Can't Perhaps Mark. 3 economic things to define this week ready. From American Public Media this is Marketplace. Marketplace is supported by. Enabling corporate and industrial digital transformation with artificial intelligence cloud computing and big data software solutions. And. Committed to supporting ideas and institutions that promote. Foundation seeking to increase American understanding of East and Southeast Asia. And. The 3rd of November. Everybody we completed the economic trifecta for the week this morning the October jobs report joined the g.o.p. Tax bill of yesterday also big news from the Fed of course so much to talk about so little is with the Los Angeles Times Citi bready is a politico they are both in our studios in Washington this nation's capital. Delhi start with you on the jobs report to $261000.00 new jobs on payrolls unemployment rate falls to 4 point one percent good and more of the same right. That's right the hurricanes that. Brought jobs to a standstill in September is far behind us now we made up most of those jobs restaurant workers went back to work and manufacturing at some good numbers and so I think we're back on this the cruising speed of good moderate job gains only promise we haven't had wage gains and it does not pick up and in point of fact Sudeep there is and we've talked about this for you and I and a lot of people that's the Bugaboo right and it remains even though the economy seems to be grown and doing well it's been the thing for years this was yet another low drama jobs report we're back to the same old trend and that's important we all get revved up for jobs and obviously it's a big important issue but for say the Federal Reserve they love to have a low drama jobs report they have steady job growth moderate wage growth obviously you'd like more wage growth but moderate wage growth means you can keep interest rates low for a longer period and that's what they seem to be going for are you Don let me ask you this since you brought up the Fed. As we know Janet Yellen will be out of a job come January even though the economy is doing well Jay Powell will take over what are going to be the big changes we can see under Chairman pow. I think for the most part things are going to be. Pretty much following the pattern Janet Yellen said he's voted with her along with her for the last 4 years and he's backed her plan of gradual slow rate increases so I don't think there'd be an immediate change but I do think we're likely to see some a faster growth and the Fed has penciled in 3 rate increases for next year like to start seeing some dissent and so it could get a little more contentious and he'll have to really corral the people in the board Yeah that's interesting actually because contentious is not a word you have associated with the Fed for a good long time right Don It has been pretty calm and you know but then again the chart that the path that Janet Yellen charted has you know with laid out and people have She's been able to bring everybody along but the economy is likely to turn now we're you know 8 and a half years into this expansion and we've got the tax plan and if that goes through with going to pick up the momentum will Sudeep Let's talk about that tax plan for a minute we're going to talk to Kevin Hassett of the bottom the program a good long chat about the economics of this thing I do want to ask you though about something that struck me as I was looking at some of the maps and charts of where some of these impacts are going to be it was interesting to me the region ality of this tax plan a lot of the mortgage interest deduction head and a lot of the state and local tax deduction it is going to be on the coast away from one has to observe where a lot of Republican voters live. Funny can line up the tax map and line up the electoral map and you'll see some similarities but the Republicans need to keep their caucus together need to be able to get the votes through and this thing is just beginning there is no policy issue that's harder than overhauling taxes because corporate lobbyists involved are involved in a tax bill is the Super Bowl in the World Series and the Olympics all in one of the ultimate opportunity to show what you've got as a lobbyist and they're going to show what they've got and that is going to make this very very difficult on top of all the geographic issues and all the other fault lines that we've got on this issue also City Brooke quick market starts next week it is going to be well interesting you know it's going to be interesting everyone has has their own issues to bring forward and that's why taxes are so hard to deal with they're going to all be picking at it you've already seen the small business group come out against this they are obviously very close in touch with members of the House who are going to be speaking to this the homebuilder's real estate agent they all have their wants in this and members are going to be trying to satisfy them that to find something they can pass but it is a very hard thing to get through and we have human gotten for the Senate where they get to call it and start all over and start a whole process that everyone can hate all over again Don real quick the president left for Asia today. He's got a week plus or minus 11 days what legitimately can we expect out of this trip other than a lot of photo ops for Donald Trump I think he's going to you know be he's got to think issues one is North Korea and the other is trade and as we know. Trump has linked the 2 he's going to I think ask the Chinese president Xi Jinping for more commitments to tighten the screws on North Korea and he will probably also bring up steel and other issues like protection of IP there that. You know folks in Ohio and Pennsylvania and that you know they want him to get tough on trade with China back to those voters again Don Lee from Los Angeles Times and Sudeep Reddy of Politico thank you Tim Thanks All right have a nice weekend eye wall street today they're good with the jobs report on the tax bill and Jay Powell at the Fed We will have the details when we do the numbers. We're going to dive deep into the economics of