The fascinating reason behind the rise of the aging action star. All that and much more on cbs this Morning Saturday. February 22 pd 22nd, 2014. Captioning funded by cbs and welcome to the weekend. We also have some great guests for you this morning including the milk carton kids. A folk duo with harmonies that put a kind of contemporary twist on Simon Garfunkel days. And our chef in the culinary world. First we turn to a dramatic turn. Apparently theres a power vacuum there with reports that the president left. Holly williams is in kiev. Holly, good morning. Whats the latest . Reporter good morning, anthony and vinita. Its now under the control of afternoon tie government protesters. Theyve occupied independent square here for nearly three months but just a day ago there were lines of riot police facing off with demonstrators. Two days ago scores of people were killed in bloody crashes. Now the police have melted away and the protesters have encircled the president ial office. Yesterday the parliament sacked the interior minister. Now it says it serves ukrainian people and shares a desire for speedy change. Top president Viktor Yanukovych has left and gone back to his power base. He will now push to impeach the president. Yesterday yanukovych made several concessions to try to end this crisis including a promise to hold elections this year and an amnesty for the demonstrators but it wasnt enough for the protesters who said they wont leave the streets until the president is removed from power. They accuse him of being corrupt and extremely dictatorial. Its a power struggle thats already turned violent, but the demonstrators do now appear to have the upper hand. Anthony and vinita . Holly williams in kiev ukraine. Thank you. President obama has been very active in trying to help calm the situation in ukraine. Jeff pegues is at our washington bureau. Jeff good morning. Reporter good morning vinita and anthony. As hard as it was to end the clashes, keeping the agreement in place now will be equally difficult, a phone call between president president obama and Russias Vladimir Putin was just one of many first steps. The two leaders spoke for more than an hour on friday in a phone call dominated by the situation in ukraine. The agreement in the former soviet republic may be the dawn of a new beginning in kiev after a week of violence. The threemonthold political crisis exploded this week and more than a hundred people have died. Despite repeated appeals pressure from the west did not stop the bloodshed but on friday Obama Administration officials insisted a coordinating effort between the u. S. And allies will now force a creation of a National Unity government, a change to the countrys constitution, and lead to new elections. But the agreement is fragile and could fall apart if the russians arent behind it. During a White House Briefing on friday white house secretary jay carney played down any suggestion that the situation is an example of a new cold war. This is not about the United States and russia or the west and russia. This is about ukraine and ukrainian people and their desire for the right to choose their own destiny. But senator john mccain disagrees. The arizona republic, a frequent critic of the administrations Foreign Policy agrees when it comes to russia and putin, the Obama Administration is on the wrong track. Hes played us so incredibly. The naivety of barack obama and him is stunning. The Obama Administration says they will cloeft closely be monitoring the phase and sanctions are not off the table. The situation in kiev continues to evolve. Anthony and vinita . Jeff pegues in washington. Thank you. Tomorrow Bob Schieffer will have the latest on the trouble in ukraine. Also state governors are gathering in washington for their annual meetings. Now to the olympics where the u. S. Hockey team is on thin ice this morning, in danger of not bringing home a medal after canada dashed americas hopes if ar gold. They still have a chance at the bronze today. There are no spoilers ahead, but we will take a look at the current medal count. The u. S. And russia are tied but norway is not far behind followed by canada. Mark phillips has the latest from the winter games in sochi. Mark good morning. Reporter good morning, anthony. Well, lets start with whats becoming one of the great rivalries in Winter Sports u. S. canada hockey. In fact the u. S. Team had been doing so well here they went in the semifinal game as favorites but as the old sports cliche goes thats why they play the games. The u. S. Had been dominant at the olympics after dispatching their old rivals the russians. Now the new rivals the boys from the great white north. Bars filled on both sides of the border. Pride and for the u. S. A loss to canada four years ago were on the line and for a while it looked like nothing would ever cross the line. Rush after rush led to save after save until this. A shot. They score. Jamie benn who makes his linking with the nhls dallas stars made two north American Teams going at it. Its fun out there. You play for bragging rights, i guess, and you know we were fortunate enough to be on the right side of this one. Hockey would be called a miracle. Now, the u. S. Is one of hockeys power and they admit losing hurts. They are one of the teams to beat. Its just, i dont know its tough to lose. We wanted to win this one. Thats the way they felt in the bar in washington d. C. Too. It hurts. I dont know what other way to say it. Right now, heart broken. Reporter there were tears of another kind with a United States great hope in womens skiing won the slalom and some cosmetic advice. I didnt even wear mascara yesterday, thank goodness. I was like waterproof or not. If i start crying i dont want to look like a witch. Reporter shes the youngest ever woman to win the slalom here. Shes 18. She said she took it as inspiration, the win by the russian skier who was only 17. Shes the talking point of all the people who signed the petition saying they thought her victory was unfair. She thought it was beautiful. So much for judging in figure skating. Anthony . Mark phillips at the Winter Olympics in sochi. Thank you. Nearly two dozen people were hurt after a tour bus and tractor trailer collided in vermont. It happened 70 miles south of burlington. None of the injuries were life threatening. Some suspect weather played a factor. The midwest is bracing for another round of weather as an arctic air mass comes plunging from canada. The foot of snow that fell across minnesota and wisconsin. Theres growing concern of flooding as communities battle the recent rains on top of the melting snow and ice. Terrell brown is here with more. Reporter good morning to you. We are expected to hit the 50s in new york city today. We had a recent warm up in the northeast. With that in mind there are new problems like ice jams and flooding. This is what it looks and sounds like when an ice jam breaks free. The huge chunks tossed around like ice cubes took out anything in their path. After record setting snowfalls and arctic temperatures it prompted flood warnings. As the water rose in Central Indiana David Johnson and his family found themselves trapped in their home. We were rescued by the sheriffs department. They came down in a hovercraft and rescued us from the house. They carried us. They had to carry us from the house. The water was four feet from the door. I have seen three floods nothing ever as bad as this. Its been unbelievable. Reporter bill is afraid his house could be next. Solid ice out there. I had to chip all the ice all the way down across the front to the grain, just to be able to get the water to drain. Its coming out of the road into my driveway and the house. Reporter some tried their luck on flooded streets. Others, like ray walton didnt take the risk. You could drivethrough this if you wanted to chance it. Im not going to do that. I have no desire to get my feet wet today. Its a bit cold for that. Reporter so we can enjoy the warmer temperatures for four or five days or so. After that as you mentioned, another blast of arctic air as the polar vortex extends to the south. Just what i was getting used to. Now to the west still in the grip of a severe drought where water officials are turning off their taps as well. The u. S. Bureau announced yesterday, there will be no federal water deliveries to farmers in california central valley. Itis bad news for a ree genre responsible for half of americas produce. With 0 water, if we dont have enough water to irrigate the field, this system is going to be left dry. Reporter the fields should be lush with tomatoes cherries and melons. When i grow here, it feeds about 2. 