cheers and applause its the late show with Stephen Colbert. Tonight, stephen welcomes kelly ripa. Billy gardell. And musical guests the lemon twigs. Featuring jon batiste and stay human. And now, live on tape from the ed sullivan theater in new york city, its Stephen Colbert cheers and applause stephen how are you . Hey stephen thank you, sir cheers and applause whats going on, jon . Nice to see you. cheers and applause stephen hey welcome to the late show, im your host, Stephen Colbert. Is anybody here. cheers and applause anybody here from out of town applause anybody from out of the country . Hide. Theyre coming for you if you are visiting in new york, right now, you might have noticed that yesterday, activists put a banner on the statue of liberty reading, refugees welcome. cheers and applause okay. Yeah, i agree. I totally agree. Thats lovely. Thats lovely. Its absolutely a lovely thought, but kind of redundant on the statue of liberty, isnt it . Its like taking a rainbow flag and adding we like the gays its not necessary. But i guess i didnt think it was necessary. But i guess thats where we are right now. Youve got to say things out loud that before we just assumed were what we all agreed on. The bars getting lower. For example, yesterday, trump was touring the museum of African American history and culture, and according to witnesses, he noticed a stone Auction Block on which slaves would stand and was moved to say. Boy, that is just not good. That is not good. I havent heard that kind of eloquent enuncation since the civil war novel the red badge of dang. That is messed up. And trump messed up. Not good. Its not good. And he wasnt done taking a courageous stance against slavery, because later they came upon a set of shackles used to restrain children, and the president said, that is really bad. That is really bad. Adding, chains on a child . What is this, the airport . applause now, obviously, obviously, thats a joke. You can tell from all the laughter. And i hope that doesnt upset donald trump, because hes a bit of a hothead, loose cannon, powder keg, dump truck. Which is why its important for him to be counseled by people who are evenkeeled. But, unfortunately, hes talking to some jerk named alex jones, the farright conspiracy theorist who is apparently taking on a new role as occasional information source and validator for the president of the united states, with whom he sometimes speaks on the phone. Okay, an information source, validator speaks on the phonelet. Okay, good to have a variety of voices in a time of crisis. Lets see what this guys like. Im animated im alive my hearts big its got hot blood goin through it fast i like to fight, too i like to eat i like to have children im here ive got a life force this is a human this is what we look like this is what we act like thithis is what everybody was le before us. This is what i am stephen this is why you dont mix steroids with peyote this is why this is it now, i dont. cheers and applause i dont know how to explain this, but just watching that clip, he somehow got spittle on me. So alex jones has influence in the white house. Trump has even sent in messages to alex jones show, congratulating him on his great reputation. Now, if youve been living underground for the last few years, you probably listen to alex jones. But for the rest of you, he runs a conspiracy website called infowars. The names easy to remember just imagine info, and then imagine someone at war with it. And Donald Trumps phone buddy has gained a reputation for telling it like it isnt, like this explanation as to why men are gay. The reason theres so many gay people now is because its a Chemical Warfare operation heres the inside of this juice box, and if they zoom in any more, see that thin plastic . Its got it. After youre done drinking your little juices, well, i mean, youre ready to go out and have a baby. Youre ready to put makeup on. Youre ready to wear a short skirt. Stephen yes, juice boxes make men into women laughter a couple of sips, and suddenly your caprisun is your capridaughter laughter its happening. This is real applause now, obviously, its not fair to judge a guy on one isolated dumbass clip, so heres a bunch of them. Alex is antigay hes saying that chemicals are making people gay. Folks, its making the frogs gay. Twothirds of the frogs down in houston are bisexual every major western country heavily involved in 9 11. It took me about a year with sandy hook to come to grips with the fact that the whole things fake. The attacks in orlando were a falseflag terror attack. Sometimes i hear my show, and it sounds like the most powerful talk radio ive ever heard. Other times, it sounds like a monkey doing you know what with a football. Stephen to recap one of the councilors to the president knows what it sounds like when a monkey bleep a football. But alex jones is not content with