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here at the table. >> we begin a look at today's eye-opener. your world in 90 seconds. ♪ >> you made a terrible egregiousness mistake. >> >> i think we need less. the fact of the matter is dodd lsh fra dodd/frank didn't work. >> this could lead us back to 2008. >> i think the president took six or seven states he carried in 2008 and put them in play. >> the vice president outed him and he was on his way to george clooney with an open purse. >> if the white house were trying to leak something successfully they would not hand it off to joe biden to do that. >> presidents are always riding me! i'm an adult. >> hey, hey, i've been there. i used to catch grief all the time from president cheney. >> uh-huh. >> john edwards begin his defense today at his trial in north. >> search for a missing fbi agent who disappeared on thursday. his family is worried he is possibly suicidal. >> crews in northern arizona battling three wildfires. one fire came to prescott so close that residents forced to plea. >> mark zuckerberg turns 28 years old today. >> i will do no regulation at all! >> i didn't speak for you. you don't speak for me. >> oh -- on pit road watch this. >> that is southern emotion! >> unbelievable victory! >> they don't need any help tearing down the institution of marriage. you're doing just fine as it is. >> the president is called the nation's first president by "newsweek." >> we get it. you're not a muslim. ♪ captioning funded by cbs welcome back. a bad bet by traders at jpmorgan chase will cost more than 2 billion. three top officials are on the way including the chief's investment officer. >> in a statement this morning the bank says ina drew is retiring. rebecca jarvis is here with more. good morning. >> good morning to you. >> reporter: these are the biggest losses on one risky bet of a bank since the financial collapse. the scale of the surprise could have sweeping consequences for banks around the globe. >> we took far too much risk. the strategy we had was barely vetted and barely monitored and should never have happened. >> that is the biggest bank. jamie dimon is trying to spread the message that jpmorgan chase's $2 billion loss is not the systemic and won't put his company on life support but dimon admits jpmorgan's credibility has taken a hit. word that a complex trade reminiscent of those that contributed to the financial crisis went bad at jpmorgan and caused the bank's stock to plummet more than 9% on friday and wiping out $15 billion in shareholder value and sparking memories of the 2008 bank bailout that put taxpayers on the hook for $700 billion. michigan senator carl levin leads the committee that investigated the financial crisis. >> these are the kind of bets that put us into the soup to begin with. >> reporter: in 2010, congress passed dodd/frank to rein in wall street risks but the terms of that law are still being negotiated and there is intense lobbying from the financial industry to water it down. critics argue that each when the law is in place, banks will find a way around the new rule and it still won't be enough to stop risky trading. however, some republicans are concerned that too much regulation could stifle economic growth. others like tennessee senator bob corker areinow calling for a hearing into jpmorgan's losses. in the meantime, there's growing concern this is just the beginning of more problems for the financial industry. >> jpmorgan chase and jamie dimon are the brightest guys in the room. if they have this problem, god knows how many other people have this problem and this could leted us back to where we were in 2008. >> reporter: but not every bank engages in the type of practices that led to jpmorgan's massive loss. in order to take that level of risk, a bank must be large enough and have access to significant capital and some of the other banks which fit that description are citi, bank of america, and wells fargo. >> with us from newton, massachusetts, is elizabeth warren, a democratic senate candidate in that state. she chaired the degree of medical oversight panel for the bank bailout. good morning. >> good morning. >> good to see you. >> it's good to see you. >> what do you hope is the fallout from this in terms of regulatory action? >> well, i'd like to see some real accountability here. i'd like to see jamie dimon, for example, resign from his position as a class a director of the new york federal reserve bank. you know, what has happened here is not just about jpmorgan chase, it's about the kind of attitude that the banks should be regulating themselves rather than have real oversight. and so the way i see this is that we have to say as a country, no, the banks cannot regulate themselves. they are financial institutions that run the risk of taking down everyone's job, run the risk of taking down everyone's pension, run the risk of taking down the entire economy, and that means it's appropriate to have some government oversight. notwithstanding the fact that we are just coming out of this huge crisis, jamie dimon has been the one who has led the charge in order to say, no, no more regulation, fight back against regulation, call the regulation un-american, and resist, try to put loopholes into the regulation, hire an army of lobbyists. >> jamie dimon. >> this has got to is to be. >> jamie dimon yesterday said he supported 75% of dodd/frank which was the principle regulation to come out. >> what we have to remember is dodd/frank itself was a compromise. now what has happened is that the large financial institutions led by jamie dimon have gone after the regulators, they kind of moved it from open war fare to guerrilla war fare and gone after the regulations and tried to delay them and put loopholes in them. they have tried to tangle them up. they have done everything they can to stick with the idea that it should be the banks that manage their risks, that the banks are the ones who can regulate themselves and there is no need for anyone from the outside looking at them. and i think that is just fundamentally wrong. >> what is wrong -- >> it's wrong and it's dangerous. >> what regulation would have prevented jpmorgan from making this kind of trade? >> well, you know, we have to start, charlie, i say partly. we don't know all of the details about this trade, but i'm going to start with the basic proposition. banking should be boring. banking should not be the kind of high-risk activity. that is what glass segal was all about. banking accounts and checking accounts and so so should be one kind of activity and it should be boring and not taking on risks. if you want to take on those risks you need to be somewhere else. you need to be a wall street hedge fund, go do that but keep a separation between those two. >> you'd like to see them -- >> you'd like to see those separated? would you also like to see the banks themselves broken up into smaller entities? >> it's a real question about how we are going to deal with the risks that the banks put forward right now. the larger the financial institutions, the more risk it carries for the entire country. and the irony is that i was here talking about the risk posed by the largest financial institutions in 2008 and 2009. we talked about too much concentration in the banking industry and now here we are in 2012 with more concentration in the banking industry. the bigs have gotten bigger and that is a danger. >> should jamie dimon have witnessed resignations on the part of the people responsible according to what is in the papers this morning? is that enough for you or are you still insisting that he leave