Would you like to push me up the street . Not particularly, no. You look especially lovely today, sweetheart. Im a sick woman. Im dying possibly. Announcer the lady in the van. Smells like you already have. And now bbc world news america. This is bbc world news america. Reporting from washington, i am katty kay. Russia rejects claims that it has committed war crimes in syria by bombing hospitals. The charges are serious but the devastation on the ground is more so. Promising results in fighting cancer. A treatment that retrieves the bodys immune system can be repeated on a larger scale. It is simple. Cut. Katty the Cohen Brothers are back. We speak about their comic take on hollywood in the 1950s. Katty welcome to our viewers on Public Television and america and around the globe. The british or an secretary says the taxes on hospitals in Northern Syria could lead to more crimes. Course of International Criticism over airstrikes which have been blamed on russia. Moscow denies they attacked schools and medical facilities. What looked like a russian fighter jet in the skies over Northern Syria. Then, this. Suspected cluster bombs. Imagine being in one of those buildings. Apparently north of the city of aleppo yesterday. This is the sort of damage being caused. The strikes have been widely blamed on the syrian and russian forces. After yesterdays direct hits on hospitals and a school, where they are still looking for victims, the course of outrages growing. Tonight the British Defense secretary added his voice to those who say it could amount to a war crime. If these reports are true, they amount to war crimes. They are crimes against the civilian population in breach of all International Humanitarian law. Russia needs to be held to account for what it is now doing bombing innocent civilians. It is an abomination. Correspondent the syrian army with its russian and iranian doctors insist their advance into Northern Syria is deliberate areas from terrorists. Today russia denied suspicions that its airstrikes hit hospitals, implying this was a propaganda ploy. The western media about supported russian airstrikes on victims in syria have grown like a snowball. It started with one hospital in the morning. By the end of the day it had risen to 5 hospitals and schools. Correspondent theres no excuse for targeting innocent civilians, but at the same time the battlefield around aleppo is complicated. Beingte rebels are attacked. More extremist fighters from the linkeduster of font are to al qaeda and designated a terrorist group by the united andons, which is why russia syria insist they are bombing legitimate targets. Rebel positions in Northern Syria are the syrian kurds, keen to extend. Theyre working with the americans against the socalled Islamic State controlling the territory in red. Theyre are using the syrianrussian push for their anyand, turkey is receiving push out the border as a security threat. From damascus, a pleasure secured by the u. N. Personal envoys could go to areas tomorrow. Katty russias involvement in syria is a testimony to the syrian governments own weakness, and it would be smarter to focus on it political institute. A new article was written, entitled why obamas middle east policy is failing. A shortack joined me time ago. It does not look like there is Much Movement on the diplomatic front. What are you hearing from the white house on how much america is prepared to commit itself to what is happening in syria . Ken what do you hear from the white house is the United States very much wants a deal. Theyre not prepared to invest anything. Syria is a civil war. We know how they work and how they ended. The administration is neither pursuing a strategy to bring an end or committing the resources that could make that possible. Katty in your piece in the wall street journal you are critical of the obama administration. You say even if the United States defeats the Islamic State it would pop up again because of the civil war . Ken it is a symptom. It is not the underlying cause. We have seen this a number of times. You can inflict military damage on a terrorist group, for instance what we have done to al qaeda and afghanistan. The problem is if you do not deal with the political circumstances that brought it about it will flourish. Al qaeda has taken a beating, but afghanistan is no better and its offshoots are bigger, more powerful, and more dangerous than before september 11. Katty we must have the story on the Program Every night. He see the spread of the militant groups. What would the u. S. Need to do to tackle the root cause of the problem . Civilhe root cause of the wars, these groups take up home in civil wars, there is a way to deal with it and i will make it sound more simple than it is. It is three things, a military stalemate so no one believes they can win and everyone believes they can surrender their weapons, a political solution that includes a political powersharing agreement, and last, enduring institutions, external or internal that will reassure everyone the first two conditions, the stalemate and the political powersharing, will also in your. Katty building institutions and a potential heavier military commitment than the u. S. Has committed so far. You must be the 20th person that told me we need this longterm commitment. Why has the white house been so reluctant . Ken we are starting with a president who believes that the United States over invested in the middle east. Those are the words that administration has consistently use, they want to shift away from the middle east and do not want to make the same kind of its. Katty do think he can change his mind . Ken i hope you can come if we dont we will squander resources and make the civil wars worse. If he wanted, perhaps the next administration will pick up the torch. Atty thank you for coming in president obama has been meeting Southeast Asian leaders in california. This summit hopes to Foster International ties. It was hard to avoid american politics. Hasdeath of Antonin Scalia sparked a political fight in washington over with a new nominee should be put forward. How important is this for president obama, jane . Jane it is his opportunity to change the political leaning of the highest court in the land that rules on really important like abortion, gun rights, gay rights, all of the things that currently divide america. At the moment, the court is split evenly between liberals and conservatives. This