His dying dogs lifesaving surgery. Santos closed the gofundme after it raised 3,000 on social mia and disappeared. Buddy, ththeres s somethig i need to telll youou. Rememberer how we wewere always sayingng we could d afford your surgery thanks to a guy named George Santos . Dont t believe i it. His namess not eveven george. Itss, like, anthonyny devolde, even thohough that s sounds even morere madeupup. I want y you to knowow what i am puputting in t that guys mailbs soon as s i leave here. A bibig pile of f your dookie. Announcer its the late show with stephen colbert. Tonight, a doggone liar. Plus, stephen welcomes trevor noah. And stephanie hsu. Featuring louis cato and the late show band. And now, live on tape from the ed sullivan theater in new york city, its stephen colbert. Stephen safe, safe. Hey nice to see you. Want to have a seat right over there . Ooh beautiful. Good to see you, my friend. Nice to see you. Always a pleasure. My friend. Happy wednesday. Happy wednesday, happy, happy wednesday. Happy wednesday, my friends. Hey, everybody welcome, one and all. Thank you everybody. What a delightful group of people. What a lovely evening. What a marvelous hump day gathering we have tonight. Welcome to the late show. Im your host, stephen colbert. If youve been paying attention, folks, if you havent been paying attention its been a weird couple of weeks because the news keeps chewing its own cud. Theyre interesting but they are the same stories over and over again. For instance, every night for the last week, right, ive been talking about new york congressman George Santos seen here. [booing] stephen seen here, showing off your grandpas watch. Im not going to talk about George Santos tonight. Tonight im going to talk about anthony devolder. That guy should not be in congress. And dont take my word for it. Just ask his former roommate, gregory moreyparker. Can you imagine being roommates with George Santos . Uh, sorry, gregory. I dont have my share of the rent yet. I needed to use that money to pay for my moms third funeral. It just wont take. According to his former roomie, santos had some problems with the truth. He lied about his family having a home on, you know, on nantucket, on the cape. His mother was a housekeeper in manhattan. And it just didnt seem feasible for him supposedly to come from all this generational wealth. Stephen okay, that makes sense. But what if the money came from his dad, the famous man from nantucket . Whose, you know, was so long, he could, you know. People pay a lot of money to see that. Moreyparker has always been suspicious of santos but started to doubt himself when santos won his recent election. But i thought maybe i was wrong, you know, after the election. Because im sure the dccc and the rnc would have, you know, investigated him and at least his opponent would have done some op research. Stephen thats a good point. All of this info was online. Did the dccc lose wifi for an entire year . And have to go analog . Huh, nothing about George Santos in the britannica. Lets check the farmers almanac. To be clear, moreyparker never had any problems with George Santos because he never knew anybody named George Santos. I have always known him as anthony devolder. Ive never known him as George Santos. I also knew him as anthony zabrovsky. Stephen yes, he knew him as devolder or zabrovsky but this trickster is known by many names. The norse call him loki. In west africa, he is anansi, the spider. To the navajo, he is coyote. And the ancient mayans called him that lying asshat. [applause] one of this catholic oh, you speak mayan . I didnt know that. One of this catholic politicians most famous lies so far is that he claimed he was jewish or, as he tried to explain. I am jewish. Stephen well, now his roommate tells us one of the reasons he claimed to be jewish, it was to aid his sham charity. He had a pet charity, friends of pets united. It was supposedly to help out, you know, sick animals. Things like that. He used zabrovsky for his friends of pets united, his gofundme. And he would say, you know, the jews will give more if youre a jew. Stephen so not only is he a liar. He is antisemitish. So what is this charity . Santos raised money for something called the friends of pets united. But no surprise, the irs has no records of a charity with that name. Okay. But have they checked for friends of pets devolder . The particulars of what santos did with this fake charity are pretty bad. But dont worry, they get worse. Buckle up because allegedly one of santos victims was a disabled veteran who was taking care of his beloved service dog and they were living in a tent on the side of the highway. The dog needed surgery but it was going to be expensive so the veteran got in touch with santos charity. Santos set up a gofundme for the dogs surgery. When it reached 3,000, he closed it and became increasingly difficult to contact, even though the vet kept calling santos on the number santos gave him. 8005882300 empire well, there it goes. [applause] thank you. I trained for a while. I trained for a while. And yet somehow this gets worse, no because when the