Must be small. I guarantee you theres no problem. Another gop slug fest. Donald trump is basically mocked everybody with personal attacks. This little guy has lied so much. Here we go. About my record. I know its hard not to interrupt but just try. Its not what you said. Breathe, breathe, breathe. Dont worry about it, little marco. Gentlemen gentlemen you want to chill out . Gentlemen, you have to do better than this. People say everywhere i go, you seem to be the adult on the stage. Theyre throwing their support behind apple. Nfl lawyers asking a federal Appeals Court to reinstate the suspension the league game tom brady. Were back in deflategate. No i wasnt being held hostage. No i wasnt sitting up there thinking, what have i done. My wife was thrilled when i forgot her birthday. Controversy over singer nina simone. Come under fire for wearing a prosthetic nose. Other the white speck haunging of of ted cruzs lip for a while. All that a thief running out of a store in South Carolina ran into something he didnt quite expect. An suv that was pulling up. The madness, march is just Getting Started tharjts going to do it. And all that matters donald trump is a phony. The man who carried the baton for the republicans is not passing it. Hes hitting him over the head with it. He was begging for any endorsement. I could have said myth, drop to your knees, he would have drnd to his knees. He doesnt know what hes talking about. No he isnt and no he doesnt. Trump as has put his name on terrible investments. For example four years ago he endorsed mitt romney for places t. This mornings eye opener is presented by toyota. Lets go places. Welcome to cbs this morning. Gayle king is off. Soledad obrien is with us. One of the most tumultuous days in Republican Party history days i ended with a bitter president ial ntiale. Last nights tone was fiery, insulting, and at one point ndecent. Frontrunner donald trump faced front onstant attacks from his main rivals and tough questions from the moderators. And of course, hanging over the debate was a scathing speech from mitt romney, the last gop nominee, who called trump a phony and a fraud. Major garrett is outside the fox theater in detroit where he covered last nights debate. Major, good morning. Reporter good morning. The atmosphere was tense and confrontational as the battle lines have never been more sharply drawn. Donald trump and his populace movement and a gop establishment lican pared by mitt romney. The stakes are high, the nomination and future of the was on Republican Party and from the beginning the fight was on. He referred to my hands of u,sketball. If theyre small, Something Else must be small. I guarantee you, there is no problem. I guarantee you. Reporter the 11th republican republicarted with a lewd response from donald trump to a days old flight. Me. New low foreshadowed the tlawl to come. This little guy has lied so ch about m my record. Here we go. Here we go. He has lied so much. Its a minor civil case. Donald, learn not to interrupt. Its not complicated. Count to ten, donald, count to en. Or give me a break. Count to ten. I have a policy question for you, sir. Lets see if he answers it. I will. Dont worry about it, marco. Eont worry about it, little marco. Men entlemen reporn hereporter a defensive trump dismissed lawsuits alleging he ha had conned students to attend e cversity. Inhes trying to con people ammeredving him their vote just like he conned these people in his university. Reporter trump hammered full positions. Lets put up full screen number two. Rolling out statistic after ut statist he the rating from the Business Bureau was a d minus. The last publicly available rating. Fary plan for taxes and tax cutting is the best by far of everybody. But, mr. Trump, mr. Trump, upr numbers dont add up. Trump was also pressed to answer a scathing speech earlier 2012e day by 2012 nominee mitt ineeey. Donald trump is a phony, a fraud. His promises are as worthless as a degree from trump university. D he failed miserably and it was an embarrassment to everybody, including the ever epublican party. Reporter rivals marco rubio with d cruz attacked ght you tell and demanded he make the record for trumps will offtherecord meeting with the New York Times. Yo if tonight you tell new york city to release the audio they rell do it and we can see what your true views are on r releaseon. Reporter trump refused. I may have discussed Something Like that with the New York Times but i would never release offtherecord e. Versations. Successfulr the context, trump argued, was his willingness to achieve compromise. Rubio ive never seen a successful person who wasnt texible. Reporter cruz and rubio declared that proof that trumps conservative rhetoric wont preh his president ial reality. Donald, please, i know its wrd not to interrupt, but try. Not what you said in the oped. Breathe. Ly lyin ted. Breathe, breathe. When they are done with the yoga, can i talk . You cannot. I hope that you dont see yoga on this stage. Hes very flexible, so you never know. After the end all four candidates agreed to endorse the ventual nominee, even if that means supporting trump. Major, thank you. Speece 2008 nominee is also bashing trump. Senator john mccain spoke out ationalfinished his speech rity rday. He called Trumps National security positions, quote, uninformed and dangerous. After last nights debate, Major Garrett asked trump about the mp establishment pileon. Different to you today to suddenly have romney and mccain coming after you . No, i didnt know mccain came after me. He better im sure reporter he said he agreed with what romney said. Oh, he did . Careful. At is not nice and he has to be very careful. Reporter why . But romney i will hell find out. Ate. Romney is a failed andidate. He made a fool out of himself. He should have beaten barack obama and he feels badly about it. It. Everact is mitt romney choked as bad as ive ever seen anyone chok choke other than marco rubio when he was grilled by chris christie, he choked. But i will tell you, mitt romney should have been president. Sh he disappeared. He choked. D iething went wrong with him and i wasnt happy about it and ationer were a lot of other people. Reporter did the conversation about trump builtsity help you or hurt you . Well, its a small deal and they try and make this such a big deal. They dont talk about the buildings ive built over the world. Reporter they are trying to ake it appear something representative of your larger image. My larger image is buildings all over the world. We are working on hundreds of deals and doing tremendous work all over the world. Big deals, much bigger than at. T. Ing. Is the thing. Reporter when youre talking iout trump university, youre they will g about other things. I agree. De dey will take one deal or two deals out of hundreds and ry to ma of deals that you do and they will try to make you look bad. Tr p ump university, ill end up winning that in court. As sure as youre standing there, it will be won in court. Ohn dic settle, but im not a ettler. John dickerson is in washington, moderator of face yo all nation. You have the unleashing of all of these attacks against donald have. Will it, in fact, have a dent in his popularity or simply embolden his supporters to t it doeheir own commitment . Sible itpossible that it does both. Ts possible its both a gurnout mechanism for all of those people who are so disappointed with the establishment and it now looks of somhe establishment is trying to steal their candidate away from them. Been kinlso might focus the mind tuning republicans who have been kind of wondering or tuning it out. Mitt mitt romney tried to set the stakes for Republican Voters. John, what about the attacks calledp university . Mean, he called it a minor civil case, but there are 5,000 workers suing him. And it was not just a main topic in the debate last night and do you tt of rubios attacks, nt in the main topic of super pac ads. Andou think that might have a dent in the state of florida . Well, it goes at his attacks. Onalism and his brand is n the middle of that, so it might work a little bit better rather than some of these more childish attacks. It goes at competency and it goes to this thing of sort of argum one thing and doing another. Marco rubios argument that this big template of what he will do thethe voters but