American cities tonight. Why in cities like chicago more than 70 of than 70 of deaths are African American patients. Navy mess the acting Navy Secretary tells the crew of the u. S. S. Theodore roosevelt its former captain was stupid after raising the alarm about covid19 on the aircraft carrier. E effort to fia back to work. We go inside the effort to find people who had the virus and may have an immunity that can reopen reopen the u. S. Economy. Frd tonight, from online sing alongs to social distancing dancing, how families are making the most of time spent at home. This is the cbs evening news with Norah Odonnell reporting from the nations capital. Odonnell good evening and thank you for joining us. We begin tonight with breaking news, and it is sobering. Tonight more than 10,000 people have been killed by the coronavirus here in the u. S. And experts say we should brace for things to get even worse before the thing is over. The toll of the virus is hard to aathom. Nearly half of the deaths in the u. S. Are in new york, where space to store the bodies of victims is running out. New york city is now considering temporarily burying them until the crisis is over. There is also breaking news british Prime Minister, bre the british Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, who has the virus, has just been moved to the i. C. U. Worldwide there are more than 3,331,000 confirmed cases and about a quarter of those are right here in the u. S. Tonight there are some signs the outbreak may be leveling off in the epicenter, new york state, but the governor there says even if the curve is flattening, hospitals are stretched thin, and he cautions people not let uheir guard down or stop social distancing. There is a lot to get to, and our team has every angle covered. Mola lenghi leads off our coverage tonight in new york city. Mola . Reporter well, norah, some signs of hope, but we are still expecting a very difficult and very quickly developing weekend ahead. One example of that, the naval ship comfort. It was brought here to treat noncoronavirus patients. This afternoon President Trump approved this medical ship to begin accepting coronavirus patients who are brought here. This as the hot spots nationwide intensify. New york citys Javits Convention center is now a 2,500bed medical facility treating covid19 patients. Air force reserve Brigadier General Stacey Scarisbrick says more than 120 military medical personnel from across the ountry deployed to new york city within the past 48 hours. Were mobilizing in the same way we mobilize to go to war. Were getting people where they need to be to fight this virus. So its just Like Fighting any other enemy. Reporter at an overwhelmed hospital in brooklyn, these nurses are wearing homemade protection over their scrubs. I. C. U. Nurse Shelley Kelly is on the front lines at a Field Hospital in central park. After a grueling 12hour shift this weekend, she shared some sobering thoughts. I am kind of feeling like nothing i can do is enough for these patients here. At one point we had eight ambulances lined up at the hospital to drop patients off. Reporter but t reporter but there are small hopeful signs. The university of washington has reduced its projected number of fatalities from more than 93,000 to less than 82,000. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo says the death rate has remained flat for the past two days. Still, he had a stern warning for those who were flocking outdoors. We underestimate this virus at our own peril. Now is not the time to slack off. Reporter other hot zones in the midst of their own battles include detroit, where cases have tripled in the last nine days to more than 5,000. Chicago is approaching 5,000 cases. The next hot spots include miami and philadelphia. In louisiana, covid19 cases have more than doubled since wednesday. Day. Dr. Angela cornelius is dr. Angela cornelius is serving in new orleans, part of a seven member volunteer team from shreveport. There are people dying in our units that their family cant be here with the here with them. And thats just. Reporter its difficult i imagine. Its difficult. Its very difficult. Reporter the virus claimed the lives of 28 residents at this rehab center in henrico county, virginia. 88 additional residents have tested positive and are receiving treatment. applause but there are some bright spots. On saturday at a Staten Island hospital, there was a tender moment when 47yearold cristina pock, a mother of five, was discharged after 15day battle 1d reedhe well, the coroner in Jefferson Parish just outside of new orleans tells me that theyre running out of room. They have started storing bodies in a refrigerator truck, and theyre actually waiting on at least two to three more trucks to be delivered. Of course, as we know, thats ity have alsat hospitals here in new york city have also resorted to, norah. Odonnell mola, thank you. Tonight with the rate of infection increasing in cities across america, there are alarming new statistics showing the pandemic is taking an especially heavy toll on minority communities. In illinois alone, more than 40 of those who have died are African Americans, even though only 15 of the population is black. Adriana diaz has more on these disturbing disparities. Reporter in the age of coronavirus, funeral home doors are disinfected while inside ask. Ices are led under a mask. Death has death has no respect of age. It has no respect of color. Reporter today Anthony Smith of detroit was remembered, the first known mail handler to die from the virus. His coworker brittainy crumpton. I dont want to go back to work because i have anxiety really bad. Reporter another public worker, bus driver jason hargrove, succumbed to the virus days after complaining about a woman coughing openly on his bus. Man, yall need to take this eres folks dying. Reporter their cases are part of a grim trend. African americans account for 41 of covid deaths in michigan, though only 14 of residents. In chicago, black residents represent 72 of deaths but just 30 of the population. Those numbers take your breath away. Reporter chicago mayor lori lightfoot. The distribution of this disease tells a story about resources and inequality. Reporter dr. Monica peek studies Health Disparities at the university of