Come, giving your company the resources and stability to thrive. Mufg we build relationships that build the world. And now, bbc world news. Jane this is bbc world news america reporting from washington, i am jane obrien. Sepp blattert suspended for 90 days as the scandal continues to spread. Volkswagen gets a grilling here in washington. Lawmakers demand answers as to why the Company Great emissions tests. Vw has betrayed a nation, nation of regulators, supplies, and innocent customers. It is time to clean it up or get off the road. Most and inside one of the closed off countries in the world. The bbc gains rare access to north korea. Jane welcome to our viewers on Public Television in america and around the globe. It is a blow that strikes at the very top of world football. Fifa has suspended president sepp blatter amid a deepening scandal surrounding the sports governing body. Who suspended is the man hopes to replace blatter. The suspensions are provisional. For 90 days, while the men are investigated by the Ethics Committee, but the impact may be much more permanent. Our Sports Editor reports. Reporter game over. Sepp blatter finally shown the 17year rule in charge of world football. The president kick out of the sport along with the man who had been viewed as his likely successor, Michel Platini. Banned on the muster metadata in the fall of fifa. In a statement that effectively brought his long reign to a close, the governing body said relieved of all his duties as president for the duration of a 90day dan and is not allowed to represent fifa in any capacity. It is depressing for those involved in football, many around the world. At the very top of the game, its so clearly corrupt, and in such a pickle, that it is hard to know what to do apart from clean slate and starting again. Platini blatter and were banned by the Ethics Committee after an investigation by swiss criminal authorities into a payment the president paid to his former advisor in 2011. Both deny any wrongdoing and criticized the disciplinary process. Fifa was plunged into crisis back in may when a host of senior football officials were arrested amid twin investigations in the u. S. And switzerland in two decades of systematic corruption. Wasite that, blatter reluctant for a fifth term for president before announcing he would step aside in february. He has been grimly hanging on ever since but once the allegations reached his door, the game was up. Platini, who supposedly stood out oform, is said to be next years election, severe embarrassment for those like the english and scottish who backed his candidacy. Obvious way, we will wait to see what the Ethics Committee comes up with. If they decide that he has done something wrong or not acceptable, obviously, we wont support it. Reporter fifas implosion is remarkable. Secretarygeneral Jerome Valcke was also banned amid a ticketing scam. South korean president ial mongjoon wasg also suspended for six years. That leaves the jordan prince as the new favorite to take over in the longterm. Has ridden out countless customers season scandals helping transform football into a multibillionpound industry. But it came at a cost. As he left fifa for perhaps the final time, footballs great survivor nude of the past as caught up with him. The organization broken possibly beyond repair. Jane and a brief time ago i spoke to Richard Conway in zurich. Richard, sepp blatter in particular has been under enormous pressure to go. Why has the Ethics Committee decided to act now in suspending him . Do you think it had anything to do with the fact that sponsors were putting him under pressure . I think the sponsors pressure the statements from the big u. S. Companies, cocacola and mcdonalds included, of course, in that number, had been significant. It played a significant role in the pressure upon fifa. The Ethics Committee was already looking into Sepp Blatters case and that of Michel Platini prior to that could what the Ethics Committee has done, because of the actions of the swiss attorney general and launching a criminal investigation, is that they were forced to look at this, they had to look at that given the criminal nature of the allegations against fifas president. They met on monday this week. They reached a fairly swift decision. The recommendation they received from the Investigatory Chamber of the Ethics Committee was that there should be a 90day suspension. Today that was ratified. The more we witnessed over the past few hours is the fallout. Jane sepp blatter remains defiant. Can fifa survive in its current form . Richard within fifa, the leadership and direction is lawg controlled by a u. S. Firm, quinn emanuel, based out of virginia. They, together with the Strategic Management company, together with the fifa legal counsel, and others within, are trying to steer the organization out of the grips of the department of justice investigation that is ongoing. Of course, it faces investigations as well from the swiss authorities. There are voices, there are people within fifa right now trying to steer into trying to restore the integrity, trying to restore the