veteran finally got a hold of santos to schedule his dogs surgery, santos refused to give him any of the donations, saying he would take the money and use it for other dogs. Yes, other dogs, like max and skipper and rover devolder. When he heard this. [applause] sure. 800588 when he heard this, even Kevin Mccarthy said, thats it, George Santos has got to go. Sit on two house committees, Small Business and science. Well, those two make sense. I mean, santos said he has a degree from the bill nye school at the shark tank academy of business science. He even played for their volleyball team, the fightin barbara corcorans. [applause] looks tough. Santos is not the only cuckoo dumbdumb who snagged a committee seat, because Marjorie Taylor greene will be seated on the. [booing] stephen Homeland Security committee, where she will finally be able to investigate the gazpacho police. As well as the campbells chunky style border control. And now for a more fun, lighthearted topic. House republicans are preparing an emergency plan for breaching the debt limit. Okay, breaching the debt ceiling is a complicated topic and i dont want to get too technical. So all you need to know is, ahhh ahhh ahh okay, heres the thing. The United States, we borrow a lot of money from a lot of people, and the United States has to pay its bills, not just because its in the constitution but because we are in deep with some serious people. Thats why the old poster goes i want you to pay our bills or they are going to take my thumbs, charlie so what does the g. O. P. , what does the g. O. P. Want in return for not shooting the World Economy in the head . Well, reportedly some republicans plan to ask for spending reductions to entitlement programs such as medicare and social security. [booing] stephen really . Yeah, thats what i said. They want to cut two of the most popular Government Programs in history. I guess that will free up money for their new initiative, drowning kittens and slapping your mom. Last friday, last friday, was it last friday . Last friday, treasury secretary janet yellen wrote to House Speaker Kevin Mccarthy warning that the u. S. Will reach the debt limit on thursday, january 19, 2023. Well, 2023. Thats got to be years in the future. When is that, apple watch . Ahhh if. [applause] if, in fact, we reach the debt limit tomorrow, which is, like in 10 minutes at this point, treasury secretary yellen says theyll shuffle some money and do some economy stuff and we wont actually default until early june. So metaphorically, tomorrow, the g. O. P. Will merely tie the u. S. Economy to the tracks in the path of a very slow moving train. Luckily, thats joe bidens favorite vehicle and his only speed. Okay. Elsewhere, elsewhere. Ive got all the time in the world. Dont worry about me, man. Theres controversy in americas frozen food aisle. No alaska. Last september, alaska was hit with a major typhoon which caused flooding and wind damage. Fema came in to help, like they do. Just one problem. Theres a large native population that speaks their indigenous languages in alaska, and femas translations of this Important Information was just a hair completely wrong. For instance, when native people tried to get paperwork on Disaster Relief aid, the instructions had phrases like your husband is a polar bear, skinny. That is either confusing nonsense words or gen z slang i havent caught up with yet. Your husband is a polar bear, skinny. No cap fam big slay boots down the house mama drip. Boots the house down . Boots down the house . There you go. Obviously people need Accurate Information in an emergency. You dont want to be trapped in a raging inferno and be told to stop, drop, and chubby narwhal. Turns out these weird and insulting translations were done for fema by an outside company. And im being told we have an image of the companys ceo. Weve got a great show for you tonight. Mymy guests arare trevor n noah and stephanie hsu. Stick around. Announcer the late show with stephen colbert, sponsored by allstate. Youre in good hands. Sedbestm. And i think you having your big day, during the big game, is the worst. What a are you kididding me . Physysically imm right her, but t mentally, im here. Yeah, i do cmon spspeed it up. P. So, when a all eyes arare on , mymy eyes are e glued to t the. Touchdown n yeah and if youou didnt bubundle r hohome and aututo insurancnc. All of t this. Thisis could be touough to tackckle. So, geget allstatete and be bebr prprotected frfrom mayhem. M. Likeke me. We u used to strtruggle with grgreasy messeses. Nonow, we justst freak, wiwiped were donone withth mr. Cleanan clean fre, conqnquering mesesses is tt easy. Clean freaeaks mimist is the times s more powererful, and it w works on cocontac. Clean freaeak, just frfreak, wipepe, done. Yoyour new axexe fine fragagre body wash,h, sir. Itits the g. O. O. A. T. Ththe new axe e fine fragrgre body w wash. Get clclean with t the greatest o of all timeme. Thursdayay night f footballl on p prime. Itss on. Wewelcome toto thurursday nigight footbtbal. Al micichaels alalong withth kirkrk herbstrtreit. Thurursday nigight footbtball r, as t the minnenesota