5 Million People their annual consumption of cantaloupes. Im one farmer. Reporter now farmers are leaving half a million acres unplanted. Hes using what is left of Water Supplies to keep the almond trees alive. With no surprise. Reality starts to sink in now. Reporter 250 miles south in los angeles, produce distributor jesse martin expect as squeeze on the supply of fresh fruit. This time of year you can import fruit from other countries. Yes, we do. Reporter summertime . Theres no fruit. Reporter vegetables to too. They grow 70 of broccoli, cauliflower and celery. Whats it going to do to prices . They are going to go up. Reporter are we talking pennies . Dollars. Reporter several cities near San Francisco rely heavily on the water supply. On friday they were told they may only receive half of their water allocation this year. For cbs this Morning Saturday krarter evans, los angeles. The nations mortgage crisis was at its height six years ago. Transcriptions of discussions show an agonizing Decision Making process. What the fed finally chose to do is the subject of fierce debate in washington and wall street. Reporter in early january, 2008 as the housing crisis deepened, ben bernanke called an emergency meeting of the federal reserve. The concern i have is not just a slowdown he said but the possibility it might become a nastier episode. Less than two weeks later, the fed would slash Interest Rates by 75 basis points. The largest cut in more than two decades. I think we have no choice but to get ahead of this bernanke argued. The transcripts of 14 meetings in 2008 show a fed trying to keep up with a developing crisis it did not fully understand. March 10th janet yellen the head of the San Francisco fed warned Systemic Risk is large. A dangerous dynamic set in. That month, the fed took the step of offering funding to troubled banks. We are crossing certain lines, bernanke noted. We are doing things we havent done before. By summer the fed believed the worst was over and the economy skirted an outright recession. In september, Lehman Brothers collapsed. In a meeting before halloween, yellen announced a witchs brew of news. Sorry, she said to nervous laughter. It is becoming clear we are in the midst of a serious global meltdown. Yellen said given the seriousness of the situation, i believe we should put as much stimulus into the system as soon as we can. By the end of 2008 the fed dropped the benchmark Interest Rate to near zoe row. The economy had already been in recession since december of the previous year. After filing bankruptcy in july, detroit has a plan to fix the 18 billion financial crisis. The plan appointed by the emergency manager faces strong opposition. Matthew is a reporter for the wall street journal and joins us from detroit. Good morning to you. Good morning to you. This is a huge plan. Its 440 pages. Im not going to ask you to summarize it but what are the key points of it all . The key points as you mentioned, the city has approximately 18 billion in longterm obligations and said it had little or no way to pay it back. Some of those debts include a variety of creditors. Its to bondholders and also to pension holders and unions. So, the city said they are going to attack the debt in several ways. Certainly, they are going to pay back what is known as secured creditors completely. They are going to pay back their union obligations through pensions partially and going to give a severe haircut to unsecured bondholders. About 20 cents on the dollar approximately. Obviously, the unions had concern about how hard they would be hit. How big of a cut are we talking about . Thats right. They feared severe cuts. Theres debate about the short fall in the pension. With that said the city said they see pretty good recovery when it comes to the Pension Funds for police and firefighters, they expect more than 90 recovery in terms of the amount they say is owed. For other workers, it could be an excess of 70 . That said the unions and the Pension Funds themselves say the state constitution prevents future cuts to pension. When people mention detroit, they say this is a city with high crime and high violence because theres so many abandoned buildings. What are they going to do to fix that problem . Great question. Its a key to the plan. What the city and the governor said is the city cant move forward out of a chapter 9 bankruptcy unless they have a plan to move forward. They said through cost savings that comes from cutting the debt and other types of financing, they will be able to reinvest 1. 5 billion in the city over ten years. A large chunk of that money is spent on removal. Blight removal isnt just tearing down houses its making neighborhoods cleaner and safer and City Services to run more efficiently so they dont have to attend to arsons and other crime that comes to the abandoned structures. There was a lot of concern about the Art Collection and the fate of that. What do we know is going to happen to that in this plan . The Detroit Institute of art is a city owned museum. The collection is owned fwi residents of detroit. The federal mediator in the case came up with somewhat an innovative solution. That solution is to monotize the Art Collection by placing it in a nonprofit. Essentially selling the Art Collection and using the proceeds to pay down the pensions. What that would do is achieve two solutions for the city. Protecting the art for the residents and the visitors to detroit as well as helping make whole, at least to some measure the pension holders, many of whom are on fixed incomes. Thank you very much matthew. At the vatican today, pope francis appointed 19 new cardinals in a ceremony known as a contistry. Much more is at stake in this than is usual with the Church Leadership and catholics worldwide. Reporter officially this ceremony is an ordinary public consistry. Ordinary something of an understatement. Its a way for this extraordinary pope to put his stamp on the church. Before the ceremony started, pope francis hugged his predecessor Pope Benedict xvi, yet another unprecedented moment. 16 of the 19 elevated are under 80 and thus will have the right to vote for francis eventual successor. The mix of cardinals in francis first is pushing the church in poor areas of the world. No one from the u. S. And only one italian from outside the vatican vatican. Earlier in the week pope francis told 185 cardinals gathered for what is called extraordinary. To discuss contraception, cohas been dags and gay relationships to be loving in their debate. Election to the college of cardinals is referred to as getting a red hat. In fact the pope places two hats on the head of each cardinal. The color symbolizes willingness to shed blood for the church. Three met violent deaths in the 20th century. They must be outstanding for doctrine morals and prudence. That means the red hats and robes are meant for work not show. For cbs this Morning Saturday in rome. It is time to show you this mornings headlines. The New York Times says the food and Drug Administration is taking the step of pulling four cigarette brands from the shelves. They are being removed because the fda says they pose Greater Health risks than comparable products on the market. They report crews will continue to clean up the wreckage after a b. A. R. T. Train derailed in california. There were no passengers on the train at the time. It is being taken out of service. The engineer was not injured. The Seattle Times says a fire destroyed seven boats 60 miles north of seattle friday. Damage is estimated at a million dollars. The Sacramento Bee says if you want accessories from a power plant, you will get a chance to get them. The plant between los angeles and san diego are set to hit the Auction Block next month. Not high on my list. The times of india says today is the end of the world as we know it. The viking apocalypse is upon us, which calls for the earth to split in half. Its not all doom and gloom. Two survivors are expected to be part of a planet and tasked with represident obamalation. Just want to say nice working with you. I hope they are attracted to each other. Thats important, also isnt it . Yeah. Its 22 minutes after the hour. Now here is a look at your weather for the weekend. Thats your look at the weather this weekend. Coming up oklahoma sees a spike in small earthquakes. Nearly 800 have hit the state. Why sintists expect fracking is to blame. Access to a record setting construction project. It is all for whats destined to become the tallest building in the west. You are watching cbs this Morning Saturday. E west. Youre watching cbs this Morning Saturday. Coming up u. S. Olive growers are convincing americans that their olive oil is just as good as what is imported in europe. I dont think people realize there isnt muchl between extra virgin and right. I get confused. When youre not cooking. Well be right back. This is cbs this Morning Saturday. Improving your health isnt always easy, but you can do it. Stay active. Get outdoors. Eat healthy. And choose colgate total®. It does more than protect, it actually helps improve mouth health. [ male announcer ] it fights germs for 12 hours in 24 hours starts to fortify enamel and in 4 weeks helps