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Captioning sponsored by cbs this is the cbs evening news with scott pelley. Pelley good evening. The search for Malaysia Airlines flight 370 has just entered a third week. Today the malaysian government asked the United States for undersea surveillance equipment the pentagon says that the u. S. Alex rodriguez loan has spent two and a half Million Dollars so far on the hunt for the boeing triple seven which vanished on a flight from kuala lumpur to beijing with 239 people on board. Three americans. The main focus is an area about the size of texas in the indian ocean west of australia. This is how much they have searched so far. It is a tedious operation involving six aircraft and six ships, and the weather is not cooperating. We have a team of correspondents on the story, first we will go to Holly Williams in perth, australia, holly. Scott, the search is duty due to begin here this hour involving six aircraft, but they are hunting for the wreckage of flight 370 in one of the most inaccessible regions on earth and it is notorious for its treacherous conditions. The search planes from the u. S. , australia and new zealand came back emptyhanded on friday, after scouring the area 1,500 miles off australias west coast, where two blurry objects had been spotted by satellite. The search has been hampered by Stormy Weather and radar has improved ineffective in the churning stays. The head of the Safety Authority announce add change in tactics. Relying on the human eye. We have planned the search to be visual, so aircraft flying relatively low, very highly skilled and trained observers looking out of the aircraft windows, and looking to see continues. Reporter but the region is so remote the planes only have two hours to hunt for debris before they are forced to head back to base to refuel. The australian Prime Minister tony abbott says there is no certainty that the two objects seen floating in the southern indian ocean are linked to the missing jet. Now it could just be a container that has fallen off a ship, we just dont know, but we owe it to the families and the friends and the loved ones of the almost 240 people on flight 370 to do everything we can to try to resolve what is as yet if an extraordinary problem. Nearly twothirds of the passengers on flight 370 were from china, three Chinese Naval ships along with an icebreaker and several military aircraft will soon join the international effort. Pelley well, holly it is all about the weather. What is the forecast . Reporter we have, they are expecting storms here this weekend, which will create problems for the aerial search, but there are also several ships, both military and commercial headtology the area where those two objects were cited. Now in difficult weather conditions they may have a bert chance of finding whatever it was that was seen floating in the ocean. Pelley Holly Williams in perth, australia for us, thank you, holly. Now to the other search, the search for clues as to what happened aboard that plane. The captain had a Flight Simulator at his home, and bob orr has learned that the hard drive for the simulators computer is now at the fbi lab in virginia. Bob, what are they looking for . Well, scott, fbi computer experts and outside it experts are trying to recover files that were deleted apparently over the past several weeks, investigators specifically are looking for any clues that the captain, zaharie shah may have used that homemade stimulator to plan or practice some kind of hijacking plot. Now sources say it is important to know there is nothing in zaharie shahs history to suggest he would ever commit a criminal act but frankly with radar and satellite data suggesting the jet was deliberately flown off course by someone they are naturally focusing on the captain and fariq hamid, also they are going through the private computer files of both pilots, scott. Pelley where does the investigation go next . You know investigators are desperate for some kind of physical evidence, the plane or data recorder or both, the data in the black boxes may be able to tell us what happened here but investigators are not sure right now even where to look. If they can find even a single piece of floating debris from the jet, maybe a sea cushion they will have a chance to narrow the search and ultimately find the wreckage if nothing surfaces in the days ahead investigators could soon face a tough decision as to how long they can continue to look for the missing jet. Pelley bob orr in our washington newsroom, bob, thanks very much. Flight 370 would be a whole lot easier to find if the boeing 777 was equipped with the latest technology. It was not. Here is transportation correspondent jeff pegues. Reporter among the planes searching the southern indian ocean the p 3 orion the military plane with Sophisticated Technology that something flight 370 did not have, automatic deployable flight recorder also known as adfr. In a crash the combination cockpit voice and flight data recorder would eject instead of going down with the mean it would float on top of the water, providing search teams with the location of the crash site. Made by drs technologies this type of black box is being used by the military six the since, since the sixties and in the f a18 fighter jet. Some commercial airlines already have technology that streams data, the automated flight reporting system or afar extends Realtime Data including location from plane to satellite to monitoring stations on the ground. It doesnt replace black boxes it works in conjunction with them, but it costs 100,000 per plane, and airlines are reluctant to spend that. The Airline Pilots union is concerned about streaming data for another reason. Shaun cassidy is a spokesman. We do not want to see massive amounts of information which could end up being used in some kind of disciplinary fashion against a pilot or an airline or somebody else. Reporter just last week lawmakers here in washington pressed the secretary of transportation to move forward on the idea of ejectable black boxes in