the new york fed as a director? >> well, i think the importance of jamie dimon leaving the new york fed is that it's a public acknowledgment that he is in a position of trust. right now, he holds the position -- think about this with the new york fed, in which he is advising the new york fed about the appropriate oversight of banks like his bank, and i think one way he takes responsibility for what has gone wrong is to resign from that position and say someone else should be in that public position, but that he should not be in it. i just think that's one way to try to get a little more accountability into the system. when something happens like what has happened at jpmorgan chase, someone needs to be accountable and part of that is jamie dimon should withdraw -- he should resign from his position of public tryst. >> elizabeth warren, thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you. good to see you. >> thank you. in the race for the white house, president obama support for same-sex marriage is pushing the campaign in a new direction. in a just released cbs news/"the new york times" poll, 38% of americans say they now believe same-sex couples should be allowed to get married. 24% think they should form a civil union and 33% against any legal recognition at all. for some perspective here, the number who are in favor of same-sex marriage is 10% higher than it was in 2004. as jan crawford reports, the expected republican nominee took up the issue over the morning. jan, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to our viewers on the west. romney has built his campaign on improving the economy. that is what voters say is the number one issue in this election. but this weekend he made a little different talk. he gave the commencement speech at liberty university and he sought common ground with social conservatives by talking about his faith and his values. speaking to a crowd that has been somewhat skeptical of his mormon faith, mitt romney took on a key issue for social conservatives. >> marriage is a relationship between one man and one woman. >> reporter: that has been his position and in his weekend speech to liberty graduates, romney also stressed his religious values. >> and one of the causes justice for the persecuted, compassion for the needy and the sick, or mercy for the child waiting to be born, fls there is no greater force in the good for the nation than christian conscientious in action. >> rick santorum urged him to go further and saying president obama doesn't get it. >> this is a very potent weapon, if you will, for governor romney if he is willing to step up and take advantage of a president who is very much out of touch with the values of america. >> reporter: two news magazines are touting the president's decision but a gallup "usa today" poll taken after his announcement showed 60% of americans say it won't affect their vote but it has had an impact on the obama campaign's fund-raising. donations reportedly have increased even before george clooney opened his hollywood home last week. other politicians also are weighing in. sunday during a commencement address at the university of north carolina, new york city marp michael bloomberg took issue with the tar heel state's recent vote. >> i would argue last week's referendum banning same-sex marriage shows just how much more work needs to be done to ensure freedom and equality for all people. >> reporter: and speaking at the iowa faith and freedom coalition, senator rand paul took a shot at the president's new position. >> call me cynical but i wasn't sure that his views on marriage could get any gayer. >> reporter: public support for same-sex marriage jumped up about five or six years ago but this is interesting in our polling. it hasn't changed much since then. 38% support it now but that's what it's been the past few years. >> with us is haley barbour. welcome. >> thank you, charlie. >> how do you think this cuts politically and should governor romney as rick santorum hasizinged go harder on it? >> first of all, no question. you're on the right question. politically. this is about politics. and the gay lobby, homosexual groups and democratic party are very powerful. >> not about politics about the people who want to get married? it's very much about politics for barack obama. even "the new york times" today called it politically charged and so that's what this is about. how is it going to cut? very interesting to how the gay groups look at president obama saying, well, i'm for homosexual marriage but we ought to let the states decide, we will let it be a state's right to issue. i think that would be very unpopular among those groups. >> is it a difficult thing for the governor because, on the one hand, he wants to stress the economy. and, on on the other hand, is getting a lot of pressure from rick san tore 'em aum saying tha winning issue for you. if a winning issue. >> the best thing for is for the republicans to be referendum on obama's record. economic and jobs the policies he has put in place and how the policies have failed. the american people recognize that. that's why we have got 60% of the people in the country think it's going in the wreck direction and think the economy is worse than that. that is what we want to focus on. that's what romney should want to focus on. when the president makes a big deal out of an issue the candidate has to set out his position which i thought he did very well. >> he said after thoughtful consideration he decided what impact was important for him to say at the moment. >> you're talking about president obama? >> yes. >> i meant that romney set out his position very well in opposition to that but i don't think it has to be loud. i don't think it has to be harsh. there's a very clear difference of opinion here. and most states in this country have had referendum on this and have voted overwhelmingly, as north carolina did, to honor marriage as a union between one man and one woman as we have done for thousands of years in the world, not just in america. >> let's just talk one minute. you've been speaking about bob bobby behindal. do you think he is a great running mate no romney? >> it's too early. the next question should be answered after you get a chance to look a whole lot more information and what states are going to be really close. bobby jindal is a great governor and he as smart as a whip put it's way too early to be asking that question. >> even if it's too early what are the important things to look for in that person? the states where they need to win or is there more to it? >> this person qualifies to be president of the united states. could this person if the president were to die, heaven forbid, could this person come in and be a good president? the political decisions come after that and they are, you know, the hypocritic rule, do no harm. charlie and i were around in 1972 when mcgovern picked a running mate he had to give back. secondly, is there a state, a big state which wouldn't otherwise carry that this person might help you carry? lyndon johnson is a perfect example. >> jack kennedy. >> when kennedy picked lyndon johnson and gave him texas. there are a number of decisions but to pick a vice president and think it's a game-changer, that would be highly unlikely and unusual. >> yes or no. this race now is about dead each? >> yes. >> thank you, governor. governor haley barbour. time to show you the morning headlines around the globe. "the wall street journal" reporters jerry brown is planning big budget cuts to make up for a $16 billion deficit. governor brown is warning there will be deep cuts to