At a full ground stop Wall Street is trading higher at this hour the Dow is up $56.00 points at $27203.00 the Nasdaq is up $48.00 points at $8225.00 the s. And p. $500.00 is up 9 points at $3016.00 you're listening to n.p.r. News from Washington from k.q.e.d. News I'm Jeremy Siegel California's u.s. Senator and presidential candidate Kaamelott Harris is no longer the front runner among Democrats in her own state as according to a new poll from Change Research and political breakdown k.q.e.d. Politics correspondent Merissa lagers has more the online poll of more than 3000 likely Democratic primary voters shows Harris with 11 percent support in her home state down from 23 percent in July senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are in the top spots with 25 and 23 percent support respectively former Vice President Joe Biden is 3rd with 18 percent change research co-founder Pat Riley says Harris shouldn't be written off the Harris fundamentals are pretty strong in other words a lot of people choose her as her 2nd choice the poll is the 1st in a series of monthly surveys coming from Change Research and k.q.e.d. Ahead of the March 3rd primary I marries a lot goes k.q.e.d. News air b.n. B. Says it plans to go public next year and San Francisco based home rental giant announced today that it plans to be a publicly traded company in 2020 the company did not provide any more details about its initial public offering in a Prescott release issued this morning it's a long awaited move for air b.n. B. Which was founded in 2008 it's one of the largest home rental companies in the world with more than 7000000 listings in 100000 cities the company said earlier this week it made $1000000000.00 in revenue in the 2nd quarter of this year it did not reveal its profits I'm Jeremy Siegel k.q.e.d. News support today comes from jumpstart m.d. Of weight loss program created by Stanford trained physicians combining real food individual coaching and medical support so. For n.p.r. On Thursday comes from American Jewish World Service working together for more than 30 years to build a more just and equitable world learn more at age a.j. Ws Dato r.j. And the listeners have k.q.e.d. Let's listen to Joe He has your traffic now at 8 o 6 checking transit mostly on time except for capital quarter a train 523 it's probably stopped in Hayward because of a medical emergency 80 westbound a little extra slow because of crashes when a university wanted Sam Palo dam still some activity on the side there south 81 a one instead has a crash still clearing although it has been out of the 2 left lanes now for a bit but it's on the shoulder East $580.00 golf links new crash there to the north a true still Burlingame some black smoke off into the distance spotted investigation underway Joe McConnell for key committee Joe brought to you by the Office of problem gambling sunny today Bay Area high sixty's to the low seventy's along the coast and Bay in one highs in the upper seventy's to narrow 80 a very nice day to go back to pledge central This morning we have sent the American and Greg sure would right here thanks Dave it's always a good morning in pledge Central at least we hope so we you can make it so if you give us a call right now with your contribution to support k.q.e.d. Call us at 180-937-8850 or donate online at k.q.e.d. Dot org slash donate we are heading into the homestretch of this fundraiser we won't be here next Thursday we're into our last few days but we need them to be productive days because we really need to hit the goal that we set for this drive your contribution will help especially if you make it in the next few minutes because we have a dollar for dollar challenge going on from Claire Maria company Donica of the k.q.e.d. Director circle the director circle is a group of members who make significant annual contributions to k.q.e.d. And right now Ms Kemp and Donna go has put why. $1000.00 out there but you know how this works you could probably sing these rules along with me right if we don't meet this challenge by the end of this break we have to offer to return that money and none of us want that to happen so give us a call right now while we have a great bonus gift for you at the $15.00 a month level 180-937-8850 indeed we have a wonderful gift that I think everybody can take advantage of and I know that you've been thinking about it you want to improve your 2nd or 3rd language skills you want to have the joy of being able to communicate even modestly in another language and you haven't gotten around to doing that just like you haven't gotten around to making an investment in the k.q.e.d. Republic radio Well how about taking care of both of those things right now by coming in at the $15.00 a month level $0.50 a day and you dial $189378850.00 coming at that $0.50 a day level pick one of the 3 gifts you heard us chatting about throughout the drive but get as a bonus a one year subscription to babble including full access to babbles online lessons for fully 14 different languages it's really a great way to learn a language you set your own pace you learn any time you've got 3 minutes while you're standing in a line you can learn something the lessons are available on your smartphone on your computer they'll sync up across all your devices it really is an extraordinary way to get a little bit better at a language you may have studied in school or just take a brand new language and develop some skills because you know you're traveling there this babble online lesson for a year subscription is worth all the way itself $150.00 you pick the Washington Post for example from the gifts we have on offer at that level that's another 150 dollars so you're getting 300 dollars worth of really important information and a wonderful service coming your way just for. I'm making a 50 cent today investment in this service which will be doubled so you've got to give us a call right now to get all this good stuff out in 180-937-8850 It's kind of a no brainer you're investing in something that you appreciate you're making sure that it's always going to be here when that alarm goes off in the morning or when you hit that button on your car radio and you're getting some really useful thank you gifts of course the babble subscription is a bonus gift because if you call us at 180-937-8850 you get the babble subscription for a year along with your choice of thank you gives our 3 day emergency kit that backpack full of essential supplies including the eat on hand crank emergency radio or a pair of j b l wireless on ear noise canceling headphones or as Greg said that one year digital subscription to The Washington Post pick one of those and we will give you the gift of a one year subscription to babble Yes it's got 14 different languages and it also a works for people who are learning English so maybe English is not your 1st language and you want to brush up maybe you want to help someone in your family or someone you work with improve their skills a little bit this is a wonderful way to do that as well so take advantage of this 1000 dollars dollar for dollar