came across a herd of elephants and dash cam video shows one elephant charging at his truck, slamming, and then bending the hood with its trunk and then pushing the 5,000-pound truck backwards. another angle shows the look of fear on the driver's face. good news is, luckily, he was not hurt. okay, coming up next, a commencement to remember, thanks to a graduate's stunning and really generous offer. really generous offer. if youou have poststmenopaul osteteoporosis and d a high risisk for fraca, now might t not be thehe beste to a ask yourselelf... 'are mymy bones strtrong'' lifefe is full o of make or rk momentnts. ththat's whwhy it's s so importo hehelp reducee yoyour risk ofof fracturee withth prolia®. only prorolia® is s proven top strengthenen and protetect bos from f fracture wiwith 1 shot t every 6 momo. do n not take prprolia® if f yoe low blood d calcium,