Featuring jon batiste and stay human, and stephen explors the ritz carlton president ial suite. Now, live on tape from the ed sullivan theater in new york city, its Stephen Colbert cheers and applause russian music playing stephen whoo thank you, jon whats up, jon . Good to see ya. How are ya . audience chanting Stephen Stephen please have a seat, everybody youre too kind. Welcome to the late show. Im your host Stephen Colbert. cheers and applause well, i dont know if you heard the news, but, after nine years in prison, o. J. Simpson was granted parole. Thats right, the juice is loose audience reacts jon wow. Wow. Stephen i think theyre chanting juice o. J. Got away. Orenthal is soaring, yall. Finally, he has the opportunity to find the real killer. First step buy a mirror. Jon whoa stephen okay . Say what you want about o. J. , he never met with sergei kislyak. laughter unlike his buddy, here. audience reacts come on, now dont be too harsh. That was 1993, when it was a coin toss which one of those guys would end up president and which would end up in jail. laughter cheers and applause maybe both might get a two fer speaking of which, its also the sixth month anniversary of trumps inauguration. audience booing im not sure what you give for six months. I know im taking xanax. laughter i cant believe its just six months. It seems to have longer than six months, doesnt it . Its crazy. One of our staffers had a baby born on inauguration day, and heres that same baby today. laughter ettes all the stress. Its the cortisol. Jon yeah, yeah. Stephen hell be fine. laughter well, to celebrate lasting six months, yesterday, donald trump gave an interview to the failing new york times. laughter first, trump talked about Senate Republicans who are on the fence about supporting his healthcare bill. I think we have six people who are really sort of okay. They are all good people. We dont have bad people. I know the bad people. Believe me, do i know bad people. cheers and applause oh oh, sir jon hey, hey. Stephen i believe you. Trump bragged about all hes accomplished so far. Ive given the farmers back their farms. Ive given the builders back their land, to build houses and to build other things. laughter the word youre looking for is buildings. laughter you know, the big things with your name on them. But it wasnt just domestic bragging. Oh, no. Trump loves himself overseas, too. I have had the best reviews on foreign land. So i go to poland and make a speech. Enemies of mine in the media, enemies of mine are saying it was the greatest speech ever made on foreign soil by a president. Are you sure they didnt say it was a foreign speech by a president greatly soiling himself . laughter piano riff because i saw that speech. I saw the speech. cheers and applause trump was especially proud of his bastille day visit with french president emmanuel macron. We had dinner at the eiffel tower, and the bottom of the eiffel tower looked like they could have never had a bigger celebration ever in the history of the eiffel tower. I mean, there were thousands and thousands of people, cause they heard we were having dinner. Also, just for my visit, they built this arc de triumph, to celebrate how i won in wisconsin. So huge. piano riff cheers and applause stephen yes. Jon yeah, yeah. Stephen its time we all applauded his win in wisconsin. laughter now, one takeaway from trumps french adventure was his famous, endless manoamano handshake with the french president. Forget about a cold war with russia i think we may be having a thumb war with france. laughter during the interview, trump talked about macron, saying, hes a great guy. Smart. Strong. Loves holding my hand. People dont realize he loves holding my hand. And thats good, as far as that goes. I mean, really. Hes a very good person. And a tough guy, but, look, he has to be. I think he is going to be a terrific president of france. But he does love holding my hand. laughter and thats totally weird, because i know where that hand has been. laughter jon oh oh oh, hey, hey, hey. Stephen and trump finally explained why, at the g20 dinner, he left his seat and went over to vladimir putin. So, i was seated next to the wife of Prime Minister shinzo abe of japan. And shes a terrific woman but doesnt speak english. Like, not hello. Okay, i can see why he would want to get up and go someplace else, but im not sure thats true because mrs. Abe has given at least one speech in english. Sir, i think she was faking it. cheers and applause piano riff hello, mrs. Abe. Koneche wa, no habla ingles, senor trump. laughter jon yeah. Stephen im very excited about this we now have video of trump after his conversation with putin, back at his original seat but still gesturing at putin. Youre great. Looking at ya. Heres my hand. Dont know where its been. You, too. How about this, you, me, collude. cheers and applause this thing where he moves it back and forth, i want to point out i made that exact same gesture earlier this week on the show and i got blurred laughter was i being too president ial . I dont know. laughter and trump made an interesting claim. When nixon came along inaudible was pretty brutal, and out of courtesy, the f. B. I. Started reporting to the department