Poll which shows clintons numbers sliding in iowa. Bernie sanders gaining ground and possible opening for joe biden. On the republican side, donald trump and quiet surge for ben carson. Well have analysis on all that have and look at the wild ride the stock market took this week and what it means for you. All ahead on face the nation. Captioning sponsored by cbs good morning welcome to face the nation im John Dickerson we start this morning with louisiana governor bobby jindal who joins us from new orleans. Welcome, governor, i want to get to the 10th anniversary katrina in a moment but First Political news this new poll Des Moines Register poll donald trump is at the top in iowa. I want to ask you there was period at which people thought he was a flash in the pan. Kind of summer fling. That doesnt look like its the case any more can looks like he has possibility at least to be the nominee. I know you want to be the nominee yourself but do you think its possible that he could be . Good morning, thank you for having me. Look, i think voters get serious, we pass these summer months theyre going to start asking the question, who can actually do this job. Who has intelligence, courage, experience, i think with that happens well do very well. Ill give you one example i am the only candidate, theres not two, im the only candidate that actually reduced government spending. I think a big issue in this election is reducing the size of government, growing the American Economy. What i see in the polls is that nobody has any votes. I think voters in iowa, these early states, want to kick the tires, ask the tough questions, theyre not going to decide until much later in the process. Dickerson you are talking your competence gained over years of experience working in government. Looks like consistently what were hearing from voters they dont want anybody touch government. Dont want politics. I think thats exactly right. One of the reasons is that trump has done well he has hit a nerve, what i get from voters in iowa, 99 county tour that voters are telling me theyre frustrated. Not just president obama and democrats but frustrated with republicans as well. Republicans, give us the majority well can get rid of obamacare, amnesty that didnt happen. Differences ive done what i said i was going to d. We cut our state budget 26 . 30,000 fours state bureaucrats, top ten state for private sector job creation. I think voters are looking for a candidate with experience to fight for them, they want term limits, want an end to the permanent political people that think theyre better one of the reasons i think Hillary Clinton has troubles of her own she sis these different better than the voters, voters are done with that. Dickerson let me ask you question about immigration, topic much in conversation. We know all republicans candidates want to secure the border, but after that there is the question of what to do with the undocumented workers who are in the united states. You said on cnn recently, said i think American People will be pragmatic and cops natural about the people here. What does that mean about 11 million undocumented workers who are here now . Couple of things. The reason voters dont want to comprehensive approach we try that in the 80s we were told, build it comprehensively wed get a secure board every. Secure the border first then we can have the discussion about the folks. Bottom line is this smart immigration policy makes our country smarter. Should come legally, adopt our values, roll up their sleeves and get to work, one of the things ive been emphasizing the son of immigrants who came here legally. We need to insist on assimilation. In europe theyre not doing that they have huge problems. Immigration without assimilation is invasion that can weaken our country dont need to go down the path of europe, lets insist on being the melting pot, lets forget this politically notion that were not a melting pot any more. Dickerson you said you want compassionate treatment of the Illegal Immigrants here now. Deportation which is donald trump plan, would you say thats compassionate . Like i said, secure the border first, put an end to the sanctuary says. All the mayors, hold them liable for people who shouldnt be here in the first place, after we have done that, only takes six months to secure the border i know left says we cant get it done, thats ridiculousf theyre serious, we can get this done in six months. Then we can have the conversation about folks that are here illegally. Dickerson switch to anniversary of Hurricane Katrina is louisiana in position to handle this if it were to happen again . Couple of things, one i want to say we are resilient people in new orleans, in louisiana. Hurricane katrina and rita we got back on our feet. This is a generous country, americans love each other. I want to thanks folks from all states that came into our state, continue to help us rebuild. Are we ready . Were better prepared than ever before. Stronger levees are importantly people have game plan, we have facilities with generators with fuel. Weve got Health Care Facilities that know how to evacuate ahead of time. We musnt become complacent. We invested record amounts at the state level, continue to work on that, we are better prepared than ever before. We say every Hurricane Season it is pray for the best, prepare for the worst, thats what we have coin south louisiana. Dickerson quickly governor, youve