Tourists. And a new orca calf makes a splash at seaworld. Why the start of life marks the end of an era. Good morning from the studio 57 newsroom at cbs news headquarters here in new york. Good to be with you. Im annemarie green. Well, the Fox News Channel is regrouping this morning after firing its biggest star. Bill oreilly was sacked following an investigation into allegations of sexual harassment. After he was fired, oreilly continued to deny any wrongdoing, but the alleged cases were piling up and advertisers were jumping ship. Oreilly was the influential conservative and very popular face of fox. Fox stock fell almost 1 following news of his dismissal. Hena daniels is here in new york. Good morning. Good morning, annemarie. Fired after two decades at fox news, the host of the top rated show said he was proud of his time at the network as reports of sexual and racial harassment mounted against the 67yearold pundit. Its an end of an era here at the Fox News Channel. Fox news channel dana perino praised bill oreilly on wednesday hours after the Networks Decision to fire him. Bill is the undisputed king. Hes an unbelievable broadcaster and raised the bar for interviewers everywhere. Guess where bills going . Ill have a full report when i return. His ouster came as he vacationed in italy where he met with the pope yesterday at the vatican. More than 50 major sponsors have pulled out of his show in recent weeks amid new investigation into sexual and racial harassment claims against the 67yearold and reports fox new and oreilly paid five women a total of 13 million in the past to keep quiet about his alleged sexual harassment. While oreilly maintains its innocence, the Parent Company of Fox News Channel released this statement yesterday saying after a thorough and careful review of the allegations, the company and bill oreilly have agreed that he will not be returning to the channel. Wendy walsh, a former fox commentator, says she lost a chance for a job at the fox network after she rejected oreillys advances. Fox is doing what fox should do. Make a big Public Statement that womens rights are more important than the bottom line. In a statement oreilly said he was proud of his time at fox and thanked his viewers for his success. And conservative host Tucker Carlsons show will take over the oreilly factors coveted time slot. Annemarie . Hena daniels here in new york. Thank you, hena. North korea state media has a message for the united states. Dont mess with us. It warned of a super mighty preemptive strike as tensions on the Korean Peninsula continue to simmer. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson says the u. S. Is looking for new ways to engage the north over its nuclear program. Were reviewing all of the status of north korea both in terms of state sponsorship of terrorism as well as all the other ways in which we can bring pressure to bear on the regime at pyongyang. Meanwhile the Trump Administration is trying to clear up confusion after the president said last week that a u. S. Aircraft carrier was headed to the Korean Peninsula as a warning. Well, it turns out that the uus carl vinson was still on a Training Mission with australia but is now headed to the western pacific. The president said he had the armada going toward peninsula. Thats a fact. It has happened or is happening rather. He said it was disclosed early because of transparency. Topsecret documents handed over to wikileaks. Jeff pegues has details. Reporter the Security Breach involves the theft of cia documents and hacking tools used to penetrate smartphones, smart televisions, and computer systems. Investigation say its looking for an insider, either a cia employee or a contractor who had physical access to the material. The agency has not publicly said when the material was taken or how it was stolen. Much of the material was classified and stored in a highly secure section of the intelligence agency. Still sources say hundreds of people would have had access to the material and investigators are going through those names. The trove was published in march by the antisecrecy organization wikileaks. Wikileaks walks like a Hostile Intelligence Service and talks like a Hostile Intelligence Service. Reporter just last week in his first Public Comments against the cia, mike pompeii rowe railed against wikileaks and its founder julian assange. Its time to call out wikileaks for what it really is, a nonstage intelligence service. Reporter wikileaks say it obtained the information from former contract workers who worked for the secret intelligence. To this day the cia has not commented on the authenticity of the disclosure or the status of the investigation. Cia director pompeo has pledged fundamental change in how the cia strengthens and secures internal systems. Officially both the agency and the fbi had no comment on the authenticity of the purported documents or the status of the investigation. Jeff pegues, cbs news, washington. The secret service permanently closed a sidewalk near the white house. Its the sidewalk along the south fence which had already been closed overnight. The secret service says the move will tighten security. Last month a