Crystal blue caribbean sea. Nonstop flights are available from most major airports. More information for your vacation planning is available at aruba. Com. And now, bbc world news. Reporting from washington, on laura trevelyan. President obama gives donald trump some foreignpolicy advice. Urging him to stand up to russia when need a and avoid cutting convenient deals. Election be the prologue of frances president ial election . We look at the common themes. And bringing a modern touch to the messes. The masses. Reopenedthe newly London Design Museum for inspiration. Laura welcome to our viewers on Public Television in america and around the globe. Since donald trump became president elect, the incumbent has gone out of his way to lead the transition, but barack obama had foreignpolicy advice. He urged his successor to stand up to russia if it deviates from what he called american values. And he underlined there is clear proof russia had engaged in cyber attacks. Our north america editor has this report. John the red carpets will still be rolled out and the plane will remain the same, it is just in two months time it will be someone else coming down the steps of air force one. Barack obama has enjoyed his closest International Relationship with the german chancellor Angela Merkel and the president was in a carefree mode as he walked through berlin this morning. President obama sun came out. Not bad. John but the message of his successor about russia could not have been more serious. President obama my hope is he does not simply take a realpolitik approach and suggests that if we just cut some deals with russia, even if it hurts people or even if it violates international norms, or even if it leaves smaller countries vulnerable or creates longterm problems in regions like syria that we just do whatever is convenient at the time. John russian planes have again been in action over the skies of syria. The Current Administration is furious at the way moscow is behaving here and in ukraine. During the election campaign, donald trump are repeatedly spoke warmly about putin, bringing these sharp exchanges. Mr. Trump he said nice things about me. If we got along well, that would be good. Mrs. Clinton that is because he would rather have a puppet as president. It is pretty clear john the man sitting around the table with Vladimir Putin is general mike flynn, the man tipped to be trump;s National Security advisor. One person he will play no part in the next administration is the man who publicly accused russia of intervening directly in the election by hacking into Democratic Party computers. I submitted my letter of resignation last night which felt pretty good. I got 64 days left. John the comings and going of cabinet members at trump tower have carried out throughout the day at a dizzy pace, all waiting to get the nod. One of those has been in to see donald trump is henry kissinger. The former secretary of state from the nixon and ford eras. The 93 year old is there to give advice. On the subject of russia, his views are most closely aligned to the current president rather than donald trump. Laura for more on the foreignpolicy challenges the president elect will face, i spoke with david sanger, the National Security correspondent for the new york times. He said on syria he wants to work with russia against islamic state. But here we have today president obama successor to stand up to russia. How difficult is that going to be . David this is going to be one of the big early test of mr. Trump and his philosophy, because on russia, he not only differs from the obama administration, he differs from the mainstream of the Republican Party which since the days of the cold war has been pretty reflexively antifirst soviet and antirussian. So it is hard to find many fans of putin. Many republicans have said to me that they believe that theres no harm to try a better relationship with russia but they think at some moment mr. Trump will discover he has been either challenged or toyed with by putin. Im sure Vladimir Putin will do something early on maybe he will do something on natos eastern flank. Would learn about donald trump what are we going to learn about donald trump and how committed he is to nato . David we are going to learn a lot early on. My colleague and i did two Foreign Policy and if you is foreignpolicy interviews back in march and then in july with mr. Trump. And during that time, i asked him if you saw russia go into one of the newer nato states, estonia, lithuania, latvia, would we come to their aid . He tossed in said first i would he paused for a moment and said i would check and see what their contributions have been to nato, which is a little bit like me saying to you, when you call the Fire Department because your house is burning, lets go see how your property taxes are. Right . So, that spooked an awful lot of europeans. But i think he is going to be under great pressure to show what his commitment is to nato, regardless of what the contributions are. The japanese are also anxious, and the japanese Prime Minister abe is meeting with donald trump today