talking to the leader of the free world. Hes also hoping infowars will qualify for a White House Press credential. So, to those of you working in the White House Press pool, youre going to want to get some ear plugs and a poncho. So what else is happening . Oh, over the weekend, the president called the media the enemy of the american people. Okay. of. Audience boo so youre off the hook, unlimited breadsticks. That upset theyre delicious. Now, that upset a lot of media. In response, the Washington Post added a subheader to its front page that says, democracy dies in darkness. So, the Washington Post has officially entered its goth phase. applause its a strong message that theyre going to hold trump accountable, a message he will receive the minute fox friends reports on it. laughter by the way, democracy dies in darkness beat out their other top choices no you shut up come at me, bro. Were going balls out and we took down nixon. Who wants next . cheers and applause say hi to jon batiste and stay human, everybody. applause cheers and applause stephen now, for the record, im not the president of the united states. All right. Im just a dumb tv show host, so i probably wont be president for another four years. laughter cheers and applause thats tasty. Audience Stephen StephenStephen Stephen dont encourage them. Dont encourage them. Audience Stephen Stephen stephen cheers and applause and trumps success is already inspiring other celebrities to get into politics, because in the next election, kid rock could run for senate in michigan. Thats right. We could soon be hearing bawitdaba, da bang, da bang, diggy, diggy, i yield the remainder of my time. laughter its no surprise kid rock could be a republican contender. He campaigned for trump and even sold protrump merch on his website, including a tshirt that says, blankonald trump. The d is missing because its in every haters mouth. I like kid, i like kid. But that makes him sound like a real ouchebag. The idea that some aging longhaired rocker could be the next senator from michigan sounds like the ravings of a madman. And it is the motor city madman. Because ted nugent might also run for that same senate seat kid rock versus ted nugent. The kid versus the nuge its going to be a tough choice. This is really going to split the uncle who sells you fireworks vote. But the race is still wide open. And here with an exclusive, major announcement, we have another michigan hard rocker. Please welcome, live from detroit, shriekin joe, the saginaw pyschopath cheers and applause shriekin joe, thank you for joining us. Bongo, dongo, stephen yeaaahhhhh stephen im a huge fan. I see you have your crossbow with you. Yeah got it in an abandoned laundromat. Stephen im a huge fan. Ive got all your albums live from your mothers panties, born to hunt dolphins, and that one where the cover is you and jesus with two babes in an aboveground pool. Oh, yeah, boobie messiah. Stephen a great one, classic. So, shriekin joe, i understand you have an announcement to make. Thats right, stephen. Shriekin joe is running for senate from michigan and says the great state of sonofabitchigan trademark buy my tshirts. Yeah stephen looks like a fine tshirtuc gee. Thats a big deal. I assume youve talked to your family about it. Yeah, theyre all behind me. My mom, my dad my 34yearold daughter, my 18yearold wife. laughter her name is serendipity. Used to be sarah, until i dipped my d. Audience oooh im referring to my penis, stephen. laughter . Stephen im aware. Thank you. Thank you for that update. Subtletiys not my strong suit. Stephen congratulations. So, shriekin joe, whats your message to the people of your state . Stephen, my platform is simple i want you to get wet, jump on it. I love sex. Let me hear ya, michigan yeaaahhhhhh stephen now, shriekin joe, this could be a competitive race. What makes you more qualified than your possible opponents, ted nugent and kid rock . Nothing, stephen. Im the original american dumbass. Trademark buy my tshirts stephen but, shriekin joe, dont you think the job of u. S. Senator requires some qualifications . Nope. Sorry, grandma. Play my new Campaign Song kick it, boys yeaaaahhhh i got guns and cash yall just dont get it trump grabs the pussy but i like to pet it badabalalabamanababababaa bongo dongo im shriekin joe, and i approve this message. cheers and applause stephen shriekin joe, everyone weve got a great show for you tonight. Kelly ripa is here but, first, im going to expose some white house leaks. Stick around bongo, dongo bongo, dongo of being there for my sons winning shot. That was it for me. Thats why im quitting with nicorette. Only nicorette mini has a patented fast dissolving formula. It starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. Every great why needs a great how. Is your deodorant leaving white marks or yellow stains on your clothes . Use new degree