man jumped the white house fence and spent 17 minutes on grounds while President Trump was inside. In venezuela, more antigovernment protests are planned today. At least two people were killed yesterday as opponents of president Nicolas Maduro battled police. Three weeks ago the Supreme Court threatened to strip congress of its last remaining powers. Theres been growing opposition to widespread food shortages, tripledigit inflation, and rampant crime. Relatives of Aaron Hernandez say they are heartbroken. The former tight end killed himself in a prison cell. His body was discovered early yesterday morning. Cbs news has learned he had smoked synthetic marijuana the night before and had a bible verse written on his forehead. Kenneth craig has our report. Reporter Prison Guards found Erin Hernandez in his cell at 3 00 a. M. Prison officials in massachusetts say the former new England Patriots star hanged himself with a bed sheet that he attached to his cell window. He was taken to the hospital where he was pronounced dead a short time later. Not guilty. Reporter the 27yearolds suicide comes just five days after he became emotional when he was acquitted of murdering two men in boston in 2012. Mr. Hernandez was wrongly accused of those crimes. Reporter but hernandez was still serving a life sentence without parole for the 2013 murder of odin lloyd who was dating his fiancees sister. He was a tight end with a 40 Million Contract when he was fired from the team. Prison Officials Say theyre not aware of any suicide note. The family and legal team is shocked and surprised that hernandez never indicated anything like this was possible and his loved ones are determined to find the truth surrounding his untimely death. Kenneth craig, cbs news, new york. Because of his death, hernandezs murder convex could be suspended. The Massachusetts Law says upon a persons death if they had not exhausted all appeals and hernandez has not the case reverts to the beginning as if the conviction never happened. Well, coming up on the morning news now, campus conflict. Conservative ann coulter said she wont be silenced. And blastoff, a rare twoperson crew is set to rendezvous with the International Space station in just a matter of hours. This is the cbs morning news. Just a matter of hours. This is the cbs morning news. If you have moderate to severe Rheumatoid Arthritis like me, and youre talking to your rheumatologist about a medication. This is humira. This is humira helping to relieve my pain. And protect my joints from further damage. Humira has been clinically studied for over 18 years. Humira works by targeting and helping to. Block a specific source. Of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. Its proven to help relieve pain and. Stop further joint damage in many adults. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening Heart Failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas. Where certain fungal infections are common and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Talk to your doctor and visit humira. Com this is humira at work. Hitting the midmorning wall . With up to 24 grams of hearty protein jimmy dean bowls help you avoid it. Shine on. The toothpaste that helps new parodontax. Prevent bleeding gums. If you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. Help stop the journey of gum disease. Try new parodontax toothpaste. And liftoff. Jack fischer and a russian cosmona cosmonaut. Theyre on their way to the International Space station. A soyuz spacecraft blasted off not long ago from kazakhstan. On board is jack fischer and cosmonaut fyodor yorchikhin. A third one was dropped to save money. The two are headed to the International Space station and will arrive this morning after a sixhour trip. Serena williams fires up social media with a big announcement. And conservative commentator ann coulter vows to speak at berkeley. Those are some of the headlines on the morning newsstand. The east bay times outside San Francisco says a canceled speech by ann coulter at uc berkeley could happen off campus. A Youth Organization said the event would happen at a different location. Berkeley canceled the upcoming speech over safety concerns. Its the third cancellation of a conservative speaker at berkeley in ten weeks. The San Diego Union tribune says the judge who preside over the Trump University case will also handle a high profile deportation indication over a 23yearold. Judge Gonzalo Curiel will preside over the case of a socalled dreamer who say claims he was wrongly deported backes to mexico in february. Deportation cases have risen since the president took office. Last year then candidate trump criticized curiel. The New York Times reports on a potential Landmark Church and state case at the Supreme Court. Several justices including newest member neil gorsuch suggests some states must provide aid to religious groups. They were sued over not seening funds for a playground. A lawsuit filed tuesday says bose accessed information from people who downloaded a Smartphone App that remotely controls headphones and speakers. The suit claims headphones are essentially eavesdropping on customers. Bose has not responded. And