vikikins tatake on ththe philadadelphia. Streamam thursday night fofootb. Onlyly on prime. Unreal no no no welcome to fun dining. The right age for neutrogena® retinol . Thatats whenenever yoyou want it t to be. Itit has dermmproven retetil that targegets vitatal cell tururnover, evens skskin tone, and smooths finene lines. Withth visible r results in just onone week. Neututrogena® r retinol [ am m pm by notd begins. ] when you can save on gooood gatherer grocereries in allll the e fall flavovors. Whwhen qualityty ingredienes brbring more t to the tablb. And when y youre s serving p taste e they love e at low pri. [ [ am pm byby notd endsds] ththats totalally target. man ththat looks r really high. woman it is high. Whenever you are ready. man are there any snakes . woman nope. man are you sure . Here we go vo its time to push your limits. man okay. woman youre doing great man oh, is that a buffalo . woman babe, thats a cow. vo the allnew Subaru Crosstrek wilderness. Adventure on the edge. Honeney. Honeney. Nyquilil severe hohoney. Powerfrful cold anand flu ref with a drereamy honey y tas. Nyququil honey, the ninighttime, s sniff, sneezing, couging, achchi, fever, h honeylicious, best sleep with a cold, medicine. No [cheers and applause] stephen cory wong over on guitar right over there. Cory, thank you for joining us this week, and thank you. Yes stephen and thank you, not only thank you for being here and playing, its always lovely to have you here but thank you for always coming dressed as a business casual gondolier. Its what i do. Stephen thank you. I knew there was something that was familiar to me about that outfit. Welcome back, everybody. My first guest tonight is a comedian, author, and former host of the daily show. Please welcome back to the late show, its trevor oah. Oh, yeah oh, yeah oh, yeah oh, yeah oh, yeah oh, yeah [cheers and applause] stephen nice to see you. Nice to see you. Trevor good to see you, stephen. Stephen thank you for dressing for the occasion. Trevor i tried. Stephen not everybody understands, on a latenight show, you should wear a coat and tie. Trevor no, i mean stephen like youre in a hoodie . Trevor the hoodie days are over for me. Well, actually, they have just begun. Stephen i know. I know. Congratulations on your post daily show career. Congratulations on your run over there. Trevor thank you very much. Stephen for the past seven years. You definitely made the place your own. Trevor and thank you for the support from the beginning. Stephen youve got it, brother. You hosted your last daily show, the peoplewho dont know, last month. Do you ever, even at this point, because after seven years, doing 160 a year, Something Like that, you ever wake up in the morning and go, what am i doing on the before you realize you dont have to do that tonight. Trevor no, you know what, that took, i would say two weeks. And then i realized, oh, no, i dont need to know. I just dont need to know. Stephen do you not follow the news . Trevor no, i follow the news, but i dont need to know. And i can choose when to follow the news. Before, you know what its like, wake up, watch the news. Go to sleep. Watch the news. The news, the news. Stephen before you go to bed. Trevor i was telling someone backstage, there was one met gala afterparty i was at. Youre at this event. Its amazing. Everyones having a good time. Theres people dancing. Rihanna, harry styles and i am in the corner, i am like, is the filibuster tomorrow . What is happening tomorrow . Whats happening . Oh, yeah, the debt ceiling. So now i decide when to consume news. Stephen you are a really good dancer, by the way. Even fake dancing. That was really nice. Trevor thank you. Thats my thank you. Thank you very much. Stephen thats whats hard about it. What did you love about it . Trevor i mean, number one, the people. Stephen the people you got work with . Trevor yeah, the people i got to work with. You said something that inspired me for my entire run at the daily show. You were doing an event. I think it was in new jersey. You were at a fundraiser. I listened to the audio from this. And this was maybe right before i started hosting the daily show. And you said people mistake the joy you express on the show as you having the joy of doing the show on television but actually what this is is a manifestation of the joy you have experienced creating the show with people you created it with. Stephen i say we do the show for each other all day. And its my responsibility and privilege to share with the audience what we already did with each other earlier. Trevor like all the things that everyone here experienced live that may be people on tv wont, we share that, right . And then the things that you and the writers experience. Everything, ill miss all of that. Ill miss the people. Ill miss the culture. I will miss the vibe. Stephen what about the grind . Trevor i will not miss the grind. Stephen we were having dinner together. Somebody else was having a dinner party and we were both invited to it in the spring of 16. We were both in our jobs about the same time and i said, oh, how is it going . And you said, i am