it gets in the weeds pretty quickly so im not sure it has a big impact. John, there was argument cand after argument against trumps supp aandidacy, and then at the end of the night all of the folks on daystage said they would kupport him if, in fact, he were a nominee and seemed to undercut an entire day they were trying it swak against that exact e count i think that is right. Republ i think it swallows the attack they are making. If they are saying he is going to ruin the country and ruin the orseblican party, then they sort of stepped back from that if seemsay, well, but ill endorse him anyway. So it doesnt seem to be that effective. But this is politics. K how does it look for march 15th for him . W well, we are a little bit a stopaway. March 15th is the date everybody s focusing on because if the establishment is going to stop take all mp, they are going to have to do it in florida and ohio which vote on those days, winner take all contests. Lde strategy is a bit of a long shot at the moment, is to have startwin in florida and to have kasich win in ohio. That would deny trump the toegates or start to deny him opefully ttes to get to cleveland in the convention and out hopefully they would be able to work it out there. St right now, it looks like ape in t still in pretty good states. Those two states. Erson there one person behind the scenes running all of these th attacks against donald trump . No. Thank you, john. Wn. He multipronged attack at this point in the game. Everybody is trying to take him nown. John speaks with ted cruz this sunday on face the nation on cbs. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is defending his endorsement of donald trump. Christie has come under fire from Establishment Republicans for supporting the gop frontrunner. He was mocked on social media for appearing distant during a Trump Victory speech tuesday night. Well, christie answered his critics yesterday. No, i wasnt being held hostage. No, i wasnt sitting up there thinking, oh, my god, what have i done . I was standing up there supporting the person who i believe is the best person to beat Hillary Clinton of the on of thg republican candidates can cand why i endorsed him. Christie dropped out of the president ial race last month after a poor showing in new hampshire. On, micle and its fight with the nies google, amazon, microsoft among dozens of companies on filed friehat filed friend of the court briefs. They argue the court order to help rdinounlock the San Bernardino nmanss iphone threatens toduct security and consumer privacy. Relatives of six attack victims and Law Enforcement groups filed their own brief opposing apple. New air strikes outside damascus could threaten the partially ceasefire in syria. The weekold truce does not by thee isis. Rebels backed by the united froes are making gains against isis. Holly williams just visited a town on the front lines in northeast syria. Holly, good morning. Reporter good morning. There is no truce here in northeastern syria where the Syrian Democratic forces who are backed by the u. S. Have Just Launched a new campaign against isis. Isis. Adi was liberated from isis last week, after a threeday battle that left parts of the town flattened. The buildings Still Standing are donned with isis slogans. But al jidadi is now under the control of the Syrian Democratic forces and arab Kurdish Alliance backed by the u. S. Str was the isis police ighters the Islamic Police station. This commander kabani told us that u. S. Coalition air strikes helped her fighters defeat the extremists. But some paid a terrible price womans victory. This womans son baz was just 20 years old when he was killed in al jidadi. Ainst isiswe will all fight youngst isis, she told us, and take revenge on them for the lives of these young martyrs. They rian Democratic Forces are little more than a rag tag army, but they have captured territory from isis and the group is now americas most effective partner on the ground in syria. Folonel taylor solo told us his fighters have been given over a hundred tons of ammunition by missilesled coalition the last six months. Has the they have also asked for antitank missiles and machine guns. Th has the u. S. Given you any of the eapons that you asked for . No, he told us. S. Far, all weve had are promises. Givof the reasons the u. S. May be reluctant to give weapons to th the Syrian Democratic forces is that they are accused of coordinating with russia and have a longstanding truce with the syrian regime. But they fought courageously against isis and remain americas most important partner amer inside syria. Reph . Great reporting from inside syria, holly williams. Thank you so much. D the u. S. Navy this morning s reportedly sailing a Carrier Strike group in disputed waters usssoutheast asia. The uss john c. Stennis is sea. Mpanied by several other war ships in the south china sea. They had their smallest increase in in military spending in six years. Seth doane was live when this meeting was revealed. Good morning, seth. Reporter good morning. Almost 3,000 delegates are gathering here in beijing for the annual meeting of chinas nominal rubber stamp parliament. As you might imagine, there is a fair share of pageantry, so everything is carefully worldgraphed. In the opaque world of chinese politics, issues raised to the National Peoples congress offer a peek at what chinas leaders nave in store. Chinese lawmakers will begin r annualnual session. Geteporter and it gets plenty of coverage. Ofs is the long line of into lists waiting to get into hineseess conference. The Chinese Government leaves very little up to chance. Ahead of this press conference we were asked to submit question said topic areas, then received this email from the government which said that we should attend the press conference and raise the uestion about the south china sea. They added, we hope youll stick to the question and make it precise and short. Rece recent satellite images show ilitary installations on chinas manmade islands in of thed waters of the south china sea. Despite assurances from chinas pres nosident that it had no iz ention to militarize. Thank you were very much. Thank you. Reporter last summer we e mid a small boat to try to see those small islands first hand. It almost looks like a city in the middle of the sea. Calated. Has been patrolling the area as tensions have escalated. Today, despite hundreds of journalists gathered, we had ittle doubt they would call on pledged hina had pledged not to ilitarize its islands in the south china sea, so why has ir na deployed surfacetoair missile batteries and why is it constructing militarygrade airfields on those islands . Aspeaking in Foreign Language ] reporter take a look at the planes and vessels coming in and out of the south china sea, they are mostly americas, this Parliament Spokeswoman says. The u. S. Deployed our navy to the region. Isnt that militarization . China is just pointing its finger right back at america. It could be so difficult to be able to ask questions at that level of government. We went to four separate meetings ahead of todays press conference just to be able to ask that question. Soledad . Seth doane in beijing, thank you. Has president obama has given us a hint of his familys plan once the next president s takes office. His oldest daughter malia is expected to head to college in the fall but young daughter ashaa will be in high school and lhe president said this is a main factor of deciding what to do next year. We havent figured that out yet. Were going to have to stay a ausele of years in d. C. Probably so that sasha can stay in hhool. Ransferring in the middle of high school can be tough. President obama is in rare company. The last president to stay in washington after finishing his term was Woodrow Wilson back in y921. It would be very hard to move sasha in the midst of high school. Shington anybody. Interesting to see how they navigate the waters of father on, having two president s in the same city. For really interesting indeed. A father doing what is best his daughter. Indeed. An actor will portray a black singer in upcoming movie and why they call the casting announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by toyota. Lets go places bringing new life to senior living. All her aches and pains. And i said come to class, lets start walking together and i said and i bet you money youll be able to do that senior walk. That day i said ok its me and you girl, me and you i said if you need to stop, theres a bench well just hang out in the shade. She said absolutely not we are going to finish this race and we were the last ones in, but you know what . We finished the race. And she goes desiree, ill never quit walking. Ever what to look at relapsing way multiple sclerosis . This is tecfidera. Tecfidera is not an injection. Its a pill for relapsing ms that has the power to cut relapses in half. Imagine what you could do with fewer relapses. Tecfidera may cause serious side effects, such as allergic reactions, pml, which is a rare brain infection that usually leads to death or severe disability, and decreases in your white blood cells. The most common side effects are flushing and stomach problems. 