn has trained some of the sports biggest names include mike tyson and michael morrow. Please to have had him back on the program. Give me the sense of las vegas today two days before the big fight mpghts its not exactly what it was set out to be. This was supposed to be a reward to the regular boxing fans, you know main street boxing. Its more like wall street boxing. I have to speak it the way it is. Excitement. Everybodys talking who you got, whos going to win. But the regular fans have waited six years for the fight. Everyone gives credit to the promoters and the fight. Without the fans, there is no fight. The regular boxing fans are the lifeblood of this sport. They wont be able to afford a ticket in this place saturday night. As a matter of fact, they have to pay 10 for the weighin. Thats as close as theyll get a lot of them, to seeing the fighters. Theyre not even going to get that because the ticket are scalped for 200 and upwards for the weighin. Its supposed to be excitement for the people, reward for the people, the boxing fans who have been starving for a good fight. Not exactly that but parente of excitement for the fight. Everybody trying to climb around figuring out how can i get to the weigh in. Whens the last time you heard if i cant get to the fight maybe i can get to the weigh in. Obviously its on everybodys mind. Rose is it because they havent had a great fight in a long time or just because people have begun over the years to worry about the feature of boxing and all of a sund something comes along thats exciting and they get excited . The people after six years were imagining this is what they wanted and in some ways the fans have been sort of like the lost tribes out in the desert. Theyre walking and walking and theyre dispersing. Rose could be a great fight. Could be or the fans could wind up with sand in their mouth instead of water. But it could be a great fight. But its a fight that probably should have taken place five six years ago. These are different times. Doesnt mean its not going to be a great fight still. Ali and frazier, a brutal fight. They were more available. All that was left was the championship character and that showed in a brutal but fascinating fight. Rose who do you like in this fight . Look, im not the betting capital of the world. There is a reason why mayweather is a favorite. Mayweather is the naturally bigger guy, hes the guy that is the counter puncher. Manny pacquiao has to be aggressive. When you have to be aggressive chance is you might run into a counterpunch, and mayweather will be looking for that and looking to right end a southpaw killer. It lands against lefties and pacquiao is a lefty. Having said that, i understand that. I think that the greatest strength of mayweather, the reason hes sporting 7 and 0 and why were here its his defense. Hes a conservative guy, a careful guy, he doesnt take chances, punches well. I think his greatest strength is defense and also his greatest weakness. I think manny has the hand speed, foot speed and the volume punching to exploit his defense but sometimes he goes into it too much. Times floyd slips and slides too much and doesnt fight back, he gets intoxicated with his own defense. Thats why i give manny a chance with his speed to get in and out before the counterpunches come to steal outhustle and outwork around where mayweather is just too defensive. Rose as you know well, fighting is about talent. Its also about will. Who has the greatest will in this fight . So far, theres only one man who has not learned how to lose. Thats mayweather. He has not learned how to lose. Pacquiao going back three fights was knocked out cold. Its attached to not only skill but confidence belief in yourself. Who believes in himself more than a guy who never lost . Right now until proven differently you would have to say mayweather. But you also have to say a fair argument mayweathers will has never really been truly tested in the way that maybe Manny Pacquiao can test it. That will be interesting. Rose who has been avoiding whom . Thats a good we. Whos been avoiding whom . Six years ago when this fight was first proposed mayweather was we can only go according to what theyre saying said he was ready to fight the fight but he wanted manny. He wanted manny to take a lipid style blood test to prove he wasnt on steroids. Manny said no so the fight didnt happen. Now you look here in the future, i have to tell you manny is a smaller guy. I said theyre different guys, different fighters and sizes. Manny is not as big. I dont know why. I have no proof of it but the fact is mayweather looks bigger. The reason this happened is pacquiao with tax problems, with a lot overthings going on in his life, its unfortunate, i hate to hear a fighter who goes in the ring andhouse a chance every time hes in the ring, to come out of the ring with less of himself. To hear after making all that money that hes got money problems but apparently he does. He had more of a reason to go to the table. He made concessions. He made a lot of concessions to make mayweather fight. Who made the fight . I guess you say pacquiao by making all those confessions. He doesnt make the confessions were not talking now. Rose who has the best corner man . Thats good question. Mayweather has his father. They havent always gotten along but theyre getting along good now, apparently. His uncle roger was the one who was in his life really, more and involved in his athletic career really more. He said hes not a part of the camp as much. Hes not the handson guy anymore, its more of the father. But mayweather is a little bit like mohamed ali. Nobody trained