Money rated page thirteen now playing selects ides. A day at a theater near you. And now abc world news. They say the bbc world news america on regaining flight. President trump tells republican senators to keep trying to repeal and replace obamacare. Criticism displays meeting with Vladimir Putin witchy staring more control to see. Playing venezuela for a better life. The economy near collapse and unrest on the rise many crossing into brazil which is now struggling to cope. Families and sleeping on the floor of the gymnasium over three hundred. But with more and more arrivals every week families and. And we may just be six months into the trial presidency but the tweet so well into the triple digits. All think its been pretty growing archive. Welcome to the world needs america. Health canada and russia that the two issues which have dominated donald trump for six months in office. Today both were front and center. First it was revealed that also the face to face meeting between President Trump and Vladimir Putin at the gene. Second undisclosed discussion later that day. It happened just hours after their First Encounter but it did it with other world leaders. Have with any of russian interpreter that. Plane on the domestic front this afternoon President Trump invited all fifty two republican senators to the white house. When he told them he wants to see a balmy care repealed and replaced and they shouldnt leave town until its done. The bbcs chief correspondent gavin hewitt reports from washington. Nearly fifty republican senators travel on a police spots for a short donald trump bey tearing into president obamas health care legacy. Obamacare was a big lie. You can keep your doctor li. You can keep your plan lie. Was a lie directly from the president. Donald trump once the senators to repeal and replace obamacare but theyre squabbling. You sense today just how important this is to the president s credibility. We shouldnt leave town until this is complete until this bill is on my desk. So next week there is likely to be a vote to repeal obamacare. But with the outcome once again full of uncertainty. Up to six months the Trump Administration says that they have caught regulation. Under bringing bank jobs but on the big promises like healthcare tax reform and infrastructure spending. They havent delivered so far on all the time this white house feels under siege over the issue of russia. Nice today with. The latest russian controversy refers back to the chi twenty meeting ten days ago. President trump and president putin met for two hours but now its been revealed there was a second undisclosed meeting. It occurred at the dinner. The white house say it was a brief conversation others say it lasted much longer. According to the man who broke the story. What really was notable was the duration and in five minutes ten minutes not a big deal . One hour over the course of this dinner. Very big deal the fact that new white house aides were present. It was just the russian leader and his translator. Has raised questions again about President Trumps judgment. Hes not credible on this issue. At the number of times this administration and this president has directly bent the truth exaggerated and flat out lied. About the meetings that havent havent happened and what was in them and the rest it just it just begs. The imagination. The president s ghastly conceals his frustration but what he regards as fake news. His core supporters applaud moments like this promoting goods made in america. But up to six months this unconventional presidency seems mired in crime and crime. Gavin hewitt bbc news washington. And a brief time ago i spoke with veteran diplomats and former Us Ambassador to russia Thomas Pickering. Let began by asking him if he agrees with the white house official he described the meeting with Vladimir Putin. Its perfectly normal. I would think that it is more normal than the press. In the United States to tumble amid is allowing mr trump to convince us. But perhaps a little unusual in the sense that. He used only the Translation Services of the russian side but up moving around is a very big new york habit. Even if it isnt much and diplomacy. Are and opportunities that heads of state have often. To do what we would call pulled asides or stop buys are is something thats not so unusual that it doesnt happen at all. Now and i would suspect that in some ways this is a little bit overblown on that side. And perhaps a little bit under blown on the side that. The president didnt seem to have any help there. And one wonders in fact whether the russian interpreter will be though reliable reporter of all of this and thats the point this summer picking up on ambassador they would know what the u. S. Officials present at that meeting. Is it normal practice for all the u. S. Officials to be at these meetings whether its the secretary of state or someone else. It is but it is not absolutely required and i can think of a number of occasions went. In meetings at the white house the president would have a Group Meeting and then a one on one. Or one on one first with a head of state in a Group Meeting. Often with an interpreter present but no one else in the interpreter provides the u. S. Notes which is why the absence of an interpreter at this meeting. Does raise some questions about was this a good way to do business and will anybody else know. Exactly what was said on the u. S. Side and will we get into that kind of spat the tiller sin. And lavrov had about exactly what it was that mr putin. And mr trump agreed or didnt agree to on the question of pushing back on election intervention all of which doesnt help. There in a relationship that is extremely important now and one that should be i think carefully