paraphrasing, it was like i did not expect the pace to be this relentless. Trevor no. Stephen and i said, well, youve got to kind of love the grind. You have to kind of eat the grind. It has to kind of feed you. Trevor yeah. Stephen you have to lean into all of that stress and anxiety. Trevor for people who dont understand what this is like, making a daily television show, in many ways, is like planning a wedding. Imagine planning a wedding. So youre thinking who are the guests . What are you going to wear . Whats going to happen . Whos going to be making a toast . What will the speeches be about . Whas everybody eating . Who is sitting where . How is it all going . And then the wedding happens and then you go, all right, we are doing another wedding tomorrow. Stephen you have 5 minutes after the show to enjoy it. Trevor there is no honeymoon. Theres no moment. I do miss the discipline. I do miss the joy that came from cracking that nut every single day. But i dont miss the grind. I miss thinking about things more as well now. So something happens. And now i miss like, i enjoy the fact that i just get to sit and be like huh, i dont have an opinion yet. I just dont have an opinion yet. Stephen that sounds lovely. That sounds lovely. How often did you get back to south africa . I know when you first started, you were going back a ton. Trevor yeah, i was. Stephen every weekend . Trevor no, no, no, i used to go back every third weekend. Stephen its still a lot. Its a 16hour flight. Trevor yeah, but thats like driving through the tunnel. Stephen i guess so. Thats fair. Trevor once youre in, youre in. Stephen we have to take a quick break. Stick around. Well be right back with more trevor noah, that guy right there. Onon your peririod, susudden gushehes happen. Say goododbye gush f fears thanks t to alwaways ultra t thins. With r rapiddry technology. Ththat absorbsbs two timeses f. Hellllooo clean n and comforor. Always. Fear no o gush. 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At cretors, we handcraft every batch of our delicious popcorn. Like our cretors cheese and caramel mix. Great on their own, even better together. Try cretors, handcrafted smallbatch popcorn. Stephen that man right there. That fella right there, thats trevor noah. Okay, in february i dont have the date yet. Trevor february 5. Stephen february 5. Which is a sunday. Trevor it is a sunday. Stephen you are hosting the grammys. Congratulations. Second, third time . Trevor third time. Stephen very nice. Very nice. I think the grammys has got to be the best awards show. Trevor by far. Stephen its most entertaining because the people are doing entertaining things. Trevor this is the thing i try and tell people. You have to be a fan of the grammys because you are invariably a fan of music, and the thing i love about the grammys, selfishly, is every time i go to the grammys, i discover a new artist that i didnt fully appreciate and i didnt love for the reasons that i should have. So, you know, you go to the grammys. You know the artists you know. You will know beyonce. Youll know adele. Okay, i know these people and then youll discover artists who will change your life. They perform live in ways they couldnt have imagined. Brandi carlile became an instant favorite for me. Every single time she performed at the grammys, in rehearsals, the rehearsals the day of the show, the live show, i was watching this person. How is this a human being . How is she doing this . This is ai. Its too precise, its perfect. You experience music in a way and youre a big fan of music but anyone who is, its wonderful to see. Its a different way to experience it. Its a concert for everybody and you see artists jamming to other artists. Thats my favorite thing. So youll see bad bunny mouthing along to, like, a taylor swift song and youre just like, what . Look at this. Stephen one of the weirdest things ive never hosted but i did an opening 10 minutes at once many, many, many years ago. You know, i am making jokes about jay z in the front row and then i go backstage and i am chilling for just a second. There is beyonce, lady gaga, and slash and Robert Downey jr. This is the craziest group of people. Trevor yes, it is completely it is everybodys bedroom poster come to life. Thats what the grammys is. Stephen okay, so what was your first concert . Speaking of people who love music. Trevor what was my first concert . I couldnt really go to concerts when i was a kid. My mom i grew up very religious, so i was limited to gospel music. Stephen oh, wow. Trevor so thats all i could listen to. Gospel and then like, church rap. Like, christian rap. Which isnt as cool as it doesnt sound. [laughs] and so i remember there was actually a talent show at school. Everyone should come and perform their song and i had this christian rap cd that my mom bought. Everyone else was listening to rap and my mom wouldnt let me listen to the rap other kids were listening to. And then i was like, i got the rap. I came into school and they are like trevor, whats your song . Im gonna rap. Theyre like, go. I was like, gimme a j. J. You got your j. Gimme an e. E, you got