Sports Illustrated says tennis Champ Serena Williams is expecting a baby. In a post on snapchat she later deleted williams showed her baby bump with the caption 20 weeks. A spokeswoman later confirmed williams and her fiance are expecting a child in the fall. And the timing means williams was pregnant when she won her 23rd grand slam title at the Australian Open in january without dropping a set. Still to come, your Computer Keyboard may soon be obsolete. Facebook is working on a way for people to type by using their brain. People to type by using their brain. The sunll come out tomorrow. For people with Heart Failure, tomorrow is not a given. But entresto is a medicine that helps make more tomorrows possible. Tomorrow, tomorrow. I love ya, tomorrow in the largest Heart Failure study ever, entresto helped more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading Heart Failure medicine. Women who are pregnant must not take entresto. It can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. Dont take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. If youve had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, dont take entresto. The most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure. Kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. Tomorrow, tomorrow i love ya, tomorrow ask your heart doctor about entresto. And help make tomorrow possible. Youre only a day away. Heres look at todays forecast in some cities around the country. The last orca bred in captivity at seaworld is born. The killer whale was born yesterday at the san antonio park. The mother was already pregnant when seaworld announced last year it had stopped breeding its orcas following years of Animal Rights protests and declining ticket sales. On the cbs moneywatch now exxon seek as Russian Oil Deal and facebook wants to read your mind. Jill wagner is at the New York Stock Exchange with that and more. Good morning, jill. Good morning, annemarie. The feds beige book survey of Economic Conditions showed growth continued from midmarch into early april with pay for improving for some workers. Investors were apparently looking for more. That news and dropping oil prices sent stocks low yesterday. The dow lost 118 points, the s p finished 4 points lower. The nasdaq, though, gained 13. Exxonmobil reportedly wanted to resume drilling oil in the black sea with the russianowned company. That request is being reviewed by the Trump Administration. Exxons original drilling deal was blocked in 2014 when the u. S. Imposed sanctions on russia. Exxonmobil was formerly run by secretary of state Rex Tillerson who has close personal ties with russian president vladimir putin. Well, the middle easts Biggest Airlines emirates says its cutting flights to the u. S. Emirates says tough er sanction has dropped demand. How about no hands typing. Facebook has worked on a project that would let you type with your brain. Facebook says the theoretical brain computer interface is still many years away, but researchers at stanford have already created a system that allowed a paralyzed patient to type eight words a minute using over her thoughts. Annemarie. That is really cool as long as it doesnt type everything thats on my mind. Yes. Some things need to stay private, right . Exactly. Jill wagner at the New York Stock Exchange. Thank you so much, jill. Still ahead, new lessons for children with autism. Well show you a hightech tool thats teaching kids at school. Reporter meet milo. Hes a 2foottall robot thats helping to change the lives of students with autism. Im don champion in dallas with the story coming up. Im don champion in dallas with the story coming up. Like an unjection™. Xeljanz xr. A once daily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. Xeljanz xr can reduce pain, swelling and joint damage, even without methotrexate. Xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened. Dont start xeljanz xr if you have an infection. Tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. Your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz xr, and monitor certain liver tests. Tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. Needles. Fine for some. But for you, one pill a day may provide symptom relief. Ask your doctor about xeljanz xr. An unjection™. Years 420 celebration will look a little different. Uc berkeley cancels another speech featuring a controversial rightwing pundit. Just weeks after a similar event spiraled out of control. And its considered the most ambitious and risky project in San Franciscos recent history. Well have new details on the transbay center. Join us for kpix 5 news this morning. Beginning at 4 30. Good morning. ,, heres a look at todays forecast in some cities around the country. Children with autism often struggle with social skills. Thats something that can affect their learning at school. Don champion reports on hightech help in a dallas classroom. Its great to meet you. Reporter meet milo the robot. Hes got moves and skills. I can shake my head now. Reporter but hes not a toy. Hes a new tool teaching children with autism how to learn social skills in the classroom. They learn these social skills and are