p or the japanese want to know, how committed is america to that Security Alliance . David he has had a consistent line similar to nato. He said of japan and south korea do not contribute more to the cost of keeping american troops there, he would consider pulling them out. Now, to pander to be japan contributes more. Than any other nation in the world to keep american troops. The more interesting thing was that he said in another one of our interviews that he was ok with japan and south korea obtaining their own Nuclear Deterrent if they lacked confidence conference in us. Confidence in us. Japan is a pacifist nation. David but there has always been a white green group that has not there has always been a rightwing group that has not trusted the United States. This rattled the asian neighbors were looking at china and north korea. Key to all of these foreignpolicy relationships, the secretary of state. David Newt Gingrichs himself out just a little while ago. He told the Washington Post he was not physically able to do the job. We thought Rudy Giuliani was a front runner. He may still be. The name that has popped up today is mitt romney who ran for president in 2012. Was the head of the u. S. Olympic committee and has had a fair bit of International Business experience. He seems like a more plausible kind of candidate than some of the others we have heard. We will see. Thank you so much for joining us. As we noted, donald trump election is having an impact around the world. In france, the Prime Minister says it could lead to marie le pen, the leader of the far right national front, winning next years president ial poll. From paris, Lucy Williamson reports. Lucy some leaders talk about unity, also aware that divisions have grown over jobs, immigration, security the role of islam. Its least popular postwar president , frances heading for change. The center right Opposition Party is about to choose the candidate they hope will beat pen to right leader le the presidency next year. One man has already campaigned butnst her and her father, Nicolas Sarkozys has always in a bid to woo voters he has proposed banning the muslim veil and locking up terror suspects without trial. Critics say he is sailing too close to marie le pen. Thats what journalists say. It is not what the people think. We have nothing in common. Has beenne who criticized most by the far right. Ive refused to have a deal with them. So it does not match reality. If madame le pen says she prefers nice weather terrain, i share that value. Lucy donald Trump Success as a reminder that mr. Sarkozy may be bringing the right win g mood better than his opponents. But this primary is not just for party members. It is open to anyone who says they share right wing or centrist values, and thats far more unpredictable. Been president once before, but Nicolas Sarkozy has not had an easy return. Hes having to fight hard to win his partys approval to enter the race. A current favorite to win the nomination is the centrist who describes mr. Sarkozy securitys proposal as a french a trip to a world war i museum in northern france seemed like a good time to ask him about relations with the u. K. What would they look like if he became president . Theyve chosen to leave the European Union to it have now to endorse its decision, but to maintain good relations. Lucy how far are you prepared to go to maintain those relations . As far as is reasonable to go. Lucy many voters said they are supporting him to keep right wing politicians from power. As france absorbs the news of the u. S. Election results, many are wondering whether the wave of populism might be headed here. The two round Voting System tends to keep electoral shocks in check, but after britain shows brexit and america chose trump, rfrance is braced for surprises. Laura will there be a trump effect in france . In other news from around the world, the Surgeon General and United States says drug and alcohol addition should be seen as a chronic illness rather than a criminal justice problem. She says more than 60 million americans live with Substance Abuse but only one in 10 have received treatment. He describes addiction as one of the more pressing Public Health crises of our time. Youre watching bbc world news america. The workers at this coal mine help put donald trump in the white house. Now they are hoping he will deliver. Especially when it comes to jobs. Somalia is edging its way towards elections but repeated delays and Security Fears are threatening a process aimed at bringing stability to the nation. We have traveled to jubaland and its capital to see what progress is being made. [drums] reporter the whole city knows when the police are on parade. In a country once ripped apart by clan rivalry, their freshly trained officers are all in step, despite their differences. The police are just one element of the force providing Regional Security for somalias newest state. In the city, security is good. Militants are rarely able to launch the kind of suicide bomb attacks may have in mogadishu. But you dont have to go far out of town before the islamist militants