Years violent eviction. But this time they are hoping for a more peaceful demonstration. Cbs 5 reporter cate caugiran live at Frank Ogawa Plaza now with how the city is preparing for todays protest. Cate. Reporter frank, michelle, we know that businesses in the area have actually started to board up their windows in anticipation of tonights activity because we know if things pan out like in the past, anything can happen. Lets look at video in last year. This day last year Oakland Police officers raided the encampment Getting National media attention. Protestors streamed the event live online. We saw hundreds of protestors clash with Oakland Police as they used tear gas to try and disperse the crowds. Today occupiers are vowing to take back the area. The spoke with an organizer who says all the events are peaceful today and maintain that occupy movements are always intended to be peaceful. Mayor quan says while they dont anticipate a big crowd the city is prepared for anything. We think pretty clear for the whole last year, no violence, no vandalism, no camping. We hope people if they want to have a peaceful demonstration, were ready to accommodate them. But were also ready to enforce the rules. Reporter occupy oakland organizers have been sending out messages through twitter telling people to bring tents, warm clothes and shields. The city sent out a note to local businesses asking them to stay open and they reassured them that they are prepared to offer them community support. Occupiers say they will be back at Frank Ogawa Plaza at 3 p. M. And after that they will have a Community Forum followed by a march tonight at 7 00 and whether or not it is peaceful has yet to be seen. Live in oakland, cate caugiran, cbs 5. Were hoping it doesnt get out of hand. Thanks, cate. A car crashed into a garage in San Francisco today causing a lot of damage but fortunately no injuries and you can see what a mess it was both to the car and the building there. This happened on the 3000 block of Market Street around 8 30 this morning. Roads shut down in that area while the crews worked on that scene. Other bay area news right now investigators returned to the site of that fatal plane crash today that killed two people in eastern Contra Costa County over the weekend. They are working now to identify the victims and determine the cause of the crash. So far, the early investigation indicates the plane was amateur built. A technician believes the plane may have stalled after it took off from the byron airport. Shots fired early today at a Police Officer in San Francisco. One suspect under arrest and two still at large. Police say at about 1 30 this morning, an undercover officer was driverring on highway 101 when he witnessed shots being fired from a moving car on bryant street, pulled over, dodged a bullet and captured a suspect. No injuries reported. With 12 days left the president ial candidates are hitting the battleground states hard from florida to ohio. They are campaigning around the clock for both sides. New polls show the president with a slight edge in ohio but romney leads in other polls according to a new a. P. Poll evening out the race when it comes to women. Obama once held a 16point advantage with women. Now polls put romney on top with women voters. I voted for him in 2008 and i plan to stick with him in 2012 and ill be voting for him and for Vice President joe biden next month. Former secretary of state colin powell says he is sticking with president obama in this years election. Powell said on cbs this morning that the president got the u. S. Out of iraq devised a plan for leaving afghanistan and did not get into any new wars. The retired general also praised mr. Obamas performance on the economy saying, quote, were gaining altitude. Rear in the final stages of a statewide argument over were in the final stages of a statewide argument over school funding. Prop 30 would raise taxes for education but passage is far from assured. Cbs 5 reporter anne makovec has more on whats at stake. Reporter in fact, the support for prop 30 has been waning over the past month. In the end, if californians dont agree to raise our own taxes, its schools like this that may pay the price. Its an either or, on or off. Either money into schools or money out of schools of. Reporter governor jerry brown sat down with cbs 5s phil matier this morning to discuss prop 30 the measure that would temporarily raise taxes on people earning more than 250,000 a year and increase the state sales tax by a quarter percent. 99 of the people wont pay this income tax. And what people will pay is a penny when they get a 4 capuccino. Reporter only 46 of registered voters support it a 9point drop and 42 oppose it according to a new uscl. A. Times poll. I think its good news. People are starting to pay attention. Reporter Howard Epstein is vice chair of the San Francisco Republican Party and isnt surprised by 30s waning support. Everybody is saying, oh, my god, they want to raise our taxes again. Reporter but if it doesnt pass, billions of dollars of trigger cuts are set to take effect. That means up to 6 billion taken from k through 12 education or about 3 weeks of school. Community colleges the uc system and cal state schools also stand to lose millions which means higher tuition, layoffs and fewer classes available. Arithmetic. Its money into the schools from those who are fabulously wealthy or money out of the schools. And i cant make it any simpler. Reporter epstein thinks the governor is crying wolf. They can go back to sacramento tomorrow and say, okay, were going to fully fund the schools and the poor folks and the seniors and so on, and maybe we wont pave some roads this year, maybe we wont spend billions of dollars on the high speed rail. Reporter the other tax measure on the ballot prop 38 is also losing right now at the polls promising to fund k12 education. Tax measures rarely do better