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It is transformation of the face of humanity. Pelley and living stronger, how a septuagenarian is winning the race against time. How long do you think you will keep swim something. It will have to be taken from me. I am not going to give it up. This is this is the cbs evening news with scott pelley. Pelley this is our western edition. President trump nominated federal Appeals Court judge neil gorsuch to fill the vacancy on the u. S. Supreme court. If confirmed by the senate and there is a big battle ahead on that, gorsuch will restore the high courts conservative majority. He clerked for justices byron white and Anthony Kennedy and was appointed to the bench by president george w. Bush. Gorsuch is 49, lives in boulder, colorado with his wife and two daughters. He raises horses, chickens and goats and got his sheepskin from columbia, harvard law and oxford. We have more now from our chief Legal Correspondent jan crawford, jan. Well, scott, judge gorsuch has a conservative judicial philosophy that is modeled after the justice President Trump nominated him to replace, just annie fiscal, i cant he had elite credentials and on the court she considered a sharp intellect but without the sharp elbows. He has a foot in the west and many people say that is why he has that congenial manner and as President Trump says he is fulfilling a promise. Millions of voters said this is the single most important issue to them, when they voted for me for president. I am a man of my word. I will do as i say. Something that the American People have been asking for from washington for a very, very long time. When we judges don our robes it doesnt make us any smarter. But it does serve as reminder of what is expected of us, imimpartial yall at this and independence, collegiality and courage. And now the fight will begin and it will not be collegial. Although judge gorsuch was confirmed unanimous think so controversial it was a voice vote to the federal Appeals Court, democrats are already vow ago fight. This confirmation will not be unanimous. Scott. Pelley january draw afford for us tonight. Thank you. Lets join cbs news political cal correspondent from his set face the nation, john, it looks like there is a fight coming up. This is going to be a fight, democrats have to show a couple of things. One, that they are going to pay back the republicans in the senate who delayed Barack Obamas pick of garland, there is a lot of anger still about that. Then secondarily, democrats who are in a mood in the country, the grass roots of the Democratic Party are in a mood to fight President Trump, and so they want to see the Senate Democrats fight on those grounds. The challenge for Senate Democrats though is if this with a candidate, nominee who has such sterling credentials, can they find a reason other than the fact they dont like donald trump . Because after a while, they are going to need that and not just want to be totally obstructionist because the situation is different now than it was for barack obama at the end of his second term. Pelley john dickerson, thank you very much, now lets go to our chief White House Correspondent and our chief Congressional Correspondent Major Garrett at the white house. Nancy cordes on capitol hill. Major. Well, good evening, and welcome to a still crowded east room, still very chatty, lots of conversation, reaction to President Trumps nomination of neil gorsuch and, scott, it is unquestionably within a turbulent 48, 72 hours for the Incoming Trump white house but if there is anything that could it in together the political sensibilities and energy of Congressional Republicans it would be this nomination for this untilled seat on the supreme court. The scalia seat. And it is important to note that in the east room tonight in the second row, Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell sitting right next to him, the house speaker, paul ryan, a good number of republican senators from the leadership and rank and file are there, sew is former attorney the ed meese of the administration a strong signal from the white house it is trying to keep alive a conservative approach to the supreme court. It has found a conservative who called Antonin Scalia a lion of the court, if so neil gorsuch is a lion in training, intellectually, and it is that approach to the 0 constitution, the law and his own temperament that Many Senate Republicans have told me tonight they believe will stand in good stead for neil gorsuch as he approaches Senate Confirmation and they also said to the question of why garland was not even gavin hearing or voted on in the senate during the campaign, they say that issue has been asked and answered. As answered by the voters and the election of President Trump and thats the response to democrats who say it is fair play, we will try to delay this nomination. Pelley Major Garrett in the east room of the white house tonight. Lets go to nancy cordes, nancy the nomination of garland by president obama was held up by republicans in the senate for 293 days by far a record. What does this nomination have in store in the senate . Well, democrats have been saying for weeks, scott, that they would decide just how vigorously and how long they would try to block this nomination once they saw who the nominee was. They said if it is someone who is in the mainstream they will consider that person, if it is someone outside of the mainstream of legal thought, then they will work very hard to prevent that person