seen this from the governors perspective also thinking about the presidency, what would you have done differently than president george w. Bush did . Several failures at every level of government, federal, state and local. No point looking back, we need to be looking forward, i want to emphasize, the American People can do anything. And we have seen that here in louisiana. Church groups, civic groups, School Groups have come down here they didnt wait for permission they came here to help. Large companies, Small Companies sent supplies when bureaucracy wasnt working. Ford Motor Company donated trucks. Lets focus on moving forward, ten years a lot of progress has happened in our schools and health care. More works needs to be done but weve come a long way. Thank. Generosity of American People. Dickerson thanks for being with us. While Hurricane Katrina changed the gulf coast of this country ten years ago no single city was hit harder or represents the horror of the storm that was brought on this country than new orleans. No city suffered more for the failures of government before and after katrina hit. 80 of the city flooded roughly half of the city was displaced. Were joined now by new orleans mayor democrat Mitch Landrieu. I want to ask you about the levees, they broke ten years ago, are they safe now . Yes. Much safer. First thing nor country to continue to remember this was an infrastructure failure, this was not a natural disaster. One of the things that this essential that we make sure that we secure the infrastructure of the country particularly the levees they are much stronger than they were before. We still believe that we need to get do 500 year protection rather than 100. Its much better. The governor said just a minute ago we have to continue to rebuild the coast, have to make sure the levees are strong and internally in the city as we rebuild structurally they have to be strong as well. Dickerson i heard you say before that only capable of stopping category three hurricane. Not a five. Theyre not strong enough. Well, no, let me say. This first of allf a category five hits any major American City much like you saw with sandy in the northeast, you are going to see in miami. We are going for very difficult situations. Right now levee is much stronger, weve had hurricanes from the beginning of 300 year history, point to be better prepared to be more resilient to be stock. But you can have you cant have guarantee that youre not going to get hurt again. Dickerson what have you learned in the rebuilding, new orleans has had a clean slate on some of the issues of poverty, of education of rebuilding, what have you learned that other cities might be able to take from your experience . Well, listen, thats a great point, because new orleans is either one two of things, the nations canary in the coal mine, everything that is happening down here on negative side is actually reflected in every other city in america. Everything thats happening on the Positive Side here can make sure that the city of new orleans nations most innovation and change. When you have a tragic circumstance like we have what we learned dont put it back just like it was, take the time to dig down deep to make the institutionalization that are necessary to give the city better chance Going Forward. For example, completely restructured our Education System so now our kids have much better opportunity. Our Graduation Rates are higher, our dropout rates are lower. Achievement gap between kids and innercity and kids outside of the city is close. Weve completely restructured our Health Care Delivery system and completely changed our infrastructure our challenge to take the responsibility to build it back the way you want it to always be not just the way it was before the storm. Dickerson also taken on issue that was before the storm when you called the epidemic of violence in your city, weve talked about the cities and conflict between the community and police, have have you learned in new orleans about that issue . First of all again i think new orleans reflects the rest of the country. When you see all of the upset on the streets of all of the cities of america surrounding the relationship between African Americans and police thats real. We have it here. Have it everywhere we need to address that. One of the things ive specifically spoken about which is National Epidemic in my opinion is more than reprehensible is the lives of Young African american men that are taken from gun violence across america. I believe its epidemic i think its moral failure of our country. Weve talked about that. There is ecosystem of violence thats developed in neighborhoods around the country that make us feel unsafe that give people no hope, i that is real problem. We have to work on that, too, that is not criminal Justice Police response problem thats Early Childhood education. Better families, communities, people learning how to Work Together and resolve differences, about mental health, about substance abuse, bucket load of stuff. Its symptomatic of what is much larger problem what we have to deal with Going Forward were going to keep working on that in new orleans. Dickerson governor Mitch Landrieu in new orleans, thanks so much for being with us. Thank you very much. Good to be with you. Dickerson we turn now to pom particulars and the new bloomberg Des Moines Register iowa poll were join joined by sellser is and company, anne