When we continue. Funding for charlie rose was provided by the following. Myee captioning sponsored by Rose Communications from our studios in new york city, this is charlie rose. Rose Lance Armstrong by any measure was widely known as the king of cycling but the career of this seventime Tour De France winner has been marred in controversy, last year the u. S. Antidoping agency accused him of running the most sophisticated doping program in history, armstrong denied the allegations for over a decade, he admitted to using performanceenhancing drugs in an interview recorded with Oprah Winfrey on monday, oprah spoke to me today on cbs this morning about the interview. I would rather people make their own decisions about whether he was contrite or not, i felt he was thoughtful, i thought he was serious, i thought that he certainly had prepared himself for this moment. I would say that he met the moment, and at the end of it, two and a half literally two and a half hours, we both were pretty exhausted, and i would say i was satisfied. In terms of my career, i think it is certainly the biggest interview i have ever done in terms of its exposure. I think back in 1993, of course i did Michael Jackson live around the world, this is going to be live streamed around the world as well as on owned, if you cant find that on your station go to oprah. Com and we have a channel finder there for people who are still trying to find it, but because it is going to be around the world and we believe that it should be around the world because so many people who dont have access to the own channel wanted to hear what he had to say, and i think the number of people who have exposure to it makes it the biggest interview i have ever done. Rose joining me from cleveland is daniel coyle, the secret race, the hidden world of Tour De France from washington, juliet macur, a Sports Reporter for the New York Times, and here in new york, david epstein, se a Senior Writer of sports illustrated, i am pleased to have all of them here on this program this evening. I just start with you, david, because you are here and go around. How big of a story is this . It is huge. Lance has always been huge, so look at cycling, how many people really, cyclic, cycling when does it get on National Headline programs, it doesnt, it did with Lance Armstrong and after Lance Armstrong it didnt and it is again because Lance Armstrong is in the news again. It is a massive story and i think his story had as many sort of components to it of what people look to sports for as any story that has ever been told in sports. Rose daniel. It is a greek myth, we have seen his rise and now we are compelled by his fall because it is driven by the same quality, that willingness to do anything to win in cycling that took him to some dark places and seeing exactly as we wrote in our book the secret race we are seeing exactly what that place looked like and what it is made of and the decisions he made,. Rose the answer to the question, why would he dope in the first place is simply the competition and the need to win . It has to do with the way he is built, this is what makes lance, lance he so easy the word in a very binary way, he looks out at a landscape if something will help him and if it wont, he wont do it, so that same strategy, that same mindset which made him succeed in this immensely corrupt world is what we are seeing now in the oprah confession, he is seeing what he needs to do and doing it but the problem he faces is that you cant win a confession, a confession has to be lived, it has to be felt, it connects to other people and that is an area, emotion and feeling and connection where he has had more challenges in his life. Rose juliet . What is the most interesting thing about this . The most interesting thing is definitely it is the most dramatic and precipitous fall of an athlete really worldwide in the history of sports. People have fallen down before but not as quickly or as really breathtakingly as lance has done over the last couple of months, i have covered sports a long time and never seen anything like it. Rose so what would you add to what daniel said about him, this sort of the need to win and the willingness to do anything to win . Well, the reason why he is coming forward right now is still that need to win, he is trying to compete in triathlons again, he has been banned from olympic sports for life, which means he cant obviously pete in the olympics but he also cant compete in the new york city marathon, and any triathlon, even in the easter bunny 10k in his hometown, all of those events are, they follow the world antidoping code which are the rules that have banned him from sports so if he comes forward now and gives information about his doping and other people who have helped him done to the u. S. Antidoping agency it could possibly mitigate the lifetime ban and could be out there competing again. Rose do you expect him to implicate other people that might not have been implicated so far . Oh, yes, i do, we had a story in the New York Times today that said that he was willing and had planned to come out and give information about people in the International Cycling union, with situate the world governing body of the sport, i am not sure what exactly kind of information he had about those people, it is the president of the International Cycling union, his name is pat mcquaid and heimer brugan who is also an honorary member of the International Olympic committee, he is going to come out and give some information about them, amount their involvement in possibly doping, doping him, to the Antidoping Agency and it could really bring down the sport. Rose how did he get away with it for so long, david . There are multiple aspects to that, one is sort of the practical aspect is that the reputation of antidoping testing, what is done in the lab far, far exceeds its capabilities, so there was this idea, antidoping, the drug testing, not the legal investigation but what is done in the lab has this reputation among people that, okay, they are passing tests, you dont have to worry about it now we can say it is clean if you pass the test thats fine and lance really used that, never failed a test i am the most tested athlete in history and i think people who sort of follow the science of sport realized that is anything but the case but this is a system with a massive, massive