You look and we did and I think he's running on the same platform again by all accounts by all evidence so this will be a review of a year in which we did we were made to look but there are other things to remember to ask Prince Andrew I admit fully that my judgment was probably colored by my. Tendency to be too all noble but that's just the way it is anyway. Welcome to. The real. Problem St b.t.o. City College. Of the game go back to go to school play the play. And you're right the stars of the show but let me talk about a man who calls himself your favorite president. 5 you 5 thank you and he doesn't mean I'm junior either although he's a wonderful kid what is he now 47 and of course you've all met the lovely Melania don't worry she's here to look at not to listen to it's a terrific accent but we don't have all night I can tell you that we have all week the big 3 contestants each of them is from a different foreign country each one has secret information he or she but there are no women so we see we don't have to be all p.c. About that secret information he wants to share with me but only one of them gets to share it and that's where you come in we're going to have a different competition every night and that it's talent tomorrow the interview by 2 former CIA agents who don't work for the fake news on Wednesday this swimsuit competition and on Thursday each one will cook his national specialty in under 5 minutes and then on Friday we open the phones here at dish that they're you and you at home as well as the studio audience here in the studio get to vote not in some contest the Democrats are still trying to rig but in a good old fashion television election there's nothing better but believe me if I read any more of this crap there right now I'm going to get car sick. And that's not nice so let's get right to tonight's round it's the talent competition nothing I love more than talent 1st up a contestant from the government of Russia which I can tell you we said not a hoax and you know I'm going to be tough on him because nobody is tougher on the Russians so let's try to listen to him perform his very shouldn of the Beatles classic welcome to this date even looks Russian with that hat make a lie Kerchove. I've. Gathered. The 1st. In. Thank you. I've. Never liked her job I call him tricky Nicky That doesn't mean I want to listen to a secret information if you vote for in my Friday Now here's the deal if you turn the channel to watch the Democratic convention you'll not only be bored out of your skin you'll miss the next contestant He's with the Chinese government I may listen to his information that doesn't mean I'm going to buy his 5 g. Equipment but here he is doing it Doris Day favorite when hung lay. Thank you. Like it. Was fun. Eclipse the movie. That I only really really really good today. All the world to. See could the movie. World see. Piece by you are a. Core child huge from The Who you. Would lose your. Or I would spend my remaining. Years in which you. Are around. You all. Are want to school. The Rules. You create. These see the. Show move forward. And thank you. After. He says When I say I took in the audience. Now I do have to read another thing just the rules for the show when it gets to tell me a secret information and that compiles and comply with the rules of this program and all the laws of the United States and that's according to the attorney general a great attorney general so you could take that to the bank at least bank. Ok enough reading it's not all it's cracked up to be I can tell you that I 3rd and he's the final contestant so you want to stay right here for this I know I'm a little bit I met him in an embassy party very good musing young man and so his talent is a comedy routine which is great because laughter like they say is the bread of life he's from Norway Please welcome Eric. Thank you thank you Mr President how you're doing. You know this isn't my 1st reality stroll No I was there you know some I find reduced on the Norwegian version of the So You Think You Can Dance I didn't win the dancing part but I killed it the thinking. You know I'm here because my government has secret information it wants to share with Mr Trump here my wife's really good at keeping secrets like where she hung my pants. But you know these days it's hard to keep some things secret or confidential they spoken Google they say they follow you everywhere I guess it's cruel last night I had a dream that I cut myself shaving or this morning I woke up my e-mail had a bad for Band-Aids. You know I'm no but I've been serving in this country so long now I feel like I'm becoming more American. Don't think you know really I went to a Mexican restaurant the other day I didn't eat anything but I gave them 20 dollars anyway just to help pay for the Wall thank you good night. Every time I think I don't know if he's barking up the wrong precinct you decide tomorrow night is the interrogation round it's like my administration of the Democrats Except this isn't it do of thanks to Malani officially I could test this on and off the stage and say something I know the telling me it's time to get old so join me tomorrow when I 3 Could this is try once again to. Your bank you believe me get my. Truck Palin production. This is a live show and we're looking back at 29000 a year when a lot of people clearly felt freer than ever to say what was really on their minds not just Prince Andrew take just 2 examples from this week 1st. President Trump we have a situation where we're looking very strongly at sinks and