commercial planes. Scott, the faa has been working on this issue for more than ten years. Pelley jeff, thanks very much, the socalled black boxes, the flight data recorder and voice recorder on the missing triple seven send out a ping that can be heard for a mile or two away by sonar. But the batteries last only 30 days, and we are about halfway through that. In another major story tonight, russian president Vladimir Putin signed the papers that officially took crimea from ukraine, most crimeans are ethnic russians and celebrated with fireworks, much of Eastern Ukraine also favors russia and there is concern that putin might tried try to expand his conquest the russians have been massing troops near the ukrainian border, david martin is following this from the pentagon, david. Reporter scott the russians say they have no intention of invading ukraine but are continuing a buildup of troops that would allow them to launch an invasion with little or no warning. There are now more than 20,000 Russian Troops positioned along ukraines eastern from tear, equipped with tanks, artillery and aircraft and staged in areas 30 to 120 miles back from the border. Behind them are stockpiles of fuel, spare parts and ammunition. In all, there are about twice as many troops as were supposed to have taken part in what the russians are officially calling an exercise. Marble security advisor susan rice clearly is not taking their word for it. The russians have stated that they are intending military exercises, obviously given their past practice and the gap between what they have said and what they have done, we are watching it with skepticism. The ukrainians are erecting rudimentary defenses but have not transferred significant number of troops to the border and would have little chance of stopping or even slowing the russians. Pelley david, thank you. Now please note that Bob Schieffer will have the latest on the crisis in the ukraine this sunday on face the nation and bobs guests will include former republican president ial whom knee mitt romney. Nominee mitt romney. North carolina moved to withdraw a legal settlement that environmentalists said was too easy on the nations biggest electric Power Company duke energy. The state had agreed to settle a massive pollution case with a fine of 99,000 and no requirement that the 50 billion Company Clean up the pollution. Duke energy and state regulators are under investigation over the disposal of ash that is left over from burning coal. Mark extras than found that prosecution, that follow lucian is still flowing. Reporter these are photos taken by North Carolina state regulators and environmental groups. The state claims the pictures show duke energy illegally pumped contaminated water into the river along the states coast. From two of its colash bay since at a retired plant, the wastewater contained arsenic and celine yum, known to cause cancer. Duke declined an on camera interviewed but in a statement maintained it followed the law to train the pond for routine maintenance. Iit was being pump to the existing out falls and monitored according to the plant permit. State regulators said they were notified but 61 million, million gallons of ash and water went into the river, far exceeded routine maintenance, it is the eighth time in less than a month duke inning has been charged with environmental violations. Governor pat mccrory. These violations are unacceptable, and we expect duke in the very near future and they have waited far too long to come out of the shadows and explain what they plan to do. On february 2nd, a coal ash pit at another retired do you ergy plant leaked 39 milliongallons of sludge in the river along the North Carolina virginia bordered, they allowed colash to be stored in the pit, they apologized for the dan river still and said it was working on plans to fix or move its 33 storage pits which all leak. State representative mike hager worked as an engineer at the utility for 17 years. Is duke guilty of nothing else of kicking its problem down the road for too long. The i think every utility in the United States is guilty about that, not just about duke. This is a very expensive issue. Ian bremmer think it is going to be one of the most expensive projects we have ever taken on in North Carolina. We are talking in the ten to 15 billion range to really if you were to mitigate all 31 ash ponds you are probably talking in excess of 10 billion. Ongoing federal grand jury in raleigh, prosecutors are exploring what the regulators may have been given financial incentives to look the other way. And scott the. Epa is now joining the state in determining whether the utility may have violated the clean water act. Pelley mark, thank you very much. A deadly fire has destroyed a Motel Housing victims of super storm sandy. 60 minutes has the inside story of how the fbi cracked the boston bombing case. And this is why they call it march madness, when the cbs evening news continues. Pelley on sunday, 60 minute will broadcast the first interviews with the federal agents who led the Boston Marathon investigation. Rick deslauriers, the fbi special agent in charge in boston, and his counterpart at fbi headquarters, stephanie douglas, tell the inside story of how a 1,000 Member Task Force cracked the case. The turning point was the discovery of what they call the eureka video. You can see an individual, a tall man wearing a white ball cap walking to the, walk into the frame. He has a backpack slung over one of his shoulders, he puts the backpack down very nonchalantly and joins the crowd. You clearly see everybody look very, very definitely to the left, like they heard something, they have seen something, so you know that first blast has gone off, he does not do that. He does not do what everybody else in that video does. He does not turn to his left. He just stands there for a second or two, and walks very deliberately back the same direction that he came in. Pelley the eureka video hasnt been seen by the public, it is being kept for the trial. But this still photo shows much the same view of the suspect