Cooling trade winds, and the crystal blue caribbean sea. Nonstop flights are available from most major airports. More information for your vacation planning is available at aruba. Com. And now, bbc world news america. This is bbc world news america. Reporting from washington im , katty kay. Donald trump makes a controversy of peak of a far right figure as an advisor. Now eyes are on who else will be in the white house. Tonight we travel to mexico where cartels are feeding the heroin addiction. In catching a glimpse of the superman. Sky gazers around the world are enjoying the of close view while they still can. Katty welcome to our viewers on Public Television in america and around the globe. Its been less than a week since donald trump won the white house and his team is already taking shape. The choice of steve bannon, for chief strategist, has drawn concern with Top Democrats calling it an alarming development. But today president obama struck a conciliatory tone and said his successor should be given time to form his team and his agenda. Our north america editor jon sopel start their coverage. John the United States of america has felt anything but united since the election of donald trump. Offensive segregation era messages have popped up on churches, schools, and public buildings. This church in maryland says trump nation, whites only. Its been painted over, but the stain remains. This message of hate, we denounce and we dont believe in. We want this to be truly a home for all of gods people, even the perpetrators of the graffiti. Mr. Trump ive done a lot of big things, ive never done anything like this. In his interview on 60 minutes, donald trump denounce those behind these attacks. Im very surprised to hear that. I hate to hear that. I would say dont do it, thats terrible. Im going to bring this country together. They are harassing latinos, muslims. Mr. Trump im so saddened to hear that, and i say stop it. If it helps, i will say this, and i will say it right to the camera, stop it. What about a special prosecutor to put Hillary Clinton in jail . As donald trump repeatedly demanded during the campaign. Here, there was equivocation. Mr. Trump ill take you what im going to do. Im going to think about it. I feel that i want to focus on jobs. You called her crooked hillary. You said you wanted her to go to jail. The people in your audience kept saying lock her up. The special prosecutor . Mr. Trump i dont want to hurt them. They are good people. There have been two key appointments, hes picked Reince Priebus as chief of staff, the gatekeeper to the white house. He is not much liked by grassroots conservatives. More controversial is the appointment of steve bannon as chief strategist, a man who has the president s ear and all the power that goes with that. A former banker who now runs over rightwing website he is a , conservative outsider who critics view as racist and antisemitic. Civil Rights Groups fear it puts a White Nationalist footsteps from the oval office, a charge mr. Priebus has been trying to fend off. I have sat with him for months. Ive never, ever, onetime experience that. What i would say is, if you get to know the per the person and we have a naval officer, Harvard Business school, London School of economics, this is a very, very smart person. Washington is get reading getting ready to greet americas new president. This will be the grandstand opposite the white house on inauguration day. Donald trump still has big choices to make, does he go to outsiders who dont know how washington works, or the insiders that he said he would have nothing to do with . On that basis, we will get a pretty good idea of what sort of President Donald Trump will be. Jon sopel, bbc news, washington. Katty for more on the transition im joined by the former republican governor of minnesota. He made his own run for the white house back in 2012. Thanks very much for coming in. Cards on the table, back in october you said you could not support him. You said he was unsound, uninformed, unhinged, and unfit. Thats right. After the access hollywood takes came out, that was the straw that broke the camels back for me. Now that he is our president elect, the per reality of voters has set they want him to be the president of the united dates, and we need him to succeed. All of us should be rooting for his success in doing what we can to help. Presumably you havent changed her mind. I think the comments that he made that triggered those comments by me were deeply concerning. The fact is we need him to succeed in im going to do all i can to hope and pray and help him succeed. Katty judging by the transition so far, steve bannon, the far right media mogul that he brought into the white house so far, does that bode well for you . Are those good signs, bad signs, or mixed signs . Two very different people. Reince priebus is going to bring a real common sense perspective and some washington knowledge and knowledge about policy that will be helpful to the president. As for steve bannon, i dont know him well. There have been some concerns directed toward him in terms of his past behaviors and conduct. The real test is going to be what does the president get done and what does he do as a leader. I dont think people are going to be much worried about his staff a few months or even a few weeks from now. Katty the president was pushed on what he thought of donald trump. He said he doesnt think hes an ideologue, he is practical. Is that your understanding as well . C of his life. R he is about getting deals done, given his political philosophy has changed over the course of time and sometimes even short periods of time, i think its fair to say he doesnt have deeply profound philosophical tripwires and to say he is a pragmatist. Katty people around the world are watching and they have a question about america taking a right turn politically. Is it going to be more of a nativist, populist, isolationist right turn . Which do you think it is going to be . We will see, but it looks sort of like a paul ryan agenda. Progrowth, proinvestment, tax cuts. He has embraced that, at least directionally. He is going to have to do something strong on immigration reform. He is still leaning into that very heavily. Hes talked about Financial Services