the tax bill in the 2nd half of the program as I mentioned but let us spare a thought here for the congressional staffers and the lobbyists and the think tank and all the others who are looking at a maybe not so fun filled weekend of digging through the $400.00 plus pages of the g.o.p. Tax bill to find out what it actually says and sorting out where to pick their fights come Monday when this thing heads to the House Ways and Means Committee to get chewed over marked up is the word I used with Sudeep already weighing in as he mentioned our small businesses many of whom are none too pleased with this bill as written is Marketplace Camilli Adams explains the National Federation of Independent Business which says it represents more than $325000.00 donors does not like this bill most small business owners would not be eligible for production in their taxes that's Jack moslim a spokesperson for the group one issue it gives a tax cut to some types of small businesses but not all we definitely support a substantial tax cut for the local manufacturers but we support the same substantial tax cut for his accountant New York University's Daniel severe o. Says even those who get a tax cut may see their tax bill go up by losing personal income tax deductions and credits they're going to win and losers in different ways in accounting not just. It was my small business tax for how I taxed when I haven't done on a small business and some of the changes called for in the bill may end up helping only big businesses says Lilian Mills a professor at the University of Texas Austin for example a new proposal letting businesses immediately expense all their equipment small businesses could already do that up to $250000.00 your mom and pops your hair salons they are buying more than $250000.00 of assets per year now unless this tax nudge might encourage your salon to invest in some really high end dryers or something in Washington I'm Kimberly Adams for Marketplace as I said of the President Trump is on his way to Asia 5 countries 11 days the longest visit to that part of the world by any president in the past 25 years as Marketplace's Aaron Schrank reports there is going to be an interesting economic balancing act on display when it comes to America's brand Asian nations have been getting conflicting messages from the Trump administration says Liz Economy at the Council on Foreign Relations there's America 1st the president's determination to cut u.s. Trade deficits and renegotiate trade deals then there's the traditional stance America is a beacon of free trade and regional cooperation the region is looking for the president to somehow bring those 2 narratives together into some kind of coherent framework so that they can know whether or not they should continue to subscribe to u.s. Led order in the region trumps tough talk on trade isn't just talk in his 1st week on the job he pulled the u.s. Out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership multilateral trade deal championed by former President Obama this translate into enormous uncertainty and unhappiness Trump needs to reassure on this trip says Scott Kennedy at the Center for Strategic and International Studies he is going to be on a balancing act because every place he's got an African everyplace we also need something in. South Korea renegotiating an existing bilateral trade deal in Japan negotiating a brand new one and in China persuading the government to give foreign companies there a level playing field and was Economy says if some big ticket commercial deals are announced on the trip Brand America also benefits the key sides come out of this with some positive accord as opposed to focusing on the much more important and difficult structural issues and observers say if Trump want support in curbing North Korea's nuclear ambitions he may just have to play nice. And agreed to the public release of an interagency Report years in the making that says the planet is warming more and faster than at any other time in human history and that human activity is the main cause. And yet those positions don't exactly match the policies of the president of United States and his environmental advisers that mismatch will surely be a topic of conversation in the next round of un climate talks that start in Bonn Germany next week there are going to be people from the White House there yes but the unofficial delegation is going to have a whole lot more influence as Marketplace's Jed can explain from the Sustainability Desk the climate talks are part international negotiation part Climate Action trade show usually the u.s. Has a massive tent alongside all the other nations it's a space for high level show and tell about what the u.s. Economy is doing and what actors in the u.s. Are up to on climate clean energy Dan further is with Bloomberg philanthropies the charity of former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg who along with other private donors is giving hundreds of thousands of dollars for an American pavilion That's because the trumpet ministration won't pay for one further says all the states cities and businesses working on climate change need a venue to talk about it unless we set up a space and give them a platform to tell that story there's really no way to engage in this u.n. Climate process that engagement can include the beginnings of global business deals discussion of offshore wind farms or financing electric vehicle infrastructure He says local us governments and businesses are doing a lot the problem of course is that the rest of the world doesn't necessarily know that and so if you're sitting in Beijing you may not have a good sense of what's going on in Boston or Boise and now we're continuing to cut carbon emissions no matter what the White House or the e.p.a. Might say at this climate conference because businesses want to stay competitive in this growing global market a whole slew of American organizations are attending with names like America's pledge the we are still in coalition u.s. Climate mayors and of course California as it continues to push against the White House agenda this year it's set tougher emissions standards