number of false negatives and very few false positives and if you are really trying hard and have a lot of resources then you shouldnt fail the test. Me and a colleague lena roberts reported last year he also had people in the antidoping labs helping him figure out how to skip by those tests you should never fail if you have that kind of test. I mean, when you look at what he has done, what is is the reaction of his friends, those people closest to him . Anybody talk to them . Well, it is an interesting place, because knows are the people that get forgotten, especially the x friends, i know he reached out to half a dozen people who were harmed the most, this is not a story about lying, as the story about protecting the lie by viciously attacking other people who cant fight back, attacking with lawyers and powers and all means necessary that lance attacks but reached out over the last few days, i think a couple of conversations have happened, maybe two of the sticks people he talked to but the rest of them are not ready to talk, this is going to be a long process, it is not something you can flip a switch, say a few words and make it better. This is a longer journey. Rose and what does he say when he talks to them . I dont know. I dont know exactly what he says when he talks to them but i think what is happening he is being straightforward and trying to be as honest as he can be and i think the question is whether they rose why would you assume that now . Because that is his style, he approaches things from a very simple way, he would say, look i messed up, i am a bad guy, i dont like looking at who i was back then and i want to make this right, he is straightforward and very complex individual but he approaches things, his approach is always very simple, and so that is the kind of simple approach he would take and from what i understand it has been met with incredulity in some cases and also with people who are willing to say lets start the conversation. Because they you know, they want to move forward, i think people ultimately see this as painful and sad and tragic as it is ultimately it is a good thing for sport and a good thing to have the truth come out. Rose one of the things i heard is that his attitude about all of this is that i am willing to acknowledge the doping, and i confessed i did all of that but all this thug i are that is suggested did not happen and that is what he is most offended by. I could speak to that a little bit, you know, having done the book with Tyler Hamilton who was approached in a restaurant and asked by lance, physically detained and threatened, lance told him to his face he would make his life a living hell and tear him from limb to him and that doesnt leave much to the imagination, as these facts come out the American Public has to look at this, you know what a good actor this guy is and i think they will watch the Oprah Winfrey to seive mask slips even a fraction, the bar is high. I was talking last night to Mike Anderson a former Bike Mechanic who believes he found some drugs in an apartment of lance and asked to clean out and then sort of summarily fired, he was sort of sneered in the local papers, he was defamed, he was sued, he is now in knew sell land because he couldnt get a biking job in the u. S. Anymore and when i was reporting about lance from lances team i got a thick packet that had the name i cant remember the exact name but something like, why Mike Anderson is like a bad guy and bad employee, you know, and for a gay like that, those kind of tactics ruined him, just ruined him. Rose it ruined mike. It ruined mike and had a packet ready to send us, mike is a bad guy packet. Rose yeah. What is the risk for him now . I mean does he face criminal prosecution . Does he face civil charges, are people going to sue him because he lied about where they had an investment or where they had a commitment or where they are they were harmed in some way . Juliet . Well, the biggest problem he is facing is this federal whistleblower lawsuit filed here in washington in 2010 by one of his former teammates, floyd landis, landis said he used, well armstrong and some of his associates used taxpayer dollars to fund the drug program on the u. S. Postal service team, so right now, the government is deciding whether to. The court . A plaintiff and hearing they should do, make that decision as early as this week, and right now lance is sort of trying to beat them to the punch by offering not only his testimony against the team owner and some other people on the team but offering millions of dollars, to give millions of dollars back to pay the, repay the u. S. Postal service on some of the response sorry ship money on the teams so he is trying to make anticipateds on that and thats the most serious thing he faces right now. Rose someone else told me the hardest thing he had to do is tell his children. No kidding. I mean, i was just talking to my mom about this the other day, and for those of white house are parents, you know, you might be flawed, but in the eyes of your children, you are perfect, at least for a certain amount of time before they grow up and realize that is not true so i really cant imagine what lance had to face, he has five children, when he sat them down, if he sat them down yet, and said, you know, daddy is not perfect, and for me that is the heartbreaking part of this is that this is not just a story about a guy who hide to the American Public and to millions of people around the world, who saw him as an inspiration for their fight against cancer, this is a guy who is perhaps lied to his children, and i am not sure how that will affect them for the rest of their lives but i really feel for them. Rose was he complicit with other people . I mean, who might be implicated in what he did because they joined him in it . The people who were above him in the sport that might be people at usa cycling who run the sport in the u. S. , that might be people at the International Cycling union who run the sport worldwide, pat mcquaid has been the president for several years and really the biggest guy out there is im her br. Rugan from 1991 to 2005 he was the president and very powerful in sports, in the sporting world around the world, not only was he an iooc member but continues to be an honorary ioc member and he has very much, very many powerful connections in the sport, sports world, including