and the people who would be torn apart by the blast. Let me ask you to describe what you see in that picture. I see the subject, the individual who has been charged in the investigation and i see people who were agree strowsly injured this that blast and individuals that died in that blast. The people along the fence line there . Several of them . Yes. Very emotional time when i look at that to know what happened a few moments afterwards. And i see his backpack on the ground and then i see one of the people that was killed as a result of that bomb. Do you know their name . This is mark richard. Martin richard was eight years old. His sevenyearold sister jane lost a leg, but just today the Richard Family posted a new picture of james, smiling as usual, with but a, with a new prosthetic leg that is designed for sports. We will have the inside story of the boston investigation told for the first time, including the debate among investigators that ended with a fateful decision and the violent end to the manhunt. That is this understood on 60 minutes. An Early Morning fire subsequent through a hotel on the new jersey shore, some of the residents had lost their homes to super storm sandy, four people were killed, eight were hurt. The motel in Point Pleasant beach was destroyed. No word on what caused the fire. An investigation is coming of how the government handled the gm defect case, and we will have that story next. , female announcer during sleep trains big gift event or, get 24months interestfree financing. Sleep trains big gift event is ending soon. Your ticket to a better nights sleep pelley today, transportation secretary anthony fox ordered an independent investigation into whether the government acted quickly enough to reports of safety problems in General Motors cars, an ignition defect has been linked to 12 deaths our cbs news investigation found that gm knew about the problem years before it recalled 1. 6 million cars. First Lady Michelle obama is in china tonight. She and daughters malia and sasha met the president and his wife. Mrs. Obama visited a beijing high school, education is the focus of her week long trip, but there was also time for a little bit of pingpong diplomacy. The competition in march madness is a bit more intense than that. Today, baylor beat nebraska 7460 as, he is the player who is blind in one eye, whom we profiled for you last night. And in a major upset, Mercer University a 14th seed beat number 3 duke. 7871. The bears from macon, georgia, are still dancing. That along with yesterdays upsets bust add lot of brackets. Warren buffett and quicken loans are offering a billion dollars to anyone who can pick every winner in the entire tournament. Out of about 15 million entries, only 16 are still perfect. There is more in march madness on cbs right after this broadcast. A High School Game comesment to a dramatic end. Was there a special force involved . Steve martin on the road is next. Steve hartman on the road is next. Pelley with march madness all around us, we are reminded of one of our favorite basketball stories. Steve hartman brought it to us and we would a like to see it again. Here is steve on the road. Months ago. There it is, just outside of greensboro, North Carolina. Go. The Bishop Mcguinness Basketball Team had what may be the most remarkable game in school history. I still cant believe that even happened. I felt like there was no one that could stop us. I will remember this game for the rest of my life. The game was against the arch rivals mount airy high school, but to fully appreciate what happened here you first need to know how Josh Thompson prepared them for this night. It all started a few days earlier with an old ball and a gold sharpie. Coach thompson told each player to pick someone to dedicate the game to, it could be an uncle, grandpa, one kid picked his parents, they all enjoyed the exercise, but it is safe to say no one took it more seriously than junior guard Spencer Wilson. He picked his friend, josh rominger. Joshs passion for life just really drew me towards him. Spencer and josh were two great friends with one lousy thing in common. They both had cancer. The difference was spencer beat his, and josh didnt. He died nine months ago. Entered the room and it was always apparent to me he was special. Before the game, spencer wrote a letter to joshs mom explaining what they were doing and why he would be playing for josh. I just wanted to let you know the impact your son has had on my life to this day, i will never forget him, josh. I read it and cried. Joshs mom, deena rominger. They just had that bond. Nobody else knew how josh felt except for spencer. Reporter spencer says he still thinks about josh every day. That is why this opportunity meant so much to him. And every time i got the ball i found where i wrote josh and i put my hand on it every single time. And thought of him . Yes. So and it meant a whole lot to me. Reporter which brings us to the end of that game. With two seconds left on the clock, bishop down by a point and their rivals at the freethrow line bishop needed a miracle and some say that is exactly what they got. Shot, its good oh, my goodness in the official record book Spencer Wilson will get credit for that remarkable miracle but the boys here at bishop believe spencers friend josh deserves an assist, but whatever you believe you have to score one for friendship. Steve hartman, on the road, near greensboro. Pelley and that is the cbs evening news for tonight. For all of us at cbs news all around the world, im scott pelley and i will see you sunday on 60 minutes. Good night. Captioning sponsored by cbs i was told there would be cake. Lets it fly. Theres the record from Peyton Manning chris davis, an answered prayer. Louisville completes the championship. Adam scott. Yes gentlemen, heree go. Got it that never gets old. And the fight is over theres tremendous pressure when one game can end your season or your career. At the horn, it goes texas is moving on the excitement, the drama. The dayton

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