for cars and trucks state senator regard to Lara is part of the. California delegation people and other countries are looking to what we're doing in California he says that became clear to him at the Paris climate change conference he said in on a hearing about air pollution with 50 countries represented in California had its own seat the woman who was chairing the working group from Morocco she very bluntly said Look why don't we have the 1st entity that has actually done more to address this type of pollution start the meeting off why don't we begin with Governor Jerry Brown from California it was only after Governor Brown spoke that the u.s. Was invited to comment Laura says California will continue to lead in reducing emissions regardless of federal policy after all the Golden State is home to companies like Tesla the Electric Car giant and is the nation's biggest market for solar power. Also headed to Bonn in the name of his local economy Mayor Johnson Jr of tiny St Gabriel Louisiana Hill advocate for industrial river towns like his the Mississippi River itself generates about $500000000000.00 a year revenue supporting about $1500000.00 jobs so basically it is our lifeline they gave real relies on petro chemical processing. Ship agricultural products taxing carbon pollution could drive up prices which Johnson fears could cost jobs and so we need to be a part of a global commodities market discussion to help shape the destiny of my city in many cities along the river he'll be glad to have an American tent pole under which to talk even if it isn't a federally sponsored one. Place. For workers and wages reconvicted to profits there it is the g.o.p. Argument for corporate tax cuts 1st let's do the numbers. 20. Percent 20. Percent 6760. 7 points and. 2520. 6 about a quarter of one percent. Contract employee had temporarily deleted president talk Trump's Twitter account 11 long lonely minutes is what it was he is quite active on that site is my heard there listening to Marketplace marketplace is supported by the Tel advanced technology and analytics designed to improve patient outcomes and health care experience at the tower it can be done to tell dot org slash health and by allies or Craig can craft it in small batches for. 47 percent alcohol by volume Craig Kentucky straight bourbon whiskey Bardstown Kentucky thank wisely drink wisely and buy. A.t.t. Believes home isn't just a place it's the feeling of knowing you're safe a.t.t. Let you take that feeling with you more at a.t.t. Dot com. For 17 support for k.q.e.d. 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Tax bill which you will have heard and read of elsewhere there are economic discussions to be had on the bill as well sometimes to be on a slightly weedy and wonky economic discussions to be had which is where Kevin Hassett comes in he is the chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisors Welcome to the program Oh it's great to be here how you feel and on day 2 of this thing now that some of the knives are out from some of the groups who aren't wild about it yeah I guess that one of the things about the swamp is that when you walk in there and then all of a sudden the swamp creatures start coming out and in tax reform what happens is that there are all these deductions and special interest giveaways that have been built into the code over time and if you eliminate them in order to have a broader base so that you can lower rates then all of the creatures have this picture in their minds that well actually this bill is pretty good but it needn't be better if Mineiro thing could stay in it and then they start fighting for that and I think we're starting to see that kind of thing happen Yeah but hang on because we're talking about the National Association of Homebuilders we're talking about the National Federation of Independent Businesses I mean call them what you will but they're not swamp creatures right they're legitimate interest groups they're legitimate interest groups but I think that their analysis is just incorrect if you look at the very narrow provisions that they're worried about there and if you look at isolation that maybe they have a point but if you take the plan as a whole than they certainly don't let me ask you the big picture question before we get to the corporate stuff which is I know of maximum points to the g.o.p. On the Hill and also to the president here we sit as you know with an economy very near full employment it is growing things are generally on the upswing Why do we need a tax cut right now well the fact is that profit growth has been fantastic over the last 8 years it's been about 11 percent per year but wage growth has been virtually nonexistent and the reason is that normally businesses in the past when they started to do well then they would reward their workers but now there's a disconnect because the profits are offshore can you help folks understand how a corporate tax. Is going to get higher wages for American workers I mean you came out a number of weeks ago with a report from the CIA saying it's going to be $4000.00. And how that's going to happen short yeah and so what happens is that right now if I am a u.s. Multinational and I locate income in the u.s. Then the combined tax rate counting state and locals about 40 percent if I locate my income in Ireland then it's about 12 and a half percent and so 12 and a half percent is a much lower tax than 40 percent and so naturally then the multinationals going to want to locate the money in Ireland but as a practical matter the way it does that is that it sets a factory in Ireland and the thing that it used to make here to sell here it makes in Ireland to sell here and it buys a lot the u.s. From before it sells it to you buy Zal a lot of the stuff at a very inflated price so that the subsidiary in Ireland gets a lot of profit and the company here doesn't post any profit and that high price shows up by the way as a big increase in imports but again how does it transfer to wages this go back to the beginning the way the process starts is the company locates a factory over there is that here so that increases the demand for