worked at. To get it right i think the Us Russian Relationship has dangers and that. Are and what we would call sort of. Hammer tourism. And mistakes are can certainly lead to more than just press ire it could lead to things that are more seriously. Come out a confrontation between the two countries subsidy say this is a relationship with me which needs to be carefully worked out what you would advice would you have. For the white house about how they are approaching this. I think that. The. Opening to meet and de major elements of this relationship across the board secondly. The idea that doing no harm should be the first principle of repairing a relationship is very important. And thirdly neither side should be saying things that worsen the relationship there should be kept for the confidential communications. And forcefully the relationship between the two president s needs to be bolstered by more frequent contacts between secretary delicious and. And foreign minister Sergei Lavrov in order to flesh out and strengthen our whatever it is theyre working on that can make a contribution. To in fact turning what has been clearly described as the worst state of Us Russian Relations into something that is hopefully a little better as time goes on. Ambassador Thomas Pickering speaking to me a short time and leah and we have a quick update on the healthcare bill the congressional budget office. Has just come out with his estimate of the new senate plan to repeal obamacare. Saying that thirty two million americans would Lose Health Insurance by twenty twenty six but the federal budget deficit would be decreased by four hundred seventy three billion dollars. It venezuela the economy is on the verge of collapse and protests against the government grown the threat of a larger humanitarian crisis. Is spilling over to its neighbors so far this year fifty two thousand venezuelans have sought refuge aboard. The u. S. Brazil and argentina the Top Destinations for asylum seekers. And south america correspondent keiichi watson sent this report from the brazilian state of roy roemer on the venezuelan border. Speeding the impact. Nnamdi. Its a simple meal who won the people here agree. Lunch cute the shields and though the stent is getting longer everyday. This self esteem i prefer just over six months theyre offering medical help. Nations as well as feed and sosa families at sleeping on the floor of the gymnasium over three hundred. But with more and more arrivals every week some families and now having to seek out. No they knew about us scooter videos says his family came here to find work. He shows me around his new home. Piece of top porn and under which he is for kids and wife. Sleep is member of the indigenous were outright hed like hundreds in his community. Says the having to flee venezuela just to be able to eat. But hunger is not the only thing driving venezuelans out all be said about us Pretty Simple mate will weve seen this past month is that they arrive here very scared traumatized. And they tell us stories of persecution of torture some even arrive injured. They cry a lot some have Mental Health issues because theyve had to leave everything behind so quickl. Daily is a mother of two with a degree in education. Together with a friend shes having to resort to asking for work at the traffic lights. Washing windscreens is one way to make ends meet support portal but have you believe it i was thinking of my kids future to give them food. So they wouldnt die of malnutrition to pay for their medicine if theyre ill. Even as well they dont give you anything. The number venezuelan sex workers in both vista is also on the rise and i dont feel that anyone about how. I spent two twenty two year old mother of three he says he can now support a family. Who live with a hearing . Three hours up the road is the border with venezuel. Easy crossing point whose days. We need his group this mountain of cash to buy fourteen sacks of sugar. This ice cream shop back in venezuela. He comes it every three days its a twelve hour college any each way. But leading is any longer would mean caring even more cash than this and robberies on the road a common he tells me eminent simplicity of it in minnesota so it in venezuela you dont live you survive. Everyone knows tha. In order to live you have to go to another country. Sleeping on the streets of brazil is more about survival living. The phillies venezuelans they say its still better than back home. Well some stay put. Many others continue the long journey to find a better quality of life. Katie was bbc news above the stuff. What a brief time ago i spoke with Eric FarnsworthVice President of the council of the americas itll just from washington . Ill submit all the impact on the region reports becoming a growing humanitarian crisis in venezuela. Well i think its large and getting larger by the day your correspondent was on the border. With brazil but you could. Replicate the same story with columbia. With the neighbor to the east guyana and also islands in the caribbean of people are fleeing venezuela because theyre desperate they cant get food. They cant get medicine. And theyre forced to take any job that they can oftentimes celine. Themselves its really tragic. And until the situation revolve resolved in some. Favorable way. Its going to get worse. I think its a real tragedy you talk about until the situation resolves im what is the likelihood of that. Well thats the unfortunate thing the likelihood is quite low. And the reason why is because the government has called a Constitutional Assembly for july thirtieth the end of this month which would give it the power to rewrite the constitution. And to turn venezuela until one party state allow it to govern. Indefinitely. Meanwhile