But im still here. laughs this is the cbs evening news with jeff glor. Glor this is our western edition. Good evening. We will have more on the possibility of breakthrough talks between the u. S. And north korea in just a moment, but we will begin here tonight with late news from the white house. Late today, the pretty chief economic adviser, gary cohn, resigned. Heres nancy cordes. Everybody wants to work in the white house. They all want a piece of that oval office. They want a piece of the west wing. Reporter just a couple of hours after President Trump touted his teams moral, the size of his team shrank by one. Chief economic adviser gary cohn was sometimes an uneasy fit for the Trump Administration. The former president and c. E. O. Of Goldman Sachs is a registered democrat who threatened to summer when the president refused to condemn White Supremacists marching in charlottesville, virginia. You had a group on one side that was bad, and you had a group on the other side that was also very violent. Reporter cohn decided to stay and went on to play a key role in crafting the g. O. P. Tax cut plan, which passed in december. He said he was looking forward to tackling an infrastructure bill next, but then, President Trump made this surprise announcement last week well be imposing tariffs on steel imports and tariffs on aluminum imports. Reporter cohn, and most congressional republicans, advised against it, warning the move could spark a trade war, but he could not change the president s mind. In a statement today, cohn said, it has been an honor to serve my country and enact progrowth economic policies to benefit the american people. I am grateful to the president for giving me this opportunity. Glor and so, nancy, how is the white house reacting tonight . Reporter well, theyve released a statement from the president thanking cohn, calling him a rare talent. But this is a blow, jeff. As recently as last friday, the White House Press secretary Sarah Sanders was insisting to reporters that cohn would not be stepping down over the president s surprise move on tariffs. Glor all right, nancy cordes, thank you very much. And now to what could be a Major Development with north korea. Kim jongun is reportedly ready to open talks with the u. S. About scrapping his nuclear arsenal. This report comes from a south korean delegation just back from talks. Major garrett is at the white house with more on this. Major. Reporter jeff, good evening. Top officials from south korea and japan are expected in washington by weeks end to discuss possible negotiations. Now, the white house will not say if the president is open to direct talks with north korea, but that possibility, fanciful mere months ago, now appears real. One way or the other, we have to do something. We cannot let that situation fester. We cannot let it happen. Reporter in an Oval Office Meeting with the swedish prime minister, President Trump expressed cautious optimism about north koreas apparent willingness to negotiate. Do you believe the north koreans are prepared to give up Nuclear Weapons . Were going to see. Were going to see. They seem to be acting positively. I think that their statement and the statements coming out of south korea and north korea have been very positive. That would be a great thing for the world, great thing for the world. So well see how it all comes about. Reporter you sound more optimistic about this situation. Id like to be optimistic, but i think maybe this has gone further than anyones taken it before. Hopefully, well go in the very, very peaceful, beautiful path. Were prepared to go whichever path is necessary. Reporter following a meeting in pyeongyang, between north Korean Leader kim jongun, and south korea officials, south korea said in a statement the the north expressed its willingness to hold a heartfelt dialogue with the United States on the issue of denuclearization and normalizing relations. The statement also said the north would halt its Nuclear Program while negotiations were ongoing. Later, at a press conference, the president was asked why kim jongun may have had a change of heart . Me. No, i think that nobody got that. I think that they are sincere, but i think theyre sincere, also, because the sanctions and what were doing with respect to north korea, including, you know, the great help that weve been given from china and they can do more. But the sanctions have been very, very strong and very biting. Reporter tough sanctions aside, its been mr. Trumps tough rhetoric that have helped stoke fears of a conflict on the korean peninsula. They will be met with fire and fury. Rocket man is on a Suicide Mission for himself. Reporter ian bremmer is president of the Eurasia Group and a cbs news consultant. On north korea theres no question that trump has moved the needle from beijing, and therefore, now, from pyeongyang, in a way that neither of the previous administrations democratic, or republican, have been able to do. Glor major, on capitol hill today, the director of National Intelligence did say we have seen this movie before. What did dan coats mean by that . Reporter what he meant is for u. S. President s, the problem hasnt been negotiating with with north korea or reaching agreements. Its been north korea ignoring those agreements, and then advancing its pursuit of Nuclear Weapons, and now accelerating its pursuit of Ballistic Missile technology, and thats why, jeff, the u. S. Said today it will continue with planned joint military