It was so moving, it was very powerful. This is the cbs evening news. Quijano good evening, im Elaine Quijano. This is our western edition. Much of california is on fire tonight, or at risk of going up in flames. Red flag warnings meaning conditions are ripe for wildfires are up all over the state. More than 20 major fires are burning. 15 of them started in just the past 24 hours. And they are moving quickly, fueled by strong winds. They have already burned more than 70,000 acres, destroyed 1,500 homes and commercial buildings and forced 20,000 people to evacuate. Heres mireya villarreal. Reporter in Southern California this afternoon several hillside homes went up in flames pushed by strong santa ana winds. Firefighters are making a desperate stand to save others that are burning. It is just one of several wildfires that is overwhelming the state. The worst in northern californias wine country which broke out late last night, home after home completely engulfed. Some burning to the ground before firefighters could even arrive. I just saw flames up on the hill behind my house. Reporter the fire was fanned by nearly 50 mile per hour winds and raged through several towns in napa and sonoma counties. It was well after midnight when many homeowners got the urgent call. They had just minutes to get out. I want to evacuate. Reporter patients from two hospitals were also evacuated as flames grew close. And this is what Alyssa Ogorman saw as she fled her home in calistoga. It is just my neighborhood in flames, completely in flames. Reporter by day break the extent of the damage became painfully clear. Entire neighborhoods overrun, little left but the smoldering remains of hundreds of homes, block after block reduced to rubble. Today as the fire kept growing, it threatened even more communities. Residents like david rojedas tried to salvage whatever co, just seconds after he fled, his home caught fire. Yet another total loss. Ten deaths are attributed to the wildfires in california. In santa rosa, several buildings and houses are on fire. When we turned the corner, this building fully engulfed in flames. Firefighter say their resources are spread thin but the winds should die down overnight helping them get a handle on the fires. Elaine. Dangerous situation, thank quijano dangerous situation, mireya, thank you. In las vegas today people who survived the massacre began retrieving the personal items they dropped as they ran for their lives. And the sheriff gave us an update on the investigation of the shooting that left 58 dead and nearly 500 wounded. Jamie yuccas is in las vegas. Reporter las vegas sheriff Joseph Lombardo said today the shooter Stephen Paddock shot Hotel Security guard jesus campos before he started his assault. He was injured prior to the mass volume of shooting. Reporter Stephen Paddock can be seen in 2011 incident at the Cosmopolitan Hotel where he slipped and fell and later failed a lawsuit against that hotel. For the first time we hear the gunman in his own words in a deposition obtained by cnn. Paddock said he gambled all night and slept all day. Sometimes wagering up to a Million Dollars a night at various nevada casinos. He took valium for anxiety. At one point he calls himself the biggest video poker player in the world. The 64 year old gunman has been described as quirky and a narcissist. Officials say that he meticulously planned the shooting. On 60 minutes Sergeant Joshua bitsko, officer david newton and detective Matthew Donaldson were the first to arrive on the 32nd floor using the stairwell. He had screwed shut the door with a piece of metal and some screws. In the stairwell, in the stairwell out to the hallway by his door. He knew we would be coming out that dr to gain entry into his door. So he tried to barricade it as best he could. Reporter weve also learned that Law Enforcement sources are looking into whether paddock practiced shooting just two days before the attack at an informal shooting site near mesquite, nevada, only 90 minutes from las vegas. Quijano jaime yuccas, thank you. President trump failed campaign to repeal and replace obamacare has shown he cant afford to lose a single republican vote if he is to get his agenda through congress. But that didnt stop him from picking a fight with a key member of his own party. Heres margaret brennan. A great friend of mine senator bob corker. Reporter President Trump and Tennessee Republican bob corker were once on friendlier terms but yesterday the president lashed out claiming the retiring senator had begged for his endorsement and did not have the guts to run for reelection. The president falsely said corker was responsible for the horrendous iran deal, corker shot back, it is a shame the white house has become an adult daycare center, someone obviously missed their shift this morning. That appeared to refer to chief of staff john kelly whom corker had praised for bringing order to the white house. Secretary