your e. Gimme an s, u, s. And i saw the crowd. Everyone in the school is like, is he spelling jesus . It was, uh, yeah. Stephen quick, what rhymes with ecclesiastes . Trevor [laughs] stephen you know, gospel to pop music, its a small hop. Mavis staples said that when they were switching over from gospel into pop music, they just took all the jesus and turned them into babys. I love you, jesus. I love you, baby. Trevor actually really works. When you see the parts, the arethas, everybody. There is definitely a link. Music is still music at the end of the day. So yeah, i think my first real concert was, it was called the Peter Stuyvesant spectacular. Back in the day when cigarettes no were allowed to advertise things, there was a concert in south africa and it was everybody. Keith sweat, naughty by nature. It was everyone and everything no at the same time. And there were three stages where everyone was performing simultaneously, which i think they thought made sense at the time. And so it was like, youd be watching someone performing and then you would hear on the other side mmm, baby, i know and then everyone would scream, ahh and youd all run to watch that and then youd hear somebody sing on that side and try to run and watch that. Stephen how old were you at this point . Trevor how old was i . I dont remember. Stephen im afraid thats the end of the interview. Trevor im sorry. Stephen i dont have any questions after that. We have to take a little break here. Yeah. Well be right back with trevor noah, everybody. Arththritis painin . We sayay not todayay. Tylenonol 8 hour a arthritis pn hahas two layeyers of relili. 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Com haha it was me e the whole e tim. Whoohoo [ laughs ]] well donone, maam. Whwhat. Did i i do exactlt . With snapshot fromom progressi, you get t a personalalized dist fofor doing exexactly whatt youre alreaeady doing being a safefe driver. Congratutulations. Thisis is a bowlwling troph. Yeahah, its thehe biggest oe theyey had. Okayay, thanks. Mmmmhmm. Oh. Hahave a good d one. Yo you gotta a try this n new. Itss the fine e fragrancee g. G. O. A. T. ththe new axee fifine fragranance collectct. Smsmell finer r than the finenest fragranances with thehe g. O. A. T. [ am m pm by notd begins. ] when you can savehan t on gooood gathererces grocereries in allll the e fall flavovors. Whwhen qualityty ingredienes brbring more t to the tablb. And when y youre s serving p taste e they love e at low pri. [ [ am pm byby notd endsds] ththats totalally target. Hi, im michael, ive lost 70 pounds on golo. I spent ththousands on other diets that didnt work. On golo, i spent a couple hundred bucks and got back down to my high school weight. Youre not gonna believe this ththing is posossible but t it. Somemetimes jonanah wrestles wiwith fallingng asleep. So he takakes zzzquili. The worlrlds 1 sleleep aid d for a betttter night s sl. Soso now, he w wakes up feeleling like h himself. The rereigning famamily room middlewweight chamampion. Better days starart with zzzquil l nights. Trevor a punch line but no set up. Stephen this man right there, you know him. Thats the host of this years grammys, trevor noah. Im glad we have you here physically tonight because theres been some danger in your past. You recently took when did you do this . Trevor this was over the december holidays. Stephen so you leave the show and youre like, you know what, im going to get the hell out of this country and you go to costa rica. Trevor thats my annual trip. I have been lucky enough to have the same group of friends going on, what are we now, 14, 15 years from south africa. We started our careers together, different paths, different journeys but every year we make sure we go on a friends trip. Doesnt matter where it is. Sometimes south africa. Could be california. This time it was costa rica. We do something that we dont really want to do for the experience. You have to. Like, i force everybody. Stephen dont want to do or like eh, that scares me. Trevor yeah, like dont want to do. People would be like, dont know if i want to do that. Im like, thats why we should do it. And so this year i picked Whitewater River rafting. Stephen this is in costa rica. Looks like a pretty vigorous river. Trevor its fantastic. Stephen here you are about to go over the falls. That is you right there. That is you lying down. Not paddling. Trevor so people understand no, youre not supposed to, theres points where you paddle and points where you dont and you have to listen to the guide. Stephen yes. Trevor our guide, chico, he was like, youre going to be paddling here when i say stop, you stop. You put the oars up. When i say paddle, you paddle, go, right . Im listening the whole time. Stop, go, stop, go. Ive got it. Thats what im doing. And then he goes, we are coming to a rapid, its going to be great. All right, we are ready for it. Rapids are great. Rapids are cool, you go through a few. This is easy, this is fun. And then its not. Well take them to the process right here. Trevor this is joy. This is me realizing this is what ive always wanted to do. This is fun. Stephen okay. Trevor