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Its you and me yea all that matters. Last night was the first new years eve without the iconic countdown from dick clark. Most people come and go dick clark was here for generations. Someone on twitter said there was going to be a drinking game every time i giggle nervously. Break it down because were on the couch. Well be right back. See you later byebye. Well be right back. Captioning funded by cbs happy new year and welcome to cbs this morning. Starting a new year. Looking forward to 2013. Yes, i am, too. You guys have any new years resolutions . To be better and better and better and better. Thats so funny, thats what i was going to say, be better. Thats a good one. Nothing specific. No. Across the board at everything. Im going to hold boast both of you to it. How about you . I think im going to run a Half Marathon this year, thats my goal. 13 . Yes, 13. 2. Whats the most youve ever run . About ten. You could do that. I wont be doing that. Ill be cheering you on. 2014 watch out. Ill be cheering you on. Everybodys waking up with one eye open im sure theyre thrilled to hear me say that. Before we get started though lets go to Terrell Brown for a check of todays headlines. Good morning, and happy new year. We begin with breaking news on the fiscal cliff. The Senate Approved the lastminute deal overnight, barely missing the deadline. The house could vote on it today. Nancy cordes is on capitol hill with more this morning. Nancy, good morning to you. Reporter good morning to you, terrell. Happy new year. Well there is one major hurdle left for this fiscal cliff deal that, is a vote later today in the house of representatives, perhaps as early as 1 00 in the afternoon. The senate voted well after the ball dropped in the early hours of the morning, passed overwhelmingly with lots of support from both sides. The final tally was 898. Shouldnt have taken us this long to come to an agreement and this shouldnt be the model for how we do things around here but i appreciate the Vice President s willingness to get this done for the country. Reporter Vice President biden negotiated the deal with Senate Republicans over the weekend, but he also came to the hill last night to sell democrats on the plan some of whom thought there were too many tax giveaways to the rich in this deal. The plan makes permanent the bush era tax cuts on individuals making under 400,000 a year it also does the same for 450,000 worth of income for families. It also postpones harsh across the board spending cuts for a couple of months and now all eyes turn to the house. The speaker said last night he would hold a vote today, but that he couldnt guarantee the house would support it until members had a chance to take a look at it. Terrell . Nancy cordes in washington this morning, thank you so much. Secretary of state Hillary Clintons doctors say shes respondle well to treatment for a blood clot. Margaret brennan is in northern manhattan. Good morning to you, happy new year. Reporter secretary clinton is spending a second day here at New York Presbyterian Hospital where shes being treated for a blood clot that formed in in her head following a concussion that she suffered weeks ago. Doctors discovered it on sunday during an mri, and according to a statement releelsed by edreleased by the state department this say clot in the vein that is situated in the space between the brain and the skull behind the right ear. It did not result in a stroke or neurological damage. Clintons doctors say that they need to monitor how she responds to medication including blood thinners, before they release her. They expect a full recovery. All righty Margaret Brennan reporting in manhattan, th this National Weather report announcer this National Weather report sponsored by aig, a leading global insurer based here in america. Bring on tomorrow. Were looking back this morning at some of our most interesting interviews of the past year. Politics dominated many of the headlines of 2012. And one of the most intriguing people within the Republican Party was jeb bush. He chose not to enter the president ial race but he may have his eye on a run in 2016. Over the summer in the midst of the race for the white house, i asked the former Florida Governor why he chose to stay on the sidelines and what the future holds for the gop. Why didnt you want to run . I got, you know personal reasons, family reasons that overwhelm any other consideration. And i dont know. This may be a bush trait, maybe it isnt. But i made the te sigsdecision and i made the decision. And i moved on. I got the chance to be governor for eight years. It took kind of close to a year to transition out. It was a year to transition into that. So thats a decade of my life that i pursued my own ambitions. And i thought it was time to kind of rearrange my life to focus on other things. Have you made the decision that you do not want to be president . I have not made that decision. Although i think this theres a window of opportunity in life for all sorts of reasons. And this was probably my time. Although i dont know given given kind of what i believe and how i believe it im not sure i would have been successful as a candidate either. These are different times than just six years ago when i last ran. Or even longer than that. You know a lot of people in the party wanted you to run. They thought this was the time for you to run and that you had the right experience and had the right style to make it successful. You know, you never know. Thats pure speculation. One thing i know for sure is you dont you dont worry about could have, would have. You focus on the things that you can control. Thats what im doing. Is this party more only interested in sort of less taxes, less regulation rather than policies that promote growth and a bigger tent . I think less taxes and less regulation would actually promote growth. And an immigration policy thats true to our heritage would do the same. But are you worried about the direction of your party . Having listened to i think on a couple of issues i worry that its shortsighted because tonally, in terms of the tone of the debate it sends a signal we want your support, but you really cant join our team. I mean thats the shortterm implications of this. And demographically, latino voters hispanic voters are going to be important in this election, but Going Forward even more so. Politically i think its shortsighted. I think there needs to be a lot more intense effort to recognize the demographics of the country are changing and our messaging not our views, not our princeiplesprinciples but our how we message our views needs to change as well. When you look at the future of the country, tell me what it is that you believe is sometimes called american exceptionalism and what do you say to those people who look at the world and they think that we live in a very different world, a different world order an expression your father used to use, and that we have to face new realities . Part of what i define american exceptionalism is that we have the ability to shed skin and constantly be evolving and not be mired in the past that sticks us in place. That is kind of what separates us, i think, from most countries. And that dynamic nature is under threat right now. Upward mobility i would define as part of american exceptionalism. Yes. Its now not were not as mobile as we once were up and down the income levels. We now have why is that . Thats very important. Hugely important. Its related to a lot of things. I would say education is one of the factors. When only a third of our kids are college and or career ready after spending more per student than any country in the world through tenth grade and knowledge becomes a driver of success economically more and more and more as we move into this incredibly globalized technological world, youre creating lids on peoples aspirations. Family makeup. 