tillerson, secretary mattis and chief of staff kelly are those people that help separate our country from chaos. Reporter the feud comes as the president is set to announce his new iran strategy and will need the buyin of corker, chair of the senate board relations committee. In a phone interview late yesterday with the new york times, corker said mr. Trump acts like he is on a reality show. We could be heading towards world war iii with the comments that he is making. Reporter corker added that the president had urged him not to retire. The senator has criticized mr. Trump before, particularly after he commented on white supremacist violence in charlottesville. The president has in the yet been able to demonstrate the stability or the competence that he needs to demonstrate. Reporter the Vice President defended President Trump today against what he called empty rhetoric and baseless attacks. But elaine, the Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell struck a very different tone calling corker a valuable team member who will be key in upcoming budget negotiations. Quijano margaret brennan, margaret, thank you. The head of the Environmental Protection agency declared today the war on coal is over. Scott pruitt told an audience in kentucky he plans to repeal an obamaera rule that limits Carbon Emissions from power plants that burn coal. China, on the other hand, is doing the opposite. Ben tracy reports coal is on the way out, solar power is coming in. Reporter on a farm in northern china they are planting a new crop. Nearly 200,000 solar panels in the heart of coal country. In the south, china just flipped a switch on the Worlds Largest floating solar installation. Built on top of a lake created by an abandoned coal mine. Projects like these help china double its solar capacity last year. It is now twice as big as the u. S. Capacity. Nearly half of all the new solar installations in the world are now happening here in china. And theyre doing it quickly. Greenpeace says they are installing the equivalent of a soccer field full of solar panels every hour of every day. We have 28 solar power plants in operation in china. And three more are under construction. Reporter maggie qiu is executive president of panda green energy. It has installed enough solar panels to power more than 40 million homes. Why are you building so many solar farms. We intend to bring the Better Future to our next generation by using such clean energy, reducing the air pollution. Thats the companys mission. Reporter its also the governments mission. Its spending hundreds of billions of dollars to subsidize Renewable Energy as china tries to wean itself off coal, still its dominant power source. And the reason for its notoriously toxic air. But china now produces two thirds of the worlds solar panels and has become a major competitor for the u. S. Solar industry which employs a quarter million american workers. Ben tracy, cbs news, datong, china. Quijano one of the most talked about plays during sunday football was sent in by President Trump executed by his Vice President. The president says he asked mike pence to leave the colts 49ers game in indianapolis if any players kneeled during the National Anthem. They did. And he did. Heres julianna goldman. Reporter more than a dozen San Francisco 49ers again took a knee prompting Vice President mike pence to leave after the National Anthem and immediately send tweets that seemed teed up for a hasty exit, even with prepared graphics like this. I stand with President Trump, i stand with our soldiers and i will always stand for our flag and our National Anthem. Simultaneously the president was tweeting that he asked mr. Pence to leave if any players kneeled. But there was hardly an if yesterday. N. F. L. Players protesting Racial Injustice by taking a knee originated with the 49ers former quarterback colin kaepernick, press traveling with the Vice President were kept in vans instead of accompanying him into the game as they normally would have if he were planning to stay. It appears that the entire trip to attend the game was designed in order for Vice President pence to walk out. Reporter critics like john woenderlich of the Sunlight Foundation say taxpayers bore the cost including at least 120,000 for air force 2, las vegas to indianapolis, to los angeles, but thats only a fraction. Secret Service Agents swept everyone at the stadium with magnetometers. Advanced teams needed hotel rooms and transportation. When there are issues so serious, it seems to strange for president ial attention and public funds to be used to weigh in on the actions of private citizens in the n. F. L. Reporter we spoke to one republican involved in past president ial travel who said this likely cost more than 1 million. The white house says mr. Pence had been planning to go to the game for weeks and claimed he actually saved flying costs by not going back to d. C. In between las