so thats now not me anymore. Thats actually my friend. She has flipped upside down, as you can see. Youve got to admit its a Pretty Amazing picture. Stephen it is. Trevor just your shoes. Stephen its a wonderful picture to look at. Trevor but when youre in it, its cool because you dont know that its happened yet. You have done river rafting. Stephen i have. Trevor have you ever gone out of the boat . Stephen no. My mom popped out of the boat. That was shocking. The photo of me at that point is, we are all in the boat together at the top of the rapids and halfway over the rapids, its just me going. My mom is gone over here. Trevor you dont know. Thats the crazy thing about it. You dont know and the next thing you know, theres no boat under you. The water is on top of you. The boat is on top of you, and youre like oh, i dont think i am in a boat anymore. But you still have your paddle. Stephen this is well past when youve realized whats happened. Trevor yeah, that is the face when i realize that i might full context, i was having a good time until one of my closest friends decided to pull me down into the water to try to lift himself up which i understand this is a common thing that happens in water. Stephen you look buoyant to me. Trevor i have been told that many times. Thank you very much. Stephen you said river rafting, this experience is a metaphor for life. How so . Trevor i truly think it is. I think in life, youre on the river. You cant control what the river is going to be like. Theres going to be moments where its beautiful and calm. Theres going to be moments where there are rapids that shake you up. You dont know what your life will be like. What you can control is the people youre in the boat with and so im glad i chose those people for my life, for that boat ride, for that journey. It was wonderful. Stephen knowing that one of them would try to drown me to get out of the river. Trevor he didnt try to drown me. He tried to save himself. And in the process, he pulled me down. Stephen wasnt trying to drown you. Merely didnt care whether you lived. Trevor my life flashed before my eyes. You know what no one tells you when your life flashes before your eyes is you also remember random things. Everyone thinks its going to be like oh, when you were born. I was like oh, thats where i left that controller. Its like, random things like that come into your head. Stephen there it is. Thats exactly right. Youre back on the road with the comedy tour. Trevor i am indeed. Stephen how is that . You get to go and live the life on the road, which you did for many years. Is that fun for you . Do you enjoy it . Trevor i love it. I miss meeting people in person. I miss meeting people where they are. The thing i loved about the daily show was i was in a world where i was consuming the news constantly. The one thing that i didnt enjoy about it was that the news was often defined by a place, oftentimes it would be the coasts or where the news organizations are but you wouldnt get a real sense of what people are experiencing. What i love about doing standup is i get to bridge the gap between what i think i know about a place and its people and what the people actually think about the place and the people who are there. So i have ideas of georgia but then i get to go do shows in georgia and i get to meet georgians and i get to talk to them and i go to diners and cafes and restaurants. Same thing in india. I have ideas about india but then i go to india and i think each time it refines me. He changes my point of view. It gets rid of some of my biases. Gets rid of the ignorance that we all have about places we dont know about. I love that part of the journey. And then on monday, i dont have to worry about is it George Santos . Is that his name . Stephen sometimes. That is sometimes his name. I agree, going on the road best thing. Trevor its amazing. It really, really is amazing. Stephen before we go we got to go here. One last question for you. We talked about this a couple years ago when you were on here because you play shuris ai bot griot in the black panther universe. Trevor yes, i do. I do indeed. Stephen and i had forgotten this. And i had some of the cast on and i wanted to go watch it recently and i went, why is that voice so familiar . Im listening. And i went thats trevor. Thats trevor. Everybodys like, it is . I looked it up. Oh, i forgot he is. But i have a bone to pick with you. Trevor okay, go. Stephen okoye is, like, being attacked. Shuri is on the ropes. And youre saying, im working on it. Like, some urgency from griot, please. It sounds like you dont care whats happening to these people. Trevor you see, i hear what youre saying, stephen, and i think stephen thats the kind of voice i dont want to hear from griot. Trevor no, but you see, stephen, as an ai, what i try and do is get into the role of what im performing im an actor in that moment, stephen. And so now imagine if you were talking to your ai, imagine if you pulled up one of your devices, and you said to your ai, you were like, call 911, and siri was like, ahh stephen [bleep] hold on, no, wait. Cancel. [bleep] you literally i had to cancel it. Siri. Siri was calling 911. Trevor and then it heard me screaming. Now someone is on the way. Stephen exactly. Trevor theres someone on the way right now. [laughs] stephen you can see trevor hosting the grammys on february 5 on cbs. Its trevor noah, everybody you remember him. Well be right back with the star of Everything Everywhere all at once, stephanie hsu. Stick around. Mrmr. Clean mamagic eraserer ps throrough tough h messes. So it makekes it lookk lilike i spentnt hours clelea and you knknow i didnnt. Itit makes my y running shse look like e new. Itits amazingng wow, it t makes it l look lik. I dont t have kids s at. Its so gogood, it makakes itk lilike i h have magicacal pow wiwith 80 lesess scrubbini, mr. 