last-minute move could hurt the president >> this is a very risky choice given that the south will probably not like this and other swing states will show concern about his election year conversion >> recent polling supports the president's stance. a wall street journal poll shows that 49 percent of americans support same-sex marriage. 40 percent oppose it. in the bay area the numbers are even stronger. our survey shows that 61% supported and 32 percent disagree. we also learned that the president was already planning on supporting same-sex marriage but he was just not sure when he would make the announcement. the vice president forced his hand by saying he was entirely comfortable with same-sex marriage on sunday and when asked if he was upset about it the president reportedly laughed and said no. >> cbs five has been flooded with bay area politicians backing the president. nancy pelosi and barbara boxer praised the president as did john pervez and darrell steinberg. kristen is in dublin with bay area reaction >> it was very mixed reaction all over california today from those who celebrated the president's announcement to those who slammed it. where is the divide clearer than in california? former mayor gavin newsome who briefly legalized gay marriage applauded the announcement >> at the end of the day when you stand on courage and conviction and principal you send a message about who you are that transcends the issue and for me this is a statement of leadership and a statement of character >> in the castro district reaction was jubilant >> i think it is wonderful. it just cuts through a lot, it is a great civil rights statement and it is where america ought to be >> i like the idea personally. i hope it will not hurt the president's chances in the election because i think that is mainly why he was being kgb for >> in walnut grove california >> game marriage is not for me. marriage should be between two people, a man and woman >> i don't like it. a husband and wife should be a husband and wife. i like gays, but it is not right. >> organizations like catholics for the common good say they saw the announcement coming >> i think it hopes to clarify it so people not be confused with him trying to straddle the fence >> with voters approved proposition 8 in limbo, a marriage proponents believe this could turn the presidential election on its head >> him coming out and clarifying his position makes marriage a major issue in the upcoming campaign. i think it will have a major impact >> it is tough to tell exactly what the impact will be. some say they believe this will fire up the president's base and others say it could pose a challenge. >> you can see more of the president's interview as well as additional reaction from politicians across the country on >> a verdict has been delivered in the trial of edwin ramos, an alleged gang member accused of gunning down a father and tucson's four years ago. joe vasquez is at the hall of justice with three of the victims' relatives have been waiting for. >> the jury made it very clear that they believe he is guilty but they were on on whether he was the actual triggerman. they're not sure whether he pulled the trigger and killed the family. this took three months of trials and nearly one week of deliberations. they decided he's guilty of three counts of first-degree murder and attempted murder and they were hung on two lesser charges including one that identified him as the triggerman. in the course of the trial, ramos is admitted he was driving the car when the drive-by shooting happened but he claimed another guy was the triggerman. tony bologna and his sons were on their way back from a family picnic when they were shot. the one surviving son was also in the car and is a key witness in the trial. as each verdict was read, the widow sobbed out loud in the courtroom. we also spoke to some other family members. >> this family has waited a long time for this. the family has waited a long time and justice has been served and we're thankful for everyone who has helped us out through this difficult time >> ramos will likely spend the rest of his life in prison. punishment will happen on june 4th. >> for much of the day san jose's independence high school was in lockdown for four hours. 30 officers responded to a report of a man entering a campus with a hand gun tucked into his clothing. police search suspects but they didn't find any weapons. >> children inside the school described having to make a makeshift toilets while they waited to find out when the lockdown would dent. combing every last inch for clues, volunteers from the class kids foundation joined in the hunt for missing teenager sierra lamar. the foundation is one of three groups helping the family search for her. the sheriff's office has received 1600 tips of far in that case. >> be careful where you stand, how some buildings are literally melting things that come near them. >> thousands of children in california are not getting dental care. now there may be an affordable, >> fear of european debt is once again wreaking havoc on wall street. the dow is down as much as 184 points before recovering half loss. the average has fallen for six straight days, the longest losing streak since last summer. european stocks fell sharply just three days after voters throughout leaders to impose tough spending cuts. the spanish government announced it would take control of the country's fourth largest bank. the ministry will effectively