83. we'll look back with a fellow cast mate. early this wednesday morning, october 20th, 2010. captioning funded by cbs hello to all on this wednesday morning. welcome to "the early show." i'm maggie rodriguez. >> i'm harry smith. good morning. >> we were so sad to hear of the passing of tom bosley, mr. c from "happy days." everyone's dad. donny most will share memories of tom bosley. we do this story f to time. studies done about it. hormone replacement therapy. symptoms of menopause. some doctors and patients said maybe a little bit is okay. a brand-new study says probably not. so we'll get to the latest on that, as well. e'll take you back. i'm sure you remember the confirmation hearing that divided the nation. clarence thomas accused of sexual harassment by anita hill in 1991. now thomas's wife appears to have reopened the wounds with a phone call. jan craw details. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. 19 years may seem like a long time ago and some remember it but to the people involved in the hearings ginni thomas, it was only yesterday. >> professor, do you swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you god? >> i do. >> reporter: the testimony riveted a testimony. >> he would turn the conversation to a discussion of sexual matters. >> reporter: anita hill's sensational charges against clarence thomas her boss nearly derailed the nomination to the supreme court. thomas angrily denied the allegations. >> this is high-tech lynching. >> reporter: the senate went on to confirm him 19 years ago this month. but the wounds went deep especially for his wife ginni, who said she never doubted her husband and proving that time doesn't heal all wounds last week mrs. thomas called anita hill now a professor, to ask for an apology for damaging her husband's reputation. according to a source with knowledge of the events thomas said in a voice mail i would love you to consider an apology sometime and some full explanation of why you did what you did to my husband. so give it some thought and certainly pray about this and come to understand why you did what you did. in an interview three years ago, ginni thomas told me of similar wishes. >> i think she shows us an apology and i look forward to receiving that phone call or that visit one day. >> reporter: hill didn't apologize then or now. she alerted the police and turned over the recording to the fbi. in a statement she said the call was inappropriate. and she said she isn't sorry. i have no intention of apologizing because i testified truthfully about my experience and i stand by that testimony. now, i reached ginni thomas last night. she said she didn't want to talk about the phone call but said the views on the apology as expressed three years ago didn't change. >> clearly she wanted an apology for a long time. is there any speculation as to why she made the phone call now? >> reporter: that is the question that everyone is trying to get answered. her friends, people who are close to her, why now? of course, it was 19 years ago this month. around the anniversary, maybe she was feeling reflective. it also is about the same time "the new york times" at the time publishing a big profile of ginni thomas. maybe she was thinking feeling empowered. >> do you think we'll hear from clarence thomas on this? >> reporter: no. he doesn't speak publicly about these things but his wife has been his passionate lifetime defender since their marriage. i would not expect to hear from justice thomas, only ginni. maggie? >> jan crawford thank you. it is 7:05. here's harry. >> thanks. now to politics. the crucial midterm elections, less than two weeks. >> away and president obama heads to portland oregon today. beginning another campaign blitz in hopes of avoiding a dlatic washout. but he may be getting some help from republicans. cbs news congressional correspondent nan sis cordes is in washington the story. i guess that's unintentional help. >> reporter: that's right, harry. you could call it an experience or quirkiness and seeing a spade of strange claims of tea party candidates and latest from candidate christine o'donnell who actually drew gasps from her audience yesterday. >> where in the constitution is the separation of church and state? >> it's in -- no. an excellent point. >> hold on. hold on please. >> reporter: christine o'donnell and chris coons were debating the teaching of creationism when o'donnell that calls herself a strict constitutionalist appeared unaware of one of the constitution's basic tenants. >> the separation of church and state is found in the first amendment? >> government shall make no establishment of religion. >> that's in the 5st amendment? >> reporter: some candidates that rode to nominations of tea party energy are sounding more moderate. in florida's senate debate tuesday night marco rubio pledged to prosect social security benefits including his own mother's. >> social security is the sole source of income she has. i would never support any changes to social security that would adversely impact her or people in her demographic. >> reporter: last night in the illinois senate debate where the race for president obama's former senate seat is essentially tied both candidates in attack mode. mark kirk attacking the opponent's business background. >> a risky real estate loans. brokered hot money deposits and loans to well-known convicted felons and mobsters. >> reporter: alexi gentlemaniannoulias attacked the military claims. >> reporter: back in delaware the campaign of o'donnell said she does understand the constitution but was simply making the point that the actual words "separation of church and state" don't appear in the 1st amendment, harry. >> thanks very much nanty cordes. that came from thomas jefferson some years later. let's talk about this this morning with two analysts. in washington jamal simmons, democratic strategist. in austin texas, dan bartlett a republican strategist. good morning guys. >> hey, harry. >> this is where it gets interesting. two weeks to go. people start to say interesting things. lots of money pouring in. negative ads all over the place. dan, let me start with you. from the mainstream republican standpoint, are the tea party candidates an asset or a liability? >> i think regardless of the comments of christine o'donnell, other slip-ups by the young candidates particularly in the senate race where is the pressure is on the profiles of the candidates really come under intense scrutiny i still think that net-net the tea party movement, the activism the intensity will help particularly in the house of representatives. it would be the difference in why i believe the republicans will take over the house. you are right, though. these gaffes these candidate that is don't have as much experience will probably be a good part of the reason why republicans will probably come up a little bit short in the senate with republicans not getting over the finish line in delaware as you stated. >> sure. jamal, if you're a mainstream democrat, sort to speak, would you rather run against the mainstream republican candidate or a tea party candidate? >> i think i am a mainstream democrat. >> fire away. >> i think you would rather run against a tea party candidate. we can see the places where the tea party hurt the republicans. it is yet to be seen whether or not having the tea party candidates will help the republicans yet because we don't know what will happen if they had a regular, normal establishment conservative on the ballot. so, i think we'll all see whether the tea party folks show up on election day. the democrats are doing a pretty good effort of getting the voters out. >> okay. because that's my question. less than two weeks left. time is on whose side? time on the democrats' side? >> oh i think time is. because here's the thing. in a lot of states now, you have early voting and people have already started to cast the ballots, whether nevada or iowa some of the states and what you are starting to see, iowa a case this morning. iowa, 150,000 democratic ballots are already out and 105,000 republican ballots so you are starting to see a little uptick of democratic turnout kind of taking over -- >> harry, harry? >> go ahead, dan. >> i mean bottom line is actions speak louder than words. the president obama is in oregon, campaigning in california. these are hard-core democratic states. they're on big-time defense. they wish they had more time to cover more of the not only defensive states but trying to pick up a seat. and that's where the challenge is. democrats are playing defense. you may notice the fact of the debate last night in illinois. it is getting nasty but the fact that the president's own seat his own seat when he was in the senate is that closely contested demonstrates that republicans are on offense this cycle. democrats on defense. >> all right.. we have 13 days to go. thank you, gentlemen. appreciate it. all right. >> it's time to check the rest of the day's headlines with erica hill. good morning. >> maggie, good morning. harry, good morning. good morning to everyone at home. for the first time the american military is accepting openly gay recruits. including vets to serve again like former lieutenant dan choi. an iraq war veteran discharged for being gay and reenlisted here in new york yesterday. after a federal judge refused to government request to delay a previous ruling banning don't ask, don't tell. choi called the military's ban unconstitutional. >> it's not always easy to go to combat and serve your country. particularly when the country openly discriminates against you for telling the truth. >> he was one of at least three gay former service