sellers is. Political junkies were staring into their devices. First thing they were looking at on democratic side Hillary Clinton is at 37. Bernie sanders at 30, joe biden at 14. What did you see in those numbers . I think the first thing that jumps right off the page this is the first time in iowa that weve seen Hillary Clinton below 50 . Shes not just a little below 50 , shes lost a third of her support since june. Dickerson is that a move away from Hillary Clinton or move to Bernie Sanders . Whats happening to her support . Her support is going a little bit into the not sure category. But Bernie Sanders vote certainly getting stronger. And i think important to point out it isnt just that theres an anticlinton sentiment. It isnt that. That is perhaps the good news. For former secretary of state, clinton. But is ask Bernie Sanders sporessers is thatth because you align, the person and his,ed 6 say, yes. Overwhelmingly thats what theyre up against. Clinton fivebilities are very strong. Shes in sort of a place of discomfort where her first choice hopefully not so good. Dickerson sanders voters are feeling the burn. Who are they . Are they who is turning out for Bernie Sanders . This i think is fascinate thank you look in to the internals as we call them, who is it that he is terming with, he leads by eight points with people who say this will be the first time they participated in the caucus. Leads by over 20 points with people who say they consider themselves independents. And people who are underage 45. Now that is the obama coalition. Those are the groups he put together that surprised Hillary Clinton in 2008. Dickerson Bernie Sanders is older, hes not that fresh, new millennial character obama was. Any news for joe biden . He gets 14 which is better than hes ever done before i think that is probably the good news. He draws about evenly from people who would be clinton and would be sanders supporters. Its not clear how that exactly would play out. Favorables are very good. Theres an opportunity here. We also ask clinton supporters if they would be comfortable with the field. Clarify that that would be a field without joe biden. If for some robe she had to drop out. They would like someone else. Dickerson lets switch over now to the republicans. The numbers there in the horse race question are donald trump at 23. Ben carson at 18, scott walker and rubio and bush at six. So, trim is on top. What struck me is numbers on favability rating. A few ha months highest of anybody. The Chris Christie was in that lead with him. Wow, he cant possibly do any better in the horse race because his unfavorable are so high. Can he turn those around. Weve seen everything happen. We certainly saw it happen this time. Now has seven people with higher unfavorables than he has that includes jeb bush. He has grown his favability and turned into votes. Dickerson he was toxic before, my word, now republicans now ben carson, couldnt think of candidate any more different than donald trump, right . Selfie facing, quiet. Hes coming up strong in iowa. Is he sort of the slow and steady rick santorum, hike huckabee candidate that weve seen in previous races . He is sort of huckabee version of that. But he also has made a real presence, quiet presence ill say. Not doing much on television but he has billboards quite everywhere. Ben carson is in your community really on pretty widespread basis. He was drawing packed crowds last year. People know him, he has a book out because theyre kind of everywhere. Theres a lot that people are finding that they like. Now, hes also not an establishment candidate. If you take numbers who support trump, numbers who support carson, numbers who support Carly Fiorina thats 46 as vote right now. Add ted cruz that puts it over 50 , that says something about the mood. Dickerson what does it say about jeb bush . Jeb bushs numbers dont look very good here. Hes dropped in terms of support. His favability numbers are not looking not faking improvement in iowa. I think by the time were heading into september hes been at it for awhile. You would be looking to gaining some traction. Dickerson just quickly, scott walker, iowa supposed to be his state, what happened to him . I think everything has been a little bit quieter since donald trump jumped in for everybody else, number one. Number two, i think hes just not out there in a big way and big presence. His support has been cut in half. Dickerson thanks for being with us. Well be back in a minute. More. In fact, the number of mris has increased by ten percent a year. And a radiologist might view a thousand images to find one tiny abnormality in shape, contrast or movement. Because its so challenging, a Research Project is teaching ibm watson to see. In the future, it could help clinicians spot key patterns quickly and precisely. Ibm watson is working to make healthcare smarter every day. Does your makeup remover every kissproof,ff . Cryproof, stayproof look . Neutrogena® makeup remover does. It erases 99 of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. Need any more proof than that . Neutrogena. Dickerson there is a lot of politicrat news to talk about well turn to our panel. We start with our own Julianna Goldman just back from the big meetings with democrats in minneapolis. Jeffrey goldberg is the National Correspondent for the atlantic and ed okeefe with the Washington Post and mark leave verb from the new york sometimes. Start