40 of the babies brought into the world dont have the father in the home. We have an out of wedlock birthrate of 40 in our country. Its been that way for its been growing. Thats a problem. We can play like it isnt and not be judgmental. Thats fine. But its a problem of building capacity for people to be successful in life. It is really interesting to hear the governor talk. Certainly many people are saying that hell be on the short list for 2016. He was rather pres yent about what would be important in the election. Hispanic voters. A bit of an understatement. Many people think jeb bush or marco rubio from florida who speaks spanish would probably do a lot better at courting hispanic voters. The Republican Party is zoing some introsprexection about what it must be. Quite often, charlie your interviews go past on what we see on tv. Did you get a sense in 2016 he might do it. I do not know. Like hillary, i do not know. Okay. Were still on 2012 and last year and thinking about that. It was the year when prince harry returned to afghanistan to serve as with his british army unit. Before that he had what some people called his coming of age tour. A week long trip to the caribbean to tour the queens diamond jubilee. The story ended in brazil where the prince sat down with seth doane to talk about the trip his charitable work and his famous family. Reporter on those sprawling polo grounds in the rush brazilian country side we had the rare opportunity to sit down with the prince. Prince harry, im seth doane of cbs news. Thanks for chatting with us. The royal family seldom grants one on ones. So every moment was precious. Lets talk a bit about this week. He just reached the end of his ten day coronation tour and was eager to discuss his charitable work. Lets start with what brought you here in the country side in brazil to play polo for your charity. What has made you so passionate about this group of kids in this remote part of afafrica . I think back to how it all started. It was a simple case of i went traveling for about eight weeks. I asked to go to a country that you know basically i went there. After eight weeks of seeing the kids seeing the people seeing the country, just seeing the problems as such and getting so attached with it. Once i finished that i came back decided that something has to be done. In 2006 prince harry founded sentebale, an organization to help Vulnerable Children in this african nation of 2 million. Working along with his counterpart there, prince sesu sentebale has raised 11 million so far. When you cofounded this charity you dedicated it in part to your mother prince sesz diana. Have you thought about her on this trip . I havent necessarily had time to think about her. In my own moments, yes. Not forgetting the children. Im also not forgetting our mother who we both lost at a young age. Reporter its clear what these kids get from having you affiliated with them. But what do you get from them . I get a huge boost from spending time with kids. Not just kids here but kids in general. Obviously me being me hopefully has brought a certain amount of attention to a country that needs attention. But, yeah. I mean every time i spend time with the kids, it is fantastic. You do you get this sort of im still very much a kid inside myself. Spending time with them keeps me grounded as such. Sort of nice to be out of the spotlight in some ways. Yeah, it is. As far as thats concerned they havent got a clue who i am. They think im a tall white guy who they can hang off and im not going to throw them around. Reporter we watched the throngs of people waiting just to see you, to catch a glimpse. What is that like from the inside . Everyone seems to have this fascination with royalty. Does it live up to the fairytale . No not at all. As any girl will ever tell you. Oh, my god, hes a prince. But no. The job that it entails, look at me. Im 27 years old. Not so much searching for someone to fulfill the role. But obviously finding someone that will be willing to take it on. You know it has been slightly strange, this trip especially. Because i thought id be representing my grandmother. Yeah, people go crazy for royalty. People go crazy for david beckham. The warmth of reception was beyond anything i ever id ever expect. Reporter in the commonwealth nation of belize the bahamas and jamaica, the prince brought a message of goodwill from the queen. The ceremonial head of state in these countries. The imagine industry has asked me to extend her great good wishes to you and is sorry she couldnt be here because youre stuck with me. But dont worry because every Little Things going to be all right. Reporter may i just ask you about your grandmother . This was a very public way of making a tribute to her. You spoke glowingly of your grandmother through the last ten days. Do you have private ways planned that youll honor her as well for the 60th jubilee . I dont personally. Ive been away. When i get back im sure ideas will start flowing as a group of grandchildren will hopefully be able to have a dinner and do something fun with her. Maybe take her out on the town. I dont know. Reporter does the queen go out on the town . I dont know. Does yours . But, no she shes a fantastic woman. Not only as a grandmother but as a queen as everybody knows. Me being asked to do this and kick off the jubilee tour was an honor and i never expected the reception, as i said that weve been given in all these countries. And it just shows that despite the fact that shes only been to some of these countries two or three times and the impact that she has on these commonwealth countries is quite astonishing. It shook me up a little bit every now and then. Because to me shes just granny. But to all these countries shes the queen. This great thing that they respect and love. So, you know its been an emotional tour but great one. Reporter throughout his journey, the cameras remained focused on the prince. As they did at this Childrens Hospital in jamaica. We watched and wondered if its difficult to connect with these kids. While flashing lights follow his every move. Its beenve spent so much time with the kids with cameras there. Reporter you tune it out . You cant tune it out. When the cameras leave is when i actually get time to enjoy things. Reporter is it tough with all the cameras around all the time . Yeah. Its always tough. Lots of people can probably tune them out. I cant. Maybe because of my millitary background and training. Reporter that military training was on display during his tour. As he piloted a helicopter to montego bay in jamaica. And took aim at this firing range. The prince spent 77 days on the front lines in afghanistan in 2007 to 2008 until his position was disclosed by media, making him too much of a target to stay. You say you want to go back to afghanistan. You clearly do not have to do that. Why would you go back . Do you think its important for the Afghan People . The british people . The queen . If it was if it was a pain for anyone for me to go which i appreciate it probably is but at the end of the day ive done my training. Its cost the army money to train me. If they didnt think that they could get me out there again, then they wouldnt have put me through this training. Its simple as that. That seemed like a real conversation. It really did. I just love everything about him. Because he seems to have such a great sense of humor that you dont see often in many of the royals because theyre so serious. Theres something about him thats so likable. I agree. Hes not as sort of serious and buttoned up. And we know it was a tough year for him not only because of serving in afghanistan but then caught sort of with well with his pants down. I was going to say. Finish that sentence. Unfortunately he was in las vegas and someone took some pictures of him. Yeah. Oprah winfrey is on everyones list of most intriguing people. She showed us why when she wrote a note to her younger self. This morning well hear about her first job in television and much more. And tv turned the nfl into americas favorite sport thanks to the late steve sabol. Well show you how he kept working, thinking and innovating even in his final months. Thats ahead on cbs this morning. [ female announcer ] you can make macaroni cheese without freshlymade pasta. You could also cut corners by making it without 100 real cheddar cheese. But then. It wouldnt be Stouffers Mac cheese. Just one of over 70 satisfying recipes for one from stouffers. [ female announcer ] mcdonalds dollar menu just keeps getting better. Introducing the allnew mouthwatering grilled onion cheddar burger topped with melty white cheddar and caramelized onions. Plus all your tasty favorites for just a dollar each. Every day, as always theres a lot to love for a little on mcdonalds dollar menu. Oh this is soft. This is so so soft. Tttwkun og wvs qppu;v . 2v. Ac u n . 6k jef8llzv lbe oza hey hun, remember you only need a few sheets. Ttfa ua÷ 3w9qqu apvan 0 ttvwkun og wvs qppu;v . 2v. Ac u0l4p wlnkn0k9 nkgh ujd14 hmph [ female announcer ] charmin ultra soft is so soft youll have to remind your family they can use less. Ttvwkun og wvs qppu;v . 