Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley 20160407

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that was the warning today from the white house budget director, who announced more than half a billion dollars is being rushed into a battle against zika virus. zika is linked to birth defects, and mosquitos have spread the virus through most of the western hemisphere. the u.s. could be next. more than 312 cases have been reported in 41 states, but all of those are linked to travel outside the u.s. dr. jon lapook is looking at how the money could be spent. >> that's perfect for breeding mosquito larvae. >> reporter: tropical disease expert dr. peter hotez has been warning for months that poor neighborhoods on the gulf coast, like this one in houston, are similar to poor neighborhoods in brazil, the epicenter of the zika pandemic. broken screens, lack of air conditioning and standing water make for perfect breeding grounds for the aedes aegypti mosquitoes that carry zika. >> if you look at where zika is devastating families, mothers and their unborn babies or newborn babies throughout the americas, it's in areas of extreme poverty. >> reporter: hotez is worried the u.s. is not prepared to fight the zika virus, despite today's commitment of over $500 million. congress still hasn't approved a $1.9 billion request, and with warm weather fast approaching, dr. anthony fauci of the n.i.a. says he's not waiting any longer. >> i'm taking money from other areas that we fund in order to fund the very important zika research, particularly the zika vaccine research. >> reporter: the aedes aegypti mosquito is most often found in the south. but a new cdc map indicates a potential to reach as far north as new york and ohio. the biggest concern is for pregnant women. in brazil, zika virus has been h nked with microcephaly, babies born with an abnormally small head and brain. the administration says the new funding will go towards vaccine development as well as mosquito surveillance and control. >> there's no such thing as a small outbreak of zika. if you start seeing babies with microcephaly on the gulf coast of the united states, it is going to be a public health crisis. it would be the public health equivalent of katrina. >> reporter: if, as expected, the zika virus makes its way into the mosquito population here, the administration says it is going to need the full $1.9 billion it requested from congress in february in order to fight the virus. >> pelley: jon, thank you very much. important story. all, last night both presidential frontrunners got whipped, so they ran all the way home, to new york. that's the next primary in two weeks. republican donald trump has a huge lead there, and here's major garrett. >> tonight is a turning point. it is a rallying cry. >> reporter: fresh off victory in wisconsin, ted cruz arrived in the bronx with a talking point in search of reality. >> it was a turning point i believe in this entire election. >> reporter: cruz's win blunted donald trump's momentum, but now the campaign shifts to the northeast, trump territory, and cruz quickly faced hostile questions about his take on so- called new york values. >> the people of new york know exactly what those values are. they're the values of liberal democratic politicians. like andrew cuomo, like anthony weiner, like eliot spitzer. like charlie rangel. all of whom donald trump has supported. >> new york is a great place. it's got great people. it's got loving people, wonderful people. >> reporter: trump, a native new yorker, has deflected that attack in the past. and a new poll out today gives him 52% lead in the empire state. john kasich is second at 25%. cruz, a distant third at 17%. trump sat out election night in wisconsin but tweeted today, "it's so great to be back home." >> i think i've had many bad weeks and have had many good weeks. i don't see this as the worst week in my campaign. >> reporter: but after a week where trump garnered criticism for comments about abortion and his campaign manager was charged with battery, trump is facing dissension within his campaign. he huddled today with newly hired strategist and veteran g.o.p. operative paul manafort, who was angling for more influence over trump's operation. sources tell us the trump/manafort meeting lasted hours, amid a clamor for a more organized and cohesive national campaign structure. ilott, trump will now have to decide how the split the roles t of manafort and his very loyal effect occasionally t volatile manager, corey lewandowski. >> pelley: major garrett with the inside story. major, thank you. hillary clinton has a commanding lead over bernie sanders, but even so, after her loss in tsconsin, the former empire state senator is striking back. here's nancy cordes. >> well, in a number of important areas he doesn't have a plan at all. >> reporter: after taking a back seat in six straight states, the frontrunner