challenge from Claire Maria company on a go of the k.q.e.d. Director circle call us right now 180-937-8850 extension 8 really is a fun service I used it recently to brush up on Portuguese I know a little bit a little bit of Spanish enough to be dangerous anyway but very little Portuguese and it was really helpful to get the language going on in my head hearing the pronunciation hearing how it's similar to but very different from Spanish This is the kind of thing you can do you got a trip coming up this winter got a trip coming up this spring. And you'd like to sharpen your language skills you've got friends coming from Europe and you'd like to be able to speak to them this is a fun way to learn a language everybody kind of wants to do it but how many people go to the trouble of doing it well let me tell you the folks at Babel figure out a very easy way to increase your skills in 14 different languages all you gotta do is help us earn this extra money in the form of the dollar for dollar challenge and you have this tool coming your way it's very simple to do just call 180-937-8850 got a roomful of people who would love to talk to you love to get you signed up as a new member of k.q.e.d. And they can help you set up a sustaining membership to it's easy to do you set it up on your credit card or your debit card and that's it it just keeps going your support will continue automatically and we will be grateful to you for doing what you can to keep us going strong for the long haul Hi this is money in San Francisco and I've been a sustaining member of take you make me for a number of years but decided that I really really been enjoying it tremendously and particularly given that it's my number one source of news I decided to raise the amount of my sustaining membership so again thanks for the great work you guys do and it's a real pleasure to listen to you not just to and from work but also hang around on the weekends make money thank you so much you know some people get it so clearly it's Ok other people it takes a little while but it's nice to hear from somebody who sees the value of the service and you know money talked about using it in his commute but also on the weekends Well this weekend we're not going to come in and ask for money when the other thing we committed to this drive was not to go to weekends of pledging we pledge Saturday and Sunday last week we're going to give you Friday Saturday and Sunday off because we took care of business last Saturday and Sunday another way we're attempting to keep this drive as efficient and as unobtrusive as possible. Possible but the way to make it successful and to keep it short is to get you over to the phone right now 218-093-7885 extension 0 That's right the harder these individual brakes work that the closer we can get to our goal and the sooner we can get there we are committed to ending on schedule but it's really important that we end. On our goal so it's a we literally have the money we need to keep bringing you the programs you love our goals are not arbitrary we really spend a lot of time figuring out just how much we need trying to keep things as lean and mean as we can but there's no way around the fact that we can't do the stuff we do here without your help 60 percent of our budget comes to us one phone call at a time $0.50 a day from you $5.00 a month from somebody else little by little it adds up to a powerful force for good in Northern California we are truly an independent voice thanks to your financial support so we're asking you to pledge that support right now as we head into the last 4 minutes of this dollar for dollar challenge from Claire Maria Kemp Adamic 0 of the k.q.e.d. Director circle phone lines are open volunteers are dying to talk to you give us a call 180937850 if you'd like to do what money did and just up your membership that's a fun and a life away to help us earn that challenge and in this drive successfully you can do that at the $5.00 a month level or you can start a brand new membership at $5.00 a month for a lot of people that may be just the ticket as far as what you can afford in support of everything you tune into and at that level whether you're bumping it up or you're starting a new membership we will thank you by giving you your 60 dollars back and we're going to give it to you in the form of groceries and goodies from the folks at good eggs they will deliver 68. Dollars worth of produce or dinner kit snacks batteries Staples even flowers straight to your door they deliver throughout much of the Bay Area it's likely you're in a zip code they service you can check out on the website to make sure but that is a wonderful way for us to thank you for doing something you obviously know you don't have to do but it is so critical that you do when we have a dollar for dollar challenge when we're trying to in this drive scheduled as scheduled having met the financial goals we have you make it all happen when you make that gift of support make that call 218-093-7885 extension 0 we still have about 2 minutes now to get that bonus gift at the $15.00 a month level a one year subscription to babble the terrific language learning app that makes it really easy and really efficient to brush up or start learning any want to 14 languages including English so that is a wonderful bonus that we can offer you at the $15.00 a month level but you have to call us and you have to do it right now because we're going down to the wire once again great they're torturing us all morning already we are trying to meet this dollar for dollar challenge from Claire Maria Kemp Adamic 0 of the k.q.e.d. Directors circle look we know how easy it is to take our service for granted you push the button and we're there we're here 247 we never send you a bill we never say not sorry you don't get today's edition of Morning Edition until your fork over some cash we just do the best job we know how to do at bringing you outstanding journalism and intelligent entertainment and then we ask you to help us pay for it you're in the driver's seat here so give us a call now at 180-937-8850 you know to that point Cynthia I just got my bill from my local cable provider Well no it's just it's north of $200.00. So much now admittedly I have a lots of different services that I use from them but when I think about how much time I spend with them versus how much time I spend with k.q.e.d. They should be in the $200.00 or so we're going to talk about you know I know I know it's interesting when you think about the time you spend with us cube that a dollar value and make that call right now get a Babel service coming your well how it will help us learn this extra money and help us in this drive successfully last Thursday of the big fall drive we need your help 180-937-8850 Thank you Greg and Cynthia Yes we do need your help go to your favorite browser and type in k.q.e.d. Down or slash no need to slash donate it will take you right to a pledge form where you can make your contribution on key q.e.d. Dot org slash donate or the phone number if you have time to pick up your phone and dial 180-937-8508 