showers and other elements of bathrooms where. You turn the faucet on areas where there's tremendous amounts of water where the water rushes out to sea because you could never handle it and you don't get anywhere you turn on the faucet you don't get any water they take a shower and water comes out is dripping out very quietly to think. People flushing toilets 10 times 15 times as opposed to what they end up using water. So e.p.a. Is look at that very strongly by suggestion you go into a new building or a new house or a new home and they have standards oh you know get water you can't you can't wash your hands practically the salt in the water comes out of the faucet and the end result is you leave the faucet on and thank you much longer to wash it and you end up using the same amount of water now to be fair and you know me. If anything little to fair he was in a meeting with business folks talking about the need to relax e.p.a. Regulations so there was at least the this isn't a scintilla of context to those remarks it's harder to find them in these remarks this week by President President Trump's most likely competitor charging by the polls at this point former Vice President Biden 1st African-American state senator in the state of the state of Delaware everything about. Him By the way you know I sit on the stand and they get hot I got a lot of I got hairy legs that turn. That certain. Bomb didn't the Son and the kid used to come up and reach in the bowl and roll up my leg down so we straightened that watch the hair Come come back up again I've looked at so I learned about roaches I learned about kids that when I'm up and I'm not good enough when I'm about so there's our choice ladies and gentlemen toilets versus leg hair by the way. I have very hairy legs no. We continue now with. 49. Years he repeats. The guys are called with another edition of my favorite pod cast mine the entre 5 is for would be entrepreneurs and for people who want to be one and we're doing this pod cast from about a 1000 miles away from my parents' house we are on pot Castro at the biggest electronics extravaganza in the world the Consumer Electronics Show here Last Vegas and right between Joe Rogan and Motley Fools so you can imagine my excitement I know I can and as usual we're brought to you with help from our friends at gulag dot com most intensive way to learn a new language 5 short weeks and you're talking like an inmate and scooched into our little boats here at the C.E.O.'s in Las Vegas I like saying that our 2 guests sharing one microphone but it's Vegas right Corey scabbard is a c.e.o. Of a startup that if it isn't exactly setting the world on fire sure isn't the fire department either. It's easy groom concept Corey when I 1st saw your social media stuff I thought it was leg room and somebody dropped the l Yeah there were never heard that before seriously that's why in our 2nd round of funding week with the hyphen in the name and retreads market that's pretty nimble right there are things that were working in a very intensive space so honestly we should have been able to predict it in the 1st place with well we're at the C.E.O.'s show and there are 2 buzzwords this year everybody says are 5 g. And yet so I guess you're I not. Well Adam and you know that to achieve. We've a level band with we have to be working in a 5 day universe but yes we are an ai focused property and within that we're laser focused on personal grooming and that would be the groom in the groom who will run Ok but excepting for haircuts or hairstyles most people I think Room themselves and that you know if you're talking about a pretty disruption life space which we aren't imagine if you could press a button on your phone or other device and a smart toothbrush loaded up with your favorite toothpaste and gave you a dentist quality broaching while you sat on the toilet anywhere checking your stocks or your scores Ok Ok I'm imagining that great so did we the difference is we're making it happen along with self saving Shavers soulful plying lips think so you're making everything in what we might call the vanity space smart more like brilliant I have to admit something Corey and I don't like to take my phone into the bathroom I'm afraid I'll drop it in the sink and then you know hello Genius Bar goodbye afternoon that money will regroup draw to the ones we've actually made as well as the ones in 3 prototype have a time Burton said in the dining room time to walk over to the other room to get the smart moving device great grooming one problem is 0. And the ai learns everything about your face and your teeth and everything and it is all a day to stay in the device they could depending on what partnerships they were able to make this weekend haul copy that and sitting right next to you with their own amazing start up on this play here in Las Vegas it is Natalie Wood cock Hi Adam Hey Corey Natalie we were talking before we started talking and you said the whole sleep space is going through a great awakening I think I hope that's in your socialist Act It's in everything I do is say. Because it happens to be really true Think about all the different companies selling new takes on the old familiar mattress they're selling on lying in pod cast Yeah yeah we had to turn one down as a sponsor and it gave me a fierce back and then think about the guy who sort of phones the pillow space right about an hour out who thought they were hot I know about that sounds a little uncomfortable so what's left sleeping on your back so your face doesn't sheets but Adam let's