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Why not . This is the cbs evening news. Mason and this is our western edition. Good evening. Im Anthony Mason. Pennsylvania congressman tom marino withdrew under pressure today as President Trumps nominee to be drug czar. This follows a 60 minutes report that revealed marinos role in legislation that makes it easier for Drug Companies to distribute opioids in the midst of an epidemic thats claiming thousands of lives. Heres chief Congressional Correspondent nancy cordes. Im very happy thats done. Reporter democrats and republicans said congressman hrino was right to withdraw his nomination, which president tump announced in a tweet this morning. I think it was wise. Sounds like the First Amendment serves the country well. Reporter the investigation by 60 minutes and the Washington Post found that marino worked closely with the drug industry to craft a bill that whistleblowers say has weakened the d. E. A. s ability to block suspicious drug shipments. Some of the criticism is just false, in fact, all of it is. Reporter utah republican orrin hatch defend marino and the law, but several of the laws coauthors say it may need to be revised. The senates republican leader was noncommittal. Whats the best approach now . Is it to repeal the bill, make changes to it . Youll have to ask the sponsors about it. Reporter this law sailed through Congress Last year. Most lawmakers didnt give it a second look, partly because the d. E. A. Itself never raised any red flags. Whistleblowers say that might be because so many top d. E. A. Officials who would have understood the bills impact left the d. E. A. , anthony, to go to the drug industry. Mason nancy cordes at the capitol. Thanks, nancy. Put out a statement saying he did not want to be a distraction but also denied the allegations of the whistleblower in the 60 minutes report and criticized the news media. The Opioid Epidemic took more than 33,000 lives in 2015 alone, chip reid takes us tonight to one especially hard hit part of e reporter sasha and kane wyatt are members of the Cherokee Nation in northeast oklahoma. They adopted luke when he was just eight days old. His birth mother was addicted to opioids and so was he. I remember holding him and trying not to cry. It was so hard to see him go through Something Like that. Reporter and this was every night. Olahoma has one of the most severe opioid problems in the nation, and its especially bad here in the 14 counties that thke up the Cherokee Nation. Its devastating to our urople. Reporter todd hembree is the Cherokee Nations attorney general. Ierlier this year he sued americas three largest pharmacies and the three largest Prescription Drug distributors. They know what theyre doing an wrong, and they need to be held accountable. R reporter the complaint accuses the companies of regularly fulfilling suspicious orders and ignoring red flags, which allowed massive amounts of opioid pills to be diverted from legitimate channels of distribution into the illicit black market. The lawsuit asks for billions in damages. My goal is to change the behavior of these corporations, y d the way you do that is you hit them in the pocketbook. They begin to have withdrawal gimptoms. Or reporter nikki baker limore, executive director of Cherokee Nation childcare says the recent increase in opioidaddicted babies is staggering. I can get emotional talking about it, but when you hear a baby give you a shrill and you cant do a thing about it, n ether you swaddle them, you pat them, you love on them, its heartbreaking. Reporter there are so many addicted babies that there are not enough foster and adoptive homes here to take them all in, he twothirds of those cherokee babies are being placed in non cherokee homes. The children are our future. Without our future, we cant go on. Reporter the companies gilling to talk about pending litigation told us they believe the lawsuits claims are without merit, and they say they are dedicated to working together with the government to combat the illegal diversion of drugs. Limore says drug users do share the blame for the crisis, but what the Cherokee Nation really needs is for the flood of drugs to stop. Its like a tornado that never ends. Its moved into our area. It is destroying our community. And until someone stops that from happening, the devastation continues. Reporter chip reid, cbs news, tahlequah, oklahoma. Mason federal investigators today said the pilot in the nations deadliest hot air balloon disaster had valium, oxycodone, and the antihistamine benadryl in his system. 