improve gum health. You can do it with colgate total®. [ male announcer ] do more than protect. Improve mouth health with colgate total®. And use the whole line for even better results. You spent eight or ten years in the wilderness. Yes. I had about eight years where i was helping my son who suffered from bipolar, got divorced lost my way as a storyteller. Great. Everybody has to come back. You have to pick yourself up. That allows me to be more personal when im telling stories, whether its the fighter. Thats what i was wondering about Silver Linings playbook. They had to be emotional because you know what its like to raise a bipolar son but was it healing too . Very much so. To take something private and bring it into the public, i think it was good for him to see his story be told and have people come up and say it was helpful to our family. People come up to me in supermarkets, wherever i am and say i want to talk about my brother, my sister my mother. You heard it on dr. Oz, any of that is helpful. The New York Times wrote mr. Russell is one of the few americans today who is as interested in women as he is in men. Is that november frl directors . It shouldnt be but im happy to be carrying the banner for that because i think women are endlessly fascinating and powerful and i want them to be right toe to toe with the men or exceed the men and thats been a great secret since thethe fighter. Jennifer lawrence amy adams, incredible actors in the american hustle. They always surprise you. They show you every bit of rawness, cunningness and sexiness but also rawness, emotion, and heart. Anyway, a preview of the close ceremonies this weekend. Watch. From sochi. [ cheers and applause ] thats right. Welcome to cbs this Morning Saturday. Im anthony mason. And im vine tina nair. We begin this half hour with earthquakes in oklahoma. Its an odd thought that sooner state is not a safe state. This year less than two months into 2014 the number is nearly 800. Some scientists blame gas and oil drilling that uses hydraulic fracturing or fracking. Jeffrey kluger editor at large for Time Magazine is here with more. Good morning. Good morning. This is a pretty stunning numbering isnt it . Its really stunning number especially when you consider the fact from 1995 to 2008 there was one quake per year at 3. 8. Now its up 240 quakes and you get the larger numbers as a result of the larger quakes. There were 2,600 quakes from last year alone. The sense i got from the article is its not fracking itself but the by products. What is fracking . Break it down for us. Fracking is creating deep wells and setting off minor explosives which is the fracking that allow you to capture oil and gas. That in and of itself you would think would be a destabilizing process. But to hold it open they have to inject millions of gallons of water, a fracking fluid, into the opening. This is where you see problems. Its the wells themselves that hold the watt their goes in that they thing is causing the problem . Its not that. The fracking fluid gushes back out. That has to be stored. So there are 4,400 of these deep injection wells around oklahoma and millions of gallons of water are injected into them at very high pressure. Thats what we think is destabilizing the bedrock. You look to arkansas and ohio and they say were going to ban these welling. Is that the problem . Where theyre located . It is. I hope oklahoma has since shaken into them at this point what they need to do is relocate where these wells are so theyre not so close to natural fractures that they destabilize these fractures. Remember, anything that changes the load balance underground can make a difference. China had a quake in 2011 as a result of building a large dam because you change the pressures you put on the fractures. Have the regulation obs location in arkansas and ohio actually worked . They have worked. Its too early to tell but they have work or should work. If you get them away from where the fractures are, you tend to eliminate the problem. When we talk about these 800 earthquakes, its obvious theyre not talking about them. Can we get away from them . A 3. 0 quake is similar to a carton of milk falling to the floor. Thats not too much but oklahoma had a 5. 6 richter quake in 2011 which broke a 60year record of a 5. 5 back in 1952. So theyre getting bigger and that could mean trouble. Jeffrey kluger thanks very much for being here. Thanks for having me. And now heres a look at the weather for your weekend. Up next medical news in our morning rounds including a puzzling increase in flu among American Adults under 65 a group that is generally less susceptible to the flu virus. Plus dr. Jon lapook and Polly Phillips on the serious state of injuries among women at the Winter Olympics. Youre watching cbs this Morning Saturday. Announcer this portion sponsored by cadbury creme x. While others may keep trying. Nobunny knows easter better than cadbury i do it every day. I do it too. I do it and my husband loves it. [ female announcer ] do it. Bring out your beauty from within with natures bounty® hair, skin nails. Its a Vitamin Supplement that nourishes from the inside. With biotin for healthy hair and nails. and vitamins c and e for healthy skin. i do it. It makes me feel beautiful. [ female announcer ] natures bounty® hair, skin nails. 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[ male announcer ] coughequence 5. The sleepless night. [ coughing ] [ crying ] sorry. [ male announcer ] new robitussin dm max nighttime. Fast, powerful cough relief that helps you sleep like a baby. Robitussin nighttime. Dont suffer the coughequences. It is time now for morning rounds. Joining us is our cbs chief medical correspondent dr. Jon lapook and cbs contributor dr. Holly phillips. This years flu season has been unusually hard on adults under 64. That group accounts for two thirds of cases right now. Carter evans was in california, one of the hardest hit states. Brad was a family man, a father of four and just 37 years old when he got the flu. The amazing speed about it is just the speed at which it occurred. Reporter mark says his brother checked into the hospital in january. He died nine days later. By the time i was able to fly across the country i was never able to see him before he passed away. Reporter its usually most dafrmgs for the very old and very young. This year is different. According to the centers for disease control, 61 of those hospitalized are between 18 and 64 years old. About 90 of flu cases are caused by the h1n1 virus. Its a little curious. This is the first time we receive this virus was 2009 when it last circulated. Reporter he said the current vaccine covers h1n1 and is about 61 . As adults we think we wont get the flu or if we get the flu we wont be very sick. Reporter brad did not get a flu shot this year a mistake his brother hopes others will learn from. I think you know had he gotten a flu shot this was probably preventible. Ive got some great memories but it would be a lot better if he was still with us. Jon, we heard the pattern is different but is the strain of flu itself different this year . This is h1n1 which the is same strain that caused a pandemic in 2009. It turns if you were born before 1967, theres a chance you were exposed to it. Only a thoifrd the people are getting vaccinated and thats about half the rate as people 65 and older. Is it too late at this point to get a flu shot . Its not. It takes about two weeks for it to kick in and the flu season goes all the way to may sometimes. As the Winter Olympics in sochi come to an end tomorrow, they might be remembered for a high number of injuries. Skiing and snowboarding injuries have been particularly serious among women. Finland and norway all suffered concussions. Maria fractured her spine. Her injuries were so bad she was visited by Vladimir Putin and received surgery. This is the first winter games in which women have been allowed to participate in many of these extreme sports even ski jumping. This is the first time theyve done it. So frankly they havent been training for as long or as intentin intently as men. When you talk about quality in sports this is the first time you mentioned ski jump. Women can now do it. But do we have to take a step back and say womens bodies are a little bit different in terms of what that i can tolerate . Its a good question. Weve cotta long way from the 40s or 50s when doctors would say women shouldnt exercise at all. They could damage their reproductive organs. We know thats not true. We know women have less muscle mass. Even the extreme athletes. So it might be that the knee joint itself isnt as supported by the muscle setting women up for ligament tears. Imagine the surprise of the fugates. She gave birth to identical quad rupe lets. The odds are 131. They were born three months early. Theyre all doing well. The new study from the university of michigan says obese children have a higher risk of serious