2v. Ac ult p wlnkn0k9 nkgh uj charmin ultra soft is made with extra cushions that are soft and more absorbent. Plus you can use four times less. Tt truth [ male announcer ] alkaseltzer plus. Oh what a relief it is [ male announcer ] to learn more about the cold truth and save 1 visit alkaseltzer on facebook. You wont run into deals this big just anywhere. Slide on in for sears year end event. Save up to 25 off appliances. Plus an extra 15 off with your sears card. This is going out with a bang. This is sears. [ female announcer ] you can make macaroni cheese without freshlymade pasta. You could also cut corners by making it without 100 real cheddar cheese. But then. It wouldnt be Stouffers Mac cheese. Just one of over 70 satisfying recipes for one from stouffers. Clarissa ward has made her way into syria. Someone has been hurt very badly. Theyre trying to take him to the hospital. This is the most coveted voting bloc in france. Were about a mile from the Fukushima Nuclear your realtime captioner linda Marie Macdonald im frank mallicoat. Get you caught up with some bay area headlines now. Three people are recovering from two shootings along the San Francisco waterfront overnight. They happened at Fishermans Wharf and at pier 23 as people gathered prior to last nights fireworks. San jose mayor chuck reed continues a new years tradition this morning. He is visiting the Police Officers and the firefighters that are working on this holiday. And the Contra Costa County Fire Protection district closed four fire stations today. County supervisors ordered the closures to save millions of dollars a year. The stations are in clayton, lafayette, martinez and walnut creek. No firefighters have been laid off. Got your traffic and weather on this new years day coming up right after the break. To give a break cancer survivor a lifetime thats definitely a fair trade. It was such a beautiful experience. jessica lee and its beautiful woman why walk 60 miles in the boldest Breast Cancer event in history . Because your efforts help komen serve millions of women and men facing Breast Cancer every year. Visit the3day. Org to register or to request more information and receive a free 3day bracelet today. It was 3 days of pure joy. And its beautiful good morning. Lets jump over to 101 right now. We have a couple of accidents brewing northbound 101 at Moffett Boulevard vehicle in the righthand lane. May have been an overturned vehicle down the embankment so brake lights in the area. North 101 at blossom hill reports of an accident also blocking lanes a little slow approaching the scene. Else where no delays. Look at this, very quiet as you work your way across the Golden Gate Bridge. Beautiful conditions there, lawrence. Yeah. I think it was busier when we cam in this morning, gianna. Headed outside today, plan on a cold start to the morning in spots. But how about this sunrise for 2013, looking toward the oakland hills. The sun coming up, still a couple of link, clouds in the bay area but by the afternoon those will clear out. The temperatures chilly in spots. In fact, below freezing in santa rosa. 31 now. 38 in concord. And 42 degrees in oakland. This afternoon, highs only in the upper 40s and the mid50s in the warmest spots. Looks like it will stay dry and sunny toward the afternoon. A cold night tonight into tomorrow morning. Dry through saturday. c . ee welcome back to cbs this morning on this new years day. Were looking back at some of our favorite stories of 2012. And one of our favorite guests was, well, one of my favorite people. Oprah winfrey was here last april to take part in our note to self series where people give advice to their younger self. Heres a look. Dear beautiful brownskinned girl, and i use the word beautiful because i know thats never a word you would call yourself. I look into your eyes and i see the light and hope of myself. In this photo youre just about to turn 20 posing outside the television station where you were recently hired as a reporter. You look calm. You look happy. But i know how scared you are. If i could say anything to you, it would be relax. Its going to be okay girl. Youre proud of yourself for forgetting this job. But also uncertain. Uncertain youll be able to manage all your College Classes and work a full days job doing the news. Even so your biggest concern right now, how to manage your love life with bubba. Yes, you are dating someone named bubba. On this day you brought him to the station to see where you work. Hoping hell be proud. He seems less than impressed. The truth is, hes intimidated. You dont know this, though because you see yourself only through his eyes. A lesson you will have to learn again and again and again. To see yourself with your own eyes and to love yourself through your own heart. The people at channel 13 like Oprah Winfrey and richard share. You spent too many days and years trying to please other people. Are we vain . And be what they wanted you to be. I understand how and why that happened now. You will have to learn that the wounds of your past, being raped at 9, molested from the time you were 10 through 14 getting whipped as a young girl by people who said they loved you because you stepped out of place, and not even being allowed to show any anger or crying afterwards that damaged your selfesteem. If only now you knew how much. Yet, through it all, you managed to hold on to a belief in god and, even more importantly, gods belief in you. That my dear will be your single greatest gift. Knowing that there is a power greater than yourself. And trusting that force to guide you. The trajectory of your life changed the day you answered that call from chris clark. He was a news director at wlactv. Your response was ignited by the words of your then favorite bible verse. Remember philippians 3 14 . You used to say it all the time. I am pressed to the mark. For the prize of a high calling of god. Knowing there is a high calling is what will sustain and fulfill you. From where i sit now, viewing your journey, there really are very few regrets. That means a life well lived. I wont say goodbye. Ill just say, until we meet again. Even then you understood that success was a process and that moving with the flow of life and not against it would be your greatest achievement. You have made me proud. Every time i see it that even had oprah crying. She said who was the producer that put that together. Page, let me reach out to her. I thought it was so well done. And told her story so well. I love the shot of her first tv job where shes looking she does look very tentative. Here she is a senior in college anchoring the 10 00 news. But she has a curfew to be home by 11 00 because she was living with her father at the time. You got off there at 10 30, you better be home by 11 00. Shes come quite a far shes come a long way. She has. I love how she said few regrets means a life well lived. Im struck in how many times we do these note to selves people want to say to their younger selves, dont sweat it. Be more calm. Relax. Relax. Thats the experience you know of talking back to your younger self. Im struck by the fact that in telling a story you and i have heard a number of times, its almost like shes telling it for the first time. Shes living it for the first time. Its funny you should say that. She felt that too, after she looked at it. Ive had quite a life havent i . Youre the one that told the story. I know what you mean. Turning to football, it is exciting enough to watch. But nfl films knowing how to turn it into something dazzling. Well hear from the people who make it happen and remember the pioneer behind it. Thats next on cbs this morning. Nature knows all about baking. Just mix together a few simple ingredients. And voila. So for truvia baking blend we mix sweetness from the stevia leaf with sugar for a blend that bakes and browns like sugar, with 75 fewer calories per serving. Why let constipation slow you down . Try miralax. Mirlax works differently than other laxatives. It draws water into your colon to unblock your system naturally. Dont wait to feel great. Miralax. Ive always kept my eye on her. But with so much health care noise, i didnt always watch out for myself. With unitedhealthcare, i get personalized information and rewards for addressing my health risks. But shes still going to give me a heart attack. Thats health in numbers. Unitedhealthcare. [ male announcer ] if you have yet to master the quiet sneeze. [ sneezes ] [ male announcer ] you may be an allergy muddler. Try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. And zyrtec® is different than claritin® because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. Zyrtec®. Love the air®. [ sneezes ] one of the most important figures in nfl history never threw a pass never made a tackle and never called a play. Steve sabol and nfl films played a huge part in turning pro football into americas game. He passed away in september. Early in the year before the super bowl he and his staff took jeff glor behind the scenes of their one of a kind operation. Reporter for five decades this is pro football. Reporter nfl films has taken an often brutal course. And turned it into ballet. Nfl films began with a wedding present. Reporter founded by the sabol family father and son back in 1962 nfl films has always seen football as more than a game. Today baby today reporter it was an allencompassing emotional experience. Youre trying to mirror what went on in holly wool. Not what went on in sports television. Reporter you guys think of yourselves as hollywood film makers. Hollywood dock mentarians. Ross ketover is a producer at nfl films. Where every reel the company owns is still preserved in a massive vault always kept at 45 degrees. Also housed at nfl films new jersey headquarters emmys. 