ultraclear black white. No white marks on black clothes. And no yellow stains on white. So your white clothes stay white. And your black clothes stay black. Choose degree ultraclear black white. It wont let you down. Hashtag crispety, hashtag peanut buttery. Hashtag stop posting about it and eat it already. Butterfinger. band playing cheers and applause stephen welcome back, mixing it up. Welcome back, everybody. As we all know, the Trump Administration is really mad about the leaks from the white house that paint an unflattering picture of incompetence and chaos. There are even twitter feeds that claim to be staffers inside the administration, like alt doj. Rogue potus staff. Alt department of state. And alt National Park service. cheers and applause okay. If its true, its shocking stuff. But i dont know whether to believe it. The idea that a highranking Government Official would be on twitter is just laughable. laughter but we here at the late show will not be outlooked. I have found an anonymous source willing to illspay the eanbays on national tv in my new segment late show president ial leakcrets. cheers and applause ladies and gentlemen, welcome to late show president al leakcrets. Now, to protect his identity, we have dimmed the lights of the studio, and protected his or her voice, and put him or her behind a screen, all right. Hello, unnamed source. Hello, stephen. Stephen i see theyve disguised your voice. Yes, they have. Hold on. Ill turn off my voice modulator, and you can hear what i really sound like. deeper pitched this is my real voice. Stephen so whats going on in the white house . Well, i dont want to get too technical, but on the inside, were saying its 100 , 24 7 bonkers. laughter stephen so thats an exclusive. Can you give me several examples . First off, the president doesnt know hes signing all these orders. Steve bannon just puts papers in front of him and says he needs an autograph for a kid named ed. Edzecutiveorder. laughter stephen wow, that is shocking. That is shocking. applause does trump i clap when im shocked, too. I clap when im shocked, too. Does donald trump this is a very important one Ask Donald Trump have a secret relationship with russia . Yes, he does, but its purely physical. Its not emotional at all. laughter okay. Oh, and the president S Secret Service code name is barbiehands. laughter . Stephen wow, wow. Okay, good to know. cheers and applause well, anonymous leaker, anonymous leaker, what is melanias code name . Her code name is she deserves better. laughter applause stephen ive heard insiders are worried about giving donald trump the Nuclear Launch codes. They are. So the pentagon installed a Nuclear Launching computer especially for trump, but its just an atari 6600. So far, he thinks hes defeated china, mexico, and the space donkey kong. Stephen what about trumps inner circle, steve bannon, Stephen Miller . Do they have as much power, as the leakers say . Yes, they do, but steve bannon does have a weak point. Hes vulnerable to attack when hes scampering from his old shell to a bigger one. laughter and Stephen Miller is allowed to roam through the white house basement at night eating all the mice he can catch. Stephen so, is the trump family playing a big role in his administration . Well, eric trump has been lost in the air vents for weeks laughter but when we do hear him, he sounds happy. Stephen for weeks . How does he survive . Again, mostly on mice. Stephen i have to ask, the rumors about the moscow hotel thing, are those true . Well, i dont know. Ill have to check in with my international contact, monsieur renard. Bonjour bonjour cest va je suis monsieur renard monsieur renard, is the pea thing real . Oui, oui monsieur renard, is the pee i love you so much. I love you so much. Stephen i love you, too. applause unnamed source, everybody well be right back with kelly ripa cheers and applause how it fe your numbers go up, despite your best efforts. 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Right now find our queen c2 mattress at 599, save 200. Sale ends sunday. cheers and applause yeah, more of that stephen welcome back, everybody. My first guest tonight is a fivetime daytime emmy winning actress and talk show host. Please welcome kelly ripa applause hi. Hi. Stephen that is a beautiful dress. Thank you very much. Stephen that looked like it was out to get you a second ago. It was out to get me. Thats what you get for buying something on sale. I did, i got it on sale. Ithought i was so smart you. Stephen are so smart. Being with i love being on your show. Ive been on a bunch of times in the past. Well you should come back. Stephen the old gig, and selling books on your show. Its a lovely show. How is it going . Speaking of books, i have a bone to pick with you about a book that you sold on our show, i think book in i want to say 2012 . Was that stephen okay, which one . Ive had three books. Which one . Its called as a matter of fact, i think i have yeah, i brought a copy of it. Here it is, right here. Oh, look at that okay. Its called ill a pole, and so should you. Stephen its a Childrens Book we wrote. Its a Childrens Book. Stephen its about the adventures of a pole, that doesnt know what kind of pole it is. It doesnt know what kind of pole it is, and i have to say im not selling books for you, but this happens to be one of the greatest Childrens Books ive ever read. Stephen it has the greatest blurb of all time. The sad thing i i like it. Maurice sendac. He also said on the back, its terribly, supremely ordinary. I like, that too. My son, when he was nine years old, hes dyslexic, so he goes to a school where, you know, the primary focus of the education is really learning how to read, and if you master so many books, you can bring in a book of your choice. And the teacher will read the book out loud to the class. Stephen oh so stephen came in stephen oh, no. Stephen was coming on monday and this was a friday. I brought the book home. I put it on the table. And joaquin said, hey, mom. Thats a great book. I can take it to school . Thinking he somehow knew the book already. And i said, absolutely, you can take it to school. And he sends it back to me and said the teacher wouldnt finish reading the book. laughter . Stephen i know i think i know why. I said, why not . And he goes, i dont know. She put a note in it. So ill just read you ill just read you the ill read up to the book. It says so heres its really adorable. The pole goes to a fire house, and he says, theres always a fireman or fishings, but those are hard to find. And then the pole says, so i interned as a stripper pole, but i couldnt stand the grind. laughter applause stephen the they have to len somewhere, kelly. We ease them into adulthood. So i got, you know, a dear mrs. Consuelos, im not sure if you read this first. And she said, its a really funny book. I really tried to stick with it, but at a certain point, certain things arent appropriate for nineyearolds. Stephen i understand. I apologize . No, are you kidding . Stephen i dont. This is still the greatest, like, School Memory we have, because stephen thank you. Because nowadays, parents are so careful and theyre so good at parenting. Stephen right. And i became that mom. Stephen wow. You know . Stephen so youre suggesting everyone buy this for their children. Everyone buy this stephen thank you very much. Im not sure its in print anymore. It should be. Stephen it definitely should be. It should be in print print. Now it will sell more than ever. Stephen lets look at this beautiful family of yours. There you go. Your son, joaquins 14th birthday is this friday, right . This gldz do you have any big plans for this party . Well, we are were having, you know all he wants is a fudgy the whale cake from caravel. Stephen i still want a fudgy the whale cake. And he wants to go air softing. Stephen yeah. Do you know what air softing is. Stephen yeah, i have boys. No kidding. Stephen its like b. B. Guns that youre supposed to shoot at each other. Theyre b. B. Guns that cant harm you in any way. Stephen they can, but you wear goggles and theyre like plastic beads and you powpowpow. And they have air soft courses. Do you know about that . Yes . And he walks around in the gear gr full battlerattle. Thats what he calls it. Stephen put it all on the line. Wait, how many sons do you have . Stephen i have two sons but my work room in the basement really looks like im a serial killer. I have the msoft mfour, the garks the saw, one of these. My boys have used all their allowance for years to try to get new stuff. Yeah. I never we didnt we were like we were trying to be the parents that didnt bring the stripper pole book to school. So for years we were just stephen no guns. No guns. Stephen same here. We were not going to let our kids play with guns. And what would happen was i have videotape of joaquin in a diaper running around the table going, spew. Spew. Using his fist like a gun. And we would go to the beach and he would pick up a sea shell. And one day Anderson Cooper bought him for his birthday a nerf gun, and that really began his addiction with small artillery. Stephen that Anderson Cooper is a bad influence. He is a bad influence. Terrible, terrible influence. Stephen all right. So now hes segued into air soft. Which i think is going to be fine. Stephen its fine its fine. Stephen it will only worry you for about three years. Yeah. Stephen and then hell move on. They say the pellets are biodegradable. Stephen dont go with the biodegradable pellets because if theyre human the gun jams and the other guy will come down on you. So just keep polluting. Stephen you got the live oscar show. We do. Stephen after oscar show. We do. Stephen so its in the morning after the oscars out there. You