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The red line chose the path of bullets as it passed through her head. The impact and bruised her brain, but the bullet did not enter it, and that dramatically improved her recovery chances. A titanium plate was fitted to repair her shattered skull. It required a delicate surgery, very close to the lining up for brain. A copley implant should restore some hearing to her damaged ear. Today the doctor who fitted the titanium plate said that she was recovering well. I expect her to recover and continue with our education and hopefully go on to university. That education is the point, the cost for which he suffered, and to which she is now devoted. When you educate a girl, you educate the whole family. You educate a generation. You educate all the other coming children. In launching the malala fund, she shows a determination to turn this terrible experience into something positive. Quite courage and resolution have turned a 15yearold schoolgirl into a powerful, global symbol of the right of girls to be educated. She said god has given her a second life and she will use it well. What an extraordinary young woman. As she continues to recover, today the taliban are the focus of talks in london between the leaders of pakistan and afghanistan. The goal is to create a more stable environment for when nato forces leave afghanistan in 2014. The mission is to get the taliban to negotiate peace, but what are the chances . 12 years into a war that has cost 440 british lives, the Prime Minister invited the leaders of both afghanistan and pakistan to talk about the threats facing them all. The United Kingdom will continue to stand firmly behind both countries as they Work Together to bring peace and stability to the region. Finally, the progress we have achieved today sends a very clear message to the taliban. Now is the time for everyone to participate in a peaceful political process in afghanistan. As british troops prepared to withdraw from afghanistan and handoff to afghan forces, intense combat like this is rare now. The military believe they have done their job and that this insurgency, like all others, needs a political solution. The clock is ticking. We have until the end of 2014, maybe not as long as that, to get this thing sorted out, because we are leaving, and everyone knows it. However unpalatable, that means the taliban coming down from the hills and in to talks. The taliban have been weakened by the defection of fighters such as this commander i met on a recent trip to afghanistan who has come over to the governments side. But the taliban have been stopped from negotiating a pakistan until now. What has changed and what makes the Peace Process more likely to bear fruit is that the Pakistan Military and political leaders reversed their position on the taliban. Pakistan now believes it security is best served by releasing taliban prisoners from jail encouraging them to enter peace talks. Peak in afghanistan is peace in pakistan. We feel we can only survive together. One can change and have new friends and for the relationships with friends. Britain has influence in both of these countries and will need to involve russia, iran, and india for this to work, but today was a start. President karzai ended his day in royal comfort. He has one more year of this before an election in which she has to stand down, a year to forge a peace that has been elusive until now. With so much violence at the moment pakistan and afghanistan, those peace talks are particularly important. A 5yearold boy has been freed and alabama after police shot dead the gunman who was holding him. The child was taken last week from his school bus after it and jimmy lee dykes held the boy in a bunker after a week. Never say he was a missing person with antigovernment use. The u. S. And france have agreed that military operations in mali should be handed over to United Nations mission as soon as possible. French forces entered northern mali three weeks ago, launching aerial strikes against islamic militants. Today, the french president held talks with american Vice President joe biden in paris. Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has volunteered to become the first person sent into space by his countrys fledgling space program. He made the offer during an address to sciences a week after it ran successfully sent a monkey into orbit. Corruption on a scale never previously seen. That is help police in europe are describing a match fixing scheme involving up to 700 Football Games around the globe. More than half of those were in europe and now the very integrity of the sport is being questioned. Our correspondent tim frank has the details. The global game is at risk from a global crime network. What had long been feared that only quietly talked about was today painfully exposed. Dont let the plant setting detract from the revelation that match fixing has affected the highest reaches of football. This is on a scale not seen before, involving hundreds of criminals and corrupted officials and players, affecting hundreds of potential matches generating very large amounts of illicit profits. Illicit profits. Worldwide, 680 recent matches are under suspicion, including a Champions League ty played in europe. There are at least 425 people involved, officials, players, and criminals. The nightmare for the Football Association here at wembley is that match fixing kills the very idea of sport. If we cannot believe we are watching real competition, then what is the. In turning up at all . Today, the england team were training ahead of their game with brazil on wednesday. Let alone being part of that, i am completely shocked. I dont want to be related to anything like that. Asian betting rings are believed to be the captains of this criminal in criminal industry. International criminal networks are a mishmash of global rules. The problem is becoming clear. Fighting and defeating it will be much tougher. What will be the fallout from this investigation . I spoke with a football analyst for espn in new york. How widespread is this match fixing . How high does it go . We are not exactly sure how high it goes yet. Sometimes these things are just the tip of the icebergs, but i think it is very, very serious. Not so serious in terms of the money we are talking about, but obviously the money is colossal, but