then able to actually start interacting with other people. Reporter Richard Margolin and his company robokind spent three years developing milo. He can help children count. He said milos consistent speech patterns and behavior are key to children with autism. When you Bring Technology into it, its something they can engage with. Its something thats less overwhelming to them. Teaches you to calm down. Reporter keenan is a first grader in dallas. His teacher said milo had helped him in times like this when his answer is wrong. Hes using his words. Hes able to isolate what it is hes working or thinking. Reporter the creators hope to expand to 2,000 schools by the end of the year. Lessons learned here with milo can be put to good use with their friends and family in real life. Don champion, cbs news, dallas. Well, coming up after your local news on cbs this morning, actors Christian Bale and oscar isaac stop by studio 57 with their new movie, the promise. Im annemarie green. This is the cbs morning news. Tudio 57 with their new movie, the prochlgs. Im annemarie green. This is the cbs morning news. And it comes in a jimmy deans delights breakfast sandwich. Stacked with 17 grams of protein. Lean into a great day. People spend less time lying awake with aches and pains with advil pm than with tylenol pm. Advil pm combines the number one pain reliever with the number one sleep aid. Gentle, nonhabit forming advil pm. For a healing nights sleep. Our top story this morning. Bill oreilly calls his departuren from the Fox News Channel disheartening. Oreilly was fired yesterday after an internal investigation and after reports women were paid millions to keep quiet about harassment. Oreilly maintains his innocence. And a wounded veteran made a 300mile drive to get medical attention after long delays at the v. A. In north carolina. President trump said veterans were repeated poorly and he wanted to change that. David martin has his story. Reporter when we first met marine Sergeant Raymond mackey at walter reed seven years ago, he was learning to walk again after losing both legs to a land mine in afghanistan. I had just gotten my clegs, my computer legs. Reporter but when we met up with him this week, he was in a wheelchair. When was the last time you walked on prosthetic legs . About six weeks ago. Reporter mackey has been trying to get now prosthetics but it takes so long his body changes and they no longer fit his stumps. Everything just goes really slow down there and by the time it comes back, it doesnt fit. Reporter how many times did you get a socket that because of delays didnt fit . Probably six or seven times. We get to the appointment and were told its two months out. Reporter mackeys wife vikki said thats not soon enough. I explained he canned wear them, they dont fit. She said this is our process. It has to be frustrating. Frustrating. Im over mad. Reporter mackey stayed fit competing in wounded veterans games and was free to drive around on his harley. No less than the come mmandant the marine corps attended. Even now watch what happens when he remembers greeting the rest of his unit when they came back from afghanistan seven years ago. Pretty emotional. Looks like it still is. You just miss being in the marine corps. The mackeys finally gave up on the v. A. And drove back to walter reed to get new sockets for his legs which will take less than a week. The v. A. Told us theres no excuse why mackey or any other veteran should have to wait. Reporter david martin, the cbs news, the pentagon. Well, coming up after your local news on cbs this morning, former fitness guru Richard Simmons is speaking out on social media. Kevin frazier has an update. Plus, well take you to a Marijuana Dispensary in denver for the 4 20 day or National Weed day to show you how communities are handling the windfall from pot selling and the stigma that comes with it. And on cbs this morning chip reid shows you how breeders are breeding cheetahs. Thats the cbs morning news for this thursday. Im annemarie green. Thanks for watching. Have a great day. Captions by vitac www. Vitac. Com its thursday, april 20th. Im kenny choi. Its time to rise and shine on the 101 and trimble in san jose, good morning, it is thursday, april 20. Im kenny choi. Good morning, im Juliette Goodrich in for michelle griego. Its time for roberta and weather. Good morning to you. Dont look at me that way. My hair is always a work in progress [ laughter ] it will get better. Looks great. Now, this is juliettes idea. Warriors colors thats right. We all got the memo. I got it. And jacqueline your first day here. Welcome. Thank you. Good morning. Happy to be here. Its like an old friend. Its like welcome back to kpix 5. Cut me teeth here. Yeah. All right. Everybody. We do have a little bit of light rain. Especially in the south bay as we zero in. Clearing downtown san jose around s. A. P. Center clearing out but we have rain showers around seven trees mostly cloudy across the bay now where we have some Gentle Breezes that will increase today. Numbers 49 degrees in santa rosa to 59 in oakland. We have the clouds now but later today ampl

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