going to be in l. A. . Im going to be in l. A. We go out, and im backstage with all of the winner s. Stephen as they come off . So as they come off the stage, the first thing they see and i do mean thing is me with a microphone in front of them. Stephen are they eager to talk to you at that point or are they like, no, i no, i have to go party. They will tell you anything. Stephen really . Because theyre so high on the win. Celebrities hopped up on adrenaline from Winning Academy awards are surprisingly, shockingly, squarelily frank. Like, they say things that weve saved people from themselves just by stephen oh, no we cant show that stephen roll that tape, baby. Roll that tape. We cant stephen people will come off and say, suck is, Meryl Streep Spielberg is overrepresentatived wo stuff like that. Stuff like that. Not exactly, that but stuff like that. Really sometimes inflammatory. Sometimes scary, creepy. But really appreciative. Stephen i feast on human flesh and rule the night well, the weird thing is, i can tell, like, people will see me out, and theyre not sure where theyve seen me before. But i know where. Its because theyd won an Academy Award and i was the first person they saw. So you know how when a duck is born, whatever it sees first, it stephen it imprints on it. Right. I have imprinted on them a happy memory, and theyre saying, i dont know that girl, but i want to kiss her hard on the face. Glvment what do you mean they dont know you . Youre kelly ripa. Youve been on tv for 16 years. You have the number one entertainment morning show. Theyre from other place s. Stephen other countries. Other countries stephen not for long. Trump is going to get those people out of here as quick as possible. Heard, i heard. Stephen you do this at 6 00 a. M. L. A. Time. 6 00 a. M. Stephen so youll stay up and party hard through the night. Yes. Stephen seriously, you probably dont go to bed. We dont go to bed. I have not gone to bed yet in the six years ive been doing it. Stephen you look good. I have to say. Im pretty punchy. Im pretty punchy by the time we go on the air. Stephen right now youre plowing your way through a bunch of cohosts. Yeah. Stephen its been nine months looking for a cohost. When are you going to put a ring on, girl . Are you proposing . I mean, how long you can make these trump jokes . cheers and applause . Stephen i would say four years. Four years . Check back with me in do i have to wait four years . Stephen four years, exactly. Mmmm stephen good mug work. Listen, are you cut out to be a morning show host. You are wasting your time here stephen daddy likes to sleep in. Oh, come on the live with kelly after oscar show airs monday. Kelly ripa, everybody show airs monday. Kelly ripa, everybody lovely to see you. Lease a 2017 lincoln mkx for 369 a month. Only at your lincoln dealer. Fortified. Tored. Replenished. 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Look at this. The ed sullivan theater. Sorry, im a little thrown. This is a very historic place. Stephen you know how to host one of these shows. I just found out you actually hosted live with kelly with kelly ripa. You were one of the cohosts. It was the greatest job in the world. Stephen its not hard . You talk to a cool actor, some chef comes in, you eat, you go home by noon. Stephen but you have to get up early. I dont mind. Im old and ive got a kid. I get up at six anyway. Im right down the street. Stephen how many kids do you have . Just one. Thats all i wanted, was one. This one came out and hes got the personality of his mother, when is loving and pathetic, and i just figured the seven one would be just chasing him with scissors. So i thought well keep that d. N. A. That gardell d. N. A. In the pocket, you know, what i mean . Stephen now, people, everybody here knows you from mike molly. There you go. Remember . cheers and applause stephen do you remember . Do you remember . Theyre not gold fish , of course, they remember. But in todays world you know, gone. Not on youtube chasing a cat, you know. Stephen now youre doing sun records. I am. Stephen on cmt. Very exiept gld what is the story of sun records . The story of sun records is about sam phillips vision in memphis, tennessee, which is unbelievable. Its the reason we have rock n roll today. Elvis, jerry lee lewis, charles perkins, johnny cash, and b. B. S can qing, and ike turner. And all these musicians came to this place because he was the man who took everything out of the box to make a new sound. And it was the first time, civil rights being fought for and high tensions here a man who said i dont care what you look what, what color you are, what you can bring to the table . You got the church, the hillbilly music and want blues all mixed together to become rock n roll. Stephen and you play colonel tom parker. Yeah, man. Stephen elvis manager. You play elvis manager. I do. Stephen cornell