wow to this those democrats how will they receive this news about Hillary Clinton iowa . What you saw reflected in that poll in minneapolis is general lack of enthusiasm. Around the Democratic Candidates right now. Democrats really want to fall in love again the way they fell in love with barack obama. They like joe bidenf he got in with clinton they say that well get excited about her when we need to. When the time is right. They almost feel like theres sort of arranged marriage kind of situation here. Where they feel like they have to go with the person thats been picked for them thats Hillary Clinton. Dickerson mark, the Washington Post has headline that says summer clinton stumbles to uncertain fall for democrats. Last time you were here you had written about Hillary Clintons attempt to resell herself, introduce herself gyp now been couple of weeks since that happens. How is the repackaging going for her. Id say slowly. If this in fact is the summer of trump i think what were doing is jugs position someone who is hyper accessible, belittling the media, someone who still perceived to be still actually hiding in a really, really sustained way. She is coming out of that hiding a little bit taking on some of the republicans, gone after jeb bush who you spent a lot of time with. A few times she even made a comparison between terrorists the way they treat women with the way republicans d. What do you think shes up to there . Shes trying solidify the Democratic Base sort of remind that shes willing to be that partisan warrior theyre seeking. Certainly rattled republicans, theyre a little concerned, perhaps a double standard this week about the way she was talking about them. I saw that as sort of sign of desperation war rat least attempt to tamper down idea that others are surging or theyre going to get in. This idea that shes focused on superdelegates, remember this from eight years ago, sort of reminds me of Student Council race because idea that certain percentage of superdelegates, were with you. Like telling your classmate youre going to vote for him when youre going to vote for the cute girl down the hall. Its silly when it seems would get commitments now forget all this other stuff commitments about how they would vote. The idea that its over when of course, delegates, superdelegates that only matter if its a close race. Thats what so alarming about these iowa numbers. Even in minneapolis her campaign was asking delegates, asking dnc officials to sign these forms pledging support for next summers convention. They were saying, sign it now. You can come to private sessions with Campaign Advisors and even this private speech that clinton gave the night before. Dickerson jeffrey, if youre joe biden how are you reading this . I think you wake up this morning, look, we have to put we dont understand the emotional state of mind, joe biden his family because of the tragic loss of his son, we have no visibility into that. But joe biden the politician is looking at these numbers saying, well, i should be president. Clearly the Democratic Party cant put Bernie Sanders up as candidate in the general election, this is what he would be thinking, i think. Hillary clinton people dont seem to like very much. Its joe biden to the rescue one last time. If youre joe biden youre at the top of american politics, youre there for a reason because you take opportunities when they come. It would be its a very interesting moment hes going to have to make a decision very, very quickly obviously. But i think that you are looking at this seeing an opportunity. Dickerson the meeting minneapolis . Certainly was buzz around him. He was dominating discussions, i heard from someone who is close to his camp they say hes no closer to making a decision. The next few weeks are going to be critical, well be examining every move when hes really out, very publicly on the iran deal. When the pope comes to visit. Even next week well see little more politically active hes going to be headlining Senate Fundraiser for democrats. Dickerson if youre Hillary Clinton are you more worried about Bernie Sanders or joe biden . Im right now Bernie Sanders because i think that he embodies a kind of populism that was somewhat similar to Barack Obamas sort of falling in love aspect. But also more worried about fact youre on fakes the nation talking about superdelegates and Hillary Clinton lining up superdelegates. Nothing screams entitled in teaability looking way far ahead than talk about superdelegates. Dickerson these numbers are suggesting inevitability not the case. Theres a cliche in politics youre best day is the day before you announce. For joe biden he has to know that is the case, too. Absolutely. Its telling, last weekend he was meeting with liberal lion, elizabeth warren, were told yesterday that he went to democratic event in delaware to thank a bunch of state Party Activists for their work with his son. Now, was he also going perhaps to check win folks see if theyre with him. We dont know. Telling that he is still somewhat very discretely actively out there and talking to democrats. Exactly right. Go from one day to beloved uncle next day target of huge attacks by republicans and democrats if he jumps. Dickerson thats what he faces. Well be back with our panel in a moment. Pubut to get from theand yoold way to the new,d. Youll need the right it infrastructure. From a partner who knows how to make your enterprise more