vegas and l. A. , elaine. Quijano julianna goldman, julianna, thank you. U. S. Backed forces maybe just days away from victory in raqqa, the syrian city that isis considers its capitol. The terror group once ruled over large portions of iraq and syria, the areas in green. After three years of fierce battles, isis control has dwindled to the areas in red. Holly williams got a rare look inside raqqa. Reporter under the gate to raqqas old city the bodies of five dead isis fighters rot in the desert heat. They were killed a week ago according to these american backed militiamen, one of them still wearing a suicide belt. The stench of death is everywhere in raqqa, and so is fear. This is how you get to the front line, at breakneck speed to avoid isis snipers. There is this thud of u. S. Coalition air strikes. But we saw only sporadic fighting because isis with as few as 250 fighters remaining in the city is pinned down. Were about less than a hundred yards from the hospital. That is what is left of the main hospital and other buildings close by. And they have human shields. In this broken city, its thought there are still around 2,000 civilians. Americas allies on the ground are out for revenge. Many have lost family members to isis. And with them is an american volunteer, mike hogan from phoenix, arizona, who was a waiter before he came here six months ago. Have you killed any isis fighters during the action that you have seen . No, between you and me, im hoping to. I have had friends die here. I want to get even before i get out of here. Reporter theyve already retaken clock tower circle where isis acted out its perverted interpretation of islam. This place used to be a landmark in a peaceful city. Then isis turned it into a killing field. Hasan sherif is a taxi driver who just escaped from the city. He told us about the yazidi women, a religious minority captured by isis as sex slaves and auctioned off in the middle of the city. They would shout 100 for this one, he told us. They did it to terrify us, to show they could do it to us if we didnt obey them. There have been 75 u. S. Coalition air strikes in the last two days alone. According to a senior u. S. Official. Preparing the ground for a final assault on raqqa, elaine . Quijano Holly Williams in syria tonight, holly, thanks. Coming up next on the cbs evening news, once his biggest supporters, hollywood stars are condemning Harvey Weinstein. Supporters, ho6llywood stars are condemning Harvey Weinstein. Instein. Shut down cold symptoms fast with maximum strength alka seltzer plus liquid gels. Traders theyre always looking for advantages. The smart ones look to fidelity to find them. We give you research and datavisualization tools to help identify potential opportunities. So, you can do it this way. Or get everything you need to help capture investment ideas and make smarter trading decisions with fidelity for just 4. 95 per online u. S. Equity trade. Fidelity. Open an account today. Woman we demand a lot from our eyes every day. I should know. I have chronic dry eye caused by reduced tear production due to inflammation. So i use restasis multidose®. It helps me make more of my own tears, with continued use, twice a day, every day. Its also what i prescribe to my patients who have this condition. 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Jericka duncan spoke with a journalist who is speaking out about her encounter with weinstein a decade ago. The details are graphic. Here i was, a kind of young, local news anchor who was kind of desperate to be taken seriously at the time. Good evening, it is 7 00. In 2007, 28 year old lauren sivan was working on long island when she had a chance encounter with Harvey Weinstein at a dinner party. He asked me what i did. I told him i worked in news. Reporter she said that night weinstein asked her if she wanted to tour his new york city restaurant. She agreed. He was so warm and so friendly and so complimentary. I didnt get anything that read he was dangerous until we got downstairs. Reporter and what happened. He tried to kiss me. And i pushed him off, politely. And that is when he seemed to get angry or annoyed. And told me to just stand there and be quiet. He exposed himself, and he basically pleasured himself and when he finished, i said to him are we done here, can i leave . He said yes, lets both leave. And he walked me back through the kitchen and thats where i met up with a friend. And i got out of there. Reporter if he is listening right now, what would you want to say to him today. I hope that he knows that you cannot go around treating women the way you did for as long as you did, and never pay a price for it. You know. You reap what you sow. Reporter we reached out to weinsteins attorney multiple times and have not heard back. Sivan said the last time she heard from weinstein was the day after the dinner party. She claims weinstein called the tv station, asked her out on a date