will be much appreciated we also appreciate and say thank you to the k.q.e.d. Individual volunteers the original house of bagels in San Francisco and you if you've already donated during our fall fundraiser thanks so much if you haven't yet it's not too late we have a lot of thank you gifts if you are interested in 180-937-8850 he q.e.d. News ahead in a few minutes after traffic news Joe McConnell now at 819 with your latest update the latest problem reported a siege p. 5 at the Oakland westbound your golf links a report of a crash there and possibly in the 2 left lanes motorcycle down the y.p. Some oil in the road otherwise 5 of us but a slow from just before that all the way after that to Lake Shore 580 westbound through Livermore and Pleasanton extra slow because of an earlier now apparently cleared crash near Foothill San Ramon but pockets of slow traffic as far as North Livermore Avenue now and then usually slow right on to it here longer distance right on to any from Daly City down through San Bruno and almost into Millbrae it's starts its east more Joe McConnell. Brought to you this morning by in and out burger support for k.q.e.d. Comes from true Panny and medical insurance for cats and dogs lifelong coverage for unexpected veterinarian costs Truepenny and can work with any veterinarian hospital specialty clinic an emergency center in the u.s. Learn more true Pandian dot com Sam Sarah an industrial Internet of Things company who over 10000 customers worldwide use Sam Sarah to help improve the efficiency safety and sustainability of their operations now hiring at Sam Sarah dot com now taking contributions k.q.e.d. Public Radio 180937850 or Online dot org Sly Stone 8 we have some fantastic thank you gifts if you need some more tech our very popular j b l wireless wireless on here active noise cancelling headphones are available for you get on while we have them for you also a one year digital subscription to The Washington Post unlimited access to Washington Post dot com on any device that's available to the new subscribers or the 3 day emergency kit a backpack with all the supplies the experts say you'll need for up to 3 days plus the eat on hand crank emergency radio all a part of it one of the priceless gifts available to you when you support us in 180937850 support for n.p.r. Today comes from c 3 dot a c 3 dot Ai software enables organizations to use artificial intelligence and enterprise scale so making previously unsolvable business problems learn more at c 3 dot a I t. Rowe Price offering a strategic investing approach that examines investment opportunities 1st hand. Institutions advisors employers and individuals choose to Rowe Price hero price invest with confidence and 20th Century Fox a New Regency with Ad Astra starring Brad Pitt an astronaut travels to the outer edges of the solar system to find his missing father Astra in theaters and I'm accept number 20 and the listeners and members of k.q.e.d. Public Radio Haiti 8.5 f.m. It's coming up on a 22 This is Morning Edition on k.q.e.d. I'm Jeremy Siegel in the coming years the effects of climate change are going to be felt more and more across the state and here in the Bay area Silicon Valley the hub of innovation tech companies are seeing an increasing risk of rising seas wildfires and other threats literally in their backyards and a big question that's going to be on a lot of people's minds is what can those big tech companies do to help adapt to climate change and do they have a responsibility to do that as part of a new series for Marketplace Tech host Molly woods been looking into this and we have her on the line now hey Molly Hey Jeremy So what can Silicon Valley do well I think there are 2 questions there sort of like what can the Silicon Valley do and then what will Silicon Valley do right now what we're seeing is that a lot of tech companies especially those that are really like you said at imminent risk from extreme weather flooding and also sea level rise they're really starting to look at assessing their own risk and figuring out how they can harden their own campuses against climate change and and then maybe as they develop some of those technologies or even some of the strategies how they might be able to extend those solutions to other companies in the valley to communities in the valley and then maybe the world at large but the simple answer to your question is that none of this is part of anybody's core business just yet and I know there are some some. Big barriers here a big one being funding why isn't climate adaptation getting some of the startup money that other places are yeah you know it's interesting we did a lot of reporting the valley and talked to a lot of venture capital firms and a lot of them feel like they really got burned a little bit by the sort of a clean tech revolution 10 to 15 years ago when there was a lot of investment in solar and other renewable energy technology a lot of the companies that came out of those investments depended on government subsidy and tax credit for their business model and not all of those tax credits came through so as we know there was sort of a wave of you know solar companies that went bankrupt and the seas lost a lot of money and they've been a little bit gun shy ever since so what what would it take to to change minds on this I think you're starting to see as the effects of extreme weather start to hit as climate change becomes a reality day today whether it's fire or flood or heat you start to see companies saying Ok this is a real this is a real risk and with the risk this size comes opportunity in fact you know John Doerr who was the founding partner of Kleiner Perkins has famously said that climate is the biggest investment opportunity of this century and so I think you're starting to see people realize that there is a market for this technology you're seeing cities and states say we will buy this technology we need your help so as long as they can figure out a way to get it on the bottom line I think you'll start to see more innovation I guess the flipped end of that is some people might feel weird about big tech companies making money off of trying to solve climate change right I mean is this something like Is this something that people want big tech to be doing because there's obviously a big distrust of these companies right now definitely and that is absolutely the other side of the coin is saying if big tech engages and decides this is part of the bottom line are they going to make products that people can afford or the. You know communities that may already be disadvantaged can't necessarily take advantage of or can't buy and that there is a lot of mistrust and so I think that those are all real questions to ask it's probably part of the reason that that these companies right now are are doing a lot of this work through their philanthropic arms or they're working on their own sustainability goals but few of them seem to be saying you know we're going to make a business out of this because certainly there is a question of do you want to be the 1st company that says we're