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This is the cbs evening news with scott pelley. Pelley good evening. This is our western edition. The crime sparked outrage all over the world the kidnapping in nigeria of hundreds of school girls by islamic militants. Today, First Lady Michelle Obama joined an Internet Campaign to bring the girls home. Protesters filled the streets in nigeria demanding that the government hunt down the kidnappers. A 300,000 reward was offered, and there has been more violence. The Group Holding the girls boko haram has attacked a town in the northeast. Debora patta joins us now from nigerias capital, abuja. Patta joins us now from nigerias capital, abuja. Reporter well, the latest attack by boko haram took place in a very remote village scott, on the border of cameroon, which makes it extremely difficult to get reliable information but we understand that militants opened fire with automatic weapons in a crowded marketplace and killed at least 100 people. But i should stress that thats number is very difficult to verify. Bring back our girls reporter Nigerian Police appealed for help for the First Time Since the mass kidnapping of the teenaged girls more than three weeks ago. All we are saying. Reporter after news of a second kidnapping of eight more girls, public anger boiled over. Criticized worldwide for a slow and inept response, the Nigerian Government has been deeply embarrassed, just as World Leaders arrived in the capital for a meeting designed to attract foreign investment. Parents of the missing girls believe the tight security arrangements for the conference have overshadowed the rescue effort. The hope of finding my daughter, or our daughters, lies in the hands of the government. Reporter the radical Islamic Group has a stranglehold over Northern Nigeria where they are trying to overthrow the christian government. More than 1,500 have died in the violence this year. Schools are a frequent target. In chibok, one of the girls who managed to escape, said armed men in uniform burst into their rooms while they slept. At first, they mistook them for nigerian soldiers, but she quickly realized they were wrong when they set fire to the school and stole all their food. They told to us get in the truck, she said. But my friends and i jumped out and ran back home because we realized they didnt look innocent. Anguished parents believe the girls are being held in the dense forests northeast of the village. Kidnappings have now become a global concern. The united states, britain, and france are all sending teams and resources to help the Nigerian Government in their searchand rescue operations. Pelley debora patta in nigeria for us tonight. The u. S. Is sending advisers to help the Nigerian Government, and Margaret Brennan has been looking into this. Reporter the pentagon will send a small team, fewer than ten people, with expertise in communications, logistics, and intelligence. They will not be part of a rescue operation. The Justice Department and f. B. I. Will provide Forensic Experts and hostage negotiators, and the state department will send counselors to help victims and their families. The military teams are expected to arrive friday or saturday but its unclear what nigeria will allow them to do when they get there. Today, the u. S. Ambassador met with the Nigerian National security adviser to try to figure that out. But, scott, there is concern in the u. S. That Nigerian Forces may not have the capability to carry out a hostage rescue operation. Pelley Margaret Brennan at the state department. Margaret, thank you. The village where the girls were taken is incredibly remote. Michelle miller has been looking into how their plight became a global cause. Reporter the school color is blue but many of the students at the allgirl school in new rochelle, new york, wore red today. Were not there in nigeria with them but were marching, too. Reporter red is the color of protest in nigeria. Show of hands how many of you first heard the news on twitter . So all of you. The abductions in nigeria were on april 15, but the story did not gain traction online until april 23 when two nigerians tweeted bringbackourdaughters. It this timelapse of twitter message traffic shows how within days a new slogan bringbackourgirls was being shared around the world. The messages skyrocketed from a couple thousand to a quarter million on april 30, the day the kidnappers threatened to marry off their hostages or sell them. Activists and celebrities joined the online movement, including singer mary j. Blige and Hillary Clinton posted demands for action. New York University professor beth noveck follows social medias impact on government. What this has done is brought it to popular attention by using essentially a bumper sticker, a hashtag, that gets people talking and that gets people sharing the idea with one another. Reporter its a lesson the students at ursuline are learning. Veronique ntumba is about to graduate. Without social media, would you have even known about this . Probably not, which is really sad. As the days went on, like, you see more and more people tweeting about it. Reporter as of today, the slogan bring back our girls has been tweeted more than 1. 