reputation. But it is going to be a very, very long path. Jane more to come. Richard conway in zurich, thank you for joining me. Nato has been assessed the escalation of Russian Military action in syria and has doubled the size of its Response Force to send a message that nato is ready to defend its allies. Meanwhile, Syrian Forces loyal to president assad say they have become a major offensive backed by russian air power against rebelheld areas in the west of the country. Reporter on the ground in ad is, president ass fighting back. The syrian army is advancing on rebelheld territory. This is what is making it possible. Russian airstrikes. Moscow continues to insist it is destroying terrorists. The west is just says that russia is targeting president assads opponents. This video, which is unverified, appears to show a rebel group using american weapons to stop the advance. In this conflict, america and russia on different sides. But moscow insists it is not seeking confrontation with washington. Game. Is not an olympic we dont want to have a kind of competition with america on Something Like that. This is maybe idea of mr. Obama or somebody. Reporter but the west isnt convinced. In brussels today, nato defense ministers discussed how to react to moscows intervention in syria. The ministers agreed that russias military escalation in that raises syria past raises serious concerns. I russia to play a constructive role in the fight i call on russia to play a constructive role in the fight against isil. Reporter britain announced it will station 100 military personnel in the baltic region. Moscow condemned the move as camouflage for nato expansion. Nothing that nato has said or done today will convince the kremlin to change direction. Viewed from here, russian airstrikes in syria so far have been a great success, strengthening president assad and russian influence in the middle east. For now, most russians support with their military is doing. We had to go ahead with this, she says, to stop terrorism, and to teach obama a lesson. At us, hest bark tells me. Putin will do as he sees fit. This mother is worried. Theson is serving in army. I dont want to see russian soldiers on the ground in syria. Moscow insists that will not happen, and that it will leave the ground offensive to the syrian army. Steve rosenberg, bbc news, moscow. Jane look at some other news now. Here in washington, kevin mccarthy, the presumed successor to the speaker of the house, john boehner, dropped out of the race today, stirring the Republican Party into chaos. Month hennounced last would be stepping down after struggling to unite his conservative colleagues. Elections for a new leader have been postponed. An American Air Force officer regarded as a hero in france for trying to prevent a terrorist attack on a train has been stabbed in california. Spencer stone was attacked in sacramento in the early hours on thursday. Mr. Stone is said to be in stable condition at the local hospital. Easy right for volkswagen today. In germany, the companys headquarters was raided by Police Investigating the diesel emissions scandal, and here in washington, the heads of vw in america went before u. S. Lawmakers, who grilled him on why millions of cars were rigged to cheat emissions tests. Reporter this was the day that the volkswagen scandal came to washington, company once renowned for reliability and respectively, facing the humiliation of testifying before congress over the emissions scandal. Do you swear that it is the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth . Reporter the president of the companys american division, horn, tried to head off with an apology. I would like to offer ana sincere apology for volkswagens use of Software Programs that aim to defeat the emissions testing regime. Reporter the lawmakers were still outraged. By installing Computer Software designed to cheat on emissions tests, vw deceived the public and possibly broke the law. Nation, abetrayed a nation of regulators, loyalists, suppliers, and innocent customers. It is time to clean it up or get it off the road. Then came a stunning claim, that installing the software was not a corporate decision, but rather, the work of rogue engineers. Knowledge, no Supervisory Board meeting has authorized this, but a couple of Software Engineers put this in for whatever reasons. Reporter he claimed that vw effectives only found out about the defeat devices last month, even though they were first used in 2009. Lawmakers were incredulous. Do you really believe that ,enior level corporate managers administrators, had no knowledge for years and years . I agree, it is very hard to believe. Reporter and so, too, did the committee members. I am an engineer, and i have a way of thinking, and i cannot accept vws portrayal of this as something by a couple of rogue Software Engineers. Reporter in germany come prosecutors today searched the company headquarters, looking to find out precisely who is responsible. If the timeline it is the timeline laid out by vw that lawmakers found hard to believe. Michael horn said executives only found out about the cheat software