the ioc president , jacques road, i am hearing they are quite tight. Rose they all have something to lose if they knew or if they were trying to protect some larger interests, rather than truth, right . Exactly right, and as another few more people too, the old father figures from lances, from lances early career, tom weisel who bank rolled the first team who is now possibly involved in the whistleblower suit, and armstrong is in discussions to give information to federal investigators about tom weisels role. Rose was there ever a moment that this could have a different result . Once he started down this road, it is one of those stories where, you know, he just had to go deeper and deeper and deeper, people say when you get in trouble, stopping digging. You are right, it is interesting how much it parallels the story we tell on the secret race, Tyler Hamilton did a similar journey, once you lie and go dark, once you go into that world and start using it and have success and start winning race there is is almost no going back, where lance was different, though was that he kept pushing it, when he was attacked he didnt just deny he attacked back, he kept going, he always, floyd landis says lance always double down, when he is in trouble he doubles the bet and the oprah interview is in some ways the ultimate doubling of the bet, he pushes everything on the table and said, look, there is where i am going to try to do to get out of this. Rose so what are you looking for . Each of you in the oprah interview . Well, you know, i dont i was asking myself that same question and i really dont know what to say, like he will confess. Rose right. I dont, having done some reporting on Lance Armstrong i would fool myself i could interpret the thoughts of a goldfish before i think i know what Lance Armstrong is thinking so judging his contrition is not an issue to me, strategically this looks like 15 years of deny, deny nye until there was about penny left from deneigh and lets see what we can get from confessing so i think a lot of people will try to interpret his emotions and mannerisms and to me, i am in a place where i understand i cant even begin to do that, beyond his confession rose what are you looking for, daniel . I am looking for what he says to the people he hurt, i mean for what he says to them, this isnt about lance, in a bigger way, this story, i know we are focused on him but much bigger than him, this is about a culture and about abusing power and what will he say to them . Will he talk in terms of this is right and wrong . Or is he going to say, i just want to get back to i mean as part of that, you know, an interesting question, i hope oprah asked is, now he is going to say implicitly, i tried to ruin people who i knew at the time were telling the truth, i tried to ruin their lives or run them out of town and on dans point i think it will be interesting if she picks up on that. Rose i mean for me, my own question here, it is more that aspect of it, someone doubling down, however you want to characterize it, the retribution, the beyond the failure to come clean on doping and beyond the idea of expanding naked today and asking and to be where he was and all of the shakespearean drama of that, you know, it is the what extreme someone will go to avoid discovery, and how malicious that can be. Juliet, what do you think . Well i have gotten many emails and phone calls over the last couple of days and people keep asking me if there will be tears if lance will cry and what i think about that and i have no idea, like i said before, he is very much a chameleon, not only has he been prepared for this interview with oprah by maybe a dozen advisors, but he can set his personality to what the situation calls for, so will we be able to say he cried or on his knees or he seemed really honest . You know, i dont know what is in the heart of Lance Armstrong and not sure we will see it on thursday with oprah either. Rose what damage has this done to cycling . If it has destroyed the sport, frankly, you know, the port is really, really suffering and has suffered immensely over the last, i would say, well, 15 years even more, i mean, it has been over 100 years of doping and cycling and it really has come to a crescendo with this huge figure in the sport falling down so hard, what will be the defining moment, at least what the u. S. Antidoping agency hopes is Lance Armstrong takes down the people in the sport that have either turned a blind eye to doping or facilitate eded it for all of these years, we see if that happens. Rose what performance of cycling doped . Well depends what area you are talking about, it has gotten cleaner in recent years called the biological passport but back then you would have to go probably deep into the top 50 you know, to get to somebody who was not on something, i know Tyler Hamilton on our book describes just presuming everybody pretty much everybody was on something, he figures 80 to 90 percent. Rose 80 to 90 percent . Thats right. Rose and how good was Lance Armstrong without doping . Not good he did the race four times and actually out in that we know he started doping in the mid pain nineties it is hard tol how much was natural, and thats the problem with doping, it dissorts the, distorts the playing field, se not the kind of athlete that would win the tour, he was the wrong size, he had the wrong strength, but doping distorts it and you are creating sort of a frankenstein athlete and armstrong was the best at that process and the best at the wild west, but in terms of would he have won the tour ever as a Clean Athlete . The answer is almost certainly no. Rose do you agree with that, david . I agree with that. Rose he never would have won . It is hard to know for sure but i agree with what dan said he doesnt pit the typical mold of that kind of athlete and something dan has done some reporting on, i believe there are reasons to believe that he would have gotten more benefit from certain drugs than the next guy in some case ms. Terms of how his particular blood is. Rose when did each of you begin to say to yourself, he is doping . Maybe you couldnt prove it, but had been thinking about it and somehow there was a straw that broke the camels back as to his guilt . Juliet . The first time i turned on the tour of france and saw he won. Rose really . That was the first ink cling. Rose that he was doping. Rose