ali. He made his own decisions and did what his instincts told him and the great confidence and belief he had in himself. But he went his own way to his own drum. He listened to himself. Mayweather doesnt listen to anybody but pacquiao listens to freddie roach. Pacquiao has the edge because he listens to his guy. Mayweather kind of does his own thing. Rose understanding the difference in the weight class how would you compare mayweather to mohamed ali . Well, i mean, they both believe in themselves. They can be a little arrogant sometimes. That goes with great belief sometimes and great accomplishment, arrogance partners up to that and becomes a cousin to that sometimes. They both are promoted and know how to make money, but ali had much more social significance. You know, mayweather doesnt. Rose right. He does havent that social significance. He hasnt attached himself to some kind of social endeavor or belief that a lot of these guys could. Ali did, whether you believe in him or not and ali took a risk to do that. Mayweather, you know, is pretty conservative. He doesnt take a risk, the same way he fights doesnt take a risk very conservative. Rose could mike tyson ever been the greatest fighter ever except for. Except mike tyson could have been the greatest fighter forever except he had no character. You know tyson was a shooting star, a meteor. He burned bright, great got all the attention, was sensational really was. No disclaiming that. But ali joe lewis sugar ray robinson, all those great fighters, they were planets. Why were they planets . They had substance, that was their earth. They overcame a lot of controversy, a lot of problems and a lot of Different Things and issues going on. They had the character, the inner soul, the ability to make proper choices outside the ring when you had to make them and to stand by them. The ability to camp out more than yourself. Tyson never cared about anything orthothan himself. Tyson never would have been great because he did not he had the great skill and he could punch from either side of the plate but he never ever had that great character that i just talked about these great champions that they had to be called special. Rose will this fight go the distance or will somebody knock it out in the early rounds or the middle rounds . You know, i think the fight will go the distance but the funny thing here i always say it punches are not made, they are born. This is going to sound contradictory, but ill explain it pacquiao was a born puncher but hasnt scored a knockout in five years. Hes the smaller guy. Hes moved up a lot of weight classes. I dont think he tease puncher here. Mayweather is the boxer. Mayweather is the bigger guy. If there is a knockout, i believe it will come on the side to have pacquiao, the born puncher. If there is a knockout, i think it will come on the side of mayweather. But attend of the day, i believe there is going to be a decision and, believe it or not, i think its going to be a controversial one. Rose thank you ted. Its great to talk to you. My pleasure, charlie. Rose well be right back. Stay with us. Rose corey lee is here. He is a james beard awardwinning chef and owner of the restaurant benu in San Francisco. Benu gives its name to the first cookbook of the cherif. He reveals recipes and principles whined his cuisine. Heres a look. A fellow asked me what kind of restaurant benu was. My first answer is an american restaurant. Its open to the influence of all different kinds of cultures. The book is about a menu at benu, and hopefully we can convey the experience of dining at benu. Food is identity. Its the most revealing thing about you, a about culture where you come from, how you live, whats important to you. They go hand in hand. Its really about finding yourself in your work and understanding that theres meaning in finding yourself in your work. Rose pleased to have corey lee at this table for the first time. Welcome. Thank you for having me. Rose are you a friend of david changs or mine . Davids said remarkable things about you. What influence did he have on you. He had a big influence on me. He struck out on his own in an original and new way. This was 2004. At the time i was living three blocks from the original momofookoo. He came from the same background as a lot of us being fine dining cooks and trying to make it happen in new york city. He went his on path. He decided to do something he was really passionate about and create his own style and really cook for people. And he broke down all the barriers in fine dining and that happened in a very exciting time for restaurants and diners. Rose the amazing thing about you, and this may be for a lot of great chefs, is that you have worked with some of the great chefs. Youve worked in great restaurants. Yeah, i was fortunate to have amazing teachers and mentors. Although theres a difference between a teacher and a mentor. Rose yeah. But i have been fortunate where each chef ive worked for invested in me and cared what i was doing next outside their own kitchen and would send me to a next restaurant. Rose describe your cuisine. Its a tough con. The big part of the reason i wrote the book was this attempt to explain not only to an audience or our staff but myself really what were doing in this restaurant. Its definitely not a cuisine that can be summed up with a couple of words although i think a lot of people look for the very easy term or genre. Its a restaurant thats american for me and modern in the truest sense in that were trying to create a new experience for people an experience that can only have better restaurants. But ultimately, its an american restaurant specific to San Francisco. Rose whats the korean influence . Theres a lot of seasoning that takes the cue from korean cuisine. Some of the fermented so i sauces and other sauces we season with that more than salt, so its more about deeper flavors than just the seasoning. And theres the korean influence that is transparent. Theres a humbleness to korean aesthetics which i think is different and unique in asian cuisine and we borrow and are influenced and are inspired by all those things. Rose you said the cook at benu often explains asian flavors and ideas and aesthetics can harmonize with western ones. Its the harmony of the different cultures that interests me. A lot of that was spurred by living in Northern California and San Francisco where theres a huge asian influence. 