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A toxic Work Environment on her show, why ellen is apologizing and reportedly threatening to quit. Unfounded attacks on mailin voting the president continues to undermine the longstanding practice of voting by mail. Growing concerns that the u. S. Postal service, led by one of President Trumps biggest donors, is slowing mail service. The mail is backing up. Its getting delayed. Odonnell democrats tonight accuse President Trump of undermining democracy. Bitcoin bust tonight, florida authorities arrest the mastermind behind that twitter attack of 130 accounts, including president obama, jeff bezos, and elon musk. Turns out, hes 17 years old. And tonight, cbs Steve Hartman is on the road with a local businessman who is helping to send 75 kids to college. This is the cbs evening news with norah odonnell, reporting from the nations capital. Odonnell good evening to our viewers in the west, and thank you for joining us. We are going to begin this friday night with what the World Health Organization is calling a onceinacentury health crisis, the effects of which we will feel for decades to come. The news especially alarming as tonight this devastating prediction from the c. D. C. the virus will claim 20,000 more lives in the next three weeks. And we want to zero in on florida, which shattered its singleday death toll record for the fourth straight day. And on top of that, the state is now facing a possible hurricane. Hurricane isaias is now pounding parts of the caribbean, leading to mudslides in puerto rico. Floridas governor declaring a state of emergency for parts of his state. Officials there are scrambling to shut down beaches and parks, along with most state outdoor covid testing sites. The president was also in florida today, holding a mini rally there at the airport, though few were seen wearing masks. The president today continued his attack on mailin voting as questions arise on whether new postal procedures may deliberately be leading to delays in service, and how thats going to impact the election. Well, tonight, florida is one of at least 16 states where deaths continue to increase, and 28 states see cases continue to rise. And in just a few hours, federal funding will officially run out for American Families hit hard by the lockdown economy. It is a remarkable combination of events, and we have a team of correspondents with all the latest details tonight. Cbs David Begnaud is going to lead off our coverage in miami beach. Good evening, david. Reporter good evening, norah. Two major headlines from here number one, there is a hurricane warning in effect for the east coast of florida. Number two, florida set a singleday record for coronavirus deaths, and thats the fourth day in a row that has happened. Tonight, because of the hurricane, floridas governor has declared a state of emergency. It is the worstcase scenario a pandemic and a hurricane at the same time. The situation remains fluid and can change quickly, so just keep a lookout for whats going on. Make sure you have your plan in place. Reporter that plan is being complicated by the coronavirus. Most staterun covid testing sites have been shut down, and anyone going to a hurricane shelter will be required to have their temperature taken and wear a mask. If you can stay at home, please do. Reporter on capitol hill today, dr. Anthony fauci gave the country some hope, telling lawmakers he is cautiously optimistic that there could be a laccine by the end of this year. I dont think that we will have everybody getting it immediately in the beginning. It probably will be phased in. Reporter testing czar Admiral Brett Giroir admitted that the nation was not meeting the benchmark for testing, and he urged americans to take responsibility for keeping themselves safe. We cannot test our way out of this or any other pandemic. Testing does not replace personal responsibility. Reporter today, the National Institutes of health announced they are ramping up, investing nearly 250 million in new technologies, which they say will significantly increase covid19 testing by millions per week. It cant come soon enough as coronavirus cases continue to climb around the country. Oklahoma, pennsylvania, missouri, and connecticut have all seen their average new cases soar. There are new worries about covid and kids. A new report released today by the c. D. C. Details an outbreak at a georgia sleepaway camp. It happened last month, where 260 children and staff tested positive less than a week after spending time together. This comes as states are grappling with safely reopening schools. In uh,ll allowed to go to school even if theyve been directly exposed to the virus, as long as they dont show symptoms. But in new york, Officials Say schools will only reopen if new covid infections stay below 3 . Back in hardhit florida im hoping that the that the hurricane stays offshore. Right now, were anticipating some Tropical Storm conditions. Reporter look, Hurricane Season is already well ahead of normal in terms of how many storms there have been. Tonight, behind