exercises with south korea in a couple, three weeks. Glor major garrett, thank you very much. And now to margaret brennan, our Senior Foreign Affairs correspondent and moderator of face the nation. Margaret, theres a lot of skepticism about what the north koreans are saying now via the south koreans. What is the significance here . Reporter well, jeff, this is the clearest diplomatic outreach we have seen so far, and it would be significant if north korea offered to go beyond a freeze its program, and then actually offered give up some of its arsenal or, say, wind down its missile program. But so far, the u. S. Has not seen a sign that the north koreans have paused their development. So the Administration Remains skeptical, not only because the north has a pattern of breaking past agreements, but also because they question whether u. S. Ally south korea may be overeager for the u. S. To begin these talks. Glor in the past as you know the north has used talks a cover to advance its weapons program. Is there anything the u. S. Do in this case to prevent that this time . Reporter thats what the u. S. Position so far is diplomacy is not cost free. The Trump Administration plans to continue to tighten sanctions, target them to cut off fuel other and resources that power north koreas weapons program. They will not simply lift sanctions as a reward for talking. The hope is to avoid having north korea use the cover of negotiations while they continue their weapons program. Glor margaret brennan, thanks. The northeast is bracing for round two tonight, a second major storm in four days. Heavy snow, rain, and wind will move in overnight. Amtrak has cut back service, and airlines are waving change fees. More than 150,000 homes and businesses are still without power from the last storm. Demarco morgan is on the massachusetts coast tonight. Reporter this storm footage shows the coastal homes at risk after last weeks fourday noreaster left a gaping hole in the seawall. All that happened within two hours. Reporter Robyn Chiminiello moved here 35 years ago with her late husband. Its devastating, you know. And theres nothing you can do. Reporter more than 300 homes along the coast are in danger of being washed away with a seawall built in 1954 as their last defense. I think this is a reminder of how powerful the sea is. Reporter duxbury fire captain rob reardon we had four high tide cycles that were tremendous, caused a tremendous amount of flooding around us, all the way through these neighborhoods and up the coast. Reporter as you can see here behind he there are huge chunks of concrete missing from the seawall up and down the coast. Now theres a race against time before the next storm arrives. Excavators have been working overtime to try and stop the water from gushing in. Just take a look at this water mark right here. You can see just how high the floodwaters were earlier this afternoon. Now they have gone down dramatically, again, as residents here brace for round two. Jeff. Glor Demarco Morgan in marshfield, mass. Demarco, thanks. Meteorologist eric fisher is following this storm. Eric, this storm is different. How bad is it and whats the timing . Well, this storm is not quite as potent as what we saw last week, but if we didnt have last week, we could consider it, certainly, a major noreaster. Just getting developed near the coastline tonight. Major storm warnings out from philadelphia across all the interior section of new england, as well as new york state and some of the same places that saw big snow last week will see big snow again with this storm system. That rainsnow line will be right around the i95 corridor as it races off to the north and east throughout the day tomorrow. Our biggest snow amounts will be just outside of 95, and we could see a couple of feet of snowfall again in new york state, some of those towns five feet of snow in five days. We zoom in a little closer, take a look at some of the cities new york city on the edge, 48 inches. 510 in hartford. 48 in philadelphia. Boston 13, the snow line just west of the city. Were going to see strong winds, and again not quite as intense as last week, but, jeff, as we saw a lot of those seawalls so damaged it wont take as much wind to have an almost equal impact with this storm. Glor amazing to think about five feet of snow in five days. Thank you, eric fisher. New numbers out today show americas Opioid Crisis is getting worse. In 45 states, emergency room visits for opioid overdoses rose 30 in a year. Dean reynolds has more on this. Reporter according to the centers for Disease Control the nation is in the grip of a fast moving epidemic for which there are no easy solutions. Illinois is one of the hardest hit states with nearly a 66 increase in suspected opioid overdose visits to the e. R. Last year. Dr. Tom scaletta is an Emergency Room Physician in naperville, illinois, where they treated 500 opioiddependent patients last year. You see the carfentanil, and fentanyl, as well as heroin and. Yep, we see a little bit of everything. Reporter increases in other states across the nation are even more alarming. Wisconsin up 108 . Pennsylvania, 80 . Delaware, almost 105 in suspected overdoses treated in Emergency Rooms. Dr. Anne schuchat is acting director of the c. D. C. We have seen increases in every geographic region, increases in men and women, increases in all adult age groups. You can hear me . Reporter according to the c. D. C. , overdoses kill about five people every hour across