workers over there reduces the man for repairs over here that increases the wages over there and doesn't have the increase effect or the positive effect on wages here because the demand is and isn't going up here is what you're saying that workers bear disproportionate share of corporate tax in this country Yeah that's exactly that's exactly right and again this is not just theory or anything that in the report we released last Friday we listed you know a whole number of studies one that's just about to be coming out in the American Economic Review that shows that workers' wages respond enormously to corporate taxes but this is not a new idea if you go back to David Ricardo way back of the day hundreds of years ago he said well if you have a tax on a mobile factor. Like you know capital then the mobile factor will move it's kind of top logical and the immobile factors will end up bearing the tax and so in our world today capital is very very mobile but workers are not and so when you try to tax capital it moves away and the workers end up holding the bag without getting into a he said he said argument over the economics of this because you would win but there are studies that show the opposite of what you say and let me just give you the anecdotal question here I thought this obscene yos in last 10 days and they say yeah no I mean we're not going to give people a $4000.00 raise what is that. 1st I disagree that there are people that show the opposite of what I say in the sense that that you know as a practical matter that means that you would take my answer and multiply it by negative what right what's really happening is that there's a continuum of results between workers bear none of the corporate tax to workers bear actually there's some papers that say more than 100 percent right right and I'm kind of in the middle there but there are so many people that are that are below me but let's look at this there is say that let's take the question in the spirit with which it's intended right I mean there are people who disagree with you but anecdotally I'm telling you know what I was you know that I say or do. You have a bank it's going to respond to what I'm characterizing the disagreement though as being different from the opposite of what I say so that the people who believe the low end of the literature say that folks will get about 1000 dollars 100 dollars pay hike because of this bill I think that a conservative estimate is is $4000.00 there are other papers that live through that say it's a lot more than that but the range is all positive for the $1000.00 is a heck of a lot of money to ordinary people so even if you take the low end then I think that you should vote for this bill even though there are corporate C.E.O.'s out there who are telling me we're going to we have other things we need do with that money well what's going to happen to the c.e.o. Who thinks that nothing is going to happen is that a plant is going to locate here that was about to locate in Ireland and that competitor is going to try to hire a bunch of workers and then the employer that's not doing anything is going to have to pay his workers more lose them to the competition you know the best way to get a pay raise is to get outside offer Ed this tax policy will give us a whole bunch of new outside offers that's where the way to fix coming from let me turn to another thing on this bill it is as you know about a trillion half dollars worth of deficit financed tax cuts why is that Ok for a Republican Party that's been so strictly anti deficit and debt for so long well it's a trillion and a half cost on a static basis it sounds like a huge amount of money but if you divide that by Ted and consider that at the end of the 10 year period the g.d.p. Is about. Trillion dollars then the deficit reduction is very small in a static basis and it doesn't take much growth at all to close the gap that you have but you're banking on a whole lot of economic growth which this economy has a really hard time doing in the last 10 years right you're exactly right 100 percent that the economy has not done a good job of growing over the last 10 years I think it's the view of the trumpet ministration that one of the reasons we underperformed is that we have the highest corporate tax on earth and we had a huge increase in regulation big increases in marginal tax rates all things that in every economic model I've ever seen slow growth and so we can disagree about how much growth you get if you reverse those big negatives but it's certainly going to move correct in a positive direction right there that you're banking on growth to help finance these tax cuts. Oh it's absolutely true that the one and a half trillion dollar 10 year score is a kind of worst case scenario that if you get no growth out of this then you're going to see a big increase in the deficit but I think that the academic literature suggests that we should be highly confident that we can could get a good growth dividend out of this proposal Kevin Hassett the chair of the Council of Economic Advisers at the White House. Oh it's great to be here. Marketplace take on this one he just gave me a smile at the end of another long long week researchers up in Siberia investigating the causes of death of nearly $100.00 Willie mammoths they found in the tundra they discovered that a disproportionate number of the animals who died accidental deaths everything from drowning after falling through thin ice to getting stuck in a sinkhole most of those animals were males said one researcher quote in many species males tend to do somewhat stupid things that end up getting them killed in silly ways and it appears that may have been true for mammoths also so let's be careful out there. Marketplace is supported by. Kentucky. Bardstown Kentucky thank. Hand by Koch Industries of. The World. Except. Challenges. Challenge dot com And by the Financial Times providing impartial and in-depth coverage of news and current events for more than a century visit after dot com for a global view were down the Dell of 22 points today about a 10 percent Nasdaq up $49.00 points 3 quarters of one percent s. And p. $500.00 