chicago medicine. She says African Americans are more likely to have underlying conditions and still be working. When the city puts out orders for people to shelter in place, Grocery Stores are open, the Public Transit is still open, and the people that are working in those jobs are disproportionately racial or ethnic minorities. Reporter dr. Peek says both race and socioeconomic status nge contributing to this trend, but since testing hasnt been comprehensive, Public Health officials warn that the real lor being affected is likolor being affected is likely higher. Norah . Odonnell all right, adriana, thank you. Tonight this breaking news Boris Johnson is first head of state to be in intensive care because of coronavirus. The british Prime Minister asted positive ten days ago and was admitted to a london nday for what weay for what were officially described as routine tests. Since then british Officials Say his condition has worsened. Charlie dagata is in london tonight, and charlie, how serious is it . Reporter well, norah, our downing street sources tell us tonight that the Prime Minister is conscious. He was given oxygen before he entered the i. C. U. At this hour he has not been placed on a ventilator. They say this was a precautionary measure. Its a definite sign that his condition has worsened. And this all happened over the course of just a few hours. Earlier today, foreign minister dominic robb said Boris Johnson was well enough to run the country. Hes still in hospital under evaluation. Hes given regular updates. He continues to lead the ivvernment. Reporter not anymore. Tonight the p. M. Handed over the reins to the foreign secretary p. M. Hande johnson tested positive for covid19 over ten days ago and has been selfisolating at home. I am feeling better and i have done my seven days of isolation, alas, i still have a minor symptom, i still have a temperature. Reporter that temperature was enough to prompt doctors to send the 55yearold to the hospital last night for what a spokesperson describes as precautionary step and routine tests. News of the hospitalization came an hour after the queen made a rare televised address rallying the nation. We will be with our friends again. Familiese with our families again. Again. We will meet again. Reporter Prime Minister johnson last appeared in public on his downing street doorstep on thursday night to clap in support of british healthcare workers, unaware then how personal that fight would become. Asw, the Prime Minister has admitted to st admitted to struggling with his weight, but hes not thought to have any other Underlying Health issues. His fiancee, who is pregnant, says she now has symptom, too. Norah . Odonnell all right, charlie at home, a newight, thank you. And back here at home, a new report from the Inspector General for the department of health and Human Services finds the u. S. Health system under extreme strain, plagued by shortages and burnedout medical professionals. And that report is putting the white house on the defensive. Weijia jiang is there tonight. Weijia . Reporter norah, we will get to that, but first today President Trump insisted that all 50 governors are happy with ad and saidgain there it som of his own Health Experts say were not even in the tunnel, and this week could be our pearl harbor or 9 11 moment. The administrations grim predictions have led to more criticism and left President Trump on the defensive. The states seem to be very happy. If theyre not, they can call me directly. They can call mike directly, and well make them happy. But tremendous progress has been made in a very short period. Reporter but a scathing new report reveals hospitals nationwide are already struggling with widespread shortages of critical equipment. One received two shipments of protective gear from fema that had expired ten years ago. Anotr unusable for adult sta unusable for adult staff. Hospitals, according to the report, are bracing for systems to be overwhelmed by the expected surge. New york is already there. We are into the plan b, c, d that we outlined. Reporter tonight acting Navy Secretary Thomas Modley is fueling another controversy, his decision to fire the popular Commanding Officer of the u. S. S. Roosevelt, captain n ett crozier, for warning in a let their the virus was spreading on board. In a leaked audio recording obtained by cbs news, modley tears into crozier, who has since tested positive himself. Reporter tonight president eds. Inspeeral who putitogetr. Me k about the pandemic anded him to talk about the pandemic and described that conversation as warm and friendly. Norah . Odonnell thank you, weijia. Inining us now is the nations top doctor, Surgeon General jerome adams. Doctor, thank you so much for joining us. Hello, norah. Odonnell we heard from new yorks governor today that the data shows a possible flattening of the curve over the past few days. Does flattening mean that well soon see a decrease, or does it suggest there is a plateau in the cases . Th well, that is a great question. It does not mean that we will soon see a decrease, but we know isow that everyone is going to be on a different curve. So this is first glimmer of hope for new york, new jersey, and we and we hope that the trend continues, but its going to mean that everyone has to keep doing their part. Odonnell does that mean if were beginning to see the flattening of the curve that we may not reach that projected number of some 100,000 deaths . I am hopeful that we wont reach that peak, and im hopeful because the projections that we have been working with were based on data from other countries. Were seeing more and more data come in from the united states, and thats informing these projections in a new and better way. Odonnell you said this is going to be the hardest and saddest week of most americans lives. I think more americans are starting to get it, because they are hearing about loved ones, family members, friends who are getting covid19, who are dying from covid19, and im no exception. Odonnell you see all of the data. Which cities are the next hot spots . Well, we know new orleans has not hit their peak yet. Theyre a hot spot. We know that michigan is really struggling, particularly in the detroit area. We know that southern florida, and i have talked with