the u. S. The potency and toxicity of whats on the street is very high right now. And so we think there probably is not an increase in people using drugs, but theres an increase in the danger associated with a single use. Reporter aaron winier is the director of Addiction Services at lindon oaks behavioral health. We know that up to 90 of people will relapse in the first year. Going through rehab, its a very difficult problem, and particularly for opioids. The biological pull is very strong. Reporter do you expect it to get worse . I hope not. Reporter but there is little sign that the Opioid Epidemic slowing down. And Emergency Rooms across the country are bracing for a night of frantic efforts to keep the victims alive. Jeff. Glor Dean Reynolds tonight, thank you. Up next here, cbs news investigates how children are involved in dangerous mining for a key component in smartphones, electric cars and laptops. And later, the mayor of a major city resigns after an affair with her body guard. Uard. And now theres a new way to smooth. Introducing new venus platinum. A premium metal handle boosts control. To reveal up to 100 smooth skin. Venus hey, hi. You look good. Thank you, i feel good. It all starts with eating right. Thats why i eat amazin prunes now. Theyre delicious and help keep my body in balance. I love these. Sunsweet amazin prunes, the feel good fruit. Ive always wanted to share a special moment with my mom. I think surprising her with a night ski trip would just be the biggest gift i could give her. Lets make that happen. Shes gonna be so excited. Take me where i want to be. Let me dream, oh, let me dream. But he hasoke up wwork to do. In. So he took aleve. If hed taken tylenol, hed be stopping for more pills right now. Only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. Aleve. All day strong. Per roll bounty is more absorbent, so the roll can last 50 longer than the leading ordinary brand. So you get more life per roll. Bounty the quicker picker upper. Glor it is possible your cell phone or laptop is powered by child labor. Tonight, cbs news investigates the mining of cobalt used in many lithiumion batters. More than half the worlds cobalt come from the democratic republic of congo, and 20 of the cobalt there is mined by hand, often by young children. Debora patta saw the dangerous conditions firsthand. Reporter ziki swaze has never been to school. He has no idea how to read or write, but he is an expert in washing cobalt. My parents are dead, he told us, and i stay with my grandma. So you need to make money for your granny . Yes. Reporter there are thousands more children like 11yearold ziki. Barely 10 years old, these kids lug heavy sacks of cobalt to be washed in rivers. And even those too young to work spend much of their day breathing in toxic fumes. Officials make a big show of chasing children away saying nobody under 18 is allowed to work here, but, clearly, that is not the case. We asked these companies whether childmined cobalt is being used in their products. All acknowledged problems with the supply chain, but say they require their suppliers to follow responsible sourcing guidelines, but our investigation shows just how complicated it is to trace childmined cobalt. Leaving the mines, sacks are already mixed up without labels. The childrens cobalt is brought here to this market where it is bought by a Chinese Company for extremely low prices. Our team went back later with a hidden camera to see if buyers checked for childmined cobalt. When we offered to sell a truckload of the mineral, nobody asked us who mined the cobalt. This man told us that the chinese traders here bought all the cobalt and sold it mainly to Congo Dongfang mining, owned by a Global Chinese giant. The company said they no longer buy from that market and have a Detailed Program to eliminate child labor from their supply chain. But for children like ziki swaze, nothing has changed. Every evening, he returns home clutching the dollar or two he has earned at the mine. Before you go to sleep, that moment before you fall asleep, what do you think about . School, he answers simply, just a dream for this child. Debora patta, cbs news, democratic republic of congo. Glor when we come back here tonight, these teachers have something to celebrate. So why accept it from your allergy pills . Most pills dont finish the job because they dont relieve nasal congestion. Flonase allergy relief is different. Flonase relieves sneezing, itchy, watery eyes and a runny nose, plus nasal congestion, which pills dont. Flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. Most pills only block one. And 6 is greater than 1. Start your day with flonase for more complete allergy relief. Flonase. This changes everything. What are the ingredients is it the places you go . The things you own . Or the people that fill it with meaning . For 150 years, generations of families have chosen pacific life for retirement and Life Insurance solutions. Protecting whats most important to you. 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Seresto gives your dog 8 continuous months of flea and tick protection in an easytouse, nongreasy collar. Seresto, seresto, seresto oh no, jake. Seresto. 