in september but were aware of a possible issue with noncompliance 18 months ago. Why did it take so long to hunt down the cause of the problem . And was volkswagen really looking that hard . Nick bryant, bbc news, washington. Jane former new york city mayor Michael Bloomberg has called the actions at vw a disgrace, but he insists that overall, companies and countries do by by regulations. Mr. Bloomberg was in washington attending meetings at the state department as part of the our cities, our climate initiative. We asked how mr. Bloomberg sees the fight against Climate Change playing out in the long term. Nobody really knows how this ends, whether you get to a precipitous point when you cannot backtrack, but no rational person, certainly no business person that is rational, that has to answer to stockholders, would not buy an insurance policy, do something, and that is what we have got to do. Dont argue about whether it is true and i can just if it is possibly true, take precaution. Reporter but these can be very expensive measures. How do you persuade your citizens to pay the price . On makingigned vancouver the greenest city in the world by 2020 and that is enormously popular because i think people get it. On the street, people who work rurally as well, close to the land, see the changes happening dramatically, and in canada come in the far north, the impacts are devastating, magnified by the latitudes. We are seeing an impact in the city, we are seeing in or miss costs to cities during the interest were seeing enormous cost to cities through the infrastructure that mayor bloomberg was dealing with. These are very real impact. That is why you are seeing mayors from all over the world get together and organize and push on National Governments to make bold commitments. Mr. Bloomberg you have got to talk about cost in terms of the benefits. Aich would you rather do, pay little more to put protections in, or pay to recover from a disaster . The same thing we talk about the effect of climate on jobs. Number one, it creates more jobs than it takes away. But how do you compare jobs two lines . To lives . Reporter but how do you persuade competing interests that it is good . Mr. Bloomberg that is what leadership is all theyter lets take vw, were just caught cheating on emissions tests. How does that undermine the fight on Global Warming when one company says it doesnt cap . Just doesnt care. Mr. Bloomberg i dont know if one thing has to do with the other. Ist allegedly happened at vw a disgrace and they will have to do with that. That doesnt mean the German Government doesnt understand that they have to do their part or we will have a disaster. The finalbut vw regulations mr. Bloomberg most companys of a regulations and that is one that doesnt. Robertson we have pulled together the compact of mayors and we are all reporting. This is where commissions are and we have to be saying this is what the impact is and this is how we are reducing the impact in making sure that people have livelihoods and people come the generations to come. Mr. Bloomberg in the end, people want to take care of themselves. Look at their families and say, i dont know how or why, but smoking is bad for use a lets not smoke. My kid just went to the hospital with an asthma attack. Ledhe end, social changes from the bottomup, not from the top down. Bloomberg andmichael gregor robertson, thank you joining me. Jane still to come, as the International Monetary fund meets in peru come we sit down with Christine Lagarde on the Global Economy and her future. Returning to the subject of Climate Change, scientists in the u. S. Say there could be a crisis in the health of corral around the world because of the el nino occurring. A bleaching presence has spread from the pacific to the atlantic. Corals cant survive in these conditions for long and corals are home to a quarter of all marine life. Reporter a healthy reef, an explosion of color in the most important habitat of the oceans, where fish hide from predators and become the food we eat. This is what happens when temperatures get too warm. Reefs thethat give color get expelled from the corals leaving them ghostly white. This slide was taken in december 2014. The model on the right in february 2015, after bleaching was triggered by the el nino warming current. Only 2 other mass bleaching events have been recorded. This was the first, in 1998, when i dived with deputy Prime Minister John Prescott in the maldives. Nameis topped up with my manmade Global Warming. This has been met with the equivalent of underwater google street view. End there are three cameras which are perfectly sacrificed to take images every three seconds perfectly synchronized to take images every three seconds good these can be stitched into panoramic images that have never been seen before. Reporter corals can recover if temperatures go back to normal. Scientists worry that co2 from burning fossil fuels are cranking up sea temperatures in a way that will make recovery much harder. Jane managing director of the International Monetary fund Christine Lagarde tells the bbc she is open to serving