Says a shadow on the seabed is believed to be part of the aircraft. Search teams maim a grim discovery. The object appears to be a plane door and a life jacket. Family members all briefed. Winter making a wicked return for the new years holiday. Can you imagine what it will be like with snowflakes . Those girls would have to put clothes on . The release of an autopsy by a man killed by Los Angeles Police is sparking new protests. Demonstrators linked arms and blocked traffic on a freeway monday. The the flight returns to philadelphia an Emergency Landing due to engine problems. The republican makes that decision when following a guilty plea for felon tax evasion. In australia, this used an explosive. Wild scene in texas and striking two West Virginia players. Thats ridiculous. And a 9yearold boy battling a brain tumor got the surprise of his life when his favorite soup here came by for a visit. President obama apologizing to a newlywed couple whose wedding was relocated because of his golf game. We were watching you golf. That must have been kind of painful. This mornings eye opener is presented by toyota. Welcome to cbs this morning. Charlie and gayle are off. Good to have you both here. Were going to begin with breaking news this morning because indonesian officials confirmed this morning that wreckage found in the waters off indonesia is from airasia flight 8501. Searchers overnight recovered debris and dozens of bodies. Theres no sign that any of the 152 passengers and crew survived. Airasia ceo says this morning words cant express how sorry i am. The wreckage and bodies were found in the flight bath of that airbus. Alan, good morning from indonesia. Reporter the search for the missing airliner is now the most popeful from the moment the plane disappeared, a recovery rather than a rescue operation. The first of the bodies found by an indonesian search and rescue helicopter confirmed what was becoming obvious. Six bodies seen three recovered recovereded and then more and more bodies seen floating for in the sea. Cbs news deliberately blurred the gruesome image. The first picture was not disguised when it appeared on a screen where victims relatives were gathered. Some went into hysterics. For some the news was too much to bear. Many broke down. Their hopes were a dashed. The copilot said at first he and his crew thought the bodies he saw in the the water were waiting for help. And at first the the debris was cautiously described as likely to be from the plane. Now it is confirmed. The recovery operation is being hampered by strong winds and waves more than six feet high. Earlier in the day the people representing the family of the victims were flown over the area to pray as close to the spot as possible. Lets focus on getting you back. If we have a lot of families over there, its going to complicate it to finish off the evacuation. So the key now is to get everyone back to surabaya. Nothing could have saved those on board. None of the bodies found were wearing life jackets. The crew of one search plane reported seeing a shadow on the seabed that they thought could be what is left of the missing airliner. Allen, thanks. The president of indonesia is also in surabaya where he told victims families a short time ago i feel your loss. He also thanksed the nations helping search for the remained of flight 8501. Jeff is in washington with how the United States and other countries are involved. Jeff, good morning. Reporter good morning, the head of indonesias search and rescue agency acknowledged the country may not have the best Technology Available to conduct an underwater search. And thats why they have reached out to other countries like britain, australia and the United States. The u. S. Has a ship near the debris field. Another is heading that way right now. The u. S. S. Sampson and ft. Worth are joining the search the same day. The destroyer could help look for pings emitted from the planes black boxes. The navy has eavesdropping technology that is second to none. They can pick up just about any signal that is coming especially in the shallow waters. The navy has been asked to assist in search and recovery by providing aircraft, ships and submersibles submersibles. Our agency is focused on finding ways to be responsive. For days crews around the world have been scouring the indonesian waters for any sign of the airbus. Its still unclear how wide the debris field spans. If the aircraft just basically went into a deep stall and nose dove into the ocean, the debris field will be a lot more concentrated. According to an aviation source, airasia recently began to upgrade the jets to confirm the tracking of the fleets. The airline has not confirmed that information nor whether the plane was a part of the upgrade. Jeff, thank you. And this morning were learning of another airasia plane in tr you believe. This time, however, it is in the philippines. A flight from manila overshot the runway today. A witness said it made a hard landing and passengers had to use evacuation slides. There is no official word of injuries but you can imagine how scary that must have been. Coming up a closer look at how the weather may have brought down flight 8501. Notoriously violent storms over the java sea and the extreme High Altitudes. Some Cyber Security experts are expressing doubts north korea was behind the massive Sony Pictures hack. Researchers briefed eded the fbi on their analysis. Quijano joins us with evidence. Good morning. Last week cbs news reported on a Silicon Valley Cyber Security firm with a theory on who was behind the sony hack. The u. S. Government maintains north korea bears sole responsibility for the attack. On monday fbi agents spent over two hours meeting with represents from a Silicon Valley Cyber Security firm. The fbi wanted to know who they thought was blindehind the cyber attacks. Last week we first spoke with a senior vice president. Stamberger told us all signs indicate the attack was an inside job. There are certainly north korean fingerprints on all. But when we run all of those leads to ground, they turn out to be decoys or red herrings. Stamberger says the investigation points to a woman who calls herself lena and claimed to be connected with the guardians of peace hacking group. This woman was in precisely the right position and had the technical background she would need to locate the specific servers that were compromised. Alternate theorys about who was to blame for the attack came days after the fbi announced north korea was responsible. Even sew, the state Department Said it had no plans to change its decision. We are confident north korea is responsible for this destructive attack. We sfand behind that conclusion. Thats not enough time to do thorough investigation, looking at all the logs. This is a former hacker and Cyber Security expert. He says the governments conclusion about the complicated attack came far too soon. North korea would not be able to handle such a massive amount of information floating into it from external source without raising any red flags. Skeptics of the governments north korean theory point to the short length of time they took to draw their north korea conclusion but they say if used by north korea is not inclusive and is used in the United States every day. Fascinating story that seems fascinating by the day. You can find that at cbsnews. Com. This morning protesters in los angeles are expressing anger over what they say is another example of police brutality. They blocked part of the 110 freeway after autopsy results for ford. Police shot and killeded the the unarmed man in august. Josh blackstone is there are tensions are escalating with police. Good morning. The autopsy shows that police shot ford three times. Including once in the back. The police say they shot the 25yearold man after e he tried to grab an officers gun. His family believes the shooting was unprovoked but theyre setting a mood of peaceful protests after similar incidents have sparked violence across the country. Fords mother lit a candle at the memorial to her late son on monday. As others took to the streets, briefly stopping threeway traffic and taking up a national refrain. Hands up dont shoot i cant breathe protesters demanded justice after the los angeles medical examiner revealed ford was shot three times. In the side, the arm, and once in the black at close enough range to leave a muzzle imprint. If a person is not armed a gun should not be drawn on them. Too much innocent blood is laying in the streets of america. And again police asked for calm reflection. An autopsy does not prescribe motivation nor propriety. The two officers involved stopped ford from