be honest and sheets have always been a 2nd tier sleep bitin you obsess about your mattress he checked out different pillow feeling I don't but my mom sure yeah and then oh yeah some sheets right now we're starting to run out of time and they need the booth from Jim and Mike's bottom of the barrel sports podcast so look we're at a big future look at electronic show that is sheets fit and that it's nice and I didn't realize that my sheets are the very 1st smart sheets ever ever ever there actually what they do is they actually learn your body and conform to it wow and the slimmest heating element of vailable can at the touch of one button on your phone by just the amount of words the sheet has learned that you like so you're making the blanket obsolete and by the time we hit our i.p.o. You'll have to explain to your kids what it like it was. All the comfort with less than half the weight it's what we call sleep in it real and of course when you're asleep your body is in its true state or so a trove of data about you at rest is a killer way to help your health partners work harder to keep you at optimum performance are they comfortable not really competing in the comfort space but it just so happens that the same pounder coating that finds the heating element to the fabric makes the fabric surface soon. There's a new plan in fact we have to wrap it up a little bit just to keep people from sliding off the seat well I looked at some of your social and media stuff and it's way edgy to me and Edition to sleep in that area because they have a squad 3000005 2nd Pribram is all around the Internet space that just say it's not the same old sheet Wow You know sometimes I dread the future but Natalie you and Corey have made each year for a self groomed and better she did tomorrow and I can't believe I said that but they're phoning up the chair so until next time there's an above called saying you can't spell entrepreneur without you piece out. This year. Marked sort of turning point or a couple of turning points in America's longest war the war in Afghanistan earlier in the year the administration announced there was going to be oh well not the administration the guy at the top of it and I was there was going to be a pullback of American troops from Afghanistan because we were told pretty much at the same time that the Taliban and the United States Special Representative were meeting together in Doha over many months make on the inside were reaching some kind of an agreement and then later in the year we learned that . Maybe we should ignore what we were told earlier in the year. From Afghanistan public radio watch for movement of law just as soon as we mastered radio. From around the American television truck in downtown Kabul the city that makes you don't get I Mark Boal and I'm stymied we are Harmon and my mom the no longer corrupt brother. And this is the newest edition of cards that I talk. To. My dear younger brother who lives in New York except for Chinese and they be something you'll feel really good they should learn from your mouth to our engineers here my younger brother we heard in this country among other key a shaky democracy 2 dozen kinds of The Creator ship and me we could always try on the stage. And I did I did the Americans made me try it it almost got me killed. When the warlords like on the street we have some of that hello you run cars I thought. A long time behind the scenes peace negotiate that 1st time Carter. I don't remember you when you worked for the Bush administration how was that guy so you started it it's now I please come out here and I can hold your breath the sky thing couldn't go faster than 40 but it doesn't run you. Very poor girl. Or a very slow. So is I mean yes you have been talking to our freedoms and you have reached the turning point around I would mark actually leave the station and. Maybe even a rest stop on the road to the base then he said. Actually I think we're close up on making progress since we have some time this is what I don't understand to sound me. The Taliban control more and more territory President Trump has said he wants to take the American troops home why did the Taliban want to make nice now. They're not making nice as a matter of fact they go out of their way to spill the I'm not a predator every time we get together we assess that it's their way of saying that they won't be pushovers that is just their way of saying they don't like t.v. . So you have an agreement of some sort that we have agreed on the draft which could lead to a framework that intel and with good will from their side could result in an arrangement you could at least see an agreement from there that sounds like it to take longer than paying off the loan on one of my Toyota. From and out of my all sure he gave you the diplomatic discount. Framework if we can get it to find the Taliban agreeing not to let i.a.s. Or anti that back into the country which we think would be a big step forward in our being able to in a sense step backward and let the Afghan forces do more of the heavy lifting then they're already doing that don't be a really you know they're already taking a lot of the American equipment home with. A lot of lifting thanks for that because let's take another one before the truck runs out of juice you're on the cans I thought. Senate Republican leader 1st time caller made to turn on earth to have another program someone who talks slower that my brother thinks. As I understand that you are a supporter of your president but not of his plan to withdraw American