elbow fractures and complications from something as simple as falling on the playground. Jon, why is it that obese kids seem to be suffering fractures more . The office of the study had a few ideas. First of all, if youre more obese, youre less likely to be physically active and if youre more sedentary, your ability to stop falling is not as good. Second of all, if you have a high fat diet it may interfere with your absorption of calcium and your bones may be more brittle. And thirdly, just physics, the bigger you are the harder you fall. Are there other risks for these kids . There are unfortunately. These kids are more likely to get complex fractures, frac ters where the bones actually shred rather than have a complete break. Theyre prone to nerve damage and other complications like infs because theyre not healing as fast. Finally this week the researchers at university of chicago confirm what elderly family members might all right suspect. Being isolated may have an effect. What is it . Loneliness make use feel bad and there are actually physiological reasons for that. Your Blood Pressure can go up stress levels can go up and your ability to have a good nights sleep go down. So it basically all tributes to you not feeling well. There are some simple ways to make things better. Piers morgan talked with gayle king about a new campaign shes working on. Youre an an elevate were a group of people and were all looking aet our smartphones. You can be on the elevator with six different people and no one is communicating and one of the things i like we did in the magazine, we give you Different Things encourage you different ways to ebb gauge with people. So i tried this today at the hearst building. I said to the group in the building do you guys want to hear an elevator joke . They were like sure go ahead. What was the joke . What did one elevator say to the other elevator. Go on. I think im coming down with something. See, isnt that group goode . Its terrible. Its so terrible that its funny. An elevator joke can give you a lift. Absolutely. Its about connecting with people. People like to feel a connection. She said hello and now we say goodbye. Up next it was a record 2,000 truckloads of concrete poured without a stop for what will with the tallest building west of the mississippi. Well squloi how they did it. Youre watching cbs this Morning Saturday. Hey, whats that . Jif whips whipped Peanut Butter maam. Oooh. [ store manager ] fluffy dippable, and ohsodelicious people love it. I got one [ female announcer ] give your day a lift with jif whips. Proud sponsor of team usa. Across america, people like Basketball Hall of Famer Dominique wilkins, are taking charge of their type 2 diabetes with noninsulin victoza. For a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar, but it didnt get me to my goal. So i asked my doctor about victoza. He said victoza works differently than pills and comes in a pen. And the needle is thin. Victoza is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. It is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Victoza has not been studied with mealtime insulin. Victoza is not insulin. Do not take victoza if you have a personal or Family History of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza or any of its ingredients. Symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include swelling of face, lips, tongue or throat fainting or dizziness, very rapid heartbeat problems breathing or swallowing, severe rash or itching. Tell your doctor if you get a lump or swelling in your neck. Serious side efcts may happen in people who take victoza including inflammation of the pancreas pancreatitis which may be fatal. Stop taking victoza and call your doctor right away if you have signs of pancreatitis, such as severe pain that will not go away in your abdomen or from your abdomen to your back th or without vomiting. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. Taking victoza with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. The most common side effects are nausea, diarrhea and headache. Some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. If your pill isnt giving you the control you need ask your doctor about noninsulin victoza. Its covered by most health plans. One World Trade Center at the southern tip of manhattan is nearing completion as the tallest building in america, but in los angeles construction is now under way on the tallest building west of the mississippi. As Bill Whitaker reports, the foundation of what will be a 73story tower was completed this week in recordsetting fashion. This is the largest continuous foundation for on record. Reporter walking along the bottom of this massive city block size pit dug 100 feet into the ground of downtown los angeles, you get the feeling something very, very big is going on. 200 trucks choreographed in an intricate traffic ballet. 20 integral pumping stations. And lots and lots of concrete. 84 Million Pounds to be exact. So much concrete poured nonstop for almost 19 hours, it beat a record set by the huge los angeles Venetian Hotel in 1999. 21,221 yards which is a new world guinness tight. Congratulations. Reporter it all poured in 18 feet deep to form the foundation for the wilshire grand. A 73story skyscraper designed to transforms l. A. s skyline when it opens in 2017. Its the tallest building west of the mississippi. It means people are betting big on the los angeles. Reporter the usc marching band led a parade of 2,000 trucks of concrete to kick off the grand pour. 15 hours later driver jim burger filled up his truck and hit the road. Four miles downtown to join the massive procession. The truckways 14 tons empty and the concrete weighs 10 tons so 24. Michael is the project superintendent. When i look out here, i see a construction sight. When you look out here, what do you see . I see the next few challenges. You know, i look at this and this gets us in a position to start going vertical, which is a lot of fun. Reporter after performing this recordbreaking feat the main act, raising the tallest structure in the west, is just beginning. For cbs this Morning Saturday, im Bill Whitaker in los angeles. Only in l. A. Would you have a parade for concrete trucks. Youve got to put on a show there. I dont think thats one i would line up for. Coming up liam neeson talkses about the passing of his wife Natasha Richardson and how her delgts still haunts him five years later. This is cbs this Morning Saturday. It never holds my body hostage. It treats me with respect. It may seem strange, but people really can love their laxative. Especially when its miralax. Unlike other laxatives miralax activates water to work in 3 ways hydrating, easing, and softening, to unblock your system naturally. So you have peace of mind from start to finish. Whats not to love. Its also the 1 doctor recommended brand. Love your laxative. Miralax. [ yodeling plays ] worst morning ever. [ angelic music plays ] toaster strudel best morning ever [ hans ] warm, flaky, gooey. Toaster strudel play close. Good and close. Help keep teeth clean and breath fresh with beneful healthy smile food. With special crunchy kibbles and great taste. Its a happy way to a healthy smile. Beneful healthy smile food and snacks. [ female announcer ] when youre ready to take skincare to the next level, youre ready for roc®. Roc® multi correxion® has an exclusive 5 in 1 formula. Its clinically proven to hydrate dryness illuminate dullness, lift sagging diminish the look of dark spots, and smooth the appearance of wrinkles. Together these 5 elements create ageless looking skin. Roc® multi correxion® 5 in 1. Its High Performance skincare™ only from roc®. [ buzzer door knock ] isabella. Vincent. Sharon . Did you say bounty is obviously the best brand . Exclamation point. Happy smiley face . Yes, i did did you know that more people prefer viva® vantage over bounty . No. Im gonna show you why. It stretches. Stretch. Stretch. It has a stretch. It stretches oh, i wish my jeans had that kind of stretch. [ laughs ] you use that stretch to get the scrubbing power. I think thats the cleanest spot on my table now. Can you do the rest of it . Wow, thats awesome. Right . Yeah [ abbey ] new viva® vantage. The towel more people prefer. [ male announcer ] v8 vfusion plus energy. Natural energy from tea packed with real juice from delicious fruits and veggies. Its what you need for that extra boost oh and did we mention its only 50 calories . Need a lift . Couldve had a v8. In the juice aisle. [ sneezes, coughs ] ive got a big date, but my sinuses are acting up. Its time for advil cold and sinus. [ male announcer ] truth is that wont relieve all your symptoms. New alka seltzer plusd relieves more symptoms than any other behind the counter liquid gel. Oh what a relief it is. The actors liam neeson and Natasha Richardson were one of those rare golden couples offstage and on screen. They were devoted to each other and their