isaias, there are two more storms that are forming. And i have to tell you, with florida hemorrhaging resources related to the pandemic, norah, the last thing people in florida want to hear about is a hurricane. Odonnell yeah, i understand that. David begnaud, thank you. Well, tonight, its not just florida, but much of the east coast that is nervously watching the track of this hurricane. Streets and homes and businesses were left flooded in puerto rico. In some areas, there were mudslides. And now, millions along Floridas Atlantic coast are bracing for its impact. Chief weathercaster lonnie quinn has the storm track for us. Good evening, lonnie. Reporter good evening, norah. All right, we have the most recent information from the National Hurricane center, and a lot has changed from what i was talking about earlier this morning on cbs this morning. Theres good news and theres bad news, okay. The good news is, the storm has actually gotten weaker. We had winds blowing earlier at 80 miles per hour. Its down now to about 75. Maybe a little bit of interaction with the bahama islands is providing friction. But the track is providing some bad news. Its now closer to the u. S. Shoreline. In fact, there are a couple of landfalls possible maybe one in florida tomorrow, another is possible along the carolina coast. And then its even possible to have a landfall somewhere around new york city or out on long island by the time you get to tuesday or wednesday. The wind field has changed, as well. Obviously, as the hurricane shifts further to the west, it brings the bigger winds with it, as well. But look at this picture, norah. Notice that red dot. That was where the heaviest winds were. Its much heavier on the eastern side of the storm. The side that is away from land. But still, you have Tropical Stormforce winds expected vero beach, down around boca, some time this weekend. So, its going to get interesting out there. We will deal with this a number of days as it travels up the eastern seaboard. Norah. Odonnell lonnie with the latest information from the track just reported. Thank you. Tonight, a vital lifeline for more than 25 million americans is about to go away. Since march, unemployed workers have received an extra 600 a week. Now closeddoor talks to extend the benefit appear to be going nowhere. Cbs nancy cordes joins us now from capitol hill. So, where do those negotiations stand . Reporter well, norah, the House Speaker and the white house chief of staff are meeting again tomorrow, but they both said that theyre still very far apart, both on Unemployment Benefits and on the broader rescue package that will include funding for schools and testing and local governments, and so on. So, yes, it does appear that this 600 federal unemployment benefit is going to expire, at least for a while. Now, republicans and the white house have been offering a few shortterm extension options maybe for a week, perhaps a few months at a reduced rate to give the two sides more time to talk. But democrats are holding out. They say americans need more money, and they need more certainty that these checks will keep coming until january. Odonnell nancy, congress has known about this deadline for months because they set the deadline themselves, right . Reporter right. And part of the problem is that Republican Leaders deliberately waited until we got very close to the deadline because they felt it would give them more leverage in negotiations. But they may have misjudged how much opposition there would be among their own members to extending this unemployment benefit, especially at the current 600aweek level. And, so, theyre now essentially engaged in two negotiations one with democrats and one with their own party. And that makes things more complicated. Odonnell really complicated. Nancy cordes, thank you. Tonight, we are learning new details about what could be one of the deadliest Marine Training accidents in u. S. History. One marine is dead and eight Service Members are missing after their Amphibious Assault vehicle sank while on a Training Mission off the coast near san diego. Heres cbs david martin. Reporter the Marine Amphibious vehicle a. A. V. , for short which carries marines from ship to shore, sank about 24 hours ago. And this afternoon, marine commandant general david berger related the grim facts. We still have seven marines and one sailor who remain missing, and searchandrescue efforts are ongoing to find them. Reporter yesterday evening, off san clemente island, an a. A. V. Carrying 15 marines and one sailor was returning to its mothership when it went dead in the water and began to sink. Inside, they would have been crammed together and probably nauseous from diesel fumes and wave action. Its extremely claustrophobic and and just unpleasant. Reporter former marine nate eckman recalls the a. A. V. All too well. I remember us saying we would have rather hiked the distances we had to than to be carried by an a. A. V. Reporter a marine officer said that last nights sinking could be the worst a. A. V. Training accident ever. All a. A. V. Training has now been suspended. David martin, cbs news, the pentagon. Odonnell tonight, a backlog of undelivered mail is piling up in post offices around the country. Now, with widespread use of mailin ballots expected in november because of the coronavirus, workers are blaming the new postmaster general, a Top Republican Campaign Donor who has given more than 1. 