regulation, his view of what is wrong with doddfrank, Financial Services reform and more. And a conservative supreme court, thats enough in the first few months, if you get a few of those done, those are big accomplishments for any new president. Its going to be more along the lines of the policy of Paul Ryan Dan some sort of nativist, isolationist perspective. Although to be determined internationally. Katty america has many challenges, but one deadly one is the fast growing epidemic of heroin addiction. Its fueled by a ready supply from mexico. We start our special series with a warning you might find some of the content disturbing. From dusk until dawn, juarez is a gateway to an epidemic gripping america. There are few places in mexico quite so notorious. Famous for Drug Trafficking worth billions and the cartels that fight to control the trade. Every day, mothers, fathers, grandparents, even children are being sent across the Border Smuggling drugs. All in search of customers, cash, and a better life. The drug bosses who recruit and send mules across the border are dangerous men who live in the shadows. But one of them has agreed to meet. Weve hidden his identity to allow him to speak out. How big is this land for heroin in the United States . We dont have enough of it. We need more because demand is so high. And they are the best customers. Earn three or four more times than we did before. Im wondering how easy is it for you to get your man across this order . Its as easy as buying a drink at the store. People here will kill for money. Ive sent eightyearolds with walking sticks across. Even children with heroin hidden in their genitalia. From such beauty comes a beast. From poppy to opium and then heroin. The war on drugs is 45 years old this year. An anniversary with no reason to cheer. This war began because of heroin addiction in america. Half a century of blood and money, and there are more drugs and more victims than ever. Today, the one in greatest demand, the one with the most loyal following, the one most likely to kill its customers is the drug some call the devil. Heroin. And this is where it is being made, deep in the hills of sinaloa, an area ruled not by politicians or police, but the cartels. We wanted to meet the men feeding americas addiction, to see how much they are making and why. As you can see, we are in the middle of the jungle. We are in mexico in sinaloa province. Sinaloa is one of the most powerful that ships heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, marijuana and other drugs across the United States. This is a very remote location. It has taken as an hour or two to get here. It is far away from prying eyes. Over here in the clearing or two men who are making heroin. Farmers who used to grow marijuana are switching to poppy because there is more money in it. When the raw opium is ready, it is sent here to the men who turn it into heroin for the sinaloa cartel. How much heroin will this produce . About half a kilo of white heroin. How great is the demand right now, and how has it changed . We are making more now. We used to only make like one three kilos. Now we are making more like 10 kilos weekly. What do you say to the people in america that say what youre doing here is responsible for the deaths and addictions of so many . How would you reply to that . I know this is bad. We do it in order to earn money. Yes, it is a shame to do so, but this is never going to end. What you are watching is driven by simple economics. One kilogram of heroin call 1600 cost pounds here. 1600 in new york, its worth more than 40,000. As it moves through mexico and across the border, it leaves a trail of addiction and death in its wake. We were taken to a dealers house in the slums of juarez. It is an endless cycle of despair. Two Friends United in addiction, lost to heroin. It costs them just two pounds to get their fit. Its enough to get you high, and its enough to kill you. As one shot up, his friend started to overdose. There are no ambulances here, no emergency rescue. So he tries to revive him, to try to bring him back. We thought he had passed away, but after 15 long minutes, gregorio came back from the dead. The dealer who just told him the heroin said we should go. We have been told we have to leave this area. Its a dangerous part of the city, so we have to go. The next day we found gregorio back on the street, looking for money for his next high. A foot soldier in the army of the walking dead. How long before he is buried beneath the ground he now walks upon . This is the power of heroin. It seeps along the street, over the hills, and across the border, recruiting as it goes. Heroin is now on a slow death march across america. Katty this epidemic is really alarming and tomorrow we will have the second of our special report looking at the impact of heroin on the streets in the communities of the United States. Julian assange has been holed up refugeon and has taken there for years ago during extradition to sweden. He denies an allegation made against him in 2010, saying the sex was consensual. Scientists say temperatures from january through september were 1. 2 degrees above preindustrial levels and will stay high enough to cause some offset in 2016. Glenn ochal has died of cancer at the age of 61. She was a former newspaper editor before switching to television. She moderated two Vice President shall debates and has been rim been remembered by many as a mentor and friend. Still to come on the program, she has addressed gender inequality around the world. We speak with the head of the imf, christine lagarde, about the impact of the u. S. Elections. Is he been hit by another earthquake hours after a major quake killed two people. The quake had a magnitude of 6. 