3 million times, and, scott, what really seemed to hit home for these students, the students we met, was that the kidnap victims are their own age. Pelley michelle, thanks. In another major story tonight, the secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric Shinseki is defending his record and his job. He is under fire. There are calls for him to resign amid claims that 40 patients died at the v. A. Hospital in phoenix because of delays in their care. Heres wyatt andrews. Reporter debbie allen believes that her husband, mel, a vietnam veteran, died of Bladder Cancer after the v. A. Delayed his tests and diagnosis for six months. He had been a patient at the v. A. Hospital in phoenix. Its sad. Its disgusting. Its a betrayal to somebody who was willing to serve his country, and then when mel needed the v. A. And needed his country to help him in his time of need, they turned their back on him. Reporter secretary of veteran Affairs Eric Shinseki told us when he first heard the charges in phoenix, he sent inspectors immediately. I take every one of these incidents and allegations seriously, and we are going to go and investigate. The most serious of these were in phoenix. Reporter but the phoenix investigation is not the only one. At least five other v. A. Hospitals have been accused of mismanagement and preventable deaths, and at two of those, v. A. Officials in charge got large bonus checks just after the deaths were revealed. Daniel dellinger is the National Commander of the american legion, which called this week for Eric Shinseki to resign. If this is private sector, you would be fired. If it was military you would be relieved of duty and hes done neither. Reporter the secretary told us disciplinary action is pending in pittsburgh and atlanta but the specifics are not yet public. Shinseki also says he will not resign. Instead he will work to repair whats gone wrong. Is there any one thing that you are angry about that you most want to fix . Yeah, all of this makes me angry. I mean, whenever we allegations like this, even until theyre founded, i didnt come here to watch things happen this way. I came here to make things better. And in the main, weve done that. Reporter despite the break with the american legion, almost every other Veterans Organization still supports Eric Shinseki for managing the explosive growth of the v. A. Shinseki got his strongest endorsement where it counts, scott, full backing from the president. Pelley wyatt, thanks very much. In an emergency order today, the Transportation Department told railroads that haul crude oil from the Bakken Oil Fields in north dakota that they must inform states before those trains pass through. There is a lot of concern after several serious accidents, and transportation correspondent jeff pegues has been following this for us. Jeff, how is this order going to help . Reporter well, scott, Bakken Crude Oil has transported along 140,000 miles of rain rale in this country and its going through cities and towns. This emergency order is designed to help First Responders prepare for any potential derailments. Pelley and whats the concern over the bakken oil in particular . Reporter well, scott, bakken crude comes from parts of north dakota and montana. It is considered highly volatile and flammable, and some of the older tank cars, as we saw last week in lynchburg, virginia, have ruptured. And so now federal regulators are asking that carriers use newer tank cars that have a tougher outer shell. Pelley jeff pegues reporting from washington. Jeff, thank you. Today, russian president Vladimir Putin says he has pulled back his troops from the Ukrainian Border although the pentagon tells us this evening there is no evidence that happened. In Eastern Ukraine, Government Troops and prorussian militias are battling for control in several towns and Clarissa Ward was right in the middle of it. Reporter we arrived in the city of mariupol to find a furious, prorussian crowd assaulting a man they accused of stealing. As the Ukrainian Police feebly tried to protect him. Emotions were already running high. The night before, Ukrainian Security forces launched an offensive to take back control from prorussian separatists. The police finally rushed the man away. Looking for a new target, the crowd began moving towards the town hall. The Ukrainian Military took back this town hall that was under the control of prorussian militants and now a large crowd of locals has gathered here and theyre shouting at the police, why dont you support the people . Many in the city want closer ties with russia and view the government in kiev as hostile. These are normal people standing here. Look, look this resident told us. And they send mercenaries to attack us. Reporter many believe the u. S. Support for the government in kiev is responsible for the violence here. We have to drop a bomb on the white house, this woman shouted. As the crowd grew more agitated, the Ukrainian Forces suddenly and without explanation turned on their heels and walked away. cheers and applause the crowd erupted with joy. Russia, russia they chanted. In this conflict, success is measured by who controls the town hall. A man took down the ukrainian flag, replacing it with the regional flag, a symbol here of independence. applause victory, if only for today. Ukraines Defense Ministry says it is in control of the city of mariupol, but, clearly, its a very fluid situation and certainly what we saw today, scott, really calls into question the effectiveness and even the very objective of the Ukrainian Military strategy here. Pelley Clarissa