schools and public safety agencies. he also wants higher taxes. the daily monitor in uganda reports uganda army has captured one of the kony's top generals. he now feels like a free man after spending more than two decades fighting alongside kony. >> the "new york post" says mark sullivan in the hot seat next week and facing a senate committee committee looking to the columbia sex scandal. a government sponsored study looks at whether a natural compound could delay the destru >> announcer: this national weather report sponsored by subwhey. start the day right with egg whilt morning melts. a co-founder of facebook who came to america as a child is renouncing his u.s. citizenship before the company's ipo makes him rich. >> for him to expatriate struck me as lawful and ungrateful. >> find out who else is criticizing this billionaire. john edwards has never been prosecuted in a case like this. why the law and not the facts could be his best defense. you're watching "cbs this morning." >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by usaa. proudly serving the financial needs of the military, veterans and their families. over the so. i got mine in iraq, 2003. usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection, and because usaa's commitment to serve the military, veterans and their families is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. hi, honey. how's the camping trip? well, kids had fun, but i think i slept on a rock. what are you doing? having coffee. ah, sounds good! i thought you'd say that. ah. ♪ the best part of wakin' up... ♪ you're the best! wake up to the mountain grown aroma of folgers. ♪ ... is folgers in your cup! like a squirrel stashes nuts, you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec® liquid gels. nothing starts working faster than zyrtec® at relieving your allergy symptoms for 24 hours. zyrtec®. love the air. actually it can. neutrogena® ultra sheer provides unbeatable uva uvb protection and while other sunscreens can feel greasy ultra sheer® is clean and dry. it's the best for your skin. ultra sheer®. neutrogena®. with the red, white, and blue. ocean spray cranberry, white cranberry, and blueberry juice cocktails. 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>> you know, eduardo saverin has an outsized reputation because he wasn't a -- he was a lucky guy whose friend founded facebook. the movie made him famous. you know, he was never a believer in facebook. as i've said, i don't think he's a big believer in the united states. i think this is -- >> he's an opportunist? >> by definition. that's the kind of guy he is. the facebook co-founders, the other guys really liked him at the time. i think he's really shown that it was all about the money from the beginning. he never understood what fashion book was. that's why he's not there today. >> if he wants to renounce his citizenship, take the money, go to it. >> it shows his priorities are rather selfish. you might argue that's what caused the problems at the company, too. >> some people -- there's this outrage among some people that, oh, he's renouning his u.s. citizenship, oh, the fact it could be -- all his representatives have said it's not, it could be for tax purposes. if you look at it in some ways, the american dream of business as you find it wherever you can. >> yeah, but you know, modern day silicon valley is much more positive than that. he does not partake. mark zuckerberg is not doing it for the money at all. it's a side effect he loves. this is true of bill gates as well, even in my generation. >> steve jobs. >> steve jobs as well. they want to transform the world for the better. saverin is not like that. >> let me go to yahoo and the resignation. >> what a mess. the ceo misstated things on his resume and the woman who recruited him on the board misstated her resume and had to quit. i mean, it's a tawdry tale and remind me of what's happened at hp in the last year, unfortunately. >> yahoo, originally microsoft wanted to buy. there was a denial on the part of some of the founders of yahoo. >> right. $44 billion they offered that. microsoft offered $44 billion for yahoo four years ago. and now it's worth $18 billion. >> and they turned it down. >> ever since then the company has been in trouble. >> how valuable is it now? >> it's worth $18 billion if the market but it's valuable as a company, a media company, and it's still the dominant digit media company of the planet. >> the most valuable to? >> i think it's still valuable to them if it was well run. and i think ross levinson, interim ceo, is a great guy to run it. microsoft would still love to own it. it could be valuable to any major media company because it is truly digital. and every media company is trying to turn themselves into a completely digital company because that's the way everything is going. yahoo has still a marvelous position. i think it's been poorly managed in recent years. >> nice to see you. mitt romney says he deserve credit for the auto industry's rebound. we'll ask the ceo of gm about that, about jobs, detroit auto giant as well. stay tuned. you're watching "cbs this morning." 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>> i don't believe so, for one simple fact there was no risk capital at the depths of the great recession that would have been put into what was viewed as a pretty risky investment at the time. >> what do you think of governor romney's position that the bailout was wrong? >> well, you know, there was a wise man named ronald reagan who once said there's no limit to what a man can accomplish if he's willing to share the credit. words to that effect. and when you step back and look at the bailout, there were two separate presidents, president bush and president obama, two treasury secretaries, two administrations, that saw the wisdom of how important this industry was to america and its economy. we comprised between -- the automotive industry comprises about 3% to 3.5% of the total gdp of this country. to have essentially ceded the basic infrastructure, manufacturing infrastructure of this country, and this industry, i think would have been a very short-sighted decision. >> so when will you be able to pay back? >> well, you know, we paid back all of our loans. we've paid back our preferred. and we've essentially taken company public and the government owns about 27%. they're one of 50 odd thousand shareholders. >> this isn't something the government wants to do long term. >> i don't think it is. when they sell like any shareholder it will be at their discretion. >> general motors today is a healthy company? >> i think it was properly described. we had a very good year. we're a growth company again. we had $135 million in sales in 2010 and we had 150 plus billion in 2011. that's up 15 billion in one year and we had profits that exceeded any year in general motors history the 103-year history of general motors. pretty good year. >> charlie brought up governor romney earlier and some of the comments that he's made recently. specifically about you sort of allude to taking some credit. let's listen to governor romney. >> i've pushed the idea of a managed bankruptcy and finally when that was done, and help was given, the companies got back on their feet. so i'll take a lot of credit for the fact that this industry's come back. >> you touched on this a little bit. how do you feel about those comments from governor romney? is he accurate in saying he can take a little bit of credit? >> well, like i say, failure has no father, success has many. i think the really salient point is, whenever there's a structured bankruptcy there