million africaern-aminsca who served in the war and suppoysedl quald ifiefothr e housing and educatn iobenefits of the g.i. bill. ousands and outhsands of black terans were denieed thir netsfi. >> rteeporrda: routmth historian hemattw delmont. >> k blacveratens had to g too office as staffedos almt clexusive by whi oteffiaicls around thsis i paa rticula obprlem in the s.outh >> reportehar: wtpe scifically were they denied >> acces ms tooragtges and colltuege itn ioto gp to cgeolle to helthp em earn degrees to help them get good jobs afterwdsar. >> reporter: denied a chance toarcitipate in the post-war onecom bicoom which sawhi wte thweal surge and black wealth rebaly keep up whit itinflaon. for white vaneters, the g.i. bill hel tpedhem become mbmeers of the midcldle asans d for the blactek verans theuly codn g'tet mehos goro to col alegenlod st the rtoppouny itto be a pt arof the mel dicascolho. >> mney geraonti might not be