Ward, covering Eastern Ukraine for us tonight, clarissa thank you. Today we saw what may be a turning point in the worlds most vicious war. The syrian dictatorship retook the city of homs, the birth place of the rebellion that started three years ago. In a negotiated deal, the last of the rebels in homs, more than 1,000 of them, boarded buses out of the city, evacuating to rebelheld territory in northern syria. The city of one million was blasted to rubble by government heavy artillery. The dictatorship has been gaining the upper hand lately after the deaths of an estimated 150,000. The report card is in for American High School students. And the government decides whether to force g. M. To take cars with a deadly defect off the road when the cbs evening news continues. Its how i look at life. Especially now that i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. I was taking warfarin but wondered, could i focus on Something Better . My doctor told me about eliquis for three Important Reasons. One, in a Clinical Trial eliquis was proven to reduce the risk of stroke better than warfarin. Two, eliquis had less major bleeding than warfarin. And three, unlike warfarin theres no routine blood testing. [ male announcer ] dont stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. Eliquis can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. 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Killing weeds where they grow a barrier forms so weeds cant appear serious weed prevention up to a year new roundup max control 365 with no more weeds, its your year pelley today, Americas High School seniors got a report card no parent wants to see. The department of education found that nationwide, only 26 are proficient in math and 38 are proficient in reading. 92,000 public and private schools were sampled. Ben tracy does the arithmetic. Reporter the nationwide test is given to High School Seniors every four years. Corneilia orr is executive director of the board which sets the standards for the test. If i were a parent and i was wanting my students to do better, so that the country could compete internationally, i would want to see improvement year after year, and were not seeing that. So it is very disappointing. Reporter 13 states released their results. Connecticut did the best. But even there, only half of the students were proficient or above in reading, and just 32 in math. West virginia was at the bottom with 28 proficient or above in reading and 14 in math. There also remains a significant gap in the test results between different racial groups. 47 of asian students were proficient in math. It was 33 of white students, but just 12 of hispanic and 7 of black students met the standard. We havent seen the gains that we really want to see. You have the algebra, you plug in the point, you graph it. Reporter Daniel Gettinger teaches math at a high school near los angeles. He was named a teacher of the year and is coaching other educators to make sure their students are proficient in the basics of reading and math. In california, statewide tests show proficiency slipped after a decade of improvement. I hope that teachers, too, measure their success by student success, that theyre willing to take risks to try new things, and to adapt their instruction to the needs of the students because thats what really makes a difference. Reporter now, a National Test is also given to fourth and eighth graders and they seem to be doing better. Scott, over the past years, since the early 1990s, theyve shown slow but steady improvement, especially when it comes to math. Pelley ben tracy, in our los angeles newsroom. Ben, thank you. What did the government know about a deadly defect in g. M. Cars . And when did it know it . Thats next. Im lisa and i have copd, but i dont want my breathing problems to get in the way of hosting my book club. Thats why i asked my doctor about breo. Oncedaily breo ellipta helps increase airflow from the lungs for a full 24 hours. And breo helps reduce symptom flareups that last several days and require oral steroids, antibiotics, or hospital stay. Breo is not for asthma. Breo contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. It is not known if this risk is increased in copd. 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Reporter this document, released for the first time today, showed g. M. Reported to n. H. T. S. A. In 2007 that airbags were not deploying after this crash killed two teenage girls in wisconsin. N. H. T. S. A. Didnt release the information. G. M. Did not order a recall. General motors and n. H. T. S. A. Kept the information secret and away from american families. Reporter markey and senator Richard Blumenthal want a new law that would require Car Companies to submit information on all deadly accidents, and they want that information made public right away. Secretary of transportation anthony foxx was noncommittal. I think its a laudable goal. I look forward to taking a look at the bill. Reporter n. H. T. S. A. Falls under the department of transportation and secretary foxx did say he does want the maximum fine for Car Companies to be raised from 35 million to 300 million. Scott, g. M. Today had no comment on the hearing. Pelley jeff, thank you very much. Tonight a predator is back on the prowl after a standoff that lasted nearly five hours. Last night Police Responded to calls of a Mountain Lion roaming the streets of a San Francisco suburbs. The big cat was cornered beneath a car in a parking garage an tranquilized. It was later returned to the wild. Well meet the nbas top player and the person without got him there when we come back. With noninsulin victoza. For a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar, but it didnt get me to my goal. So i asked my doctor about victoza. He said victoza works differently than pills, and comes in a pen. And the needle is thin. Victoza is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. It is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Victoza has not been studied with mealtime insulin. Victoza is not insulin. 