8month. Seresto, seresto, seresto glor most Public Schools will be open in West Virginia tomorrow. Teachers are ending their strike and getting a raise. Meg oliver was at the State Capitol when the word came down. cheers reporter the standoff is over between teachers and lawmakers in West Virginia. After a nineday strike, they reached a deal for a 5 pay increase for all state employees, not just striking teachers. As you can see, hundreds of teachers are celebrating in charleston. After nine days and 277,000 students left at home, this strike has motivated other teachers across the country to follow suit. Oklahoma teachers could strike as early as next month. Jeff. Glor meg oliver in the middle of the celebration. Meg, thank you. The mayor of nashville resigned today and pleaded guilty to felony theft. This is her mug shot. Megan barry was a rising star in the democratic party. But in january, she admitted to an affair with the former head of her security detail. All the while he was racking up overtime. Both have agreed to pay tens of thousands back to the city. Its fantastic glor 50 years after the film Chitty Chitty bang bang, the flying car has arrived in real life. This is the palv liberty making its debut today at the geneva auto show. It can be driven on streets as a car or a rotor and propeller can be unfolded so it can fly like a gyrocopter with a top speed of 112 miles an hour. They are available next year with a base model Sticker Price of 400,000, theyll be flying out of showrooms, or not. Up next here, chip reid tours the haunted haunts of americas tenth president. Glor now some fun facts about john tyler. He was the latter half of a Famous Campaign slogan. The first Vice President elevated to the presidency on the death of the chief executive. The first president to marry in the white house in 1844. And 174 years later, two of his grandchildren are still around. Chip reid met one of them. Reporter hi, mr. Tyler. 89yearold Harrison Ruffin tyler is the grandson of u. S. President john tyler, who was born in 1790. Yes, you heard that right just three generations, president tyler, his son lyon tyler, and grandson harrison span almost the entire history of the United States. But im still here. laughs reporter we met harrison and his son, william, at president tylers virginia estate. When you tell people that you are the greatgrandson, and your father is the grandson of the tenth president of the United States, do they find it hard to believe . I find it hard to believe. I think it has to do with second wives. Reporter much younger second wives. Heres how it happened john tyler became president in 1841. He had eight children with his first wife, who died while he was in office. At 52 he married 22yearold julia gardner. They had seven children fair total of 15, the most of any president. He was 63 when son, lyon tyler, was born, whose first wife also died. Lyon, too, had a very young second wife. He was 75 when Harrison Tyler was born. The Sherwood Forest plantation was renovated with young julia in mind. This was the ball room. John tylers wife was 30 years his younger and she liked to party. Reporter liked to party. Yeah, and this was designed for the virginia reel. cheers reporter which was all the rage at the time. William says the house is haunted. That is the ghost. Its amazing. You can see the curls coming down, and a bonnet on top of her head. Its clearly a young girl. Theres no doubt. Reporter the ghostly image remained even after being painted over. President tylers biggest accomplishment was the annexation of texas, but political ambition does not run in the family. You never thought of running for president yourself . Nope. Reporter you wouldnt want that job . Nope. Reporter would you want that job . No. I know better. laughs reporter instead of making history, they prefer to preserve it. Chip reid, cbs news, charles city, virginia. Glor that is an amazing story. Nice job, chip reid. Im jeff glor. The news continues now on cbsn. Have a good night. Well see you tomorrow. Learned. The trump adminstration is suing california over its santuary city policies. The paperwork is being filed right now in federal court in sacramento. Thats where us attorney ge our top story, breaking news tonight, kpix5 has learned the Trump Administration is suing california over its sanctuary city policy. The paperwork has been filed in federal court in sacramento. Jeff sessions will make the announcement tomorrow. Elizabeth cook is giving us details. The Justice Department is suing the state of california, governor jerry brown and attorney general Javier Becerra for interfering with immigration activities. We are getting no help from the state of california. The lawsuit brings the Trump Administration spewed with california to a new level. It will be filed in federal court in sacramento. The suit seeks to prevent california from implementing three state laws. The department of justice alleges intentionally obstructs and discriminates against the enforcement of federal immigration laws. The doj alleges that the laws in question are preempted by federal law. And violate the supremacy clause of the constitution. The feds are targeting bill for 50. They alleged that the law prohibits private employers from voluntarily cooperating with federal immigration officials. Also senate bill 54 the administration believes that this restricts state and local Law Enforcement from voluntarily providing information to federal immigration authorities about the relief state of removable criminal aliens who are in the custody. And Assembly Bill 103, allegedly imposing a state run inspection and reviews scheme of the federal detention aliens held in priscilla and facilities pursuant to

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