are multiple paths to an end. this was a difficult decision that was made, again by two separate administration, two radically different points of view from a political perspective and it worked. and jobs were saved. people could send their children to college. unemployment was reduced. this is all good for america. i don't really have the luxury of opining on such matters. the only thing that matters to me -- and i would describe myself as a colin powell republican -- and i think there needs to be more moderates in the national dialog -- what's important is that the company was saved. >> jobs were saved? >> jobs, our trade position, our manufacturing infrastructure was saved. this is all good and i don't know if it's all that helpful to debate who should get the credit. i'm glad someone wants -- >> the problem is we're facing a political race in which people are looking at judgment and what you might have done in order to make a decision about the next president, you know, and looking at what decisions have been made and what decisions might be made, you know, is a regular and appropriate interest in -- when you're electing a president of the united states. you can look at what one did and one said he would have done and that's important. yes? >> charlie, i'm a businessman, and you and i have known each other for a long time. kind of my view of the world is, i'm here to be part of the gm team and i was dealt a hand, a good hand, and we're trying to do the best we can for the taxpayers of america. >> speaking of america and its competitiveness, you spoke at columbia and you talked about the dysfunction in washington. >> yes. >> what did you mean and what can be done? >> well, think about it. every day you hear, i hear, about the debt crisis in europep to give you an idea, the debt to gdp for the euro zone is 4% this year. it will be roughly 8% in america. last year, last summer, there were people who were willing to trip and have america default. to me, 236 years of history in this country, we've had a civil war, we've had world wars, we've had depressions, we've had the vietnam war, the korean war and never did we come close to defaulting on our debt. we're not a banana republic. we're the united states of america. i just think that our political leadership, both sides, has to find common ground to solve the from susan boyle to the cast of "the lion king," they're all set brating queen elizabeth's rein on the throne. there's a clear difference between claritin and many allergy medicines. the difference is claritin clear. claritin gives me powerful relief that won't make me drowsy like zyrtec can. in fact, it warns drowsiness may occur right on the label. non-drowsy claritin. live claritin clear. kiwi. soy milk. impulse buy. gift horse. king crab. rhubarb pie. lettuce shower. made by bees. toucan sam. that's not cheese. grass fed. curry. gingersnaps. soup can tower. 5% cash back. right now, get 5% cash back at grocery stores. it pays to discover. lastin florida we hadulf's best tomore sun tans...years. in alabama we had more beautiful blooms... in mississippi we had more good times... in louisiana we had more fun on the water. last season we broke all kinds of records down here on the gulf. more people more good times. this year we're out to do even better... and now's a great time to start. the sun's out and the beaches are even more relaxing. you can go deep sea fishing or enjoy our world-class restaurants... our hotels and rentals have special deals for the whole family. go golfing, kite boarding, or build the worlds biggest sand sculpture... with the world's best sand. so come on down to mississippi... get yourself down to louisiana... we'll see you in florida... you know you want to come to alabama. the gulf is america's get-a-way... and we're 100 percent ready to see you. come on down and help make 2012 an even better year for the gulf. brought to you by bp and all of us who call the gulf home. we used to be enemies, but that's absurd. a nibble on your ear used to keep me up all night. now our relationship can be nice and bright. yes, my chocolate friend, our struggle's thru. when i bite your head off, i'll still love you. now i have truvia and i've been set free. natural sweetness from a leaf with zero calories. it's freed me to enjoy. it tastes really great. it helps me balance out what i've got on my plate. now i can indulge in the things i adore. i don't have to wrestle with sweetness anymore. truvia. honestly sweet. so it stays on in conditions like pool water... wind... sweat, even 100-degree heat. for uva/uvb protection in seven conditions, banana boat. we've got you covered. doing project with different stores is a really cool idea. we want to bring a little piece of the boutique experience to target. a real taste of luxury. it's pretty special for us to imagine this little nook of polka dog will be in target stores all around the country. the shops we fell in love with, collected and curated for you. exclusively at target. gayle, what's coming up in the next hour? >> we have a full hour. erin moriarty with the latest on the john edwards trial, jack black and kyle, tenacious d, we're going to rise like -- >> the phoenix. >> and the ladies from "the talk." you're watching "cbs this morning." catch us on facebook, twitter, google plus. >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by mercedes benz. experience truly great engineering today at your authorized dealer. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] not everything powerful has to guzzle fuel. the 2012 e-class bluetec from mercedes-benz. see your authorized mercedes-benz dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services. and many allergy medicines. the difference is claritin clear. claritin gives me powerful relief that won't make me drowsy like zyrtec can. in fact, it warns drowsiness may occur right on the label. non-drowsy claritin. live claritin clear. ♪ power surge, let it blow your mind. [ male announcer ] for fruits, veggies and natural green tea energy... new v8 v-fusion plus energy. could've had a v8. you've got to be kidding me. sweetie, help us settle this. i say this and this is called southern hospitality. well, i call it the clean getaway. [ scoffs ] you're both wrong. it's the freshy fresh. everyone knows that. i didn't know that. oh yeah, that's what they're saying now. [ female announcer ] nothing leaves you feeling cleaner and fresher than the cottonelle care routine. try them together. then name it on facebook. try them together. i haand then i have eleven my grandkids. right when you see them, they're yours, it's like, ah, it's part of me. it's me again. now that i'm retiring they all have plans for me. i'm excited. [ male announcer ] we began with the rx. ♪ then we turned the page, creating the rx hybrid. ♪ now we've turned the page again with the all-new rx f sport. ♪ this is the next chapter for the rx. this is the next chapter for lexus. this is it's time for the news headlines. at least eight people arrested this morning and albany were protesters were occupying land owned by uc-berkeley. one of law enforcement officers remain on the scene. the past three weeks they were demanding the land be used for sustainable farming and the university plans to develop the part the property for research. scot thompson the seat of that resigned from yahoo and amid controversy over an embellished resume. thompson told the yahoo board last week he has cancer. an executive in charge of,,,,,,, out toward the bay bridge toll plaza it still jammed up to the macarthur mays a 20 minute wait. on the bay bridge headed out toward san