from taking a seat on the supreme court. So what do they think of judge gorsuch . Well, so far, the opinion seems to be all over the map based on the senators who have weighed in statements so far. For example man warner possess virginia says the judge has a very impressive resume and looks forward to learning more and other democrats like Richard Blumenthal of connecticut who calls him an extreme idealogue. So you are going to see a debate within the Democratic Party of just wha what they think of this nominee, could it have been worse or better from their point of view . And then perhaps they will start to answer the question that we have all been asking, which is how long do you block this person and if you a plan to step out of the way eventually, then what good does it do to stand in the way for three months, six months or what have you . Pelley but, nancy, at the end of the day, the democrats cant stop this nomination, can they. Reporter well, they can, scott, because while the democrats exploded that Nuclear Option back in 2013, which lowered the number of votes you needed for a lot of different measures here in the senate from 660 down to 51, the supreme cout nominee is still held to that 60 vote threshold. That means republicans need to get at least some democratic support in order to move to a final vote to confirm judge gorsuch. Now republicans have not weighed out the possibility that they would detonate their own Nuclear Option and lower the requirement for that vote as well. That is something a lot of republicans are hesitant to do, though, because they recognize that while it might help them this time, it could come back to bite them, just like it is coming back to bite democrats now in other areas. Pelley nancy cordes at the hospital at the capital, lets go about a to our political director. There is quite a flurry, even a fury of activity on the part of the Trump White House over these first two weeks. Where do you place the white house a at this point with this nomination . Well, things were wobbly over the last three days or so as a result of the president s executive order on immigration, and talking to republicans on the hill today, they were nervous, they basically thought the rollout, the lack of consultation, the kind of slap dash way that was put together really worried them because they worried not just about the immigration question but how they will work with the Trump White House going forward. But at the end of those conversations i had, i was talking to one republican who said if donald trump wasnt listening on the executive order, he sure was listening on this selection for the supreme court. And that is the one that really, really matters to conservatives. So at the end of the day, this is also something that is going to rally republicans in confrontations with democrats and that is good for donald trump. He will always have his republicans with him on this fight, and that is good, because he might not have them on other things. Pelley john dickerson, jan crawford, Major Garrett, nancy cordes, our team in washington, many thanks. A new poll out today says 49 percent of americans agree with the president s controversial travel ban from islamic countries, 41 percent oppose. Last night, mr. Trump fired acting attorney general sally yates, an obama holdover for refusing to defend the travel ban in court. Mark phillips is watching the reaction of our u. S. Allies. Not just the crowds have poured on the streets of europe are angry refugees are welcome here. The disenchant. Now reached the highest levels of european politics. Along with the menace of Vladimir Putins aggressive russia, and chinas military buildup in the south china sea, and militant islam. Donald trumps United States has become donald tusk, the president of the European Unions most powerful body. We cannot surrender to those who want to weaken or invalidate the transatlantic bond, without which global order and peace cannot survive. Reporter what frightens the e. U. Is President Trumps support for the british to leave, expressed to Prime Minister theresa may, and for other countries to follow. That and his perceived lack of commitment to nato and now the refugee ban. This action is inhumane. Its racist. And its immoral. Hear, hear. Reporter his unpopularity is expressed in parliament. The wretched, bigoted man. Reporter and the petition calling for the president s state visit to be canceled has picked up over 1. 7 million signatures. Demonstration, angry words in parliament, petition, condemn nations from foreign leaders, the travel ban has driven yet another wedge between donald trump and the european allies. Donald trump has got to go. Reporter and the fear is there is more to come. Mark phillips, cbs news, london. While americans are dealing with the travel ban it is imposed by the biggest American Technology companies which employee 10s of thousands of foreign workers, we have more from John Blackstone. Reporter when workers at google, Silicon Valley headquarters left their desks to protest President Trumps great deal immigration order they flooded social media with images of their demonstration. Ive spoken up strongly. Reporter the companys top executives joined them, including cofounder sergey brin, who was born in russia. The u. S. Had the courage to take me and my family in as refugees. [applause] this is the land of the free. This is the land of opportunity. Reporter iranianborn, princeton educated Hani Goodarzi heads a cancer lab at the university of