members beginning the process to reenlist. the 1993 law banning gays from serving openly in the military was overturned last month. two port stroller recalls this morning. the graco quattro tours before 2006 and metrolite strollers made before july 2007 can allow a child to be trapped between the tray and the seat. and be strangled. they were involved in the deaths of four children between 2003 and 2005. before a larger opening was required in 2008. now, if you have one of the strollers, you can get a free repair kit which is offered by graco. it is a sad farewell this morning to actor tom bosley. the man that played the father on the long-running tv hit "happy days" has died. >> so thank you all for being part of our family. to happy days. >> bosley was best known as howard cunningham the typical american dad in the popular tv series. he died yesterday at his home near palm springs. he was 83 years old and we'll be more on tom bosley in the next half hour. in peru a police officer survived a very close call. look at that. highway cameras showing the officer on a motorcycle. show you again. running into a 18-wheel truck last week. she just missed getting caught under the tires. amazingly she escaped with only a broker shoulder and bruises and quite a story to tell. in sports the yankees are on the verge of being eliminated. in the sixth inning a three-run homer off burnett to take the lead. the rangers losing to a 10-3 win. they could wrap up the series this afternoon. rough on folks here in new york city. while there were not many breaks, check this out. foufrt inning gardner broke his bat hitting a ground ball. as his -- and barrel of the bat flew through the air and see the aftermath. broke the protective glass on a tv camera and there you see the shot. which is when i walked into a liveing room and said what was that? it was a bat. dave price here with a first check of the weather. you have the perfect aim when you're -- >> out a doubt. >> oh! >> thank you very much. only fourth grader being traded in little league for a player to be named the following year. >> still in recovery for that. >> that's exactly right. hurts to this day. wearing my pinstripes for perhaps the last time this season, as well: a check of the maps. good morning to you, erica. here we go. much of the center of the country welcoming good. keep in mind, southeast, we are going to see that cooler drier air and that warmer more moist air combined. we could see shower activity and that's going to push eastward over the next 24 hours. light rains, early thundershowers. out west, one more time. we are looking at this slow-moving low pressure system to bring half an inch to an inch of rain and that's a quick look at the n >> that's 7:15 and the first check of the weather. >> thank you dave. we have new developments to report in the search for the body of american david hartley. his wife has made a very emotional decision. to move back to colorado. she told us exclusively that she may be going back but she is not giving up. here's cbs news correspondent don teague. >> reporter: a heart-breaking good-bye for tiffany hartley who packed up the home she used to share with her husband david. >> i'm supposed to be moving with my husband. we're supposed to be going to colorado. we're supposed to be starting a family. >> reporter: but today, tiffany is moving back the colorado alone. her husband, murdered september 30th allegedly shot to death by members of the zetata drug cartel while they jet skied on the mexican side of the falcon lake. >> i haven't packed his stuff yet. i think that's the hardest part. >> reporter: tiffany had hoped to stay in texas until her husband's body was found but mexican authorities suspended the search for the remains last week after the lead investigator was murdered. >> i'm the one that's holding everybody back. >> reporter: but it's unlikely david's body will ever be returned and for tiffany, the time has finally come to go home. >> he would want me to move on. you know? start, you know, figuring out how i'm going to do this without him. >> reporter: the drug violence along the mexican border cost david hartley his life and tiffany hartley her dreams. now, she's starting a new chapter with only her memories. >> sometimes i'm just searching for him. wanting him to hug me. wanting, you know, him to embrace me and kiss me and -- do the things that we always did. >> reporter: don teague cbs news, dallas. >> and we'll stay in touch with her because this investigation is far from over. still ahead here remembering tom bosley who played mr. c. on "happy days" and speaking with ralph malph this morning. a new warning of breast cancer and hormone replacement therapy. what do americans waste much of their money? we'll tell you and show you how cutting back a little could save you up to $400 a month. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. funny how nature just knows how to make things that are good for you. new v8 v-fusion + tea. one combined serving of vegetables and fruit with the goodness of green tea and powerful antioxidants. refreshingly good. 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[ female announcer ] all you need for sensitive skin. all you expect from the number-one recommended detergent by dermatologists. all free clear is free of dyes and perfumes. and has powerful stainlifters to help get your whole wash clean. it's all good. [ female announcer ] letting go of your cigarettes can be hard. but the nicoderm cq patch gradually steps you down off of nicotine in just three steps, doubling your chances for success. nicoderm cq. 3 steps, 10 weeks and you're free. ["stir it up" playing] stir up a smile with hershey's syrup. ♪ let's take a look at the stats. mini has more than double the fiber and whole grain... making him a great contender in this bout... against mid-morning hunger. honey nut cheerios is coming in a little short. you've got more whole grain in your little finger! let's get ready for breakfaaaaaaaaaast! ( ding, cheering, ringing ) keeping you full and focused with more than double the fiber and whole grain... in every tasty bite -- frrrrrrosted mini-wheeeeats! didn't know i had it in me. insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and hoping for different results. i've built businesses. i've built a business. met the payroll. met a payroll. i enter this office beholden to no one except you. i will owe my office to no one but you. i don't owe anyone anything. i don't owe anyone anything. what's the worst that can happen? what's the worst thing that can happen? >> donny most aka ralph malph only 20 years old when he started working with tom bosley and says he was very much a i'm sydnie kohara. crews this morning are on the scene of a four-alarm fire, at an apartment building in san good morning to you. it's 7:25. i'm juliette goodrich. crews this morning are on scene of a four-alarm fire at an apartment building in san francisco. anne makovec is at the scene with the latest. good morning, anne. >> reporter: good morning. the fire is out, juliette, but they have a seriously dilapidated building to deal with here on hyde street in between sutter and bush streets. a four-story apartment building has been destroyed. it appears to be gutted. a fire that started on the first floor of the building burnt all the way up to the fourth floor. this happened at around 5:00 a.m. three people have been injured. they are at the hospital here. luckily the hospital is only a block away. they had smoke inhalation and are expected to be okay. but about 50 people have been displaced and are homeless from the looks of it. the red cross is helping them out. two adjacent buildings were also evacuated. and those people will likely be able to return to their homes. >> thank you to the red cross and the firefighters. anne makovec in san francisco. thank you. traffic and weather coming right up. [ male announcer ] carly fiorina. she's against banning assault weapons... and that's reckless and dangerous. she's for risky new oil drilling that could threaten our jobs. fiorina's plan would mean slashing social security and medicare, which would devastate seniors. and she'd make abortion a crime. no wonder fiorina is endorsed by sarah palin. carly fiorina. just too extreme for california. [ boxer ] i'm barbara boxer and i approve this message. good morning. they just can settle a traffic alert in hayward. southbound 880 approaching industrial parkway. three-car crash cleared from labels. the backup goes to 238. investigators are still investigating the scene of a fatal accident overnight at 3:45 in los gatos. blossom hill road and union avenue intersection closed the entire intersection. very busy morning at the bay bridge. unfortunately, westbound 580 backed up well into 24. there was an early-morning accident just before the incline. and it backed things up early. the metering lights were turned on extra early. up to 35-minute delays have been reported heading into san francisco. that's a check of your traffic. here's tracy with your forecast. hey, thanks, elizabeth. sunrise at 7:22 but pretty hard to tell out there. but here's one shot where you can tell from mount vaca. don't you love it? plenty of sunshine there. but much of the bay area is shrouded in clouds this morning. low clouds from the coast inland. temperatures today from the lower 60s along the coast to the mid-70s inland. ! describes irv ooze ai will are are a lots of nice folks we'll meet in a little while. looks like many are costumed. we'll figure out why that is in a little bit as we welcome you back to "the early show." important warning for women going through menopause. new study