francisco. break lights into one of 37 stop and go. and a check on the right along the peninsula speeds are backed up a series of fender benders and some in the northbound lanes and in that popped up southbound 11 by university. cloud cover run the skies in many spots headed out to try to break things up a bit for you to bring you a little more sunshine. more sunshine took the afternoon but the temperatures will stay down mild right now mainly into the 50s. by the afternoon low and mid- 70s. '60s inside of the bay area. the next couple,,,,,,,, ♪ >> it is 8:00. welcome back to "cbs this morning." i'm gayle king. >> i'm charlie rose with erica hill. for three weeks the prosecution of the john edwards' trial offered dramatic and emotional testimony and the defense opens its case today, focusing on the law. >> and we still do not know if the former senator and presidential candidate will take the stand. erin moriarty has been covering the trial and joins us now. erin, everybody i know who's watching and paying attention, hopes that he takes the stand and that rielle hunter takes the stand. my prediction is huh-uh. what are you think sflg. >> it's really interesting. on rielle hunter i am going to say she is not going to take the stand. it does not make any sense now. you take a look at the tone the defense is really going to start with today, as charlie said it's going to be all about the law. any kind of benefit that she could bring to this by defending john edwards, i think the jurors are going to say, well, she's the father of his child. he's supporting her. they may question her credibility. i would say absolutely not. i would be shocked if she took the stand. >> and he? >> this is so tough. we talk about this, you know, the normal, very few defendants take the stand, but last thursday when the prosecution put that 20-minute video, the interview that originally aired on abc. >> yeah. where he denied, denied, denied. >> right. even though that really, much of it had nothing at all with the issues of the trial, it showed him to be less than honest, but i think what's interesting today is one of the witnesses that may take the stand today is harrison hickam, and harrison, two years ago, went on the round of talk shows to kind of be john edwards' spokesman. it was right after john edwards admitted paternity and harrison is the one that went out and said, this is why, it was a very complicated time, he didn't want to deny paternity, he did not want to lie, but he had to explain it to his wife, explain it to his kids. wondering if that may be the reason why harrison hickam is taking the stand. i don't think they'll make a decision about whether john edwards takes the stand until the end of their case. >> until they see how it's going. >> what do you make of the fact the decision what might be called a directed verdict was turned down? >> we talked about this last week. this was really an important time for the defense, and normally it's just kind of routine and you know you're going to get turned down. this case, i think the defense really felt that there was real reason to drop parts of, at least two of the charges, and i think it was a real hit. and i think it puts so much more at stake, starting today, and you know, they're going to come out of the gate with the former commissioner, chairman of the fec, the federal election commission, and they are really going to try, i don't know how much the judge will allow, try to say, there was no law for him to break. >> do you think -- i mean they're coming with that out of the gate today. you mentioned everything that happened at the end of the week. was there a lot of scrambling do you think for the defense? were they trying to redo any of their plans for this week? >> they're too smart to have to scram ble. i don't think so. i think they were hoping that it would look a lot better. you know, when the judge said, we're going to let this go to the jury and the law is so ambiguous to allow that to go to the jury now what had it's going to come down to is how the judge defines the law in the jury instructions. >> i hear it's so hard to read the jury because the case is so salacious for a lot of people they worry, are a student at an ivy league school just got his bachelor's degree 19 years after he started, but this man is no slacker. >> not even close. he fled civil war to come to america and as tony guida reports, he refused to give up on his dream of getting his diploma. >> gus filipaj. >> reporter: it was the moment gus filipaj worked nearly two decades for. sunday the columbia university janitor graduated from the school with honors. but his road to commencement was far from easy. an immigrant from the former yugoslavia, filipaj escaped the war-torn country for a chance at a better life. >> i told them if i am to move from my country, leave my country, the best place to go is the united states. >> reporter: he landed a janitor's job at columbia because it came with 14 free credit hours a year, his title heavy cleaner included mopping floors and taking out the trash. >> it was always in my head to finish college. >> reporter: first, filipaj had to learn english with his full-time job, it took seven years. then he enrolled in columbia's classics program, studying greek and latin by day, scrubbing toilets by night. >> he's a remarkable human being. >> reporter: professor williams taught filipaj and supervised his thesis on the roman philosopher seneca. >> you would ask one question and he would ask another question and then a third question. he was so vibrant in the classroom and keen to learn. >> reporter: filipaj may finally have his degree, but his school days aren't over. >> there is a saying that seneca said, while you teach, you learn. >> reporter: he plans to return to his night job and hopes to enroll in graduate school and one day teach. for "cbs this morning," tony guida, new york. every story about someone's thirst for education. >> yes. >> is heart warming. >> they always tell you they can never take it away. once you get an education nobody can ever take it from you. i hear he still wants to work. >> i saw another story this morning about some man who was 89 years old just got his degree. >> shows you never too late. >> great thing education keeps you young too. >> it was a celebration fit for a queen and they needed lots and lots of horses for the latest diamond jubilee pageant at windsor castle, also pronounced castle. we'll take you to the party. why would a story about high school dropouts be flying off the shelves in south florida. we'll make that a long story short. you're watching "cbs this morning." ask me. [ male announcer ] did you know there's a new surprisingly affordable tempur-pedic? ask me about my tempur simplicity. [ male announcer ] these real owners are talking about their new tempur simplicity beds. surprisingly affordable, plus a 10-year warranty. ask me what a step up this is from my spring mattress. [ male announcer ] all the comfort and support of a tempur-pedic in a simple, clean design. and tempur-pedic owners are more satisfied than owners of any traditional mattress brand. find out more about the tempur simplicity beds. tempur-pedic -- the most highly recommended bed in america. since i became part of that mccafé frozen strawberry lemonade at mcdonald's, life's gotten better. people call me citrus límon out of respect. women pucker up when they see me. [ smooches ] i can even laugh when someone refers to an exploding television as a lemon. 