gained 7 about 3 tenth's percent the music was composed by b.j. Lederman Marketplace is produced by 94 dollars to join yet as is the executive producer Deborah Clark is the senior vice president and general manager I'm caught result we'll see about everybody have yourself a great weekend all right. This is a pia Stay with us for the California report half hour magazine that's coming up and then at 5 o'clock we will broadcast All Things Considered from n.p.r. 1st though let's get the Bay Area traffic information from Julie deputy and still big delays on the a 680 who are Dora we have that Alamo crash 6 about 680 southbound before stone valley road so black you need to left lanes and traffic stop that's North Main Street and one a creek well a whole accident westbound a.t.v. For Georges St That's in the right lane and his Sandra fell North one of one before freight is Parkway couple vehicles on the shoulder are still delays back to central Sandra found. That report was brought to you by on bound dot org And support for k.q.e.d. Comes from canopy health canopy health is increasing access to care with an alliance of thousands of physicians and many hospitals across the Bay Area canopy health dot com canopy health refreshingly clear human care and from expanded from Comcast with expanded the customers can watch t.v. Anytime anywhere on any device with expanded the on demand subscribers get thousands of t.v. Shows movies and more the time is $430.00. Support for the California report comes from the Wesley Foundation improving the lives of California's children and youth at risk and Eric and Wendy Schmidt whose family foundation advances the wiser use of Energy and Natural Resources on a planet where everything is connected on the web at the Schmidt dot org. On today's California Report magazine we follow a mother on a 2000 mile journey to visit her son I get to actually lay eyes on I want to lay eyes on my child he wound up so far away because of a state policy that was supposed to be temporary Plus we head to the gold rush town of Rough and Ready prehaps to live on the Hell and back lanes and I think make people laugh and usually it's a good laugh we've got your weekly road trip through the years to meet the people and visit the places that make California unique I'm Sasha coca and this is The California Report magazine your state your story. As we know last month's fires in northern California destroyed thousands of homes and businesses but we also lost some key cultural landmarks one of those places was an inspiration to artists scientists and sound recordist around the world yet it was mostly unknown to its neighbors in Sonoma County valley of the moon it was the home and studio of cat and Bernie Krauss k.q.e.d. Science editor Craig Miller had visited many times before both as a journalist and friend a fellow audio file who loves to record nature sounds after the fire he returned to help sort through the rubble and record the story. It was about a week after the nuns fire swept across their Ridge in Glen Allen that cat and Bernie Krauss got their 1st extended look at the ruins of their property the place they had always called Wild Sanctuary Oh man. She says I spanked mention what it took to do this now unbelievable it's not only the foot thick earthen walls of their unique home remain It's hard to imagine that just a year ago almost exactly I was here interviewing Bernie about his remarkable 50 year career in music film and his greatest passion nature sound. This is a moment from Yuba pass in the Sierra which can't be duplicated as the place was logged shortly afterward Ernie is a founding father in the emerging science of soundscape ecology he was among the 1st to point to the important role that nature sound plays in healthy ecosystems. Now the soundscape and Wild Sanctuary itself was reduced to the crunch of our own footsteps no birdsong no insects only some wind in the blackened oaks and an occasional faint plank of falling debris. In the office and studio Bernie and I stood over a molten reddish brown mound that had been his archive a reel to reel audio tapes this is all audio tape that fragmented and burnt and their reels and reels of the stuff we had over 500 reels of tape here. And it's all bunkered. Fortunately his irreplaceable nature Sound Archive thousands of ours was digitized and backed up offsite but the loss of all the original media his recording equipment is just so all ashes. So I guess that's where we all end went to one point or another. And well that's where it goes next and. We will survive this tooth Krauss agrees with her husband that Wild Sanctuary will survive their home and studio has been an incubator and collaborative space that has yielded a wide range of works from scientific papers to the symphony but it was always less a place than an idea. I think because there were so many lovely ideas floating around here that had to do with connecting people to the natural world it became sort of a magical place. Just . As 5 1st encountered that magic nearly 20 years ago documenting various work recording soundscapes and Sequoia Kings Canyon for the National Park Service. Which the. It's also where I met Jack Hines he's a musician and nature sound recordist who sometimes creates music in nature fusion as in his strings meet Songbird passage he drew his inspiration from Wild Sanctuary . It's not just the work that they do or that we do it's its this bigger piece which is truly the sanctuary of the wild and by bringing the voice of that forward into all of our years in our consciousness it helps to preserve a certain. Resource for us as people that is extremely valuable as the fires advanced it was Jack Hinds who called and warned Captain Bernie to get out which they barely get by. The Earth think with a level of emotion natural here now and. It's as though I lost those 2 people and thank God no you didn't. It's Jack and Bernie would sometimes record together up on Sugarloaf Ridge the state park off Highway 12 east of Santa Rosa Bernie chose a wooded spot near a stream up there to document changes in the soundscape over the course of California's 5 year drought in those