what made that true . What made it true . Yes. I had a feeling all these years like everybody else did and couldnt prove it but in 2006 i interviewed one of his former teammates who admitted to me he used epo in the runup to the 1999 tour and his wife has said it was all for lance, everybody did all of this doping for lance and with frankie, and betsy, his wife, just the way they spoke about lance with the fear that they had about him and the doubt they had that he would do any of these picture rack louse things without drugs really hammered it into me that lance must have been using something, in the only was he using something, but he was using intimidation and manipulation and lies and cheating and all of those things to make himself into one of the most famous athletes in history. Rose daniel . Well, i lived to report Lance Armstrongs war, i moved to the town of in Northern Spain his Training Base and when you are in that atmosphere, you sense what juliet is talking about in the oxygen, people behaved strangely and, you know, this as a reporter, you can tell when something is up, and the way people acted around him they used to call him batman on the team he would come and go at strange times, meeting the doctor and knowing what is going on, with each additional fact you get this picture, but it is hult unprovable until the u. S. Antidoping Agency Special agent jeff no vits ski and federal criminal investigation that gets people talking and so finally we get the real picture, that it is an amazing world, you know, in james bond world where they are sneaking around and doing blood bags, laying down on the bus during the tour, it is too much to be believed but just underneath the surface all along and until they started talking we could not see that. Rose it is stunning to me in a sense Everybody Knows you are living a lie. Thats right. Thats right. But when you get inside that lie you convince yourself it is for good and in a corrupt society, you dont trust anyone so you are constantly convinced what you are doing is less than what the other guys are doing the psychology of cheating is complicated but essentially it comes down to you feel noble, you feel good for cheating because you know that other cheater was going to win and you are a good guy, especially if you are guy who contributes to good causes and maybe started a foundation. Rose so at some point go ahead, juliet, sorry. I was just going to say, you know, the problem about this whole story is that the whole story was just too good and too much of a fairy tell and too many people, including most of the media members bought into it when he won the 1999 tour, it was obvious to some people that this could not possibly happen, not only did he just come back from cancer but he hadnt done that well in tours past, and suddenly he is winning the tour with such ease it seemed unbelievable, well when it seemed unbelievable it actually was unbelievable and only a handful of journalists were writing about it conceptcally back then, the rest of the people were he familiar in order with this great come back story of a guy who beat cancer and really the whole world became enamored with the story and amazing to me that people even to this day are amazed he doped when it was so obvious in the cycling circles that he has doped for, you know, since day one, everybody knew it but just couldnt prove it. Rose but were they writing that or were they afraid to write that because they couldnt prove it and therefore, you know, they couldnt write it because he would intimidate journalists to the point where if you wrote anything negative about you he would call you to chastise you on the phone or blackball you and wouldnt give you any interview and if you are the cycling writer from a small publication or even a big newspaper and Lance Armstrong the biggest story in the history of cycling for americans wont talk to you then you pretty much have to compromise yourself and not write the negative and a lot of people didnt, although david wall whosh is irish journalist who worked for the sunday times of london was the early skeptic and wrote conceptcally about him from the beginning and really suffered greatly because of it, and in the end, he was right. Also add to that all three of us here have done reporting on doping in sports and the bar is really high, so the difference between knowing something as a person and being logical and reasonable and being able to print it when you are going probably to be sued, is a high one, i get this question all the time, you might really i am sure all three of us know other athletes we know athletes who are doping but havent quite met that bar to really publish it so when you end up in court you can defend it. So you said cycling is dead, so what happens to Lance Armstrong . David, start with you. Well, i think he i think for some people they will see this as a starting of a certain kind of rehabilitation, probably people who havent been following it close enough to sort of followed the stories of the people he hurt along the way, i think his hope is that he will have his ban reduced and sounds like he is expressing a willingness to testify against other people and if he brings information that is new, he cant just admit to what u. S. Antidoping agency knows if he brings new information that leads to other sanctions, you know, maybe the world Antidoping Agency code only allows for at the moment a lifetime banned to be reduced to eight years so maybe triathlons when he is 50, i guess. Rose daniel, what happens to Lance Armstrong . I think this interview he lift as negative response and i think the public is angry and wants more than lance is capable of giving them, i think he is unfamiliar, uncharted territory here, i dont know, i think he goes into therapy, i think he tried to struggle and find a way forward, but i dont see a clear way forward, either to reducing he ban to eight years, that is not really a way forward or in rebuilding the kind of identity he had, i mean in is wrapped up in his identity assort of a super hero and i think he is going to find it very difficult to sort of return to what is his normal life, his new normal. Rose juliet. I think he will do whatever he can to reduce that lifetime ban to eight years because even competing in triathlons when he is 50 is something that he will look forward to and live for. As for whether