of justice. But there was nothing official, there was nothing from congress. There was nothing anything. But the f. B. I. Person really reports directly to the president of the United States, which is interesting. You know, which is interesting. And i think were going to have a great new f. B. I. Director. Oh, so the top Law Enforcement officer in the country will report directly to you with nobody else in the room. No one will know so its like the police but secret. The Justice Department would not see these police. They would be notsee police. I think you would call them. cheers and applause nosee or notsee, nonsee, nonesee . Notsee is good. Then, trump talked about the firing of f. B. I. Director james comey. Why would somebody say, he has every right to fire me, bah bah bah . Why wouldnt you just say, hey, ive retired . Yes, why didnt comey just say he retired . Just want to remind you that he was in l. A. At an f. B. I. Event and found out live from a tv in the room that he was fired. Sir, theyre saying you got fired on tv. What . No, i wasnt. I retired laughter well, my work is tone here. piano riff cheers and applause cheers and applause piano riff stephen why didnt he just say i retired . That was trumps famous catch phrase for the apprentice, wasnt it . Youve retired. When asked about the special prosecutor, robert mueller, trump said he shouldnt have been appointed, and trump warned that mueller should stay out of investigating his finances. Thats not a red flag at all. laughter sure, the police are welcome to search anywhere in my house, as long as they dont dig up the patio. Theres nothing down there. Or the shed. And forget the crawlspace its way too crowded in there. laughter turns out the president s warning didnt work out so well because, today, it came out that mueller has expanded his probe into trumps personal business transactions. cheers and applause mr. Trump, could you please warn mueller not to subpoena your taxes . laughter but trump saves his real ire for attorney general Jeff Sessions, and this one we actually have the audio on. Reporter sessions gets the job. Right after he gets the job, he recuses himself. Was that a mistake . Well, sessions should have never recused himself. And if he was going to recuse himself, he should have told me before he took the job, and i would have picked somebody else. Stephen this is crazy. laughter it would have been impossible for Jeff Sessions to recuse himself because the thing he recused himself from hadnt happened yet. applause cheering the only way it could work is if Jeff Sessions goes back in time, takes his own mother to the prom, and teaches chuck berrys cousin about rock and roll laughter okay . 88 miles an hour. And trump was just as unhappy with Jeff Sessionss Deputy Attorney general, rod rosenstein. Yeah, what Jeff Sessions did was he recused himself right after, right after he became attorney general. Then i said, whos your deputy . So his deputy he hardly knew, and thats rosenstein, rod rosenstein, who is from baltimore. There are very few republicans in baltimore, if any. So, hes from baltimore. All right . You get the message . Are you getting the message . Donald trump doesnt trust baltimore. I mean, just look at his review of the wire. One star. Very few republicans. cheers and applause laughter and again, keep in mind, were only half a year in and trump isnt going anywhere. And hes going to run for reelection. audience booing no, you have to get ready for this. Hes running for reerection and we at the late show are ready to project what that baby will look like in another six months. laughter weve got a great show for you tonight. Jason bateman is here. But when we return, i take you inside trumps president ial suite in moscow. cheers and applause stick around band playing whats going on here . Um. Im babysitting. Thatll be 50 bucks. You said 30. Yeah, well it was 30 before my fees, like the pizzaordering fee and the dogsitting fee. And the rummage through your closet fee. Are those my heels . Yeah yeah, were the same size. In shoes. With tmobile taxes and fees are already included, so you get four lines of unlimited for just 40 bucks each. For a limited time save 300 dollars on the amazing iphone 7. In our house, we go through a lot of mom et paper. So we switched to new charmin super mega roll. Get six regular rolls in one with charmin super mega roll our longest lasting roll. Guaranteed to fit. Enjoy the go with charmin. Get your dorm room ready and take an extra 15 off. Twin xl bedding sets are only 42. 49 desk lamps are just 21. 24 and a keurig mini is 67. 