i think the bedrock of all sports is, when you look down on the field, what is happening between those white lines, do you believe it to be true . If there is any doubt is not true, you say to yourself, that football. But in the times we are talking about where the games could be fixed, their mind says, this is where the big problems come then, it is the perception. It will undermine the credibility of matches that are not fixed at all. This is a sport that has provided many things for a long, long time. I would imagine at this point we are talking about small amounts of money. It leads me to believe that we are also talking about some of the smaller leagues. Some of these players make 200,000 a week. Why would to talk about fixing a game for 100,000 . This is just the tip of the iceberg. If it does not go any farther than this, i think they can eradicated. But if we do start to find out, they are talking about maybe two champion leagues involved, maybe one in england, then there are real problems in the sport. Do you expect to see arrests of some of those involved . Yes. There is no question that the authorities in the sport realize exactly what we are talking about. They realize the integrity of this great sport is at stake, and they are going to do everything in their power to eradicate it. I would say there would be very heavy sentences, anyone who is found guilty, whether it is a manager, players, whoever it is, they are really going to suffer the consequences. Somebody has to be made an example of now, and it has to be seen to the rest of the world that football is intent on cleaning up its own house. It will not leave it to somebody else to do it. This is going to be really serious. Can we make the beautiful game beautiful again . I think we can make it beautiful again. I know one battle will spoil the barrel, but once you throw out the apple, i think the barrel becomes good again, and i think we will have no problems down the line. They cannot be involved in this. It is not worth their while to be involved in it. I think the beautiful game will be just beautiful. Thanks so much, tommy. The syrian city of homs has seen some of the worst fighting of this civil war. As many as 20,000 people have died in the streets, but people do still live there, trying to create whatever normality they can. We have gone to see what they live is like for them. A fight to win the game. In this part ok homs, children get a chance to forget the war. Everyone is trying to make the best of breaks between the fighting. I grant is part of a newly built market set up this playground is part of a newly built market set up by the local area. Dozens of shops were hastily put up. Shed tell me there is an urgent need. Displaced people could not get to their places of work. They started selling goods on the pavement, so a neighbor suggested setting up shops on a neighboring piece of land. Glaxo much of the city has been destroyed. People here are eager to tell their stories, but some do not want to appear on camera, fearing arrest by Security Forces if they speak their mind. This man tells me he used to have a well paying job, but now he is selling through to try and make a living. He says he was forced out of his home. For more than a year now, he is living with 20 members of his family in one single flat. Everyone is grateful to get back to normal, but behindthe scenes, there is a lot of anger. He also lost his well paying job and is selling lipsticks and cosmetics. He tells me everyone is tired, and there will be no end to the suffering unless syrians for give each other and make a new start. There is a window of hope for those who lost their means of living, but given the scale of the crisis, it is not enough. What people can make your hardly feeds them, but for most of those affected by the violence, there is no such opportunity. You cannot forget the war altogether. Before we left the market, a jet fighters screamed overhead. Look at the destruction here. It will take more than a small market to make up for this. Residents are not back yet. It is deserted and destroyed. This is one of many areas of homs that are just as ruined. The longer the conflict goes on, the harder it is to imagine that forgiveness. You are watching bbc world news america. Still to come, uncovering a royal resting ground. After centuries of searching, the remains of king richard iii are found under the asphalt. Today, cambodians came out in force to bid farewell to their former king. He was known as king father, and following his death in beijing last year, there has been an elaborate cremation ceremony, with hundreds of thousands lining the streets. Jonathan has filed this report from there. Three months of careful planning had gone into this, the first royal funeral in cambodia for more than 50 years. In life, he was a complex, contradictory figure. His death has brought cambodians together in a show of national reverence to their king. The cremation ceremony inside the palace walls was a formal state occasion attended by officials and foreign dignitaries. But outside, ordinary cambodians found their own way to say farewell to a man who profoundly shaped their nation, for good, and sometimes the bad. It is nearly 40 years since the khmer rouge attempted to walk out history and tradition in this country, and yet, as you can see, the public hunger for rituals surrounding buddhism and the monetary is a strong as ever surrounding buddhism and the monarchiey. The current king and his widow presided over the occasion. But it was organized by the Prime Minister, the man who has ruled cam the area of the then he ever did and keeps the monarchies in a strictly ceremonial role. He got a sendoff worthy of a national hero. It is unlikely that any of his descendants will enjoy sets stature such stature. From top oil men to head of the church of england. The new archbishop of canterbury has been sworn in at a service and london at st. Pauls cathedral. It marks a new chapter for the worlds 80 million anglicans. Many are hoping for a different kind of leadership. This was the moment and archbishop was made. They were appointing the right person. We do by virtue of the authorities vested in us the archbishop read the courts verdict. The selection was confirmed. He will be enthroned in canterbury next month. Speaking before the service, he repeated his opposition