35, 40 asian most of them are cancantonese, chinese and theres an assimilation in San Francisco that i think is unique to that city. Rose you said theres david said coreys path is perfection. Theres no better clinician in the nation pound for pound, he is one of the best chefs on earth. We like having things like that said about us but is this true, the essence at the core of you this pursuit of perfection . Its not so much a pursuit of perfection. Its a pursuit of doing something you believe in. Whether thats perfect im not sure if thats the most important thing. I think theres things that we do that i know isnt perfect but i feel good about it and i can commit myself to that. It really has to do with the commitment. You know, i have to be able to commit yourself to your work and the first step to that is believing in what youre doing and i have been fortunate where i thought that my entire career. Rose why this back now . I finally have something that we can document. Thats an important first step. You have to want to say something. Over the last five years, i think, weve started to carve an identity for ourselves. Its an opportunity to reach a larger audience than we can fit in our restaurant. Its great for the staff. They can see their work is something beyond what they make every day. Its far reaching and a morale booster for them. It felt like the right time to work on a book. Rose its structured around a 33course tasting. It is. But we actually dont serve a 33course tasting. Rose thats too much. It really is. You cant keep someone engaged for that long. But i explained it a little bit in the book where i dont think anyone looks at the book and they want literally a tasting menu. Its not about that. Its seeing the progression of a menu, almost like a meditation of a menu, talking about the dishes, the ingrinds, the influences. And if theres a few more courses to make the bookwork, whos counting. Rose but this is the love of food that you have. Its the love of food but also the love of craft. Rose craft. So someone comes to you and they say i want to be a chef, and you say the most important thing to have is the love of craft and they say what does that mean . What would you say . That means making something over and over, repetition, working with your hands, and that being a rewarding experience. It cant be about owning a restaurant one day because that might not happen. It cant be about any kind of notoriety because thats a byproduct of doing something well. You really have to find satisfaction in coming to work every day and doing the same things over and over. Slowly it evolves because there is a creative aspect to cooking at a certain level but ultimately comes out to what you make with your hands. Rose and thats a tactile satisfying feeling . Absolutely. Making something you feel is done well, serving it and immediately getting the satisfaction. Thats the great thing about restaurants is there are moments of success all day and all night long when youre feeding people. Rose tell me about your biography. You came from south korea. Yeah. I had a pretty transient upbringing. My father was an engineer. He was sent all around the world and we moved several times growing up. I came here when i was fairly young, but my father moved back to south korea because of the company he was working for. From then on, my family was kind of split up. My sisters my mother, my father stayed in korea and i stayed in america, and thats when i started working in restaurants and eventually traveled abroad working in restaurants. Rose paris . Paris, london, came back to new york. Rose always teaching yourself what . I think it was honing a work ethic that was really the backbone of anything i would do later on. I think i had that instilled in me at a fairly early age. It was this idea of you have to put in the work if youre going to get anything out of it, and pursuing it, not waiting for someone to just teach you and pick you up. Rose you have to wait for it to come to you. No, i dont think you can. Rose it goes beyond cooking. It goes to life itself. I agree, absolutely. Rose ho is how is cuisine different today when you go around the world . Cuisine has changed a lot in the last decade or so, the last generation. Chefs have definitely a bigger voice than maybe a generation ago and i think diners are looking for restaurants where they can experience something singular. Rose i do, too. They go to a restaurant because of the chef or the style of food that restaurant is cooking, not just to participate in a Lifestyle Experience where theyre pampered for a couple of hours. They really want something thats unique. They want to see personality in their cooking and thats something new. Thats something in the last generation or so. Rose the notion of excelling, im looking at Thomas Keller saying about