have the upper hand. Were with African Union troops in this carrier heading out to a village they took back from alshabab a month ago. The a. U. Mission to somalia involves thousands of troops from a number of different african nations. They are setting up a new base outside of the liberated village. The way to resolve the security crisis in somalia is to rely much more on strong regional troops and a National Army in the country which has is being built. That way, the Foreign Forces can leave. That really is the only way youre going to get peace returning to this country after so many years of war. They bring money from taxes. It is enough to make a difference. After years of rot, getting moving is a struggle. But somalia is trying. Laura turning to the transition process underway. Donald trump and his team are working on filling those key posts. Of course, everyone is waiting to see who they are. For more on what is going on behind closed doors, i spoke with peter emerson. He worked on the transitions of president s carter and obama. Peter emeron, you are living history. You are a veteran of transition teams. Wounded veteran. Laura we have never seen anything like this transition. No, we have not. I think the danger of putting this in historical context, even way back in 1828 and the jackson transition, is that this is being played out around the world. It is really the apprentice on steroids. If anyone wants to understand how donald trump manages, makes decisions, it is an episode of the apprentice. But it is operating all around the world. And creating great anxiety. Laura there are thousands of appointments to be made between now and january 20. How difficult is it to do that, even under normal circumstances . Are really not thousands of appointments. That has been misinformation. There are 40006000 a point was to be made with critical one for the top 16. That is the cabinet that includes the attorney general. Then there is the white house staff. So, as i talk about often, there are four major areas that have to be doubt with right away. There is the politics that drives the personnel. You see that in the appointment of bannon to mollify a lot of the people that voted for trump. Priebus asince the chief of staff and the policy issues that will flow from that. You have got to get the white house staff in place to begin to manage the government. Laura when you talk about the crucial bit will be the inaugural address by President Trump in january, after a divisive campaign. What kind of a town does he has to strike . David one, in his history the pros would have begun by not you mentioned earlier there has been some sampling of his pros in mollifying both on the wall between mexico and the United States. So that i think ultimately because its donald trump and he lives from magic moment, that the inaugural will be an historic address, and it will be the foundation for his presidency. And i think it has to incorporate not just make America Great again, but were all one. Laura much is being made of nepotism and the fact that donald trump might or might not appoint his soninlaw. Historically speaking, nepotism is nothing new when it comes to the white house. David oftentimes there is nothing wrong with nepotism because you need to have the trust. I know for my own experience that by the time he steps into the white house, theres also the sense of who am i really going to listen to . You saw that played out with the bay of pigs with Robert Kennedy and john kennedy and you saw played out in the Reagan White House among chief of staff and mrs. Reagan. And even in this white house, there are a very small cadre of people to whom president obama turns not just for advice and solace but also to feel safe and relaxed. Both lets hope he can do those things. Thank you for joining us. Many who voted for donald trump did so in the hope that he might save their jobs. Nowhere was that more true than in the coal country of West Virginia. We have traveled there for this report. In west a working mine virginia. In the heart of american coal country. Federal my number one clings to life when many happen. In the last three years alone, more than 10,000 West Virginia miners have been laid off. So when donald trump promised to bring back coal, people here listened. He had all these promises and he actually helps everybody and the socalled rust belt. It is a lot of peoples jobs people have got children in college. They have got bills to pay. Your got the power plants, pipefitters. Everybody revolves around the coal industry. Mineter since may this has been operating at a reduced capacity. Within 24 hours of the election, fred was back at work. Did you see it as avote for survival of your industry . Basically, yeah. The last stand. Its rather a chance of survival or die. Reporter voters know they want donald trump to keep his word and make America Great again. What thatxactly means in policy terms but here heartland, expectations are high that it means jobs at the very least. A sense in this part of america that a vote for trump was a last stand is palpable. In short supply. Average