forces from our country sounds a lot like your old supporter. Very highly of our presidents accomplishments regarding his domestic agenda and we lowered taxes on the hardworking Americans who've given the most to their country in the form of contributions to that we've been leased a creation of a lot of new jobs whether they be blue collar white collar or maybe even no collar Mr needs what I would call the kind of jobs of those they would be automated computers don't wish to. Live very well could be automated when you take the fetters of the great economic engine of the free market there's no way of knowing who it might run over down the line but do you do you do disagree with your president's foreign policy at least as it applies to our country where I do and I'll tell you why we have invested so much American. Treasure in your country that it would just be a doggone shame if we stopped before we got to the finish line which we never been closer to where you are right now but in fairness you've never been farther away. Then it's my belief the Taliban flank they have more patience than we do then I think vastly underestimate America's ability to lead its allies continue to take the brunt of the punishment and they do that at their peril Mr Lee did I just you don't have a question for us so a lot of math and then ask you what All right President doesn't usually use the act that he will to disagreement I remember these in one team what did he say to you privately about you notion in December when the president as you point out never hesitates to make his position on an issue clear for however long he may hold that position but he. Understood. The spirit strong Republican tradition John McCain. Perfectly willing to let us. In this particular matter many days no attention to what you say. The White House. Certainly does play it. On television. Well that would be good enough food to me thanks for the call that. You had help today from our 3 lines at the Afghanistan lottery reminding you none of our numbers this lucky he considers this are caught his eye doctor from the law fund might get him into coming I'm Mahmoud and I'm from either join this next time we could be empty or redone of ourselves for a new edition of cot as I talk this is a p.r. Stunt publicly. And now ladies and gentlemen. The apologies of the week. No they're not the best apologies of the year these are fresh apologies from this week the San Francisco 49 ers have suspended radio analyst Jim Moran for one game for saying Baltimore quarterback Lamar Jackson was adept at carrying out fakes because of his quote dark skin color with dark football unquote I mean there are marks in an interview with the 40 niners radio station on describing Jackson's ability to fake handoffs he's really got a bad fake Lamar Jackson but when you consider is dark skin color or the dark football the dark uniform you could not see that's playing I mean you literally could not see what he was in a mile of a match point. The former Chicago Bear issued a statement of apology through the team a couple days later quote I regret my choice of words and trying to describe. The conditions of the game will Mark Jackson he's an m.v.p. Caliber player and I respect him greatly I want to sincerely apologize to him and anyone else I fended for foreigner Niners use in their statement they were disappointed in Ryan and he wouldn't broadcast the next Niners game in New Orleans . Mourning honors told the Ravens they said to extend our apologies an assured them the matter is not being taken lightly or darkly but don't need it now that. This week's apology about Jeffrey Epstein has just come in Crown Princess and met in March of Norway. Not being in Iraq viewed on television so she regrets or tries to Epstein quote I never would have had anything to do with them if I had been aware of the seriousness of this criminal acts so the crown princess who apparently reads no newspapers and watches no television quote I should have examined Epstein's passed more closely and I regret I did not do so she also expressed her deepest sympathy in solidarity to the victims here and Princess met socially with the money later than in c. Or several times in 2011 to 2013131 of the meetings took place at Mr Epstein his home Crown Princess also had a brief meeting with him while he was an awesome and there were other press people present in all the meetings going to the head of communications at the palace and. In 2013 the Crown Princess chose to include association with her spokesperson partly because she felt it tended to trade on the relationship Cruise own gain in other relations like meeting Prince Andrew they had lined California bankrupt our producer. Did not properly inspect and replace transmission lines before a faulty wire sparked a wildfire that killed more than 80 people last year that's according to a pro. By a state regulator. The transmission line was then a fight as the cause of the camp fire last year it's not a camp fire it was the camp fire it's virtually incinerated the northern California town of Paradise state's most lethal blaze p.t. In a failed to make p.g. Fail to make pain in the effective inspection and make instructor have to identify and correct hazardous conditions on the transmission lines so that they report by the Public Utilities Commission. The probe concluded p.g. And E.'s inspection shortcomings were part of a pattern over in adequate execution of those tasks the Gini apologized the role of its equipment in the fire and apologized we remain deeply sorry about the