finds hormone replacement therapy not only raises the risk of breast cancer, it also increases a woman's chances of dying from it. a lot of people have said, well maybe a little hormone replace replacement therapy is okay. our dr. jennifer ashton will be along with better advice. >> yeah. she gives that advice to her patients every single day. also this morning anonymous cyber bullies could be a thing of the past thanks to a woman from new york. she sued google and won and now a judge has ordered the internet company to release the names of the users who posted rude comments about her. we will be speaking with her exclusively about the be landmark ruling this morning. first fans of the hit sitcom "happy days" mourn the loss this morning of tom bosley. he died yesterday at age 83. he will definitely be best remembered for the 11 years he played the iconic father howard cunningham. cbs news correspondent betty nguyen takes a look back at the award-winning actor's career. ♪ sunday monday happy days ♪ >> that's my boy. >> reporter: one of television's most beloved dads. >> that's what makes it all worthwhile. >> reporter: born in chicago and started his career on stage winning a tony award for the broadway musical "fiorello" but television he was most memorable. >> a single phone call would have saved father from worrying. >> gee richard, i'm sorry, it will never happen again. >> i should hope not. >> reporter: he was an original member of the cast and appeared in all 255 episodes of the show's 11-year run. >> i'm little ritchey cunningham's father. >> director ron howard played his son and said my last conversation with tom reflected the love of life and peace of mind that he always man taned throughout his full and rewarding life. i miss him already. he went on to other television success in the "father dowling" mysteries and in "murder: she wrote" but he will forever be remembered as mr. c. >> "happy days" put him on the map and gave him an eternal place in our hearts. >> so thank you all for being part of our family. >> tom bosley was 83. betty nguyen cbs news, new york. >> joining us exclusively this morning from los angeles is don most who played ralph malph. donny, good morning. >> good morning, maggie. >> seeing him, seeing tom bosley in those clips, it makes me so sad. i can't imagine how you must be feeling. i don't know if if that was comforting voice or pleasant demeanor but everybody in america felt like he was our dad, too. >> absolutely. and that was the case for the cast. the four guys, you know, ron, henry, anson and myself especially for me, i think i had recently moved to california. i was 20 years old. my family was on the east coast. so, to a large degree the "happy days" gang became my west coast family and what better dad figure to have than mr. c. in tom bosley. unbelievable. >> did you ever turn to him or did he ever volunteer fatherly advice? >> absolutely. you know as i was mentioning the four of us when we first started the show we were all single single men and then he saw us go through getting married, getting our first homes and he loved to sit down with us sometimes before the day's work and find out what was going on in our lives and offer us some sage advice. and, you know it really was -- he really was our dad in so many ways. and, you know like you mentioned that -- that inimitable voice of his was so comforting and soothing. i think most of america felt that way. >> when was the last time that you spoke with tom? >> well actually i feel really -- i'm really happy that i got to spend some time with tom not too long ago, about a little more than a month ago. i knew he had been diagnosed recently with lung cancer and i went out, my wife and i went out to visit him and his lovely wife patty in the palm springs area and we had a wonderful visit. we went to one of his favorite restaurants and just had a chance to really catch up and just be with each other and i'm really glad i got to spend that time with him, you know, as i said just recently. >> was it obvious that he wasn't doing well? >> you know he was doing pretty well. he was undergoing the treatment. but, he had a great attitude and he -- he was strong. he was fighting. i think he had a good overview of where he was at but he was hopeful and he was doing great. it was great to see him that way. >> how do you think, donny, tom would like to be remembered? >> oh i think he'd like to be remembered as a wonderful father and a terrific husband, a great friend, and -- and an actor who really cared, cared about his work and cared about his fellow actors. >> so sad that our children, this generation, doesn't have "happy days" like we did, doesn't have mr. c. what do you tell your kids about him? him? >> what do i tell my kids. well, i -- there are times when you know i was at a loss of words of what to say to them in certain situations and i think i up next a new reason why hormone replacement therapy could be very risky. our dr. jennifer ashton will explain when we come back. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. e to enjoy things again. 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[ female announcer ] we don't just want to say natural instincts looks healthy. we want to prove it. take the natural instincts challenge. get healthier color in 10 minutes. guaranteed. or we'll buy you 2 boxes of your old color. for details, go to important news for women going through menopause. there's new evidence taking hormone replacement therapy increases the risk of breast cancer and also increases the risk of dying from it. last year alone, 40 million prescriptions for hormones were filled in the united states. joining us now, our own dr. jennifer ashton, a board certified ob/gyn who discusses hormone treatment with patients every single day. and there are a lot of women out there who say, i'm menopausal, i've got to have. this i can't live without it. >> right. >> and so that's what accounts for these phenomenal number of prescriptions, right. >> yes, this is a huge number of women, harry. it is important to remember menopause, 15 to 20% going through menopause will have no symptoms. 10 to 15% of women will have severe symptoms and they will tell you it is disabling, they cannot go with their day-to-day life without some kind of treatment. >> has the conventional wisdom sort of been okay so hor known therapy, if we limit it is okay? >> well, yeah. that's the premise in all of medicine, you want to give the lowest dose of any medication that works for the shortest period of time but what's striking about this study is that we've known since 2002 that hormone replacement therapy increases the risk of breast cancer. >> right. >> now, for the first time we know how much. we know that it increases the risk not only of invasive breast cancer but of finding more aggressive breast cancers and, as you said, of dieing from breast cancer. so again, this is potentially really going to change the lanescape for that woman as she talks about her risks with her doctor. >> because this, is you know, were heavy this news in 2002. then sort of adds fuel to the fire of why it's not such a good idea. at the same time, though, people will look at these numbers and say, okay statistically, i see the chance is greater but overall the statistics are tiny numbers per, say, 10,000. >> correct. and you brought up a key point, harry, the absolute risk what this study found it results in one extra death a year from breast cancer per every 10,000 women. so, again, you know you might look at that and say that risk is acceptable to you. >> right. >> but when you talk about breast cancer that gets all the attention. what you usually don't hear when you talk about hormone replacement therapy is that the same study found that women who take hrt, also reduce their risk of colon cancer reduce their risk of fractures from osteoporosis and certainly it relieves symptoms so it has to be balanced. >> right. as you read this in the paper, as you go to webmd or read through this stuff today as you go back to see your doctor this is a conversation you've got to have. >> it's an ongoing conry con -- very complicated conversation that has to go on between a woman her and doctor. >> thank you very much. up next, how to save the money you don't even know you're wasting. rebecca jarvis to the rescue once again, when "the early show" continues. ocean spray cranberry juice cocktail tastes good but it's also rich in powerful nutrients that help cleanse and purify your body. cranberries are the ninja fruit. wh-wh-whoa! ocean spray -- tastes good, good for you. this is our cran-pomegranate juice drink. like the cranberry the pomegranate is a superfruit, prized since ancient times. he would know. 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[ male announcer ] but ordinary manual brushes can leave up to 50% of plaque behind. oral-b power brushes are inspired by the tools professionals use, to clean away plaque in ways a manual brush can't. for that dentist-smooth, clean feeling every day. fight plaque with real power. oral-b power. get 50% off oral-b power brushes for a limited time. visit for details. [ female announcer ] all you need for sensitive skin. all you expect from the number-one recommended detergent by dermatologists. all free clear is free of dyes and perfumes. and has powerful stainlifters to help get your whole wash clean. it's all good. [ female announcer ] smooth skin? not good enough. [ female announcer ] now get baby-smooth perfection with new dream smooth mousse from maybelline new york. some makeups leave skin rough, dry. ours is cream whipped, so it hydrates. skin looks flawless, baby-smooth. new dream smooth only from maybelline. [ male announcer ] let's throw down some style. style that lasts a lifetime. what do you say we get the look we want the softness we need, and an unbeatable lifetime stain warranty for whatever life throws at it. then let's save big on the installation. ♪ ♪ we're lowering the cost of going barefoot. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. get exclusive martha stewart living and platinum plus installed in your whole house for only 37 bucks. this morning's money watch the things millions of americans waste their money on but you don't really have to. here with more on that, how to stop doing it cbs news business and economics correspondents rebecca jarvis. you are going to love this segment. we'll show you how to save a significant amount of money in one month, right? >> yes. the first thing we'll show you, the bottled water concept. obviously we know it is expensive, about two dollar as a bottle. if you just cut on one every day for the next months it save you $60, a month. >> the next one you call super in your tank. what does that mean. >> super in your tank obviously we know when we go to the gas station there are two different prices one for super, another for regular. regular is about 20 cents cheaper. if you switch to regular po fo a mid oedz mid-size >> make sure an manufacturer says it is okay. >> they say it is good for your car. >> this is an oldie but goodie brown bag it. >> you can save as much as seven dollars a day if you bring your tlournlg work, it is healthier, of course and you can save over the course of a month $140. >> how do we save it at the convenience store slash vending machine. >> this will get you. maybe you are already brown bagging it but still stop at the vending machine or the convenience store, you are spending three dollars a day potentially not bringing your own snacks and drinks and things like that. $60 a month what you can save if you bring that too. >> if you buy yourself a decent water bottle right. >> you can save a lot of money. >> drinks at dinner. >> you know, when you go out to dinner, the big price at the end of the day. >> the biggest amount of money. >> is usually coming from the cocktails. if you have them at home beforeland you will save potentially 16 to 40 dollars a month for the drinks. have them at home first. >> i'm the crazy guy who walks around the house turning lights out all the time. >> your bill at the end of the month is reflecting that. the average household usually can save a little more if you are just a little -- paying more attention. >> we talk about this, too, impulse buys at the grocery store thajts extra pint of ice cream, the chips and cookies will cost you at the store, over a month potentially as much as $48, just by not having that list and sticking to it. >> we don't want to pick on a particular industry but greeting cards. >> obviously we all love to give cards to each other but if you give a lot of them and buying at the store you spending up to $12 a month. instead, make them or send them over the internet. >> there you go tv internet add-ons. >> speaking of that. all of the add-ons to your cable bill or internet bill if you deduct those out you can get about $35 off your bill. >> let's see what we saved in one month. >> $400, in one month's time. >> boom! >> you won't feel it you really won't, i guarantee it. >> way to go. thanks so much. more more tips on saving money on everyday items go to "cbs moneywatch."cosm. we'll be right back. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. hey, babe. oh, hi, honey! so i went to the doctor today, then picked up a few extra things for the baby. oh, boy... i used our slate card with blueprint. we can design our own plan to avoid interest by paying off diapers and things each month. and for the bigger stuff we can pay down our balance faster to save money on interest. bigger? bigger. slate from chase gives you extraordinary control over how you pay for life's surprises. trip...lets... slate customers pay down their balances twice as fast with blueprint. vegetables have important vitamins and minerals that can really help protect you. and v8 juice gives you three of your five daily servings. powerful, right? v8. what's your number? [ female announcer ] think a thick cream is the only way to firm skin? challenge the need for such heavy measures with olay. new regenerist micro-sculpting serum for firmer skin in 5 days. pretty heavy lifting for such a lightweight. [ female announcer ] olay regenerist. i'm jerry mcnerney and i approved this message. he worked his whole life served his country defending our freedoms and depends on social security. so, who would want to privatize it? corporate lawyer david harmer. harmer's social security privatization plan would cut guaranteed benefits and gamble with social security on wall street. while we worry harmer's wall street friends would make billions in profits from privatization. david harmer. a social security privatization plan we can't afford. abig thank you to carla franklin. give me one word to describe how you're feeling this morning. >> victorious. >> we'll talk to her about her landmark court victory here on "the early show" exclusively. ♪ everywhere i go... ♪ ♪ i'll pass it on, ♪ ♪ and on...and on...and on... ♪ edible arrangements. happiness is always in season. visit, call or go to ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] every day thousands of people are switching from tylenol® to advil®. to learn more and get your special offer, go to take action. take advil®. it's 7:55. time for news headlines from cbs 5. i'm sydnie kohara. fire crews battled an apartment fire in downtown san francisco this morning. about 50 people were forced out of the building on hyde street. the flames are now out but the building appears to be severely damaged. three people are being treated for smoke inhalation. the two teenagers accused of setting fire to san jose's trace elementary school will enter their pleas today. the 16- and 17-year-olds have been charged as adults. investigators say they started that fire at the school in july, causing close to $10 million in damage. and a woman is dead after crashing her car in a tree in los gatos. officers reportedly found the car just after 3:00 this morning at union avenue and blossom hill road. that stretch of blossom hill road remains closed because of the investigation. traffic and weather around the bay area in just a moment. stay with us. you know it's bad when the press asks if you'd take a lie detector test. meg whitman didn't tell the truth about not voting or about how long she lived in california. she got caught in insider deals at goldman sachs. she changed her story about physically abusing an employee. she campaigned as tough as nails on immigration knowing her housekeeper of 9 years was undocumented. her tv ads have been condemned as false and misleading. and even her hometown newspaper said meg whitman has demonstrated "a loose relationship with the truth" good morning. it is still a really slow ride on southbound 880. the nimitz freeway, especially through san leandro all the way down into hayward. we had an earlier crash near industrial parkway. and it's pretty stop and go still from at least washington avenue. sam with the kcbs phone force has seen an hour or more long delays on that southbound 880 ride. obviously a lot of red means a lot of slowing on some of our sensors. this is closer to the coliseum. 880. you can see some bunching up there in the northbound lanes. here's a drive time though. southbound 880 from the maze down towards 238. 34 minutes and it remains heavy all the way down towards industrial parkway. we still have some closures in san francisco. fire crews still working on that earlier four-alarm blaze at an apartment complex. hyde street shut down between sutter and bush that's a check of your traffic. here's tracy with your forecast. hey, thanks, elizabeth. our forecast for today here we are with a shot in san jose, boy, fog this morning well inland. as well as along the coast. seven-day forecast, lower 60s along the coastline today, with clouds expected. plenty of sunshine for the bay and inland with temperatures -- high temperatures from the mid-60s to the mid-70s. 20% chance of showers thursday and friday. 50% chance of showers saturday and sunday. welcome back to "the early show" on this wednesday morning. i'm maggie rodriguez with harry smith. everybody here in nice and cozy with their coats, even that dog. even the dog hey a coat. >> look at that. >> so adorable. harry, how come you're the only one who doesn't? >> don't need it. >> he's tough. >> because i run hot. you know how that goes. >> we have a lot coming up in this hour of our broadcast, including my hero. if you're as annoyed and outrage and frankly scared of bullying as i am then you are going to want to meet carla franklin. when somebody cyber bullied her she didn't know what to do. so what would you do? would you even think about taking on a giant like google? well she did. not only did google remove the offensive material from the internet, thanks to a lawsuit, google may reveal the identities of the bullies. we'll talk to carla exclusively this morning. >> big story. one of the most frustrating things about going to the doctor's office -- the endless wait. look at that. ah. geez. sometimes it's more than 20 minutes. sometimes it can be hours. our dr. jennifer ashton has some tips that she swears will help minimize your wait time. >> but first, let's go inside to erica hill, who's at the newsdesk with a check of the headlines. good morning, erica. >> good morning again and good morning to everyone at home. don't expect anita hill to apologize to her former boss supreme court justice clarence thomas. thomas' wife recently left hill a voicemail asking her to say she's sorry for accusing thomas of sexually harassing her during his confirmation hearings 19 years ago. terms that thomas denied. in the message virginia thomas said i would love you to consider an apology sometime and some full explanation of why you did what you did with my husband. so give it some thought and certainly pray about this and come to understand why you did what you did. okay? hill worked for thomas in two federal jobs is currently professor at brandeis university and in a statement said "i certainly thought the call was inappropriate. i have no intention of apologizing because i testified truthfully about my experience and i stand by that testimony"'s hill received thomas' message on her work phone and informed the brandeis police who then called the fbi. president obama begin as four-day west coast swing today working hard to get democrats to the polls. a new cbs news knowledge network poll shows the president has some work to do. among independent voters who backed the president in 2008 71% are less enthusiastic about voting. 