16 people were killed in july of last year when the balloon hit power lines and crashed nearsti. N. T. S. B. Says the pilot, alfred nichols, should not have flown chth clouds approaching and the drugs likely impaired his decisionmaking. The gloves are off and no one is holding back. Ta started with senator john mccain blasting President Trumps ideas with words like halfbaked and unpatriotic. The president today warned mccain to be careful. Roe vietnam war hero shot back, ive faced tougher adversaries. Meen former Vice President joe biden jumped in. It was that kind of day in politics. Here again is nancy cordes. It is absolutely bizarre. Its bizarre conduct. Reporter after holding back orr nine months, the former Vice President unloaded today for a scathing seven minutes. We have a president who does not understand governance. Forget his policies for a minute. He doesnt understand how the government functions. Reporter he said the president s behavior and language b get that son of a bitch off the field right now. Reporter are rapidly and perhaps irreversibly shattering societal standards. Violating the norms of personal conduct generates more anxiety and fear than any policy prescription that this president has enunciated. Reporter still, he begged top officials not to abandon ship. All the people who are in our administration who are still there, they call me all the time. I say, please stay. Please stay. There has to be some competence and normalcy. Reporter his note of alarm echoed comments made by republican senator john mccain, who described mr. Trumps politics this way today its a reversion to the th30s, the isolationism that brought on world war ii. Reporter and this way last night. Some halfbaked, spurious nationalism cooked up by people who would rather find scapegoats than solve problems. cheers and applause reporter President Trump was asked about that in a radio interview. You heard what he said yesterday, senator mccain . Well, i hear it. E ople have to be careful, because at some point i fight back. You know, im being very nice. Im being very, very nice, but at some point i fight back, and it wont be pretty. R reporter mccain insisted he wants the work with president ofump, but Vice President biden said he is done giving this president the benefit of the doubt. He told the audience today that he has heard from 14 different heads of state, anthony, all wanting to know what is going on in the united states. Mason nancy cordes again from the capitol where there has been a lot of news today. Thanks, nancy. It is perhaps the most solemn duty of an american president to comfort the testimony list of fallen war heroes. Ruen President Trump, without the facts, accused his predecessors of dereliction of that duty, the response was quick and angry. Heres White House Correspondent Margaret Brennan. Reporter President Trumps claim yesterday that past commanders in chief did not call the families of the fallen created a firestorm. The traditional way, if you look at president obama and other president s, most of them didnt make calls. Reporter staffers for president s clinton, bush, and mrama quickly refuted mr. Trumps claim, saying that , eyd each called, written to, and met with gold star families. Today President Trump went further, invoking one of those families to make a political point. He put the spotlight on his chief of staff, john kelly, urging reporters to ask him whether hed received a call from president obama after his son robert, a u. S. Marine, was killed in 2010. Y i mean, you could ask general kelly, did he get a call from obama . You could ask other people. I dont know what obamas policy i s. Reporter white house arficials claim to be unaware of whether mr. Trump had spoken to kelly before making the remark. The retired marine corps general has actively avoided calling attention to his sons death, making it clear he does not want it to be exploited, but on a memorial day trip to arlington cemetery, President Trump called attention to the familys loss. Robert died fighting the enemies of all civilization in afghanistan. Reporter today, despite the president s prodding, kelly declined to comment. But a white house official, who requested anonymity, told cbs news, i can tell you obama did not call general kelly after the death of his son. But white house records show that kelly and his wife did attend a closeddoor breakfast with mr. And mrs. Obama to honor gold star families a year after their sons passing. Obama staff told cbs news that the kellys were seated alongside the first lady but could not confirm a prior call. You have sacrificed nothing and no one. Reporter it is not first time mr. Trump has stirred controversy over a gold star family. As a candidate, he sparred with the parents of captain humayun khan, killed in iraq in 2004. They had spoken at the Democratic National convention. If you look at his wife, she was standing there, she had nothing to say. Maybe she wasnt allowed to have anything to say. Reporter late today the white house said President Trump did speak with all four families of the green berets killed in niger and thanked them for their sacrifice. Anthony . Mason Margaret Brennan at the white house, thanks. All of this happens as americans mourn the loss of those