people forgive him or not i am not sure that will happen, you will have to watch oprah and decide but also two groups of people, beyond that group, the one group of people who will hate him and feel like they are betrayed because he looked them in the eye and lied for so many years and there is that group of people who really dont care he doped. He might have given them inspiration to get through their fight with cancer or he might have given their family members inspiration to get through their fight with cancer so those people i think will always love Lance Armstrong no matter how deceitful he might have been on the bike, the rest of the people will have to make their decision after seeing oprah on thursday. Rose thank you all, it has been most informative for me, thank you very much. Thank you, charlie. Youre welcome. Rose we will be right back, stay with us. Rose we continue our conversation about Lance Armstrong with sally jenkins, joins me from washington, he is a Sports Reporter for the Washington Post, and also coauthored two books with armstrong amount his life and career, she is a long time friend and defended Lance Armstrong i am pleased to have her back on this program, especially at this moment, sally, now that you know, what does it change for you . Well, i mean, i think i knew the moment i read george cathys affidavit which i accepted as completely truthful and so did the other writer affidavits i dont think you could have read the writer after davidson you saw the report and not have come to the conclusion, yeah, he did it, so, you know, the confession is important because it is lance finally telling people like me, you know, what i have been hearing all of this stuff from other people and expressed to him that what has disappointed me most is to hear it from others and not from him, so, you know, i belong in the category of friend and associate and i think that he has been doing a lot of apologizing to people like that in the last couple of days, and, you know, for better or worse this is his moment to sort of let people hear it from him, rather than read it in a report or hear it in a broadcast. Rose did he apologize to you . He did. He did. Rose what did he say . He said he was sorry for misleading me. He said he he was sorry, you know and this is a very small thing, you know, but he expressed he was sorry that my reputation had taken a hit because of my association with him, which i appreciated, and, you know, it wasnt a very long conversation, but it was a meaningful one to me, i hoped he was clean, he is not. And am i angry about that . I dont rise to the level of anger that i think a lot of people want me to, i think that there is a level of anger at lance that is i think out of proportion to the offense of doping. Rose why do you say that . You know, well, because, you know, lets face it he is a bicyclist, i mean, i dont condone doping, i dont condone breaking the rules, what i have said to him and what i have written is i forgive him, i dont condone it but i forgive him. I think that doping is so endemic in cycling, apparently, that it was the price of competing in that era. You know, do i agree with it and like it . No, i dont have the heart to be full of rage at him, i just dont, you know, people are going to have to accept that i dont feel that for him. I feel disappointment, but he is my friend. Rose here is what you said. I like Lance Armstrong, have always liked him, not a fair ray tail for instance but the real guy, the scars, combative hombre that swung his fist at another writer, antireligious nonbeliever, the man who tried to whip cancer fair and square and did more good with his name and fortune than any athlete i have ever met. That still stands, i assume. I believe all of that, you know. The guy i know did a lot of good in the cancer world, industry always said, i dont know if he is clean but i know that he beat cancer fair and square, you know, the cancer fighter was the guy that i liked, very much and respected and enjoyed working with. You know, and that part of him is still intact, you know, for better or worse, you know, our greatest cancer fighter happens to be a guy who also took some chances with his health and thats an interesting fact. Rose but there is also this aspect of disbim indication and threats. Right. Rose that people have stepped forward to say, that is many people, believable. I think that is what he is going to have to address with oprah, i think it certainly is equal to the doping. And i think that rose or worse. To be honest tab well, yeah, quite honestly i thought that was the most damaging stuff in, you saw the report, i think those are the toughest questions for him, you know, Lance Armstrong i know and that i have dealt with have never been threatening, he certainly is complicated, he certainly is flawed, he has certainly angry at times and combative, he never has been menacing, now that is my personal experience with him and i am a friend. I would not want to meet him as an adversary, i can say that. You know, i think that he has got some work to do to persuade people that Lance Armstrong, the threatening, the intimidating Lance Armstrong that has been portrayed, he has got some work to do to convince people that is a miss portrayal. Rose i asked the three of them pro we seeded you would he have won doping and they said no. I think if you look at his results as a marathoner and as a triathlon at 40 years old you see the size of the skin and the size of the competitive desire, you know, to still be the competing in Endurance Sports at 41 years old, the size of the engine, that gives you a bit of a clue into who he was on the bicycle, you know. I happen to believe he would have won the Tour De Frances anyway, i think i am an out liar on the topic of doping and sports, so what you are going to get from me is probably not the prevailing attitude towards it. You know, i think it is a terrible, terrible moral dilemma and a complicated question i think we have done a poor job of defining what doping is, what is therapy, versus what is doping, what helps a guy simply, you know, get back on a bike to ride another day versus what guess him a genuine competitive advantage, what substances are truly performance enhancing and which are just on the list. We have things floating on and off lists i am not comfortable with, i dont have a moral certitude that a lot of