and elaine, she says she declined. Quijano disturbing allegation, jericka duncan, thank you. Coming up next, one mrs. Trump versus three mrs. Trump. Versus three mrs. Trump. Its having the confidence to create the future thats most meaningful to you. Its protection for generations of families, and 150 years of strength and stability. And when youre able to harness all of that, thats the power of pacific. Ask a Financial Advisor about pacific life. First, a couple of firsts, actually. A first lady feuding with a first wife. It started when ivana trump jokingly referred to herself as first lady. Melania trump took that as a shot from a first wifes club. She put out a statement calling ivana trumps remark self serving noise. That is two hits, two misses, if you are scoring, get it . Up next, the phone number and the hit song thats inspiring folks to call it. Inspiring1 folks to call. Ok due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. But no matter where i ride, i go for my best. So if theres Something Better than warfarin, ill go for that too. Eliquis. Eliquis reduced the risk of stroke better than warfarin, plus had less major bleeding than warfarin. Eliquis had both. Dont stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. 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Reporter a song about a desperate caller contemplating suicide is resonating with millions of listeners. I just want to die. Reporter and saving lives. Thats because the songs title 18002738255 is also the phone number for the National Suicide prevention lifeline. This is about so much more than entertainment. Reporter logic, a rapper and songwriter originally from gaithersburg, maryland, came up with the singles concept, a person in despair reaching out to the hotline for help. I just want to die. Reporter in an upcoming segment for cbs sunday morning, logic told us hes never thought about committing suicide but he has experienced first hand what its like to feel hopeless. You said that you struggled with anxiety. Yeah, for sure, 100 . I was in the worst place of my life. I was happily married and yet i was unhappy. Suicide Prevention Center crisis line. Reporter since the singles release back in april, calls are up 33 at Crisis Hotline Centers around the country. John draper is the director of lifeline. If you show people positively coping through suicidal moments, Researchers Show that that can actually save lives and reduce the suicide rate. My life dont even matter, i know it, i know deep down im hurting. Reporter lifelines call volume soared even higher after logics recent performance at the mtv video awards, he shared the stage with dozens of people personally affected by suicide, rosie chin was among them. Chins exboyfriend committed suicide two years ago and she struggled with thoughts of taking her own life. It was so moving. It was very powerful. He just couldnt stop crying. I just wanted them to know that they werent really alone. I want to be alive. Reporter michelle miller, cbs news, los angeles. Quijano powerful and important message. That is the cbs evening news, im Elaine Quijano in new york. Ill see you tonight on our streaming news network, cbsn. Good night. Captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org forcing tens of thousands to flee their homes. At least 10 people have been killed. Fast moving wildfires exploding across wine country forcing tens of thousands to flee their homes. At least 10 people have been killed and the firefight has just begun. At least 15 fires are burning out in control in napa, sonoma, mend even owe and lake counties incinerate mendocino and lake counties incinerating tens of thousands of acres so far. Allen martin is live at a Mobile Home Park thats been destroyed. Reporter ive been here all day, the journey zen Mobile Home Park and all of a sudden in the last 30 minutes or so its gotten eerily quiet. There was a lot of noise here all day. The High Pressure gas line was roaring. They extinguishes that about 30 minutes ago. The pg e crew successfully turned off the line, so theyve left. I dont hear any air support. I dont see any fire trucks moving along mendocino avenue. Its just very strange because when you look behind me 100 out of 160 of these mobile homes behind me are melted down to the frames and even the frames have melted in part, too. Everything people own, i see exercise equipment, washing machines, barbecues, trucks. I see some cars that somehow survived in the middle of all the ash and metal thats twisted and blackened and all of a sudden as gray as the sky is everything on the ground is kind of that same ashen color. Its either a dark brown, black or gray. Its just very sad. A few people have come in to try to go through their belongings to see what they can pull out of there that survived. Theyre coming out with maybe a handful, maybe a bagful of things. This is just one

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