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The most common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, and headache. Some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. If your pill isnt giving you the control you need. Ask your doctor about noninsulin victoza. Its covered by most health plans. When folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. But the energy bp produces up here creates Something Else as well jobs all over america. Engineering and innovation jobs. Advanced Safety Systems technology. Shipping and manufacturing. Across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. When we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. Thats not a coincidence. Its one more part of our commitment to america. Now has to pay out. Next weather talent appears at wx center with generic pinpoint filling monitor then we take special spononononononononon pelley finally tonight, kevin durant of the Oklahoma City thunder may seem a little out of place among top athletes. Yesterday, after winning the n. B. A. s most valuable player award, durant spoke not of himself but about coaches, teammates, and especially the person most responsible for his success. Heres james brown. When you didnt eat, you made sure we ate. You went to sleep hungry. You sacrificed for us. Youre the real m. V. P. applause reporter wanda pratt raised durant as a single mother of two. When he was 10 years old, durant told her he wanted to play in the pros. Wandas response was pure tough love. You would wake me up in the middle of the night in the summer times, make me run up the hills, making me do pushups, screaming at me from the sideline at my games at eight or nine years old. Reporter we sat down with them for 60 minutes sports on showtime last fall. I remember the looks when he and i would walk in the gym, and he would be like, oh, here she comes. If the coach said, kevin can do 25 crab walks, i would say, no, i think you should do 75. If he said 50 runs up hunts hill, i said, i think you can do 100. Now im like, wow, that was cruelty. Reporter the cruelty paid off last night. It was durants first m. V. P. , after finishing second to lebron james three times. Finishing second has been a frustrating theme for durant. His biggest disappointment was when his team lost the n. B. A. Championship in 2012 to james miami heat. With the world watching, he still needed his mothers shoulder. A lot of people got on me for crying in front on national tv, but when you want something that bad, it was just like, i didnt care. Reporter and he didnt care who saw last night either. Ive been through the toughest times with my family. But im still standing. applause reporter he is finally the best in the n. B. A. , but he was always m. V. P. In his mothers eyes. James brown, cbs news, new york. Pelley and dont miss it. The next edition of 60 minutes sports premieres tonight on showtime. Thats the cbs evening news for tonight, for all of us at cbs news all around the world, good night. A calcium chew this decadent blah complaints from almost ever in oakland. But tonight, we your realtime captioner is linda macdonald. Too much crime, not enough comes. Those complaints from almost everyone in oakland but tonight we ask, are tax willing to pay for more cops . In an exclusive kpix 5 poll more than threequarters of people we surveyed say the city does not have enough police officers. There is clearly a need for more so we sent our phil matier to find out who is willing to pay for them. Reporter this is a long standing tug of war here in oakland and you would think the answer would be pretty obvious. So you might be surprised at what we found. Heres the story. Reporter ask oakland residents what their top concern is and youre likely to hear crime and violence. Reporter but ask voters if they are willing to pay an extra 98 a year on a parcel tax for more cops and antiviolence programs and they dont. Uhm, antiviolence programs . Sure. Reporter but not cops . I dont know. I think i think a lot of people dont trust police in the first place. Reporter that mixed message was driven home by a kpix 5 surveyusa poll that found while most oaklanders want more cops only 41 were ready to pay an extra 98 a year to the existing parcel tax for Public Safety in order to pay for them. And 77 felt the current puic safety tax money which promised more cops wasnt being spent well. We paid the extra and then they got laid off. And were still paying the extra. Theres a lack of trust. In the previous efforts, we have said we were going to do all these things and we didnt even come close. We have got to create more confidence. Reporter plus, asking voters for more money and losing could wind c

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