99. Game on. Kohls. Which one of you the cheetos snacks . Okay, ive given you guys a chance to confess. This little baby can detect trace amounts of cheetos dust. Whaaaaat . Gloria . Kids . [meow] when did we get a cat . Dangerously cheesy. Got a minute . New aveeno®. R you. Positively radiant® 60 second in shower facial. Works with steam to reveal. Glowing skin in just one minute. Aveeno® naturally beautiful results® cheers and applause band playing stephen hey welcome back. Give it up for jon batiste and stay human right there give it up cheers and applause oh, my gosh jon, my friend, it has been an amazing week. Jon yeah. Stephen were having an amazing week, the russia week here. This might be my favorite night to have the entire russia week because this night is why i went. The piece were showing tonight is the reason we went. I was saying to chris, my producer, and he said, you want to be going to russia . I said nobodys going to be talking about that, im a dummy. The big part of the interview they did with trump focused on the dossier. Back in january, ten days before trump was inaugurated, a document was leaked containing allegations that trump has deep financial ties to russia, that his campaign was being supported by the russian government, and that the russians had a compromising video of donald trump watching prostitutes urinate on a bed in the moscow ritz carlton president ial suite. It was a bombshell, and when former f. B. I. Director james comey informed the president about it, trump wasnt happy. He told the times, when he brought it to me, i said this is really madeup junk. I just thought about, man, this is such a phony deal. And remember, as the founder of trump university, hes an expert on phony deals. laughter applause piano riff trump claimed he can prove its bogus because i have witnesses. You know, i went there with phil ruffin. Now, i thought phil ruffin was the arch nemesis of mcgruff the crime dog. Ill get you, ruffin laughter but it turns out, hes a casino owner friend of trumps. Lets take a look at this upstanding character witness they call phil ruffin oh, they totally did it. Yeah. Yeah, they did it. Now, the wildest accusations in that dossier have never been confirmed. But as far as i know, nobody has tried. Heres the reason why. The media said its too salacious for us to look into. But its the only part we care about or talk about, the pee pee tape pee pee tape pee pee tape pee pee tape there was one man brave enough to go to moscow and check it out. He has two thumbs. cheers and applause jim . Stephen moscow. The heart of mother russia. The source of the greatest political turmoil to afflict the highest echelons of the United States government in a generation. I went to the russian bears den myself to ask the question that others were afraid to do you have the pee pee tape . Do you have the pee pee tape . Ill also take the peepee tape, i would like the the pee pee tape . The pee pee tape . The pee pee tape . For some reason, asking random people for the pee pee tape wasnt working. So i met with russian surveillance expert andrei soldatov. A journalist critical of the kremlins surveillance tactics, andrei has been interrogated by the f. S. B. Four times i met him at an undisclosed moscow hotel. Hello, andrei. Hello, stephen. Stephen just in case wer i know you dont have the answer to these questions but do you think the russians have cmopromot on donald trump . I dont know. Have you heard about the peepee tape . Yes. Stephen what have you heard . There was something embarrassing about donald trump but no details. Stephen no details . Well, some details. Stephen like what . Like something about shower stephen yes. A type of shower. A type of shower. Is did the shower have a particular color . Yeah, i think so. Stephen could you name the color . What color was the shower . Something about gold, or yellow. Stephen yep, gold. And who might have provided that . Was it from a faucet . Or was it who might have provided the shower . Some girls, maybe . Stephen some girls . Just, like, some friends . Like, some p just stopped by for fun . Well, i do not have these kind of details. Stephen you dont have these de details. Okay. Well, in the United States, it was reported that when donald trump was staying at the ritzcarlton, he stayed in the president ial suite, which i believe is room 1101, and that he hired two prostitutes to pee in the bed because this room had also been occupied by barack and michelle obama, and it was a form of insult to them to have these women come do that on the bed. Did you guys hear those details over here . Yes. Stephen the idea is that there were surveillance cameras in this room because the building is wired and that the f. S. B. Has this because they automatically have cameras in the room and they caught this happening. Well, that makes sense. Stephen does make sense . Okay. Stephen no one from america has gone to to see what that room is like or to try to verify that story in any way. What would you have to do to to get access to that room . Maybe to check into the hotel . Stephen that seems extraordinarily complicated. But we did it. Its true, room 1101. The president ial suite of the ritz carlton. We rented it. Heres the key. Lets go cheers and applause the glamerous ritz carlton president ial suite. Champagne dreams and pee pee wishes. Ten glorious rooms, filled with grand pianos and closets so big you could hide a corpse. It has all the modern amenities. But of course, there is only one reason to rent this suite. Hello. Join me, wont you . In the bedroom of the president ial suite of the ritz carlton in moscow. The room we have heard so much about, and yet no one has come to check it out and i dont know why. When you are in this room, i just dont know how to describe it you are soaked in history. laughter it washes over you. laughter its not