making suspicious movements. During a struggle, they say, he tried to grab one officers weapon. Fords family filed a 75 million wrongful death lawsuit against the lapd and the city of los angeles, claiming the officers knew ford was bipolar and schizophrenic. This clearly looks to me like an execution shot. Thats exactly what it was. Anger over fords killing comes after the death of michael brown, eric garner and tamir rice all during confrontations with police. Beck says he knows officers are face increased scrutiny and the public deserves a thor reinvestigation. We will find out the truth of what happened on that august night. The protests have created tensions between Law Enforcement and activists. The deadly ambush in an act of vengeance earlier this month have Police Departments on alert, and the lapd is still searching searching for one of two suspects who opened fire monday night. New york city mayor bill de blasio will meet with Police Unions today to try to mend their troubled relationship. De blasio spoke at an nypd Graduation Ceremony on monday. Some in the crowd booed and heckled the mayor as he gave the new officers his vote of confidence. It takes a special kind of person to put their lives on the line for others. To stare down the danger because thats what you will do. You will stare down the danger. You will keep the peace. Officers have expressed safety concerns since the murder of two policemen in their patrol car earlier this month. Since the attack tickets for traffic and minor crimes in new york city have dropped 94 compared to the same week last year. Overall arrests are down 66 . This morning las vegas is betting on snow for new years eve. New snow is already on the ground in colorado where plows are working overtime to keep the roads clear. Meteorologist daniel niles of wbz shows us how many areas will experience a new years chill. Good morning. Good morning to you and viewers in the west. We are talking about Winter Weather moving in. Winter weather warnings and advisories are up. We have an area to bring showers. But look at that snow developing and especially with elevation across parts of the southwest tonight and lingering into the new year as well. Were talking about a rare coating of snow and the deeper purples indicate over a foot in part of southwest colorado southern utah and northern arizona. A return top winter with well below average temperatures from the midwest and the northern plains. Typical winter chill in the air with forecast highs in the teens tomorrow and 30 in seattle. 22 in parts of montana. Danielle thanks very much. This morning a new york congressman says hell resign one day before starting a new term. Michael grimm pleaded guilty to tax evasion last week. Voters reelected grimm in november. He would have been sworn in next tuesday. The republican from new york city Staten Island made headlines when he threatened a reporter in front of the camera. He said it dit not break my spirit nor the will of the voter ls. I do not believe i can continue to be 100 effective in the next congress. Meanwhile, the number three House Republican admits that he spoke to a convention of White Supremacists in 2002. Congressman Steve Scalise rejects hate filled intolerance. Jan crawford is live. Reporter good morning. So scalise is a congressman from louisiana. Hes been here in Congress Since 2008 and was elected majority whip six months ago. It was that speech he gave nearly 13 years ago thats now coming back to haunt him. Steve scalise was a state lawmaker. The european unity and rights organization. Founded by exku klux klan leader david duke, its considered an Extremist Group by the sovereign poverty law center. A user says scalise criticized graft within the housing and urban Development Fund as an apparent giveaway to a Selective Group based on race. Scalise denied knowing what it stood for when he gave the speech. Robert costa said in 2002 david duke was a well known figure in louisiana politics. This was a major event in louisiana at the time. It was in new orleans. It was a gathering of White Supremacists and neo nazis. Scalise says he was not aware, but it seems everyone else was quite knowledgeable. In a statement, scalises office says he was never affiliated with the the group in question. When duke was mulling a run for congress the same poster wrote, i suppose if duke does not make the election for whatever reason scalise would be a good option. House Speaker John Boehner has a decision to make. Hes trying to set the tone for his new congress. But he knows if he cuts scalise off, it could cost him Political Capital within the house. You know scalise is well respected among conservatives and his presence in the leadership gives Speaker Boehner credibility with that part of the republican party. But this comes as the gop is really trying to reach out to africanamericans and other minorities and this obviously does not help. Jan, thank you. The search continues for more possible victims in a ferry disaster off the coast of greece. Ten people died in the fire. And rescuers pulled 427 people from the vessel. Italian officials will launch a criminal investigation into the fires cause. In philadelphia, a flaming engine gave passengers scare. The pilot took a turnaround after takeoff on monday. One passenger said he heard a loud bang and then saw the fire. He said, quote, it was like seeing death right there. The plane with 75 passengers aboard did land safely. Doctors say former president george h. W. Bush is in hi spirits this morning. The 90yearold went to the hospital for shortness of breath. The family Spokesman Says the president is waiting for his doctors approval to return home. It is 7 19. Ahead this morning, the round of golf that left the commander in chief feeling terrible. Well show you president obamas course correction after he bogeyed a couples dream bundle up heading out the door this morning. Good morning, everyone. Currently, 36 degrees in santa rosa. The winds are out of the north at 13. Wind chill is in the upper 20s. Thats what it feels like this morning out the door. 45 degrees in livermore. We have a wind advisory in place for today. Winds to 30 gusts to 45. Excessive winds in the highest elevations. Todays high temperatures only in the 50s. Announcer this National Weather report sponsored by chex cereal. Simply nutritious. Ahead, how High Altitude storms can challenge pilots and put passengers in danger. The news is back in the morning here on cbs this morning. Announcer this portion of cbs this mo toyota. Lets go places. Won a storage locker. Found an old guitar. Tracked down the previous owner. Reunited them. Hit the jackpot. The bold new camry. One bold choice leads to another. Toyota. Lets go places. Did you know enamel is your teeths first line of defense . But daily eating and drinking can leave enamel rough and weak. Introducing new Colgate Enamel Health toothpaste its unique formula replenishes weak spots with natural calcium. And gently polishes. For strong, healthy enamel. Strengthen the enamel that protects your teeth. Introducing new Colgate Enamel Health toothpaste. Replenish and polish for healthy enamel. Colgate. 1 brand recommended by dentists. When heartburn comes creeping up on you. Fight back with relief so smooth. Its fast. Tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. And neutralizes stomach acid at the source. Tum, tum tum tum. Smoothies only from tums. At chilis, fresh is now. And now weve got fresh mex bowls. Its a big bowl of delicious paired with soup or salad. Now on our lunch combo menu, starting at six bucks. Chilis fresh is happening now. We come by almost every day to deliver your mail so if you have any packages you want to return you should just give them to us i mean, were going to be there anyway why dont you just leave it for us to pick up . Or you could always get in your car and take it back yourself yeah, us picking it up is probably your easiest option its kind of a no brainer ok, well, good talk think the tree we carved our names in is still here . Probably dead. How much fun is this . What . What a beautiful sunset. If you like sunsets. Whether youre sweet or salty. Youll love Nature Valley sweet and salty bars. Mmm mmm mmm mm mmm mm mmmmmm here we go, here we go here we go. Fifty omaha set hut losing feeling in my toes nothing beats that new car smell chicken parm you taste so good nationwide is on your side mmm mmm mmm mm mmm mm mmmmmm saving and smiling. Thats how i start the year. With tons of stuff on rollback clearance and more at walmart. And that really puts a smile on my face. Thousands of items on rollback and clearance in store and online. At subway, were seriously