role our women had in this tragedy we apologize to all those impacted by the devastating fire and company told Reuters. It filed for bankruptcy citing potential civil I'll be able to do so more than $30000000000.00 from wildfires linked to it to gear. Guard Pat Condon is issuing an apology on social media after he posted a message to the service and I've never heard of a 4 cameo that included anti police sentiment kind of the record of the message for a customer named teen wolf or blue line in a post it's now been deleted that service cameo allows fans to purchase personalized video greetings from high profile personalities a Ted including many athletes with Wisconsin ties or who at least wear them the brief in your messages are also made public on the Cameo website Hey Thin Blue Line Have a great holiday season confident said in his message we only back you when you come to the fi serve that's the arena where this team plays we don't take much overall pride in the blue remember Brad Yeah it was us have a bus and holiday once against it's really the team unquote you see athletes are given a script written by the customer and they read a. Cameo sorry condom pointed that out in his apology I am very sorry for the cameo video I take the other day he said I've always supported the police on a present I have several relatives or police officers I'm grateful to all the officers who protect us every day based on how the app works this drip script I read was provided to me by a cameo customer a record of the message without doing my due diligence to find out what it meant I should have 1st researched what I was being asked to read I deeply apologize unquote the only other thing to say about this is that Condon's video greeting sees a professional basketball player lays down his price for a personalized video greeting $75.00 Well it's not enough I guess to pay you to do due diligence the International Skating Union apologized this week for Iranian slee nominating an offensive outfit the costume is worn by Russian figure skate figure skater Anton Treuer part of. Nominating it for an award for the public swearing and on sambal associated with the holocaust here we go again figure skating governing body publicly addressed the ever nomination only social media outcry is outfit was born at the Grand Prix of figure skating as a part of the theme from Schindler's List played in the background the outfit can buy elements from uniforms won by those in concentration camps and include a yellow star of David over a striped pattern it was nominated for best costume before the International Skating Union said the nomination was actually meant for his short program in which he wore a dark sure that opened to reveal a red shirt over black pants he International Skating Union regrets that right there are the wrong costume has been presented for voting they said in a tweet this error has been corrected the i.s.u. Sincerely apologizes for the mistake and the bad sentiments it's caused. Skating is no place for bad sentiments Elon Musk was in federal court this week found not guilty of libel for calling Verne Unsworth paedo guy underwear that criticize Musk's offer to provide a special submarine for the rescuing of the Thais soccer team and their coach from any cave must have responded in a tweet calling worth paedo guy for ing Tillman e-mails as a child rapist in court this week must said he was only using figurative speech after Unsworth insulted him calling his comments unprovoked wrong and insulting I apologized to Mr Unsworth Musk told the jury hearing the case any found him not guilty as a result was in effect an apology Princess Cruises it is for an apology for its cultural insensitivity after photos of non native workers dressed in my already garb surfaced in social media Mario the indigenous people of New Zealand a Facebook user and identified as Steve The Mari Maori called attention to the situation in a post featuring photos of people in what appeared to be an attempt to mimic Maori dress and make up at a Princess cruise tent in the port of Tal running. We took immediate steps to address the sensitive situation so the spokesperson for Princess Cruises and for me made aware of the situation the team's management team took action to withdraw the crew members from the area to prevent any further possibility of cultural insensitivity we give a complete assurance that no offense was ever intended we apologize unreservedly for what has happened while they really want your your crew's money and they said b c host Joy Reid issued an on air apology correction moments after a program mistakenly aired a photo of an Torrijos white supremacist during a segment on the recently fired Navy Secretary I want to make a quick correction a pretty big correction she said earlier as we were talking about former neighbor Secretary Richard Spencer we mistakenly showed the wrong image of white supremacist Richard Spencer very deeply sorry for that mistake on quote the apologies of the week ladies and gentlemen copyrighted feature of. What. You really like so many things that happened in the year of major Look you like I have probably forgotten that the year started with a shutdown of the federal government. At during which the Clemson football team which had won something I don't remember that either. Was Thanks for the White House visit but it wasn't vetted in the White House but they were you know what I mean. And the news was given the shutdown they didn't get the usual elegantly catered meal they got as. President Trump variously described at. Different points during his press conference 300 or 500 hamburgers hamburgers. Clemson wins if football thing. Then they run out of luck. They're invited to Little White House shutdown thanks to Nancy Insha. We could is just serve them water like they're in some to be Atlanta. We gotta feed them. Let's see where we can see ranch. 