1 million to the Trump Victory fund. Heres cbs ben tracy. Reporter today, President Trump continued his unsubstantiated attacks on voting by mail. This is going to be the greatest election disaster in history. Repor a concerns that costcutting at the Postal Service, overseen by a key trump ally, could undermine postal workers ability to deliver ballots in time to be counted, allowing President Trump to question the election. If you do universal mailins with millions and millions of ballots, youre never going to know what the real the real result of an election is. Reporter louis dejoy is the new postmaster general and a trump donor. I am dire d dont mince words. Reporter cbs news has learned that after assuming his position last month, dejoy forced costcutting measures, leading to undelivered mail piling up at post offices across the country. And cbs news confirmed this internal Postal Service operational pivot, saying extra trips to deliver mail are no longer authorized and that we may see mail left behind or mail in the workroom floor or docks, which is not typical. Mail is backing up, is getting delayed. Reporter Mark Dimondstein is president of the american postal workers union. Were being demanded, in one way or another with these new policies, to delay mail. And thats against everything we stand for. Reporter the Postal Service has struggled financially for years and lost 9 billion last year alone. The Postal Service is a joke. Reporter postmaster general dejoy declined our request for an interview, but in a statement, the Postal Service says it is in a financially unsustainable position, and despite any assertions to the contrary, we are not slowing down election mail or any other mail. Today, House Speaker nancy pelosi accused President Trump of trying to delegitimize the election. He wants to cancel the election, postpone the election. Really . Did he learn that from putin, or something . He wants to they want to diminish the capacity of the postal system to work in a timely fashion. Reporter today, white house Senior Adviser Stephen Miller railed against mailin ballots here at the white house. He said nobody who mails in a ballot has their identity confirmed. That is just not true. States have several safeguards in place to prevent fraud, including signature analysis and barcodes on the ballots. And, norah, overall, mailin voting fraud is very rare. Odonnell some important fact checks. Ben tracy, thank you. Tonight, there are reports the Ellen Degeneres show may be coming to an end. There are accusations of racism and Sexual Misconduct behind the scenes and, tonight, ellen is responding. Heres cbs jamie yuccas. Im happy. Im very excited. Reporter the latest accusations from former ellen show staffers have struck at the heart of the 17yearold shows happy persona. When i say be kind to one another, i really mean it. Dozens and dozens of former employees shared experiences and stories about what they call a culture of Sexual Harassment and misconduct. Reporter Krystie Yandoli broke the story on buzzfeed news, interviewing nearly 50 former employees. Some accused executives of Sexual Harassment. Others described a culture of fear and intimidation, all taking place when degeneres was not around. One said, were young people who were forming our careers and were unfortunately subjected to a toxic Work Environment. In an email to staff, degeneres wrote, ive not been able to stay on top of everything and relied on others to do their jobs as they knew id want them done. Clearly, some didnt. But in a tweet, Everybody Loves raymond actor brad garrett said, sorry, but it comes from the top. She should know whats happening. So, for ellen to not know, they say, theres a level of active ignorance. Reporter former coworkers tell us they are encouraging degeneres to leave the show. The three accused executives deny the allegations. Warnermedia, which distributes the program, is investigating and says theyre implementing staff changes. Norah. Odonnell jamie yuccas, thank you. There is still much more news ahead on tonights cbs evening news. How a 17yearold alleged mastermind hacked the twitter accounts of some of the rich and powerful. Why the Death Penalty against one of the Boston Marathon bombers was just thrown out. Mom paper towels . Including things for the science fair. Whats in your wallet . 