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You know this music, charlie. Check out this tweet from d. J. And diplo who writes off to cuba for the weekend and bringing the homey Charlie Rose Charlie will be flying to havana this morning and monday he will join us from cuba with the highlights from his music with. From a pickup truck that hia Dodge Durango on camden ave both vehicles ended up on a sidewalk near a bank. And weve learned some biken oakland are pulling dangero stunts. On city streets. Oakland officers sometimes to back off from a chase. Pedestrians are at risk. Coming up on cbs this morni. New developments in a cbs ns investigation of the wound warrior project and claimsf lavish spending by Board Memberson themselves. Hear from an angry donor traffic and weather. In ja moment. ,,,, actually take the roads parallel there in order to get around that area. All right. Lets go ahead and take a look right now at the bay bridge. You can see things are definitely backed up there this morning. About 35 minutes to go from the carquinez bridge to the maze. Roberta. Lets head to san jose this morning. Good morning, everyone. Under mostly cloudy skies, no problems with fog there but we have an issue with fog and low clouds around the sfo area. Therefore, one hour and 19 minute delays on some arriving flights. Right now, its balmy outside. 50s and 60s, the winds are calm. But later winds increase to 15. Over the weekend we have a wind advisory in effect from high noon saturday until 7 p. M. Some wind gusts up to 50 Miles Per Hour with the rain. Today an isolated shower up to 70 degrees. Stormy saturday, sunday. Lingering showers into monday. ,,,, Connor Omalley doing a dance from the themed music from charlie rose. [ laughter ] and it just gets better and better. Ive never seen that until this morning. Is so good. So good. How long have you had that music . 25 years. The only music we have ever had. Some say we should stop and get some new music. I think that is what seth is trying to tell me. Please, get some new music. Maybe diplo can help you on that this weekend. I enjoyed that. I did too. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Coming up in this half hour, there has been outrage over the casting in a new mvie about iconic singer simone. Ahead, the harsh backlash from the singers estate. Plus, new developments in a cbs news investigation of the Wounded Warrior project and claims of lavish spending by Board Members on themselves. We will hear from a donor so angry after seeing our he launched a new mission for answers. That is ahead. Time to show you some of the mornings headlines. Wall street journal reports on north koreas leader ordering his military to be ready to use Nuclear Weapons at any time. This follows the United Nations Security Council passing tough new sanctions on the north. Our Margaret Brennan reports the United States does not believe north korea has the ability to launch its Nuclear Weapons. The threat comes ahead of next weeks military exercises in south korea involving american and korean forces. The the New York Times says the u. S. Job report is growing nicely. Employers added 240,000 jobs in february. Retailer, rest rauns and bars did the most hiring. The nations Unemployment Rate is unchanged at 4. 9 . Economic troubles in other parts of the world may not have reached the u. S. Time reports thats prin can cut cancer risk. Taking small doses of aspirin lowers the overall cancer risk by 3 , colon aek rectal cancers fell 19 but no benefit against breast, lung or prostate cancers. Reminder to take your aspirin if you can. Tom bradys lawyer is feeling new heat in the deflategate case. A federal Appeals Court is reviewing the football tampering feud. The judge focused much of the hearing on why the quarterback destroyed his phone. The court could restore the nfls fourgame suspension of brady. A new movie about one of musics most iconic black singers has sparked a growing controversy. Nina simone was ceremony as the high priest of soul and also a civil rights activist. People are upset who is going to portray her in a upcoming movie. Michelle miller shows us why some critics are upset about a this. Reporter the film nina opens next month. Zoe saldana and the Production Company have been under fire since she was cast. Her physical appearance was altered and its launching a debate over casting characters of color. And im feeling good reporter with her voice, nina simone struck a chord. Through her activism, she expressed what some called an authentic blackness. What i do all the time is completely be myself. Thats what i hope i am. Nina simone was absolutely unapologetically black. Reporter now simones story is getting the hollywood treatment. Nina stars zoe saldana, an actress with Box Office Mojo but its not her acting ability being questioned. Its her prosthetic. Its sacrilegious. Its painful to watch actually. Reporter joey wrote an article for ebony magazine. Saying her portrayal of the star is making us sick and leaving us breathless. Zoe saldana had to put on black face. She had to be made up in a darker tone that her natural skin color and had to wear a prosthetic nose and i find it insulting. Reporter saldana has been battling casting critics since she landed the role in 2012. Im doing it for my sisters. Im doing it for my brother. And i dont care who tells me i am not this and i am not that. I know who i am. It didnt feel like the most Natural Choice in terms of look. Reporter the films distributor defended saldanas performance saying, creativity or quality of performance should never be judged on the basis of color or ethnicity or physical likeness. Makeup was used to darken her skin. I want to look at the character playing nina simone and feel like im looking at nina simone. Reporter this controversy hits a delicate moment in hollywood less than a week after what was described as the sowhite oscars and some feel ironic an actress of color is receiving criticism over playing another woman of color. A Makeup Artist said if the makeup had just been better, maybe we wont be hearing about all of this. The debate is there are so many talented darkskinned black women who dont get a lot of roles. So when one iconic role comes up, i understand the debate around this. Definitely. I hope the bottom line, it brings more people to learn more about nina simone. Who was amazing. That voice. Yeah, that voice. Thank you, michelle. Canadas recently elected Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will visit washington next week to meet with the president at the white house. The trip marks the first state visit by a canadian Prime Minister in nearly 20 years. Lara logan spoke with trudeau in 60 minutes. They talked about the issue of taking in the syrian refugees. Heres a preview. He has already fulfilled one of the boldest promises of his campaign. Welcoming syrian refuges. Some of them in person. At a time when the u. S. Has taken in a little over 2,000 refuges from syria, and governments are more concerned than ever about security risks. We were able to actually go and pick and choose and screen and bring over the people we chose, and that gives us a much greater level of control and attention over who is actually going to come in. Reporter but are you saying there is no risk or do you acknowledge that there is still a risk . Every time a tourist or an immigrant or a refuge shows up in another country theres a security risk, and i am more than comfortable