went into overdrive today, hitting sanders on the economy and on guns. >> senator sanders wants higher standards for toy guns than real orns. >> reporter: sanders told the new york daily news this week he did not think victims of gun violence should be able to sue gun manufacturers. that did not go over well with the left-leaning paper or with ssme family members of the sandy hook school massacre in neighboring connecticut. one tweeted, "shame on you, bernie sanders. try living one hour of our lives." >> we have got to do... >> reporter: what do you say to sandy hook families who say you should apologize for your position? >> well i would say that i think we all are aware of what happened, and sandy hook is a tragedy beyond comprehension. but maybe secretary clinton might want to apologize to the families who lost their loved ones in iraq, or secretary clinton might want to apologize to the millions of workers in this country who lost their jobs because of the disastrous trade agreements that she supported. >> reporter: the clinton campaign says that new york is a must-win state for you. do you think you can really beat her on her home turf? >> well that's an interesting point. in my home state where the people know me pretty well, i got 86% of the vote. last poll i saw here, and we are closing the gap, she was ten anints ahead. i think we have an excellent chance to win. >> reporter: the clinton camp insists the sanders' winning streak is over now that the race is moving on to larger, more diverse states. but, scott, nobody told this crowd in philadelphia. the line to hear sanders speak tonight stretches more than half a mile. >> pelley: nancy cordes for us tonight. nancy, thank you. american pharmaceutical giant pfizer is dropping its plan to reincorporate in ireland in order to beat u.s. taxes. pfizer planned a record $160 billion merger with another drug maker, allergan, and in the process renounced its u.s. corporate citizenship and become irish. it is a gimmick called a corporate inversion. but this week, the obama administration imposed new rules that make inversions less attractive. moving american jobs overseas is a big campaign debate. donald trump is blowing the horn on ford for its plans in mexico. we wondered if he has a point. we asked dean reynolds to find out. si reporter: ford says its decision will create 2,800 new jobs by 2020, new jobs in mexico. a move that was immediately denounced by donald trump as an absolute disgrace and by the blited autoworkers as very troubling. starting this summer, production of smaller fords will move from here at the wayne, michigan plant, to san luis potosi in mexico. at the 40-lane wayne bowl, manager victoria stone says it's a raw deal. >> they're taking business away from us. they're taking business away from the city, from the state of michigan, and i was born and bred on ford motor company. >> reporter: veteran auto workers in this company make about $60 when all the benefits are factored in versus about $8 an hour in mexico, an obvious incentive for ford. during contract talks last year, the u.a.w. did not fight ford's plans to build smaller vehicles in mexico, demanding and wning higher wages at plants in this country instead. and when the small car production moves south of the border, the plant here will not be shuttered. analysts expect ford will start production here on a new truck and s.u.v., high-priced items in hot demand with gasoline prices low. now, should americans be outraged by this decision by detroit? >> not at all. >> reporter: auto industry analyst mike jackson says criticism from trump and others about this ford deal is misinformed. >> certainly there is some posturing. it's part of business. the idea is that, you know, ford is trying to ensure its competitive position going forward. right? i mean, that's it. >> reporter: setting up shop in foreign countries is an automotive industry trend that's been going on for a long time and will continue when it's for the good of the company. and just today, scott, fiat chrysler announced an investment of a half billion dollars in argentina to build a new vehicle there for the latin american markets. >> pelley: and a lot of foreign car companies build cars here in america, as well. dean, thanks very much. howling winds across the plains have pushed four wildfires to ,0rge in northwest, oklahoma. vere than 55,000 acres of farms and ranches have burned and manuel bojorquez is there. >> reporter: in woodward county, more than 200 firefighters on the ground and in the air are trying to beat back flames shooting as high as 100 feet. the fast-moving wildfire is being fanned by winds topping 40mph. george geissler is with the oklahoma forestry service. >> this area has not had a soaking rain in over 100 days, and the fuels combine with the moisture are causing very erratic fire behavior. >> reporter: yesterday, four separate fires sparked by arcing