Theres not any injury to me whatsoever. He said, my car is totalled. I said, son, did you bow your head and thank god for preserving your life . Because as your father i pray saums 91 over you every day. Psalm 91 every day because youre my seed and im in covenant with god. And he said, yes, i did, dad. Hallelujah dont let satan have your children. Dont let satan have your children or any Family Member of your life. You have to get back to the horns of the altar and stand up. The body says the kingdom of god you have to get up in the faiths of satan and say you cant have my family because as a promise that god has laid upon us that hes going to give us family heritage. But also, hes going to give us divine health. Jesus took strikes upon his back so we could have family heritage and family health. Number three, occupational blessing in verse 4. The fruit of the ground and cattle. In viable times, most of them raised cattle or sheep or agriculture. So having an occupational blessing was very, very important. Today we dont necessarily, unless youre a farmer and live that way, theres a lot of Different Things we do. But the occupational blessing is upon us. Ever you have to know god has a divine assignment on your life. Whatever youre doing right now god has anointed you to do. It may not even be what you want to be doing. It may not be your lifetime passion or desire. You may be in a job that you hate. Ive been there. You get up every morning and you my dear brother back there saying, yeah, i know. Im there right now. But it doesnt mean that youre destination is the path. It is a journey to where god will take you. You have to get up every day and say god i know i work for you and everything i do for you will reward me. Why . Because hes your jehovah. It doesnt come from an employer or government. It comes from him. Hes your total source of supply. Whatever your occupation is right now, there at your home, whatever youre facing or going through or whatever god has you doing right now, do with all of your mite, do it to the lord and say, im going to be the best employee that my employer has ever had. And let god anoint you to be the best. And do your best. And cultivate your gift and your talent. Its not your destination. It is a journey to where god will take you. The occupational blessing is upon you. I have a driver that drives me to the airport when i fly out to speak all over the world. The reason i did this, ive got to make a confession. When i got a ticket going to the airport at 110 miles an hour i thought i better got somebody to drive me to the airport. The only reason being, because i was late. I couldnt miss my flight and the officer was so nice, i said just give me a warning because youre holding me up. He said, dr. Kuntz, you were going too fast i cant do that. So i decided to intervene personally before god did so i have an individual that drives me to the airport but i still run late but he doesnt run fast. He said to me the other day, i dont understand it. Our business is down but ever since ive been connected to your life my income is up. I said, thats because, his name is bernie. I said, thats because i have an anointing on my life for increase. The anointing you sell into is the anointing you have a right to. I said, i dont understand it all i know is god has anointed me in this area and whoever i come in contact with gets blessed. Its an occupational blessing and you have it. Its an anointing god gives you to do what youve been called to do. Number four, multiapproximately occasi multiplication of success. Others have lost money because their business is down. I dont know your situation tonight. But i will say as a bornagain believer, that you have a right to multiplication of possessions. What i want to say to you tonight is bring your belief and your level to a higher level of faith. I dont want to work with your doubt. You have everybody else working with your doubt. I want to work with your faith. I dont want to work with your present circumstance. I want to work with the future god can give you if you work your faith and take these promises by faith and begin to apply them. You say, how do i do that . Say, enoughs enough. Im not living by the Economic System of the world. Im going to live by god eats system and god said that he will bless you. Hell bless you today, tomorrow, and forever. The blessing is upon your life. And you can have multiplication of blessings when others are losing money in the stock market, you can be making money. You say, how do you know that . Because ive been in the financial business for 20 years and i know as a Financial Adviser that when somebody is selling somebody is buying. When somebody is losing money, somebody is making money. I hads the law of balance. Somebody has to win and somebody has to lose. I made a decision that i was going to be on the winning side. The wealth of the wicked is laid up for the righteous. I dont have to lose, judy. Let the wicked lose. Im going to make money. Why . Because im going to use my faith and believe god and trust god. Im going to Say Something thats going to be bold but i want to say it to you right now. If 90 days from now you dont have more than what you have presently, youre not applying or getting ahold of what im talking about. God is a god of multiplication and increase. He increases and its a divine command hes given you and i and ill come into a covenant with you if youll come into a covenant with me and the power of agreement with explode in the next 90 days and youll see multiplication youve never known, your savings account will turn around. Youre going to get that promotion when others are being laid off you get the promotion. Why . Because youre a child of god. Youre a child of the most high god. There is none like jehovah. There is none like jehovah. Not an immediatian in heaven with the father, son and holy ghost saying, things are running low. We dont have enough money for gold, lets get it from the people down there. By the way, gold is at its alltime high. I believe