that doing what we have done, accepting in 25,000 syrian refuges, does right by both the safety of canadians and by the values that define us as a nation. Reporter would you be just as comfortable if there was a terrorist attack carried out by someone who came through as a refugee . Ultimately, being open and respectful towards each other is much more powerful as a way to diffuse hatred and anger, than, you know, layering on, you know, big walls and oppressive policies. Sunday on 60 minutes, trudeau talks about growing up as the son of a beloved Prime Minister, pierre trudeau, and how hes handling the job himself. Thats sunday on cbs. We will bring you a cbs news investigation that raises questions about how the ceo and board of directors spent some donor dollars. That is next. If youre head outing the door, watch us through your digital device. You dont want to miss the boston survivor who is training to run in this years race. Well be right back. If you have allergy congestion. To get relief, anything is fair game. Introducing rhinocort® allergy spray from the makers of zyrtec®. Powerful relief from nasal allergy symptoms, all day and all night. Try new rhinocort® allergy spray. Muddle no more® we broabout this new car. To get your honest opinion to keep things unbiased, we removed all the logos. Feels like a bmw. Reminds me a little bit of like an audi. So, this car supports apple carplay. Siri, open maps. She gets me. Wow. It also has teen driver technology. It even mutes the radio until the seat belts are buckled. Im very curious what it is. This is the 2016 chevy malibu. And it sells for . It starts at twentytwo five. What . Oh wow. I mean with all this technology. Thats a game changer. Introducing the fusion of Exceptional Taste with the benefits of our probiotic yogurt. New activia fruit fusion, with the exclusive probiotic bifidus regularis. Delicious and good for you. New activia fruit fusion. It has been more than a month since cbs news broke the story of lavish spending by the Veterans Charity Wounded Warrior project. Chip reid is in washington with new developments. Good morning. Reporter the charitys ceo Steven Nardizzi is yet to comment publicly on the charges that hes overseen a period of excessive spending. Weve learned that the charity is operating without a sfultime chief operating officer. We sat down with two major donors who are demanding accountability. With two sons serving in iraq, raising money for Wounded Warrior project was more than a cause for fred and diane kane, it was a calling. Since 2009 the canes charity, tee off for a cause, raised 2 0,000 for the Wounded Warrior project through golf tournaments in carolina. They honored fred kane with an award for being a vip donor. That is a big deal. Yes. Reporter you were proud of that . I was very proud of it. Reporter but learning that only half of donations came to help wounded vets came as a blow. Then hearing there was this waste of money in donor dollars that should have been going to the service men and women that were injured and it was spent on their having a good time. Its a real disappointment. Reporter outraged, kane cancelled this years benefit tournament and started a petition on change dl organize. He also called Senior Management saying that the ceo should be fired. I said where is he . Where is this guy . He said, our Public Relations guy told us that he really needs not to be involved. You lead from the front, good or bad. I said, you dont hide. I dont understand how an organization that has many veterans who value, honor, and service and the chain of command can be led by a guy like that. Reporter cbs news has learned kane is one of several major donors who are ending their support. Should the board of directors have been keeping a closer watch . Oh, absolutely. I dont think there is any doubt. Reporter sources with direct knowledge of the charitys operations said the board signs off on all of the charitys major spending, including expensive staff retreats. Those sources also told us the board has spent donor dollars on its own meetings at fivestar hotels, including the Beverly Wilshire hotel in los angeles and the waldorf astoria in new york. They also said when the Board Members questioned the spending and salaries, their concerned were ignored. We tried to speak with each board member in person, but they declined. I believe there needs to be a forensic audit, not just some whitewash callin, somebody we are paying and have them kind of put a rubber stamp on it. Reporter are you done with Wounded Warrior project . Yes, except for my new mission of trying to see change there. Reporter the board says its ordered a review by independent auditors and that it would be inappropriate to answer questions until all of the facts are known. Full disclosure . A cbs news Corporate Executive serves on that board. The board wont tell us if the review will be made public or whether the boards spending is under review as well. The board has also hired legal counsel. Norah. Chip, thank you. I think its incredibly important that that review be transparent and made public. Doesnt sound like it necessarily will be, though. How do they not have a fulltime cfo for an organization of that size . That seems very odd. I know the Wounded Warrior projects have done a lot of good things for our veterans. Ive done stories over the years. But this is a time when they should tighten the screws how they spend the money. How earth heres a little healthy advice. Take care of what makes you. You. Aveeno® daily moisturizing body wash and lotion with active naturals® oat. Used together, they provide 2x the nourishment for beautiful healthier looking skin. Aveeno® naturally beautiful results® when they thought they should westart saving for retirement. Le then we asked some older people when they actually did start saving. 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Relief and remission within reach. Normal for astronaut scott kelly including his height. Now he is back on earth. Get this. He grew about two inches during his 340 days in space and lack of gravity can cause a persons spine to stretch but his identical twin mark tells cbs news that earths gravity shrunk his brother back to its normal size it happened within a day scott kelly is enjoying time at home after returning to the u. S. Yesterday. He took a dive in his pool and shared a meal with friends and family. Isnt that incredible . Amazing the comparison sidebyside too. Many Republican Voters want donald trump but Republican Leaders do not. The conflict exploded at last nights debate. More of the fiery moments ahead on cbs this morning. Yeah, i was just talking uhabout yourico . Emergency Roadside Service and how its available 24 7 and then our car overheated. What are the chances . Can you send a tow truck please . Uh, the location . Youre not going to believe this but its um. Its in a tree. I wish i was joking, mate, but its literally stuck in a tree. car horn honking a chainsaw . No, no, all we really need is a tow truck. Day or night, geicos emergency Roadside Service is there for you. Does your makeup remover every kissproof,ff . Cryproof, stayproof look . Neutrogena® makeup remover does. It erases 99 of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. Need any more proof than that . Neutrogena. When your cold makes you wish. You could stay. In bed all day. You need the power of. New theraflu expressmax. New theraflu expressmax. The power to feel better. Caress presents the worlds first body wash with fragrance release pearls. Touch your skin to release fragrance up to 12 hours. Caress love forever. Frequent heartburn brand in america. I hope you like it spicy get complete protection with the purple pill. The new leader in frequent heartburn. Thats nexium level protection. Video. It happened just one after the sheriff bought security the jail. On her good morning. Its 7 56. Im michelle griego. A vicious fight at santa clara countys main jail caught on video. It happened just one day after the sheriff bought security cameras for the jail on her own dime. Bikers in oakland are putting stunts on city streets. Oakland officers have to back off from a chase when pedestrians are at risk sometimes. Coming up on cbs this morning, a dancer who lost her leg during the Boston Marathon bombing talks to Norah Odonnell about her new mission. Stay with us. Traffic and weather in just a moment. What will you do . Ctric nissan leaf. How far will you go . How much will you see . Electrify the world. Now with a classleading 107 miles on a charge, the nissan leaf is the best selling electric car in america. Good morning. Im Sandra Osborne in the kcbs traffic center. We are looking at theres in public transit. Some bart lanes, about 10 minute delays. Also caltrain a few of those about 10 to 15 minutes late, as well. A fatal crash in the south san jose area is causing some issues. Camden and lee avenues that intersection is closed. But there are some alternate routes right around there. You can see some of those yellow streets, residential roads to get around the area. Southbound 17 at big moody curve a crash on the shoulder causing minor delays there. Heres roberta. We are going to san jose, this is a beautiful view. We have clouds, but we have a little hint of some sunshine right smack in the middle there. Today an isolated scattered shower. 