two sons. Richardson suffered a brain damage during a skiing incident. This sunday on 60 minutes liam neeson talks about the shock and sorrow. I was told shes we brawn ded. Im seeing this xray and thinking wow. Obviously she was on life support. I entered and told her i love her and said, sweetie, youre not coming back from this. You banged your head. I dont know if you can hear me but thats whats gone by. And were bringing you back to new york where your family and friends will come and that was more or less it, you know. But at that point you didnt think there was any hope. She and i had made a pact if either of us got into a vegetative state, wed pull the plug, you know. When i saw all the plugs and tubes that was my immediate thought, okay. The tubes have to go shes gone. She donate toledo of her organs so shes keeping three people alive at the moment her heart her kidneys, and her live. That must give you a good fool fooel ing feeling. Its terrific and i think shed be pleased too. You can see it tomorrow night. Liam neeson is just one of a few actors of a generation who are seeing huge success as action stars. Coming up well take a look at the reason why the surprising trend. For some of you, your local news is next. For the rest stick around. Youre watching cbs this Morning Saturday. The milestone issue features the top models of all time includeing 2003 cover girl petra nemcova. Petra joins us at the table this morning. Hello, petra. Good morning. Your friend in the green room was talking about going to davos and you said oh i just look so bad right now. What does that look like . What d us that look like right now . Lets go back to 2003 when you were on the cover of Sports Illustrated . How did that change your life . It was truly incredible. Sports illustrated is a platform really to dreams, to really to do anything whether its entertainment, in the business in philanthropy. Its an incredible platform and i feel very lucky. Its a family. Its not just work. Its really a family. 2003 was such a high on the cover and then 2004 the tsunami which took your fiances life. That changed you. Yes, definitely. It was an experience which i you know i didnt know what tsunami was. I had no idea. Did you have any warning it was coming . Any warning . No not at all. And it happened everything, in the split of a second. What i realized is every experience has pluses and minuses and close to 300,000 people lost their lives, millions impacted. But there was unconditional love. That day, that same day, you had people being ready to sacrifice their own lives for strangers and it was so beautiful and also one positive thing which came out of it was to i could establish happy hearts fund and be able to help rebuild schools for children who are forgotten after natural disasters. Welcome to cbs this Morning Saturday. Im anthony mason. And im vinita nair. Americans love olive oil. They consume 83 million gallon as year. Most of it comes from europe but farmers here are trying to change that. Do you want to be a Top Executive in big company . Well look at the changing face of ceos. And it is the Great American race. Well take a look at a young driver in it to win it. Ukrainian government appears on the brink of collapse. There are fears the country could split in two. Embattled president Viktor Yanukovych reportedly left the capital after signing a deal with opposition leaders to pull the country back from the brink of civil war. Holly williams is in the capital, kiev. Holly, good morning. Reporter good morning, anthony and vinita. The center of kiev ukraines capital, is under the control of antigovernment protesters. Theyve been letting off fireworks behind me on independent square in celebration celebration. Theyve been there for three months. Days ago there were lines of police. Two days ago score of people were killed in bloody clashes. Now the police have melted away and the protesters have encircled the president ial offices. Yesterday the par lament sacked the interior ministry the ministry which controls the police force says it serves ukrainian people and shares their desire for speedy change. A top leader for Viktor Yanukovych says he has left here and gone bat to hick power base. One leader said he will push to impeach the president. Yesterday yanukovych made several concessions to try to end this. It wasnt enough for the protesters to have said all along they wont leave the streets until the president is removed from power. They accuse him of being corrupt and increasingly dictatorial. This is still a volatile situation. Its a power struggle thats already turned deadly but now it appears that the demonstrators have emerged victorious. Anthony and vinita. Thank you. President obama has been active in trying to resolve a crisis in crew crane. On friday he spoke with russian president Vladimir Putin about the investigation. Jeff pegues is in washington with the latest. Good morning. Good morning, vinita and anthony. Its anything but fragile, especially with the situation in kiev changing almost minute to minute. President obama spoke with russian president Vladimir Putin on friday. It was an hourlong situation dominated by the situation in crew crane. Were told both leaders are talking about the on sin of the government. It calls for a National Unity, a change to the governments constitution, and its expected to lead to new elections. White House Press Secretary jay carney. We welcome the cessation of violence and we welcome the agreements that have been reached and we the mares that have been passed through the parliament were still at an implementation stage and we monitor this very closely. Administration Officials Say sanctions are still on the table if the violence continues and should there be a violation of the agreement. A senior official soid on friday the agreement has been a very touch sell and will continue to be a tough sell. Anthony and vinita . Jeff pegues in washington. Thanks jeff. Its easy to lose sight how quickly it can upset peoples lives. Is squire magazine found a simple way to celebrate that point. It juxtaposed photos from instagram users in ukraine how they view the world before and after the uprising. Selfie is gave was to demonstrations and destruction. Open assets for empty seats and ski masks for gas masks. In all they compare third degree 2 showing how social media impacts our lives. Conveys the point. In nearby russia the ohlimbympic hockey clash ended. Were going to show you the current medal count right now. The u. S. And russia share the top leaderboard before norway and canada are nipping at their heels. Mark phillips has the latest on the games from sochi. Good morning. Reporter good morning, vinita and charanthony. Were nearing the end. Last night was the concentration between canada and the u. S. And the hockey game. The one goal went to can dal. For the second olympics in a row the u. S. Has gone up against canada and come up short. The result is the u. S. Goes up against finland today for the bronze medal. Canada will go on for game against sweden for the gold that being tomorrow. And speaking of gold, america has a new ski darling today. Shes mikaela shiffrin. Shes 18 years old and the youngest woman ever to win the ladys slalom on the slopes. Shes been a wonder on the slopes, the circuit all winter. She says in fact she wants to excel in all five women skiing disciplines and wants to make a start here. Anthony and. Winter wont give up. In western vermont a tour bus and tractortrailer crashed. The road was covered with ice when the wreck happened. And warmer temperatures are raising flood concerns in the ohio valley and throughout the northeast. Recent rain and melting snow and ice have officials keeping a close eye on rising rivers. Ice jams are pushing up riverers in ohio. Sheriffs deputies went door to door by boat to pull people from the high water. Turning to a dernlt kind of sport, tomorrow is the annual race, the daytona 500. Lets get an insight from kyle larson who joins us from Daytona International speedway. Were honored to have you. Thanks for having me. I want to ask you. Unlike traditional starts you start with the super bowl. Does that mean the qualifiers are even more intense for you as a driver . Yeah. This whole speed week is probably the most intense time of the year. You know we have two duo races to get us locked in for the Great American race and the race this sunday is something, you know, really crazy. You know like we said our biggest race of the year starts our season, so i think thats pretty unique. It always has a great finish. So im really looking forward to it. Kyle, youre 21 now, right . You even been racing i i guess since you were 7. But this is your first daytona 500. How does it feel . Its amazing. Ive dreamed of being in this race for a long time to finally have that dream come true is going to be really great. Just really excited for the race this coming sunday hoping to do the best i