acre will blanket the region from north carolina to connecticut. within days of emerging, the cicada nymph sheds its skin and morphs into an adult. before dying, the rest of the four- to six-week life is devoted to finding a mate and making babies, which is where all the racket comes in. a chorus of males singing to attract females can reach 90 decibels, and loud as a lawn mower. that's due to their hollow abdomens that amplify the cicadas' love songs. >> so the male is calling... ( whistling ) and then about a third of a second after he starts that, the female clicks her wings just like that. it's a little quiet sound and a little movement. >> reporter: in a couple of months, the buzzing will be gone, and the next time these little ones hear it, they'll be 20-somethings. jim axelrod, cbs news, short hills, new jersey. >> pelley: this is how saint