105 of them. Testaments to photography that became the gold standard. Low angles. Slow motion. And, of course going tight on the spiral. For us to just film it the same Way Television covers it would be abusing our profession as film makers. Reporter the man who hired those photographers began as a photographer himself. Steve sabol. Harry, this is a family show. Reporter the unmistakable face of nfl films. Steve sabol has built something here that i dont think will ever be matched again. Four years ago the patriots entered super bowl xlii undefeated. Reporter material so unmatched that nfl films shares it with 21 shows across Nine Television networks. Among them the historic inside the nfl. The highlights are spectacular. Theres no other highlights to watch besides nfl films. It is what it is. It moves you through emotion and sound my god is an awesome god reporter nfl films was the first famously to mike up players and coaches on the sidelines. Youre killing me theres nothing like an nfl sideline. Everybody hates everybody down there for three hours. Its unbelievable. I could get some girl to do that. Those girls on the sidelines can dance. Hes famous is hank stram in super bowl iv. Running around there like it was a chinese fire drill. Hanks players said they never heard him talk so much as in that super bowl. Reporter as for this weekends super bowl, nfl films has every angle covered. And both out cuts. Were actually producing both dvds for both the giants and the patriots right now. Reporter i have to ask if the giants lose everything youre doing is it is consigned to history. Luckily weve found theres no shortage of how much football people in this country want to watch. Steve always told us and its really a mantra around here if i get it right, tell me a fact and ill learn. Tell me a truth and ill remember. But tell me a story and itll live in your heart forever. Reporter and theres an Endless Supply of those stories. So far there is. I did a 60 minutes piece on steve sabol. And what defined him was the fashion that he had for the craft. Yeah. You can see it. More than the game but the craft. I cant even imagine watching football now without having the option of that. Pioneer in television and sports journalism, no doubt. Lets finish this part. Tell me a story, it will live in your heart forever. True . True. You would agree with that. I always like he didnt say this. But capture someones heart and you we have some clear skies around the bay area, a couple of lingering clouds, temperatures chilly in the valleys, freezing in the north bay valleys. Were down to 31 degrees in santa rosa. Looks like 46 degrees in San Francisco. And 38 degrees and chilly in concord. Not a bad day ahead. Mostly sunny skies in the afternoon. Highs in the upper 50s and mid 50s in the north bay. Cold mornings in the next few days, other than that lots of sunshine. Next best chance of rain on sunday. Move over, french fries. Mcdonalds int ced the mcbaguette in france this past year. And it caused quite a revolution. Well show you why ahead on cbs this morning. Try delicious light fit greek its no ordinary nonfat yogurt. It has twice the protein of regular lowfat yogurt. And at 80 calories, its the lightest greek yogurt with fruit. Its creamy, thick texture helps satisfy you. So you wont feel like youre running low on satisfaction. Light fit greek. Be light and fit. And satisfied. Capella university understands many schools dont have the resources they need. Bright students are getting lost in the shuffle. 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The delightful discovery the midsweetening realization that you have the house all to yourself. Well, almost. The sweet reward making a delicious choice thats also a smart choice. Splenda nocalorie sweetener. With the original sugarlike taste you love and trust. Splenda makes the moment yours. You wont run into deals this big just anywhere. Slide on in for sears year end event. Save up to 25 off appliances. Plus an extra 15 off with your sears card. This is going out with a bang. This is sears. Its new years day. I still have on my holiday sweater. Didnt have time to change before i came to work this morning. But i like how you started the program at the beginning, norah, talking about going to jog a Half Marathon which is 13 point something miles. Was that on your bucket list . Its sort of been on my bucket list. Mine, ive always been a runner but sort of want to do more. Always important to set goals. Im not setting a resolution. Its just a goal for the new year which people say is more sometimes better to set goals than to set a resolution. Okay. Thats good. Charlie . You have a goal or a resolution . What i would love to do is climb mt. Kilimanjaro. Im not sure its possible. Im not sure im able to do that. But id love to do it. Because people that i know have said its i need to come up with something. Run a Half Marathon and kilimanjaro. Id like to learn how to drive a stick. How about that . I feel like do something with your life gayle. Do something. Thats our goal for 2013. To teach her how to drive a stick. Well do it together. All right. No danger there. Exactly. Maybe not. Speaking of reaching new heights, there is one more reason to look at the Empire State Building these days. Well show you the story behind its colorful upgrade ahead on cbs this morning. [ hudson ] at Weight Watchers when we look back at what our members have accomplished in the past 50 years its pretty amazing. 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It put me at ease that you could smoke on the first week. [ male announcer ] some people had changes in behavior thinking or mood, hostility agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. If you notice any of these stop taking chantix and call your doctor right away. Tell your doctor about any history of depression or other Mental Health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. Dont take chantix if youve had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. If you develop these stop taking chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be lifethreatening. If you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems tell your doctor if you have new or worse symptoms. Get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack. Use caution when driving or operating machinery. Common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. With chantix and with the support system it worked. It worked for me. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. Aig . We said we were going to turn it around, and we did. Woman were helping joplin, missouri, come back from a devastating tornado. Man and now were helping the east coast recover from hurricane sandy. Were a leading Global Insurance company, based right here in america. Weve repaid every dollar america lent us. Everything plus a profit of more than 22 billion. For the american people. Thank you, america. Helping people recover and rebuild thats what we do. Now lets bring on tomorrow. Your realtime captioner linda Marie Macdonald. And good morning, everyone. Happy new year 7 56 on this tuesday. Im frank mallicoat. Get to you updated now on some of the bay area headlines. Police are investigating a new years eve shooting in San Francisco at Fishermans Wharf and another at pier 23. Three people wounded, none seriously. Police say they arrested 10 people during the celebration on the embarcadero, most of them for public intoxication. And down in san jose, the mayor chuck reed is continuing his new years tradition this morning. He is visiting Police Officers and firefighters working on the holiday. Things have been uneasy lately between mayor and Public Safety workers because of budget cuts. He is hoping to smooth things over on this holiday. Got your traffic and weather coming up right after the break. This came for you, mommy. [ female announcer ] but it takes the touch of kleenex® brand, americas softest tissue, to turn a gesture into a complete gift of care. [ barks ] send your own free kleenex® care pack. Full of soothing essentials at kleenex. Com. Kleenex®. Americas softest tissue. Good morning. Live to the bay bridge toll plaza, an empty parking lot as our director just said. Not a lot going on there, looking good as you work your way into San Francisco. Jumping over to our maps, accidents growing over there. 880 an accident near fruitvale but not seeing any delays right now. It is blocking one lane but very light conditions this morning. North 101 at moffett this accident clearing out of the right lane. Traffic looking good in both directions and no delays on the Golden Gate Bridge. Easy ride into San Francisco. Lawrence . All right. Looking good so far this first day of 2013. Got a lot of sunshine outside expected today. A little chilly out the door. Those temperatures running into the 30s and 40s right now. Still cold into concord. 