even like its in the past urine in history. laughter urine it, you know what i am saying . I am saying that the pee pee tape supposedly took place on that bed, is what i am saying. The dossier alleges that donald trump was in this room. We dont know where he sat. It could have been on this bench down here, though i doubt it because that is what youd call the splash zone. You are going to want to wear a poncho. Could have been on the couch, over there. But what would that look like . Join us, when my Investigative Journalism continues. Stephen pee pee tape. Pee pee tape. You know when you have imagined something for so long, that when you finally see it, it doesnt match what you pictured . Thats not this feeling at all laughter this is right on the money. Holy cow. Thats the kremlin, right there they wouldnt even need cameras in this room putin could watch with binoculars. With my initial survey complete, andrei rejoined the investigation. Because the president ial suite is known to be under surveillance, we swept the room for cameras and listening devices. They could be anywhere, even the pottery. Is there any way of knowing if theres listening devices in here . Well, for that you need special equipment. Stephen or you could break it open . Thats also an option. Stephen yeah. Obviously. Stephen yeah, theres knot in there. phone ringing stephen hello . inaudible . Stephen there is an emergency button in my room . inaudible . Stephen no, everything is great. Thank you. Thank you for checking. Yeah, theyre on to us. Yeah. Tha that was andreis cue to leave. But i wasnt done. So, who knows what really happened in this room . Science does, and tonight, science is on your side. Hit the lights. cheering lets investigate. I want to thank Action News Team channel 53 for lending me their black light. Okay, im going in. This pillow looks clean. That checks out, no evidence there. Oh, i got something. Fake news, never happened, sad. Sadder still, id come 5,000 miles to find the pee pee tape, and was leaving with no proof that donald trump was ever here. Worst of all, this room was extremely expensive so this is where im staying tonight. Guys, you can go. Would you mind killing the lights on your way out . Ahhh snoring do you mind . Sorry, stephen, my bad. Night night. cheers and applause stephen thank you, ritz carlton, and sorry about this. Join me tomorrow for the exciting conclusion of russia week. Because unlike the russia scandals, this week will eventually be over. Well be right back with Jason Bateman. cheers and applause band playing we, the entertainmentloving people, want an unlimited data plan that gives us more. We want more than just texting. More than just surfing and shopping. Because sure, we want to use this to call the people we love like our directors. But mostly, to get the entertainment we love. Maaaaark switch to at t for the only unlimited plan that gives you 60 channels of Live Television on any screen all for 70 a month. Im leaving you, wesley. But why . You havent noticed me in two years. I was in a coma. Well, i still deserve appreciation. Who was there for you when you had amnesia . You know i cant remember that. Stop this madness. If its appreciation you want you should both get snapshot from progressive. It rewards good drivers with big discounts on car insurance. I have news. Ive used most of our cellular data. Come on, susan lucci guys were out of milk goinneed anything . 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Ask your dermatologist if cosentyx can help you find clear skin that lasts. cheers and applause band playing stephen hey welcome back, everybody cheers and applause folks, you know my first guest tonight from comedies like arrested development, horrible bosses, and juno. He now stars in the netflix drama, ozark. Where is my money . As we told you, we cant cover that amount within 24 hours. There is two federal agents here, which means you wouldnt take the chance that there was a kidnapping and not have my money. So if you dont produce it immediately, im going to walk into that lobby and im going to tell these people i cant get my money out and well see how long it takes to go viral and you get an Old Fashioned run on my bank. And if i want to put all my money in a hot tub, get naked and play scrooge m. L. K. Duck, that is 100 my business. Now wheres my money . Stephen please welcome Jason Bateman band playing cheers and applause they stand for every first guest, dont they . Stephen no, they do not. Every other. On thursdays they. On fridays, they never do. laughter good to see you again. Hi, nice to see you. Stephen heres the deal, i need to know right now im here to answer questions. Stephen am i talking to funny Jason Bateman or to drama Jason Bateman . Okay . Because i understand theres a turn going on right now. I dont know what the garbage is. Stephen what the garbage is . I hear its a great seriesy youre a dramatic actor. Some people think its great, some people not so great. I take what i get, you know. laughter i just read a review the guy says i play the character with the blandness of an airport desk clerk. Stephen those guys terrify me. Then another review, best work hes ever done. So you go out there, you do what you can