people do on the antidoping question, i think that it is a matter of personal conscience to go to what you just said, i think we are doing a bad job of persuading athletes that it is not the best option, i dont think we are talking to them honestly about it and i dont think we are listening to them honestly about it, so i have a lot of complicated feelings about this quite apart from Lance Armstrong and i always have, you know, i felt the same way about marion jones and really think marion jones was the fastest woman in the world, i dont think there was a serious miscarriage of justice in her gold medals. You know, i find it really, really disturbing that she seems to have served more time in jail than the manufacturers and distributors of the steroids. I think we are on the wrong track and i think that is quite apart from lance. Rose thanks very much, thanks for have having your time here, thanks for taking your time from a busy day. Sure. Rose back in a moment, stay with us. Rose ian bremmer is here, he is the president and founder of Eurasia Group his firm released a group on the top Ten Political risks for 2013 and predicts this years flash points from China Internet freedom to mining strikes in south africa, i am pleased to have him back on this program, welcome. Thank you. Rose here it is, how long have you been doing this. About ten years. Rose ten years so just tell me what it is in general, how do you go about making the decisions that you do about the risks. It started ten years ago with me, i was writing one of my regular pieces as i do and you get it and others would, it sadly has become a bit more of a production, 150 folks this days and we get together month in advance and all of the Analysts Covering the various parts of the world and various themes and sectors all put out where they think we should be focused and we battle it out and ultimately it is not from my computer, qualitative but rose just because you have been here a number of times, so Eurasia Group is what . We are the Worlds LargestGroup Political risk consultants, we look at how politics affect the markets, you know, if you a political scientist you get a ph. D. , historically you become either a policy guy or an academic, and it was really no road from going and being a political scientist to going to the private sector and my conceit back in 98 when i started the firm was the idea that actually politics matters to the markets and it seems like an obvious thing to say today but in 98 apparently it wasnt so obvious. Rose lets give the top risks for the year ahead, 200013. Lets look at where you get so especially today when people are reading the news that they like, when there is so much that is polemic and partisan out there and when the headlines blair at you, one day it is gun control and the next day the fiscal cliff, the importance especially around the beginning of the year, taking a little time and looking at the bigger picture. I think it is something that people appreciate more and more in todays world. Rose lets start with number one. Emerging markets or formerly emerging markets. You know the fun my thing, if you think about 2013, it is kind of the first post financial crisis year, we have had four years where all of the risks that people have been concerned about, involved advanced industrial democracy, will we have a double dip recession, are we going to have the debt armageddon crisis or physical cliff, is euro going to explode, so many covers of the euro bursting into flames. Is japan going to get washington, d. C. Into the sea or will this incredible debt burden just crush them . And the fact is that for the last four years, all of those risks, every single one has been overstated, overstated by people in the marketplace. Emerging markets are actually much more unstable than that and yet. They are thought unstable. They are responsible to for twothird of the worlds growth, about three quarters by the end of the decade, and yet these are countries that are much more volume tile, volatile and much more opaque. Rose lets talk about who they include, china, india, brazil, and turkey and some of them are doing reasonably well, some include the bricks but three of the bricks bricks are facing head wind greater than we have seen in the United States, not brazil, which is developing increasingly becoming more regularized but in the china and russia, and i go back to the beginning. Rose the risk is what is going to happen to them . The risks are different for Different Countries but in many of these emerging markets, they are actually facing significant internal political head wind and lacked the political will to continue with economic reform and they will be punished by the markets, in some cases they are not emerging at all, but submerging and backsliding, russia is certainly a case of that where you look at everything about the russian Investment Climate and look at the brain drain they are experiencing and the capital flight they are experiencing. Rose and look at the demographics. Look at the demographics, they are improving a little but not enough and you see a country that by no means should be a bric and should not be an emerging market, one quick point, bk when the u. S. Was having its election you had so many corporates that were saying we will keep trillions of dollars on the side lines because we have such great uncertainty about where the United States is going with the election. That uncertainty is many, many magnitudes lower than in the emerging markets. Rose china versus information, the idea with increasing information has the possibility of destabilizing klein . Yeah, china actually is a growth story and a pretty strong growth story in 2013, but china is also rose stabilized in 2012. Because it stabilized in 2012 because they have a surplus but china is working very past to become an information economy without being an information society. They want to be a 21st century economy with a 20th century political system and we saw that right after we put the report out you suddenly had these demonstration i assure you we had no part in against censorship in china and one of the first major decisions made was the new president was to get out there and say the Chinese Communist party will not tolerate unorthodox situate in the press or in the media. But i mean that is the fear it would undermine the power of the communist