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Zyrtec works hardrd at hour o one and twtwice as harard when youou take it a again the nextxt day. So betty c can be the. E. Barcrcode beat c conductor. Lets be m more thanan our allerergies and for fafast, allergrgy ref withth a powerfuful decongeses, try zyrtececd. vo ultimate endless shrimp is here and for fafast, allergrgy ref with a limited time flavor drop. New crispy dragon shrimp. One of seven endless choices for just 20. Right now, only at red lobster. Welcome to fun dining. To give yoyour teeth a dentisist clean fefeeling. Ststart with a a round brurush. Add powewer. Anand youve got oraralb. Round cleaeans betterr byby surroundiding each totoh to removove 100 morore pla. For a susuperior clelean. Oralalb. Brusush like a p pro. Wake up, achievers. Youre making the most of every hour of yourur life. Oralalb. Exceptpt the hoursrs that yoyoure sleepeping. So whyhy do we leaeave so muh untappeded potentialal on the t . This i is a next l level be, for a a next levelel you. My circacadian rhyththm is kicg yourur circadianan rhythms b its n not a compepetition. I knowow, but imm still l winning so, itit is a compmpetition. Save 5 50 on the e sleep numr limimited editioion smart be. Plus, free home e delivery n yoyou add an a adjustable e. Shopop now only y at sleeeep number. Stephen welcome back, everybody. Ladies and gentlemen. Stay. Folks, my next guest tonight is an actor you know from the marvelous mrs. Maisel and she has now been nominated for a Screen Actors Guild award and a spirit award for her performance in Everything Everywhere all a oncnce. Maamam. You and d your pig c cant be h. Is it thahat i cant t be . Or that im m not allowewed to e herere . Hey s see, i can physisically be here. But whatat you meantnt to say is youure not allllowing me to oe hehere. [laughs] hands b behind yourur back. Come on. [ [speaking c cantonese]] cant l let you doo that eit. See, i i dont thihink you understatand the meanining of tt wordrd. Stephen please welcome to the late show, stephanie hsu. [cheers and applause] stephanie wow. Sacred chair. Stephen there you go. So nice to meet you. Thanks for coming on. Stephanie thanks for having me. I am so excited. Stephen well, your film, Everything Everywhere all at once, has made an enormous splash over the past year since it came out. Are you at all surprised by how meaningful this movie has been to so many people . Stephanie well, you know the daniels, our directors. They are brilliant, beautiful weirdos. And i remember we filmed the movie in 2020 actually before the pandemic. Its been a really long journey. I remember going up to dan kwan one day and saying to him, daniel. I knew nothing about the movie. I was like, daniel, this movie is going to bring people back to the theaters. You know. Because im a chain smoker 90yearold new york producer. And i think i knew that the scope of it was something incredibly special but i definitely couldnt have known that it would do what its done. Its been so beautiful to just see people really receive it and believe in movies again and also feel kind of united in this wild, wild little engine that could. Stephen its. [cheers and applause] its funny. Its funny. Its exciting. Its bizarre on so many different levels. Stephanie yeah. Stephen and yet at the same time, it manages an extraordinary emotional connection between yourself and Michelle Yeoh who plays your mother and then the people in the audience. I have never seen evie, my wife, evie cry that hard at anything. In any movie. I thought she might need to be medicated. Stephanie yeah, its interesting because a lot of people who come up to us after theyve seen the movie, when they talk to us, even talking to us, theyll start to get really emotional. Its really beautiful actually because, you know, you really feel that some chord has been struck and everyone is just kind of beside themselves. Its also really intense sometimes. Stephen im sure it is. This is also intense. New york times called you the breakout star, film star of 2022 and put you on the cover of the arts section. Stephanie yes. Thank you. Yeah. Not everybody gets that. Stephen what was that like for you and can you explain this photograph before i show it to the rest of the world . Stephanie okay, that photograph, my best friend took it whos actually here tonight and they were, that New York Times