is the opportunity for president obama to get the deciding vote. Katty can he get a new justice on the Supreme Court . Jane you think 11 months would be enough. He is up against fierce opposition from republicans who country should wait until the next president is elected, clearly hoping it will be a republican. President obama says he will push on regardless and nominate a candidate. He expects hearings to be held and a vote to be taken. His way of presenting a test to the republicancontrolled senate, saying that he expects them to show that they are responsible, that they can govern, and they can follow the norms and procedures, pressing on like they should. This is, in his raising, a test for them. Katty scientists in the u. S. Believe that they may have found a therapy to treat cancer. Their pretrained cells in the bodys own immune system so they attack the disease. A trial, 90 of germany oh of terminally ill patients with blood cancers went into complete remission. These findings are one small step. Correspondent this is the natural defense mechanism. An immune cell attacking a neutralizing a cancer cell. When that does not function properly, intervention is needed. Specially engineered immune cells can suppress a type of blood cancer. The study was published in the United States, and british researchers say it offers exciting potential for future progress. We know the immune system is powerful, we can harness cells, and they are longlasting effects over many months and potentially years. We think that the enormous power of the immune system in these settings is meant to be harnessed. Correspondent this is how that there be worked. A blood sample was taken from the patient, and immune cells were separated out and removed. Each one was modified and transformed into a targeted to seek out and destroy cancer cells. They were grown in a liberatory they were grown in a laboratory and stored. Patients held by the therapy had undergone other forms of treatment, which had failed, including chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Experts say more extensive trials and research will be needed. The results are exciting, but these are the early stages, the early steps to making this treatment safe and effective. Correspondent george knows about the struggle with leukemia, a type of blood cancer. He was diagnosed in 2005, was treated and got better. And he had another successful round of treatment. The trial will not help him, but he says the success is heartening for everyone with the cancer. Every success that might lead to another option for people with cancers is definitely good news. I try not to get too excited, because as with all of these trials, it is in the early stages. Somespondent theres caution as only a small number of patients were involved. There is agreement that this study is an Important Development in an Exciting Guild of medicine. Arey preliminary fightings exciting news in the treatment of cancer. We brought you jim attic footage of a leper that went on a rampage in an Indian School, attacking six people. It is on the run again. Escaped from its a its enclosure at the zoo. Correspondent theyre calling it the great escape. Remember this leopard . And attacked 6 people when it straight into an Indian School last week. Into anit strayed Indian School last week. It is on the loose again. On sunday, it broke out of its cage and banished. , but theyed tracks cannot find it. Say that no one is at risk. The leopard has escaped into a national park, its natural environment. Right. Ope they are what is certain is losing a leopard is pretty embarrassing for the park authorities. We are looking for any signs of the animal droppings, claw marks, everything. We are doing everything we can to track it down. Correspondent this leopard is still safely behind bars at the delhi zoo. These animals are usually shy and rarely attack people. There are 14,000 of them in india. As the country develops, people encroach into their territory. That is when they can become seriously dangerous. Bbc news, delhi. Katty embarrassing, indeed, to lose your leopard. You are watching bbc world news america. To come, understanding the complex human brain better by growing miniature ones. The groundbreaking research. Ethnic men have gone on trial in thailand charged with carrying out a bomb attack on a shine in bangkok last august. 20 were killed and more than 100 were injured. The 2 men from china were obtained after the attack. There is still a lot of mysteries surrounding this particular case. Correspondent it has been almost six months since the worst bombing this city has experienced in modern times. We still know very little about who carried it out or why. We do know that the two suspects who have gone on trial today are both ethnic uighurs from a providence. They have been radicalized and driven by injustices they say they are suffering at the hands of the chinese authorities. The Thai Military government refuses to link what was a bomb attack targeting a temple that is popular with chinese and with its owns controversial deportation of 100 uighur at that uighur Asylum Seekers last july. They say they are part of a people smuggling gang, but that does not explain why they would carry out such an attack. In the early stages, the Police Issued 17 arrest warrants, most of them for foreign muslims. These days, we hear little about the hunts for the 15 that are at large and probably overseas. Cape on trial have been isolated with only their lawyer and high officials and thai officials. This is a military court in this trial may not eliminate proof about a bombing that killed 20 people and injured more than 100. Illuminate proof about a bombing that killed 20 people and injured more than 100. Katty our understanding of the human brain is undergoing a revolution. Technology is an enabling is enabling researchers to grow and map brains, leading to better understandings of Mental Illnesses and possibilities for their treatments. Has beenlsh investigating. His report contains graphic images of the human brain. Gus it is a privilege to examine the right hemisphere of the human brain. One donated to the u. K. For research. This structure is responsible for thought, memory, language, emotion, and consciousness, the things that make us human. Despite our scientific knowledge there is a huge amount to discover about how the brain works and why it goes wrong. The brain is beginning to give up its