going to profit by selling technology that can help people survive climate change that's a little bit of a tough marketing so Molly Wood is host of Marketplace Tech My thanks so much for your time thanks for having me. That is music from the Jack Benny Show recorded live at the Presidio Theater in San Francisco in 1942 he was just one of many big names who performed at the venue when it served as the main social hub for soldiers stationed at the Army base after falling into disrepair the historic theater recently received a $40000000.00 facelift and its reopening this weekend Chloe Veltman reports. Well below here we are San Francisco the old pounds of happier than ever and yet they're not going to get the kick out of broadcast but the culture beard the prep a video around 3000 people showed up to see Jack Benny at the Presidio theater on February 22nd 1942 millions more had to broadcast across the country and around the world he was one of the great performers of his time so that was a huge event to have happen here that's Presidio trust program producer Brad Rosen Steve Rosenstein shows me photos of other Hollywood stars who came through here to visit wounded soldiers sign autographs and play shows that Lucille Ball on one side my lated teacher call. The other had a very very happy soldier sandwiched in between them on the couch getting all kinds of Hollywood attention but the venue wasn't ideal for a big law if production's dressing rooms the stage was narrow and cramped mostly it was used to screen films Western Movies like a soldier audience were the biggest hits of all in fact the final film showed at the theater in 1904 before the venue closed was the Western comedy maverick Gibson the thing most often. Jodie Foster was sitting in the concrete just called Maverick and my name is Annabel brass I was taken the state so much so much when the army moved out the 939 Spanish colonial style building fell into disuse. Back I remember visiting the rundown space a few years ago well it was dark no light no power. And the ceiling had partially collapsed because the roof was leaking the San Francisco based architect is part of a team that's been working to bring the theater back to life it now has a roomy stage a fancy sound and lighting system and gleaming dressing rooms who mega says the venue is ready for screening movies again and live events so they will be dance plays and musicals theaters they'll be graduations and in the tradition of Jack Benny maybe even radio show is a little like overnight but. I'm Chloe Veltman k.q.e.d. News and I'm Jeremy Siegel You're listening to Morning Edition on k.q.e.d. And the time approaching 829 traffic time with Joe was due at 530 westbound San Leandro through Oakland at least 2 possibly 3 different crashes one reported westbound $580.00 passed MacArthur that might have a lane blocked and then there's another one at golf links and the 3rd one westbound 5 idiot Coolidge in the left lane is reported blocked by that one just some of what's happening on 5 to 80 in San Jose north of the Alameda new crash just. There the Bay Bridge maze north 80 of the 80 split its broken down car adding to the Course the back up through the maze San Francisco still recovering from earlier what was seemingly a minor crash northbound at Cesar Chavez Joe McConnell for Cutie brought to you by Sean Yoon support for k.q.e.d. Comes from ways carpool with ways carpool writers can ride with neighbors and coworkers and people reviewed by neighbors and coworkers more about the ways carpool app and ways dot com slash carpool. Lots of sun today Bay Area also the Sacramento Valley Bay Area high sixty's to near 80 and one Sacramento today a high of 79. Live from n.p.r. News in Washington I'm Lakshmi saying the day after President Donald Trump broke the news that his administration would revoke California's authority to set stricter fuel economy standards for cars and trucks its promotion of cleaner air e.p.a. Administrator Andrew Wheeler joins transportation secretary Elaine Chao today and making it official we embrace federalism and the role of states but federalism does not mean that one state can dictate standards for the entire country Democratic led states and environmental groups say the administration is making a big mistake that they say would unravel the gains they've made toward reducing air pollution and addressing climate change they say they'll take the fight to court Afghanistan's military backed by the United States is behind an airstrike that officials say killed at least 12 people in eastern Afghanistan they launched the operation after a Taliban bombing in the southern region claimed at least 16 lives from Kabul Jennifer glass reports insurgents ambush was the most high profile since the Taliban's peace talks with the Us collapse the Taliban are trying to get the u.s. To return to talks President Trump halted negotiations earlier this month cancelling a deal the Taleban said had been approved the Afghan government is kept out of the negotiations and says it wants any process postponed until after presidential elections on September 28th that's Jennifer Glass reporting the Dow Jones Industrial Average is up 95 points at 27000 to 42 this is n.p.r. News from k.q.e.d. News I'm Jeremy Siegel Facebook c.e.o. Mark Zuckerberg is set to talk about Internet regulations with lawmakers in Washington d.c. Today he would use Mena can reports the last times I made a public visit to Washington was last spring to testify before Congress about privacy election interference and other issues this time Facebook says the meetings with lawmakers are not public and it did not give details on whom succor Virg is meeting with and what exactly he'll discuss the Menlo Park company is under. Pressure from lawmakers concerned about how it protects users' privacy and about its potentially anti-competitive behavior Facebook faces investigations into its habit of buying potential rivals like Instagram and in July the Federal Trade Commission find the company 5000000000 dollars for privacy violations I mean a Kim k.q.e.d. News a wealthy California Democratic donor accused of running a drug house where 2 men died of overdoses contributed to many candidates over the years including Gavin Newsome and Javier Basara Los Angeles prosecutors allege Edward Bok provided methamphetamine to 2 men that overdosed and died at his apartment and they claim he injected a man this month with math who survived an overdose Representatives for Basara and new Some say both gave the donations to charity earlier this year Loyola law professor Jeffrey Jessica Levinson specializes in campaign finance it tends to be this kind of cleansing ritual where candidates try and absolve themselves of any connection other politicians including California congressman Ted Lew have also donated bucks to chip donations to charity I'm Jeremy Siegel k.q.e.d. News support today comes from a cow tourism an Asian destination that blends east west cultures w w w dot visit Macau China dot com support for k.q.e.d. Comes from p.g. And e. Reminding customers to always dig safely by calling