50s and 60s, tomorrow looking ahead with the rain well have gusty winds to 50 Miles Per Hour. Wind advisory in effect for the bay area. Today, an isolated shower into the 60s approaching 70 degrees. Flat winds out of the south. Tomorrow, gusty winds heavy rain the potential of a thunderstorm through sunday. Good morning to our viewers in the west. It is friday, march 4th, 2016. Welcome back to cbs this morning. More real news ahead, including new attacks against donald trump. Plus, how the front runner flipflopped on key issues right in the middle of last nights debate. But first, heres todays eye opener at 8 00. Stakes are high. From the beginning, the fight goes on. I think im talking. Hold on. At the end of the night, all the folks on the stage said they would support him, in fact, if he were the nominee. I think it swallows the attacks theyre making. There is no truth here in northeastern syria. The Syrian Democratic forces have Just Launched a new campaign. Its almost 3,000 delegates gathering here in beijing, so everything is carefully choreographed. The charity ceo has yet to comment publicly on the charges that hes overseen a period of excessive spending at Wounded Warrior project. Zoe saldana and the Production Company have been under fire since she was cast. Charlie will be flying to havana this morning. Hell join us there. Its so good. So good. How long have you had that music . 25 years. The only music weve ever had. Was this the first some say we should stop and get some new music. Im charlie rose with Nora Odonnell and Soledad Obrien. Gayle is off. Donald trump spent last nights debate fighting off attacks and explaining his shifting opinions. Trump was asked why he told one interviewer that the war in afghanistan was a mistake then told another that he never said that. Trump said he misspoke the first time. He also gave a new reason for why the u. S. Needed to invade. On afghanistan, i did mean iraq. I think you have to stay in afghanistan for a while because of the fact youre right next to pakistan, which has Nuclear Weapons, and we have to protect that. Nuclear weapons change the game. I was always against going into iraq. In fact, i believe i was always against it. The moderators asked trump to explain other conflicting statements too. Within one day you reversed yourself on syrian rev yfugees. Youre right. Let me explain. The migration had just started. I was very much like, okay, by the time i went back and studied it and they were talking about bringing thousands and thousands, i changed my tune. So im a very, very big supporter of the second amendment. But in 2000, you wrote in your book, i generally oppose gun control, but i support the ban on assault weapons. I dont support it anymore. I do not support the ban on assault. In terms of immigration and almost anything else, there always has to be some, you know, tug and pull and deal. You have to be able to have some flexibility, some negotiation. I may have discussed Something Like that with the New York Times, but i would never release offtherecord conversations. I dont think its fair, frankly, to do that to anybody. How flexible are you on this issue . Not very flexible. Your campaign to this day argues that more visas for highly skilled workers would, quote, decimate american workers. However, at the cnbc debate, you spoke enthusiastically in favor of these visas. So which is it . Im changing. Im changing. We need highly skilled people in this country. So youre abandoned the position on your website. Im changing it, and im softening the position because we have to have talented people in this country. And youre not releasing the discussion with the New York Times behind closed doors potential. Thats correct. Which will have some asking whether on your immigration policies youre really just playing to peoples fantasies, which is a tactic you praised in your book. Im not playing to anybodys fantasies. Im playing to the fact that our country is in trouble. After the debate, Trumps Campaign said the visa program he describes on his website is not the one he was asked about last night. Before the debate, the last two gop nominees denounced this years front runner. Mitt romney said trump is a phony and a fraud and in a statement senator john mccain called Trumps National security views dangerous. Major garrett asked trump about those attacks. Does it feel different to you today to suddenly have romney and mccain coming after you . No, i didnt know mccain came after me. Im sure he said he agreed with what romney said. Well, thats not nice. He has to be very careful. Why . Youll find out. With us now is rick david, political contributor for our Digital Network. He was john mccains president ial Campaign Manager in 2008. Good morning. Good morning, charlie. You watched this debate last night after listening to a full assault on donald trump from mitt romney, from john mccain, and others. Last night in the debate, they say theyll all support the nominee. The nominee is our guy. Talk about letting all the air out of the tire. Big day. Started very hard, very vicious attack on the former nominee, which almost never happens. These guys dont get involved in campaigns after theyve been the nominee, especially if theyve lost. So it was extraordinary. The debate, attack, attack, attack on trump. Then the key moment where they said, are you prepared to support donald trump if hes the nominee, everyone was sort of cavalier, oh, sure. You know politics. Has trump wrapped this up . Yeah, its wrapped. Last night someone needed to land a knockout punch. And it didnt look like they even came to box. Chris christie said the real risk if you alienate the voters and tell them your choice is wrong, isnt that why they sort of wrap it all up and say, we smo support what the voters do . I think the real risk is nominatie ining donald trump. Hes the least likely person to win this election. Voters dont seem to care about electability. They talk about wanting to throw a brick at the glass wall of washington. I think theres something to that. I think thats what the establishment of the Republican Party has to start getting used to the idea that donald trump is going to be their nominee. You talked about a knockout punch. In the past f a candidate said im changing my position, im softening my position. That usually would have been enough. But donald trump, his entire candidacy is not based on ideology or an issue position. Its based on im not one of them. And everybody on the stage basically was the establishment and the people coming after donald trump. What they did is they gave him nine months to solidify his base. He has the most intense supporters in this entire election. When you look at the numbers, his people arent going anywhere. Does your party deserve this candidate . I think its exactly what we created. When you spend years saying that the institutions that you have built, the Republican Party, the congress, the white house, are all corrupt and even within your own party when you throw people under the bus constantly, what do you think the voters are going to get the message on . I want to show you this. One point that donald trump made repeatedly last night was about his electability and his ability to defeat Hillary Clinton. He claimed multiple times that the polls show that he would beat Hillary