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I am grateful to the priest for ushering everyone in. There is suggestion from witnesses during the course of the speed contest there may have been a lane change that led to the collision. Reporter the driver faces reckless driving and speed racing charges. I spoke with an employee of the funeral home and she told me there was another funeral scheduled for this evening but it changed locations and there is diagonal to the front of the building as you can see. Right now construction crews are here boarding it all up. For most of the afternoon traffic was down to one lane but now everything is back to normal. Back to you. All right, thank you. A horrible holiday tragedy. Three people died in a two story townhouse. A couple and their 4yearold granddaughter were trapped on the upper floor. The firefighters arrived in minutes but the entire building was engulfed in flames. The Police Officer tried to help the family but it was too late. This was, some how it got a big head start on us. Burned hot and fast. It consumed most of the apartment, even within a 3 minute Response Time for us. Neighbors say the couple had had lived in the complex for 20 years. A Family Member grabbed a nearly empty fire extinguisher but it was useless against the flames. Three people were taken to the hospital for smoke inhalation. L tonight well, tonight, it is looking bleak. The lawmakers have yet to reach a deal on the fiscal cliff. The month is almost over and we are one day over from americans getting tax hikes. Randall pinkston is live with the lack of opt optimism. Reporter yes, but the senate and house are in town. Unusual between new years and christmas for that to happen. One senator is calling it not a great attitude in congress right now. Senator . Reporter 7 tors arrived to continue lastminute negotiations hours before the nation is set to fall off of the socalled fiscal cliff. After a day of intense talks, Senate Majority leader, harry reid said there will not be a deal tonight. There is a distance between the two sides, tpheg orbingiations continue. If republicans and democrats can not strike a deal, taxes will go up for almost every american, automatic cuts will kick in and millions will loose Unemployment Benefits. I want everyone to know i am will willing to get this done but i need a dance partner. They quickly cut the deficit by slowing the growth of Social Security but the senate says there is a little bit of movement when they are compromising which americans should should get ready to pay a higher tax rate. Reporter in an unusual move republicans here on capitol hill called on the nations number 2 democrat, Vice President joe biden, to help in negotiations, this as the white house puts the blame on the impasse on the gop. They say the biggest priority is making sure we deal with the deficit in a serious way. The way they are behaving is the only priority is making sure tax breaks for the wealthiest americans are protected. Reporter if a deal is not reached the president wants controlled senate to introduce legislation to keep tax cuts for couples earning up to 250,000 a year and keep Unemployment Benefits. Here is an example of the move the house speakers last offer was maintaining tax cuts for 1 million or more or less, rather, the president was saying it has to be 250,000 or less. Now democrats numberses moved up to possibly 350,000 or 400,000, so, they are coming closer. They just are not there yet. Reporting live in washington, back to you, ann. You talk about movement but lets say we go off of the cliff, when what happens in washington . Can the new Congress Take action to avoid the difficulties . Well, first of all, it is not a cliff, not a sudden drop to the bottom. It is a slope. Some things will happen over time. The truth of the matter is, no matter how you look at it the economy will go down, a lot of people will be hurt. People who get Unemployment Benefits will will not get the checks, payments will stop. But the thinking is sometime after january 1st, after it takes effect if there is no deal cut, congress will quickly act to restore and do what they can to undo some of the damage. First thing to look at tomorrow, however, will be the stock market. The World Markets are lookinga at what is going looking at what is going on in washington and we expect some serious aftereffects if nothing is done, sometime tomorrow. They still have until midnight tomorrow. Good point, all right, thank you. It was not all gridlock in washington. Both parties were able to agree to a 1year extension of the farm bill that expired in oublgt. Once it is passed the bill ends the threat of milk prices doubling next month. The agriculture secretary say americans faced the prospect of spending 7 a gallon. You can keep tabs on the talks of the fiscal cliff, 24 7 by logging on to our web site. Just within the past half hour we learned Hilary Rodham clinton has been admitted to the hospital. A blood clot. She had take enthe past three weeks off of work to recuperate after a nasty bout with stomach flew. Doctors allowed her to recover at home. She was planning return to work this week but the former first lady will be monitored at a New York Hospital for the next 48 hours. Checking bay area headlines, the police are searching for the person who mugged a woman and killed had her dog. The woman was looking for her cell phone in her car in the tender loin on friday when a man attempted to rob her and then grabbed her 12yearold dog and hurled it into traffic. The police are checking for Surveillance Video of the area and offering 1,through reward for information. And Fremont Police chief, for the past 20 years, leaves his post today. Steckler spent four decades in law enforcement. He was criticize inside 2005 for ending the Police Response for burglar alarms. He will stay on as a special assistant for the next it few months. L2012 has been a bad year for homicide in the bay area 2012 has been a bad year for homicide in the bay area top three cities. 