38% remain uncommitted. just 39% say the president has made progress trying to solve the nation's problems. attorneys for a man convicted of brutally killing a connecticut woman and her two daughters during a 2007 home invasion now trying to spare the client of death penalty. cbs news national correspondent jeff glor joins us from new haven this morning with the latest. jeff, good morning. >> reporter: hey, erica. good morning to you. steven hayes, convicted in the guilt phase of his case two weeks ago. now jurors are hearing evidence whether or not he should be executed. a large part of the defense strategy here seems to be the other guy is the one who's truly evil. even though 44-year-old steven schayes already a convicted killer and rapist lawyers argue he got caught up in something beyond his control. >> hayes thought they would commit a burglary and steal money and jewelry, it wasn't going to be this. that's what the defense is trying to say. >> reporter: saying komisarjevsky was behind the three murders of the petit family using komisarjevsky's other words. a chilling diary in which he said, i've been playing russian roulette most of my time. this time i pulled the chamber and it was loaded. he preferred to break into homes around 1:00 a.m. when most people are in their third cycle of sleep. as the pair dated july 2007. he secretary wale assaulted 11 maryland michaela petit, raped and strangled her mother jennifer. the 17-year-old hayley was a fighter who tried time and time again to save her family. but the men still doused all three, mother and daughters, with gasoline and set them and the house on fire. komisarjevsky seemed resigned to geth in the journal saying my 'ed death sentence will be a state sanction murder of mercy and i am damned. william petit, surviving father and husband, dismissed his comments. >> i really don't want to dignify the ravings of a sociopath who appears to be a pathological liar as well. >> reporter: william petit has been an outspoken advocate of the death penalty in this case. in a state that considered abolishing the death sentence in reasons years it should last through next week. komisarjevsky won't be on trial until next year. a different story. a confrontation for police with a 300-pound escaped chimpanzee. not your typical call. the chimp got out of its owner's house yesterday. it was coached back into the cage in the owner's vehicle. quite a story to tell. katie couric has a preview now of tonight's "cbs evening news." good morning. candidates rally for the youth vote, but will young people turn out to the midterm elections like they did in 2008? i'll talk with young voters about the issues that matter most to them and what they would like to see change in washington. our special series "american voices" continues tonight only on the "cbs evening news." now back to "the early show." and time to check in now with dave price for another check of the weather. just about six minutes past the hour. mr. price it is all yours. >> erica, nice to see you. great crowd out here. if andy warhol will still alive, the grim reaper nice to see you, sir and -- nice outfit this weather report, sponsored by chrysler. don't forget, everybody. national physical therapy month. i'm going to stretch right now. there we go. ah! erica, inside to you. >> thanks, dave. it is a case some predict could put an toned cyber bull ig. a judge ruled google must release identities behind a comment posted anonymously on youtube. the woman fout back and sued google for the information on posters. carla johnson joins us exclusively in the studio. where we speak with her a look at what led to her lawsuit. when an anonymous cyber bully post unauthorized videos of carla franklin on youtube complete with offensive comments like whore, she took action. she was able to slt video and comment removed by google which owns yub tooub, but she wanted more. so franklin sued google to reveal the identity of her online tormentor. she spoke about her legal battle on "the early show" in august. >> i don't care about being called names. it was a safety issue. >> now it's a legal issue. on friday a judge ruled in her favor, and under court order, google has 15 days to release the names, addresses and phone numbers of the people behind the screen names joeboom 308 jimmyjean 008 and greyspecter 09. but even that information may not reveal the true identity of franklin's tormentor. >> even if you know there's an internet protocol address associated with some wrongdoings, finding out who that person is can be a very difficult challenge. >> reporter: preweb bait e-mail and public computers allow people to hide in the shadows. anonymity prize but one creating serious legal issues especially in cases involving cyber bullies like those encountered by carla franklin. >> the evidence of new technology allowing for privacy to be intruded upon raised the stakes dramatically in the debate over privacy and the law. >> carla franklin joins us exclusively in the studio. good to you have back. >> glad to be back. >> your entire demeanor changed since we last spoke. a huge smile on your face. you look more relaxed. how are you feeling this morning? >> i'm feeling vindicated. i'm feeling victorious. i'm just so happy that i got my court order. when i started this journey i had, first of all, no idea that the media would be interested in it. it was a private matter that you know needed to be resolved. what was happening to me was unacceptable. there was an internet shrine created for me on youtube, dedicated to carla franklin containing information could be used to trace me to my job or to my home and then someone, who i believe is the same person created another youtube account to call me whoare and i feel good i have gotten a court order. i thought would be the hardest part. i'm extremely happy. >> you told me you already heard from google? i. have. they've been very communicative. my issue is not really with google. you know, my issue is with this person who is doing this. google now has 15 days to get the information to me, and i'm hopeful that we will get the information, which will include itm information and lawsuit information with 15 days. >> to help you trace it back. earlier we spoke, of course, we spoke on the phone, you were reluctant to speak to the media, not sure you wanted to come on television. but even then i think i know who this person is. you are this close. are you confident this person will be, in fact, the person from the information you receive? >> i'm pretty confident. who knows. it could be someone else. i will say, this is harassment, and over the past couple of weeks, i guess all of this attention has settled in, and you know over the past year i've kind of become a cyber harassment expert and have been able to help people over the past few weeks who have also suffered from targeted bullying. so, yeah. you know, google has been you know, great. they've been communicative. they're helping me in my case and my case is an example and inspiration to others who are facing this issue also. this has actually led to something you are working on personally. cyber bullying legislation? >> working with new york senator eric adams, an april mazing man a former police officer who reached tout me had he heard about be my case. as i said before had this happened through the mail or the phone, or in person this would absolutely be illegal. i could have gone to the police. you can't go to the police when it's online. senator adams has me doing research. he's recently had a cyber business roundtable where many companies including google and yahoo! attended and it was an amazing very productive roundtable. >> what's your advice to someone who may be the victim of a cyber bullier? should they go to it court like you did? >> that is one route. for parents, people out there who are concerned, there are limited tools out there. set up google alerts on yourself. periodically search yourself. if you're parents, figure wlut your kid is doing online. unfortunately we as the adults are setting the examples for kids. that is why there's an increase in cyber bull ig. i do want to say that. we are part ever the problem, but i would recommend taking that route to monitor yourself and if it gets worse, absolutely. call your senator. go to the court. stand up for yourself. do not be afraid. i was afraid initially. i'm not anymore. >> you can just tell you have great energy about you this morning. great to you have back with us carla. please, keep us posted as you hear more and give us more information with the next couple weeks i. will let you know. much more to come on "the early show." if you hear the phrase i can see you now chances are you've been waiting for those words a long time. tricks from our own doctor to help you slash the wait time. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. on cbs. 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[ man ] ♪ today the world looks mighty fine ♪ [ women ] ♪ pop-tarts happy sunshine time! ♪ [ man ] ♪ grab a pop-tart and you might just start ♪ ♪ to sing songs like a meadow lark ♪ ♪ stretch and yawn ♪ ♪ blow a kiss to mom ♪ ♪ cause pop-tarts mornings are the bomb ♪ ♪ so, rise and shiiiiine ♪ we've all been through it, long waits at the doctor's office. recent studies find the average wait to see a physician is 22 minutes. are you kidding? it it's much more. on some days it can be hours which can be extremely frustrating especially when you are sick or in a hurry. our jennifer ashton is back with some tips. >> i have to say this i'm not just saying this your office is a well-oiled machine. i've i've never seen a person in the waiting room but i'm sure some days occasions setbacks. why is that? >> a lot of reasons. it may be a legitimate medical emergency, if a patient has a problem or start crying in our office we don't step over them and say sorry we have to stick to our schedule. patients can show up late and doctors can show up late and yes it t is true patients are scheduled in an ungodly manner. years ago insurance reimbursements went down and doctors had to see more patients to make the same amount of money. it is clearly a financial aspect it to. it is horrible. >> it is. >> it is, i know what can we do about it? >> there is though secret handshake or secret to getting in and out of there quickly other than the fact it is definitely adviceable to get the first appointment of the day because you minnize the chance a doctor or patient could be falling behind or if you can't get the first morning appointment get the first appointment after lunch. also mondays, days tend to be busier days so you withdrawn to try if you can for an elective appointment to schedule your appoint men during the middle of the week. >> sometimes doctors offices will send you paperwork you can fill out ahead of time does, that save time or do they account for the time in your appointment. >> think it is a bag time saferr. during this age there is no reason a doctor's office wouldn't be able to provide you those online or in advance so you don't have to go through that. we all know how frustrating to be hanned that clipboard when you show up can take a half hour for the office staff to process those papers. >> you don't have any papers in your office. >> we are paperless. >> i know you often give your e-mail to patients. is that something we should expect. >> we are seeing a lot more of that even so-called friending your doctor on facebook so to speak t. can be helpful for small questions a quick yes or no answer and, yes, my patients communicate with me by text o e-mail. i think it is a huge time saver not appropriate for complicated or longer discussions like should i consider a knee replacements. that really should be done face to face. >> our colleague says she knows someone who billed his doctor for his time. i'm a ur la. you wasted an hour of my time here's my bill. do intimidation and tactics like that work? >> no i've debt it inially heard of that and holds doctors accountable. again their time is not more valuable than their patients' time. it really needs to be a two-way street. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. >> -- dr. jennifer ashton. we'll be right back. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. [ male announcer ] this is rachel, a busy mom. she starts at dawn and so does her back pain. that's two pills for a four hour drive. the drive is done. so it's a day of games and two more pills. the games are over her pain is back that's two more pills. and when she's finally home, but hang on, just two aleve can keep back pain away all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is rachel who chose aleve and two pills for a day free of pain. ♪ ♪ and get the all day pain relief of aleve in liquid gels. ♪ ♪ funny how nature just knows how to make things that are good for you. new v8 v-fusion + tea. one combined serving of vegetables and fruit with the goodness of green tea and powerful antioxidants. refreshingly good. [ female announcer ] all you need for sensitive skin. all you expect from the number-one recommended detergent by dermatologists. all free clear is free of dyes and perfumes. and has powerful stainlifters to help get your whole wash clean. it's all good. don't pay retail. don't pay wholesale. susan koeppen will teach us how to haggle a little bit. >> she's so good at that. >> i followed her advice was on the phone yesterday trying to order a piece of exercise equipment from this guy in florida and i did the whole, so what can i get it delivered for? and immediately the guy started backing off of retail price. >> you didn't even have to try that hard. >> i know. i know. this is -- this is an art form for our age and susan koeppen is going to be along to tell us how to haggle with the best of them. all that and more coming up right here. it's 8:25. time for news headlines from cbs 5. i'm juliette goodrich. firefighters spent the morning putting out a four- alarm fire on hyde street in san francisco. it started around 5:00 this morning on the building's first floor. about 50 people mostly students made it out safely but they were treated for smoke inhalation, three of them were. damage was contained to that one building. ikea won't be building a new warehouse near its store in emeryville. the city council voted to rejects the plan last night, two months after the planning commission gave the okay. residents voiced concerns about the warehouse's size and traffic impacts. the giants are two more wins from the world series after taking game three of the nlcs yesterday at at&t park. matt cain led the way to a 3-0 shutout of the phillies. madison baumgardner gets the start later this afternoon. game time at 4:30. we'll have your. traffic and weather right after this. coming up. [ male announcer ] how can you retire at age 55? just ask jerry brown. he gave california state employees collective bargaining powers. since then the unions have grown stronger and stronger. now state employees can retire at 55 with much of their salary for life. and taxpayers are on the hook for one hundred billion dollars in unfunded pension liabilities. no wonder those unions are 100% behind jerry brown. he'll just spend and spend, and spend. good morning. if you ride bart there is an obstruction on the tracks between the walnut creek and pleasant hill station. so they are saying 15- to 20- minute delays now in all directions including heading into san francisco. so again, that's just between the walnut creek and pleasant hill stations. they are trying to work to clear an obstruction from the track. unfortunately, the bay bridge is not any better if you are planning on hitting the road. it's been a rough start at the bay bridge. it all started very early this morning after a crash just before the incline. westbound 80 if you're using that direction to get there jammed from pinole westbound 580 backed up to highway 24. some members of the kcbs phone force are saying 40 minute or more delays just to get you on to the bridge. as an alternate, san mateo not too bad this morning heading towards the peninsula. that's a check of your traffic. here's tracy with your forecast. hey, thanks, elizabeth. >> this morning, we have some sunshine out there. we found it in our mount vaca cam. there it is. plenty of blue skies here but much of the bay area looking at plenty of clouds. for the afternoon sunshine expected inland with 70s. upper 60s around the bay with a mix of sun and clouds. and low clouds sticking around along the coast with highs in the lower 60s. 20% chance of showers thursday and friday. 50% chance on the weekend. we love these people. welcome back to "the early show," everybody. coming up when you buy a new car or house you expect to do you know, some haggling right? >> yep. you better. >> exactly. it's got to be a to and fro, a tug of war between you and the sellers. >> can you tell that harry thrives on the haggle? >> did you ever think you could haggle for a pair of jeans? >> no. >> how about your kids' braces. >> why not, though. >> we talked minutes ago about a knee replace mebts. >> haggle for a knee replacement? >> they're not chip. >> susan koeppen will be along to tell us how in minutes. >> master haggler. she loves that nickname. only women understand this but a wrong-fitting bra and -- >> dave, you understand how i did tult it is to shop for a bra. >> especially after you have a baby and luls the baby weight you know a nightmare. >> every woman can relate to this. we have the bra whisperr susan nethero here and i promise she will help you, cross my heart. >> no pun intended. >> one of our favorite chefs of all time back with us this morning with warm, wonderful comforting fall recipes you see marcus samuellson toiling around in the kitchen working on autumn's freshest ingredients. >> i love it. >> and we get to take advantage of the hard work in minutes. >> first, dave is back with a final check of the weather. >> here to "support" you in any way i can. >> oh. >> let's see what is happening around the country. good morning, everybody. nice day in the northeast but keep in mind in the southeast and by the gulf states you will see light shower activity maybe thunderstorms popping up. >> harry you know "know we've gone through sports injuries before. there's nothing like the help of a great physical therapist, it is national physical therapy month. listen to what they say, they can do so much to make you feel better and stay better. thanks for being here. we'll send it back inside you to buddy. >> thanks so much. in this tough economy one way to save money is by haggling. ms. people associate that kind of negotiation with big-ticket items like cars but consumer correspondent susan koeppen is here with tips on haggling for just about anything. good morning. >> hi. good morning. >> okay. why is this suitcase here. >> okay. we wanted to go out and just haggle for whatever you know like you said, we all know you haggle for the car and house. but a suitcase really? >> sure. >> we went into a store, saw this suitcase $100. can you do better? sure, 10% off. $90 bucks. >> you're kidding me. >> just like that. >> like leer in new york city like one of those luggage stores that sells all the luggage and everything. >> nothing. >> i'm not going to pay retail and they knock 10% off. >> nothing wrong with it perfectly fine. i'd like to buy it can you do better? 