you, coreys thoughtfulness excelled in what he was doing. He was the precocious talent who took the long view and was willing to pay his dues. In this world where chefs are becoming younger and younger, if youre a chef and you want to open a restaurant, you have more opportunities than before. Certainly over the years i had opportunities before i opened benu, but i felt i wasnt ready. There were times when i was offered a sous chefo a sous chef or a managing position, i would go on. Theres times when you take those positions and you cant go back is that why arent you in new yok . I thought i would be in new york. I came to new york to look for restaurant spaces. One place i looked at was this old space called homeward on in soho. I used to go there when i was a teenager and it was a special place for me. It was the day Lehman Brothers went under. It was a volatile time in new york city and made me take a step back and question why am i going to new york . Why do i feel the need to open a restaurant in new york . The more i thought about it, it didnt make sense for me. I had been working in california ten years by that time. I had relationships with purveyors who knew what i wanted. I had relationships with guests who had come to our restaurant. There are people i wanted to work when we opened, it was crazy to give that up. I look back and think if we had opened in new york it would have been a very different restaurant. Rose benu means what . The phoenix bird in egyptian mythology that stands for long life regeneration rose the long view is always there for you. Exactly. Starting a new restaurant, a new business. Its risky. You aspire to have longevity. For those of us who uprooted our lives and moved to San Francisco to start the project the idea of the phoenix bird resonated with us. Rose what does it mean for San Francisco restaurants that youre so close to Silicon Valley the tech venue . Its important to the dining culture in San Francisco and not just dining, but the culture. Its synonymous with innovation newness, embracing new things, opened mindedness, the future and its this hub for this new world. Then theres also the very pragmatic aspects where we have an industry that can support all the restaurants. Thats very important too. Its a very good time for San Francisco and were lucky to work as chefs there. Rose these are images from the book. Number one is the 1,000 year old quail egg. There it is. Thats the first course on the tasting menu. Its an egg thats preserved through having a high ph, so its almost of a cevice which is acidity. We serve it with a classic soup. Rose the lobster. It has a liquidcentered dumpling. Rose all right. Beggars purse. Made from acorns and then the three things around an oak tree acorns, pigs fed on acorns and black roots at grow around the oak trees. Rose do you love pigs as much as david chang. I love pigs. Rose what do you mean . The flavor of pork is such a round flavor marries with seafood poultry, not gamey like lamb, not as intense as beef. Its almost like a seasoning for me. Rose all right the number four is pork oyster pork belly. Thats a variation and probably one of the more technical things we do. Its a variation of a korean dish. We make a kimchi stock and turn it into appliable sheet and wrap everything around that. Rose your mother said she was horrified when she realized you served kim chi on your menu. Pleasantly shocked. Rose why would she be shocked . I had a hard time with it when i was growing up. Its very pungent. Living in a small apartment when its hot and smelling that very intense, fermented aroma of kimshe, its very intense. Rose number five is ice fish on ice. Ice fished, very simple, inspired by the idea of a japanese aesthetic. Rose combining simplicity, beauty and subtlety. Exactly. Rose six is spring porridge with sea urchin. Our california local cooking. We have asparagus sea urchin from santa barbara, things that come into season. Rose tell me about the importance of how food looks. You know my relationship with food aesthetics has changed over the years and now, for me, its about trying to present things in a natural form. How do you make something look delicious but not make it look like there are 20 chefs in the back to have the kitchen with tweezers and knives ma i have in lating these manipulating these things . Its a challenge. Its a challenge but also an important thing to let food present itself. I think its very important. Rose youve said about your cooking style that it evades definition, but has it changed over time . It has. I think when we first opened, i had one foot in this european style of cooking and the other foot was in an area that was exploring and, over the years and some of this has to you know, just getting more confidence. I have been more interested in exploring how eastern nation greens can work in the context of a western format. Rose do you want to own a Korean Restaurant . I do. Rose because thats who you are . Its who i am. Its a cuisine that resonates with me. I feel like its been poorly represented abroad, and i feel like theres a lot of potential there. Rose what does it mean to be the good will ambassador of seoul, korea . To be honest its an honor more than anything and basically what it means is youre there as a resource for them if they ever need to contact you for some kind of counsel on food promoting food in seoul centered around tourism. Rose is a third michelin star, what is that about . Is it reak anything of is it a recognition of quality . Is it about a unique approach to food . Is it about satisfied customers . You know, for me, and this is probably