the vast majority venezuelans have rejected that. And have been in the streets protesting the governments authoritarian. Behavior for. Over a hundred days almost a hundred people have been killed. And so theres a real political deadlock. And without some sort of political accommodation that returns to the path of democracy in venezuela you wont have the ability to really institute the type of Economic Reforms that will be required. To get venezuela back on its feet economically which is fundamentally whats drivin. The desperation of many of its citizens to cross the border into the country so this is really a political problem it can be fixed. But its really. Those days unfortunately dont think are are close to us and if not Constitution Assembly thousand go ahead what kind of actions you think other countries like the u. S. Could possibly take. Well the United States has already indicated that its prepared to institute economic sanctions against venezuela those are undefined it hasnt specified what those sanctions would be. But meanwhile i think United States would also be prepared to. Sanction individuals. Senior level members of the government of venezuela. For human rights abuses for corruption. For. Doing things that are clearly extra legal Drug Trafficking at such a i think the broader question there is whether some of the other countries prepared to do in in latin america and in the western hemisphere many have expressed. Real concern about the constituent assembly have asked the government to postpone or cancel it. But they have stopped short of saying that they would. Take steps on their own to implement sanctions. If the government goes forward with the Constitutional Assembly i think thats the next step up finally i would say there are countries outside of the hemisphere. Of for example the European Union which are discussing sanctions as well so this is a very broad based effort. And i think its going to come to fruition over the next couple weeks. Eric also thanks very much for joining us. Thank you. Now a zoo here in the uk is taking part in a radical plan to save the northern white rhino from extinction. There were just three left in the world but at longleat safari park the rhinos closest relatives being drafted in to help. Of science correspondent rebecca morale has this exclusive report. Meets the boon a seven year old soften white rhino you could save a species from extinction. The one and a half ton animal is sedated. A little agitated at first. But soon she sound asleep. Shes ready to take part in an experimental fertility treatments. Yeah. Scientists are harvesting eggs to be fertilised in the lab. This is my new life yes. This procedure is at fault from easy. Its him here at keeping an incredibly close ally on this rhino its essential she stays on the heavy sedation. Over the last week or so shes been given hormone treatment. But whats being done today requires minimates hat precision. I collection is really a new technique thats been perfected over the last yea. This is conservation science at its most extreme. He is the animal if you could save her closest living relative the north in white rhino. Once widespread across Central Africa today there were just three left on the planet. But theyre unable to breed. Bucket longleat in a makeshift lab that researches check for eggs. They find one. Theyll take the southern white rhino egg and mix it with sperm from one of the lost northern white rhinos creating a hybrid. The Scientists Say its better than losing the species altogether. The last three kondor anytime theyre not as old but anything can happen to them and then they all that genetics all would be lost. And that if we had at least. Fish send of this species preserved in a hybrid embry. We would preserve italys hop of this. And for the for future generations. With that job done even seem back from her feet. The safari pulse proud of the role shell play. We dont know the right bernie being saved dies to numbers practicing techniques is of the southern lights. And its its a huge that funds for science and. And conservationists base yeah its and its its a real honor to be able to help. The exit now being rushed back to a lab in a city. Thats a twenty hour window to propel them for customization. They could be implemented back into a boon. But with a northern cousins so close to extinction its a race against time. Rebecca morale beat seems. In other news. Scientists in the United States account elated the humanities monifieth to the eight point three billion pounds of plastics since the nineteen fifties. Enough that free to convert it into a country the size of argentina. The study found that the use of the Synthetic Material feed accelerating. Youre watching bbc world news america still to come on tonights program. See. Its an extreme song of all time and at the rate its going esposito showing no sign. Let me. Detailed maps of the ocean full taken during the search for missing Malaysian Airlines flight mh three seventy have been released by australian authorities. The plane vanished back in march two thousand and fourteen alright to fate beijing from kuala lumpur. Two hundred thirty nine people on board although the plains never being found in the indian ocean search ended in january images could help australian fisheries. Because they show the ocean floor mountains rift valleys and shipwrecks in clear detail. On sydney correspondent phil nasa scientist these reports. For almost three years australia leads a multinational search for flight mh three seventy. Beneath some of the most inhospitable waters on a. The mystery remains unsolve. The search has produced a trove of High Resolution maps that reveal an extraordinary deep sea worlds. Never before have some