recordings you can hear the life draining out of the place as the landscape becomes desecrated there may be one more recording in the series as most of Sugarloaf burned in the fires. But Kat hopes that like that piece of scorched earth the spirit that inhabited Wild Sanctuary will be reborn it really resonated with people and they found a lot of a lot of community here so that part of wild say Sri we hope will be re Invision and maybe repurposed for a new generation to take this all this work forward cabin Bernie have taken temporary refuge in Salt Lake City where cat has family where and how they will recreate their Wild Sanctuary they still don't know they're just confident that they will for the California report I'm Greg Miller. And now the story of a reunion between a mother and her son he's in prison 1st let me give you a little setup Let's rewind a bit in California history to more than a decade ago back then the state's prison system was bursting at the seams inmates were sleeping in triple bunks jams were converted into dorms then Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger declared a state of emergency that meant California prison officials could do whatever it took to ease the overcrowding including shipping thousands of inmates to other states it was supposed to be a temporary solution but years later many California prisoners are still locked up out of state. George lavender follows that mom on her journey to see her son who is now 2000 miles away when it happened during the week or it was the day the Hayden hasn't had much sleep try to be up at 1 am to catch the shuttle from home and wait here to l.a.x. Gosh time is the order of 5. She's on a way to visit her youngest son William Mitchell He's 279 years ago he was convicted of robbery and assault with a deadly weapon he's eligible for parole in 5 years he's been in several California prisons since he's been incarcerated from age 18 and no matter where he was I still saw him. Oftentimes twice a month but definitely Every single mom but that got a lot harder a year ago when the lethal found out he was being moved out of California 1st to a prison in Arizona and then again this time to a privately run facility in Mississippi I haven't seen him for your entire year this month delay the son is one of Mormon $4000.00 California presidents still serving time in out of state prisons I one point California was planning to bring all prisoners back in state by 2016. But that deadline has come and gone. And here we get newspaper thank you now she's on her way to Mississippi together she 1st has to fly to Houston the pilot. Assisted back and relax going to church and from there she takes another flight what it was like to go out pretty well for her and then after a day in Memphis. Here we go she's on the road again for the final stretch of the journey well to miss it when she pulls off the main highway she passes 3 white crosses beside the road and says as a black woman she feels she has to be careful here it's early afternoon by the time she reaches Clarksdale in the Delta House it home for the next 3 days it's taken her 2 days of travel and about 1500 dollars to get here she pulls a yellow pad of paper from her suitcase that she's been using the craft of expenses flight was $349.00 the 1st 2 nights of air b. And b. In Memphis came to $95.00 the car rental $228.00 the hotel here in Clarksdale $348.00 The 2 nights in Memphis says she would have struggled to afford all that by herself but friends and family have chipped in to help her get here is a single mom she's a registered nurse and works a lot of fill in jobs and she supports Williams' older brother who's also in prison . It's really an. Hey day but I tell you we got the connection I literally just got in my room here in Clarksdale William Mitchell is calling because he heard from some of the other prisoners visiting room they'll be in can get pretty cold. Oh. My gosh. Ok yeah I did bring a little Jack and some talk on the phone like this all the time though she says sometimes they talk about what he'll do when he gets out of prison where he'll live Other times they talk about less serious things like what t.v. Shows they've both been watching but there are some things delete the says she just can't get from a phone call only from seeing him in person because I get to actually lay eyes on him I want to lay eyes on my child and see prison. Officials say the number of Californians in out of state prisons has come down from a high of more than 10006 years ago though they say they haven't been able to bring the remaining prisoners back because state prisons here are still too overcrowded. The larn him next morning the lethal sets out early taking with id and a big plastic bag full of quarters to use in the vending machines present. There. It's a set in the white building that's right surrounded by razor wire the prison is owned and operated by core civic one of the largest private corrections company in the country. I'm here to visit. I wasn't allowed inside the visiting room and couldn't record their conversation but I went on a tour and through an open door it was able to catch a glimpse of the 2 of them sitting close together William was dressed in a light blue prison uniform I noticed he had his mom's eyes this is how the 2 of them remember that visit afterwards about the issues she was recognizing. They were usually she wears jewelry and. Here they go. I you know stood up and we had each other and gave each other a good kiss on each cheek and we. Just held each other for a bit cooler today so like me you know actually I look good you know. I scan him up and down I'm like You look a little pale you know he doesn't think you know a lot of friends are you surprised. Because I don't go out because it's you know it's hot and muggy he doesn't like the hot muggy weather here definitely like. My exercise regimen and things like that is. There's never a time that we don't have something to say. This you know whether it's our family or spirituality I gave a good hand an arm for our massage he's like Mom rub my hands my hardest and he's watched her leave also hit me at least think