♪ ♪ captioning sponsored by cbs >> glor: on the "cbs evening news" this wednesday: the f.b.i. joins the investigation of how boeing 737-max was approved after two deadly crashes. >> new information about the lion air flight that crashed last october in indonesia. >> the boeing 737-max-8 malfunctioned the day before the crash. >> flight 610 never should have been in the air. >> not my kind of guy. >> nearly seven months after mccain's death, the president is still taking aim, drawing outrage. >> it's deplorable what he said. >> the waters continue to rise along the mississippi and missouri rivers. thousands forced from their homes. >> this isn't flooding. this is something else. >> an unvaccinated student in kentucky sues his school because he's been barred from extracurricular activities. >> it would go against my