can and get a solid finish and bring back the car in one piece because its really easy to get caught up in a wreck here. I read youre sort of ahead of everyone in term ofrs starting position. Does that give a driver an advantage where you actually start the race . It only gives you a little bit of an advantage here. This track is really unique with the style of racing it has. Starting position doesnt mean as much as it would at a smaller racing that. Hell probably get to the front pretty quick. Well be on our toes and tried to beat him in the front. He knows how to run that race. Some of your childhood drivers are in that race. How have you been treated by the other drivers, carl . Its been fun. I got to race with a few of them so i got experience doing that. They all treat me pretty well so far. Im sure well have a couple of runins at point with one or two. Hopefully not but its pretty inevitable that things are going to happen. Like i said stay out of trouble for this sunday. Have a good time. They can all watch it on fox. I hope you guys can tune in. I want to ask you about this comment. Nascar legend Richard Petty made a dig at Danica Patrick, shell only win big if you guys stay home. No, i dont try and pay any attention to its. This sport is extremely tough and, you noe, i got to experience a handful of races. What changed my respect for the series knowing how tough it is i think she does a great job. She won the pole laugh year and has a good finish. Like i say, Danica Patrick does a fine diop. Good luck in your first tay toe na 500. Thank you guys. Now heres a look at the weather for your weekend. Up next, what do you need to know and do to become a highly paid executive at a top company . The factors are changing and well tell you why. Youre watching cbs this Morning Saturday. 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Dare to be revlon [ male announcer ] let the rich robust flavor and irresistible aroma of Nescafe Clasico stir whats inside of you. [ engine revving ] [ tires screech ] [ male announcer ] that was bold. Real bold. [ female announcer ] what do the people of greece think of Nature Valley greek yogurt protein bars . Wow [ female announcer ] with 10 grams of protein and real fruit theyre right at home in the land that inspired them. Greek yogurt proten bars. From Nature Valley. [ male announcer ] want healthy joints . the joint is jumpin osteo biflex® helps strengthen your joints. like calcium supplements can help your bones, osteo biflex can help your joints. osteo biflex. Also in joint muscle and joint bone. Its no secret that top Corporate Executives are also at the top of the pay period in this country. Peter contributed to a 30year study of the career paths of a thousand highlevel executives published in the latest issue of the Harvard Business review and he joins us from denver. Peter, good morning. Good morning, guys. First of all, peter, what was the study trying to look for here . You know, these jobs are really important. They a affect lots and lots o people who work at these places. Theyre role models for other people. They end up running boards of directors of museums and charitable groups. The people who get these jobs it matter as lot. We wanted to see if it changed over time, whos getting the top jobs. Lets talk about that. They say its women and foreign born executives. Why the change . For women, its quite a remarkable change. In 1980 there were no women zero. Now its up to 17 . It grew in 2001. So its been on a pretty rapid pace up. And the other interesting thing is those women in the top jobs got there faster than their male counterpart. So its a big move a really big change and one of the biggest stories, you know, in careers. Used to be only a handful. Used to be only so many were and now its 11 . Now big, big changes. Why is that happening, peter . I think for women there are two explanations and they could both be true. We know in most companies they have a problem getting women o from the loyer management ranks into the middle management ranks. A lot of women drop out. But those who survive and get through the middle, maybe theyre just better. Theyre well suited to the environmental. They work harder. The fact that theyre getting to the top jobs faster from the middle means theyre better. The folks at the top are really doing things to help them. They want the companys leadership to look like their client based . They ee really doing some things to help them. I think on a foreign born maybe a different story. I think the big thing is u. S. Corporations, the big ones used to be in the business of sending their talent to the rest of the world. Testimony big thing was to take american executives make them expats and send them around the world and the new leaders put them back in. Theres companying lie pepsi where the team is foreign born. You mention women and think og. M. And mary barra. She was in the company for 30 years and you have done a study. Women are moving. They dont stay in the company and work their way up. Why the change there . I think its a really big development. It used to be Companies Made it to the top from with in and now they seem to hop around a lot more. The reason has to do with lalk of patience. Some of it is the graduate is greeninger company. Therefore we go outside and grab our talent from someplace else. I started a while ago and you could see the declip over time even in Big Companies where lifetime careers we thought were still going on. For the folks at the very top. Maybe not. Theres still some companies. On the other hand you have bank of merge where nobody started their career there. For a time you saw a decline in the age of these skrekivs. In the recession, a all of a sudden that stopped and turned around again. Why did that happen . I think thats temporary. Whelp business is going down you dont want to change your captain. You can see that in other data when you look at ce oturnover. My guess is that is temporary. My guess is executives will continue to get younger and there will be more hopping around as soon as the economy sfins to pick up again. My favorite thing you said, women are doing better. They are. Up next what theyre doing to get consumers to buy american olive oil. Take a look at the bottle in your kitchen. Is it europe . Some critics would say, is it rancid . More coming up on cbs this Morning Saturday. Wisest kid . The girls and i need. A new activity. [ giggles ] [ snaps finger ] [ wisest kid ] campbells tomato soup with grilled cheese. Perfect together. What should we do next . Im liking braids. [ gong ] mm mm good where is flo . Anybody know where flo is . Are you flo . Yes. Is this the thing you gave my husband . Well, yeah, yes. The name your price tool. You tell us the price you want to pay, and we give you a range of options to choose from. Careful, though that kind of power can go to your head. That explains a lot. Yo, buddy i got this. Gimme one, gimme one gimme one the power of the name your price tool. Only from progressive. [ male announcer ] this one goes out to all the congestion sufferers who feel like theres a brick on their face. Who are so congested, it feels like the walls are closing in. Who are so stuffed up, they feel like theyre under water. Try zyrtecd® to powerfully clear your blocked nose and relieve your other allergy symptoms. So you can breathe easier all day. Zyrtecd®. Find it at the pharmacy counter. [ female announcer ] its the yoplait greek tasteoff. Two greek blueberry yogurts, one winner. I love this one. Yoplait its so much better than chobani. I really have to say yoplait. A winner, winner [ female announcer ] let your tastebuds decide. Take the yoplait greek tasteoff this is for you. [ male announcer ] bobs heart attack didnt come with a warning. Today his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. If youve had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. Americans connell assume 80 millions of olive oil every year and nearly all of it comes from overseas. Farmers here want to change that following the model of California Wine makers 30 years ago and they Want Congress to help. Brandon scott has more. Reporter at california retailer wee olive, you can almost taste their passion for olive oil. Owner Debbie Brooks sells bottles for more than 50 california orchards art certified extra virgin. What goes into certifying a bottle . It has to go through a rigorous chemical analysis and a blind tasting sense i have analysis done by a certified panel. Extra Virgin Olive Oil is the least processed. Reporter every bottle on this shelf comes from california. His family owns a 400acre farm in central california. Their model, italian heritage and california soil. We saw that 98 was consumed from around the world. We saw the tujt to grab ahold of that market. Its produce doed mess particularly. But the majority of it comes from california. Theyre trying to tap into a u. S. Market that consumes 80 million