to legislation creating a marriage, did to be debated in the house of commons tomorrow, but he denies it put him on a collision course with the government. The government wanted. We think there are issues around the way it is going forward. It is not a collision course, is just part of the normal discussion that one has. We have made our views clear and i am very much with the house of bishops on this. That have made their views clear. Justin will be makes an unexpected candidate as archbishop of canterbury. He rose to the top of the oil industry before giving up a big salary to become a trainee priest in 1989. He became bishop barely 18 months ago. The challenges facing him r e enormous. The church is issues of sexuality and gender and has to work in an increasingly secular society. One man says his relative inexperience in the church could actually help him. People who have been bishop for a while cannot help but turned native. It is probably as well that the house of bishops has not had long enough to get at him and stop him being who he is. As todays ceremony ended, the doors of st. Pauls were thrown open and the new archbishop emerged symbolically into his new domain. He has taken on what many regard as an impossible job, one made all the harder by the weight of expectation settling on him. Now from church to crown. Of 500 yearold mystery has finally been solved today. For centuries, the final resting place of the last english king to die in battle was unknown, but now archaeologists have unearthed richard iii in a car park, of all places. Depicted by shakespeare as a hunchback villain, he was killed in 1485. A longlost english king, richard iii, killed a leading his army against henry tudo 527 years ago. He was the last english monarchs slain in battle. Over the centuries, the location of his grave has become a mystery. Archaeologists began their search for richard last summer, more in hope than expectation. Despite all the anticipated difficulties, within hours of this First Tranche being dug, there was a breakthrough. Human remains being found in this grave. The skeleton was largely intact, but the grave was crudely doug. There was evidence that the hands had been found. The question, was this once the king of england . It is the conclusion that beyond reasonable doubt, the individual exhumed in september 2012 is indeed richard iii, the last plantagenet king of england. The evidence is overwhelming. Study of the bones revealed they were from a young man of slender build. There was a pronounced curvature of the spine, all consistent with contemporary descriptions of richard. The bones also contained dna, successfully matched to the living known deceiving la descendants. He has not been judged kindly by christmas. Not been judged kindly by history. He was played as a tyrannical, a 20thcentury dictator. His modernday admirers say theres no evidence that he murdered the princess in the tower. Now is time for the facts to be given. Once the people know everything they need to know about richard iii, i think it will have a very different assessment of the tax. The grave has already given up many secrets. We know that he was wounded in battle 10 times. Preparations are being made to inter the remains of richard iii in a cathedral here next year. He worked whether he was a villain or not, he still ended up buried in a car park. Continue watching bbc world news for updates on our stories around the world on our 24hour news network. Check your local listings. Thanks so much for watching. We will see back here tomorrow. Make sense of International News at bbc. Com news. Funding of this presentation is made possible by the Freeman Foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu, newmans own foundation, and union bank. At union bank, our relationship managers work hard to understand the industry you operate in, working to nurture new ventures and help provide capital for key, strategic decisions. We offer expertise and tailored solutions in a wide range of industries. What can we do for you . Bbc world news was presented by kcet, los angeles. Picking day were going to the enchanted garden to pick fruit. And then, were going to help my dad build a playhouse. We have a lot to do today. Im glad youre here. Be right back is made possible in part by. The Richard King Mellon foundation. Dedicated for over sixty years to south western pennsylvanias quality of life, and competitive future. And by these pittsburg foundations. Working together to enhance and enrich the lives of children for more than seventyfive years. And by the Arthur Vining Davis foundations. Dedicated to strengthening americas future through education. Adcasting, dedicated to strengthening americas future and contributions to your pbs station, from viewers like you. And contributions to your pbs station, a Beautiful Day for a neighbor would you be mine, could you be mine wont you be my neighbor . Its daniel tigers neighborhood a land of makebelieve wont you ride along with me . Ride along its daniel tigers neighborhood so much to do, so much to see wont you ride along with me . Ride along ive got lots of friends for you to meet in this land of makebelieve a friendly face on every street just waiting to greet you its a Beautiful Day in the neighborhood a Beautiful Day for a neighbor in daniel tigers neighborhood hi, neighbor today is fruit picking day i hope we get to pick strawberries. Do you like strawberries . They are my favorite fruit. Hi, daniel are you excited to pick fruit for the whole neighborhood . Yes i cant wait me neither. Hi, trolley hello, trolley. Here we go. Trolley, please take us to the enchanted garden for fruit picking day. Youre going to love it. Were going to the enchanted garden to pick some fruit wont you ride along with me . Ride along wont you ride along with me . Here we are thanks, trolley bye, trolley i can open the garden door, dad. I just have to press 3 red roses. Count with me one. Two. Three whoa amazing hi, miss elaina. Your fruit hat looks yummy thanks, toots its got my faaaavorite fruit on it your hat has so many fruits. Which one is your favorite . All of them chachacha laughing i see prince wednesday hi, prince wednesday a royal hello ahem my family and i would like to welcome everyone to fruit picking day cheering yes, yes i declare that today

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