it 11 a one want to free service that marks underground gas or electric lines stay safe and always call 811 at least 2 days before digging. Support for n.p.r. Comes from Trader Joe's where new products arrive in stores weekly and new episodes of the podcast inside trader joe's arrive online occasionally at Apple podcasts and where podcasts are found more at Trader Joe's dot com and a.d.p. An h.r. Partner committed to designing a better way to work with h.r. Talent Time benefits and payroll informed by data and design for people learn more at design dot a.t.p. Dot com and the listeners and members of the public radio m de Freeman along with Cynthia Marcucci and Greg sure would we return you to pledge central for a more of our k.q.e.d. Fall fundraiser and some exciting news ahead we do have some exciting news Dave and it comes to us in the form of a triple challenge rate on this the last thursday of our big fall drive we are trying to. Get to our goal we have lowered the goal from last year we're going to commit to not extending this drive regardless of whether we make the goal or not but we obviously want to make the goal and that's why these triple challenge breaks are so important to us this one comes to us from George and Judy Marcus of the k.q.e.d. East President circle they've provided a grant of $2000.00 that will triple the value of listener donations up to $1000.00 during this break triple the value of your contribution thanks to George and Judy Marcus of k.q.e.d. President circle a group of members who make significant annual contributions to k.q.e.d. They're headed out of the park for us right now but Cynthia. They did this not to just go or are we nice we gave you a couple $1000.00 they did it because they want to few dollars from everyone else that's right sometimes it takes somebody showing you the way somebody being the example to remind you how much we depend on support from our listeners and right now we're asking you to go to your phone and call us at 180-937-8850 or donate online at k.q.e.d. Dot org slash donate we are trying to pick up the pace a little bit as Greg said it's the last Thursday we're heading into the homestretch of this fundraiser and we're not going a single minute over the deadline that we set for ourself to reach our goal but we got to raise the money at the end of the day it just comes down to that if we don't raise the money we need during these fundraisers it makes it that much tougher for us to bring you all the quality journalism and all the programs you expect from us so if you listen if you like us and if you can find room in your budget for $0.50 a day maybe $5.00 a month you choose the amount and George and Julie Marcus of the k.q.e.d. President circle are standing by with a fat roll of twenties with a match you dollar for dollar but you got to make the 1st movie got a call 180-937-8850 or go to our website and donate at k.q.e.d. Dot org slash donate and add to the intensity of the moment for us is September is the last month of our fiscal year so what happens during this drive has a lot of bearing on how we look and feel confident about moving into our new fiscal year when we have a triple challenge it's such a golden opportunity for us but it needs our people to help us and that's where you come in 180-937-8850 extension 2 the number to call to help k.q.e.d. Dot org slash donate go to the Web site lots of different Thank you. Gifts there for you to choose from and lots of different levels but we've still got all the thank you gift you've heard us chat about throughout the drive including the 3 gifts at the $15.00 a month level whatever level works for you works for us when any amount that you give us will be tripled when you call 180-937-8850 Hi there my name is favorite of them from Cupertino California and I just don't make it a k.q.e.d. Because and to their friends it is that path or so on by a separation that is out there you just cannot go wrong with that this is the only source that I trust the most reliable information that has become so important in today's life and I don't want to give a shit about the parents who wanted out there were supporting this place right and good luck to k.q.e.d. In a fantastic job and the country all the great quote but if I could do it save us and thank you so much thank you for recognizing that we strive to be the only trustworthy news source or let's just say one of the very few trust where the news sources out there at a time when fact based news is more important than ever thank you for your trust thank you for your support and thank you for the shout out to our hardworking k.q.e.d. Volunteers they are here they are sitting next to the phone they want to help you get signed up as a brand new member and triple the value of your donation but you only have about 3 minutes left to help us make the most of this triple challenge so give us a call 180-937-8850 you can triple things online to k.q.e.d. Dot org slash donate and either on the web or on our phone you can take advantage of all those guess we have on offer at the $0.50 a day level you can get either the digital subscription to The Washington Post for an entire year I just went to their websites and they are that's $150.00 Yeah now it's crazy you want your money back we're getting triple what you're giving us and you get most of your money back in the for. Form of a great service from The Washington Post Similarly if you choose instead the j b l wireless on your act of noise canceling headphones they have a retail value about $130.00 or get most of your money back in that form and or you can choose the 3 day emergency kit which is packed was so many unusual items and it is going to play such an important role in your life at the advent of the next natural disaster I put priceless as yes I know it's the kind of thank you gift we hope you never need it but we want you to have indeed and right now you have the opportunity to have your gifts tripled just because you made that call and gift of support right now our friends George and Judy Marcus have gone way out of their way to give us this opportunity but you need to take advantage of it to make it the happy event we want it to be 180-937-8850 place to go on line is k.q.e.d. Dot org slash donate and I promise you when this Dr ends next week you want to be one of those people who looks back and says Yeah I helped do that I don't make that possible you don't want to be the one sitting there saying yeah you know I should have done that I feel bad I didn't get around to it make this the drive you make your move all it takes is 2 minutes on the phone with a nice volunteer at 180-937-8850 take a couple of minutes and do it yourself online if you like at k.q.e.d. Dot org slash donate and you can browse a nice selection of thank you gifts but you know and we know you know that the most important reason of all to support us is not for the tangible stuff you get but for the intangible priceless stuff you get valuable information accurate information insight things to think about and talk about things that make your life that much better help us keep bringing them to you by doing your part for us right now 1809. 