38 degrees. 33 now just above freezing in santa rosa. 41 in livermore. This afternoon, plenty of sunshine and cool temperatures. Plan on highs only in the upper 40s, maybe mid50s toward santa rosa. 51 in San Francisco and 54 in san jose. To give a break cancer survivor a lifetime thats definitely a fair trade. It was such a beautiful experience. jessica lee and its beautiful woman why walk 60 miles in the boldest Breast Cancer event in history . Because your efforts help komen serve millions of women and men facing Breast Cancer every year. Visit the3day. Org to register or to request more information and receive a free 3day bracelet today. It was 3 days of pure joy. And its beautiful it is 8 a. M. Happy new year. Welcome back to cbs this morning. This morning were looking back at some of the most memorable stories and guests of 2012. Ive been thinking to keep up with you guys Something Else i could do besides driving a stick. Youre doing a Half Marathon youre climbing kilimanjaro. I want to learn spanish. Thats important. Yeah, i would like to do that. [ speaking spanish ] showoff this includes a look at the Empire State Building and well honor the memory of mike wallace. Before we do all of that lets go to terrell broken at the news desk with a check of the new years day headlines. Happy new year to you. It was down to the wire but the senate avoided the fiscal cliff overnight, approving a bill to head off tax increases and spending cuts. President obama asking the house to pass it without delay. Nancy cordes is on capitol hill this morning. Good morning to you. Reporter good morning, terrell. Technically we did go over the fiscal cliff at midnight this morning, but that is likely to be temporary if the house votes in favor of that bill later today. The senate as you mentioned, voted overwhelmingly around 2 00 in the morning by a vote of 898, almost all democrats and republicans voting yes on a deal that would make permanent the bush era tax cuts for people earning up to 400,000 a year and couples earning up to 450,000 a year. This was a deal that was worked out by Vice President biden and senate leaders. The House Speaker hasnt said that the house will definitely vote in favor of it today, but democrats at least are saying they expect almost all of their members to vote yes. Terrell. Nancy cordes on capitol hill. Thank you so much. Secretary of state Hillary Clinton spent new years eve in the hospital being treated for a blood clot in her skull. Margaret brennan is outside New York Presbyterian Hospital. Good morning to you. Reporter good morning to you. Secretary clinton is still being treated for that blood clot that formed in her head after a co concussion. Doctors discovered it during an mri on sunday. According to a Statement Released by the state department, this is a clot in the vein situated in the space between the brain and the skull behind the right ear. It did not result in a stroke or neurological damage. Clintons doctors say they need to see how she responds to medication including blood thinners before they released her but they do expect a full recovery. Te in france where food is a in france where food is a passion, some people believe fast food is an assault from america. Oh, no. This past spring mcdonalds tried to change all that with a brand new item. Mark phillips reports on the sandwich designed to please even the most discriminating french diner. Reporter this is an important week in france. Major choices that will influence how life will be lived here in the future are being made. No, not here on the campaign trail where Nicolas Sarkozy will face his electorate this weekend to see if he continues as president of france. Here, at the local burger joint, where the french managers of mcdonaldmc mcmcdonalds have determined the good old american hamburger isnt good enough. Instead theyve launched the mcbaguette, mcdonalds take on one of the main french food groups, the baguette sandwich. Two hamburger patties, lettuce and grainy french mustard in a roll that looks like classic french bread. It may not be the beheading of louis but revolutionary. French have lined up in ones and twos to try it. Very good very good. Reporter but as with wine tasting, does it have a good finish . Dry, so dry. Reporter traditional baguette bakers fear mcdonalds is making another assault on a signature french product. Could this be another nail in the french culinary coffin . Alex dryer is an American Chef who teaches bread and pastry making at a pa reecooking school. He thinks its the best of bread and the worst of bread. Mm. Huhuh. Its too soft. A regular baguette anywhere in france would be crispy for 24 hours. Reporter the french have a dirty little secret. They love mcdonalds. It does more business in france than any other country outside the united states, more than 5. 5 billion last year. Theyve done it by frenchifying the product, the croissants. The mcbaguettes may be crying ronald may be laughing all the way to the bank. I dont know when you bite your burger should it crunch . I prefer a soft bun. Me too. Thats three of us. There you go. Its unanimous. Its unanimous. Lets grab that, charlie. Remember dueling banjos . We went to georgia whos still feeling the impact of that movie, both good and bad. Thats next on cbs this morning. Most people tend to think more about how they brush than what they brush with. Until they see this. The oralb prohealth clinical brush. Its proflex sides adjust to teeth and gums for a better clean. The prohealth clinical brush from oralb. Try this. Its oikos greek yogurt. Its creamy, nonfat, and it turns the next person you see into john stamos for five seconds. Honey i think im getting burned heh eat. Tastes pretty good, huh . Best yogurt ever. Yeah [ men grunting ] open [ male announcer ] Dannon Oikos Berry flavors beat chobani 2 to 1 in a national taste test. Oikos greek yogurt. Possibly the best yogurt in the world. Georgia georgia the whole day 40 years ago a movie called deliver deliverance, we found the movie continues to have a deep and lasting impact. Where are you going, city boy . Well find it. In the 1972 movie, four atlanta businessmen navigate an untamed river by canoe in appalachia. They end up in hillbilly hell lost in a deprave dback woodingswooddbackwoods culture. They found the beauty where the movie was shot. People wanted to experience the river themselves. Isolated mountain communities, and they suddenly had tourists. 30,000 people a year raft these waters, a 20 million a year local industry. But the movies impact went well beyond the rivers banks. In the movie north georgia was discovered. The states movie industry took off. So many tourists came the river became federally protected. It can never be dammed or protected. But to this day some locals hate deliverance. Not at all. Reporter Barbara Woodall is a author, grandmother and selfdescribed plain old mountain gal. She says the movie put north georgia on the map for all the wrong reasons. It was just repulsive, the stereotyping. Reporter what in particular . What stereotyping . Oh, that were all ignorant stupid hillbillies straight from the land of ninefingered people. Talk about the fishing season. Thats pitiful. God forbid you come face to face with one of these inbred hillbillies. Its the wrong depiction of a humble, passionate people, you know, that didnt deserve to be assaulted on the Silver Screen like that. Reporter in the movie this banjoplaying boy became the face of the bookwoods stereotype. The actor was billy redman, a 56 yearold Maintenance Man at the local walmart. People come up to you to this day and say, are you the banjo playing guy . I say yeah. Reporter a casting director came to his school wentand picked him on looks alone. Could not act and couldnt play the banjo. People say how did you ever get that part . I say, i guess it just come natural. Reporter he likes the movie and doesnt see the controversy. To you its just a movie . Just a movie. Reporter nothing more . And i just say, i just wish somebody would stop and realize, its just a movie. If you dont want to watch it, dont watch it. Reporter but Barbara Woodall is still spitting mad. It is not just a movie. When a culture has been assaulted. Reporter she says hollywood came to her mountains, laughed and left. I wish the movie scores would disappear like the movie stars, but they dont. They are still around. There are still people that parade tshirts up and down if you hear banjos paddle faster. Reporter when the movie first came out, no one imagined it would become a pop culture icon. Dont come back up here. You dont have to worry about that, sheriff. Reporter its lasting influence for better and for worse became another unexpected bend along the river. For cbs this morning, Mark Strassmann georgia. I could see why barbara would be upset. Good for her for standing up for her community saying look