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My tip is, if you keep smoking, your freedom may only go as far as your oxygen tube. announcer you can quit. For free help, call 1800quit now. For free help, all otc pain relievers including volthave one thing in common none are proven stronger or more effective against pain than salonpas patch large theres surprising power in this patch salonpas dependable, powerful relief. Hisamitsu. Odonnell tonight, we learned a learned a 17yearold is accused of being the mastermind behind the hack of twitter. Graham clark is charged with 30 felonies in the massive breach that targeted the accounts of former president barack obama, kim kardashian, and other tterter users. Twitter says that clark used a tactic known as spearfishing to gain access to its internal systems. A federal Appeals Court today tossed out the death sentence of Boston Marathon bomber dzhokhar tsarnaev. The judges ruled that jurors ors wert adequately screened for bias and ordered a new penalty phase trial. He and his brother took the lives of three people and injured hundreds more in that terror attack. Coming up next, cbs Steve Hartman with the incredible offer this young man couldnt fuse. To give back to younger people. I think most adults will start realizing that they dont recall things as quickly as they used to or they dont remember things as vividly as they once did. Ive been taking prevagen for about three years now. People say to me periodically, man, youve got a memory like an elephant. Its really, really helped me tremendously. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Proof i can fight moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. Proof i can fight psoriatic arthritis. With humira. Proof of less joint pain. And clearer skin in psa. Humira targets and blocks a source of inflammation that contributes to joint pain and irreversible damage. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections. 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Right now, this next minute is the most important moment of my life. Reporter pete had been thinking a lot about social injustice and how to fix it. If you want to make a big difference, you go to the epicenter of inequity. And, to me, Scott High School was the epicenter of inequity in this community. Reporter Scott High School has some of the most disadvantaged students in the state but the school is still rich with kids with dreams students like chris rowland, who wanted to go to college but couldnt afford it, especially after what happened last fall. Thats when chris mom, abena, lost her job and his dad died in a house fire. My dad was the closest person i had in my life. He was such an awesome father. Hes still going to make him proud. I know he is. Reporter just have to figure out a path. Yup. Reporter fortunately, unbeknownst to chris, that path to a Brighter Future was about to find him. If youre sitting here in this room today as a soontobe graduating senior, tuition, room and board, books and fees will be paid for you, and you will go to college for free. cheers and applause reporter after we first told this story, about 75 kids, threequarters of the graduating class, accepted petes generous offer, including chris, who will be studying criminal justice at Lourdes University in toledo. He wants to be a police officer. Have you been watching the news lately . Oh, yeah. Reporter does that change your mind . No. Thats the whole point of me wanting to be a police officer, to make a change. cheers and applause reporter back in january, before the country tore apart, pete kadens had already imagined a fix. And this is how we change the world. Reporter and im guessing thats why. If you would have looked up through the gym ceiling that day, as chris did, you would have seen a dad beaming with pride and gratitude. Steve hartman, on the road, in toledo, ohio. Odonnell and it doesnt end there. Pete is also paying tuition for some parents, like chris mom. Shes going to go back to school to become a social worker. We wish them the very best. Well be right back. Best to keep our nation going. Because despite everything thats changed, one thing hasnt and thats our devotion to you and our communities. Our priority will always be to keep you and our associates safe, while making sure you can still get the essentials you need. brian ive had a hcopd. Tack, a heart transplant. Lung cancer. And part of my lung removed. My tip is if smoking doesnt get you one way, itll get you another. announcer you can quit. For free help, call 1800quitnow. Upport by ours. Depend. The only thing stronger than us, is you. Puts cash back in your wallet. Earn 5 cash back on everything you buy at walmart. Com. Mom paper towels . Including things for the science fair. Whats in your wallet . Odonnell next wee news investigation are companies putting profits before workers safety . And remember, if you cant watch us live, dont forget to set your dvr o you can watch us prioritizing racial equality to the tune of 120 million. The budget ultimatum for city workers from san franciscos mayor. If the unions dont agree to delay their raises we will be forced to lay people off. A huge bay area refinery has just run out of gas financially. What happens now . Also, a confrontation over masks get ugly on a popular trail. We spoke exclusively to the hiker who says he was attacked. Sped up, showed me in the face pushing me down to the trail

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