gallons a year. 3 goes to domestic producers. Thats up 1 . We think its important to have standards that reach out over even so that we know and that the American Consumer can trust whats inside the bodile. To help gain ground on imports, american olive farmers have been lobbying law marms to make sure imported oil is held to the same stab standard. People would like to know maybe it might say extra rancid. Reporter the debate turned into something of a food fight on the house floor. This is not what were after here is causing problems for our friends that wour market it. More truth in advertising. The battle pitted congressmen from california who represent farmers gentz those in new york who represent importers. In the end the importers won and language requiring stricter standards was removed before barack obama signed the bill into law earlier this month. Did that feel like a defeat . Yes. Definitely. That was a hard one to swol low. But were not. They found 69 of imported olive oils were mislabeled virgin compared to 10 . Those numbers are disputed by the association which certifies their imports. Because much of the oil is coming from overseas, there are very strict regulations in europe, so most of what is being produced is already following the global standards. Reporter still domestic growering are trying to race the bar. Whats key in getting kour consumers hooked is get them to taste it and try it. Its an eye opening experience when they taste the freshness for the first time of true extra virgin. Good job. For cbs this Morning Saturday, brandon scott, long beach, karr. So much of this is perception. People think if its from europe youre guilty of that. I think brandon inhaled that olive oil. Coming up why the over 60 could still i really wanted to support jonah and somebody suggested that right on the stage and at first i was a little skeptical and then i said yo know what . This is actually pretty damn funny. Im wondering when your hear the titanic song or im the king of the world do you start cringing or do you you say, okay . It was such a long time but it was a huge part of moye life. Im flay flying jack. People thing i have a huge reaction to the film. The trookt is im incredibly proud of it. Listen. I first met Leonardo Dicaprio but became smitten with gilbert. You were so smitten in that role. Here youre nominated for another oscar. When you think of who leo was back then, did you ever envision this would be your career . Couldnt possibly have. No. Somebody told me a billion people watch that show and thats the only thing i really remember. So if you win you have to go up and talk in front of all those people. Yeah. I was in shambles. I didnt want to win. Leo, this is what i dont understand. You guys are actors so why cant you go like im a famous actor. Its an entirely different process. I always marvel at that. You can get takes. Thats the problem. There is no cut. Yes. I mean ive had a loud more skpins serns then. That was my mihmry. We love this kitchen whats next . Great do you have measurements . Yeah, i paced it off. Its about twenty by twelve of these. So, we can measure, plan and install it for you. Yea, lets do that ikea. Professional Kitchen Services at a low price. We love this kitchen whats next . Great do you have measurements . Yeah, i paced it off. Its about twenty by twelve of these. So, we can measure, plan and install it for you. Yea, lets do that ikea. Professional Kitchen Services at a low price. James jones of the memphis grizzly shows sometimes there is an i in team able to score and slip past a los angeles clipper. He passed the ball himself by converting a bounce off the backboard into a slam dunk. The grizzlies when on to beat the clippers. Did you see me stretching . I wanted to see it. I wanted to see this amazing pass to self. Welcome back to cbs this Morning Saturday. Im vinita nair. Nd im anthony mace p. Kevin costner has returned as a leaning man in the new Action Thriller three days to kill. Costner plays an american spy who must complete a mission in three days to save his life. Open up. I cant get around your mirror. Okay. But this is youthobsessed hollywood. Why are aging actors like the 59yearold costner and 61yearold liam neeson and Arnold Schwarzenegger whos 66 still getting action hero roles . Lets ask Chicago Tribune film critic. Its a fascinating reason but why is it happening . Post 60 you think theyre less actionable guys. If the movie is any good at all, youre not just watching them but watching your own memoryies of them back when you were a lots younger. Youre looking at stallone. Youre watching everything from rocky to rambo. Overseas, that is also a big component in all of this. Yeah, yeah, look. The costner film three days to kill liam neeson next week in nonstop. These are the flooiming that typically i make money overseas. Why . You know why . They like what they already known known. This is not that different from hollywood thinking but a star like bruce willis, he can do Something Like the die hard 5 sequel which was not very good at all and made some money and it was huge overseas. Films like the expendables, die hard 5 they make over awl 3 million. Thats part of the reason were seeing the sequel because the overseas markets want more of the same and were doing it with actors as well. And liam neeson has a wonderful sense of humor about this. Hes laughing at his own success as an action hero as anybody. Somebody asked him this question. The said, look fi theyre dumb enough to pay me this money to play this theres two types. Liam neesons year is not like schwarzenegger and stallone. Theyre only going to play certain roles. Stallone will not be in next wes anderson you mentioned range. It seems like younger actors. I dont want to betype cast. Is that what we see when he was doing another version of rocky, another version of rocky . There is something to that. And in the end theres something about the quality of the scripts really does matter. You look at the last jack ryan reboot which would show a reboot of the thing with chris pine. That film didnt catch on with the box office and that would make you think. This is keends of a middleaged guys thing. Its not for sure either. His last one was not a big hit. That proves he cant necessarily open a film in the u. S. , script quality aside. Schwarzenegger has got a film coming up next monday. Hes always on the ensemble cast of the dependableexpendables. Costner is a very comfortable presence and audiences sort of like seeing this new somewhat weatherbeaten costner. He doesnt look like hes trying to be 25. I know money drives everything as you pointed out but is there some line in the sand . It seems like 65. How high can bego. Right. If its going to be expendables 9 whelp stallone is right behind him. Bronson was doing film until it expired in 18989. How much do you thing asia and rom is really driving . Its huge. I think the fact that it was shot over there add filming over there and ivan man three. The oldest in the sense of a lot of production there. Foreign box office more than ever i think, determines how long a career guys like stallone, schwarzenegger, bruce willis, how different ages how long their career is going to go. Way tonight see a future aging female. Michael phillips thank you so much. Thank you, vinita. Knew f now for a final look at your weather for the weekend. Jieks. Up next the dish featuring the latest of the top chef competition, nicholas elmy. Stay with us. Youre watching cbs this Morning Saturday. Announcer this portion sponsored by lifestyle lift. Thanks to lifestyle lift, looking years younger has never been easier. Im pretty sure the back door is locked. Anyway, what could happen in a couple of hours, right . [ male announcer ] when youre worried about things at home its impossible to think about anything else. Adt gives you fastresponse monitoring for burglary fire and carbon monoxide. Honey . You okay . [ male announcer ] plus, you can control your home from almost anywhere. Call now and get adt for just 79 so you can get back to date night. [ chicken caws ] [ male announcer ] when your favorite food starts a fight fight back fast with tums. Heartburn relief that neutralizes acid on contact and goes to work in seconds. Tum, tum tum tum tums good job still running in the morning . Yeah. Getting your vegetables every day . When i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] couldve had a v8. Two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. [ sniffles, coughs ] shhhh i have a cold with this annoying runny nose. [ sniffles ] i better take something. [ male announcer ] dayquil cold and flu doesnt treat all that. It doesnt . [ male announcer ] alkaseltzer plus fights your worst cold symptoms plus has a fastacting antihistamine. Oh, what a relief it is [announcer] a healthy dog is a playful dog. Give him the caloriesmart nutrition of beneful healthy weight. With wholesome rice,real chicken,soy, and