into veggies. Which is why we prepare them fresh, in store. Were all about finding unique veggies. Making your sandwich a one of a kind creation. So come on in and get your veggie on. Subway. Eat fresh. I was not aware of how much acidity was in my diet. That it was damaging the enamel. I wanted to fix it right away. My dentist recommended pronamel. He said pronamel can make my teeth stronger. Pronamel is helping me lead the life that i want to live. [male announcer] its in the nows that life is is lived. Dont let them pass you by. Jump into them. Immerse yourself in them. Because its the nows that make the journey worthwhile. The wild atlanti c way. 1500 miles of extraordinary nows. Jump into ireland. Visit ireland. Com to find out more. Looking into three overnight car fires. One in campbell, and the good morning. Heres whats happening around the bay area right now. Arson investigators are looking into three overnight car fires one in campbell, the other two in san joses burbank district. All were along the bascomb avenue corridor scenes of a couple of other car fires just last week. Qualcomm is expected to lay off more than 100 workers in its facilities in Silicon Valley. Business journal reports the job cuts will include 105 in san jose, 6 in santa clara. Earlier this month, san diego based chipmaker said it planned to cut about 300 jobs in california, 600 worldwide. And jim harbaugh in less than two hours from now will become the new head coach at michigan. Traffic and weather coming up right after the break. Good morning. A traffic jam in oakland is because of metal debris that caused more than a dozen flats earlier though morning. So they have cleaned all the debris to the center divide. Thats the good news. The bad news is look at the backup. It extends now south of oakland coliseum, oakland airport, so that is our worst traffic hot spot out the door right now. You can see all the backup on our sensors. In the meantime at the bay bridge traffic is still very quiet. Metering lights are on. Thats kcbs traffic. Heres roberta. Currently our air temperatures out the door this morning in the 30s and in the 40s. Good morning, everyone. Currently in the santa rosa area 36 degrees. Winds are out of the north at 8. Wind chill is 30. Thats what it feels like this morning. High wind advisory in effect today through wednesday. Temperatures in the 50s. And the extended forecast does call for the coldest temperatures this season on new years eve dropping down to 25 degrees. Version 1 million 447 one shows a man lighting an explosive while trying to break into an atm. Within seconds it exploded. Really honestly thats what youre trying . He ran from the scene barefoot without getting any money out. How are they keeping a tally . It continues exponentially, it increased. Gayle if youre watching on vacation, gayle would say that is stupid with two os. I love it. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Coming up in this half hour violent weather is one of the greatest dangers for any pilot. That may explain the crash of 8501. Well show you how others are involved in accidents and how pilots and Airlines Make plans to deal with it. Plus president obama apologizes to a newlywed couple in hawaii. Lets show you the headlines from around the globe. The wall street journal said fedex and u. P. S. Got back on time this holiday. Companies sent a 90 delivery rate. Last year fedex ontime rate was 90 , u. P. S. Was 83 . Bloomburg said oil fell to a fiveyear low. Thats based on predictions that the Global Supply glut will continue to the first half of the year. On monday the bench drop for crude to 50 a barrel. Gasbuddy. Com says gas is 2 sps 2. 26 a gallon. Shake shack operates 63 praunts around the world. In case youre not from new york youve never had had a shake shack. Apparently its a mixture of brinket and short ribs. Thats what they say it makes the patty so good. The hill said the 113th Congress Nearly avoids the least productive and least ceremonial renaming of buildings. They passed 296 laws. Thats fewer than other previous secessions. Pew said bills on substance are down 64 to the lowest level in 54 years. Kentucky is suing the maker of oxycontin. It could lead to the first ever jury trial over the pain pills. Purdue warn a lawsuit could cost more than 1 billion. And the sydney herald looks at a lucky family who missed the doomed flight. They didnt receive messages that the plane would depart early. They were among 26 people who didnt show up for the flight. Interesting, family were in two cars. The men were in one car, women in the other car, the men said were going to miss this flight. Oh, well. That gives me chill. Searchers in the java sea did recover bodies and dozens of wreckage. Heading to singapore, it ran into severe storms after taking off in indonesia. Don dahler is here with a look at how dangerous the flying can get when weather is bad. Good morning. Flight 8501 is refocusing on whether weather can contribute to other crashes in the past. Among them malfunction and other violent weather that pilots can experience at High Altitudes. I think its fair to say that these investigators will strongly focus on the weather and on the flight crews response to the weather. Reporter indonesian Authorities Say airasia flight 8501 was passing through a thunderstorm over the java sea when it disappeared sunday. As a result, while flying at roughly 32,000 feet the pilot is asked air Traffic Control for per his to climb to 38,000 feet due to storm clouds. Steven wallace is a pilot and former director of the faas office of accident investigations. Modern airliners are equipped to cope with precipitation and icing and turbulence. But most Decision Making is about weather, particularly weather avoidance. Reporter air Traffic Controllers and pilots around the globe take precautions to avoid those conditions. But sudden and unpredicted weather can crop up in their flight paths. An ntsb study blamed weather as either the cause or a contributing factor in more than 1700 plane crashes between 2003 and 2007. A lot of airliners have a radar that is designed to detect weather. And it basically sends an echo back that shows the level of density of precipitation. Reporter severe thunderstorms are a normal occurrence over the java sea. The location of 8501s disappearance. They can produce lightning and microbursts that can jostle an aircraft. Very heavy precipitation can potentially drown out the engines. Hail can break through the windshield. Weve seen all of those things happen, in prior accidents. Reporter ice poses another danger at High Altitudes. In 2009 Ice Accumulation caused malfunction aboard air France Flight 447. An airbus a330 which crashed en route for france from before skill. The crew did not stall the airplane and it crashed in the ocean. Wallace said the flight data recorders and cockpit voice recorders of flight 8501 hold the keys to what happened and how that thunderstorm contributed to whatever chain of events followed. Thank you very much. Well go back for recovery efforts. And well ask Peter Greenberg about how to find out if an airline is safe to fly. Stalkers have a new tool for tracking and monitoring their victims. Theyre using mobile apps and Digital Surveillance Software better known as spy ware. It can access Text Messages and calls. Stalkers can track the location and turn on a devices camera and microphone. Cbs news legal analyst Rikki Klieman is with us. Good morning. Good morning, norah. You can use the gps to track where your kids are, you can also track a cheating spouse. But how are these apps being used in terms of victims of Domestic Violence. What were seeing is a morphing here. What we thought is the nanny cam or elder care or employers looking for employees who might be engaged in theft. And now this whole morphing has come down to two different aspects. One is what we think of as the gps function that is where is your socalled cheating spouse going to be. Are they where they say theyre going to be. But much more significant now is the real danger for victims of Domestic Violence. Because its not only finding out where they are, its actually hacking into through the spy ware to read emails, texts, hear voice mails. Actually get into a phone call and eavesdrop. And one of the creepiest parts of it from i sit is the ability to turn on this microphone and within 15 feet hear what is actually happening. Its treacherous. It is. How do users install this software without any detection . What happens here jeff is this. First of all, we should say it is illegal to manufacture. It is illegal to advertise, it is illegal to sell this type of spy ware in the United States