theres so much more to this area. Its a beautiful part of the country. Beautiful part of the country. Beautiful. I remember that movie. Everyones a little quiet on this segment on new years day because im thinking about im just going to move on. Exactly. Most of us know what the Empire State Building looks like but until this past year, weve never seen it like this. Were going to show you how this famous skyscraper got a towering makeover. Not a facelift, just a makeover. [ nyquil bottle ] you know i relieve coughs sneezing, fevers. [ tylenol bottle ] me too and nasal congestion. [ tissue box ] he said nasal congestion. Yeah. I heard him. [ female announcer ] tylenol® cold multisymptom nighttime relieves nasal congestion. Nyquil® cold and flu doesnt. Ancr at jennieo we think some things are worth getting up early for like a better breakfast so on august eighth we woke up a sleepy town to show that eating well can be easy and delicious with jennieo turkey bacon and sausage cooked thoroughly to 165 definitely very good its excellent this is delicious makes me want to eat breakfast more its time for a better breakfast i cant stop eating this make the switch look for jennieo at a store near you for over 80 years since the original king kong came out the Empire State Building has been world famous. And as jeff glor reports, new yorks legendary skyscraper got a brandnew look in 2012 with a new kind of star power. Reporter last month in manhattan, looking up meant seeing the city in a different light. Hundreds of them actually. All new. All l. E. D. And all unveiled for the first time during an historic light show at the Empire State Building. The brightest moment this building has ever seen. You know, i didnt even know that there was 16 million colors available. Bruno bias for those looking at the building, this is going to be a significant change. It will. Because, you know, really the Empire State Building is going to have the opportunity to really light up close to two acres of their tower and facade with very, very dynamic lighting. And do that all with the touch of a button. How about the top of the Empire State Building . Oh yes, thats perfect. Its the nearest thing to heaven we have in new york. Reporter since 1976 the Empire State Building has had colored lights. Green for st. Patricks day. Red, white and blue on the anniversary of 9 11. And in november, a thanksgiving scene. But the lights were always limited to just a few colors. And each fixture had to be manually covered with a colored gel screen. Now the effects are computer programmed, remote controlled and 73 more energy efficient. Were up here on the 72nd floor of the Empire State Building right now. This is an up close look at what these new lights look like. Workers have been up here swapping these out since early june. They started on the 70th floor and installed seven sections of lights at the buildings halo. The new bulbs are capable of emitting colors five to eight times stronger than those in the past. I think itll be a lot of fun. Reporter anthony melken manages the Empire State Building. I dont have to tell you the Empire State Building is iconic. Its a gorgeous building. People know it around the world. Theres concern that it will become too bright or too much of a show. Your response is . You know l. E. D. S are all over the skyline of manhattan now. So, in fact, the Empire State Building you could say has been a little behind. No one has done it quite the way we have. But rest assured, were actually projecting the lights on the building, not out on to the city. So no ones going to have to shield his or her eyes. Reporter you dont want this to be a circus. It is the worlds most Famous Office building. Its the icon of the new york city landscape. Were not going to mess around with that. Reporter melken also promises no commercials, no screens, and no logos. Just inspiring lights at night for a city that never sleeps. For cbs this morning, im jeff glor, new york. One more reason to love new york. I was going to say. Building seems to be in good hands with mr. Melken. Hes very particular about what he does with the building. I think thats fwood. Love it. Love the music in that piece, too. Good stuff. A giant of Television Journalism passed away last year. Well look back at the life and legacy of mike wallace when cbs this morning returning. Your local news is next. Your realtime captioner linda Marie Macdonald. Good morning, everyone. Happy new year. 8 25. Im frank mallicoat. Get you caught up with some bay area headlines now. San Francisco Police are investigating new years eve shootings at Fishermans Wharf and at pier 23 overnight. Three people wounded, none seriously though. Police say they arrested 10 people during the celebrations at the embarcadero, as well. Most of them were for public intoxication. A suspect in a double murder in sacramento is in police custody. Gunfire rang out last night in a bar on Second Street in old town sacramento. Police say before the shooting, there was some sort of argument and then a fight. A bar patron and an employee were killed. Three other people were wounded. And the new year means fewer fire stations over in Contra Costa County. The supervisors voted unanimously last month to close the stations in clayton, lafayette, martinez and walnut creek. The move will save up to 8 million a year but will not involve layoffs for the firefighters. However, response times will likely lengthen. Traffic and weather for this new years day coming up right after the break. Stay right there. [ male announcer ] pillsbury grands biscuits. Delicious. But say i press a few out flat. Add some beef sloppy joe sauce. And cheese fold it all up and boom i just made an unbeatable unsloppy Joe Pillsbury grands biscuits. Let the making begin. [ female announcer ] what would you call an ordinary breakfast pastry thats been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design . A toaster strudel. Pillsbury toaster strudel. So delicious. So fun. Well, good morning. Overall its been quiet on the roads. We are starting to see some slight delays along guadalupe parkway northbound as you work your way from 85 to 101. 10 minutes now on that portion of the roadway. 280 and 101 through san jose not showing any trouble spots. Northbound 880 has been very quiet. We have an accident northbound at fruitvale. Its out of lanes but still causing some slight delays there approaching the accident. Other than that its really an easy ride along 880 through oakland. And northbound 101 at moffett, still clearing this accident out of lanes. Not really causing any problems and again a nice look at the Golden Gate Bridge an easy ride out of marin county into San Francisco. Hows the weather, lawrence . The weather is looking great, gianna. A little cold outside in spots. We are starting out with some temperatures down in the 30s inland, a little hazy as you look toward parts of pleasanton. We are going to see a lot of sunshine in the afternoon. Some 30s and some 40s. Next couple of days should be nice and dry. The temperatures by the afternoon into the 40s and also the 50s. Looks like its going to stay dry in the next few days but the next chance of rain will come over the weekend, a chance of showers on sunday. Whoo you walk with friends, you meet new friends and you keep those friendships. It was such a beautiful experience. jessica lee and its beautiful undeniable woman why walk 60 miles in the boldest Breast Cancer event in history . Because everyone deserves a lifetime. Visit the3day. Org to register or to request more information and receive a free 3day bracelet today. Building up from deep inside it was 3 days of pure joy. Susan g. Komens investments in Early Detection and treatment have helped reduce Breast Cancer mortality in the u. S. By 33 since 1990. Help us continue serving the millions of women and men with Breast Cancer who still need us every day. Register for the 3day now. woman its just been an amazing, amazing journey. I love these people. And its beautiful happy new year. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Were looking back today at some of the most memorable stories of 2012 on this the first day, 2013 zbr our friend and colleague mike wallace passed away this past april after one of the most storied careers in the history of television news. His hardnosed approach and unique style of reporting set the tone for decades of 60 minutes stories. Its hard to believe that mike is gone. His style, his stories, his questions were all so distinctively mike. Nobody was ever that good. What are you trying to prove . Nothing. He was doing what with you . Why . Why . Why . What is this . This is 60 minutes. I think he really felt that without the dedicated community of journalists, the world would be a poorer place. That people would be ripped off. That people would be taken advantage of. She lost her virginity that day. Now, why would she say that about you, father kerrsh if it were not so. He was driven by his desire to be part of the action and get to the truth. I have no intention of leaving until you tell me whats on your mind. He loved being in the spotlight. In some ways it was his drug. His very being demanded attention, and it was seldom denied. He was the best journalist ive ever known. He didnt just walk into the famous interview with the ayatollah ayatollah khomeini. He earned it. He called you, forgive his words, not mine a lunatic. He wasnt the most decent person i ever worked with or the most devious. But he was probably both. He was with most competitive. Theres a story that the correspondents used to tell to each other about if you had a piece on sundays show in the lineup and mike didnt, it was a bad week to go on the road. Because by the time you got back, mikes piece would be on the air and yours wouldnt. Now, wait just a moment. Hold it a minute, god damn it. He made us all think on our feet. Made us all laugh. Constantly reminded us when we were a few pounds overweight. As someone once said he had an underdeveloped sense of other peoples privacy. Can you imagine coming home from a day and mike wallace is waiting up for you . Where did you go he asks. What did you do . How do you explain this hidden camera video . What really gets andy rooney worked up . Hes about to tell you. Why . Why . That was good. Besides the fact that he was a real pass in the ass, you knew teep down deep down that chances were you were never going to have an opportunity to be as close again to someone like mike. My other nextdoor neighbor at 60 minutes for all the years he spent there was ed bradley. When he interviewed mike back in 2006, ed had only months to live. His relationship with mike like mine was bittersweet. And the interview itself without either men knowing it was a bittersweet farewell. Just a simple question. I know there have been periods theres no such thing as a simple question. There were people in the shop you didnt talk to. Like . You and i didnt talk for a period of six months. Why . I dont remember. Do you . As you said yourself you hold a grudge. Mike, ill miss you. Heres to life to dreamers and their dreams the last few years werent easy for my father. This man was such a keen intellect and such a quick mind began to slip. But as your faculties are stripped away, doctors say that whats left is the essential person. And what remained of mike wallace was a sweet and gentleman. Even in his diminished state, there was no one who was more fun to be around. He was still mike wallace. And that was still plenty. So long. Beautifully done. Remarkable memorial service, too. Ive never seen so many people so brilliantly capture mike wallace in so many different ways. I love the part where he goes to interview the man and he goes, who is this . This is 60 minutes. Wow. That sort of summed up really all sides of mike wallace. Come on. Come on. Why . Why . Why, why, why. Why do that again . That was good. You can relate to that right, charlie . Why do i need to do that again . That was good. I like that. What were you going to say about him. Just the notion of it was curiosity, curiosity, curiosity. To have dinner it was questions after questions after questions. I remember one night with walt cronkite. He winked at me and he moved in to tease cronkite. And it was just it was a joy to watch. Nobody like him. Researchers tried again this past year to solve a 75yearold mystery. Heres the question. What happened to Amelia Earhart. Well talk with a man who thinks he has the final answer one of this countrys great mysteries began 75 years ago last summer as americans learned that Amelia Earhart was missing. The famous pilots plane was last seen over the pacific ocean. Well, this past summer as lee cowan reports, an expedition began to search for her aircraft once again. Aviations leading lady ms. Amelia earhart. Reporter she was a daredevil with the wings of an angel. A pioneer who embodyied the pure romance of flying. She embodied the danger of it, too. 75 years ago Amelia Airhart climbed into her lockheed electra and with her navigator, friend noonan disappeared somewhere over the pacific. The story of a brave woman in the air. Reporter for her to vanish without a trace at the height of all that fame was then and is now inconceivable to some. Take ric gillespie. Was it that she simply crashed at sea and sank without a trace . Or was there a whole chapter that weve never known about . Reporter hes a parttime horseman whos actually a fulltime missing airplane detective. He founded the International Group for Historic Aircraft recovery. 25 years of research finally turned up this. A long forgotten photo that he says may show the holy grail in the earhart puzzle. A piece of the aviators plane. The components of this image match the shape and dimensions of elements in the landing gear of a lockheed electra. Reporter that picture was taken in 1937 off gardner island. Now called nikumaroro. But that was more than 300 miles to the southeast of where earhart was supposed to land. Tiny howland island. Both were needles in a floating haystack. Fuel is running low. Reporter her mysterious disappearance is the stuff of hollywood. But to Dorothy Cochrane a curator at the national air and space museum theres no mystery. She says she simply ran out of gas and drown. At the end of the day where did she go down . I believe that she went down somewhere to the northwest of howland island. I think they were fairly close, unfortunately. Reporter but ric gillespie thinks in her effort to find howland, she stumbled on nikumaroro instead and managed to make an emergency landing. And then waited for the help that never came. If what youre saying is the case, it was probably a far worse end than crashing into the motion. Oh yeah. Living and dying on that island is not a good way to go. No. Reporter proof earhart survived, he says came in weak radiosignals heard after her disappearance. Most were cruel hoaxes. But he says a teenager named betty klenck was so convinced she heard earhart on her short wave radio that she wrote every word she heard in her journal. Shes now 91 years old and still swears it was earharts voice. What really got betty about what she heard was the were the tones in the voice of the people she was hearing. Reporter panic . Panic. Extreme anxiety. Anguish. It haunted her. Reporter theres other evidence, too. Although he admits its all circumstantial. Prague fragments of bone and the heel of a womans shoe were both found on nikumaroro back in 1940. Years later gillespie returned to that same site and found more. Bottles of hand lotion and freckle ointment dating from the 1930s. Even a zipper from what could be a flight suit. It tells a story. It tells a story of an American Woman of the 1930s whos trying and has failed to survive on that island. Reporter i think critics would say that that could be anybodys. And it could be the remnants of could be anybodys. Who . Thats my reply to that. Who . The artifacts hes found are all collateral pieces of civilization. Nothing that can be directly tied to amelia. Navy ships and planes are rushing to their aid. Reporter what about that massive search . The largest of its kind at the time . Why wouldnt they have seen a plane when they did the flyover . Because by the time they got there, the plane had been washed over the edge of the reef into the surf zone, obscured by the secure f. Nobody would see it. Reporter maybe the answer to this 75yearold mystery is, indeed, just off that reef. Resting in 1,000 feet of water. This week gillespie and a team will use side scan sonar and underwater robots to look for what, if anything is left of earharts plane. Including that landing gear. If, indeed thats what was in the picture in the first place. This is the biggest thing weve ever done. Well either find something or we wont. Reporter it wont change what earhart accomplished. But it could finally put her to rest. Im always amazed how mysteries like that continue to hold our fascination. One movie after another. One book after another. Still not a real conclusive answer, still. The plot thickens. I love his line when he says whos could it be . Who . Who . You know tell me. Id like to know. Lady antebellum. Remember them . Recorded the most downloaded country song of all time. Thats just one piece of the bands huge success. Theyre still going strong. Well go backstage with the superstar trio when we return on cbs this morning. Dinners ready. [ female announcer ] hamburger helper stroganoff. Beefy. Creamy. Stroganoffy. Helpers. Forty dishes, all delicious. [ woman ] ring. Ring. Progresso. I just finished a bowl of your light Chicken Pot Pie soup and it was so rich and creamy. Is it really 100 calories . Let me put you on webcan. Lean roasted chicken. And a creamy broth mmm i can still see you. [ male announcer ] progresso. You gotta taste this soup. [ female