nationalized the banking in concerned that they were headed for bailout status >> the move to oust oakland mayor, a long story short, it probably won't happen. >> high crime, sinking budgets and always be occupied problem looming around oakland city hall, but today the mayor seemed more confident than ever. >> why they don't totally agree with me on everything, people want is to work on the issues i'm working on >> that was the embattled mayor on why she thinks the to recall efforts against her are fading and with the deadline for the purse petition just a week away, even the backers say there is little chance they will get the signatures needed to qualify for the ballot >> there is no doubt that people do want to vote on the recall. people are not happy with her performance, they may not be happy with how the recall campaign was run. a court >> according to a recent independent poll three out of four oakland voters are not happy with the mayor's performance so far. >> i don't like her >> she is doing a mediocre job >> the same poll found that a majority of local voters, even those who disagree with her, still were not ready to recall her >> is a waste of money >> supporters tell us it came down to money >> you need the money to hire people to get signatures and for whatever reason the finances were not forthcoming >> those finances, without them they did not have the money to get out there and also of the oakland voters don't see an alternative for right now. for the time being she remains in the seat and she is very happy to be there. >> cavities in toddlers', rocklin teeth in young children, thousands of california kids are not getting dental care >> we have an epidemic of dental disease in california >> who could replace the dennis to bring affordable dental care to everyone >> it is a destructive side effect of energy-efficient windows. find out how and why they're melting things. ,, >> a bit of a rude awakening for the occupied the farm protesters in albany this morning. police arrived around 6:00 a.m. and announce that they were barricading the gates to the university own property but the concrete barriers in place, the university later filed a lawsuit against 14 people seeking eviction and unspecified monetary damages >> a strong chemical odor prompted a hazardous material call in menlo park overnight. investigators think the man may have been using an acid inside refined gold but they're still looking into that >> in man arrested in connection with a four alarm fire at an antioch tire store is suspected of lighting illegal fireworks. blue star fires is one of three businesses that went up in flames. the man who was arrested is an employee there >> the owner of an oil tanker that spilled oil in the bay will pay nearly $2 million to settle the case. it filed a stretch of alameda county coastline. the money will go towards habitat restoration, public recreation and civil penalties >> windows so hot they can literally melt things around them >> it turns out it is one of the dangerous side effects of energy-efficient windows. >> we all know the sun's rays caning but this damaging? >> anything that was plastic on the car was melting >> heather initially thought it was a defect and then she noticed this, the reflection off a highly coated energy- efficient windows next door erecting a concentrated beam of light into were carport with a temperature reading of 120 degrees in five minutes >> the one on the left is a normal window >> this scientific engineer explains in normal window reflects anywhere from 10-13 percent of the sun's rays but the certified windows being installed in most new buildings have a hybrid with reflective coating that reflects up to 40% and it is not only the beam bouncing off the window, is the angle of the glass >> the window can never be totally flat >> views as a tool to demonstrate. when it is cold outside the pressure creates a concave piece of glass which magnifies the sun's rays. you get a beam of light strong enough to melt plastic. most of the reported cases have been on the east coast. he was surprised to hear about the melted mirror in california but heather suspects ours will not be the last >> a lot of people probably have damage and they're not aware it is the windows that are causing this >> the national association of home builders is investigating and there is a lot of money at stake. the saving grace at this point is there have not been a high number of cases reported. >> it is more like a high- powered year >> when you combine that with the sun angle and the concave glass, it is >> another gorgeous day >> we did have a significant cool down today but the temperatures are still averaging above normal for this time of year. let's have outside, a bird's eye view of the city of san francisco. the visibility is unlimited at this hour. 74 in san jose. 85 in morgan hill. santa clara is now in the mid- 70s. napa is sitting at 73 with clear skies and the numbers are stacking up in the '60s from san francisco to sausalito. ocean beach, currently a bit chilly due to the westerly wind blowing at 15 m.p.h.. 53 degrees but the fog has certainly burned off. the fog will return overnight tonight and it will become sunny and bright after the morning burn off on thursday. the extended forecast calls for a war mother's day. overnight lows into the 40's and 50's but becoming partly to close mostly cloudy with the return of the marine layer that will be building over the open waters. satellite and radar shows that low pressure is gradually beginning to move to the east. even though we have a brief cool down, we will warm back up. by tomorrow morning's commute we will be sac been around san mateo before we see the clouds retreat. the pollen count suggests that certain pollens remain high and friday and saturday are supposed to be worse. 