not what youd expect and this is not something i think i would have said before i received three stars but in some way its a very western and european validation of what were doing. Rose a validation. A validation. Not because thats what makes me feel good about the work im doing. But the Michelin Guide is such a traditional french guide and for them to say benu is three stars and worth that journey theres a validation there. Rose congratulations. Thank you very much. Rose great to have you on this program. Thank you, charlie. Rose i look forward to seeing you in San Francisco at some point. Thank you for joining us. Back in a moment. Stay with us. Rose Noah Baumbach is here. He is a director whose movies include the squid and the whale and his latest is while were young, right, sharp and dead on accurate about the way we live now. Its not a film about eternal youth but rather about coming to terms with growing older. Here is the trailer. And the wolf came he blows it down. What happens in the middle . I didnt know you guys wanted kids. You should do it. You would make such good parents baby crying i really love your film. That scene with the dogs around the garbage how did you stage that . I said, hey shoot those dogs. Beautiful. Want to come eat a bite with us . Why are we hanging out with 25yearolds . We were 25. It will be fun we met this interesting couple. I like how engaged they are. Theyre their apartment is full of everything we threw out but it looks good. I love you watch it ive learned you can allow yourself to be surprised by what you encounter. rap music were worried about you guys. Whats with the hat . Youre an old man with a hat. I stopped thinking of myself as a child imitate an adult. Somebody knocking on the door youre on fire are you okay, son . Ow you have arthritis in your knee. Arthritis . Yes, i usually just say it once. Whats happening to us . I am trying to make it both materialist and intellectual. A black shaw shank . No. So whats it about . I dont want this to be every time, you want to have a baby. Not every time. Rose good actors. Good group. Rose what movie were you making . What were you intending to make . I mean, this. Well, there is sort of the movie you intend to make and the movie no matter what your intentions are you make and discover as you make it. But i wanted to make i did have a kind of maybe more so than some of my past movies i had an idea that i wanted to do something that was in kind of a comic tradition or comic movie tradition. It was comedies for adults, things that directors i love like mike nichols or cindy pollack or woody allen, theyre made over the course of their career and they were main stream comedies but they were about people. They cared about people but there was a flexibility to them. This was my attempt to do my version of it. Rose is it about getting older . Yeah, it is. Its about getting older and knowing yourself as you get older. Rose and you open with that quote we saw in the trailer. Yeah, which i saw wally shawn and gregory did one of their rose talks. Yeah. They work on these plays for years and years and do these sort of sometimes they perform it in peoples apartments and this is even in a town house in the village that i saw it and its wallys translation, too, which, you know, when i heard that exchange i thought, this is kind of related to what im working on. Rose you have said that i think, that the experience of getting older was the driving force of this movie. Your experience. Yeah. I mean, i think i mean, all my movies, im sort of trying to do this to some degree, is both sort of, you know theres a tradition in movies of, you know, movies where people are in therapy or people have sort of major breakthroughs and you accept them because thats part of a movie. A movie cant show, you know an entire session of somebodys therapy. They have to show, like the ones that really count, and, you know, or i wanted to do i kind of am trying to i guess you know, show how sort of the changes we go through in our lives are not always something were aware of and something you maybe realize two years later that this happened. Rose that you were evolving but didnt see it at the time. Yeah and yon, sometimes you go out the wrong way to come back the right way and often you do. So i guess im sort of trying to make that cinematic in a way. Rose i mean, thats how the movie came about too isnt it . Yeah, and i worked on it for a while. I mean i had different incarnations of it. I wanted to do something about couples, too and how couples interact with one another and how, you know, youre with your person and you go out with another, you know, friends of yours and sort of what you might project onto them, like are they okay . They seem like somethings wrong. Rose or they seem like somethings right. Yes, and you idealize them. But its really often about you and whats going on. Its easier to talk about other people than yourself. Rose talk about josh and cornelia. Well, theyre married and rose ben stiller and naomi in the movie. Yeah, they have been married for a little while, and he is a document rifilmmaker whos now into his ninth or tenth year depending on when you ask him of the same documentary and hes stuck and hes, you know having trouble admitting it, perhap. And i wanted to present a marriage where there wasnt anything necessarily overtly wrong, you know. That you couldnt necessarily say, hey, you know. Rose yeah. But they on some level i always felt, knew something needed to change and needed to shake them out of, you know a kind of, i suppose a certain routine. You know, when they meet this younger couple, that