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"the new york times" wants to solve a rolling stones photo mystery. decades ago a woman showed up for a shoot with the band and wasn't wearing any clothes. she said her name was angel. the photographer who took the picture wants to know who she really is because she's now part of a photo exhibit in a new york gallery. now if you recognize her, call photographer terry o'neill. you know what, it was the '60s she probably doesn't remember being there. >> yeah, but somebody remembers her and believe me, before this day is over, i predict within pout who angel is. we will find all right. cbs phoenix station, kpho reports that a teacher from lakota east high school in ohio has resigned over, listen to this, missing prom money. what? officials say the teacher was selling prom tickets she may have pocketed $760 instead of handing it over to the children. no criminal charges have been filed. julie, we do not approve. >> no, when they don't have money for a deejay and they have to hum. you know, that's wrong, just wrong. "usa today" looks at the latest thing to go skinny. check out 7-eleven's slurpee lite, the first low collalorie light of slurpees are made with splenda. i like splenda. >> not in a slurpee. >> go ahead. >> as long as it turns my lips red i'm so happy. the sugar free mango has only 20 calories compared to 66 calories for the best selling wild cherry slurpee. >> i want my slurpee just the way it is. >> "the huffington post" says "the avengers" is smacking global box office records. it has racked up $1 billion in worldwide box office in less than three weeks that ties with avat"avatar" and "harry potter the deathly hallows part 2." that's lsf with julie chen. you have some moves i'm impressed. >> dance with me. >> look, julie, i don't have moves. here i got something for you. ♪ julie julie julie do you love me ♪ >> you're going to get charged for singing that now. how many times have people come up and said, when i was a kid i said i wished some would make a song named gayle. but you have one ♪ julie do you care >> we have to find a song for you, gayle. >> in 57 years i've never found one. julie chen is going to stick around because you and your colleagues, women of "the talk" are going to be here. >> we cannot wait to have the talk with you, gayle king. they're in new york all week. tenacious d, did you see jack >> yes.n the green room? >> and his partner kyle of tenacious d. the lyrics are wild! we'll introduce you when we return. you're watching cbs. jack black likes to play. you're watching "cbs this morning." so does cheryl. so does cheryl. you can't argue with nutrition you can see. great grains. great grains cereal starts whole and stays whole. see the seam? more processed flakes look nothing like natural grains. i'm eating what i know is better nutrition. mmmm. great grains. search great grains and see for yourself. with the red, white, and blue. ocean spray cranberry, white cranberry, and blueberry juice cocktails. [ coughs ] okay, i believe this one is yours? [ clears throat ] ♪ when you think of destiny was released ♪ >> great. tenacious d is finally, finally ready to release its third cd "rise of the fenix." they can spell, too. >> i see that right here. jack black and his buddy kyle gathave been making music since 1994. first album sold 3 million copies. welcome. >> wow, i didn't know that. triple platinum. >> worldwide. we should clarify. >> with those numbers you can't say mock rock. people are buying. critics might have had fun at your expense in the beginning, but people are definitely buying. >> well, we have done our fair share of mocking. along with that, as you say, true rocking has occurred. we take it seriously. we rock as hard as we can. we like to think we rock harder than anyone out there today. >> has all of your fame added to all of the anticipation for this album? >> has it added? added to the anticipation? >> jack? >> oh my fame? >> yeah. >> i'm thinking movie star. >> it might have hurt. >> how has it hurt? >> my movies are on the softer side than our rock facade. >> the image they get from the movies does not fit with the image they get from the lyrics? >> that's right. people have, i think, come to adjust to the fact that there are two jack blacks. i'm sorry to speak about myself like that, but -- >> when you sit down to write the lyrics, because gayle leaned over to me this morning and said, look at this. she had it on her cell phone. she had the lyrics on her phone having to deal with anatomy and other things. so, when you sit down to write these lyrics -- >> it was pretty graphic, guys. >> what were you thinking? >> that's a good question because i am curious about the motivation and the lyrics. >> a lot of that comes from improvisation. a lot of times we just press record and this is what comes out. >> jack, are you comfortable? >> are you showing off there? >> did it look like i was showing off? i was just trying to relax and take in the question. the answer is, we release. we press record, kyle jams a rif and i try to let go and let loose the beast in my i don't think about if it's a dirty lyric. >> it's a dirty lyric. you two enjoy performing together. all kidding aside, you do like the music and like performing, true? >> we do, we do. >> we do. >> because? >> there's no -- i don't want to say release too many times but there's no release quite like it. when we take to the stage, you know, television and film is fun, but that live performance is so -- >> exhilarating. >> exhilarating. >> if someone said i'm going to take away one of the three, television, music or film, which one would you give up? >> oh, television. come on, that's an easy one. >> this is their bread and butter. >> oh, sorry. >> they're all one in the same really. but the rock is the key ingredient for "d". >> cut 39 did sound bruce springsteeny-like, with no disrespect to the boss. is that what you were going for? >> yeah, there's a little bit of that. there's a lot of that gruff, wise old man voice i tapped into. >> give us a little thing. >> what is it? ♪ 39 but you still look so young not very young but a lot of fun ♪ >> yeah. >> you got it. ♪ 49 i'm feeling fine ♪ drinking would it wine >> would you come on the road? i would love you as a backup singer. >> i feel like you've got the skill. >> when are you on stage again? >> we are going on world tour starting on the 23rd of may in santa barbara. >> there you go, santa barbara. not far. >> i know people in santa barbara. >> we have to go. tenacious d "rize of the fenix". >> thank you. >> did you ever think you'd hea, in some of the bay area headlines this morning uc- berkeley police and forced the removal of protesters occupying a university owed piece of land and albany. several dozen officers moved in and at least five people were arrested. protesters of taken over the plot of land three weeks ago began planting their own crops. officials offered to share the property with the protesters but officers say they need to regain access to the agricultural research said the research can resume. facebook expected to start selling stock to the public for the first time on friday. it could valued at nearly $100 billion making it worth more of the company does feet and ford and kraft foods. 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[ male announcer ] citibank mobile check deposit. easier banking. every step of the way. it back to work up and down 80 at oakland's logo as to head passed the coliseum coliseum. traffic is still heavy along the peninsula but southbound 101 out of red with city down towards proud to with their clients. everything is not out of the lanes but if you want to beat the rush to hundred 80 is not too bad. the dow tree partially blocking some lanes and it's back to the area. also slated out of downtown san jose. breaking up the cloud cover outside and still gray as you approached the coast. it will stay cool out of the beaches today with partly cloud cover in the afternoon. 