do, everybody, right . applause were out there, were all dancing as fast as we can to provide for the family. Stephen and some people dont have a public review being written of their work. I actually like reading reviews. Stephen do you, really . Were making these things for people to have an opinion. We cant bat a thousand. Stephen have you had great reviews . One came in right before i came out here and i was, like, oh, no and my publicist is, like, you probably shouldnt read that before you go out. I said, no, im going to read it educational. You learn. Stephen well, i just wrote what i felt. laughter applause youre that son of a pitch stephen look at this, talk about young gun right there. Look at you right there. We were happy. Stephen this is 20 years ago . How many years ago, 20 . At least. Its one i could its when i could afford the good piece. Look at the size of that piece on my head. Stephen thats the hogan family. Thats as short as they could cut it. Your hair fought back. Yeah, it sure did. No, that was this is when i was making smiles. Now weve got the drama out there and no, the drama was really fun to do. It was this ozark, which is fan t. I hope you like it. Its just this moody, dangerous thing that i really enjoyed directing. I directed a couple of films in the last few years, and we were looking to direct something that would continue to be more challenging and all that stuff. Stephen thats one of the reasons i got this photo out. At age 18, you directed some of the episodes of the hogan family. What is it like to be 18 years old and telling people twice or three times your age, you know, i need more in this take . Do they take you seriously . No. No, no. laughter theres a lot of qualifiers. Theres a lot of apologizing before you start speaking. You know. Im so sorry to bother you with this probably terrible note, but heres an idea. Not this, dont do this, but something in this world of or if you dont want to do that, dont do it. I gotta go. You know, its, like, but it was fun. I mean, that was simple and comfortable because we had all been together for so long and they finally let me do that, and they were very nice to me. I got the bug. The hook got set early. Stephen hold on. Weve got to take a little break. Back with nor Jason Bateman. band playing cheers and applause the ford summer sales event is in full swing. Shovel. Mulch. Brick pavers. Fence posts. Concrete. Were good. And wood for my castle. We got it. And a slide, and a drawbridge. Take on summer right with ford, americas bestselling brand. Now with summers hottest offer on ford f150. Get zero percent for sixty months plus an additional thousand on top of your trade in. Thats the built ford tough f150 with zero percent for sixty months plus an additional thousand on top of your trade in. Offer ends soon during the ford summer sales event. Stock up on what your kids need now and take an extra 15 off. Girls tops and bottoms only 6. 80 boys tees are 10. 19 and kids sneakers are just 21. 24 game on. Kohls. cheers and applause stephen hey, everybody were back with Jason Bateman. Jason, i got a bone to pick with you. This is what you said you said, in an interview or Something Like that i dont follow your career. Whos ready to come up here and defend me . Stephen you said you were considering becoming a talk show host in new york 20 years from now is this a Retirement Plan to you . laughter you think this is so easy . No, man. Stephen that 20 years from now, oh, i just want to check out. Ill be a talk show host. That looks like a dream my kids love their schools. When theyre done with their schools, they can come into new york. Stephen do you think you can waltz in, in 20 years, and someone will make room for you . This is hard, stephen. Youre in here early at noon or something, right . laughter and, you know, youre banging out two shows in two hours, youre doing two monologues in p the same tie he doesnt change his tie stephen thats right. Try it go ahead come on, mr. Smart guy come on, introduce me. Introduce me. Introduce me. Give me a good song. Give me a good song. Oh, my god. Guys. cheers and applause whoo audience chanting okay, were back hope you enjoyed the commercials. This is this is really a thrill. I owe you big for this. Ladies and gentlemen, our next guest, um, is an incredible performer, um, a recent man, um laughter i dont know, ive got no cards. You get cards its so simple and were happy to have him, please give a warm welcome to tell me it one more time scott Scott Stephen Stephen Colbert cheers and applause band playing this is embarrassing. Were out of time. laughter stephen great to be here, man. Huge fan. What youre doing, its important. laughter applause it really is. Thank you, man. Youre so great. I dont know how you do it. I dont know how you do it night after night. That looks like the hardest job in america. Its not easy. Its not easy. Stephen incredible. I love you and im so obsessed with you, youre so great. And not mutual admiration, but we saw that clip of your new dramatic show. Stephen thank you. Boy, babe y, let me tell you, youre not as bland laughter stephen no. Whats it like to work with laura lenny . Stephen amazing. Amazing laura lenny, an incredible