that god wants us to have more. Say this after me. I want more stuff. I want more stuff. Say, i want more stuff. I want more stuff to be a blessing. Number five, god says hell give you supernatural increase. Blessings of fruit and bread found in verse 5. Supernatural increase. Number six, god said hell give you territorial dominion. Blessing on your coming and blessing on youre going in verse 6. Territorial dominion. Ill focus on this for a moment because i believe its important that we get ahold of this, why . If its so important that you and i become partners with the inspirational ministries. Why is it important that we plant our seed on the consistent basis into this ministry thats touching 127 nations with the gospel of jesus christ. The bible says were to buy back the time. And the greatest satannic attack thats been launched against the body of christ is being launched presently against christian television. Why . Because the greatest influence that we have today, as the body 06 christ, next to the power of god, but television allows us to demonstrate the power of god through television. There through television we can say what others cannot say. There are countries watching right now. Egypt may be one. Another country, maybe one that they cant hold up the bible because if they do they can be imprisoned or thrown in jail or their life is jeopardized. But through a shortwave dish, a small dish, they can tap into the gospel and watch me right now talk about jesus, the son of god who wants to save. And it can only be done through the power of television. Thats why its so importantx that you become partners and sew into this great ministry, day of day and month after month and sew with expectation, because were taking back the airwaves. Taking back authority and dominion. I like what god said, turn back on the light and shut off the darkness. I know its your 20th anniversary. 20 years ago, you came to that conclusion. You came to that mission and held strong to that and today, the inspirational ministries is a Global Ministry touching the nation. It didnt start out as a Global Ministry. It started out with one man that said, i believe the way to reach the lord is through television and millions of partners around the world who got ahold of the vision and there at your home, your seeds are making a difference. Lives are being transformed. Why . Because youre a partner of this great ministry. Hallelujah territorial dominion. Territorial dominion. Sir, husbands, let me say, youre the priest of your home and you have territorial dominion of the home. Not to become mean and bad, but to love the church. Love her like christ loved the church. Youre over your family and youre there and you have territorial dominion. Youre the priest of that home. And you are to guard and to your watch and you are to see what is coming into that home. And youre to be there like this. Mighty defense with the gospel as you stand up and you push back the darkness. I would say to you today, pastors when you preach the bible, stand up with the thundering voice of god and say, thus say et god and guard the hearts and soul of your people because we have territorial dominion. Joshua said every place his foot treads he shall have dominion. If you continue in this book and observe and do what it says, we can have authority. We can cast out devils. We can heal the sick. Hallelujah the kingdom of god has balance but the violence will take by force. Do we have any violent people here today . Violent people watching over television . You say enoughs enough. Im sick and tired of the status quo. Im going to be a warrior for the gospel. Im going to be a warrior for the gospel and take back the territory and im going to take back dominion and take my job for jesus christ and im going to take my family for jesus christ. Go to the supermarket for jesus christ. Every place i go ill do for the gospel. Hallelujah. I am preaching here, brother. Number seven, god says he gives us victory in every battle. Victory in every battle. Victory in every battle. The bible says that it will come as you one way you got to read this, chapter 28. It says in verse seven the enemy will come at you one way, but god will make them flee seven ways. Hell confound the enemy. Hell confound satan and the devil. Anybody fighting demons and devils of hell your battle is coming to an end. God will fight your battle for you. Theyll come at you one way but god will scatter them seven ways. A thousand voices that have risen up against you. Satan is taking your flame, your finances and business and trying to afflict your body. Satan is coming against your livelihood and life. But i come to you as a man of god to say to you today, enoughs enough. Enoughs enough enoughs enough god is getting ready to fight your battle for you. Hell come at you one way but flee seven ways. Number eight, god said hell give you godly favor found in verse 12. Heavens will give reign in due season. Heavens will give rain in due seasons. Heavens will give rain in due season. Im going to pray a prayer in just a moment after i share my testimony. But i want to talk about the due season. Because i know that this ministry is a ministry that believes in practices the law of see time harvest. I know that david and barbara have embraced, have believed and practiced the law of genesis, chapter 8, as long as the earth remains, there will be seed, time harvest. I do not know of another president of a network who has so much responsibility, so many bills that need to be paid, who is a more lavish giver than david schirillo. Im a give and i can recognize a giver. I get so mad because so few people are genuine givers. But gods first thing they changes in us is we become a giver. He practices the law of the seed. I know that personally. He understands the law of the seed and he knows that if he wants a harvest he has to sew a seed. Its a divine law and a law thats everybodys living and practicing every day. There at your home, whether youre saved or not saved, the law of the seed is operating