10% off. 90 bucks. >> food. often think about haggling for prices for food. but not at a grocery store. >> in a store it might be tough but dealing with the tarmer. >> the merchant themselves. >> yeah. the mangos they were 2.50 for these two. we got them for two bucks, so a nice little savings there of 20%. the blueburies we said we'll buy three, they started at 7 pndz 50 and we got them for $5.00. i told you once i haggled the price of my salad at the cbs cafeteria, i got a buck off. >> what you did claim, though did you claim something faulty. >> i didn't want the dressing on it a big hoop-ty-doo. they said fine gave me a buck off don't allow cope pen in the cafeteria. shopping you really like this jack bet but a thread pull here and one in the back. >> oh yeah. >> this jacket started at $30. we got it for $46 just for asking. >> damaged goods. >> the dress, the same thing. if you look at this dress, i guarantee you, you cannot find the flaw. we found the flaw, in the lace on the side right here there's a little bit of a hole in the lace so this dress started at $150. we got it for $135. >> all right. you are really good at this. say you're in a retail store and you find this flaw in this dress and the sales person you're dealing with doesn't really have the authority to knock the price down. should you say, well i'm walking out, or you know take me to your leader how do you get that done. >> it's actually really easy. you just go up to the manager. most stores are programmed to give you 10% off if there's a flaw with the product. sometimes, you may even get 20% off. >> wow. okay. so, you also found you could haggle on the internet. >> right. let me get away from the dress. >> okay. >> i went to a website called one of many websites that have a live chat. i started a live chat and in that live chat i said hey, wondering if you have any promotional codes, can i get 20% off some gear or free shipping? and within seconds, they gave me a response saying there you go, free shipping and nothing for 20% but here's 10%. >> that's pretty cool. >> so this is like an outdoor gear store. >> yeah. >> you would normally go in and say, just click, click, click, order this stuff you go in the chat section and say give me a discount and they gave it to you. >> do you have any specials. >> a lot of the major websites with a live chat you can ask around. >> we have medical equipment here. >> we're talking. >> and you are going to tell us how to take the price off a knee replacement. >> talk about haggleing with your doctor sounds bizarre but you can actually do it especially if you have no insurance or a really high deductible something you want to consider. we called around checking on prices for an mri for your knee. started at $1800. after we haggled, we got it down to 600 bucks. haggling discount 67%. >> do you have to shop it or did you just. >> we called a bunch of places yeah, we called a bunch of places. >> that's so -- and because normally the doctor says go across the street to so-and-so to get your knee mri, you're supposed to say, wait -- ask you how much is it going to cost me? >> right. there is actually a blue book that tells you the standard price for all procedures in the united states, so you will know how much it should cost you. >> rift. >> and it varies from city to city obviously. >> like there's a blue book for cars. >> exactly. >> that's available online. there is a blue blook for surgery or medical procedures? >> for medical procedures you can find out the price of what a mr spi should cost you or mammogram should cost you. if you don't ask, uh you don't receive, right. >> susan, thank you very much. we appreciate it. now here's maggie. >> that blue book may be the best thing i've learned today. thank you, susan. now we'll try "top" that so to speak with so many options these days finding the right bra isn't always a snap and chances are the one you are wearing isn't the right fit. nearly 85% of women are wearing the wrong bra and 80% of women who experience a brau fitting report it was a life changing experience. here to help us susan nethero, known as brought whisperer and founder of intimacy boutiques. good morning. >> thank you for having us. we are so excited to tell a story about bra fit. >> i'm sure a lot of women don't bother going to bra fittings. should a woman go and how often. >> it is true. the shocking thing 63% of all women complain about comfort. if you are having a comfort problem you should go for a bra fitting because your bra should be comfortable if you are wearing the right size and bra fittings are free. we encourage women to go at least once a year and women can make a revsation or go to a specialty store near them and getting the nice attention of the right uplift and comfort you want and feeling your best. >> there are issue as bra specialist can help women with. >> exactly. >> number one, spillage is a problem problem. elizabeth is our first model. i shoopt call her a maryland because these are real women who have volunteered to share common problems we all have and their solutions. this is the before. we can see that her cup runeth over so to speak. >> she spilling out of the cup not uncommon because today women are fuller buster than they've been before. so finding the right style can styles be quite challenging. as you can see, she want as youthful style and she's spilling out. now we put her in a deeper cup, we've gone from a 38 c to a 36 e and now her cup really looks terrific. she's in a fashionable bra. she looks centered. her bustline within her body frame and actually looks a little bit more uplifted. >> elizabeth also complained about back fat, the number one complaint that, a, i have and, b, i hear all right? we can see it right there in the before picture. >> exactly. >> what do you do about this problem? >> half of all women have this problem. it's a function of their bra riding up the back. while we think a bulge or ridge might be created from a bra being too tight it is exactly the opposite. what we try to do is help women to get a bra is firmer fitting. >> not that the bra is too small but too big? >> that's right. >> around the back. >> the bra is too big around the body and shifting up the back literally pushing the soft tissue and creating that ridge we call back fat. >> you took her down a size in the back but up a couple of sizes in the cup. >> that's exactly right, elizabeth is having the same problem the majority of women coming to us have. >> thank you. let's talk about ingrid who complains about sagging, a problem a lot of women complain about, especially after having a baby. >> that's right. >> their body changes and it is not the same after. you can see before. >> she lost a lot of weight and started and exercise regime. as a consequence, she's not only a different size but sagging into the cup. >> look at her now. that's a different person. she looks like she had like surgery. >> well, she's lost a lot of weight. thank goodness for that because she looks so fantastic and can show off in this gorgeous demi bra. what we love about this bra it fits firmly and gives her uplift but still a youthful style. we went from wearing a 38 d when she was 35 pounds heavier to now, in this bra, wearing a 32 e. and look how terrific she looks. >> that is fantastic. thank you. >> all right. now we have diane, who would like a more supportive strapless bra s. there such a thing as a supportive strapless bra? >> there is. but it is really important you get the right size and the right style. one of the things we see women complain the strapless bras slide down their body and when they try to adjust them they pull up the back god forbid it falls down. a strapless bra is one of the most challenging. if you have difficulty, we actually have strapless bras today that go up to g cup. you can see here we've got her in a great strapless bra, actually a convertible bra. it can be a strapless, and asim asymmetrical tap like you see now. you can wear this also as a hall ter or racer back with adjustable and detachable trap. what a wonderful thing to have a vert till brachlt you can see how uplifted she looks and also she's now secure when she wants to gout in a really beautiful top. she doesn't have to worry about the bra sliding down her body. >> that is great. thank you very much. >> okay finally beverly complains about what is it gapping between your bra and the cup impl she's small busted so finding the right cup size and right back width is extremely challenging as a consequence the bra is riding up and lifting off causing this gapping going on where women feel their breasts aren't as firm. >> so, what to do? >> clearly, it's important to get the right size and fit. like all the women who have been with us today, they all struggle from different fit problems that they think most women blame their bodies for fit problems they have and there's nothing wrong with a woman's body. we carry over 90 sizes of bras. you can see when we get her into a demi-enhanced demi bra how terrific she can look uplifted and even has a little cleavage effect as a 32 c. >> which is never a bad thing. >> fantastic. so, all the different breasts and shapes and sizes of bras are available for women no matter whether they're an a cup or k cup. >> great. >> we'll help women find the right bra size and put all this information you gave us this morning. >> wonderful. visit our website there is a lot of educational information and before and afters. >> we'll link to that website on ours or you can visit et which you know by now, we have all that information on there. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. >> all right. guys. the winner of the second season of "top chef masters" and one of president obama's favorite chefs as if that's not enough marcus samuel son is weeks away from roping red rooster in harlem his new restaurant and here to cook up fabulous fall gourmet comfort food. i like that. fall gourmet comfort food. >> comfort food. how are you? >> very good. >> i have to tell you before we start i'm so happy to cook with you again. it's been a while. busy right. >> i don't know. both busy. you are at the white house all the time. how can we keep up with that? making spareribs. >> for fall this is like a perfect fall day. also a good weekend. it takes a while to make but tastes better even the next day. >> if it's the n the slow cooker or whatever whatever you are doing with this the smell alone is just going to be worth the price of admission. what are you mixing in there. >> i'm going to have you start -- i have chili paste here, just put that on the ribs. i'm going to put a bit of [ inaudible ], i love these asian flavors, the sesame oil [ inaudible ] soy and then beer. >> beer? >> and then we'll let it sit and marinate. it can marinate sort of like three or four hours. >> after the chili paste is on you pop it this there? >> put it in. >> what do the beer and soy sauce -- >> add flavors, yummy, yummy flavors when you braise something, might sound difficult but not at all. you want to get stuff in there that adds flavor. >> these have already been marinated. >> four hours. >> then we are going to sear them in a hot pan, hot. >> okay. what kind of oil is in there? >> regular olive oil we'll put that in. you don't need that much oil because you've got good short ribs with a good amount of fat on it. you just want to sort of sear in nice nice color. >> all right. >> and then you are going to add the beer and braise and simmer away. >> here's an important thing. i know how to brown, i know how to brown like you want to really kind of sear that. >> absolutely. >> that's this process. >> all the flavors we marinated, you want that flavor to go into the short ribs and sort of caramelizing getting this brown color. >> okay. they've been browned and seared. braising is something else altogether. >> absolutely. >> talk to me about braising. >> one of the best techniques you can do really with this adding a liquid chicken stock or beer, then you let this simmer and put a lid on this let that simmer. for about three hours. i'm going to add a bay leaf just put a lid often this put this in the oven for about three hours in the oven like that. >> oh wait a minute. >> let that simmer away. >> look at the done one, look at the done one. >> smell that smell that. the great thing with short ribs is that it will taste better and better, right? because the bone and the fat and all these flavors that you just marinated in will go in there. >> ohh. >> so i'm thinking -- >> i may not be able to go on. when you lifted the lid off that alone, look at that, and that meat is just going to -- >> the meat's just going to fall right off. this is just going to taste better and better. >> what are gug to serve that up with, though. >> first of all, you're going to have a beer right? >> probably. okay. >> i was thinking about, look at, this look at this. >> oh man. >> but we're going to eat this together. this meat can go into so many other dishes. you can make like if you want to make small little burgers afterwards, you can do. >> sure put them on little buns. >> exactly. we can't talk about it. you've got to eat it before the other guys come. >> all right. >> before. because when dave comes in. >> they will knock it down. >> i grew up with -- >> i grew up with latakas, in sweden, we have potato cakes. i was thinking about dave when i did these, nice latka with apple horseradih puree, right. >> apple and horseradish. dude! so good. can i show something else. take a look at that isn't that gorgeous. >> yes. >> all this is braied in liquid. onions and liquid and tastes absolutely fantastic. >> oh man. >> i think this dish will be this be enough to come upup to and have this with me. >> as soon as you open. i may be the first at the door dude. >> taste the latkas it is nice apple, horseradish, a little scallion. i'm glad we got a chance to eat before your colleagues come in to take all this stuff. the om way, right. >> marcus samuellson knocking the ball out of the park this morning. >> look at this. >> the latakas. >> you know, what for these recipes, go to our website oh, man. the apple and the horseradish. >> it's nice. >> where's that been all my life? we'll be right back. [ male announcer ] carly fiorina. she's against banning assault weapons... and that's reckless and dangerous. she's for risky new oil drilling that could threaten our jobs. fiorina's plan would mean slashing social security and medicare, which would devastate seniors. and she'd make abortion a crime. no wonder fiorina is endorsed by sarah palin. carly fiorina. just too extreme for california. [ boxer ] i'm barbara boxer and i approve this message. we forgot the donuts and what's inside. >> potato. >> nice with salt. >> i'll take one of those, too. >> when does the red rooster open in har lechl? >> three weeks thursday. >> opening night. >> marcus samuellson, as always thank you. >> good to see you again. >> awesome. >> have a great day, everyone. see you tomorrow. meg whitman's hometown newspaper said it best: "meg whitman has demonstrated a loose relationship with the truth" "a poor understanding of government" "pat solutions for problems whose depth and complexity clearly elude her" "she utterly lacks the qualifications to be governor" jerry brown "offers california exactly what it needs" "good ideas, strong principles a reputation for telling the truth" and the ability to "get things done in sacramento" meg whitman's hometown newspaper and newspapers across the state have endorsed jerry brown for governor. lines... about 50 it's 8:55. time for news headlines from cbs 5. i'm sydnie kohara. about 50 people are homeless this morning after an early-morning fire gutted their apartment building in san francisco. this is on hyde street between sutter and bush. all of those kids made it out safely, but three were treated for smoke inhalation. most of those people were students. two uc-berkeley grads jailed in iran for more than a year are just weeks from going to trial. shane bauer's mother says he and josh fattal will be tried november 6. both are accused of crossing into iran as spies. a third hiker sarah shourd was released last month. the city of oakland will pay half million dollars to settle a civil rights shoe after a shooting. a 15-year-old boy was killed in march 2008. parents say that he was shot by gang officers without cause. police say they were threatened with rifle. traffic and weather right after this. ♪ ♪ great work everybody! now freshly remodeled your target has never been better. [ male announcer ] carly fiorina. she's against banning assault weapons... and that's reckless and dangerous. she's for risky new oil drilling that could threaten our jobs. fiorina's plan would mean slashing social security and medicare, which would devastate seniors. and she'd make abortion a crime. no wonder fiorina is endorsed by sarah palin. carly fiorina. just too extreme for california. [ boxer ] i'm barbara boxer and i approve this message. good morning. we have a new injury crash. southbound 680 approaching stone valley road. traffic is slow in the area because one lane is block. it's backed up as far as the 24 interchange when we have a camera. this is all that slow traffic on southbound 680 heading towards alamo and danville. at the bay bridge, things have improved quite a bit. it was backed up well into the macarthur maze. not the case anymore. didn't take long for things to clear and only about a couple- minute delays to get through the pay gates. that's a check of your traffic. here's tracy with your forecast. hey, thanks, elizabeth. forecast for today will include some morning clouds, foggy conditions along the coastline but in the afternoon, sunshine will be moving in for all location except the immediate coast. high today lower 60s at the coast with low clouds. mix of sun and clouds around the bay with the upper 60s. mid-70s inland with plenty of sunshine. might see or note that today's temperatures will be slightly cooler than yesterday.

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