at least triggers it. Rose and makes them think about living a different kind of life . Yeah. Well, i think yeah. The younger couple is almost theyre many things. They sort of in some ways represent a different generation they represent youth, they represent the kids that they dont have. I mean, theyre also ben and naomis characters dont have a child, they tried and it didnt happen for them. Its sort of one of the many ways theyre coming to terms with, you know things in life that dont necessarily go the way you dream theyre going to go. Rose ben stiller says Noah Baumbach has very human moments and observations that are spot on. Ive seen that same thing happen in my life. In every interchange there is something going on underneath the surface but theyre very subtlengs. Hes all about the small nuances that have a huge impact on us. Finds humor in all the uncomfortable, awkward moments we have but hes never going for the joke. Does that resonate with you . Its nice. Rose it clearly flatters you. Its nice. Yeah. I mean, thats what i hope im doing, anyway. Rose finding some Eternal Truth about the way we live our lives . Well, and, i mean, that would be you know im not trying for something quite that big but i think i rose some observation. Yeah, and exchanges between people, finding, you know sort of humanity or the way you know, sometimes its even the way we talk. You know, the way dialogue can almost you can kind of discover it, i can anyway, when im writing, discover these things in writing dialogue because thats what comes easy to me. The other stuff you just kind of, you know you hope if you do enough right its going to reverberate in bigger ways. Rose this is clip two where josh and younger friend jamie played by adam driver theyre talking on the street in manhattan. Remember, ask the questions youre interviewing him. He would be lucky to invest in your film. Okay. Talk about it, short and to the point. Right on the street man talk about war power make it relevant to him. Be yourself. Right. Everyone else is taken. Its beautiful today we have an appointment friday. You got it, already . You shot it two days ago. I know, i was up all night. Youre going to be okay, josh. Dont be stressed. Take a day or two make sure you like it. Id like to take ten years. You think its going to be totally brilliant. eye of the tiger playing i remember when this song was considered bad. But its working. Remember youre not going have this opportunity its so much bet when were you say it whoo rose adam driver why him . Well, i worked with adam on frances ha and had a great experience with him, but hes such a compelling actor. I mean, hes so interesting. Everything he does is interesting. You know, i felt like, with this part, because bens character kind of falls for him its almost like, you know, a kind of love story in some way, at least for a while, and he, you know, while im having fun with that in some ways, you know i didnt want to sell out bens character. I wanted you to invest in this affection. And adam is one of these guys i would follow anywhere. Hes so interesting. Just his body language, the way he moves. He talked about hes almost like water. He could pass through you or envelop you. He kind of found some kind of physical equivalent to that. Rose the new yorker said music brings out the best in baumbach. What role should music play in a movie . Well, with this movie there was you you know, it was similar to technology in a way because i was having fun with a younger couple listening to stuff from the 80s and ben and naomis adolescence. But, you know, i think this sort of notion of character and character tastes and how characters represent themselves is something im interested in a lot. So often the music they play is kind of an extension of that. Rose so you and music. Music, obviously, you, i think own every album Paul Mccartney and david bowie ever released. Sure. Rose is it simply because you enjoy music or music has some real enfliens on your life . Its both. And music and movies is, you know, something, you know its just one of the major elements you know, for me. You know when i go into a movie of what is the sound and, you know, musically what is the sound. Another element of the movie is a timeless element was brought to a contemporary story but connected me to cramer vs. Cramer which is a movie sort of from my childhood thats not a comedy, its obviously very different than this movie, but i think that sort of new york and new york of my childhood theres something kind of i dont know its a its that time of my life that i always seemed to sort of revisit you know, because i think it stimulates creativity for me so initially i was listening because it kind of brought me back to i dont know, made me feel creative and felt right with the movie. Rose your second collaboration with james murphy . Yeah, and james did original music, too, and he became a friend after greenberg when he did the music for that and he did some really kind of great stuff for this. Rose take a look at this. This is the third clip back to josh pitch ago documentary to a hedge fund manager. Do you know what the percentage of africanamerican adult males currently in jail . I dont. Take a guess. 