of america. Obviously, thats the creation of it. Its also, obviously, illegal to use, because youre there for a stalker, or an eavesdropper. Youre wiretapping. So how does it get in . Right. So how it gets in is if the stalker or aggressor, the person who wants to do a bad thing can get ahold of that phone or computer for a very very short time, this software can be installed. And they do it in very devious ways. Sometimes, they can use their child. Sometimes, they can go as far as using a repairman. The guy comes from the Cable Company or the electronics. The coned guy, theres where it gets installed. But one of the other thing, of course, people have become expert at hacking into the computer. So all of these things become fraught with peril. Reporter interesting i just wanted to give you this if you look up the domestic hot line in the United States, it says on the top of the first page it gives you a safety alert to tell primarily women that your computer could be monitored and it is impossible to completely clear. So the person who is being stalked to the person who may become a victim has no idea its on there. Yeah i was stunned to npr found that 85 of Domestic Violence shelters said that victims had computers tracking them. There was a man named hamid akbar, he pled guilty in november, 5,000 fine. 10 days in jail. Therefore, the government is starting. And it is illegal, as you said. Up next president obama forces a mulligan on a couples wedding plan. Hi mr. President. Hello. Hello. Listen congratulations on your wedding, i feel terrible. That is next on cbs this morning. Ubway, were seriously into veggies. Which is why we prepare them fresh, in store. Were all about finding unique veggies. Making your sandwich a one of a kind creation. So come on in and get your veggie on. Subway. Eat fresh. Well, i drove grandpa to speed dating this week, so i should probably get the last roll. Dad, but i practiced my bassoon. And i listened. I can do this. Everyone deserves ooey gooey pillsbury cinnamon rolls. Make the weekend pop lowes presents how to install a new washing machine with one finger. Maybe a little more that way. [sliding noises. ] nice get 1030 off select major appliances 399 or above at lowes. I love the holidays but after all the shopping cooking and heavy foods. Sometimes i feel bloated or gassy with rumbling uncomfortable. I feel less motivated and sluggish. Its time to start the year off right with the activia challenge enjoying activia twice a day for four weeks may help reduce the frequency of minor digestive issues like bloating, gas discomfort and rumbling. And if your tummy smiles you can start the year off right. Try the activia challenge. It works or its free. Dannon do you want a healthier mouth . Plus a whiter smile . You can have both with colgate total® advanced whitening. [ male announcer ] it removes more surface stains to whiten 30 better. And it improves mouth health. Healthier plus whiter. [ male announcer ] colgate total® advanced whitening. 30 more whitening. Suffering from the flu is a really big deal. With aches, fever and chills theres no such thing as a little flu. So why treat it like its a little cold . Theres something that works differently than overthecounter remedies. Attack the flu virus at its source with prescription tamiflu. And call your doctor right away. Tamiflu is fda approved to treat the flu in people 2 weeks and older whose flu symptoms started within the last two days. Before taking tamiflu tell your doctor if youre pregnant, nursing, have Serious Health conditions, or take other medicines. If you develop an allergic reaction, a severe rash, or signs of unusual behavior stop taking tamiflu and call your doctor immediately. Children and adolescents in particular may be at an increased risk of seizures confusion or abnormal behavior. The most common side effects are mild to moderate nausea and vomiting. Ask your doctor about tamiflu and attack the flu virus at its source. Have also been some crowdpleasing victory, like a par last evening on the 18th hole. Whoo reporter this past weekend, though he flirted with trouble when he decided to play on a scenic course at a military base. The problem, a wedding of two Army Captains, Natalie Heimel and Edward Mallue scheduled at the same time. The manager of the golf course without informing the white house of the conflict asked the couple if they would mind relocating with a commanding view of the ocean. Fortunately, they said they had no problem with the change and were happy their commander in chief would not be disrupted according to a spokesperson at the base. When president obama was later informed of what had happened he quote, felt bad according to a source familiar with the situation. So catching the couple by surprise, he called them right after they took their vows and apologize apologized. Hi. Hi mr. Pled. Hello, listen hey, congratulations on your wedding, i feel terrible. Nobody told us. Had they mention they had were going to have a wedding on the 16th hole we would have skipped the 16th hole. I hope the wedding went okay anyway. It did, it was a blessing in disguise. Reporter it turns this photo was everything these two Army Captains had had dreamed of. For cbs this morning, chip reid. Apparently the couple got to a better view. And the couple was thought teed off. I cant as i said on the evening news. Golf some people say is a good in this case is might have been a wedding. Cue the assistant for texas a m. And the action with the other team on the sidelines. This is awful. Well show you this video coming up. Plus tom hanks opens up on hollywood, about his insecurities, his favorite roles and what led to his love of selfies. You wont bundle up heading out the door this morning. Good morning, everyone. Currently, 36 degrees in santa rosa. The winds are out of the north at 13. Wind chill is in the upper 20s. Thats what it feels like this morning out the door. 45 degrees in livermore. We have a wind advisory in place for today. Winds to 30 gusts to 45. Excessive winds in the highest elevations. Todays high temperatures only in the 50s. Announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by blue buffalo. 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A former linebacker you see elbowed a West Virginia player then shoved another one monday after they went out of bounds. The head coach condemned the violence. I was made aware of the situation at halftime. He did not return to the field. Hes already been sent home and, you know thats nothing that we condone. It was nothing about that whole situation thats a part of who we are and what we believe in. A m went on to win that game 4537. Ahead, well get the latest from indonesia on the airasia plane crash. Youre watching cbs this morning. And that little angel says weeeeeeeee 60 more sheets than charmin. Everything you want and the value you love. Angel soft. At chilis, fresh is now. And now weve got fresh mex bowls. Its a big bowl of delicious paired with soup or salad. Now on our lunch combo menu, starting at six bucks. Chilis fresh is happening now. [vet] two yearly physicals down. Martha and mildred are good to go. Heres your invoice, ladies. A few stops later, and it looks like big ollie is on the mend. It might not seem that glamorous having an old pickup truck for an office. Or filling your days looking down the south end of a heifer but. I wouldnt have it any other way. Look at that, i had my best month ever. And earned a shiny new office upgrade. I run on quickbooks. Thats how i own it. humming oh yeah. humming theyre magically delicious. Ha very funny, kyle. My advice for healthy looking radiant skin. A good nights sleep. And aveeno®. [ female announcer ] only aveeno® positively radiant has an active naturals® total soy formula. It helps reduce the look of brown spots in just four weeks. Aveeno®. Naturally beautiful results™. Introducing danceallyou want bladder leak protection. New always discreet underwear for sensitive bladders from always, the experts in feminine protection. Only always discreet underwear has soft dual leakguard barriers to help stop leaks where they happen most. Plus, always discreet has a discreet fit that hugs your curves. You barely feel it. New always discreet underwear. Now bladder leaks can feel like no big deal. Because, hey, pee happens. We come by almost every day to deliver your mail so if you have any packages you want to return you should just give them to us i mean, were going to be there anyway why dont you just leave it for us to pick up . Or you could always get in your car and take it back yourself yeah, us picking it up is probably your easiest option its kind of a no brainer ok, well, good talk huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Everybody knows that. Well, did you know you that former pro Football Player ickey woods will celebrate almost anything . Unhuh. Number 44. Whoooo fortyfour, thats me get some cold cuts. Get some cold cuts. Get some cold cuts whooo gimme some geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Whoo fortyfour ladies, thats me whoo. Gonna get some cold cuts today is injured after a shooting in berkeley. This happened e near hearst its 7 56. Im moiling. One person is dead and another injured after a shooting in berkeley on san pablo avenue near hearst avenue shutting the roads down for hours. No word on the womans condition and no arrests. The bay area is expecting a blast of cold air for the new year. The frigid temperatures could bring a rare sight in las vegas snow. The strip could get 3 on thursday. The last time that happened was 40 years ago. Stay with us. Traffic and weather in just a moment. 