Clinton. If you take a look at real clear politics average, hes the only one on that stage who would not defeat Hillary Clinton if the election were held today. Yeah, hes the least likely candidate to do well. I think thats the panic that the establishment has. We could actually drop an election in a very good year for republicans, a third term of barack obama is not an attractive concept. And shes taken that as part of her campaign. And just to be clear, donald trump said that was one poll. This is the average of the polls here. Donald trump fares the worst. Yeah, but i dont think its an issue. When you look at these exit polls from these primaries, its maybe 12 , 15 of the voters who think electability is the number one issue. Whats interesting about this, it seems from john mccain and mitt romney and other republicans, they just dont think hes qualified to be president. They seem to be saying we genuinely worry about the future of the country if donald trump is president. I think their concerns are well founded and legitimate. They come at this with an open mind. They know that politics isnt bean bagging and you dont always get the candidate you want. This candidate particularly raises concerns about whether he could administer the nation. Secondly, will he destroy the party . I think the party is in the process of trying to figure out how to do that to themselves. I wouldnt blame donald trump. The rest of them have been complicit in this. They let donald trump grow. Ted cruz stood next to donald trump for nine debates and never attacked him one single time. Now hes complaining that he doesnt get enough time to beat him up. As nora said, you have nobody to blame but yourself. I didnt say that. No, i didnt say that. Not me. I said is this the candidate the party deserves. Okay. Thank you. My pleasure. Claimed part of a ballroom ing dancers leg, but three years later, shes about to run the race. I do think running a marathon is nearly impossible. Of course. Yeah, i agree. Ahead, the ahead, a couples walk on a famous hiking trail ends with a mysterious death. A beautiful young mother hikes this trail in oregon. Ronda was with her boyfriend steven when she fell to her death. He says it was an accident. Prosecutors say it was murder. That story coming up on cbs this morning. Bl blan. Campbells soups go great with a cold and a nice red. Made for real, real life. 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Renne, who wants sloppy joe on the menu every day. Rosies my best friend. Evelyn likes to dance. Harriett wants her fried shrimp as well. Alice anne likes Vanilla Ice Cream with chocolate syrup and rainbow sprinkles. They give me so much back. I cant even imagine how i could possibly give them what they give me. ,,, its the worlds oldest annual marathon. What happened in boston on april 15th, 2013 changed the historic event forever. Three people were killed and 260 hurt after a pair of bombs debt natd near the finish line. Among the most severely wounded that day was adrianne hasletdavis. Professional ballroom dancer who lost part of her left leg. Her threeyear recovery has been painful and difficult but resilience and determination mean she can stand and even dance again. Next month, adrianne plans to overcome what she says is her biggest challenge yet completing the race she never dreamed of running. The milestones that you have made running. Yeah. What has that meant . It has meant the world to me. Reporter adrianne hasletdavis is making good on a promise. It wasnt very fast for so long. Reporter to complete the Boston Marathon. I was like i can run. Im so fast. Reporter so you are going to run the Boston Marathon . I am. Reporter are you a runner . I am now. Running for me was torture, i would run a block, be winded and feel like i was going to die. Reporter now you are missing part of your leg and going to run a marathon. Think of that. Yeah, bizarre. Reporter we are here on ballston street where the finish line is. The birds are chirping, beautiful day, similar to that day. Reporter she stood on the street here three years ago watching the runners as they crossed the finish line. Adrianne would not be able to walk away. Can i ask about that day . Where were you on that day. I was on boylston street and the finish line was behind me. I heard a loud blast and put my fingers in my ears and i dont know how i knew but i knew it was a terrorist attack and i knew another was going to hit. Next thing i knew i was on the ground. I thought, well, i dont have any experience in this. Theres no way you can live through Something Like this. Reporter after her lower leg was amputated, adrianne began a long, difficult recoverry. I feel i can stay as positive as possible but it doesnt mean the outside world wont hurt me. Reporter as painful as it was you documented the whole thing. Scary looking . Not at all. Im thankful it was as raw as it was and i captured the raw moments. Ow i wanted to be emotionally honest as a possible. Reporter what was it like to stand on your own for the first time . Gosh, that moment was amazing. I remember standing up and then just as anyone would, i had both hands free. You could see emotion build up. And i lost it. Reporter adriannes difficult days mixed with milestone s. The professional dancer made her way back on stage, but with success came hardship. It affected your marriage. It did, yeah. But yeah. Reporter adrianne and her husband adam davis who was also injured during the bombing began their recovery together but have since separated. She told us, they agreed not to discuss their split publicly. How has your life changed . Every way possible. I look at life so differently now. Im more patient with people. I didnt think i was impatient before but im more patient with people. Reporter are you still angry . Yeah, i am. I will always feel that. Ive learned runningle really helps out with that in a good way. I believe in feeling every bit of that and not burying it so you can really enjoy the good days. Caller li reporter i like that you said my life is not defined by what happened to me. I want my life defined by how i live it and not just an amputee and marathon survivor. None of us are. I think it is important to remember how far you have come, as well. I have days where i think i havent come that far at all which sounds crazy to say but you get in these mind sets and its important to see, you know, to see how far you have come. Shes come very far. She is also doing it to support the efforts of limbs for life, an organization that provides lifechanging prosthetics for fellow amputees in need. You can find out more about limbs for life at cbs this morning. Com where adrianne talks about testifying in front of a man sentenced to death now for i love her so much. In three years what she has been through. And to try to find something positive out of that experience. To run a marathon. To those that have both of our legs it is hard to do and she is doing it with a prosthetic. I love that you said, she learned patience. And number two, she is not going to let anything like that define who she is. Shes remarkable. Great story. We are rooting for you. Absolutely. Ready, set, snow. How the ceremonial start of the iditarod dog race in alaska will be saved when winter fell behind. Thats up next on cbs this morning. This portion of cbs this morning sponsored by windows 10 upgrate grade today and do great things. Were a nanobusiness. Windows 10 really helps us rate grade today and do great things. Grade today and do great things. Grade today and do great things. Grade today and do great things. E today and do grg ,,,,,, tomorrow started the iditarod dog race is back on track thanks to a train. Seven freight cars filled with snow arrived in anchorage yesterday. The city has seen only a third of the average snowfall since november. Ahead an extraordinary pledge from world cup today in a crash in san jose was ejected from a pickup t that hit a Dodge Durango on Camden Avenue. Both received good morning. Ayman died early today in a crash in san jose. He was ejected from a pickup truck that hit a Dodge Durango on Camden Avenue. Both vehicles ended up on a sidewalk near a bank. Today two members of congress from the bay area will introduce a crab emergency Disaster Assistance act. It would provide more than 130 million in aid to an industry decimated by toxins in crabs. Coming up on cbs this morning, a mountain hike turns into tragedy. It was an accident or murder . Peter van sant explores the case while the police hunt for clues. Stay with us. Traffic and weather in just a moment. ,,,,, good friday morning to you. Im Sandra Osborne in the kcbs traffic center. We are keeping an eye on several crashes this morning across the bay area. This one at eastbound 580 at 163rd avenue. Two lanes are blocked. Traffic delays back to 150th. About 20 minutes of some stop and go traffic in the area. Also the fatal crash we have been talking about throughout the morning. Leigh avenue in san jose this morning, it has Camden Avenue still closed down between hillsdale and union avenue. You can take bascom as an alternate. Bay bridge thinning out in the cash lace but still some delays. Heres roberta. We are also very foggy around the city by the bay, the city of san francisco. This is our view from our kpix 5 studios looking out over the sty line. Look at that ceiling. Because of the low clouds and fog we have delays at sfo. Its balmy with cloud cover. 