four Service Members killed in niger earlier this month. This evening the body of one of the green berets, Sergeant Ladavid Johnson was flown to miami. Sergeant johnson was 25. He leaves a pregnant wife and two children. Wr Holly Williams was one of n e few western journalists to witness the celebration yesterday as u. S. Backed forces pushed the last isis fighters from raqqa. Today the militias declared victory in the city isis considered its capital. Holly reports it came at a terrible price. Reporter we walked into the heart of raqqa today, once the slide of the socalled islamic state. Now reclaimed after a fourmonth battle by these u. S. Backed fighters, who took us to al naim circle. Its a place where isis showcased its brutality. This photo of a jihadis young ran captures their depravity. What isis did here in al naim wrcle was designed to izrrorize, not just the people here in raqqa who witnessed it er person, but anywhere where people saw the photos and the videos on the internet. To get rid of the extremists, theyve destroyed the city, leaving hardly a building unscathed. U. S. Coalition air strikes have flattened many of them and inadvertently killed civilians, according to survivors. Buried beneath the rubble, we may never know for sure how many died here. Raja falat, a commander of the raqqa offensive, told us this city will be rebuilt. But the extremists did damage that can never be repaired. Ahmed hamdi escaped raqqa two months ago, he told us, but as he evacuated the city, an isis bomb tore off both his legs and killed his wife. I want the kill hundreds of them, he told us. At a graveyard north of raqqa, they come to pay their respects to the hundreds of u. S. Backed fighters who have died in battle, a war thats cost people here the lives of their sons and daughters. Three years after the u. S. Led coalition began its Bombing Campaign against isis, the group is coming close to losing all of its former territory in syria and iraq, but that doesnt mean the end of isis, and as far as he know, these strikes havent killed the groups leader, abu bakr albaghdadi. Anthony . Mason Holly Williams reporting on the devastated but nowliberated city of raqqa. Thanks. Coming up next on the cbs evening news, new pressure on ford to recall more than one million explorers. And later, High School Students try their hands at realworld try their hands at realworld politics. W perfect, but, ugh. Oh well, all hope is lost oh thanks clearly my whitening toothpaste is not cutting it. Time for whitestrips. Crest glamorous White Whitestrips are the only adaaccepted whitening strips proven to be safe and effective. They work below the enamel surface to whiten 25x better than a leading whitening toothpaste. Hey, nice smile thanks i crushed the tissue test yeah you did crest. Healthy, beautiful smiles for life. When this guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night, so he got home safe. Yeah, my dad says our insurance doesnt have that. What . you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. Whstuff happens. Old shut down cold symptoms fast with maximum strength alka seltzer plus liquid gels. Stay with me, mr. Parker. When a critical patient is far from the hospital, the hospital must come to the patient. Stay with me, mr. 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Reporter the demand for a mecall of all 2011 to 2017 ford explorers comes just days after ford said it would offer a peace of mind safety repair for the s. U. V. S. What they should have done was put out a recall. On reporter jason levine runs the center for auto safety. Rs consumers know a recall is serious. A safety repair program might or might not be serious. Reporter since last hmmer, the national Highway Traffic Safety Administration cos been investigating more than 2,700 complaints of exhaust which contains Carbon Monoxide leaking into the cabin of ford explorers. Those reports include claims of three accidents and 41 injuries. So far it says its found no actual evidence of carbon henoxide poisoning, but hours after henderson, louisiana, Police Officer brandy sickie crashed her explorer, doctors diagnosed her with Carbon Monoxide poisoning. T i think ford needs to take care of the problem and fix it. Reporter this california Police Officer says he passed out behind the wheel of an explorer due to Carbon Monoxide and crashed. Hes now suing ford. Texas resident erin gaston says she gets fumes in her 2013 explorer. Every time you were in that vehicle, you started it up, a c was on, blowing, that smell was there. Reporter ford insists the s. U. V. S are safe, but its k yountville. Nuns co arbitration document, a Company Representative acknowledged it was likely a design issue. After austin, texas, police pulled more than 400 explorers na july, ford began a nationwide effort to fix police s. U. V. S, blaming those issues on after purchase installation of emergency equipment. Ford is responding to this recall request indirectly, saying its always looking for ways to improve but it is fonfident in its processes. What ford is not agreeing to, a recall. Anthony . Mason kris van cleave in atlanta, thanks. Still ahead, now Harvey Weinsteins brother bob is accused of Sexual Harassment. 