of the secrets of the southern indian ocean being shown in such detail. Their undersea mountains taller than mount have raced in the valley dotted with volcanoes that runs for hundreds of kilometers. The data released online by geoscience australia could have many uses. Searches. It could help to increase the knowledge of rich fisheries and the prehistoric movements of the southern continents. The way that deep sea mountains help to reduce the destructive power of tsunamis might also be studied in greater detail. The mission to find the malaysian jet that vanished on route to beijing with two hundred and thirty nine passengers and crew. Spain did earlier this year much to the dismay of relatives of those on board. Australia says the search would only resume if there was credible new evidence about the planes whereabouts. Phil mercer bbc news. Me. Nnsl not for six months since President Trump took office and is no doubt social media has helped drive his agenda. Becomes an expected daily diet of tweets from the president on all kinds of topics. Limping taking a closer look at what his twitter presence tells us. Reporter is a wonderful thing for me because i get the word out think dumps the twiggs have president we dont trump loves to spell things out in a hundred and fourteen characters. Look is online musings palace that allow six months of his presidency will spend more than nine hundred fourteen tweaks since he took office hes an early riser. Usually. Six. In the morning im just saying average of nearly. Every day to put it into context eighty five times the number of new. Hosted. Trump. Its a modern day president. Okay. Go ahead thought this president trunks week about the night before the highest number of tweets about the economy. Not President Trumps attacks on the media alt fall behind this yeah. So. Or media day President Trump has sent more than seventeen tweets about folks hes. Usually to publicize his upcoming appearances or to praise the Networks Coverage is a modern day form of communication especially when have. You know tens of millions of people like a half President Trumps tweet often send mixed messages but even his own stuff called decipher the presents we speak for themselves his tweets do speak for themselves up. His comments in his tweets it for themselves for example often saying he had a great meeting with angle a miracle. Except tweak sets a criticized germanys nato contributions. Messaging on china one minute can seem to give up on the idea of blacks in the country i need to tweet about an excellent meeting with china those later. Well outpaced the confusing President Trump recently suggested setting up a Cyber Security unit with the russians but it didnt take long for him to the track thats idea. Should i keep the twitter going or not keep it down. Many who support since thinking should for sure but each week we get dragged. We know it is not a three. You know cocoa phone call fees to this great work. There are of course many people he we should just put the phone down and stop tweeting. But with more than thirty three million followers on the social and played four x billion times worldwide if youre one of the few who havent heard it. And hes a warning it will get stuck in your head mark savidge reports. Zekne. In english despots seto mean slowly but the rise of the song has been anything but. In just six months its been played four point six billion times on streaming Services Like spotify you choose. An apple music. I love it i think every day. I wouldnt want us like. This no market position violence tonight as well because to basically relax four point six billion time. Are you one of those four point six billion people yeah. A brick on some whether we can start louise fonzie. Giving him a global hexed nearly twenty years into his career i still dont go to bed. And half of the day you sign in or out i was just lucky to have the song in the correct time to kind of just. You dont really really break it open. Originally released in january despots edu really caught on when pop star Justin Bieber heard it in a night club. When asked to record a new verse the head of Universal Records says the success of the song shows how streaming is changing music. Streaming is and will continue to open up. Music from latin american artists globally. Annnnd its also injected new life into the music and. Revenues are going up. After fifteen years on turn. So a lot mereka until swag artist will be hoping to recreate the day seto phenomena. Mark savage be seniors. I wish anybody now then thanks for watching world. Sins of international me. At the b. C. Dot com slash new. Funding of this presentation is made possible by. The freemen foundation. Because our foundation pursuing solutions. And Sony Pictures six. Help around the house im all. Wall. Alright. Do you want me here. As i walked out right now. Money rated page thirteen now playing selects ides. A day at a theater near you. Bbc world news was presented by case. Team loss and captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc woodruff good evening. Im judy woodruff. On the newshour tonight we should hammer this out, and get it done. Woodruff changing his tune. The president calls on republicans not to leave washington until a Health Care Plan is approved. We talk with two senators, roberts of kansas and wicker of mississippi, about where the effort to repeal obamacare stands. Then, new revelations of an undisclosed meeting between President Trump and russian president putin at the g20 summit brings the two leaders relationship back into the spotlight. And, with food stamps on the president s chopping block, we travel south to see what these changes could mean for a state that overwhelmingly supported him in the election