880 in oakland is a hot spot because of earlier concrete debris fell from a truck and more than a dozen cars got flats. Earlier this morning, still slow as you can see here near the observations observations. Really as you get closer to downtown oakland, thats where it really continues to jam up. 26 Miles Per Hour approaching embarcadero. Heres a live look at the bay bridge, all clear coming into san francisco. In fact, the metering lights are off at the toll plaza. And if you are heading out to tahoe, sierra, grab your chains. They are required on 80, highway 50 and 88. That is kcbs traffic. With the forecast, heres roberta. Currently in throughout blue canyon wind gusts 40 Miles Per Hour. Locally winds 13 Miles Per Hour except in the highest elevations up to 25. Currently, temperatures in the 30s and in the 40s out the door. We have a wind advisory in place with some wind gusts up to 45 Miles Per Hour, stronger throughout the canyons and the mountains and the beaches. Highs today in the 50s. The extended forecast does call for temperatures each day to rise into the 50s. Good morning to our viewers in the west. It is tuesday, december 30th, 201. Welcome back to cbs this morning. More real news ahead including indonesia and the recovery effort. Plus Peter Greenberg looks at how to find an airline you can trust but first, todays eye opener at 8. The crew of one search plane reported seeing a shadow on the seabed they thought what could be what is left of the missing airliner. Wreckage found from s. From airasia flight 8501. The malwear used by the attacks is used by north korea is not exclusive. Police say they shot the 25yearold after he tried to grab an officers gun. His family believes the shooting was unprovoked. Weathered a vaz ed aadviseoryies are up for southern sections of california stretching east to extexas. Been a Congress Since 2008. It was that speech he gave nearly 13 years ago is now coming back to haunt him. One of the creepiest parts of it is the ability to turn on this microphone and within 15 feet hear what is actually happening. Newlyweds say they have no hard feelings towards the president after his golf game forced them to change their wedding plans. I guess its fair to see the couple is not teed off. Missed the fairway. I cant with you two today. Im norah odonnell. Charlie rose and gayle king are off. Indonesias government confirmed this morning that airasia flight 8051 crashed in the java sea. Searchers pulled wreckage and dozens of bodies out of the water. The rest of the plane may be located soon. Alan is in surabaya where many may be found soon. Reporter good morning. Darkness has fallen here so the search operation has been curtailed but now they know where to look. The first bodies found were barely six miles from the last place the plane reported its position to air Traffic Control. As the day wore on more bodies were found and personal possessions were being pulled from the sea in spite of waves reaching up to seven feet and high winds. The president of indonesia flew over the area himself for a look and came here to surabaya airport to greet grieving relatives. The first pictures of a body floating in the sea were broadcast by indonesian television. They appeared on a monitor in a room where the relatives were gathered. People went into hysterics and some had to be carried out on a stretcher. Now they know theres no hope of finding anyone else. There is however, a bit of hope that this mystery can be solved because one air rescue crusade that they spotted what they called a shadow on the seabed that looked like it could be a large piece of the missing airliner. If thats true, and its in shallow enough water, it will make finding the black box easier and easier to solve the mystery as to why the plane plunged out of control. Not that that will be much consolation to those who lost family and loved ones. This crash is raising concerns about air safety in a part of the world where deadly accidents have gone hand in hand. Cbs news traveled or Peter Greenberg is here with more on this. The wall street journal notes this morning that air traffic in the Asia Pacific Region has increased by twothirds in the past five years. And asian carriers have an involved in four of the five events with the most fatalities. Is growth happening too fast in that region . Its certainly happening faster than weve seen it in other places of the world. Airlines starting left and right. Ordering huge numbers of airplanes. That is not a bad idea. The problem is how do you fill the left seat and right seat. How do you train the pilots sufficiently. There is a Pilot Shortage so thats one of the things people are looking at. If you look at the asian carriers, theyve been involved in four of the past five crashes with the most fatality how do you feel safe about plying in asia if youre planning a trip . Its not just about flying in asia, its about flying anywhere outside the United States. The European Union has tracked the statistics and listed a list of a ban of airlines they will not allow to fly into european airspace. That list is available to anybody online. Airasia is a safe airline . They are. But lets look at the other airlines. Indonesia . That country has probably the worst record as far as European Union is concerned of airlines banned. At one point all but five of the countrys 67 airlines were banned from european airspace. That should tell you something. You look at this list. Does the United States have a comparable list . A lot of times your on an airline, weve all flown internationally. You dont know your connection is on a different airline. The United States will not tell you they have a list but the faa does keep a list. Itsive asian Safety Assessment program where theyre looking at the airport and Airline Safety programs in those countries and they list a number of countries that they think is deficient. Indonesia happens to be one of them. So is bangladesh india, and so that also is a list that is available. So what should you do before you leave . I mean, so all these planes are made the same way, but then its about upkeep and its no matter how the plane is made theres always going to be the human element. First of all, look at this list because most people have never heard of airborne ashah until this week. Lets face is a. Most americans havent flown the carrier. If youre flying in asia there might be flights you are connecting to. Consult to see which has been beened. A lot of airlines banned have got their act to the and are now off the list. Lets talk about the breaking news that they found the wreckage and recovered dozen dozens of bodies. Do you think well know quickly then what caused this crash . The lessons of flight 370 is that you cant find a needle in the hay stack if you cant find the haystack. Now you have the haystack in relatively shallow water. Remember, the black box gives you the last two hours of recorded conversation in an airplane cockpit. This happened within 48 minutes of takeoff. Were going to find out very soon, once they get that black box, the chain of events. Peter greenberg, thank you so much. You bet. Passengers are flying to las vegas from london this morning one day after a scary Emergency Landing. Look at this video. It shows the Virgin Atlantic plane bumpy landing at londons airport. You can see the wheels on one section of the boeing 747 never fully extended. The las vegasbound plane dumped fuel before returning to the airport. All 462 passengers and crew got off safely. Detroit lions ready to start the playoffs without one of their best Football Players. Su stepped on quarterback Aaron Rodgers leg in green bay on sunday after rodgers was already hurt. The