accents of vitamin rich veggies. Plus a taste he loves. Beneful healthy weight. From purina. Chef Nicholas Elmi knows his way around the kitchen. Hes been at it since he was a teenager and has worked at some of the top restaurants in u. S. And paris. That work has paid off in a big way. Just last week he came inbum ber number one on bravos show top chef. This week the James Beard Foundation named him the best new restaurant in the category. Welcome to the dish. Thanks for having me. You have a lot of good news. Its been a good 2014 so far. How did it feel to win top chef. Its pretty awesome. Its was in october. Its been pretty fun not to tell anyone. You could only tell your lawyer and your wife . Yeah. Its funny. Because hes my partner, business partner. How did you do how did you do. Keep watching. When i first sat at the table it smelled amazing. Walk us through it. My wife and i are both half italian and half irish. When it comes to food we lean more to italian wchl very a traditional a cue choe a fish stew tomatobased. Somery cotta gnocchi. Freschetta, parsley, grilled onions, roasted broccoli for the kids, you know what i mean . Two kids at home. Its funny that you should mention your kids. It seems like family and cooking have always been synonymous with you throughout your career. Yeah, absolutely. I started cooking by taking a economics class at school. I was one of six. By the time we were teenagers we all took turns cooking. We each had a night of the week. I was fortunate to be a good one. I gradually move onto the restaurant scene and took it from there. You knew that early you wanted to cook. I still tried to go to a big Boy College First before i went to a culinary school. You were headed for economics. Yeah and then i dropped oust school and said i wanted to go into culinary arts. How were your parents . Theyre so supportive. It was the middle of the night. I woke them up and said, wake up, wake up, i want to go to culinary school. She said okay sweetie. Well do that stuff tomorrow. One day i was cooking for my family and i looked up and said this is awesome. Making people happy, cooking what you love to do. Being passionate. I feel like im very fortunate to be one of those who enjoys going to work. Why did you fall in love with cooking . Youre always learning. Every day you wake up, as lon as youre always studying trying to learn, theres something new. I dont know. It oohs constant evolution that youre digging yourself through. I want to ask you about top chef. You yourself said quote, i was assertive in the kitchen. Thats a good yeah. What do you mean . Are you a person that takes charge of a kitchen or how do you make sure that you are the top chef . I thanks, you know ive always been aggressive in the way i cook. Im more ocd and i expect a lot of myself, so i expect a lot of ef about whos with many me in the kitchen. Sometimes thats a little offputting i give out directions very quickly, i take leadership position all the time or try to at least. And when youre on a show like that with 19 other chefs who all kind of feel the same way, whoevers most aggressive goes first and thats kind of what i did. In looking tt timing of this, am i right while filming top chef you were planning on opening your new restaurant . Yeah. We had a bit of a break between new orleans and hawaii and thats when we were building the restaurant. You had a lot going on. Yes, a lot going on. No one can get into laurel. You guys are booked three months out . Was it after the announcement that you were won . We had always been booked for a month out but now with the james beard and the announcement and the that were very fortunate. Do you bring your two kids into the kitchen you have two kids the way your parents brought you in . My children come every saturday. They putz in the restaurant. They clean. My daughter took an interest in cleaning cabbage for us and making things. Its cute. Its fun. Im glad they enjoy it. This is absolutely delicious. As we hand you the dish id ask you as you sigh sign it if you could share this meal with anyone, who would that be . One person i would say George Perrier jimi hendrix and my mother. Thats a great group of people. I knew anthony would lov milk carton kids whose rich har moye ins have made them stars of contemporary folk music. Youre watching cbs this Morning Saturday. Announcer the dish sponsored by smuckers. With a name like smuckers, it has to be good. That makes every day simply. Extraordinary. With a name like smuckers it has to be good. Across america, people like Basketball Hall of Famer Dominique wilkins, are taking charge of their type 2 diabetes with noninsulin victoza. For a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar, but it didnt get me to my goal. So i asked my doctor about victoza. He said victoza works differently than pills and comes in a pen. And the needle is thin. Victoza is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. 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Listening to the intimate harmonys of the milk carton kids you conditional help but hearing the echos of Simon Garfunkel from the 1960s and 1970s. Theyre now touring off their third Grammy Nominated album titled the ash clay. Here they are, the milk carton kids with hope of a lifetime. Theres a light thats shining now and a calm wind in the pine for the fate of a fearsome travesty seems to have fortgotten me seems to have forgotten me if it hasnt leaned by now where ive hid so very long ill come safely out into the silence found in the wake of its passing on in the wake of its passing on a spartan smile and westward stare hold a promise in the air thats the way they used to find their own way home by the stars, on their own by the stars, on their own while i pray for Promised Land to replace all i have made darkness steals the light i bear and the hope of a lifetime fades the hope of a lifetime fades in the newfounduew found reverie of quiet peace i found freedom comes from being unafraid of the heartache that can plague a man the earthacheheartache that can plague a man a spartan smile and westward stare hello hold a promise in the air thats the way they used to find their own way home by the stars, on their own by the stars, on their own dont go away. Well be right back with moren from the milk carton kids. Youre watching cbs this Morning Saturday. Announcer this portion sponsored by toyota. Lets go places. [ male announcer ] may your lights always be green. [ tires screech ] [ beeping ] may you never be stuck behind a stinky truck. [ beeping ] may things always go your way. But its good to be prepared. Just in case they dont. Toyota. Lets go places, safely. Let me get this straight. [ female voice ] yes . Lactaid® is 100 real milk . Right. Real milk. But it wont cause me discomfort. Exactly because its milk without the lactose. And it tastes . Its real milk come on, would i lie about this . [ female announcer ] lactaid. 100 real milk. No discomfort. New revlon age defying firming lifting makeup our multibenefit innovation. Skin feels tighter. Expression lines look more relaxed. 3x hydration. Beautiful coverage. 93 of women saw noticeably improved skin. Radiant. Rejuvenated. Revlon. [ woman ] ring. Ring. Progresso. 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Swing low, swing low for to carry me home in fire the skies of red my breaths gone cold a kiss from the coal a blanket of snow overhead slow holy roller its just rock and roll hold your tears where theyve 00 all these years down from the heavens above old snake eyes you had better disguise all that appears of thee pray for love from the heavens above laid in the ashes below laid in the ashes below laid in the ashes below laid in the ashes below announcer for more about cbs this morning, visit us at cbsnews. Com. Captions by vitac www. Vitac. Com [ kelly ] my days start early. And so do mouth germs. But now i have the protection of colgate total® mouthwash. It works just as hard and just as long as i do. [ man ] rolling in 5 [ male announcer ] colgate total® mouthwash. It kills germs on contact and has a germkilling shield that keeps working for 12 hours. It doesnt quit even after eating and drinking. Hi [ male announcer ] colgate total® mouthwash. 12 hour Germ Protection even after eating and drinking. For. And how long its st. Breaking news this morning. A derailed bart train is impacting travel around the bay this morning. The headache riders are in for and how long its going to last witness to the shooting rampage on a Northern California indian reservation relives the horror and reveals what happened the moments before the mass murder. And we found a big bag forcing its way onto customers. It could be costing you hundreds. It is 7 00, saturday morning, february 22nd, thanks for joining us, im ann makovick. Im mark kelly. The sun is coming out earlier and earlier these days. Lets take a live look

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