income in West Virginia is 13,000 a year. Drug deaths are among the highest in the nation, four times as many babies are born with an addiction than the national average. A trailer park, in Marion County. Marion county is the poorest county in West Virginia. A recovering addict five years clean and the mother of four. Tell me about the situation, what is life like . It is really rough. Eyest brings tears to my for a lot that i see struggled here. They dont know no way out. There is nowhere for them to go, there are no jobs. If they take coal mining away, were done. Sonya has seen struggle herself but she is doing her best to save some money each month to move her family to a bigger home pitch she voted for trump. The way he expresses things, yes he made the wrong choice in words, i think overall, that hes just looking to get us back to where we were. Once had 100 millionaires. Times have changed. Of weste than 2 3 virginians opting for trump this was not only a bluecollar vote. The Chamber Music society was hosting a concert by an al lfemale trio. This is a sanctuary for democrats. But even here we found republicans. Now hes the president , what do you want from him . I like obamacare and the sense that it helps lower income classes with health care. But i dont believe all of the aspects of obamacare are necessary. Reporter you would be happy if he kept all of it. Some of it but not all of it. Reporter what about you . What are your lines in the sand . A um, i think i want difference in taxes. Because i think he cant, since he does not have a political party, he can make some really tough decisions on taxes. This side of the divide, many are hoping for a dramatic improvement in their lives. There is a lot invested in donald trump. More about hisn plans will we begin to get a sense about whether the hopes of Marion County kennedy m can be met. The wishes of Trump Supporters in West Virginia. Terence conran is famous for bringing modern stylish furniture into the drab homes of postwar britain. Now he is celebrating the reopening of the London Design Museum he founded in 1989. We went to take a look and meet the star gore himself star goer himself. This is more than a beautiful new building. It is a personal project by a man who helped change the way we live. Sir terence conran. Feel when you walked in . Oh. This is the great day of my life. Actuallye place finished. Over the years, through his traps and designs, he introduced millions to a new continental way of living. French cookware, duvets, and the inspiration for it all was a design exhibition, the festival of britain. Youngg here as a industrial artist changed his life. I just saw the faces of people coming in in their long macintoshes with their sandwiches and the smiles. Not seen anything cheerful for so long. 65 years on, that festival of britain spirit lives on. It asks many questions about how we will deal with change. For instance, robots. How comfortable are we going to be, especially when they are interacting with us . I think he is following me around. But also, how comfortable are we going to be in a changing world . European culture and talent has helped british designed to blossom. Its an industry reliance on International Relationships. London is the global hub of creativity. And, you know, the sooner government realizes this and, you know, demonstrates its into its enthusiasm for design, the better. Reporter a shrine to the ideas that have changed the world and the role played by britain. Well, that brings today show to a close. You can find much more on all the days news on our website. From all of us at world news america, please tune in tomorrow. Make sense of International News at bbc. Com news. Funding of this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation, newmans own foundation, giving all profits from newmans own to charity and pursuing the common good, kovler foundation, pursuing solutions for americas neglected needs, and aruba tourism authority. Planning a vacation escape that is relaxing, inviting, and exciting is a lot easier than you think. You can find it here, in aruba. Families, couples, and friends can all find their escape on the island with warm sunny days, cooling trade winds, and the crystal blue caribbean sea. Nonstop flights are available from most major airports. More information for your vacation planning is available at aruba. Com. Bbc world news was presented by kcet, los angeles. Get your feet wet with the new pbs kids show, splash ano, hes doing it. Dunk oh yeah i dont know what im doing, im just doing it. Vocals do do do, hes doing it. Dunk im playing and im jumping, im just moving it. Vocals do do do, hes doing it. Dunk i dont know what im doing but im getting it done. Everyone can see that im having some fun. And i do do doing what comes naturally. Every day im coming up with something new. Im happy when i do it and i like what i do. And i dont know what im doing, im just doing it. Doing it, doing it, do do doing it. [laughs] yeah get in a swim with our World Premiere of splash and bubbles

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