agile, borderless and secure. Hp helps business move on all the possibilities of today. And stay ready for everything that is still to come. Want to see your future . Youre me, right . engine rev i obviously havent slowed down at all what do you think . The key is to stay hungry. By the way, our wifes in there. Seriously . . The audi a8. Ambition never rests dad yeah, 20 something years now. Thinking about what you want to do with your money . Daughter looking at options. What do you guys pay in fees . Dad i dont know exactly. Daughter if youre not happy do they have to pay you back . Dad it doesnt really work that way. Daughter you sure . Vo are you asking enough questions about the way your wealth is managed . Wealth management at charles schwab. Dickerson lot more face the nation coming up including more of our panel and more on the tenYear Anniversary of Hurricane Katrina with historian Douglas Brinkley and look at the historic images of the storm and aftermath. Dickerson some of our stations are leaving us now. But for most of you well be right back with a lot more face the nation. Stay with us. Dickerson welcome back the face the nation im John Dickerson. We continue our panel. Julian a good man, Jeffrey Goldberg is the National Correspondent for atlantic and author of matter of black lives a profile of new orleans mayor ed okeefe covers politics for the Washington Post and Mark Leibovich is chief National Correspondent for New York Times magazine author of broadcasting legend larry king. I want to start with you those numbers about donald trump in iowa, needs to worry about Chris Christie that he was new jersey for iowa that his unfavorable ratings in iowa are very high. Donald trump is not too clean for iowa his Favorability Ratings are quite high. They like him. They do. He took wins for new jersey. Whats interesting about trump in this appeal is not so much what he is saying, what hes been saying well documented, well covered, its almost like every other candidate in the field juxtapose, bob knee jindal he spoke in politicsese he didnt answer your question. He had sound byte, thats good. Good for him im sure his advisors are patting him on the back. He didnt, i dont think moved a lot of people. Thats not how you usually human beings talk. Dickerson julianna you were noticing donald trump the way that he speaks now that hes established front runner. Thats right. This is why other republican candidates cant just assume that this was the summer of trump going to be the fall of somebody else. He has the money, hes the front runner, hes also Getting Better on the stump. Hes becoming a better candidate slowly. Even republicans with other campaigns have noticed that give him credit for that. Just this weekend when he said, look, this isnt about me. Hes saying, i need your vote. A course correction, hes becoming a better candidate. Dickerson because of that see other republicans, treat him like us. Jeb bush this week, if hes the front runner i should be scrutinizing him the exact same way youve been scrutinizing me and my record. Look what he says about immigration, his business record. Reporters wouldnt stand up when he i can canned jorge ramos out of a press conference, you would have done that at mine. Its clearly starting to resonate with the rest of the candidates. Fascinatings thing that on one level scrutiny doesnt matter because the more outrageous he gets the more popular he becomes. His ability to sort of articulate the resentments of certain sector of the american electorate is uncanny he seems to be immune to that. Also exposes the fake hue mitt, fake gentlemanliness. That people are very frustrated. Also exposes the smallness and irrelevant of the media while completely using the media to get his message out. Not like hes on the road all the time of just doing interviews, its an amazing kind of turn of just both using and dismissing at the same time. Dickerson do you think in governor bushs attempt to push back based on what weve been talking about the trump appeal complaining about the press coverage going to do it for jeb bush . Not necessarily. He was doing subtlely but as someone who has been following him around the country i knew what he was trying to say. Look, theres no doubt that bush is totally slid off the map. His numbers are down in iowa, down to the sickle digits i think most private moments though his advisors would say, were in that field with walker, with cruz, with rubio that is our race. Were never going to necessarily get these carson or trump supporters, maybe they will come around eventually for the nominee. They look at that sort of other category that the insiders, the people who have been doing this for awhile still remain confidence that they can revail. His super pac has largest war chest currently in american politics plans to start spending that money in the ten days. They believe that tv advertising might help them out. Dickerson on immigration, there has been some conversation about trumps immigration plan. But people like him and other candidates have really taken him on. All the republicans knew that at some point immigration was going to be divisive for them. I dont think they realize it was going to become going to come this soon with trump was going to ratchet up the treasures pressures. Youve seen candidates try different ways of dealing with trump. Jeb bush sort of trying to take a longer term strategy and pick apart him on the