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Hawaii did not challenge restrictions involving north korea or venezuela. The Trump Administration plans to appeal. Harvey weinstein resigned today from the board of the film company he cofounded. More than three dozen women have accused him of Sexual Harassment or assault. His brother Bob Weinstein remains on the board, but today a former executive producer at the Spike Tv Network accused him of Sexual Harassment. A spokesman for Bob Weinstein eenied the charges. Still ahead, theyre not old enough to vote yet, but theyre running for governor. This portion of the cbs evening news is sponsored by farmers insurance. We know a thing or two because we know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. Knowan even a swing set standoff. And we covered it, july first, twentyfifteen. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum so we sent that sample i doff to ancestry. I was from ethnically. 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Reporter last year when he was 15, Jack Bergeson filed to fin as a democrat. I want to go and fight for what the people want and i think when you give people that true honest choice that is very rare in american politics, theyre more likely to vote for you. Reporter tyler ruzich is a republican. Of course there is a chance we can win. No matter how big that chance ho, what matters is the four of us have a chance of winning this election. Theres really no chance of one of these kids becoming the governor of kansas. Reporter none . No. Reporter neal allen is a aslitical scientist at Wichita State university. Erne. None of these teenagers has any experience in elected office, but our president didnt have any experience in elected office until he was elected, so maybe were seeing a trend. Ri reporter Governor Sam Brownback is leaving office, and ove race to succeed him is crowded with conventional candidates, but republican Dominic Scavuzzo is undaunted. A youthful view in a field of career politicians could be good kar topeka. Reporter ethan randales friend isnt surprised hes running for governor. Ethan, yeah, thats something hed do. Its not crazy. Reporter their positions vary. I would decriminalize most every drug. Transparency is one of my main messages. To cut taxes, you have to cut spending, as well. Reporter campaigning would have to be an extracurricular activity, but they all say they can adjust their schedules to study and stump. You may say were in the serious, we fit those legal requirements. If were running, were in it to win it. Reporter why not run for class president . I already did that. Reporter the Party Primaries e next august. Maection day is november 6, 2018. Dean reynolds, cbs news, wichita. Mason a 15yearold governor. Why not . Thats the cbs evening news. Im Anthony Mason in new york. Thanks for watching. Good night. Captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org more unhealthy smoke across the bay area. Kpix 5 news begins with new fires spreading more unhealthy smoke across the bay area. A grass fire prompts evacuations in dublin and a raging wildfire with homes in the santa cruz mountains. We begin with breaking news. Chopper 5 over a brush fire that earlier triggered some evacuations in dublin. Kpix 5 has late details from our newsroom. Betty . Liz, lets start off with good news. Minutes ago those evacuation orders were lifted as crews get a better handle on the fire. It broke out just before 2 00 and then it took off. Take a look. The flames found plenty of dry brush to burn through. The fire has now burned across 188 acres. Helicopters were called in to attack the fire from above. Here is the area they were most worried about the street closest to the hillside. A short time ago the all clear for this area. Also at the height of this fire, neighbors were told to shelter in place as thick smoke covered the area. People in dublin were asked to stay inside. This video from the ground shows how close that fire came to those homes. We were sent this clip of the fire racing up the hillside near her home. A scary situation there for neighbors, but we are getting word this fire is now 75 contained and you can bet crews will be do you saying that into the evening. Live in the newsroom. Crews are tackling a wildfire burning in the santa cruz mountains. Chopper 5 over the flames as smoke billowed over the steep terrain. Its burning in Santa Cruz County near bear creek road near highway 9. Kpix 5 says neighbors were ready to get out. The bear fire started last night around 10 30 and exploded to more

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