378850 we're coming down to the wire on this big triple challenge break on the last thursday of our big fall drive if this is the time of day you listen and look forward to our service make the call right now 218-093-7885 extension 0 That's Greg sure what along with Cynthia Marcucci would like to say thank you also to the k.q.e.d. Individual volunteers they are here this morning taking your contributions at 180137850 Also thanks to the fruit guys dot com delivering fresh fruit offices and 18 rabbits organic and gluten free granola available at Rainbow by right market and Amazon also online you can make a contribution and choose a thank you gift to keep q.e.d. Dot org slash donate or the number again 180937850 check out our thank you gifts one of our most popular thank you gifts this time out a pair of j. V.l. Wireless on air active noise canceling headphones check them out they're available if you can support just $0.50 a day and your contribution will be tripled before time runs out now at 180937850 triple your contribution online for a few more moments of k.q.e.d. Dot org slash donate Joe McConnell with the traffic update now at 842 latest problem San Jose and Highway 87 northbound near the 280 entertains crash there are 3 car pileup on the shoulder and some of the biggest traffic problems include north 80 of the Alameda for car pileup and middle lane is blocked traffic backed up 228580 west not $16406.00 then heading towards Oakland a motorcycle down left lane blocked in an oil spill and 5 eastbound in Richmond before Buchanan heading into Albany it's a big rig stalled in the left lane and backing up traffic to Marina Bay Parkway Joe McConnell for k.q.e.d. Brought to you again on k.q.e.d. By Shin unit 843 m de Freeman with a q.e.d. Perspective next good. Morning we all experience small everyday answered oncet rag someone often ourselves disproportionally angry Marilyn Englander tries to practice being curious 1st instead of furious I'm idling at the wheel behind a couple cars at a stop sign a few seconds tick by then the driver just in front of me explodes with a furious bleat of honks He's jerking back and forth in agitation Well yes why isn't that car up at the front moving I lift my hand to add my horn to the protest when I glimpse an elderly woman painfully creeping to the end of the cross walk cars move forward my face flushes in shame in mere seconds I've generated a great deal of anger yet the incident was so insignificant how often this happens I see a woman drop a bag of dog waste on the shore trail and I call after her in barely disguised irritation Excuse me but you left that bag she turns and patiently explains I use bright red bag so I always can find them when I come back this way after doing my 2 miles who think carry it that far in this heat be curious not furious I chant to myself but it's a challenging discipline I have to mentally transport myself to the other side of the chasm of strong emotion and look back from the other person's viewpoint but if I can allow curiosity to nudge aside my anger suddenly a new perspective opens I can take a few beats Bre pose a few questions to make it a 1st impulse to inquire to be generous enough to ask why takes a lot of practice but saying Tell me what's happening here or please explain opens the door to empathy. Reaching out to investigate willfully suspending anger requires self-awareness as I hurry through my busy day but he can help me connect to others instead of seeing them as obstacles and it certainly lowers blood pressure and lightens my mood keep trying with a perspective this is Marilyn Englander Marilyn Englander is a North Bay educator share your thoughts on her commentary on line a k.q.e.d. Dot org slash perspectives support for perspectives today comes from Comcast business offering Internet and phone options to nonprofit organizations through its community essentials program Morad Comcast Business dot com slash community essentials. It's essential public radio public radio it's our fall fundraiser right now if you haven't donated yet please do so our volunteers are here we have many thank you gifts all to help support Public Radio and k.q.e.d. News 24 hours a day 7 days a week k.q.e.d. Dot org slash donate the web address thank you gifts also available online choose one or a couple of them or 180137850 volunteers answering your phone calls taking your contributions at this very moment thank you again support for n.p.r. Comes from Jane and Gerald catcher supporting the children's movement of Florida dedicated to helping all children enter school with the social emotional and intellectual skills needed to succeed more information available the Children's Movement Florida dot org Heather Stewart Hagar Paul g. Hagar supporting African Wildlife Foundation working to ensure the future of Africa's wildlife and wild lands more at a w.f. Dot org It's Morning Edition from n.p.r. News good morning I'm David Greene and I'm Steve Inskeep the Federal Reserve cut interest rates yesterday a move that is common in times of economic worry on the surface this is not a time of economic worry by normal measures the economy is strong and consumer spending is healthy so why did the Fed Act in the way that it did Let's ask David Wessel director of the Hutchens center on fiscal and monetary policy at the Brookings Institution who has specialized in the actions of the Fed David good morning good morning Steve what exactly did the Fed do well the Fed cut its key short term interest rate which influences other interest rates in the economy by one quarter percentage point 2nd time it's done that this year and it did it as you suggested even though unemployment said a 50 year low in the economy is still growing even if it's growing at a slower pace than it had been so here's how Fed chair Jerome Powell explained the move yesterday we took this step to help keep the u.s. Economy strong in the face of some notable developments and to provide. Insurance against ongoing risks so basically the case for cutting interest rates is to reduce the risk that the economy might slow too much perhaps if the trade war and the slowdown in growth outside the United States leads businesses here to slow hiring and consumer spending then falters as a result Ok so worried about those external factors pushing things down but did everybody at the Fed agree because we should note this is a decision made by committee right. There is clearly unusual disagreement at the Fed There were 10 people voting at yesterday's meeting one of them wanted a bigger rate cut 2 didn't want any rate cut at all and projections by each of the Fed governors and regional bank presidents including those who don't have a vote this year show that 7 expect another rate cut this year but 10 don't unfortunately the Fed doesn't tell us which projection belongs to chair Powell and he refused to elaborate at a press conference yesterday but all this disagreement makes it hard to know whether the Fed will continue to cut rates or is it planning to hold them steady