policy issues so this week saying this isnt a conservative plan. But then that just earns the wrath of trump. So its figuring oute its experimenting the best way to deal with him. Dickerson all these candidates talk about being able too take on challenges of presidency, come with me. They will be ready the take on putin at any crisis. Isnt donald trump a challenge of that order there for isnt this a test of all the other candidates in terms of their ability to handle unpredictable things, adapt and present themselves. Is anybody meeting that new challenge . Yes and no. I dont think a single candidate is meeting that challenge. I dont think they have any idea how to handle this. I think look, jeb bush with even more telling about jeb bush the reaction to donald trump how long its taken him to engage. Really have any clue whatsoever on how to deal with this guy. Again its because old rules dont apply. The same consultants who are dont have a play book for this. Trump doesnt have a nuclear weapon. Image fin he did . These guys are tests e testing with a guy like that not a good sign. Dickerson speaking of nuclear deals, some of you a Little Something extra. The iran deal, ted cruz in effort to find a strategy, going to rally against this Iranian Nuclear deal. Update us where things are in the senate how such a rally might affect if not at all Congress Response . On the rally, very hard to imagine that the combination of donald trump and ted cruz will move waivering deck contracts in any direction except away from donald trump and ted cruz. Its more of a show than obviously government officials. The strategy. Ed wept is at the president s back. Hes going to see this through, i believef things replain as they are. Now the issue is the white house would like to very much avoid having to use a veto, theyre looking at filibustering options now, most democrats are bandwagonning on to the president s side. I think the deals come middle of september. I think the keel is going to go through. Every single republican running against but not enough to stop this. Dickerson last word to you, jeffly. Thank you, well be right back in a moment. Dickerson welcome back. Week on wall street started with manic monday where investors saw the i do plunge a thousand points. Markets then surged tuesday followed by more plunging and surging. Mark zandi chief economist at moodys analytics. What happened this week . Wasnt it a wild ride . Not quite as wild as that. The stock market has come a long way in very short period of time. Believe it or not if you go back to the become after the recession go to the very peak, all time peak this summer the market has almost tripled in value. Thats an amazing bull market. Not at all surprising that you would see correction like this. Clearly being written here my sense is that, garden variety stock market correction. Dickerson if im with the audience what is garden variety mean for me if i have money in the market and what should i be doing or not doing . Nothing. It means you should do nothing. If you have stock market youre invested in the stock market you shouldnt be invested for a month, a quarter for a year. You should be looking out over three, four, five horizon. The market goes up, down, all around. But at the end of the day if the economy is on solid ground the stock market will rise and youll be fine. Theres nothing you should do in response. Now of course got a lot of baby boomers in their 50s and 60s their horizon, are now shortened because theyre approaching retirement they should take look at their portfolios to make sure theyre not overladen stock. The u. S. Economy, but this set of gyrations was set off by economy in china, right . What is going on there and how worried do u. S. Investors have to be about that . Its clearly slowing. Now experiencing the slowest rate of growth in 25 years in china. Lot of bee bait about what degree its slowing because data is not very good. Its such an opaque country, we really dont have good data or good grip that makes everyone nervous. My sense they have resources and enough control over the economy that not going to be graceful but at the end of the day hit their growth targets at least over the next couple, three years. Shouldnt be too much of global economy. To put the finger on the most threat is what is going on in china. Dickerson what about how optimistic should we be about the American Economy . What is its state of affairs. Im open toe mystic. The best way of gaming the health of the American Economy is jobs, thats what people tear about. This economy created nearly three million jobs over the past years. Just to put that into context for you the last time that happened, was in 1999 in the teeth of the technology boom. Then we had a tech bubble. Theres no bubble today. This is on very Solid Foundation creating a lot of low paying jobs, no doubt, but creating all kinds of jobs, high paying jobs, low paying jobs, really across the board. As long as that continues, theres no sign of that slowing i think our economy is going to be fine. Dickerson last question, people are going to hear a lot about Federal Reserve and what its doing. What should they think about the fedora real reserve and what to look for Going Forward . Most people, really is power game for people in the markets and economists like me Something Like geeks really get into, what are they going to raise Interest Rates. The policy makers at the Federal