60 . Jesus, no. Its over 9 . Its nearly one in ten africanamerican adult males nearly a million and a half. Million and a half . Thats a lot. Its insane but people dont realize this. They think because we have a black present like a black shaw shank, but real. No, theres a section an act about a function of race in the Prison Industrial Complex but the film is likely about how power works in america. Do you know the story ray ira mendellstein . We have over 100 hours. A movie with over 100 hours . Rose . No, we cut it. Theres a joke in the movie where ben is asked to describe his movie it takes him forever and his default after about five minutes of rambling is its about america. So i thought, well, lets have him put him in front of probably his worth nightmare and ask him to try to describe what hes doing. Rose do you write every movie you make . Yeah, everything ive directed. Rose like the music, and direct . Yeah, obviously i have great people i collaborate with. Rose but you cant do it anyout ware . Not really. Its how i see it. Its how i kind of approach, you know, the whole thing. Rose and who represents the best of what you want to be and do . You mean like rose woody allen. Woody allen, of course. Rose mike nichols. Well, i mean, with this movie, like i mentioned those guise. Woody allen when i was growing up certainly was you know, he was he was acting, too, but he would you felt these movies were real personal expressions and there was kind of a voice there that felt personal and you felt you thought you knew him. I really responded to that. Theres a lot of european filmmakers, too, and obviously a lot of directors who dont write their material like Martin Scorsese says, he doesnt write everything he does but hes so present in the movies in a way. I think from a young age i kind of wanted my approach to filmmaking came from an an authorial position. Rose do you identify with yeah, my contemporaries. Im friends with some of them. People like them and paul thomas anderson, alexander payne, people who are really you know, you feel them in every movie youre doing. Rose you can see and feel them. Yes. Rose i think scoot scott ruden said you could turn psychology into behavior. What did he mean . Well, i think its connected to what we were talking about earlier in that i think theres a kind of psychological truth. You know, im asked a lot if my movies are autobiographical, but i think there is sort of psychological and emotional truth that im going for in them and, you know, i want to be true to the psychology from my position, be true to the psychology of the characters and i suppose in a lot of ways my task with each of these movies is finding something cinematic and physical that kind of represents that. Rose when you talk about eric rohmer, you named your son rohmer. I did. Rose you call him rohmer or Something Else . I call him ro. When youre naming your kid, you dont say it as much and then when he comes, you shorten it. Rose hes okay with that . Yeah. When he gets older he may have more of a preference. Rose where do you want this career as a filmmaker go . Is the extension of the kinds of things youre doing getting deep around better at it . I hope so. Since the squid and the whale, i have been lucky in the way that i have been each thing ive written, ive made, and thats a great place to be. You know, i would like to continue doing that. I mean, i think, you know i dont have i mean, i get asked sometimes people say, you know, do you want to go, you know, make a marvel or things like that rose and you say what, no . I say no because its not how i come at it. I mean, i dont know this is the the pleasure for me the doing it the way im doing it and i its you know and i never thought of it a different way. Its a funny question because i almost dont you know, when i was maybe ten or something i may have wanted to make raiders or Something Like that, but which i still love, but i wouldnt now. Its just not something that would rose but then you committed to small films. I suppose theyre never going to be, you know as big as rose well, im not talking about those. Youre talking about raiders of the lost ark or marvel movies, thats a different thing. I guess im also banking on the fact that i feel like people want to see something that has you know that they can connect to and it can be a sort of similar but also different experience. Rose their own life connects to something in the movie. Yeah, which i like when i see movies and i feel like theres room for both. Rose what about mistress america. Thats a movie greta gerwig and i did again after frances and thats going to come out later this year. Rose you premiered at sundance. We did. I didnt plan i would have two movies in the same year but somehow they bumped into each other. It will come out in the fall. Rose great to have you here. Great to be here. Thanks. Rose while were young is in theaters now. Many critics are saying its his best and most successful film, a reeceent headline from the atlantic said while were young is Noah Baumbachs plottiest movie. That, too. Thank you for joining us. See you next time. For more about this program and earlier episodes, visit us online at pbs. Org and charlierose. Com. Captioning sponsored by Rose Communications captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org rose additional funding provided by and by bloomberg, a provider of multimedia news and Information Services worldwide. This is nightly business with Tyler Mathisen and sue herera. The big bounceback. A strong start to the month of may with the major averages rising more than 1 . Our market monitor has some picks for this market. Hitting the gas. Why bigger is better at the nations auto dealerships. Playing to win. Six ways to win a bidding war in this hot housing market. All of that and more tonight on nightly business re for friday the 1st of may. Good evening, everyone and welcome. Stocks start the month of may in rally mode. Shaking off a rocky end to april. 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