58 degrees in livermore and 57 in san jose. but this afternoon clearing things out just a bit to make sure sunshine and low mid-70s inland and '60s and around the bay area and 56 '50s and '60s toward the coast. a return to the,, ,, after seven years, brad and angelina are engaged. >> i think it's nice they're finally getting married. now they can finally think about, you know, having some kids. >> i dare you to watch "the talk" and not come away with a chuckle. welcome back to "cbs this morning." the women of "the talk" are always entertaining, always smart entertainment. they're in new york city this week but we have them in studio 57 first. the show was recently dominated for not one, not two, not -- three, four daytime emmys. >> three? >> very graceful. >> during a break sharon said four. sharon, i'm going with four. thank you. >> thank you. >> welcome julie chen, sara gilbert, sharon osbourne, aisha taylor and sheryl underwood. julie came in, hi, larry. hi, doug. how does it feel to be back? you were never in this studio but on this show. >> exactly. it feels like home. that's what's weird, to see like my old family from "cbs this morning" and the "early show" days in a new space. >> we're delighted to have you guys. right before we went on, chris, our executive producer says, this is an historic moment because this is the first time all the table, all the chairs have been filled. >> yea! >> so, congratulations on the emmy. when you heard you were nominated, i'm thinking the big one is, best talk show. you thought what, sara? sara, this all started with you, missy. this is your brain child. >> i guess. it's really evolved into something and bigger than what i could have managed with this team, our production team and all that. i was stunned. i just wasn't -- i didn't know nominations were coming out. i wasn't waiting for it. i wasn't expecting it. i'm still -- >> did you really not know they were coming out? >> i swear i didn't know. >> really? >> trust me, she didn't know. >> really, that's true. >> julie, you knew? >> no, i didn't. >> you didn't know they were coming out? >> we were all really salon. >> i heard it at the dmv and the swap meet. >> i remember pulling into work and they said, did you hear? i thought it was bad news. i pulled in, did you hear? who?? when? >> i thought i was fired. >> let's just say congratulations because, knock on wood, so far so good. congratulations to you, sharon osbourne. i love -- listen, it's my heart's deepest desires i'll live long enough to see my grandchildren. you have a new baby, your first grandchild. >> my first grandchild. >> pearl is her name. >> yes. everything's pearly. >> your trademark. >> and i just couldn't be happier. for me, it's one of the blessings of being as old as i am because you think, oh, it's downhill when you get to this age, but it's not. >> i'm trying to imagine sharon osbourne as a grandmother, what kind of grandmother you'll be. >> i'm terrible, aim disgusting because i spoil. and whatever pearl wants to do is fine by me. >> so, we thought we'd have fun today because what you all do, your show is full of topics. let's throw out a few. john edwards, rielle hunter, it's moving to defense. does he take the stand? i wish he would. you take it, sheryl. >> i think rielle needs to tell what they were snuggling up talking about, and clarify, was he scared of his wife or did he use some of the money? we want to hear from the mistress. >> who believes -- >> sheryl, sheryl, i have to say, it is so funny to look at you close to close because on the show you always joke about looking like wesley snipes. >> absolutely. when you going to pay your taxes? >> and until you said it, honest to god, i never thought about it. i never thought about it. >> you know what -- see, i have to get beautified because fine charlie rose was up here. charlie, hey, hey. hey, hey. >> he wanted to, but there wasn't enough room. >> on your knees. >> it will be worse -- >> it will be a cbs love fest. >> sheryl, what is it that attracts you to charlie rose? i would like to talk about this. what is it that attracts you to charlie rose? >> he, first of all, his debonair status, you talking about walter cronkite, that's carey grant as walter cronkite. you take us down the hall -- >> did you say have you to hit >> did yhat, talking about char rose? >> yes, he's loveable. >> just give him a kiss. >> absolutely. >> is he married? does he have someone to love? >> oh, he's not married. >> i think charlie's okay. >> what does charlie do? it's going to be cute and they're going to be like, why is charlie rose -- he's so progressive. now the president has come out with gay marriage, charlie has now declined to marry what he likes. what is happening in america? >> biracial babies, i have some in my family -- >> we can't have no babies. if i'm pregnant, there better be three wisemen at the door because it's christmas. and me and charlie are too old to have a baby. it would probably come out as an adult. >> i think we should just keep playing with this. charlie, how are you doing? charlie's like -- >> all i can say is, go girl! >> oh, that's what i'm talking about! woo! that's my boo. >> you know, charlie rose has swagger. >> you know it. >> we going to the 4040 club and drink them under the table. >> i've never been called my boo. julie, save me. >> i have no control. i cannot. >> julie, you do have control. this is the thing i've always wondered because julie is the boss's wife, we can say respectfully, and i wonder what is it like working with the boss's wife. >> amazing. >> it is. >> i told you she was smart. >> no, let me tell you -- >> no, i would like to know. >> we didn't know each other. and then, you know, we just started the show together. and you always think, always think, because it was the same for me being the wife. why did she manage him? it's just his wife. she's always there. and he's going with that little seed of doubt, but we all say, julie is the best, best, best. she's our captain. she's our anchor. >> okay, okay, but -- >> i better not make her mad because she might tell les moonves. >> no, no. >> i was the last person to come into the show. i had a different kind of trepidation, you're getting on a moving train, you don't know the dynamics. and -- >> you fit in. >> well, i feel grateful for that. i will say, everybody was so kind and it was such a great place to be. and you will never meet anybody who makes fun of themselves more than julie. she has a very naughty mouth off camera. >> julie, i saw you with a big natural wig -- >> and looked fierce. >> and she's got moves. >> oh, yeah. >> and i think when you -- it's a group of people -- >> i'll do this, too. >> everybody wants to do good work. there's no ego. no one is more game than julie. we don't want julie to think i'm dressing up and i'm the biggest in front with the afro. she's always down. >> she does seem to like to play.