in your life. You are a sewer. Every day of your life youre sewing seeds. Words are seeds. Kindness is a seed. Every day of your life youre a continuous seed sewer. The promise here of number eight says god will give you godly fair. God would open the heavens to give you rain in due season. In due season. You must sew a seed to reap a harvest. When you get up early in the morning, youre planting seed immediately. When you lay down at night youve planted seed all day. When youre kind to somebody youre sewing seed. When you clock in early at work, youre sewing seeds. When you clock in late at work, youre sewing seed, too. And dont think mr. Employer doesnt notice it, either. Youre a breeding, walking, warehouse of seed. Every day of your life you sow seed. Im on twitter. Onhow many of you are on twitter. I know inspirational ministries is on twitter. Ozzy is on twitter. He sent out a tweet today. I say if you tweet me ill tweet you. Doesnt sound quite right. It almost sounds like a cartoon but im becoming an efficient tweeter. Listen carefully. I received a tweet from Sylvester Stallone the other day, he sent it to me. He knows i teach the law of the seeds. Rocky, Sylvester Stallone. Rambo. He tweets me. And this is what he says he says i try to sow something every day. Anything. And hope that it takes root. And then he adds, this is how i build my life. See, its not a question of whether your sow, its a question of whether youre going to be conscientious of it and are you going to be deliberate in making sure that youre sowing good seed, the right seed, into the right soil. Youre a seed sower and godly favor, the promise that he gives that god will give you rain in due season is important because the bible says in genesis 8 verse 22, as long as the earth remains there will be seed, time and harvest. Genesis 8 verse 22. Be not the seed for whatsoever a man sow et he will also reap. Go down to verse 9. Be not weary in welldoing. For in due season you will reap if you faint not. I want to focus on this due season because i think its important. Youve heard me teach about 24hour miracles. Im going to be sharing a 24hour miracle in just a moment. Ive had ive seen miracles happen within seven minutes. Ive seen people plant seed and in seven minutes, get a miracle. I dont understand that. That doesnt make sense to me because i know that there are natural laws of the earth, a farmer sows a seed and you dont get up the next day and get a harvest. You sow on monday and wait. Seed, waiting with, harvest. Ive seen it happen over and over and over. I got thousands of testimonies from partners. And i know here at inspiration, you have hundreds of thousands and i know you read them and think, how is that possible . Now, we know we have a jehovajehovah jehovah gyra. I can explain as good as anybody alive today, i believe i have the mantel to teach seed, time, harvest. But there was a part of the equation i never understood and that was the due season part. Because how could i sow today and reap in seven minutes . I was on a platform in baltimore, maryland, about seven months ago. And i was at a service and i was planting a 1,000 seed on the plat fourm. Listen to me at your home because im going to explain something for thousands who do not understand this part. Nd i believe it will be a piece of the qualification that will supercharge your harvesting and i believe that dormant seed will be resurrected over the next 90 days. I was writing out a seed for 1,000. As i wrote this out out, i decided to look at my blackberry just to see if i had any messages. I dont normally do that but for some reason i looked at the blackberry. I look at the blackberry and theres a note from a businessman who says to me from his secretary you have a check in the mail coming to you for 20,000 i had just planted that seed seven minutes ago. Now i got 20,000. Im thinking, im reaching for my checkbook for a second time. Anything that work this is good im going to do it again. Ive seen it happen. Over and over and over again. Ive seen people give miracles that i could never explain. The only thing i can say is like the blind man. He got healed and theyed is asked him about it and he says this, all i know is i couldnt see before and now i can see. That was my explanation. All i know is that it works. Dr. Oral roberts became a very dear and close friend of mine the last two years of his life. Weve written a book together. I talk with him almost every day on the phone at least every week, stay with him in his home. Were sitting one day and were talking and hes talking to me about the due season. He said, todd, there is four seasons in the natural world. Theres spring, theres summer and fall and winter. But theres a dynamic in the spirit world of seed time harvest that nobody knows and its different. Everything in the spirit world will parallel the practical world especially in seed time harvest except for this one aexpect. Theres a fifth season in gods seed time harvest. The fifth season is the due season. And he said the due season is not decided by you. It is decide by god. And he said when god decides to give you the harvest is when you get the harvest. He says its not like the natural world. Thats how you can sow a seed and in minutes get a harvest. Why . Because it is your faith that you activate that schedules the fifth season in your life. When you decide to use your faith, your season will change. Listen to me carefully. There are thousands listening right now that you have not received a harvest yet. Why . Because you have not activated the fifth season. You have not understood the fact that god is your jehovah and source. Thats what dr. Oral roberts taught us. He said, make god your total source of supply. That wasnt just a saying. That was a lifestyle. And the promise that god gives us in verse 8 hell give us godly favor and cause the rain to come the fifth season. Number nine, god will give us financial prosperity. Lend and not borrow. Found in verse 12. Number ten, divine promotion. I believe that promotion