the governor there, is a hot spot. From a supply point of view, we sent a lot of our supplies and resources to new york. Once they hit their peak, they will be redeployed to other areas. We ultimately cant afford to have 15, 20, 30 hot spots at , ce, because that could overwhelm our ability to be able to respond. Odonnell how soon could we have a therapeutic in the hands of our caregivers . Well, i have talked with dr. Fauci, and he feels good that within weeks to months we will have efficacy data on therapeutics, but i would actually push back just a li bit, norah. I dont think this epidemic is going to be ended by a miracle miracle drug or therapeutic. Youre not going to treat your way out of this problem. Youre not going to supply or ventilate your way out of this problem. The way we get out of this problem is by lowering demand. Gts by good oldfashioned Public Health. I dont want people to take their eyes off the fact that the most important thing is mitigation, and social distancing and good hygiene. Odonnell dr. Jerome adams, our nations Surgeon General. Thank you, sir. Thank you, norah. Odonnell and there is still much more news ahead on tonights cbs evening news. How a simple blood test could be a key to help some people return to work. And later, being stuck at home doesnt have to be boring. Nge family showing off their creativity during the ine. Antine. 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A remarkable deal thanks, i get that all the time. Wait what . grocrey outlet jingle wow. E folove e oh odonnell tonight the president says the government has done 1. 7 million coronavirus tests. But now the c. D. C. Is conducting a different kind of test to find out who has recovered from covid19 without ever knowing they had it. And why is that important . Because Health Officials say thats the key to finding out who can go back to work. Heres dr. Jon lapook. Reporter today an ambitious Testing Program by the university of miami began in south florida. The goal to clear up the chaotic picture of just how widespread the virus is, helping some governments plan their response. The test looks for a persons antibodies the proteins the immune system makes to attack the covid19 virus. It doesnt look for current infection. Instead it detects who has had wh in the past, whether they knew it, or not. This allows us to wrap our heads around the burden of local infection and how the curve may be changing. Reporter people with antibodies may have enough protection against the virus to consider going back the work. They plan to test 3,500 residents invited by a phone call from Miamidade County mayor carlos gimenez. We dont only want individuals who think they have been sick. We want individuals who are asymptomatic. Reporter do you think this kind of testing should be ramped ap to the whole country . I think any kind of testing ould give us betus better insight into the burden of infection and the number of individuals who are asymptomatic but infected is critically important. Reporter dr. Jon lapook, cbs ows, new york. Odonnell were going to continue to follow that story. And up next, how the most troubling of times has brought out some of our hidden talents. And i recently had hi, ia heart attack. It changed my life. But im a survivor. 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Its not a steroid but can help reduce or eliminate oral steroids. Dont use if allergic to dupixent. Serious allergic reactions can occur, including anaphylaxis, which is severe. Tell your doctor right away about signs of inflamed blood vessels, such as rash, shortness of breath, chest pain, tingling or numbness in your limbs. Tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection and before stopping any asthma medicines, including oral steroids. Du more with less asthma. Talk to your doctor about dupixent. Odonnell half the worlds population is now under orders to stay home, and some are using the quarantine to show off their talents to a global audience. Heres jim axelrod. Lock the door hit the floor its the family lockdown boogie reporter we are all finding ys to get through, this like in new zealand, where jack family came up with family lockdown boogie. Dancing queen in the quarantine in this battle against an enemy we cant see, we are using the weapon of what we can hear. Not letting the need to stay apart keep us from creating soulsoothing sounds together. This unassuming british family shook off the familiar lockdown squabbling by rewriting lyrics m a classic from les mis. Show people online and became the royal family of quarintunes. Its not unusual the music is sparking social distancing dance party, as well. From wales. To the greek islands. All kinds of families, from Sorority Sisters to fathers and sownup sons. Dad, people need you. Reporter discovering there is no better way to demonstrate resilience than by shaking off the covid19 cabin fever one tiktok challenge video at a time. Jim axelrod, cbs news, new jersey. Odonnell oh, who knew dad had it in him . Thats great. Well be right back. , who knew dad had it in him . Thats great. Well be right back. We can keep learning, keep sharing, keep watching, and most of all, keep together. A. It ie b keep watching, youre clearly someone who takes care of yourself. 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Odonnell on tomorrows cbs evening news, you know the saying, the show must go on, well show you how virtual teater is making that happen. If you cant watch us live, dont forget, set your dvr so you can watch us later. Is tonights cbs evening news. Im Norah Odonnell in washington. Night. See you bow captns by cbs does california really have enough ventilators to give many of them away . In the promise tonight from the governor. We are also taking care of our 40 million a cans. I want to thank governor newsom. Infections are not growing exponentially here. And new signs of encouragement tonight in the bay areas hardest hit county. Plus the ambitious new idea tonight from some south by a leaders, suspend rent payments altogether. Please help our community before its too late. Our current Eviction Moratorium only delays the inevitable. Right now on the kpix 5 news at 7 00, and streaming on cbsn bay area, the governors

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