he was flushed. After 3 full days of visits chatting and snacking on vending machine food gets ready to head back to California. I'm tired. I'm missing my baby already anyway you know I thirsty wasn't he didn't turn around he was facing the other way and I'm like he's not turning around to even wave goodbye to me and I thought maybe he was too sad or something and then finally he turned around and let me Kess know it was the hardest only a few weeks ago Governor Brown vetoed a bill that would have stopped California from using private out of state prisons by 2021 the little Hayden says she hopes the sun will be brought back to California soon so he can be closer to home but she says she won't wait another year to see him she's planning a trip back to Mississippi next month for the California report on. Ok we've got another story now about a mother and son reunion the takes place in the south and it's also brought to us by a reporter who's a British transplant bear with me though it is a California story. That's the San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus for more than 40 years the group has used its music to help create community and inspire activism. They recently went on a tour of 5 southern states the idea was to support local l.g.b. T.q. Communities in the south k.q.e.d. Arts reporter Chloe Feltman caught up with them on the tour bus she tells us about one of the singers and his mom who hadn't heard him perform since he was living as a little girl. On the journey from Birmingham Alabama turned Knoxville Tennessee singer Tom canard isn't paying much attention to a video screening of The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas like the rest of his fellow choir members on the bus. He's worried about whether his mom like the song this question for her pickers. To go with her have I mean I didn't wrap them up nicely but Tom's 67 and it's been many years since his mom Joyce last heard him saying she's traveling 5 and a half hours from Indianapolis to see Tom perform with the course in Knoxville when I chat with him in his hotel ahead of the show Tom recalls with horror his mom dressing him up like a doll when he was a child in these frilly dresses unfairly said Joyce is something of a traditionalist I discovered when I 1st meet her at her hotel shortly off the she arrives in Knoxville a churchgoer who met her husband in high school we were together 67 years 5 children Tom was they all of us so. It was tough on Joyce when Tom came out as a lesbian in his twenty's and even tougher when it age 47 he decided to take hormones and eventually undergo gender reassignment surgery and honestly I was for shock and I had a hard time accepting it she since come around I realize there for a while that I love my child and I didn't want to lose her my child bringing people together is one of the reasons the San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus is on this to the country's biggest and oldest guy quite changed its international travel plans soon after the 2016 presidential election to instead visit 5 southern states this ng is a during concerts and outreach events in places where l.g.b. T.q. Rights are in conflict with conservative Christian views the my right before the concert begins Joyce takes a seat front and center in the Knoxville Civic Auditorium she's excited and a little bit nervous she's brought her daughter Amy along for support are you ready man I'm ready Meanwhile Tom's backstage he's nervous too he's one of 250 singers and he wants to make sure his mom and sister get a good view of him up there under the lights they can see. It's show time more of. The singer's final stage and perform a set that ranges from the serious to the silly I. Am. Was. There close to a 1000 people in the audience the mayor of Knoxville is here everyone seems to be having a great time was once the curtain goes down Tom rushes to the lobby to find his family. What did you think family. That was certain you have to get a new album Thank You I for all Amy I mean your name NATO and I are all right all right Larry it's taken years for Joyce and Tom to get to this point Tom says his mother's trip to see him sing with the course gave her some peace with the choices he's made to live his life in the most authentic way he can but like any mother Joyce is worried about her child's safety especially since the chorus was headed to North Carolina where there's an ongoing battle around whether trans people are legally allowed to use the ball from that much is that gender identity know that Tom would be mistaken for a woman in the men's restroom he's bold and sings low bass in the choir. Tom is just happy his mom got to see him saying I'm relieved that she likes her new crocheted scarf for the California reports I'm Chloe belts on. The way. He got photos of Tom's reunion with his mom Joyce and a video of the San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus performing on their tour of the South check it out at California Report dot org. And now a story about a lost work of art you may not have heard of Victor on a tough but he is a Russian artist who painted murals around San Francisco. He started off as an assistant. And became known for his work on San Francisco tower he also painted 3 murals inside California post offices including one in the Bay area of Richmond but we're chapter tells us that mural disappeared for almost 40 years until an amateur sleuth tracked it down. Melinda McCrary is the director of the Richmond Museum of History one of just 2 part time staff who keep the place running I do everything I take out the trash I am the main fundraiser I do all the programming now when McCrary started this job a few years ago she heard about a mural that are now tough painted for the nearby Richmond post office back in 1901 the mural is really a snapshot of pre World War 2 Richmond. It shows a quiet town on its way to becoming an industrial city you can see rolling hills post man handling a letter townspeople buying fruit and then you also see smoke stacks and refineries the painting decorated the post office until the 1970 s. That's when the building was remodeled and