50s and 60s. There you have it. See all that plume of clouds and a little bit of moisture thats now gathering to the south of us . Thats whats heading that way for the weekend in addition to a wind advisory from noon to 7 p. M. Some of the gusts up to 50 Miles Per Hour. There will be downed trees and power outages. Todays numbers 70 degrees, mostly cloudy, isolated showers today. Its going to be stormy especially saturday afternoon with thunderstorms both days. Storms on monday, dry tuesday and wednesday. ,,,, welcome back to cbs this morning. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Coming up, brandy chastains ever lasting goal. The soccer icon talks about her pledge to science. Well look at how she could help close a gender gap when it comes to concussion research. Plus, uber ceo opens up and talks about how he compares himself to a math professor as the ondemand car giants numbers soar. Thats ahead. Right now, its time to show you some of this mornings headlines from around the globe. Business insider says the United States Government Agency is claiming a breakthrough in battery technology. This technology would apparently leapfrog research pushed by bill gates and tesla cofounder elon musk. The Energy Department Scientists Say their work could remake americas power grid within a decade. Wow. The Seattle Times listens to sounds from the deepest spot on earth. A recorder was lured seven miles below the Pacific Ocean in the mariana trench. Scientists thought it would be quiet, but this is what they heard. The sound is believed to be the call of a whale or dolphin. Passing ships and earthquakes were also heard by researchers. The recording might be the first ever captured at such deep levels. The Hollywood Reporter is showing the first trailer for the upcoming ghostbusters reboot. Okay. She seems peaceful. My name is erin gilbert, doctor of particle physics. It went everywhere, by the way, in every crack. Critics say it looks like the movie will bring back the fun of the 1984 original. All the new ghostbusters are women. Sony is planning a release this summer, and we will be going to watch that movie definitely. Fortune reports on boeings efforts to make the bathroom the cleanest spot on the plane. The Company Created a selfcleaning lavatory that uses an ultraviolet light to kill nearly 100 of germs on all surfaces. The light turns on when the bathroom door is closed. No word on when it would be installed on planes. Thats good for those in the milehigh club. What do you know about the milehigh club . I dont know. I just heard about it. Just saying. And New York Daily News reports on how spotify teamed up with an ob gyn to create a play list for women in labor. Weird. Retired soccer great Brandi Chastain promises a new and surprising contribution to the world of sports medicine. After she dies, the threetime olympian pledges to donate her brain for concussion research. Ben tracy talks with chastain about how once again she could be a role model for women and soccer. Reporter no one will ever forget Brandi Chastains gamewinning penalty kick at the 1999 womens world cup final. And her sports bra celebration sce seen around the world. But thats not the only way she wants to be remembered. Im compelled to do more if i can. Reporter retired from soccer and now working as a coach at santa clara university, chastain has decided to donate her brain to science. In her decades long professional career, chastain was known for heading the ball on key plays. She believes she suffered at least two concussions but has no lasting symptoms. Scientists say examining former athletes brains, such as chastains, could help researchers diagnose and treat cte. Theres just not enough information out there that we can look to to say whether heading causes any kind of damage. Reporter chastain hopes the research leads to stricter guidelines for kids, including raising the age that kids can head the ball from 11 to 14. And greater insight into how concussions affect women. I think everybodys talking about concussions, and yet, were only talking kind of in the malespecific category. Reporter the Sports Concussion Institute says soccer is the number one cause of concussions among women who play sports. Of the 307 brains that Boston University researchers have examined, only seven were from women. We dont really understand the longterm effects of repetitive brain trauma in the female brain. Reporter after reaching the pinnacle of the soccer world, her goals are now focused on the medical field. I feel like my contribution to soccer could be much more and then much longer lasting, and this is one way for me to do that. Reporter for cbs this morning, ben tracy, santa clara. I think thats terrific. Good for her. To have a Lasting Impact in that way. Uber is one of the worlds most disruptive companies. The Ride Sharing Company this month celebrates its seventh anniversary. Thats right, seven years. Since 2009, its growth has exploded. Uber has more than 160,000 drivers in nearly 400 cities. The companys valued at upwards of 60 billion. The cofounder is now focused on the road ahead. We explored what drives his ingenuity. Youve developed a profile of a young man in a hurry. You know, i think its how should i put it . We look at all the cities and the hundreds and millions of billions of people and know that the Transportation Systems are just not serving everybodys needs. Even here in new york with a great mass transit system, theres still 2. 5 million cars going over those bridges every day. So we just believe we can help the city do better. I guess most successful entrepreneurs are not waiting for it to come to them. For success and not waiting for progress. We are generally a little bit forward leaning when it comes to trying to make progress happen. Youve become, i think, in love with the idea that you have been part of, you know, and you cant wait to push the edges of what that is. Well, i think what it is, for me, its about problem solving and loving to solve problems. So if you are passionate about solving problems, and sometimes i just like to describe this as imagine a really great math professor with no problems to solve. Right . A great math professor is somebody who wants the hardest problems, who wants to solve them and loves solving them. Thats kind of how i feel about my work. So its not about being in a hurry. Its more about really interesting problems in the world and how you lean into them and solve things that people maybe thought werent even possible to solve. Thats fun. Boy, in seven years, a 65 billion company changing transportation, changing around the world, trying to be the Second Biggest Company of its kind in china. Wow. They say sometimes the most successful American Tech Company in china. Absolutely. With all kinds of possibilities. And hes a harddriving guy. More with travis tonight as well as brian chesky of air bnb. A mystery along a beautiful hiking trail. 