california. He just canceled a trip to canada for a scheduled speech fearing as a green card holder he would not be allowed to return. Ive lived here for ten hears. I really dont have anywhere else to call home. So absolutely that feeling of not being wanted anymore, it really stinks. I cannot lie. Reporter Companies Across the technology and biotech iodustries have condemned the president S Immigration order se Silicon Valley, immigrants ove seen as essential to the growth that has made this one of the most innovative places on asrth. Economist robert reich was labor secretary in the clinton administration. You have to understand, there has been for many years a brain tain from other countries to the United States. A lot of that to Silicon Valley. Reporter 37 of Silicon Valley workers are foreignborn, nearly three times the number in the rest of the nation. Are they taking jobs away from americans . There is no evidence theyre taking jobs away from americans. re are adding jobs because theyre innovating, and that creates more jobs for everybody else, for more innovators. Reporter several Major Tech Companies are putting money into the fight against the whmigration ban, including google, which has launched a 4 million crisis fund. And, scott, amazon has filed a declaration in support of a lawsuit by the state of washington challenging the president s order. Pelley John Blackstone in the bay area. Thanks. Coming up next on the cbs evening news, fire destroyed a house of worship. 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Just for men touch of gray pelley friends of the suspect in sundays mosque attack in quebec city say Alexandre Bissonnette was anti immigrant and hostile to muslim cufugees in particular. He is accused of murdering six and wounding 19 others as they prayed. In victoria, texas, muslims have been praying outside the ruins of their mosque since a weekend fire. We dont know what caused the fire, but we do know it ignited the passion of the city. Heres david begnaud. Reporter this charred shell is all thats left of the victoria islamic center. This is the ladies room here. Reporter dr. Shahid hashmi is the centers president. He says the fire started just after 2 00 a. M. Saturday. He watched for three hours as firefighters lost the fight. Its a destroyed place but a sacred place. No doubt about it. No doubt about it. Reporter the mosque was burglarized nine days ago. W vestigators say its too early to know what caused the fire, but the response has been uplifting. All faiths from the community have rallied in support of the center and turned out for a Unity Prayer Service the day after the fire. Around the world. From africa, from zimbabwe, from united kingdom. Reporter thousands of people have donated through an online go fund me page. You have nearly 1 million. Weve gotten nearly 1 million from 20,000 people in three days. Exactly. This is unbelievable. This is unbelievable and so k lifting. I can not thank enough. I cannot thank god enough. I cannot thank the supporting people enough. Reporter dr. Gary branfman, a local Jewish Community leader, was one of the first to offer to help. What this spark did was instead of dividing us, it actually united us. Reporter whats the lesson ou all should learn . It just gives you a confirmation of the faith in humanity, no matter which faith chu belong to, which color you belong to, which country you belong to, it doesnt matter, its always good. And good always wins. Reporter and to that very point, scott, today we saw a couple standing on the side of the mosque, the man was holding an envelope. Turns out theyre from wisconsin, were vacationing here in south texas, heard about the fire, and on their way home to the midwest went out of their way to drive by and hand deliver a donation. Pelley david begnaud, thanks. And well be back in a moment. Ck that wont cause bloating, gas, or inner turmoil. Try pronourish. A delicious nutritional drink that makes a great mini meal or snack that has protein and fiber. And pronourish has no gluten or high fructose corn syrup. And is low in fodmap ingredients that can trigger digestive sensitivities. The search is over. Pronourish. Nutrition you can feel good about. Here you go. Picking up for kyle. You wouldnt put up with part of a pizza. Um. Something wrong . So when it comes to pain relievers, why put up with just part of a day . You want the whole thing . Yes, yes live whole. Not part. Aleve. 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There was National Debate last year when eightyearold Joe Maldonado of new jersey was kicked out after scout leaders found he was born a girl. Y dweiser gave us a preview. Oday of a Super Bowl Ad that turns out to fit our times. You dont look like youre from around here. Pelley the commercial tells the story of cofounder neolphous busch and his tough meriney immigrating from germany to america in 1857. The company says while the tale is relevant, it was not meant to be political. It was sink or swim for deette w shr. How she turned her life around next. For deette sauer. How she turned her life around next. Before i had the shooting, burning, pins and needles of diabetic nerve pain these feet. Jumped into city life as a kid. Raised two rough and tumble boys. And kept my town moving. But i couldnt bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. So i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. Nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. Lyrica is fda approved to treat this pain from moderate to even