2 with the epicenter just off christchurch on the south island. We have this report from christchurch. Next roads and railways snapped out of shape. Homes flattened to their foundations. This farm has collapsed, killing the man inside. Miraculously, his wife and were foundd mother in the wreckage alive. Every corner of the country has been touched in some way. Zealand has grown familiar with the work current thosef earthquakes, hearsay the tremor was the longest eight ever experience. We look outside and see the cars moving around. The aftershocks have cap on coming, the strongest enough to kill clear this supermarket shelf in nelson. Pledgede minister has support. The government estimates the repair bill will add up to hundreds of millions of pounds and it will be a slow process. Here in Christs Church christchurch, the workers rebuilding the city, say it is far from complete. For now the focus remains on the rescue, it and ensuring all those who need help will be reached. Katty last week at this time we were talking about the possibility of the first female president of the United States, but it looks like the country will need to wait a little bit longer. Among those already leading the charge is christine lagarde, financial director of the International Monetary fund. Today she was honored for her accomplishments and addressing gender inequality around the world. She joined me a short time ago from los angeles. Thank you very much for joining me. Congratulations on the award. You have been a champion of womens issues ever since you took over as managing director of the International Monetary fund. Why does it matter to you . It matters, first of all, because it is a moral cause. You cannot pretend to improve the world if you ignore half of humanity. That is a moral issue. The second is, to me, and to all the people who are doing research on gender, it is an economic nobrainer. If you bring women to the economy, if you give them full access to the labor market, if you let them access finance, they will start new businesses, you increase gdp, you make growth in economies more diversified, and you reduce inequality. So it is an economic nobrainer and not just at the macro level, but at the micro level. , companies with boards that include women generally do better as companies. Thats the reason im absolutely determined. There is a strong drive to push those issues that you have pushed very well yourself. Katty doesnt it also translate into the world of politics, and are you disappointed that a that america did not elect its first female president . When that have made a difference for womens issues . I think the world of politics in general is one where women at the highest level are rarefied. You look around the world, there are a couple of nordic countries that have heads of government, and in myanmar. There are not many places. It wouldve been irrespective of party affiliation, it would have been quite a breakthrough to have a woman be the president. Katty how would it have made a difference practically . Do you think that women in top political positions lead their country differently . I think it made a difference for the many women around the world who are very keen to see role models and who need some confidence and support to fill that they can develop their skills and achieve what they feel they are capable of achieving. Just in terms of morale booster and helping other women, it would have been pretty cool. Katty i want to talk about president ial president elect donald trump and what youve heard of his economic ambitions. What do you think the fallout will be on the Global Economy . At the moment, all of us store get lost in conjecture. Its difficult to make out exactly what the difficulties will be. Weve heard bits and pieces. There are some positive avenues that he is clearly exploring. I would put in that list infrastructure, investment, supporting growth, making sure that people are included and that jobs are created for those people who have been left out so far. Supporting the economy in general, that is all good. The trade agenda is more of a concern to us because we have seen trade be extremely beneficial, racing people out of poverty. Its not perfect because it doesnt work for all people. We think moving completely away from trade, changing trade, making sure it is included, that is a different story, and one where we can certainly help play that game and offer advice. Katty christine lagarde, thank you so much. So the imf still digesting the impact of the Trump Presidency and his policies which are yet to be explored. Finally, the biggest full moon for 70 years can be seen in the sky. Clear skies allowed me to catch a glimpse of what is called the superman, which appears much bigger because its orbit is bringing it much closer to earth since any time since 1948. You wont get a chance to see it like this again for 18 years. I went out last night and looked at it with my kids. It is worth doing. That brings this program to a close. Find out much more of todays news on her website, the latest on the changes in the white house. And extraordinary reporting on the heroin addiction. Im katty kay. Thank you so much for watching. I will see you back here tomorrow. Make sense of International News at bbc. Com news. Funding of this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation, newmans own foundation, giving all profits from newmans own to charity and pursuing the common good, kovler foundation, pursuing solutions for americas neglected needs, and aruba tourism authority. Planning a vacation escape that is relaxing, inviting, and exciting is a lot easier than you think. You can find it here, in aruba. Families, couples, and friends can all find their escape on the island with warm sunny days, cooling trade winds, and the crystal blue caribbean sea. Nonstop flights are available from most major airports. More information for your vacation planning is available at aruba. Com. Bbc world news was presented by kcet, los angeles. Pbs kids dives in to o dunk hey we should be adventurous. We should journey where no fish has journied before bubbles maybe well even find something yucky and slimy all lets go dunk be ready to take the ride of our lives all were gonna catch a current dunk the whole oceans waiting right before our eyes. All what an adventure. Splash theres only one way to get over the fear of the unknown. Lets go there and get to know it bubbles ohhh i like that dunk maybe its not so strange down here. Tidy this is so much fun [laughs] all well go anywhere and everywhere the real fun is traveling there woahhhh well get catch a current. Well take the ride of our lives make a splash with the World Premiere of the brand new show, splash and bubbles

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