power lines downed by high winds merged into one blaze that raged across more than 55,000 acres. >> this was absolutely the fastest-moving fire i've ever seen. >> reporter: val and amy castor, of cbs affiliate kwtv, were covering the fire when they spotted jason perks desperately trying to get his road grader tot of a ditch. >> he needs to get out. >> i know he needs to get out! >> he can't get out. >> reporter: perks, a woods county transportation worker, was creating a fire line when flames swept in. he bailed from his vehicle just when the crew drove over to rescue him. >> he ran out of the tracker. >> get in. hurry up, hurry up! -i unlocked the door real quick. pe jumped in and i slammed it in reverse and floored it going in reverse. that's how fast those flames got to us. >> reporter: flames that scorched more than just the landscape. firefighters are assessing exactly how many structures have been lost. and, scott, high winds and hot and dry weather remain in the forecast tomorrow. >> pelley: what a scene. manuel bojorquez in oklahoma tonight. manuel, thank you. well, oklahoma and much of the rest of the country is mourning tonight for a favorite son. merle haggard died today, his 79th birthday. the cause was pneumonia. john blackstone now on the country outlaw who released 71 top-ten hits. >> ♪ oklahoma, u.s.a. >> reporter: merle haggard's answer to anti-vietnam war demonstrators and every other facet of the counter-culture made him a star in 1969. >> ♪ and i'm proud to be an okie from muskogee ♪ >> reporter: haggard said even those who didn't like the sentiment liked the song. >> everybody is proud to be where they came from. from i'm proud to be an oakie, bed somebody else is proud to be something else. but everybody is proud of something. ♪ we used to let our hair grow long and shaggy ♪ >> reporter: haggard's parents, jim and flossie, joined the depression era exodus from oklahoma to bakersfield, california, where haggard was born in 1937. after his father died when haggard was nine, he started getting into trouble, the inspiration for "mama tried" >> ♪ mama tried to raise me better ♪ >> reporter: haggard enjoyed his bad-boy image. when i interviewed him in 2010, he brought a gun. >> right here. and it stays right here. >> reporter: i got to be careful with the questions i asked. >> it's unloaded. >> reporter: he spent his teenage years in and out of reform school, then prison. >> the more i went to jail, the more i learned about being an outlaw. >> reporter: you were three years inside san quentin? >> two years nine months. >> reporter: released in 1960, he had a whole country songbook re hardship, material for more than 30 number-one hits. cancer surgery took part of one lung in 2008, but he continued touring and recording. his most recent was last year with willie nelson. >> ♪ might not have been a merle or a willie ♪ >> reporter: haggard lived with his wife teresa on 200 acres near reading, california, where he built a railroad bridge, a reminder he grew up beside the tracks. ♪ john blackstone, cbs news, san francisco. >> pelley: there will never be another. coming up, no child is left off line thanks to wifi on 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(announcer)you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. >> pelley: 64 million americans >> pelley: 64 million americans don't have the internet at home, mostly because of the cost. so students in those homes can be at a disadvantage. t at's why we asked carter evans to find a great idea that works, in a spot that's suddenly hot. >> reporter: when ninth grader anisa perez takes the bus home from school-- you can just log on and send a message to you teacher? she does her homework using the school bus' wifi network. this has to be one of the biggest wifi hotspots i've ever seen. darryl adams is superintendent at the coachella valley school district in southern california. he's a former rock musician who believes technologu is the key to a quality education. >> the router is mounted right here in front of the bus. >> reporter: under his direction, coachella became the utrst school district in the euntry to put ipads in the hands of every student, pre-k to 12th grade. but that's when adams uncovered a new problem: most students, like anisa, don't have internet at home. >> i would be here sometimes late on a friday night and drive by a school and there are parents sitting there in the car with their kids doing their homework. >> reporter: more than 95% of the students here live below the poverty line. many just can't afford internet access at home. michelle penital is a senior. what would you do when you needed internet access? >> i would go to starbucks. >> reporter: and do your homework? >> yes. >> that's unacceptable. we can do better. and we started thinking, hey, we have 100 buses here. why not put routers on the buses and park them where there is no connectivity? >> reporter: that's exactly what he did. one of those buses is now parked next to anisa perez's trailer rnrk, which never had internet before. you're just too far off the grid? >> yes. >> reporter: yolanda lopez is anisa's grandmother. >> if she has homework that has to be done on her ipad, if the bus wasn't there, she couldn't do it. >> reporter: eight wifi buses are now left overnight in various neighborhoods. >> i made a joke, i'll put a router on a pigeon if i have to and fly it around the neighborhood. whatever it takes to get these students connected, we will do. >> reporter: you think it's that crucial to education? >> yes, it's essential to education. >> reporter: the graduation rate in coachella is now up 8% with even more students on the road to success. carter evans, cbs news, coachella valley, california. >> pelley: well the road to success is well traveled by these champions. their story is next. but the specialists at ford like to show off their strengths: 13 name brands. all backed by our low price tire guarantee. yeah, we're strong when it comes to tires. right now during the big tire event, get a $120 rebate by mail on four select tires. when your ford needs service, these are the specialists. at ford. my bladder leakage made me feel like i couldn't be the father that i wanted to be. my kids see me as this rock of the family and a part of me felt like i became less of that hero to them but with depend, i have none of those concerns anymore. i can go all out. there's no restriction in my movement. it's liberating and sloan is back. unlike the bargain brand, new depend fit-flex underwear is now more flexible to move with you. reconnect with the life you've been missing. get a free sample at you should have quit whilee you'you were ahead. 32 years at this place and i've got 9 days left before retirement. look jim, we've been planning for this for a long time. and we'll keep evolving things. so don't worry. knowing what's on your mind and acting accordingly. multiplied by 13,000 financial advisors. it's a big deal. and it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. what aremaking a cake!ht now? ayla reminds me of like a master chef and emiana reminds me of like a monster chef. uh oh. i don't see cake, i just see mess. it's like awful. it feels like i am not actually cleaning it up what's that make mommy do? (doorbell) what's that? swiffer wetjet. so much stuff coming up. this is amazing woah. wow. now i feel more like making a mess is part of growing up. stop cleaning. start swiffering. >> pelley: uconn's women's >> pelley: uconn's women's basketball team returned to campus today carrying their fourth straight national title. the huskies beat syracuse last night 82-51. it was the 11th championship for coach geno auriemma, and the team's 75th consecutive victory. well, last year jack nicklaus had, at age 75, a hole in one during a warm-up round at the master's. today gary player, who is 80, had his turn. >> come on. >> pelley: his tee shot on seven hit the edge of the green and started rolling and rolling straight for the hole. if the golden bear can do it, so can the black knight. we'll be right back. >> this portion of "the cbs evening news" is sponsored by capital one. earned unlimited 1.5% cash back. every purchase, every day. get quicksilver, from capital one. first - they limit where you earn bonus cash back. then - those places change every few months? i think i'll pass... quicksilver from capital one puts nothing in your way. you simply earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere. you can't dodge the question... what's in your wallet? i use what's already inside me to reach my goals. so i liked when my doctor told me i may reach my blood sugar and a1c goals by activating what's within me. with once-weekly trulicity. trulicity is not insulin. it helps activate my body to do what it's supposed to do release its own insulin. trulicity responds when my blood sugar rises. i take it once a week, and it works 24/7. it comes in an easy-to-use pen and i may even lose a little weight. trulicity is a once-weekly injectable prescription medicine to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. it should be used along with diet and exercise. trulicity is not recommended as the first medicine to treat diabetes and should not be used by people with severe stomach or intestinal problems, or people with type i diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. trulicity is not insulin and has not been studied with long-acting insulin. do not take trulicity if you or anyone in your family has had medullary thyroid cancer or multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2 or if you are allergic to trulicity or its ingredients. stop using trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of an allergic reaction, such as itching, rash, or difficulty breathing; 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