at the and of a campaign. Anne makovec, cbs 5. The giants are beaming today thanks to a big win in last nights world series opener. I think were all beaming. They beat the tigers at at t park thanks to a big power surge from the panda. My ball into left. Back at the wall flyball into left, back at the wall, he homered again. Final score game 1, 83 giants. A record tying three home runs in the same game with Pablo Sandoval. Lincecum and barry zito looked good, too. Sandoval is trying to keep it all in perspective. To me i just going to dont thinking too much about it. I never play with anybody that can hit hardballs like he can with the authority he can. I dont think there are many that have ever played that can hit the ball as hard as he does when its not struck. Giants and tigers game 2 in the bestofseven series tonight in San Francisco. The giants will send Madison Bumgarner to the mound and the tigers will counter with doug fister. Still ahead, Major League Baseballs biggest names are in town taking time out to say thanks. Ill give you some of those names. How about will clark, Tommy Lasorda. We have all of these guys here today. Why theyre present here its going to make a profound difference at tonights game. Hi, im meteorologist Lawrence Karnow in the cbs 5 weather center. The skies just beginning to clear out now but we could see some temperatures heading into the 80s. Well tell you when coming up. Danger at daycare. What Scientists Say could cause cancer when we come back. ,, on your prepaid card . Introducing chase liquid. The reloadable card with no fee reloads and withdrawals at chase atms. All for one flat monthly fee so theres zero confusion. Get rid of prepaid problems. Win over detroit in game onf sandoval hits it into center. Back at the wall goodbye. 10. 20. Pablo sandoval crushed out three homers helping the giants to a win last night 83. Pablo sandoval he tied the alltime stat for three home runs in one world series game. The giants were helping out with military veterans today. Thats right, Roberta Gonzales is live at the va medical center. They got some special guests today. Roberta . Reporter on this cool autumn day everybody was inside warming things up. It was incredible to watch baseball commissioner bud selig, will clark the ceo of the San Francisco giants larry baer, and they decided that some of the biggest giants fans of all happen to be veterans of all eras. So they came today one on one, handshakes, meeting and greeting the people who fought for our country. They are going to have a special ceremony tonight for baseball veterans who served for the united states, Tommy Lasorda Jerry Coleman another big baseball legend and also going to have a show narrated by tom brokaw called the greatest generation, all this support, game 2 at at t park before first pitch a very special ceremony for a local veteran here in the bay area. So it was a marvelous day. Bud selig told us an interesting stat today. You know we have been talking about Pablo Sandoval making history last night with three home runs . Sure. He said nobody is talk about the fact he broke another record. He is the only one to do it in three atbats, three consecutive atbats. Three consecutive atbats or one, two, three, right out of the chute . Im not sure. One two three right out of the chute which would be consecutive. Is that Gaylord Perry hanging out with the kids, too . This is just Veterans Medical Center and people were lining up and they were so generous with their handshakes. If you want more information you can visit us online at cbssf. Com. Big spread on giants fever. Its awesome baseball time. We are still talking about baseball in the bay area at this time. Weather could be a factor but looks like things are settling down. We started out with a lot of sprinkles early on today. Hidef doppler though showing you things beginning to quiet down outside. The showers now headed eastward that was the storms last gasp before moving out of town. So we are drying out there. Still some lingering clouds outside and the temperatures a little cool out there. 55 degrees in concord. It is 56 in San Francisco. 60 degrees sunny skies into santa rosa. Breaking those clouds towards mount diablo area the clouds going to start to clear out toward the afternoon. And then mostly clear overnight tonight. And a gradual warmup as we head into the weekend. Could be a spectacular weekend ahead. So High Pressure now building in those showers coming to an end. This ridge will continue to amplify over the next couple of days. Some of these temperatures could be heading back into the 80s toward the weekend. Looks like some nice weather at least through the first part of the next week. But things still active. Getting late in the season but we have a hurricane out there. This is sandy and this could be a mean storm through cuba, now into the bahamas. A category 2 sustained winds of 105 miles an hour. But look at the latest track. This is still way out in the forecast period but it moves along the coastline eventually possibly making landfall near new england late next week near halloween. So going to have to watch it that closely as it comes onshore like that. A possible disaster. As we head toward the afternoon, skies clearing out around the bay area. Game time looking good. No threat of any rainfall at all. Temperatures today 60s and some 70s toward the afternoon hours. And then toward the next few days return of some 80s to the bay area as we head toward the weekend as High Pressure is going to be building in overhead. But heres something a little spooky. Yeah the next best chance of rain comes on halloween, guys. That would be terrible. All the kids in the costumes. Hope it doesnt happen. Back to you. I hope not. Up next, how the Space Shuttle endeavour. Why the plan for its grand new home isnt working out coming up. ,,,,,,,, california. Its formaldehyde. Which s considered a carcinogen