Reserve said over and over again, that when they start to raise Interest Rates theyre going to raise them very, very slowly let the economy adjust. That allows all of us to last final thing i say, zero percent Interest Rate where Interest Rates are. That is not sign of healthy economy. Its a good thing if Interest Rates rise give of get back to 3 for 4 for target if we get there in the next three or four years that is good sign that our economy is moving in the right direction. Dickerson thanks so much. Well be back. Well take one more look at Hurricane Katrina ten years later. Dickerson for more on ten Year Anniversary of Hurricane Katrina we joined from the heart of new orleans by Douglas Brinkley. Mr. Brinkley i want to start with help us understand sort of portion to blame for the disaster of Hurricane Katrina, who was at fault, how much were they at fault . Well, george w. Bush did a terrible leadership job during that crisis. He kind of acted like nothing was happening wrong for the first days. He had been in san diego where he played air guitar then he did the famous fly over being very detached from the devastation and that photograph that damaged his presidency i am meansly of him disappearing down at the abyss. Then when he did come back and land in the gulf south he put his arm around Michael Brown saying, you did a heck of a job. That sound byte became the bush sound byte. About distongues. Everybody it was even connected inia who the war in iraq, Bush Administration saying things are going great. Things arent going great. He gets very poor during that leadership moment. Fema did terrible. As we all know. But the coast guard was amazing. Some individuals in louisiana and National Guard did a great job. But it was really louisianaians and mississippi and those crucial first 72 hours. Mayor went in hiding now hes in jail hon 109th anniversary. William jefferson the congressman from louisiana went to jail for corruption. There was just dysfunction at the federal, state and local level everywhere you look. Dickerson but lot of dysfunction before the weather ever hit. In terms of the levees and the corps of engineers, people think about, theres the criticisms of president bush and kind of the Public Relations aspect of this which we can get back to in terms of the nuts and bolts of the levees breaking that kind of thing, what should people have in mind as they look back on this incident . They should be angry at the army corps of engineers for building shoddy levee. It was disastrously built system, breached in over 50 different places. The media actually covered the three major breaches and city of new orleans filled up like a bowl with water. 80 of the city flooded. Army corps did terrible job and boondoggle engineering jobs in the gulf south called the Mississippi River gulf outlet that was supposed to connect the gulf of mexico to the port of new orleans and Mississippi River. Its closed now on the 10th anniversary, but in lawsuits it shows that the army corps has to pay 3 billion, just came out this week, 3d billion for wetlands restoration. The ragged boost that the has been terribly mismanaged, ecological disaster zone. Over engineer and over thinking about man controlling of nature killing the wetlands down here. Dickerson in this situation you had people worrying about this thing happening to new orleans before hurricane could threepoint that hit, you say army corps of engineers failed on this, what is your sense about the governments ability to take on big longterm challenges where there isnt an immediate threat. Has anyone learned the lesson here that if you dont take these possible threats seriously, eventually this kind of thing could happen. I think lot of lessons have been learned. For one example, mayor na gibbsn kept all of the school buses, rescue buses below sea level so when katrina hit all of the buses drowned. We know better. Do not keep your rescue vehicles below sea level situation when a hurricane comes. Pull your assets out of the bowl when the storm comes you at least can move people from facilities like the superdome or convention center. The coast guard had learned that previously, thats why they had done such a good job. Every community in America Needs to see the operation protocol make sense. And usually the mayor that is in charge of that. We had other break down in katrina that hopefully our country learned some lessons from it. Hopeful leave billions put in down here, the levee system can sustain category three storm. Some people are skeptical but well never know unless another storm comes. Dickerson thank you so much for being with us. Sorry about the satellite hiccup there for a moment we very much appreciate you being with us. Next we want to welcome mario tama to the broadcast. His pictures of katrina and the recovery are the basis for the book coming back new orleans resurgent mario, welcome. Tell us about when the hurricane first hit. Take us back to that moment. What was it like . Well, i remember the i was in staying in the holiday inn in the French Quarter which was relatively high ground. I remember the storm passing, it was fairly mild storm. Winds were blowing and it was very strong for awhile. The day cleared up in the afternoon and by, i think by the end of the day there was sunshine that was out lot of people thought the bullet was dodged. Dickerson hurricane hit, temp us about the people you met in the aftermath that