300 hamburgers many many fries. View does in hot dogs about 20. Pounds I. Take it for me these are the big guys I once tried to. After a day. They're starving these kids where radish. One reason Americans love me is I eat their kind of food so we serve the guys the basics. Nothing real who are still rude. That's why we ordered 500 hand birders. Mini beautiful fries for the kids from the redneck college. Why the terrorist. Fixative ground I wish. They'd leave out everything on the table. To be like the homeless in tents. We're home for a time no leftovers get our waiters good barter for rent. Knew where claim still is anyway killings he told me was in his state. But these kids they ended up loving me they said the food was top rate almost as good as Trump steaks so wasn't it 1500 hamburgers 1000 the guy is saying are you gonna believe your favorite president or your lying in. This week for the 1st time we looks a lot like Lucy and for the businessman to the chief executive Nothing makes a mean trick on Promethea seem longer than a in-flight entertainment. Mike Yes sir sorry I was sleeping when you post. It in actually answer until I hit the electroshock but deep sleepers there how can I help help only wish someone could help you can't help but watch them look at this little longer limply shit. That's the problem. As a liar. A college man and a mobster. Yes there are I saw Mr Cohen statement he says Mom still like it's a bad thing now think that's a fair there provision Look I know we get nothing for that fact so we're going to delegate North Korea I know he did offer to shut down one more. And fabrication facility they cut me off from the shutdown one campus at Trump University I think they made the best of the situation by Bakiyev before he had in place in my in case you haven't noticed one an edible rule of this life nobody walks out on trumpet nothing I when they get trying good now here's the new take a 2nd. Came still likes me right Oh I think you do retain a remarkable chemistry it's like we starring in the buddy cop movie with no crime right I think it's a very and her profession Ok and I support Mr Guy came out and disagree with our statement about why we walked in and made us look like liars or something yes we suggested that they not do that but great so they all wish one say he asked them to get on the phone to Chairman chemo probably have to wait till we land security doesn't one came to him Liz number dying whenever soon whenever but that his city. Came to issue a new statement I don't think he's going to walk back the words of his own foreign minister to get about that we want to put out a strong statement of counties to rethink it it says no holds barred Michael Collins ally and specifically you know that Kim is seen my grades in college and they're incredible. Can you do it. Well sir I think we're going to have something very different relatively to the point that there we're going to ask him to sign off on whether he does or not have the ease up to you. Right. That's a very intervention can a n. You look in our day thank you sir your town is looking even longer than usual thanks I was trying something so as that no good husband. Thinks pension Trump is good for business Syria I remember telling you a couple times before this that we've got an agent for a James Carville Mary Matalin kind of deal after 2020 he's got to do that it's his escape and get it I don't have to like it when I get stick any rows will get stick Zoellick darling your whole team the whole communication thing is not cooking on all cylinders making considering the crossfire week Act This week our messaging got out there pretty darn well doesn't want to do call bear down junior group and Howard will be here now even I don't trust Eric I don't know what's in him but look Bill Shine can take care of all that once he decides he still works for me you get a very special task or this week very sensitive very You might say delegate I can do delegate Ok here's a story and getting killed I'm a security clearance for Jarrett the security hawks don't like it the good government types don't like it the people who don't like the Jews don't like it get it some fine people and you know he said he wanted it I got it for him now I'm taken heat for it where is he I mean that literally I don't know where their. Colleague my fun he's somewhere in the Middle East I know where he's at some bank trying to raise money to say that ugly 5th Avenue building it is from going down the tubes you see next thing you wouldn't put something that looks like that in Orlando never mind since Reagan average German artist says they can get him on the line for no. I don't want to do this this is it's family it's business it's a family business got to be done by an outsider who still inside enough to be on the team. That's you usually you you've got as can be give back your security clearance you know I'm just grain storming this is we be thinking this just might passably be something for the security people telling and usually beautiful Margan for once if I wanted to handle by the security people in the 1st place that's what I would have done delicate stuff like this is not for them so. Can you do it. He's going