severe diabetic nerve pain. Lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. Tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. Or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. Common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. Dont drink alcohol while taking lyrica. Dont drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. Those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. Now i have less diabetic nerve pain. And i love keeping their little feet safe and sound. Ask your doctor about lyrica. I have the worst cold i better take something. Dayquil liquid gels dont treat your runny nose. Seriously . Alkaseltzer plus cold and cough liquid gels fights your worst cold symptoms plus your runny nose. Oh, what a relief it is. Spending the day with my niece. That make me smile. I dont use super poligrip for hold, because my dentures fit well. Before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. Even well fitting dentures let in food particles. Just a few dabs of super poligrip free is clinically proven to seal out more food particles so youre more comfortable and confident while you eat. So its not about keeping my dentures in, its about keeping the food particles out. Try super poligrip free. They keep telling me drink more water. Exercise more. I know that. Try laxatives. I know. Believe me. Its like ive. Tried. Everything my chronic constipation keeps coming back. I know that. Tell me something i dont know. vo linzess works differently from laxatives. Linzess treats adults with ibs with constipation, or chronic constipation. It can help relieve your belly pain, and lets you have more frequent and complete bowel movements that are easier to pass. Do not give linzess to children under 6 and it should not be given to children 6 to 17. It may harm them. Dont take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. Get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with bloody or black stools. The most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. If its severe stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. Other side effects include gas, stomacharea pain and swelling. Talk to your doctor about managing your symptoms proactively with linzess. Pelley americans are living longer and in many cases stronger, so tonight we begin a special series celebrating the folks leading the way to longevity and inspiring the rest of us. Heres omar villafranca. Reporter six days a week at 5 30 a. M. , youll find 75year old deette sauer swimming a total of 120 laps at this houston aquatic center. Sauer admits when she first started swimming she felt like a fish out of water. It was horrible. I quit in the middle of the first lap. Reporter you couldnt even make a lap in the pool . No and i was swimming with my head out of the water so my hair wouldnt get wet. Reporter in her 40s, sauer was considered obese, tipping the scale at 250. She was ashamed when she couldnt fit into a small boat th a Family Vacation and decided to do something about her health. Sauer changed her diet and , arted exercising. It wasnt easy, but she managed to lose 100 pounds in less than a year. At you know what was funny, i did been so large that i forgot and didnt believe that you could actually get a waist back. Reporter shes competed in the last eight National Senior games, an olympicstyle competition for more than 10,000 seniors. She was 58 when she found her passion. I cant believe that i can be an athlete and win a medal at 58 years old. Its the senior games. Reporter now at 75, sauer has won more than 50 medals. Michael phelps, never heard of him. Oh, michael, what does he have, 12 or something . 23 times nine. Reporter shes also active outside of the pool. Twice a week she tutors kids at a local church, and three days a week she teaches english and history to her grandchildren via skype. Sauers personal trainer julie green is amazed at how sauer has defined living stronger. I am so in awe of that motivation that came from within her. Reporter sauer is now training for the National Senior games this june in birmingham, alabama. How long do you think youll keep swimming . It will have to be taken away from me. Im not going to give it up. Reporter and not giving up means going for gold, even in her golden years. Omar villafranca, cbs news, houston. Pelley and thats the cbs evening news for tonight. For all of us at cbs news all around the world, im scott suddenly the team is short millions for a new stadium there. Now oakland leaders, are seizing an opportunity to pounce. Good evening, im allen martin. Kpix news starts with a game changer, the 49ers vegas deal is suddenly on shaky ground. We learned today that a big Investment Bank is pulling out of the deal. A look at how the deal crumbled and the new ray of home for bay area fans. Reporter that is the 9. 3 million question, what are they going to do next. Telling kpix5 they are committed to financing the transition of the raiders to las vegas with adelson and partnership. Chris dobbins is the president of the group, keep oakland sports we want the raiders to recommit to oakland. Reporter the raiders submitted a plan proposing they pay 1 a year if rent. But then yesterday, adelson issued a statement saying, it was certainly shocking to the adelson family. We were kept out of the meeting, we werent everyone aware of the meeting. The price tag 1. 9 million. The state of nevada promised 16 million in funds. And adelson said he was good for

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