referees did not call a penalty but on monday the league called the play unsafe. Su has been suspended before for totally unnecessary incidents like this. Coming up on cbs this morning, gayle king talks to Kennedy Center honoree tom hanks and how he stays cool under pressure. This is purely a selfdefense mechanism. This is in order to get food americans are spending billions on weight loss supplements. First on cbs this morning, trisha of Consumer Reports is in studio 57 with a new look at diet pills, fatburning claims and why the government isnt doing more to keep track. Thats next here on cbs this morning. Claims and why the government isnt doing more to keep track. Thats next on cbs this morning. Behold, the subway steak egg white and cheese start your morning off right with juicy, sizzly steak stacked high with proteinpacked egg whites, melty cheese and whatever else you love, like jalapenos or spinach all on warm, toasty flatbread. Subway. Eat fresh. Patented Sonic Technology with up to 27 more brush movements. Get healthier gums in two weeks. Innovation and you Philips Sonicare save when you give Philips Sonicare this holiday season. The weather outside is frightful but the fire is so delightful [ male announcer ] nothing melts away the cold like a hot delicious bowl of chicken noodle soup from campbells. Let it snow, let it snow if you want it go out and get it i did it. I did it too. They took natures bounty hair skin and nails its a Vitamin Supplement that nourishes from the inside. With biotin for beautiful hair and strong nails. And vitamin c and e for vibrant skin. Give it a month, if your hair, skin and nails dont look and feel more beautiful well give you your money back. I did it. And i feel beautiful. Take the natures bounty hair, skin and nails challenge visit naturesbounty. Com for details. In delicious gummies too just exercise and eat less. Serious suggestions only please. Dont tell me to get a personal trainer because i tried to do that and no one took me seriously because all the photos are me eating meat pie. Many of us want lose weight without all the work. A recent poll confirms shedding pounds is the most popular new years resolution. 13 of americans say its their top priority. Americans spent 2 billion on weight loss pills in 2013 a gain of 11. 6 from the year before. First on cbs this morning, Consumer Reports reveal new survey asking users about this safety and effectiveness of supplements. Trish calvo is the magazines Deputy Editor of health and food. I want to ask you. I think people think that diet pills, they have some understanding there could be dangerous things. But supplements are different and were led to believe theyre natural. Yes. And people do think theyre national. A quarter of the people in our survey thought they were safe because they were natural. Butting chully theyre regulated by the fda more like foods than drugs. So that means that they dont have to be proven safe before they go on the market. Theyre assumed to be safe unless they are proven otherwise. And the burden of proof to prove them unsafe is on the fda, to take them off the market if they happen to be unsafe. We know these up a msupplements are popular, are they effective . They are not affective. Those ads show that they do get cut and ripped. 700 pounds within ten weeks. Fabulous in a bikini. Sometimes on the side of supplement bottles you see a lot of different claims. Theyre allowed to make claims about the way the body functions but not about disease so they can Say Something like burns fat but they cant say reduces the risk of obesity because obesity is the disease. But theres just no evidence really good evidence that they work. Okay. Can we have a government thats loaded with regulations. We regulate everything in this country. Are these regulated . Theyre regulated more like foods. So, for example why someone saying the claims they make are not true . Theyre supposed to be true. And they are supposed to have evidence to back up any claim that they make. But again, the burden is on the fda to prove them not to be true, to prove them not to be safe. So there are a lot of supplement manufacturers and there are a lot of claims being made and the lines about the regulations are not very clear. So heres the thing. We established simply that these pills do not work. Now the question is what are the potential risks of taking them for someone . Some you know,nt half the people in our Consumer Reports survey had side effects. It was jitteriness, rapid heart rate, dry mouth were some of the most common. For people also taking Prescription Medications these pills can interact with the prescription drugs and raise blood pressure. Some pills are actually adult rated with banned substances and the fda has taken a bunch of those off the maskts. Do they list what substances are in there . They do but when something a banned drug is not listed on the ingredients list. Wow. Trish calvo thanks very much. Thank you. Interesting information. More depressing news from the new year. We thought we could take pills and lose weight. Why are you forcing it . Two more days to eat it. I know. Until new years. Coming up unprecedented project maps the way google maps streets. We are onboard for an historic dive in u. S. Waters. Plus, one mans journey around the world thanks to the generosity of others. Can i live in your house . Can i stay with you tonight . Can i spend the night in your house tonight . Forward question. Well introduce you to the author, but theres a story behind it in the most unexpected places. That is ahead. Youre watching cbs this morning. Of the most inspectedunexpected places. Thats ahead on cbs this morning. Just brush whiten, and go its stayon formula deeply whitens for whiter teeth in 2 days. Optic white toothbrush plus whitening pen. Brush, whiten, go ring ring . Progresso its ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. Its our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat chicken. Apology accepted. Im watching you soup people. Make it progresso or make it yourself right when you feel a cold sore, abreva can heal it in as few as two and a half days when used at the first sign. Without it the virus spreads from cell to cell. Only abreva penetrates deep and starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells. You could heal your cold sore, fast, as fast as two and a half days when used at the first sign. Learn how abreva starts to work immediately at abreva. Com dont tough it out knock it out, fast. With abreva. You can now view within 100,000 image of the Great Barrier reef in australia through the street view feature on google maps. A stunning display an am bifs effort to document the worlds coral reefs. Researchers took around the world to see how this could be the first step of saving them for future generations. Reporter the florida keys are the home to the only living barrier reefs in the continental United States. But life here has changed dramatically, just ask sylvia earl. A world renown oceanographer. When you look at a reef you look at a snapshot. Whats different about the present time is the speed of change and the fact that humans are the victors of that change. Its like the ocean is too big to fail right . No, it is failing. Its up to us now. Reporter earl says in the past 30 years an estimated 30. Of coral worldwide has been lost. That coral protects shoreline, sea life and brings in big tourism dollars. And since you cant protect what you cant see, this one precedented project is under way. A team of divers from the catlin survey is documenting the oceans reefs the same way google maps out streets. Full 360degree views. Every angle of undersea life will go up online. High time is what i say. Because weve invested in technologies that enable us to map mars and jupiter and the moon and the universe. Weve been missing out on mapping the ocean ocean. This is the 21st country that weve done as part of a Global Survey of coral reefs. Reporter the 21st century . Yes. Reporter its a big survey. Its a massive survey. Reporter Richard Devers is leading the catlin team. He took us along into the teams first foray into water. It takes a shot every two seconds. Weve actually got a very clever second which is a tablet that operates the cameras. Also a pulsometer that tells us the distance from the seafloor. Reporter what does this do that cameras couldnt do before . Its really being able to photograph the reef at scale. So traditionally, youd send in a diver, and theyd go and photograph using a camera and only able to do 100 meters in a day. And it would take them an hour. We can do 2 kilometers, 2360 data and 1,000 shots at the time. Reporter