party. Thats right. That was always the fear. And i think in an environment where you have hundreds of millions of chinese on twitter, that increasingly are learning their government officials are worth billions of dollars. Rose basically you are saying their fear is legitimate. I think their fear is legitimate, i dont think the country is going to fall apart. Rose but very strong protest movement that has legs could provide a challenge over thats right. And they are so unwilling to risk that, they are so unwilling to tolerate even a little that they are likely to do two things, first, it will truly slow them on economic reform that is necessary and on any political reform to make a very conservative and cautious and they need to speed up and respond to these people and makes it much more likely the chinese will engage in nationalism, because if you are going to get mad at something in china you are going to have this information you cant stop the chinese from rose raise the nationalism flag. Yes and that is really rose write is the reason in places in europe you have a Certain National link, nationalistic, people from the fringes are gaining political currency. In greece and spain especially we see a lot of that. Rose number three is the arab summer. Yes. What is the story. Not the spring and never liked the wirment, it is actually we started with the spring, people talked about the winter, the idea of the arab winter you had that the dictators were actually going to consolidate and now you have people criticizing the arab winter concept and saying people really want the arab winter and want to see consolidation, were that true, we are not seeing consolidation of dictatorships in the arab world but seeing more sectarianism and more political radicalism and that is particularly true in an environment where the International Community wants to have a very lightfoot print, not just the u. S. But everywhere out, 60,000 in syria now, conflict is metastasizing across the borders all over the place and that is not the idea that leaders in the arab world are able to subvert democracy and take over, it is the idea they have to respond increasingly to the very populism and in many cases will fail. Rose and where do you weigh the rise in islamic government . Well, you know, egypt,. Rose what is happening in libya so far, egypt do you know what is going to happen, the extension of it . No idea, you have no idea and people that believe assad is on his last legs or the regime, they are hopeful but there is no reason to make that prediction right now. Rose you think he will stay in power . I hope he doesnt but i wouldnt make a large bet he is still not near at the end of 2013 i wouldnt bet a lot of money on that, he still has allies. Rose you are assuming nobody comes in from the outside. I think people are coming from the outside but they are doing it in small amounts when the United States says if you attack with chemical weapons that is our red line, i mean if you are assad and not hearing well i guess as i attack with Everything Else it is okay. Rose thats true. What about where the you go back to the president ial Foreign Policy debate with romney and bringing up molly and everybody said what is he talking about, that is one thing, give him credit when you can, it is another place where islamic radicals are making a lot of hey,. Rose i mean even to the point people think it may be a failed state where which open arms to al qaeda and any other associated group. Indeed and the french government said today that they will stay until they stabilize the situation, period, end of story,000 es a pretty strong statement when all largely by themselves. Rose there is no evidence yet that america is prepared to do that or nato is prepared to do that or anybody else is prepared to do that. There is absolutely zero evidence of that. Rose i thought so. Number four is Washington Post politics, we know that what that means but it is only number four. And a lot of folks act like it is number one, but it is not number one. Rose how serious is it . We are not at the brink of recession, and. Rose the point is, dysfunction produces no results you might be at a recession. We dont think so. Rose you dont . In other words you think if things continue there will be and inability to raise the debt ceiling, 35 is an inability to do anything in terms of the parties agreeing, both republican and Democratic Party agreeing on some future course that still there will be an American Economy that is growing and is healthy . It wont be growing as fast, but if you think about america in the context of europe and japan the willingness of internationals to continue to provide lots of lending support for the u. S. Dollar and treasuries remains very high. Rose why is that . Why do they continue to do that . Obviously they believe it is a stable place to be. We will be the Worlds LargestEnergy Producer and largest producer of calories, producer of calories, of food, the technology development, overwhelmingly based in the u. S. Our demographics are pretty good, housing is picking up, we have a lot of money, this doesnt speak well for unemployment in the u. S. And doesnt speak well well for a lot of people doing the way they used to our their kids but in terms of looking at the United States, our risk wasnt called the u. S. , the risk was called washington politics, the problem is it is precisely that relative comfort that allows washington to shrink into the miasma it continues to. Rose japan is the jibs. The jibs. It is kind of interesting, right after i say the United States is doing well, we have a situation with americas key allies in the three most important regions of the world to us are actually under a lot of stress. Rose really . And there are really three things happening in world that matter right now geo politically, one is china is rising, one is middle east is exploding and the third is europe is muddling through, and those three things are really bald for our three most important three strategic allies, china rising is really a problem for japan. They have stressed a lot of monemoney and yet the relationsp is becoming very toxic and loving losing a lot as a consequence, america is ally and fighting against china and cyber fight and nationalism going on in the own government, we talked about the middle east already, cheer will i you look at what is happening