what's going on and what's going on with the ferguson fire near yosemite, all that coming up at 6 pm. ♪ ♪ captioning sponsored by cbs >> glor: on the "cbs evening news" this monday: we are in redding, california, on the front lines of the battle against the largest and deadliest of 17 california wildfires. the carr fire is already the size of denver. it's burned more than 700 homes. thousands more are threatened. we have extensive coverage tonight, starting with the headlines in 60 seconds. >> state of emergency in california. >> the carr fire has already claimed six lives. >> tens of thousands of people have been asked to evacuate. >> this is what many californians are returning to. every one of these homes up on this ridge is gone. >> 99 days before the midterm elections. >> the president reiterating that he is willing to shut down the government. >> if we don't get border security, i would have no problem doing a shutdown. >> boy, here we go again.