Well given that he didn't say everything we might like to know let's listen to some of what Powell did say now will come a time I suspect when we think we've done enough but there may also come a time when the economy worsens and and we would then have to cut more aggressively if we don't know Ok so maybe they'll cut some more maybe they won't cut some more why would they do it if they did it yes like Jay Powell the Fed chair is not an economist he's a lawyer but he started to talk about the on the one hand this on the other hand that kind of. Look basically the Fed is looking at 2 parts possible scenarios going forward I one of them things the economy rolls on despite the trade war and despite all the problems in China and Europe and they don't cut rates again on the other hand what Jay Powell says is if the economy turns down if these risks turn into reality then they'll cut rates again and financial markets expect them to do another quarter point rate cut this year very briefly does the Fed still have tools left if there was a real recession because an interest rate cut is something they would do in a recession. Not so much the key federal funds rate now is below 2 percent usually in a recession the Fed cuts rates by 4 or 5 percentage points so they have fewer tools than they used to have they have some unconventional tools but I think if we have a recession there's going to be a lot of pressure on Congress to cut taxes increase spending to save us from a really bad recession David thanks so much you're welcome That's David Wessel director of the Hutchens. Center on fiscal and monetary policy at the Brookings Institution. Stay tuned to k.q.e.d. For the California report ahead in a minute here's Joe with traffic among the bigger crash related slowdowns northbound 80 through San Jose it's a crash of the Alameda cleared of the shoulder but it's backing up traffic into the Campbell area 580 westbound elso is still recovering from an earlier crash near Foothill San Ramon heavy traffic there Pleasanton had been backed up to Livermore San Francisco to the north that the 6 treat exit the report of a stalled car in the left lane of that ramp in the existing existing back up from least near oppose the job McConnell Porky cutie brought to you by the Office of problem gambling support for k.q.e.d. Comes from the Rand Corporation a nonprofit nonpartisan research organization examining what scientific research can tell us about the effects of gun policy in America more of ran dot org and 8 by 8 offering cloud based communication solutions across voice video meetings chat in contact center on the web at 8 x. 8 dot com 8 by 8 communications transform. One key q.e.d. The time now is $851.00. This is the California report I'm Lily Jamali in San Francisco and I'm Saul Gonzales in Los Angeles we're going to start this morning in Sacramento where Governor Newsome signed into law a bill that will make it harder for companies like Lifton to classify gig workers as contractors the law will affect hundreds of thousands of workers in California and some companies are trying to find a way around it k.q.e.d. Political reporter Kate your has details Assembly Bill 5 codified a $28000.00 state Supreme Court decision that found workers performing a core service of the business are employees this has implications for many professions but it could be particularly challenging for companies like Google and lift who rely on a contractor business model the bill's author Assemblywoman Lorraine again solace says those companies put themselves in this position they have created so many millionaires and billionaires in the state and that's great that's innovative but when you do it on the backs of the working poor there's something wrong there lift and door dash are pushing new sim to come up with the 3rd option for good companies and have threatened to spend 90000000 dollars on a 2020 ballot measure for the California report and I'm Katie you are in Sacramento the President Trump is back in Washington this morning after a memorable 2 day swing through our state this week. He drew protests yesterday in San Diego where he attended a fundraiser but also this it at the border fence in Mesa and K.V.'s reporter Max Rivlin Adler was there since Trump took office the Department of Homeland Security has finished a 14 mile stretch of border wall replacement stretching from the ocean to time isa trumps last visit to a tiny so it was in March 28th to review prototypes for possible border walls those prototypes were knocked down earlier this year none of the prototype designs were chosen as part of the replacement fence at the replacement border fence Trump complimented Mexico on its recent efforts to drive down migration to the southern border. Of the United States the Mexican soldiers have been. Trump and signed the wall alongside construction workers this concluded Trump's 2 day visit to California which focused on fund raising for his reelection campaign that was k. P.b.s. Reporter Max Rivlin that lower this morning the trumpet ministration put out a press release on something that the president made quite clear this week he's going after California's ability to issue tougher vehicle emission standards than the federal government's Laurel Rosenthal of Cal matters reports the state is considering payback She joins me now by phone from Sacramento Hi Laurel Hi Hi So what is California considering doing to punish car makers that don't take its side in this dispute now with a trumpet ministration well for a long time California's had a program that supposed to incentivize people who are shopping for cars to buy electric cars by offering rebates when you buy a car that's that's a clean no or low emissions vehicle so far those rebates have been open to all different brands of cars and the criteria has been more about you know the emissions level whether the technology involved not the companies involved now because California has this unusual agreement with 4 car companies which right now include Honda Ford Volkswagen b.m.w. There's discussion of possibly limiting those clean car rebates so that they would only go to customers who buy cars from those companies an opportunity to punish those companies that don't go along with California in this dispute it could be a kind of schmooze or it could be an enticement depending on how you look at it and it would mean that the companies that are not in the agreement with California it would mean that cars from those companies wouldn't qualify for the rebate and it appears to be something that the state is looking at as a way to. Taste more time Nice to join this agreement that currently only includes core company Laurel Rosen hall from Cal matters thank you so much for this terrific reporting thank you so port for the California report comes from energy upgrade California urging Californians to keep it golden by saving energy through simple acts like adjusting the thermostat a few degrees energy upgrade california dot org water hint is water infused with fruit essences including watermelon and Black Berry no sugar no sweeteners