to take this is than negative thing coming from me doesn't have to be forever the step from its course boils itself over he can have his precious security clearance back I mean if it's such a big deal he would have gotten his piece of credibility rescued by now so. What he can say crush this task. This will get out now if keeping quiet quiet. We just need to be able to say this is a fake story again my husband will write 3 columns bashing me for it so I'll do it it's good for the stick. The team the 10. Pieces we're going to make security clearances great again now the Rockies He's gorgeous the president is this week he always goes off script. Ladies Gentlemen you're probably familiar with the fact that. This week. The report came out that gun. Acknowledged. $3000.00 incidents of sexual assault in just this year. Not not anywhere but it rides. As well as 9 murders and almost 60 people killed in accidents but overseas where I just was in London Goober got stripped last week of its license to operate in London authorities found that more than 14000 troops were taken with drivers who had faked their identity on the job or after you weren't being driven by who you thought you were Transport for London announced a decision not to renew the right healing company's license at the end of a 2 month probationary extension that was granted 2 months ago. Ober was then told it needed to address issues with security checks on driver's insurance and safety failed to satisfy London's transport authorities on all 3 counts in all 2 months. He said that their fight to the regulator a pattern of failures by Ober including summary breaches that placed passengers and their safety at risk despite addressing some of these issues transport transport from London does not have confidence that similar issues will not occur in the future. The company is not fit and proper at this time. The 1st rejected Goober's license renewal 2 years ago September company eventually persuaded judges toward it 15 months license to continue. Who has since made positive improvements according to regulator regulator read reservations remain including a change to systems allowed unauthorized drivers to upload their photos to other drivers accounts. Among the 43 fraudulent drivers discovered were some whose licenses had been revoked one driver had been cautioned for distributing indecent images of children who were sent to 1st notify the regulator about the issue in May of this year had since implemented technical fixes to resolve it the firm also plans to bring in facial recognition technology. That will newer news from outside the bubble ladies and gentlemen a copyrighted feature of this broadcast. Reality t.v. a step forward for sideways between the luvin and incidents and what's just happened in the daytime show it just became obvious that the huge controversy incredibly watchable television no longer had a home and you can tell you were in New York that night. Fortunately it still does in the us so Hollywood I'm here just in came to me with a bag full of concepts but they're just not that out of the park before it even came up to the plate executive producer and head of production if anybody else still people watch the World Series than regular season baseball Ditto with football in the Super Bowl why because the stakes are high and when I told Andy and I know it seems obvious but it was true no stakes are higher than life or death he said that it just blew the roof off and did pretty much the same with the. What was above the roof the concept is deceptively simple people come on the show asking months ago question should they continue to experience the present state of so many life death continue course the show's title sums up the concept briskly So you think you should leave the studio audience is there life so this online feedback questions to some tasks and some questions and this voting because everybody loves voting as long as politicians aren't in full audience voting on whether a contestant lives or dies it sure does sound edgy but is it over the edge or just . Thank you Sylvia Brinkerhoff a psychological consultant to the project as well as it investor in the production obviously we're treading on some new. Ground here is when this somethin kind of hit ice so we are preparing to take great care in preparing our guests for their experience as well as offering them up to our recent after show counseling for the eventual winner. Of course it's a term of art we asked Dr Brinkerhoff what kind of counseling figure staff would be providing but we didn't understand their answer N.B.C.'s Law didn't answer the lingering question of mine 1st thing I did after Justin flew back to London to pack up worse reach out to the people that So You Think You Can Dance I had a very simple message for him which boiled down to we both know you can't copyright or show title that is a little don't bother us money they reach out right back and so so you think you should live is our title and where we're going right now and try to God be right if the Creator doesn't molehill as a pretty clear idea of the potential good citizens of the film might have you might not be reaching out to. Losing contestants on other reality shows biggest gainers on the Biggest Loser for example they know the drill. Doing Facebook ads aimed at a recent divorce say some people who lost a pet in last month who would definitely not targeting. These teenagers that's an absolute no go on so I understand Fox is already working on that type of show so and you know in chopping the