undr state law. Uc berkeley stud forty Child Care Centers in alameda and monterey counti. It found formaldehyde in 35f those 40 centers to be above state stan formaldehyde is considered a carcinogen. Its been found in 35 of 40day care centers to be above state standards. Its found in furniture, glue, carpet, paints and fabric. He grew up with obstacles that could have got him in trouble but he beat the odds. Sharon chin reports he is working hard to help other young people strive for success. You at least knew you wanted to make a change. Reporter as a college freshman, 22yearold Patrick Hayes struggled with his future plans. He turned to Michael Parker for life changing counsel. You have to go out there and go do this for yourself. You have to go get it. He was like you have to have the eye of the tiger. Reporter Michael Parker founded the nonprofit lifeskills 411 in san pablo. I want other people to feel the joy that i felt when i discovered that i could actually be different than the road that i was on. I need you to grasp this. Reporter from this class on managing emotions to training and mentor ship programs lifeskills 411 introduces students to the corporate world teens through young adults who learn about finance, health, technology and careers can beat the odds. When in their own mind they have created and played out their future and they only see that future in one way, then they have been robbed. Reporter michael founded lifeskills six years ago after reflecting on his own success. He had been handpicked by toyotas president to leap on the fast track in management but didnt start out that way. He was a child with an uncertain future. I remember being at home in richmond in fear of my safety wondering how my mom was going to get over certain struggles she was having in an abusive relationship and being behind in my education. Reporter he credits his godparents for showing him he could create a better life. That was the beginning of an open door that a different Michael Parker could emerge. Reporter michael graduated from college and eventually became an entrepreneur. And now through his nonprofit, he is sharing the 411 of his success with students like patrick, who is now a lifeskills mentor and marketing employee. And 21yearold harrison is an auditor at kpmg accounting. As a result of lifeskills, i am more determined to achieve success and also determined to help others to achieve success. First is your instinct. Reporter lifeskills executive director terry fulton says michael has been mentoring students since they first became friends as teenagers. Its just amazing the connection that he makes with people. Thats his greatest asset. Reporter michael says he simply wants to inspiring kids to reach their potential. Now they have a chance to actually be something great and if i could just do that as many times as i can in my life, i think ill be a very happy person. Reporter so for equipping thousands of east bay young people with the lifeskills to grow successful careers, this weeks jefferson award in the bay area goes to Michael Parker. Sharon chin, cbs 5. And you can find a link to lifeskills 411 on cbssf. Com click on connect and then jefferson awards. Theres also an email Nomination Form you can use to nominate your local hero for another jefferson award. And a reminder, if you have a Consumer Problem or question, call our hotline, 18885helps u. Volunteers are there right now. And before we go to break, how is the dow doing on this thursday . Down a little. Almost 3 points. Well be right back. ,,,,,,,,, well, todays tip of the day is going to be is nectarines. Theres some good ones and bad ones out there at this time of the year. Its coming around fall some have been picked too early and stored too long. So you have to select them and store them right or otherwise, you are going to be so disappointed. Lets talk about selection. When you buy them, beautiful color all the way around. Very, very important. Free from any shriveling whatsoever any discoloration. When you bring them home, its so important to store them on the counter but only for about a day or two. Thats it. Dont wait until they get too soft. They will get mushy. This time of year its tricky with summer fruit. If you find them discolored and shriveled, dont buy them. Leave them there. And im tony tantillo, your fresh grocer. And always remember to eat fresh and stay healthy. Biodegradable clothing is a new kind of fashion. Labels are green in the name of the environment. That and more coming up at 5 00. It may be a big snag for the Space Shuttle endeavour. Yeah. Apparently its new owners need to pay more for its new home down in southern california. L. A. Weekly reports the Science Center needs to raise 100 million for the permanent display site. The money will also be used to cover the cost of transporting it to southern california. Remember that a couple of weeks ago . For now the new endeavour exhibit is set to debut next week at a temporary site. When penalty flags fly in the nfl this weekend fans and players will be seeing pink. Its all thanks to an 11year old boy from new jersey thats fifth greater dante who wrote a letter convincing the league to switch the yellow flags for pink in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month and it looks like its only going to happen in the dolphinsjets game. Dante has even been invited personally to present the pink penalty flags to the refs before the game on sunday. He could go to a raiders game, it would be a lot of pink. They are doing better this year. Game day forecast real quick . Game day forecast looking good. Partly cloudy skies, probably temperatures in the low 60s to start. 50s by the end but no rain. Now who this guy, dont you . Pablo is the man. Can he do it again . Hope so. Take care. Captions by caption colorado comments captioncolorado. Com ,

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