60s that the beaches. '70s and '80s, at the santa clara valley warms up into the mid-80s as does the eastern portion of the bay area. the very latest computer models suggest that saturday will be warmer than mother's day but we're still averaging a good 14 degrees above normal and it warm weather pattern will continue each day through next week. >> the president's announcement that he supports gay marriage, live in mobile 5, can is in the castro district >> people are starting to get off work and come by here at bank of america where a guy named kelly heart has put a sign up and people have been signing it sank thank you president obama, god bless you mr. president, you have my vote, and so on. this is a big deal for a lot of people in san francisco and around the country. i ran into a longtime san francisco gay rights activist who told me he has seen a lot going on in the gay rights movement in the last 40 years but to have a sitting president make this statement is huge >> i didn't think i would live to see this and now i will think i will live long enough to see gay people achieve equal protection under law in all matters covered by civil law and in all 50 states and the president move us forward enormously today >> he points out that some of the jubilation is tempered because of what is going on in california with its own game marriage law caught up in the courts right now. yesterday in north carolina, voters overwhelmingly approved an amendment banning gay marriage. for a lot of these folks is bittersweet, the president's words mean a lot but the fight is not over yet. >> thousands of california kids without access to dental care. the i,, >> the doctor is looking at ways to improve health and save money. california spends tens of millions of dollars every year on preventable problems linked to teeth >> plenty of children suffer needlessly. >> max is having his six month checkup. he is not happy about it but he is lucky to get it. this doctor is max's dennis, she has had years of additional training in pediatric medicine and anatomy as well as child psychology. she says prevention is the name of the game. >> mommy's doing a good job >> 30% of california kids do not have access to dental care. not only that, there are not enough pediatric dentists to go around >> we have been bit epidemic of dental disease in california >> there are only two or 300 pediatric dentists in california and they cannot possibly keep up with demand for services by children especially when we get to 2014 and it affordable care act >> the act will expand the number of children who have more coverage but who will provide the care? a proposed california law may help to fill the need and lower the cost. it's innovative idea is to boost the dow work force by creating a brand new class of less-expensive providers. these providers would have training in skills that put them somewhere between a dentist and the hi janice. they would be less expensive to train and less expensive to pay >> you look at the issue of safety, patient satisfaction, quality >> the model has worked in australia and new zealand and canada for more than 50 years. should california be next? >> dennis do not necessarily welcome the idea >> we don't know what the results are in terms of safety >> but everyone agrees that something needs to be done. in 2007 dental problems cost california schools $30 million because of missed school days and california hospitals reported thousands of the emergency room visits for preventable donald problems at a cost of $55 million. a pilot program in alameda county found that by educating care givers they can cut the level of dental disease in half. simple dietary choices, early use of fluoride and good oral hygiene can save millions of dollars in years of heartache. >> all he wanted was a gumball but when this two year old took matters into his own hands he got one of them stuck. firefighters broke the machine hoping to free him but the harder job was convincing him to unclench his fist so they could pull his arm out. it turns out he had a handful of gumballs and did not want to give them up ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, >> here is what we're working on for the 6:00 news. they area history the fed's wanted to destroy. now it has a permanent home. the unique way some descendants are telling their family stories. >> i thought he fit the image in my head perfectly >> in a chance meeting making history. out an unsuspecting chopper became the model for an award winning piece of art. >> a lot of us are wondering about mother's day >> it will be absolutely glorious. lots of sunshine and temperatures averaging 14 degrees above normal.

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Canada ,Sausalito ,California ,United States ,Australia ,Alameda County ,North Carolina ,Santa Clara Valley ,Oakland ,Ocean Beach ,New Zealand ,Dublin ,Ireland ,San Francisco ,Oakland City Hall ,Menlo Park ,Morgan Hill ,Spain ,Americans ,America ,Spanish ,Gavin Newsome ,Darrell Steinberg ,Santa Clara ,John Pervez ,Tony Bologna ,Max Dennis ,Nancy Pelosi ,

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