you came to know . I met so many people. People of new orleans are as you know incredible hospitable, warm, friendly and open. So many folks over the years invited me into their homes, into hire lives to share their stories. One in particular was Howard Gillette in the lower ninth ward. Refused to leave during the storm, even after the storm when government was trying to evacuate everyone from the lower ninth. Basically never left since then. Id go back visit him every few months dickerson why didnt he want to leave . He loved his home. He loved where he lived. Also he believed in god would take care of him. That god would protect him. And this is his home and he wasnt going anywhere. Dickerson did you find that faith sustained the community . Absolutely. I feel that was a very strong contribute tore a lot of the rebirths down there. Both faith and roots. The roots of family, the roots of history. They are so much stronger in new orleans than everywhere else. Dickerson we saw those pictures and images of people in the superdome. That was the center of some of the most awful, what was it like being in there . I recall just trying to get there was difficult. There was understand waters around the superdome. And walking through the flood waters, with my cameras overhead. Ill never forget opening up that door and blast of putrid air came blasting out. That smell, that heat was just something i had never experienced in the u. S. I remember looking down into the superdome there was this one piercing ray of light that came through the hole in the roof and looked like a ray of light from the heavens shining into the depth of hell. And there were just a few people left on the ground, had been there for four days now. Had no electricity or anything or any supplies given to them. The epic symbol of american success, superdome, it was incredibly shocking. Dickerson you talk about the sim become of american success, the storm hit people differently whether they were rich or poor, did you see that . In the aftermath the first thing in regards to that is how people were able to evacuate or not. Some 100,000 people in new orleans did not have access to a vehicle. The evacuation plan was great for folks that had a vehicle and would get out. So many people didnt have access a lot of the buses that were saysed to come to pick up people to get them out never showed up. A lot of folks in the poor communities werent able to get out also of course the elderly, disabled, that was the biggest problem with the evacuation process. Dickerson you had kept going back, what have you seen . I tell you what, every time i go back it feels a little bit better. Increment that is matched up each time. Last time the joy and the spirit, the energy of new orleans really has recovered. And theres no one that can deny that. Dickerson you normally had gone back to big story that youve covered or is there Something Special about new orleans that you go back . It really was interesting indescribable, i came back to new york, i had in the superdome, i couldnt get them out of my head. I cant really describe it. I just felt like i had to go back down there see what was happening see if folks were coming back. Every time i went down i started to see the same people, see the spirit rebuilding it was infectious. You just wanted to document this time in american history, this incredible attempt at renewal and rebirth. Dickerson youve also covered youve been to iraq and afghanistan and covered those stories. Similarities, differences . The most similar thing that i can remember is when the cavalry finally arrived, i think four days, five days later started doing air drops. Started doing helicopter rescues. You had helicopters flying all over the city, landing on highways, picking up people on highways. That reminded me of iraq. It looked like iraq, like sort of vietnam. In the first few days when there was no relief, no supplies coming in when people basically felt like a failed state for a few days. In those ways it remind me of afghanistan. Dickerson do you think its happened again, what would their action be like in new orleans . Ask i think they will be a lot more prepared this time. I think seems like there will be lot more coordination between agencies. I think people have taken a lot more seriously, so hard to imagine that happening again, god forbid. Unfortunately history suggests it probably will sooner or later. Thanks so much for being with us. Thank you, john, my pleasure. Dickerson well be right back. Just stay calm and move as quietly as possible. No sudden movements. Google search bodega beach house. Dickerson wed like to end todays show by remembering Alison Parker and adam ward from our cbs news affiliate in roanoke who were shot and killed this week by a former employee of the station. There will be mourned at memorial service, you can see it live on cbsn at 3 00 p. M. Eastern. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family and colleagues. Until next week, for face the nation, im John Dickerson. Captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org ,,,,, male announcer the following is a paid presentation for the wen healthy hair care system, brought to you by guthy renker. Female announcer whats got these crowds of people so excited . Its the hottest trend in hair that started in hollywood and has spread all around the world. Wen hair care. 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