tom parker. We have a photo here, cornell tom, elvis, and ed sullivan in this theater. Wow, hownt that. Thats very cool. Stephen thats a rakish angle hes wearing that hat. Hes got his hand in sullivans pocket. Thats why. Stephen what kind of a guy was he . He was a bad guy, man. He was a very bad guy but a visionary. What i found out about this guy, he was an illegal immigrant who came over here from holland, inventedlet character tom stephen he was there holland. He came over here with this character and he was a con man, you know. He was just a con man. And i talked to four or five people that knew him in memphis, and nobody could describe him the same way. So the way i started building him was he was whatever the situation was to get the money. So i was thinking how do i do that . How do i make it . I gave him the scruples of walter white and tried to make him sound like foghorn leg horn. The c. E. O. Of graceland said you have to plan with a twinkle in your eye because he wouldnt have gotten away with all that stuff if he wasnt charismatic and he was very much a huckster. He got his hands on eddie arnold and eventually elvis. Stephen did he run any cons on elvis . Yeah, im sure. He took a lot of side pay with elvis. But he was the one guy its other side of the sword was he took too much of elvis money but he saw what elvis could be. Everybody wanted to boox him into being just a Country Singer and he saw this guy could be rock n roll. He saw he could much bigger. He had the vision for that. And he had a coo dependent relationship. In isolating elvis in an unhealthy way made him feel very safe. Stephen so he was responsible for elvis Howard Hughes retreat. Yes, because the cornell didnt want anybody around him. He didnt want him to tour europe because he was afraid if he went over he would get deported which might happen today or somebody might scoop elvis up and he didnt want that to happen, either. So he kept him here in america. Theres a story, and i dont know if its legend or myth but the more i play him, i believe its true. There was a time early on when elvis wanted to fire him and he paid an ambulance driver, to take him to the hospital and fake a heart attack so elvis would feel bad for him. All he was about was getting the money. Stephen was elvis important to you growing up . To some people hes an enormous figure. Of course. My dad is an elvis whack job. He hates the beatles because he thinks they took elvis crown so hes against the beatles. He loved him. That was hiside. He said that was when rock n roll had no point other than to get a girl or fix your car. When elvis died i remember him coming into the room and said, son, the king is dead, and he called in sick for three days. Thats a true story. When i got mike molly, my wife and i decided we were going to take the parents on a bucket list trip, anywhere you wanted to go. My mom wanted to go to vegas and be treated to the top of the niens. My wifes parents wanted to go to hawaii. And high dad wanted to go to the Peabody Hotel and see graceland. Heesms the cheapest date. Stephen it was lovely to meet you. Pleasure, my friend. cheers and applause stephen sun records premieres tomorrow night on cmt. Billy gardell, everybody well be right back with a performance by the lemon twigs. Stick around. ,,,,,,,, here performing i wanna prove to you from their album, do hollywood, ladies and gentlemen, the lemon twigs i wanna prove to you my love is extending my love never ending my passion befriending your ba ba ba ba ba ba ba to be the same with you is love fully realized when i look in your eyes im not telling you lies baby, why wont you love me . Sugargirl, why wont you hug me . I tried and i tried on my life on my life to get you to see baby, i guess youre just not the one for me i want to be with you when my strength is tested when im not invested i havent digested what i said when all my sweetness went away and i could taste the darkness all of my life waiting for someone finding their waves pulsate and drama loving in ocean loving emotion baby, why wont you love me . Sugargirl, why wont you hug me . I tried and i tried on my life on my life to get you to be with me baby, i guess youre just not the one for me i want to prove to you why wont you love me . I want to prove to you why wont you love me . I want to prove to you, what i can do prove to you what i can do yeah, yeah cheers and applause stephen yeah the lemon twigs everybody ,,, late show. Please tune in tomorrow when my guests will be aubrey plaza, bradley whitford, and musical guest lupe fiasco. Now stick around for james corden and his guests lionel richie, bob odenkirk, and david oyelowo. Good night captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org are you ready yall to have some fun feel the love tonight dont you worry bout where you come from its gonna be all right its the late, late show