arts section came out this week and they were in therapy, having a hard day in therapy and they walked out and there i was on the floor laying spewed on a new york dirty street. I lived in york for 11 years and to be someones discarded paper for a rat to pee on, its like i have peaked. I made it. Stephen part of the city. There it is. Youre on the awards show circuit. Michelle yeoh and ke huy quan both won at the golden globes. You got your own nomination, as i said in the introduction. There is oscar buzz for the film. Are awards shows, i assume this is your first round of awards shows. Stephanie yeah. Stephen are they all you thought theyd be cracked up to be . Stephanie early on, someone showed me this video of Courtney Love and its amazing. You should google. Com it. But its Courtney Love. She was a grunge queen and she was getting a little bougie, she was getting pushback from people. And she did, in this press interview, she says a lot of crazy things but one of the things she says is, you know, if i get a chance to go to the oscars and wear a fabulous gown and look absolutely fabulous, then im going to [bleep] take it. So i have really been channeling my internal Courtney Love. Stephen well, have a good time. Have a good time. This is a big sort of rock a ride moment from you, youve been performing for a long time. And i understand you did a lot of alternative theater, experimental theater. That can mean a lot of Different Things to different people. What kind of experimental theater did you do . Stephanie well, i hear you are an experiemental theater guy. Stephen i did a fair amount of black box experimental theater in chicago when i was starting out. Stephanie totally, me too. I mean, i, you know, my crowning performance was in a show called war lesbian, where i played a hand. Stephen you played a hand. Stephanie i played a hand. Stephen were there other parts of a human body . Stephanie the right hand is here tonight also. Stephen wow. Its a reunion. Is that your friend . Stephanie thats my friend. I played a cat, a lot of inanimate objects. I did also stephen you played an inanimate object . Stephanie well, i played a computer on broadway actually. That wasnt so downtown. Stephen you play a rock in the movie. Stephanie it is my wheelhouse. Stephen yes. What was it like to work with Michelle Yeoh . She is such an icon. What is she like onset . Is she playful . Is she just doing the work . Is she someone who stays in character all the time . What is she like as a partner . Stephanie she really is incredible. I mean, shes not only a total badass and, like, completely is so dedicated to the craft but she really makes everyone feel like family. I strongly believe the movie was able to work because she was our matriarch. And as regal and poised and beautiful as she is, she is also so silly. Shes really weird. Im really happy that she got this opportunity to kind of let her freak flag fly also. Yeah. Stephen i understand that this is actually a picture of from the film. This is a picture of you and Michelle Yeoh as mother and daughter, but this is a picture from your life, isnt it . Stephanie it is. Its a picture of me and my mom that production just photoshopped my moms face out and then glued michelles face on, which is i think my mothers crowning achievement. She has also peaked. Stephen what is going on in this photo here . I understand its a tradition. You shot this leading up to the covid pandemic. But you finished right before, right . Stephanie we finished the day that everything shut down. Stephen in midmarch. Stephanie march 16, 2020. Stephen okay. Thats good luck. I understand this whats going on here had something to do with that luck. Stephanie i always say our movie has been protected by some woowoo magical spiritual thing. Because the success of it and all the good things have come from it. But that photo is a cast and crew photo on the first day we did a tradition that they do in hong kong on hong kong sets where you cover the cameras in red. Okay, someone is from hong kong. You cover the cameras in red. You lay out a suckling pig. Sorry if youre vegan. Everybody in the crew and the cast, they all have incense sticks and basically you bless the set for smooth sailing. And the directors and the lead actors, we take a big knife and we hold on to the knife at the same time and you cut the pig from head to tail to bless an easeful shoot so we did that on the first day and i think back to that all the time because so for us and we never should have been as successful as we are. No one believed in us. And for it to now be a movie that has shifted the world of cinema and also is in the oscar conversation, its pretty wild. Stephen i want to point out. [applause] while this is good luck. Stephanie yes. Stephen its good luck for all of you. I want to point out in the scene that we showed to introduce you, one of your costars is a pig. Stephanie yes. Its not that one. Stephen thank you. So lovely to see you. Everything everywhere all at once is streaming now on showtime. Stephanie hsu, everybody. Well be right back. 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