secrets. Advances in biology mean many genes implicated in Mental Illness have been identified. New scanning techniques are creating something extraordinary. A complete map of the brains intricate network of connections. Representd lines bundled nerve fibers linking different parts of the brain through a number of highly connected hubs. You can talk of them as being hubs the same way heathrow is a hub in the Global Airline network. Fergus people with schizophrenia have fewer hubs, so their Brain Networks are less did then in healthy individuals. Where excitement is building is linking the Network Diagrams with imaging to what we are learning about the genetics of schizophrenia. If we can bring those things together, we can understand more clearly the mechanisms for driving the network on a different path that leads to schizophrenia. If we can understand mechanisms, we can design new treatments. Fergus as well as deciphering the network of communications, scientists are learning about the earlier stages of development by growing miniature brains. Avoids, here they are in the hands of the scientists who invented the technique, incubating in a medical research lab in cambridge. Tiny bowls of tissue mimicking what the early fetal brain is like in the room. Each was grown from a single cell donated by a patient. In those with Mental Illness their miniature brains can explore the origins of their disorder. Compare the organ weights to the patient and see the features of the disorder to understand what caused those features. It is a huge step toward hopefully amazing breakthroughs in what has been a desert in the field of biomedicine. Mental Health Disorders have been lacking in terms of new medications to treat these devastating disorders. When will this research pay dividends in delivering new medications for Mental Illness . In the next fiveyears to 10years, you can expect to things with reasonable certain teeth. We will use neuroscience and genetics to target treatments better to patients. This will happen in schizophrenia. Based on the knowledge we have now, we can have new medications not for an entire illness, but for a subset. Fergus our Mental Health is determined by our Life Experiences and the genes we inherit. The more we discover about the masterpiece of evolution, the greater the chance of treating it when it goes wrong. Fergus walsh, bbc news. Katty unbelievable. We have reported on a lot of advances on metal in medical technology. For the past two decades the Cohen Brothers have been behind some of the most memorable films, their plots and styles cover a huge range. Now, it is hollywood of the 1950s they have set their sights on with George Clooney starring as an incompetent actor playing julius caesar. O that it were so simple. Correspondent hail, caesar is a classic coen brothers movie. When i first started thinking about it it was 24 hours in the life of eddie mannix. Lastrriage doesnt have to forever, but having a father without having a child without a father would create eddie mannix is a legendary 1950s hollywood fixer. Where did the idea start . What did it look like . How did you revolve it . The scripts developed out of essentially a long conversation. When the conversation gets more concrete do disagree . I dont like that sentence or that idea . Yeah, that is the nature of moviemaking. It is a social enterprise. It is about collaboration. The good collaborations are the ones that are not where you always know what is right, but when you know when the other person is right. Your movie star. Get 100 thousand dollars and await instructions. Who are we . The future. There are so many familiar structural devices in Cohen Brothers movies. Do you worry about repeating yourself. When we were shooting fargo we were shooting the approaching car. I turned into ethan and said havent we shot this before . Keepcertain extent you reverting to the same shots or plot ideas. The real drama. I believe someone is calling from the future . You had me there, sir. At oneave shocked about, point we said we have made 10 movies and we will quit. Gets too alarming thinking about that. How many you have done. In ways, you are not even aware of yourself. Now, he is only on the road because he doesnt know anything else. Correspondent i think there is some of that. Bbc news. Katty the movie is hail, caesar and i cant wait to see it here at the band eagles of death metal plate in paris three months after their concert the eagles of death metal blade in paris three months after their concert was attacked at the bataclan. The bands front man said he felt it was a sacred responsibility to finish the show. I am katty kay for bbc world news america. Thank you for watching the program. Bbc world news was make sense of International News at bbc. Com news. Funding of this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation, newmans own foundation, giving all profits from newmans own to charity and pursuing the common good, kovler foundation, pursuing solutions for americas neglected needs, and Sony Pictures classics, now presenting the lady in the van. Park the van in your drive . Just until you sort yourself out. An educated woman, living like that. Merry christmas shut the door, im a busy woman would you like to push me up the street . You look especially lovely today, sweetheart. Im dying possibly. Announcer the lady in the van. Smells like you already have. Bbc world news was presented by kcet los angeles. Miss rosa its the pbs kids field trip. Can you guess where were going today . Heres a clue. So did you guess where we are today . Right. Were at a restaurant, un restaurante, and this is the menu, and it lists all of the things that they serve here. Girl does one person make all of this . Well, lets ask ford. Hes the chef here. Hey, guys, you want to see how everything works . Come on. Lets go to the kitchen. Cool. What are they doing . Theyre prepping food. That means getting it ready to cook or serve, whether its cutting fruit, slicing tomatoes, just getting it all ready. Wow, thats a lot of work. It is a lot of work, but when they cut and clean everything, it makes my job easier. Miss rosa oh, so thats how you can cook so many things. Right. We have to all work together. Would you all like to make a pizza . Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Wow, you never know what you might learn when you explore new places and things

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