with egypts relation with israel and jordans relation with israel and turkeys relation with israel and you see populism and the willing tons pray play that is problematic for israels perspective. Rose risk six is europe muddling through. Muddling through and a much lower risk in europe than last year. Rose gdp growth less than one, two percent. Yes but not falling apart. Rose okay. And euro stone remains euro zone remains stable . Absolutely. Rose east asia politics, what is that. East asia politics. Rose is that indonesia . Basically it is the entire you think about the pivot, one of the most important policies we put in place the last few years is largely because across the asian continent, you have countries that are increasingly integrating economically towards a very strong china, but they maintain much Stronger Political and security relations with the United States. Rose which countries are we talkable about . We are talking a. Talking about japan but also talking about vietnam, korea, thailand, even myanmar. Rose even burma. Even burma, yes, absolutely, you look at why are they opening up . They are opening up because they are worried about only being in the pocket of a rising china. Rose and all worried about that. India less so because. Rose because it thinks it is Strong Enough . It thinks it is Strong Enough but everyone else is. Rose number 8 is iran. Rose you thought it might be two or three . People would think that. Rose why is it so low . Because i think the likelihood of actual military strikes against the iranians is marginal. Rose . I was very surprised far rid came out who you know i love and said in 2013, the iranians would either capitulate or they would be rose in a column he wrote that. Yeah, and 2013, i think that neither of those are likely, it is very hard for the iranians to capitulate and even if they did for us to believe them. Rose what is happening is people tell me, there is a real debate about advocacy of the Nuclear Program within and i am told, or at least it has been written that it was that the at the instigation of the ayatollah. I think that is right. Rose people are saying, you know, what is in the best interests of iran here . There are ministers that have come out and said, though they have been chastised look our Oil Production is off 40 percent because of these sanctions what are we getting from it . There is an internal debate but they have to get a deal done, they have to get something for the deal so they dont be seen as capitulating and it has to be seen as credible by the United States and the International Community, that is a very hard lift. Rose . I dont think that happens but i also dont think we blow them up. Rose but do you believe that if there is a judgment that they are about to acquire Nuclear Weapons or the capability to make Nuclear Weapons that either israel or the United States would strike . I think that is a more reasonable likelihood, but i dont think we hit that point in 2013. I still dont think it is a given. Rose they will have the i mean they will have the iranian they dont have the delivery or they dont have what is the guy adami i think they dont have . They havent weaponized and havent had the capacity to weaponize and havent enriched to a stuff degree that takes time and there is a awareness of where they are in the process. We have been slowing them, the risk around iran not is we will blow them up but that is there is a shadow war going on, remember that debate with romney and obama, romney said that because of obama, the iranians are four years closer to nuclear weapon, that is hogwash, you think about what we have done zero to iranians regime, israelis and others to slow them down, not just the sanctions but the Cyber Attacks and shadow war, cheery we are slowing them and that matters and that also has the potential for the iranians to do something back. Rose number 9 is india. Yes. Rose what is wrong with india . India is they cant get out of their own way in terms of december sprattly kneed economic reform, tax implication, dealing with corruption, opening Foreign Direct Investment ashes lot of indian entrepreneurs are increasingly looking where to invest outside of the country it is not blowing up but underperforming a, underperforming a. Rose the political system is not working. It is not working well. Rose and finally south africa. What a sad thing nell son mandela is hot doing well, one of the greatest men we have seen in the past century, 9 94 years old is not able to oversee improvement of his government,. The turn rose no political talent in south africa. Very little talent, you see the talent going away, the best who just left the party, by far, you and industry met him on many occasions and he is gone, he bolted, rama know foe stow one of the wealthiest businessmen, number 2, he is pretty incapable, it is really a turn toward the lowest the denominator of politics, and it is a hell of a lot of populism, south africa is not performing so you look at the brics and brazil is doing well, although the growth is well but russia, india, china, south africa, actually provide most of the significant Political Risk plus the middle east, that we look at in 2013, it is not the u. S. And europe and japan and that really is a page being turned from the financial crisis in the past four years. Rose so of all of these predictions which one are you least sure about . I am probably least sure about the china versus information point, precisely because it is one if there was china the leadership itself is very zer opaque, seven people at the top of that governing structure if they decided themselves, they just, you know, have a moment where they say, you know, we just need to engage in a little bit of airing our dirty laundry because this is getting too dangerous, we have outside we have no way of assessing that, that would be a great thing, that would be a great thing and a great thing for u. S. China relations right now there is no indication they are prepared to do that. Use area group, defining the top risks of 2013, thank you. Charlie, always a pleasure. Rose good to see you. Thanks for joining us, see you next time. Rose funding for charlie rose has been provided by the cocacola company, supporting this Program Since 2002. And american express. Additional funding provided by these funders. 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