concept that networks cable streaming the whole. And the expression shooting match 1st question always came up isn't this illegal and of course we're not assisting in suicide or anything like that so many ways that's wrong including the legal in many states we leave our contestants freed to do what they will after their so you think you should live experience totally up to them including whether or not they use the 2 I was a counselor which is part of their gift package actually it is their gift back and the question came up in a staff meeting should we even point out when I was speaking in the direction of say the Netherlands or any of those places which might be of assistance but that's really up to whether the producers can make a deal with an ally and of course we always emphasize we can't control what their studio or online audience decide but we think they're going to be a lot of very inspirational lending you know donations of new pets things like that you tune in every week thinking could happen they say a man comes to all things beginning to sell you think you should live like this they kill him. In this special edition but inside extract this and I got the rocking back tomorrow with our celebrity portrait of the week we take an extreme close up look at the 19 year old white hip hop artist from just outside Nashville. To land I am that must go and get your mail from Culver City adjacent. Speaking of show business this middle of the year is how quickly we forget. There was. A tussle of credulity. Being assigned to. President Trump and one of his accusers is per his previous personal attorney the word Giuliani for Rudy Giuliani Michael Cohen currently ensconced in behind bars but. Now turning on his former boss whom to believe might say he told me the long gotten A year in review will continue couple weeks from now all new show next week I can't be heard but that concludes it for this week. Back on the radio same time same station next week on your audio device of choice. Either when you want it or when they shove it at you. Push it towards you. And it would be just like. Having a. Joint with me that will thank you very much on a diploma to the San Diego desk for their contributions to the program and thanks to. The w.w.i.i. Donor Alliance for * help with their. Email Address. Your chance to get cars I talk to search Christmas is so close to. The music you sometimes hear here. At Harry sure. If I need still on Twitter. At the Harry Shearer. Show comes to you from Century of Progress productions and originates through the facilities of w w n o New Orleans. Station of the changes easy radio network so long from Chicago. B.b.c. World Service it's 19 hours g.m.t. This is all of a convoy with a news room police in India have arrested the owner of a factory where more than 40 people were killed in a fire many of the victims were trapped inside when a few called his father and said Please save me I'm on able to escape only later we came here and found out he died my brother received the call that the building was on fire to come and save them this was the only conversation and after that we couldn't reach them we'll have the latest from our correspondent in Delhi also on the newsroom hundreds of thousands of people have taken to the streets of Hong Kong in the biggest anti-government protest there for weeks more than a dozen people have been killed in storms in Somalia and Uganda and later in the same way that us and the artist put their ad out on their wall he say I'm coming here to either right now that's my performance thank you laughter and the police shall remove him from the fair $120000.00 off work eaten by a rival artist 1st our top stories this is the b.b.c. News Hello I'm Jonathan Izod police in India have arrested the owner of a building in Delhi which caught fire overnight killing at least 43 people the police say a criminal case has been registered against the man named Firefighters say there was no safety equipment at the factory and it had no fire safety certificate critics are guilty out is entirely the fire broke out in the early hours of the morning on the ground floor of the multistory factory before spreading quickly to other levels official see around 100 workers were sleeping inside the building at the time the fact she is in a congested and densely populated area of Tilly and the narrow alleyways made it difficult for fire engines and ambulances to reach the scene. Firefighters had to carry the victims out one by one Rwanda has launched its 1st ever vaccination campaign against the a bowl of virus or than 2200 people have died of the disease in neighboring Congo since August last year Africa editor Mary Harper reports were under Health Minister d n gusher said 200000 people would be vaccinated over the next year in areas bordering the Democratic Republic of Congo priority will be given to health workers immigration officials police and those engaged in cross border trade so far there's been no confirmed cases in Rwanda your therapies are hoping the experimental vaccine will keep things that way it was used for the 1st time last month in the city of Goma in eastern Congo a quarter of a 1000000 Congolese have already been vaccinated with another product both a made by u.s. Drug companies a senior us Democrat has said if the impeachment case against President Trump was presented to a jury it would find him guilty in 3 minutes flat very loudly who chairs the House of Representatives Judiciary Committee told c.n.n. The evidence on the president's dealing with Ukraine was part.