48 hours examines the death of a young mother. Next, peter van what will you do . Ctric nissan leaf. How far will you go . How much will you see . Electrify the world. Now with a classleading 107 miles on a charge, the nissan leaf is the best selling electric car in america. Oregon majestic river gorge is a mecca for hikers across the northwest. In 2009 the twisting narrow mountainous trails attracted an aspiring model and her boyfriend. Tomorrow night on 48 hours Peter Van Sant looks at the mothers bizarre prediction of how her hike could end. Here is a preview. Reporter from the first moment Stephen Nichols met rhonda casto, he knew he met the girl of his dreams. When i met rhonda, it was nothing can compare to rhonda. I was beyond smitten with her. When our daughter was born, it meant everything to her. Became the focus and the center of her life. Shes just like her mama. She loves jewelry. Reporter when their daughter was 9 months old, rhonda decided to return to her other passion, modeling, and she needed to lose some weight. She comes up with the idea, lets hike the 25 most famous trails in oregon. So that was our goal. Reporter as rhonda and stephen made their way up this eagle creek trail, they had some challenges. It was about 40 degrees and the weather was spotty. There were showers from time to time. And the trail was damp. Had it been raining at the beginning, i wouldnt have gone up. Reporter by the time Stephen Nichols and rhonda casto headed back down this path, the weather had turned. Suddenly, disaster struck when nichols says rhonda slipped off the trail. A man hiking with rhonda casto said she fell off a cliff last night. It was a tragic accident. Reporter but rhondas best friend recalls an ominous conversation about that hike. I knew there was a hike planned. Reporter what did satisfy say to you . She said he is either going to propose to me or kill me. Reporter nichols was questioned but with little physical evidence collected by detectives at the scene and no eyewitnesses, no charges were filed. Rhondas mother Julia Simmons kept pressing investigators for answers, convinced that Stephen Nichols had pushed her daughter off that trail. I kept calling him and asking why nothing was happening. Reporter nichols moved on with his life, moving all the way to china for work and to raise his daughter. There was even romance. Im very much in love with my chinese fiancee. Reporter five long years passed until a grand jury was called to review all of the circumstantial evidence. Their decision . An indictment. Nichols had no idea when he stepped off a plane in february 2015 he would be arrested and charged with the murder of rhonda casto. Peter van sant is with us this morning. Good morning. What led to the arrest all of those years later . Evidence wise, absolutely nothing. But in early 2014, a bestselling true crime author Steven Jackson sends an email to the prosecutor saying im going to write a book about this case and justice doesnt seem to have been served. The next day the prosecutor writes him back and says its time to put this before the people and a grand jury is called. Is there any evidence that he pushed her . No. There is no physical evidence or no eyewitnesses that day and ive been at that very spot, it was rainy, slippery. According to Stephen Nichols, rhonda was skipping down the path when she slipped and fell. In that area, they lose about four people a year to falls. Gosh. Wow. Peter, let me just say congratulations. Last weeks show was the highest rated of the season for 48 ours . Yes, it was terrific. We are very happy. You can watch trail of tears part of a special 48 hours tomorrow night at 9 00 8 00 central on cbs. Next, the best time of the week. We are going to look at all that mattered this week. Oh, the kiss revisited oh, my god. Youre watching cbs this morning. ,,,,,,,,,,, that does it for us. Our thanks to Soledad Obrien for sitting in for gayle king. Gayle will be back on monday. I appreciate that. Thank you. I will be reporting from cuba. A live coverage of this weekends primary and caucus elections. Watch our 24 7 Digital Network cbsn. Lets look back at what happened the past week. Look at those hands. He referred to my hands at basketball and small hands. I guarantee you, there is no problem there. Winner take all. If winner takes all, this thing is over. What a super tuesday. Cleaned up last night. She won tonight big. Instead of building walls, we are going to break down barriers. Republican rivals remain the odds. Donald trump is a con artist if donald is nominated we lose the presidency. You seem to be saying Hillary Clinton will beat donald trump. Im not seem to be saying that. I am saying that. This is where the thieves bashed their way into the gun store. Firearms they need to commit their crimes. The nude video remains on the internet. It was all over the internet and i dont know what it is the soyuz spaceship brought scott kelly back to earth. Im here at the academy awards, otherwise money as the white peoples choice awards. The oscar goes to spotlight. Thank you all for this amazing award tonight. Im a danish girl these are good, girl super tuesday super team. Super charlie and john will be back in just a very few hours. We hope the seven states that trump donald trump won were shock, denial, guilt, anger, bargaining, depression, and alabama can i feel it coming in the air tonight so we might see you play again . Yes damn i said it yes. You might. I can ruan im so fast youre going to run the Boston Marathon . I am. Are you a runner . I am now. Im so ready to get in shape i will get in shape it gets better and better how did you find out about tuesday cupcakes . Facebook. The cupcakes look amazing ive never been a fan of cupcakes. You like sweet things. I do. I know you like sweet things. Moving on whee steam late night last night the way you move ,,,,,,, police in san jose are tryio a fatal accident good morning, its 8 55. Time for some news headlines. This morning, police in san jose are trying to figure out how a fatal accident happened. Two pickup trucks collided at camden and lee avenues. A man was thrown from one of them and was killed. A vicious fight at santa clara countys main jail caught on camera, just one day after sheriff laurie smith bought security cameras for the jail on her own dime. Today two members of congress from the bay area will introduce the crab emergency Disaster Assistance act. They would provide more than 138 million in aid to an industry decimated by toxins in crabs. Heres roberta. Good morning. Its off to a foggy start in the city of san francisco. Mostly cloudy skies, with isolated showers. We have the bulk of the activity the very heavy rain the gusty winds by saturday afternoon even though saturday is a complete washout with the wind advisory in effect, right now we do have an isolated shower in the offing for today. Well see numbers right now in the 50s and 60s going up to highs around 70 in the warmest locations. Looking ahead towards saturday, we do have wind gusts up to 50 Miles Per Hour so that wind advisory is in effect for the potential of downed trees and power lines. Todays highs against 60s to 70 degrees. Its flat wind out of the south increasing late day to 15 Miles Per Hour. It will be stormy on saturday and sunday with a potential of thunderstorms both days. Saturday the worst day of the two as far as rainfall and wind is concerned. Monday showering drying out tuesday and wednesday. Good morning. Im Sandra Osborne in the traffic center. There are several incidents and congestion on the roads. An accident in Half Moon Bay southbound one before devils slide in the process of being cleared. For a while all lanes were blocked. The nimitz freeway, backed up on one side from 880 from 238 to the maze, about 38 minutes. Foggy conditions if you are in san francisco. The bay bridge and Golden Gate Bridge both looking foggy. Wayne im on tv. Jonathan its a trip to napa. gibberish wayne youve got the car jonathan cash wayne mr. Ladida. Jonathan its a new kitchen whoo jonathan wow im going for door number two jonathan its time for lets make a deal. Now heres tvs big dealer, wayne brady wayne hello, america, welcome to lets make a deal. Im wayne brady, thank you so much for tuning in. Heres what we do every single day. We make deals. Just like this. Who wants to make a deal . cheers and applause i see bobby soxer in the front row, look like youre going to a sock hop. Yes. Hey, how are you doing . Hey, how are you . Wayne im good, everybody, sit down, sit down. Welcome to the show, so where are you from . San diego

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