another term, but it is not her decision. Comments came during an interview in peru where the fund is holding its annual meeting. She sat down with Michelle Fleury and started by speaking about threats to the Global Economy. Emerging market economies, particularly those who have been focusing on the exports and particularly of commodities, are obviously suffering from the lower prices. In the same vein, were seeing also financial risks, moving a bit away from the advanced economies to the emerging market economies, where corporate leverage in particular has significantly increased over the last few years. Michelle america starting the process of normalizing monetary policy. You have warned countries, specifically mentioning the fact, that they should watch out for the knock on effect of what they do. Is what you are telling janet yellen, americas central banker, to wait, and for how long . I would not tell janet yellen to do this or that because she is strong enough, smart enough, and very well advised. What we are saying is if it is data dependent for the announced , and this is very appropriate, it is well communicated, it should take into account data, including on employment, inflation, core inflation, inflation expectations, it should include all the spillovers, to the effect that they help effect the u. S. Economy. Michelle under your leadership, the imf has changed its focus, doing a lot more work on issues like inequality, Climate Change, gender equality. Do you want that agenda to remain after you have gone . Ms. Lagarde i think it will continue to be critically important. We dont do that out of tantrum or simply because a woman is head of the imf. It has critical consequences good when women participate in the economy, they raise gdp level. When Climate Change is not addressed, it is a major threat and uncertainty going forward. When Public Finance is used to subsidize energy, it is not the best choice of using public money. And whether it is under my leadership or something elses leadership, i hope it continues. Michelle will you stand for another term . To thearde im open idea but it is not for me to decide. Jane a lot more awaits. A bbc team has been granted rare access inside the reclusive state of north korea. The country, which is governed by a totalitarian regime, is in the midst of mass celebrations as the Ruling Workers Party marks the 70th anniversary of its birth date in the capital, pyongyang. Our correspondent steve evans has this report. Steve it is the most closed off country in the world. North korea, shunned by the west, blocked off to most outsiders. Youing in from the airport, see work Gangs Company in military uniforms, work gangs, many in uniforms, preparing for a big solution, the 70th anniversary of the founding of the workers party, which runs this totalitarian state. As we drove the streets of pyongyang, the darkness left outlines of apartment blocks with barely a light as night fell. Reigning over this is kim jongun, the Supreme Leader, the son of the previous leader, and the grandson of the states founder. A dynasty of absolute power with a finger on the nuclear trigger. We found his country is developing. On the river, a barge is stretched to create a commercial waterway. On the streets, traditional dress mixes with western close. Women wear high heels. Something crown on a few years ago. There is now money, at least for some. Security here in pyongyang is very tight indeed. We have not been allowed even to go out on the streets. We have been allowed to take a taxi. From this taxi you do get a view of pyongyang. It is a city in flux, it is a city which is changing. Tonight in pyongyang, released from the daily grind, football. Ass regimented crowd chance one, victory is ours under leader kim jongun. In fact, they drew 00 with the philippines. The Supreme Leader has a problem. If he allows the economy to open up, can he keep control . Steve evans, bbc news, pyongyang. Jane next ordinary insight from steve evans. Extraordinary insight from steve evans. That brings todays show to the close. To reach me and the bbc team, go to twitter. Thank you for watching, and please tune in tomorrow. Make sense of International News at bbc. Com news. Funding of this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation, newmans own foundation, giving all profits from newmans own to charity and pursuing the common good, kovler foundation, pursuing solutions for americas neglected needs, and mufg. Its a global truth. We can do more when we work together. At mufg, our banking relationships span cultures and support almost every industry across the globe. Because success takes partnership and only through discipline and trust can we create something greater than ourselves. Mufg we build relationships that build the world. Bbc world news was presented by kcet los angeles. Coming up next on odd squad. olive code ruby theres a blob loose well handle it. Were gonna find it first. Now olive its getting away let the games begin odd squad is made possible in part by. A cooperative agreement with the u. S. 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