is getting ready to happen in your house. Coming here to the studio, i was asking god, by the way, ill tell you theres so much more but i have to stop. Because im going to pray in just a moment. And i will tell you that if theres ever been a time in your life when you needed to use your faith at its highest level, it is at this time. God has connect med to your life and this is not coincidental. I want the phone counselors to be ready. Because the calls are going to come in. The anointing is so strong on me right now. Im coming over to the studio and im asking god, what is it that you want to do . One of the prayers that i pray as a 10yearold boy, i said god, ill go where you want me to go, ill say what you want me to say and do what you want me to do. Its important that you get this cd and we want to send this to you as our seed of appreciation for partnering with this ministry. But god spoke to me and said, todd, i want you to come into a covenant with 1,1le 1,189 representing the chapters in the bible. Theres 1,189 words in the chapters of god. He said i want you to believe for 1,189 favor miracles. Favor is when somebody decides to be good to you. Favor can happen in one moment. Youre only one decision away from a new season and one person away from a new lifestyle. Theres somebody watching you in your present world that literally can bless your socks off beyond anything youve ever known. Ill share my story of my fedex ups miracle and ill come into a covenant with 1,189 favor miracles that are going to explode in your life. You say, what makes this moment different than any other moment . Number one, this is my anointing. This is my call. God has anointed me with a financial anointing. And the anointing you sow into is the anounting you have a right to. I cant explain it. All i know is when you connect with what god has given me, your life financially will change. Number two, a time of a divine moment wrapped with the gift of faith. The gift of faith is when god gives you a moment of believing to believe for impossible things. Youve heard part of this testimony but i want to share it again and i want to extend the testimony called my fed u. P. S. Miracle. I was in honolulu, hawaii, listening to a man of god looking into a camera like me. Hes talking about a rare and uncommon seed of 1,000. He said, something happens at 1,000 level that doesnt happen at any other level. I was reminded of all the thousand dollar seeds that i have sown. I was reminded of chapter 3 where king solomon at the age of 17, historians say, he knew he was not david. But he set aside an offering that was over the top, 1,000 burned offerings when the requirement was one lamb, one household. He made an offering that was over the top because he knew he was not king david. He knew that he lacked where he needed help. So he made that offering. And the bible says that god came to him in 24 hours in a dream and said, solomon, what do you want . And solomon asked for an understanding heart. We know that god said, because you didnt ask for wealth or riches or longevity of life but you asked for understanding heart, im going to you divine wisdom but ill make you the richest man whoever lived. I was remind thad five chapters later after he made 1,000 bunt offerings the bible said he was now offering god 36 360,000 bunt offerings. Read the five chapters after that. Hes now presenting god, think about this 360,000 burned offerings. God gave me a home i paid cash for. I planted a thousand dollar seed and i have battles that stopped. I saw miracles after miracles after miracles so it wasnt unusual about this man talking to a camera asking 70 to set aside a 1,000 seed. He stops abruptly and look into the camera and says, somebody is watching me right now and youll set aside a 1,000 seed in the work of god and god will you triple favor. Well, i knew what favor would do. Triple favor . Three times . Something leaped inside of me. I reached for my credit card. I dialled the number on the screen. And i planted my 1,000 seed on my credit card. I had no idea what was getting ready to happen. I did not even have the inclination what god had in store for me. All i knew was i was obeying a divine moment of uncommon faith to believe god for a triple favor. In 24 hours, the heavens opened up on my life. In seven days god connected me with a person that literally has sent me around the world. God connected to me to a second, third and fourth person. I now have a fifth person thats involved in my life showing me favor. Five people in 24 months. David, one of the individuals decided to be good to me and send memoly checks via fedex. Each month, a woman would come to my door, choir get ready to shout, each month a woman would come to my door and she would knock on the door and hand me an envelope. Id open up the envelope and there would be a sizable check. Month after month after month i received as many as four in one month. I saw the fedex truck so much any time i would see fedex i would get all happy and excited. I was in kansas city the other day and i looked up and the entire parking lot was filled with nothing but fedex trucks. I became unglued. I was talking to my mom and i said, mom i dont understand it. Every time i see fedex i get excited. I was over at the airport in Atlanta Hartsfield airport and i looked out and there was a fedex airplane. No matter where if drive when i see fedex i get excited. When god decides to be good to you and he uses fedex to bless you, youll get excited, too. Im talking to my mother and i said mom, every time i see a fedex truck i get excited and she said son, gods not through blessing you. Hes probably going to u. P. S. Next. You guess, 24 hours later a knock at my door. I go to my door and there stands the u. P. S. Woman. I open up the envelope and theres a businessman that says you help med 30 days ago and i wanted to show you my seed of appreciation and i opened up the envelope and there was a check for 30,000 a few weeks ago you was preaching for a pastor rod parsley. Hes crazy. Hes crazy