the canvas mural was pulled off the wall and stuck in a box somewhere it was just forgotten it just got lost in the shuffle Arnot off was a protege of Diego Rivera and a secret member of the Communist Party so he dropped some political hints in his painting it shows union dock workers hanging out at the port of Richmond including an African-American man the union was integrated but at the time Richmond was just one percent black. McCRARY was intrigued by all this history and she decided she had to find the mural I want to put the Richmond museum on the map. McCurry had a hunch that the mural was somewhere inside the post office building but the workers there wouldn't let her in until she enlisted the help of a friendly janitor one day after the post office closed he let her into the basement totally sneaky yet was not supposed to be down there the janitor opened a set of double doors and there was a you know exposed pipes and it was totally dark and dusty and in the corner of an otherwise empty room she saw a tall wooden crate it was just standing upright vertical in the middle of this tiny room in the basement a where it's seemed like. It had sat forever literally McCrary use the flashlight on our phone to read a handwritten label on the box you know I shined the light and I just I knew in my bones this was it the label said are not off it was amazing I will never happens experience again in my life you can see a full size reproduction of the mural at San Francisco State University through mid December McCrary is raising money to restore the original canvas which is wrinkled and still has bits of lead based and he says stuck to it for now it's wrapped up in plastic at the Richmond Museum of History in a basement for the California report I mean I work chapter. And now it's time for another installment in our new series about California towns with bizarre and surprising names. A place called. Why. It's getting traction is too rough and ready. For last week's a place called What We took you to that spelled z z y c.x. Near Death Valley and we asked you for your ideas for weird place names Scotch Lector of San Jose sent us a note asking how the town called Rough and Ready near Grass Valley in Nevada County got its name so we called up Gina Ashcraft who lives in rough and ready she says her small gold mining town has a big history in $850.00 it seceded from the nation and temporarily became its own republic until the townspeople realized they couldn't buy booze in neighboring counties if they were considered foreigners and the town's name well that came from a military captain who arrived looking for gold and wanted to pay tribute to the 12th president of the United States Zachary Taylor Here's what Gina told us that telegraphing ready got its name from Captain a Townsend He served under the Zachary Taylor who was known as old rough and ready when I tell people I come from rough and ready to go are you kidding me when I've ordered stuff from different companies they call back double check that is this in fact rough and ready and we happen to live on hell and back lane and I think that makes people shocked or they laugh it's usually a good laugh. When we 1st got here I was very charmed by a group called the cherry pickers who would. Get together on the front porch of the market and play a home made instrument at the. Back trying to communicate where we are buried with their little town we're very proud of our history. I think if you drift driving down the road you're going to blink and miss that. There's so much more there. Than. The. Younger Taylor produced that interview with Jane Ashcraft who lives in Rough and Ready head to California Report dot org to check out photos of the town and while you're there send us a comment with your idea for another California place with an unusual name you'd like to hear about or write us an e-mail at Cal report at k.q.e.d. Dot org. And that's The California Report magazine a production of k.q.e.d. Public Radio in San Francisco where your weekly road trip for the ears to meet the people and visit the places that make California unique you can listen to us wherever you are if you subscribe to our podcast and let us know what you think about our show on Facebook or send us an e-mail report at k.q.e.d. Dot org Our directors our technical producer is with additional engineering from. Victoria is our senior editor David Marks is our online producer is Bianca Taylor the California report's editorial team includes Ingrid Becker Ethan Lindsey and Holly Kernan. Thanks for listening. This is The California Report magazine your state your stories support for the California report comes from Barracuda Networks cloud ready fire walls engineered for today's next generation business networks learn more at Barracuda dot com slash cloud ready the James or vine foundation expanding economic and political opportunity for Californians who are working but struggling with poverty more it Ervine dot org And Eric and Wendy Schmidt whose family foundation advances the wiser use of Energy and Natural Resources on a planet where everything is can. Acted on the web at the Schmetz dot org. The California Report will be on again this evening at 630 Stay with us for all things considered after traffic from. Well cleaning things up in Alabama that accident 680 southbound before stone valley road is out of the lanes but don't take a long time down wind your back to have to have tree Boulevard x. In Fairfield East about 80 before airbase Parkway the left lane taken way stop back to West Texas Street and south the mill pitas 680 southbound before Calaveras Boulevard for vehicle rank in the 2nd lane from the left Julie dep is 4th to you by century Rowland Plaza support for k.q.e.d. Comes from bridge bank offering flexible financial solutions to entrepreneurs and to the technology and life sciences communities bridge bank is a division of Western Alliance Bank member f.d.i.c bridge bank the Bold Venture wisely you're listening to k.q.e.d. F.m. 88.5 San Francisco and fam 89.3 North Highlands Sacramento. The elephantine of momentum on the tax.

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