and the catlin team has reason for hope. A new federal study said reefs may be able to adapt in warmer temperatures. There are signs that new coral is coming back in the keys. Real protection is given. And it started here in florida keys. Fish need the coral, the coral need the fish. Its a system. United Nations Program honored sylvia earl this year as a champion of the earth. He was given the Lifetime Achievement award for ocean conservation. Shes 70 years ago old. Its amazing to see her out there. Incredible pictures. And ahead, tom hanks on the pleasures and perils of modern technology. I curse the man who invented this phone thing, i curse him, because it never stops and wherever you go there it is. But i kind of like the guy who invented the selfie. Tom your realtime captioner is linda marie macdonald. Good morning, everyone. Its 8 25. Time for some news headlines. About a halfhour from now, former 49ers coach jim harbaugh is expected to be named head coach of his alma mater, the university of michigan. A News Conference is scheduled in ann arbor for 9 a. M. Pacific time. You can see live online at kpix. Com. Arson investigators are looking into three overnight car fires one in campbell and two others in san joses burbank district. All were along bascomb avenue corridor scene of a couple of other car fires just last week. Stay with us. Traffic and weather in just a moment. Good morning, chp tells us they finally cleared all that concrete debris on the nimitz freeway. Its slowing down the ride on northbound 880 come into downtown. Its still a little sluggish. You can see the drive time is slow, 19 minutes from 238 to the maze but overall the volume of traffic way down. You can see that evidence at the bay bridge toll plaza. The metering lights are off. There is still high wind advisory posted though so it will be a two hands on the steering while kind of morning into san francisco. And if you are heading across the Golden Gate Bridge, traffic is light in both directions. And its a gorgeous morning with lots of blue skies. Lets get a check of your forecast with roberta. Were taking a look at our weather camera at sfo this morning. Theres something blowing out there. I dont know if you can see it on the camera lens. Look very carefully there. Yes, just wavering in and out of the shot. Otherwise, temperature okay, that was a little distracting. Temperaturewise in the 30s and 40s out the door 35 in concord with the winds to come increasing today. Wind advisory in effect. Wind gusts up to 45 Miles Per Hour. And increasing throughout the evening hours, as well. Highs today anywhere 50 to 56 degrees across the bay area. Then later on tomorrow, as the winds begin to die down, we will have temperatures dip between 25 and 44 degrees for your new years eve. We have a freeze watch that goes into effect on new years day on thursday. Sunny skies and Clear Conditions rainless all the way through monday. Well be right back. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Coming up in this half hour Kennedy Center honoree tom hanks talks to gayle king about the magic of forrest gump. And the single lesson that molded his remarkable run in hollywood. Plus we take a motorcycle trip around the globe relying on help from people he didnt know. This morning, he travels and to the toyota green room for his destination. Maybe its the toyota green room. We do have bagels in there. Free coffee and free continental breakfast. Its time to show the morning headlines. New jersey star ledger said there were dozens of meteor sightings. The Philadelphia Inquirer said mone davis was named the athlete of the year. This summer, davis was the first girl to win a Little League series game. Davis is now in the eighth grade and plays for her Schools High School varsity basketball team. The chicago suntimes said the boy who wrote the santa claus bought a response from president obama. Malik brian asked for one gift safety. The charity forwarded it to the white house. The president said please know your security is a priority for me in everything i do as president. If you dare to be bold and Creative Work hard every day and care for others im confident you can achieve anything you imagine, i will be rooting for you. The teacher flagged this note and said this one i have to get to the white house. Huffing post said netflix will help kids get to bed earlier. The streaming Service Released a threeminuted animated video called king julian countdown. It allows parents to trick their kids into thinking its hours before the ball drops. This is mean. I thought of it. Like 9 00 so its midnight. Good night. Tonight, cbs brings you the Kennedy Center honors. And tom hanks is among this years winners adding to this two oscars, four Golden Globes and six emmys. He sat down with gayle king on how he became one of hollywoods nice guys. A lot of people like tom hanks. Thomas jeffrey hanks. Bring it on. Reporter tom hanks has been a leading Nan Hollywood for more than 30 years. His work has earned him two best actor oscars. Yet, we first came to know him on the sitcom crossdressing as male. Weve been seeing you i did it for our future. Our future we now have the same future as disco. People that saw you on good bosom buddies it 4red fromled from one thing to another . The bad news is we were opposite of tom selleck and he got his picture on tv guide before the show premiered. We werent ever on the cover of tv guide ever. No bitterness there. No but you just keep track. Bosom buddies led to the lead in splash. Hi this is the big secret youve been keeping from me . It got me into films at the time when there was an awful lot of product being made. Because i had been in a movie that did well i got stuff offered to me. I think i said yes to every four out of five scripts that came across my desk because i was in movies. And thats what you do you make movies. Houston, we have a problem. Run wilson my mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. Where does he sit with you, forrest gump . You never know what youre going to get. It was a magic confluence of so many things that it remains a one of a kind circumstance. Why are you doing this . I just felt like running. I just felt like running. I view it as a lot of Great Mountain ranges in this world. And in the grand tetons theres one peak thats more majestic and more difficult and more unique than the others. And thats what forrest gump is. This is the thing. Youve had so many icon roles and then there was that classic larry crown. Larry crown. I love that man. I ride a scooter to this day because of larry crown. You have a wide variety of things. Most of them hits but not everything has worked out to your liking. Im sorry. You dont go home and beat yourself up . No no because, look the understanding has to be that you can be one of the greatest Baseball Players on the planet earth. Youre only going to play in two or three world series. Theres no crying in baseball theres no crying in baseball theres one right there. Theres no crying in baseball but tom hanks, wheres your insecurity . So many actors insecure where is yours . Do you see how charming and witty i am right now, this is purely a selfdefense mechanism to get through this gayle. Were fraught with insecurities and moments of selfdoubt that can lead into selfloathing. Thats part of the battle. In order to keep ourselves not just in check but to explore it and examine it to a point where you can crack the selfconsciousness that goes along with being an actor. I know the people that know you love you. To say that he works hard he treats everybody with respect and that really is who tom hanks is. I will tell you that is because of my training nap is the lesson i learned at the great lakes theater festival in 1977. We were told concretely by the boss, he said heres what your job is actors. Your job is to show up on time. And your job is to know the text. And your job is to have an idea of what youre going to do beyond that text. And if you dont do that were all going to fail. The thing that i learned in the course of all of that is that you did not have to like the people that you were working with. But you had to respect their craft and their artistry. You know but i think you have to accept that you are asked one of the nicest one of the most talented. And i often wonder did it come from your childhood . Bought you moved all over the place. I loved moving. I enjoyed being the new guy in a new class. I hate that. Being the new person. I had no problem whatsoever. You liked being the new kid . I was not intimidated being the new kid. By the time i was 10 my dad had been married three times. My mom had been married three