& can when aisha said, gayle, you look so good about and i said i didn't make the top 100 list. >> most beautiful. >> did you see the list? >> most beautiful. >> she made most beautiful. >> yes, she did. >> i don't have an answer for that. >> you can just say thank you. i understand, before you came, sara, julie said she's working on a book called "50 shades of gay." are you gay? are you gay? congratulations. >> she's extremely gray. >> congratulations. when we first started working together, i said to sara how proud i was with her, she's out have day, people get to see somebody who's a role model in television every single day. >> absolutely agree. life, she speaks freely.t of he- >> i didn't mean to be out before this interview. >> really? >> congratulations on your success. worry glad you're in town. and i guess i'm coming to play with you on wednesday. >> yea! >> i'm going to buy a new dress. all this week "the talk" comes from new york city live and in color. it's at 2:00 eastern/1:00 central right here on cbs. you guys are in our "eye opener" a lot, you know that? >> yes, thank you. >> i watch every single morning. queen elizabeth has traveled all over the world. but last night she was at windsor castle. the world came to her. we'll check out the diamond jubilee festival. sharon knows about that. and we'll be talking to tom selleck and jane lynch, but first,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, queen elizabeth's diamond jubilee is picking up steam. last night performers from all over the world got together at windsor castle. the queen loves horses and the colorful paj egeant featured hundreds of them. elizabeth palmer is outside of buckingham palace. good morning. >> reporter: last night the weather was absolutely perfect for those people who were lucky enough to get an invitation to the diamond jubilee show. ♪ >> reporter: the queen made her entrance in a coach for what was basically a variety show, but on a majestic scale. ♪ >> reporter: hosted by the oscar-winning actor helen mirren. >> six months after the corronatioin in 1953 a marathon of state visits started with bermuda and went on to include 11 other countries. ♪ welcome welcome >> reporter: back then the 27-year-old queen elizabeth embarked on her first official world tour. ♪ welcome to bermuda >> reporter: now after 60 years on the throne, the world has come to her. ♪ >> reporter: britain's own best talent was joined on the grounds of windsor castle with accounts from across the commonwealth, the united states, and around the globe. in all, 80 human performers and 500 of the queen's special passion, horses. in a festival that sets the stage for a glittering summer of celebrations for her diamond jubilee. now, the british royal family does pomp like nobody else. and over the next few weeks, there's a whole series of public events planned to celebrate. it will be a great time for anybody planning to visit london. >> lots to see and do. plenty of festivities but two people we watch for, wills and kate were not in attendance? >> reporter: no, they weren't. they were busy elsewhere. the duchess of cambridge went to watch her husband and his brother. the two princes played polo in a charity match. and then in the evening they went to the royal albert hall where the british olympic athletes were assembled. the diamond jubilee is not the only big event in london this summer. of course, the olympics are going to be staged here. so, this gala event last night at the royal albert hall was a countdown to the beginning of the games. as usual, kate made a total fashion splash in that rather daring, actually, teal dress. >> stunning. >> elizabeth, i didn't catch the end of what you said. you said something about anybody coming to london is what? what did you say? at the very end. >> reporter: there will be all -- the wonderful public events. and just royal celebrations that will be available for people who just happen to be here. >> okay. thank you, elizabeth palmer, reporting live from london. guess what, erica hill, who's going to happen to be there for the queen's jubilee, we heard you're going. >> we are going. we're going to be covering the jubilee for "cbs this morning." we'll have interesting tidbits for you. >> you were there for the wedding. going back for the queen. i like it. >> next is my invitation to tea, gayle. >> yeah. i would like to be your plus one for that. i'd love to go to tea with the queen. i would love that. "the wire" is battling for the future of the human race. we'll talk about his new film when "cbs this morning" continues. ,,,, there is no more heartbreaking a sight than the sad. the exposed. the public testament to unrealized potential in such epic proportion. conversely, there is nothing more glorious... than the last minute comeback. coming through that gateway. there. right there. god does not build in straight lines. captain, do you think you could put us down there? >> landing sequence. switch to manual. >> yeah, baby. yeah. bringing it down in five, four, two, he got it. >> we have landed. >> the new science fiction movie "prometheus" features idris elba as a captain of scientists. >> he first got our attention in "the wire" on hbo. now in studio. good morning. >> good morning. that long ago? >> i know. i used to watch you. you were such a bad boy. you were so bad but so much fun to watch. is it idris or -- i called you idris for years. >> idris. >> people love "the wire", it had everything. a wide following, it had a great critical review. everything. >> yeah and continues to get new audiences as well. it's great writing. >> you know what was fascinating about it, the first time i saw an interview with you, i thought, why is he talking with that british ak seccent. is an american accent so hard? you do it so well. >> it's increasingly hard because people know i'm english. it's like, i hear it. i'm doing an accent right now -- this film "prometheus" i do a southern dialect. >> let's hear it. >> no. >> no. you can't put me on the spot like that on tv! but, no, this journalist said, you got a good ol' boy accent in that film. that was so funny. >> that should be a compliment, though. >> yeah. >> that would mean you nailed it. >> but it's not easy to do accents. i've lived in america 15 years. i feel like i'm part of the country, the fabric, so i can get the accent easier. >> you wanted to do this because i heard you get a call from ridley scott and it can be life-changing, game-changing in your career but this is the second time you worked with him because i remember you in "american gangster." so, you get a call afrom ridley and you're like, i'll do whatever you snpt. >> no, he said i'm doing a sci-fi film, and i want you to be the captain of the ship. i didn't care what it was. i was doing it. i read the script and i loved it. he's such a gentleman. he's such a majestic director. he's really warm. he knows everybody's job. he knows where you're going to fit into the film and how. autos a great director. >> where did you film it? >> in london. >> pinewoods. >> that he owns. >> i think he used to own. >> up next you're heading to south africa playing nelson mandela. and as i understand it, he suggested you for the role. >> he did, yeah, yeah. i don't want to say his name. there was a great actor going to play the role for years. >> give us the initials. >> d.w. >> denzel? >> nothing gets past charlie. >> he was going to do the role and i'm not sure if that worked out. you know, this is -- mandela was in no rush to make this film. and eventually d.w. didn't to want do it or whatever, and, you know, the mandela foundation suggested me and mandela said yes. >> how did you feel, though? >> you know, how do you feel? this man is an icon, one of the most famous human beings -- >> and it's based on -- is it his autobiography? >> yeah. so i go to south africa for about 17 weeks to do that film. >> and i'll go see that one, too. >> please. >> good to see you. >> "prometheus" opens in theaters june 8th. we'll see you tomorrow on "cbs this morning," with any luck. 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