actress. applause beautiful. It was against the nude scenes. She insisted. laughter yeah, she insisted. Shes very proud. Stephen yeah, of me. laughter because i was nude. She was fully clothes. Oh, she wasnt nude . Stephen no. She said, let me at that thing. laughter thats what she said. She said your as is so high and firm i could bounce off a quarter and get back two dimes and a nickel. She said that. laughter you were a skater for a little a while. Stephen i worked in the ice capades. When i starred my career in the ice capades it was called frozen peaches, i was a georgiabased ice capades group and we reenacted the civil war on ice. Triple sow cow, double axle, the whole thing. Stephen you dont have for hi jinx stories on this. That was incredible. I miss dave. Stephen yeah. laughter applause piano riff no, no cheering stephen ozark premieres tomorrow on netflix. Jason bateman, everybody. Well be right back with a performance by muse. cheers and applause band playing we, the people, are tired of being surprised with extra monthly fees. We want hd. And every box and dvr. All included. Because we dont like surprises. Yeah. Like changing up the celebrity at the end to someone more handsome. And talented. Really. And british. Switch from cable to directv. Get an all included package for 25 a month. And for a limited time, get a 100 reward card. Call 1800directv. Only tylenol® rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. They release medicine fast, for fast pain relief. Tylenol® get your dorm room ready and take an extra 15 off. Twin xl bedding sets are only 42. 49 desk lamps are just 21. 24 and a keurig mini is 67. 99. Game on. Kohls. Why . Terrible toilet paper ill never get clean way ahead of you. Charmin ultra strong. It cleans better. Its four times stronger and you can use less. Enjoy the go with charmin. What bad back . Gels work so fast youll ask what pulled hammy . Advil liqui gels make pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain . Advil. Whats going on here . Um. Im babysitting. Thatll be 50 bucks. You said 30. Yeah, well it was 30 before my fees, like the pizzaordering fee and the dogsitting fee. And the rummage through your closet fee. Are those my heels . Yeah yeah, were the same size. In shoes. With tmobile taxes and fees are already included, so you get four lines of unlimited for just 40 bucks each. For a limited time save 300 dollars on the amazing iphone 7. Its my dale call. [engine revving sounds] if youre on a diet of taking it up a notch. Thats way better than my duck call. Drink diet dew. The only diet with dew in it. You know what i could go for righhmmmw . Some sweet barbeque. over speaker or spicy we got a craving go go go crashing cravings in the crave van. Jacks gonna crash your crave here, try my barbeque Bacon Cheeseburger with your choice of sweet or spicy barbeque sauce topped with bacon and onion rings. Thanks jack. Ha ha piece of cake. Oh, jack you crave it, we serve it. My new sweet or spicy barbeque Bacon Cheeseburger and chicken sandwich. Crave van stephen and now, performing their new single, dig down, please welcome muse cheers and applause when hope and love has been lost and you fall to the ground you must find a way when the darkness descends and youre told its the end you must find a way when god decides to look the other way and a clown takes the throne we must find a way face the firing squad against all the odds you will find a way dig down dig down dig down and find faith when youre close to the edge with a gun to your head you must find a way when friends are thin on the ground and they try to divide us we must find a way we have entered the fray and we will not obey we must find a way yeah dig down dig down dig down and find faith when theyve left you for dead dig down and you can only see red dig down we must find a way dig down dig down find faith we wont let them divide dig down we will never abide dig down we will find a way cheers and applause stephen muse, everybody well be right back. My name is jamir dixon and im a locate and Mark Fieldman for pg e. Most people in the community recognize the blue trucks as pg e. My truck is something new. Its an 811 truck. When you call 811, i come out to your house and i mark out our gas lines and our electric lines to make sure that you dont hit them when youre digging. 811 is a free service. Im passionate about it because every time i go on the street i think about my own kids. Theyre the reason that i want to protect our community and our environment, and if me driving a that truck means that somebody gets to go home safer, then ill drive it every day of the week. Together, were building a better california. Stephen well, thats it for the late show, everybody. Tune in tomorrow for the dramatic finale of my trip to russia. Plus, my guests will be Kenneth Branagh and cara delevigne. Now stick around for james corden. Good night captioning funded by cbs captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org are you ready yall to have some fun feel the love tonight dot you worry where it is you come from itll be all right its the late, late show reggie ladies and gentlemen, all the way from, dulles, franc,

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