announcer ] send a loved one a free kleenex® care pack of soothing essentials. Go to kleenex. Com and enter the code from speciallymarked bundles of kleenex® tissues. Because only americas softest tissue turns a gesture into a complete gift of care. Its a quarter after 1 00 im all alone and i need you now said i wouldnt call but i lost all control and i need you now country musics Lady Antebellum is one of the hottest acts anywhere. The bands latest success is a christmas cd. Not long ago Hillary Scott announced shes expecting her very first baby. Yay, hillary. Earlier in the year ben tracy caught up with lady a on tour in los angeles. Reporter Lady Antebellum has been on one of the wildest and most successful rides in all of music. Less than five years ago, they were playing a gig at a gas station in flinger, wisconsin, to kick off deer hunting season. Now theyre on a world tour filling arenas with their biggest show ever for their new album own the night. To feel that initial its so awesome. Reporter now you have a sold out show at the staples center. What is this like . I mean, that is the ultimate like, okay. Were really doing it. Weve made it. Fans in the thousands are coming out to see us every night. Reporter while Lady Antebellums on stage show is now huge backstage Hillary Scott, Charles Kelley and dave haywood are keeping things simple. When your fans wonder what serious musicians do before they go on stage this is the answer . This is our rock star preshow ritual. Pingpong. Its like a paradox. Especially now that it takes ten semis just to haul their show. Youve come a long way from that gas station in flinger. You know what thank you. Its definitely one of the strangest things in the world to wake up and walk off your bus and go oh, i dont look like that right now. I wish i did. Reporter we first met up with Lady Antebellum last summer in nashville for cbs sunday morning. I dont know if there isnt a better hook in there. Reporter the group was putting the finishing touches on their new album. Their Recording Studio is just a couple miles away from the nashville bar where they performed together for the very first time in 2006. I was here. Hillary was there. Dave was here. We had a full band with us. Drums in the back. There were probably 15 people. Reporter they sang a song that night that would become their first hit. Love dont live here anymore reporter their 2007 selftitled debut album went double platinum. But it was a song on their second album that changed their lives forever. Its a quarter after 1 00 im all alone and i need you now reporter need you now is about a drunk dial to a former flame. Its a quarter after 1 00 im a little drunk and i need you now reporter it is the most downloaded country song of all time. And has made Lady Antebellum international superstars. It is also a song they almost decided not to record. We liked it but, i mean if you would have said this song was going to go around the world and take you around the world, we would have never thought that. We probably had ten songs weve written and gone oh this is first single hit and we never even recorded them. This world keeps spinning faster reporter the three members of lady a as their fans call them are clearly enjoying the perks of fame. With their fully stocked backstage bar. Club lebellum. Reporter and a luxurious tour bus that is miles from how they used to roll when out on the road. We went in rvs. Drive. Stay in a motel 6. Share a hotel room. Me, charles and hillary in one room together. All share a bathroom and everything. Reporter i bet she loved that. She loved it. What she looked forward to every trip. As she sits right here and chats. Hi and the grammy goes to own the night, Lady Antebellum. Reporter the group has now won seven grammys. Does it feel like a blink of an eye or does it feel like youve lived a bit of a lifetime in five years . In ways its like, gosh, this is still brandnew. But then in other ways its like i cant believe were getting used to walking red carpets. Reporter and living life on a much larger stage. For cbs this morning, ben tracy, los angeles. Go ahead, norah. Go ahead charlie. Its a quarter after 1 00 im a little drunk and i need you now charlie likes Lady Antebellum. The best part, gayle and i singing along. Were getting a sound system in our makeup room. That is one of my 2013 goals. I like that idea. Of course, when i mentioned that to gayle this morning, charlie, she said what time are we going to be playing the music . Whenever we want to. Were getting ready for the show. What time would the music begin . We need to be preparing the news. I know. Lets talk about drunk dialing. Would you like to go first . Id like to be receiving those drunk dials is what id like. And on that note happy new year. Happy new year. Happy new year happy new year. Happy new year. Happy new year. And to you. That does it for us on this new years day. We look forward to 2013. Up next your local news. Well see you right here tomorrow on cbs this morning. Whats your number . Nobody ever calls me. Captions by vitac www. Vitac. Com [ laughter ] [ girl ] wow you guys have it easy. I wish i had uverse when i was your age. In my day, we didnt have these fancy wireless receivers. Blah blah blah. If i had a sleepover i couldnt just move the tv into the playroom. No. We had to watch movies in the den because thats where the tv outlet was. And if dad was snoring on the couch, we muscled through it. Is she for real . Your generation has it made. [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver only from at t uverse. Get uverse tv for 29 a month for six months. Rethink possible. Your realtime captioner linda Marie Macdonald good morning, everyone. Happy new year. 8 55. Im frank mallicoat. Get you caught up with some bay area headlines now. Some deadly gunfire erupting in old town sacramento during new years eve celebrations. Two people were killed. Three others were wounded all inside a bar on Second Street there and police are holding a 22yearold man in custody. They say a fight broke out just before that shooting erupted. A noontime vigil is planned in oakland today for a man who was shot and killed while detained by the bart police. Family members will hold a vigil at the Fruitvale Bart station where oscar grant was shot four years ago today. Officer Johannes Mehserle was later found guilty of involuntary manslaughter. There is a ban on wood burning throughout the day. Its illegal to burn wood, fire logs or pellets at home all day. The order from the air quality regulators applies to all nine counties in the region. Violators could face fines. Chilly still air is trapping soot. But the good news, we have some nice weather though on this first day of 2013. Right . Yeah. Looking nice and dry on this first day of the new year. Well see a lot of sunshine outside and hazy looking towards San Francisco. But we are expecting plenty of sunshine throughout the afternoon hours and the weather looking good. In fact, the temperatures going to be warming up nicely. A little cool to start with 30s and 40s around the bay area right now. As we look toward the afternoon, highs only going to be in the upper 40s to the mid 50s in the warmest parts of the bay area but youll see plenty of sunshine. Otherwise, the next few days going to be very cold overnight. Probably going to see some 20s in some of the North Valleys and into tomorrow morning. Dry weather through the next few days, then possibility of showers on sunday. Your timesaver traffic is coming up next. Good morning. It continues to be a nice ride on bay bridge toll plaza. Not a lot going on, traffic quiet as you work your way through there. Most of our bay area bridges are quiet. If you are taking mass transit at all today, bart, muni and caltrain are on a sunday Holiday Schedule no service for ace train and some ferries are off. Happy new year. Thats definitely a fair trade. It was such a beautiful experience. jessica lee and tiful woman why walk 60 miles in the boldest Breast Cancer event in history . Because your efforts help komen serve millions of women and men facing Breast Cancer every year. Visit the3day. Org to register or to request more information and receive a free 3day bracelet today. It was 3 days of pure joy. And its beautiful today [ cheers and applause ] can [ cheers and applause ] one of the most beautiful women on the planet i love the look. Its making over four of our lucky viewers from head to toe oh, wow, beautiful done [ crowd cheering ] [ applause ] i think we need a shoe intervention. Would you like fergie to help you with that . Absolutely. Yeah [ applause ] [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] whoa [ crowd cheering ] [ applause ] welcome, welcome, welcome we are all so excited. Our first guest say talented musician from one of the biggest band no, sir the world. She e bands in the world. And she

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