times. I lived three different houses different sets of step siblings. A colorful childhood . Lets call it a colorful childhood. It was up fun. Hanks has been married to actress and singer rita wilson for more than 23 years. The couple has three childrens and hanks has two more from a previous marriage. Youre in hollywood. Western society. We got married for all the right reasons and without any compunction of looking back. I get a big kick out of watching you play with the people who admire and respect you. You photobomb pictures you really do. You play with the people. I love that you do that. Well theres a diplomacy involved. And sometimes, its just easier to grab that phone put it in selfie mode and snap away and keep moving on. Sometimes, thats the fastest way in order to expedite your day. Fair enough. There was a period of time where i cursed the man who invented this phone thing. I curse him because it never stops. And wherever you go there it is. But i kind of like the guy who invented the selfie. All right tom hanks. So when was the last time you worked [ bleep ] well give me a second its not like i collect those moments. I only need one. It wouldnt be [ bleep ] in the eye of the beholder . Youd have to ask around. Here it is whats the website, what do you got, gayleking . Cbsthismorning. The time you had an experience with me in which i was a [ bleep ] lets find out what that is because im not about to broadcast it. And i think the people im teasing you. No. We will never put that on. No you should. The top ten. We will never put that on. I say lead with it. Controversy, we put it on the air. We closed with it. We closed with it. It just shows what a good guy tom hanks really is. The Kennedy Center honors all of those who pay tribute to tom hanks say he truly is the nice guy he appears to be. What a fun conversation. What a fun show sting, lily tomlin patricia mcbride, al green. You can watch the tributes to all of the recipients to the Kennedy Center honors tonight at they say kindness makes the world go around. Well, he made it a reality. He chased his dreams he traveled the world living only on the generosity of strangers. He went to 40 places in nearly in five months with no money or food or a place to stay. In Kindness Diaries. Thanks for having me. Youre working as a successful broker in london. You gave it up. I did. Why . I felt disconnected. I didnt feel any sense of purpose. I didnt want to work behind what i called a slab of work. I wanted to be inspired by people. In the book you say were you listening to the inner rebel. What is the inner rebel . The inner rebel is the part that wants to go out and live freely and not live other peoples lives. We have our own dreams. The committee spent some of the money working for the past three years why did you decide to do it and do it through the kindness of others . I can i said as a kid, i felt disconnected. And i wanted to empower people. And the magic of kindness is what makes the world go around. You walk up to somebody and say hi im leon can i stay with you tonight . Sometimes. Sometimes. The reaction is . The reaction is mostly no. Sometimes, you find that angel. And that angel wants to help. Obviously, in the book you had a series of rules, you said you were not allowed to accept money. Surely, there were times where you thought money would be the easiest solution here. The rules were there, no money. A wave of generosity got me across the world. What is an example of generosity . For example, i met this homeless man called tony who had nothing. He decided he let me stay the night on the sidewalk with him. And he was such a wonderful man. He inspired me to realize that true wealth is in our hearts not in our worlds. What do you think you learned from this journey . You know, truthfully i learned that kindness is what makes the world go around. We all have so many negative things happening. We see the news theres so much kindness out there. Were all know since we have possibly phones and computers that we think were more connected and the world is more flat. You actually think thats not . I do. I dont have a smartphone. I have a 1990 nokia. A small tiny i love that phone. Those were indestructible. I have tape around it. Basically, i feel like connection is whats going around here. Connection isnt about tweeting and facebooking and all this kind of stuff. Its the Human Connection. Its the power of i see you and you see me. Thats what Human Connection all about. Any favorite spots . My favorite spot is bhutan they have great Gross National happiness. You made pretty big promises basically paying it forward. When did that idea when did you realize i want to do so much for people who have done for me. Ive done before about receiving kindness. This was about receiving and giving. For example, tony i was very fortunate to put him up in an apartment, send him back to school. This is the homeness man . Yes. So hes not homeless anymore. That feels wonderful, for me, obviously for him. Its a wonderful thing. You talk about the struggle with kindness sometimes, when somebody is truly kind, they shouldnt be writing a book or accepting something back. Did you struggle with the idea of a book . I did. To begin with i remember i read a book once and it said a true act of kindness is when you dont tell anybody what youre doing. Obviously, here i am telling people what im doing. I just felt it was something so powerful. And the stories i had the people i met were so inspiring that i wanted to share it. Really quickly. Whats next . Whats next . More adventures more giving back. You already hit 90 countries. The Kindness Diaries is already on sell now. Youre watching cbs this morning. Well that does it for us. Make sure you tune into the cbs evening news where ill be filling in for scott pelley. Logon to cbsn your realtime captioner is linda marie macdonald. Its 8 55. Time for some news headlines. One person is dead and another injured after a shooting in berkeley. This happened on san pablo avenue near hearst. That shut roads for hours. No word on the womans condition, no arrests. Chevron has agreed to let the Contra Costa Health services oversee the investigation of a flaring incident at the richmond refinery. It happened during the early evening of december 18. Chevron says there was no danger to the public. Company Officials Say they will meet with Health Officials and bay area air Quality Management district every week during the month long investigation. The bay area is expecting a blast of cold air for the new year and the frigid temperatures could bring a rare sight in las vegas. Thats snow. The strip could get 3 on thursday. Last time that happen was 40 years ago. Snow in vegas and wind here. Wind and cold temperatures. Good morning, everyone. Look at this. Thats one thing the wind brings with it unlimited visibility. Looking toward the Golden Gate Bridge air temperatures are in the 30s and 40s. We have a wind chill that makes it feel like 30 degrees right now in santa rosa. Wind advisory in effect from high noon today until wednesday at lunchtime. Wind gusts up to 45 Miles Per Hour. Highs today in the 50s across the board. Dry weather every day, coldest temperatures this season will be on wednesday night new years eve with a freeze watch in effect. Traffic is next. If you are heading out of town this week maybe to the sierra, grab the chains. They are required on all the major freeways heading up to tahoe. 80, 50 and 88. All right. Closer to home, its been really quiet. You can see a lot of people are heading out. Not going to work. Bay bridge is quiet all morning. Metering lights are off. There is still a high wind advisory posted for the bridge has been since early this morning. Were finally seeing a recovery right now in oakland after an earlier debris spill and caused a number of flats. Now everything is quiet heading into downtown oakland. Wayne oh, na na na youve got a car screams jonathan its a zonk pirate ship no jonathan blah, blah, blah. Its a trip to hawaii whoo wayne jumpin jehoshaphat i am out of my mind thrilled. Im going for the curtain, baby jonathan its time for lets make a deal. now heres tvs big dealer wayne brady wayne hey, everybody, welcome to lets make a deal. im wayne brady, thanks for tuning in. Lets get it done. Who wants to make a deal . cheers and applause oh, everybody wants to make a deal today. Every Single Person that is inside here but i got to start off with ayriel, come with me, hon. Everybody else have a seat for me. Where is ayriel . Shes busy highfiving people. How are you doing, ayriel . Now am i saying that correctly is it ayriel

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