no calories available in grocery stores hint mouth watering water and Eric and Wendy Schmidt whose fund for strategic innovation supports transformative ideas that benefit humanity while protecting the natural world recognizing through science the interdependency of all living systems let's turn now to how Californians are feeling about the 2020 election the 1st poll in a new partnership between k.q.e.d. And the San Francisco based online polling firm change research is out this morning it finds that Senator Kamel Harris is no longer the front runner here in her home state as she buys for the Democratic presidential nomination k.q.e.d. Politics reporter monies a lot of us has more in the survey conducted after last week's presidential debate Harris clocks and 4th place behind Elizabeth Warren Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden the poll of more than $3300.00 likely Democratic voters finds Harris at 11 percent support Warren tops the field with 25 percent saying they'll vote for the Massachusetts senator it's a big difference from July when Change Research found Harris leading the crowded field with 23 percent support but the other candidates numbers have barely budged since that survey k.q.e.d. As political breakdown podcast is partnering with change research to conduct monthly polls ahead of the March 3rd California primary the margin of error for this poll is plus or minus 1.7 percent for the cause. For a new report armories a lot of us and finally climate related events like heat waves and wildfires are getting worse and as they do a new study finds that the costs of these events are rising by hundreds of billions of dollars Here's more from k.q.e.d. Science reporter Leslie McClurg an economist at u.c.s.f. Teamed up with a nonprofit environment group to analyze health data in 2012 they reviewed records from 10 events ranging from ozone pollution in Nevada to toxic algal blooms in Florida the health costs from just these case studies tops $10000000000.00 because climate related disasters are only increasing Researchers estimate health care costs already exceed tens of billions of dollars a year Paul our back is an emergency room doctor at Stanford University it's the most important health crisis of our time and maybe of all time the report shows that Medicare and Medicaid paid most of those bills that indicates older and poorer people are suffering the most for the California report I'm Leslie Walker. And that's the California report for this Thursday September 19th a production of k.q.e.d. Public Radio I'm only Jamali in San Francisco and I'm sold and solace in Los Angeles have a great day. Keep listening to k.q.e.d. You are one minute away from forum with Michael Krasny at 9 Here's Joe to close out the our latest problem a breakdown have a 13 North battered Redwood in Oakland just clearing that off already backed up to the 5 at the interchange 5 he also is crawling along from San Leandro through Oakland and one big crash still clearing 580 west Bennett 106 where the left lane might still be blocked 580 westbound pretty much packed from the all them on all the way through Pleasanton because the earlier now cleared oil spill a motorcycle crash near Foothill San Ramon eastbound 580 coming towards a. 80 extra jammed earlier crashing Buchanan partly to blame it's clear Joe McConnell for Kiki because again by Shane united support for k.q.e.d. Comes from true Pandian medical insurance for cats and dogs true Pandian can help pet owners budget for unexpected veteran veterinarian costs and eliminate reimbursement wait times by paying the veterinarian directly learn more a true Pandian dot com member. San Francisco and. Highland Sacramento it's 9 o'clock. Public Radio in San Francisco I'm Michael Krasny the global climate strike begins tomorrow it will last a week with protests and walkouts in the Bay Area and around the world and today California officials are considering a controversial proposal in protecting the world's tropical rainforests and combat in climate change the proposal before the Air Resources Board could allow companies to offset their carbon emissions by sending money to fight the forestation and promote sustainable industries in other countries such as Brazil proponents say that including these international projects in the states cap and trade program provides much needed money to save the world's essential for us but opponents say it's nothing more than green washing That's all next right up to the. Live from n.p.r. News in Washington I'm Lakshmi saying President Donald Trump is asking a federal judge to block New York prosecutors from getting hold of his tax returns his attorneys have filed a lawsuit in the u.s. District court in New York against Manhattan district attorney Cyrus Vance Jr The Associated Press quotes one lawyer who says the suit is intended to address the significant constitutional issues at stake Vance recently subpoenaed the president's accounting firm to obtain 8 years of trump state and federal tax returns that they say could shed more light on his finances in their investigation of possible wrongdoing. The prime minister of Canada is at the mercy of voters after nearly 20 year old photo of him in brown face turned up in the middle of his reelection campaign Justin Trudeau has apologized for the racially offensive act as Dan Carp and check reports from Toronto some Canadians say they're ready to forgive Trudeau others not so much Trudeau apologized for the photo taken at a school gala where he was a teacher in 2001 Time magazine published a photo from the Arabian Nights the end of and it showed Trudeau in costume wearing brown face he says he's disappointed in himself and should have known better the head of the National Council of Canadian Muslims says there's room for everyone to learn and come back from their mistakes Meanwhile the Canadian Arab federation calls it outrageous and quote races to the bone while the World Sikh Organization of Canada says Trudeau has apologized and acknowledges that it's not clear yet how much the incident will affect his campaign for reelection for n.p.r. News I'm Dan carpenter can Toronto House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has unveiled a sweeping plan to lower the cost of prescription drugs the proposal includes many ideas supported by President n.p.r. Susan Davis has more details on this proposal the speaker's plan would cap at $2000.00 out of pocket costs for prescription drugs for seniors on Medicare and the disabled It also calls for the federal government to directly negotiate drug prices on the top $250.00 most expensive drugs each year the amounts would be pegged to the cost of the same drugs in other countries under something called an international price index President Trump has also voiced support for Price Index and his administration is reviewing a possible executive order to that end however police plan is opposed by the drug lobby and most Republicans Susan Davis n.p.r. News the Capitol hundreds of water rescues have been conducted in Texas where portions of that State and Louisiana are flood.