130 for the year. Sanfrancisco has 67 homicides so far. San jose 12 profit higher than 2011 at 5. Close call for a driver drivers on a moscow highway. The amazing pictures as a plane crashes. I dont see why they need to do it now. A different fiscal cliff for some drivers. What kicks in this weekend that will cost more in the city of San Francisco. And we saw plenty of sunshine earlier today. Boy, was it cold outside. The temperatures are going to continue to dip overnight. Some areas below freezing. We will will tell you about that and a check on the seven day forecast, all coming up. , jwwn you know how much grandma wanted to be here for your fist christmas . You see grandma lives waaaay down here, and you live way up here. Brian, your cousin, hes a little bit older than you, he lives here, in chicago. And your aunt lisa lives here, in baltimore. Uncle earnie . Waaay out in hawaii. But dont you worry, we will always be together for christmas. [ male announcer ] being together is the best part of the holidays and cheerios is happy to be part of the family. You just ate dallas car on a moscow freeway sho the moment of impact. Debris goes fl dramatic video shows the crash of a jet lineuper in russia. A camera inside of a car shows the moment of impact. Debris goes across the road, striking several carses. As the plane slams into the ground, short of the runway, five crewmembers were killed. There were no passengers on board. As we get prepared to say goodbye to 2012 we are bidding a fond fair well to a parking perk in San Francisco. Why drivers will need a pocket full of change even on sundays. Beginning next sunday, the free ride or should i say free parking is over. I dont see why they need to do it now. They are getting monday and friday and now saturday and then get you on sunday. What next . 24hours a stkaeu . Reporter possibly. They say it will effect her church. She knows why. It is the money, of course, the city needs money. But not with the parking meter on sunday. Reporter the law will net the city 2 million a year. I am a long time resident of the city of San Francisco and i do not approve of what the board of supervisors have done. Reporter in the marina on Chestnut Street where parking is like a competitive sport. It hurts the small businessman. A lot of people come here on the weekends to the restaurants and stores and a lot of them will will not come. Reporter and she sees it as something that has been in the works for a long time. It is not planning well and thinking ahead and not being able to be decisive when it counted. Kicked the can down the street. Now we have to pay. Exactly. The law goes into effect next sunday. If you come out and feed the meter, that is still illegal. Your new years forecast, next, mus a very lucky puppy. How a chance encounter likely saved this little dogs life ,,,,,,,, a five week old chihuahua m was discovered Christmas Eve inside a trash can in san clemente in southern califo. Christmas miracle for an abandoned puppy. The five week old puppy was discovered inside of a trash can in southern california, a 6 yearold heard yelping coming from the can. The dog weighing barely three pounds was curled up and cold. I was surprised somebody would leave her there. I was sad, it was really cold and it was shivering. She took her home but her landlord does not allow dogs. She is hoping he will make an exception. Right now eve will be adopted out in a few weeks fist she can not keep her. Keeping an eye on the new years eve and day forecast for us. Yes. The dog has the right idea. Sweaters are are the name of the game. In the overnight hours, expect frost through midweek. It is the low overnight temperatures, really going to keep an eye on it for the next few days. Taking outside, show you what it looks like right now. Clear skies, barely a cloud outside. Hopefully you got to enjoy the the sup shine. Chilly out there. 49, san jose, 52 in santa rosa. 56 in oakland right now. So, overnight tonight. That is when we could see patchy frost, especially in some of the inland valleys, cool, look at that. 29 is the overnight low. Going to dip below freezing. In parts of the north bay. It will get chilly as l. Overnight lows, we will show you across the board. Really, the north bay numbers, napa others santa rosa. That is where it is chilliest. Eastbound valleys, 30 degrees in livermore. More mild in San Francisco, overnight low at 41 degrees. Tomorrow, the temperatures are slightly cool for had this time of the year for the end of december. You will notice mostly low 50s, 49 is going to be the forecasted high. So, not going to warm up by much. Only 51 in livermore and 52 by tomorrow afternoon in oakland. Doing traveling . Sfo tomorrow, not anticipating big delays. Highs, 52 degrees. Some sunshine, areas, sun, clouds, partly cloudy skies, light wind, if you are traveling around the country, houston, getting thundershowers, they are 72 in the forecasted high. And, snow, in denver and chicago. Highs in the 20s and 30s. Doing traveling around northern california. Hitting the roads. For the most part we are looking dry. Put away the umbrellas. It looks like for the most part for awhile. Cloudy skies, it tahoe, not too bad. By the way, no chain restrictions on interstate 80 or highway 50. So, good chance to get up and take advantage of the skiing conditions. A lot of packed powder out there. Here is a look at the forecast. Over the next several days. So, we are keeping the rain chances in the forecast for late monday night. Now, we are not talking a lot of rain. Mostly for areas along the coastline. We get a shower or two or sprinkle or two, again, you will see it Late Afternoon into the night on monday. Then, cheering for tuesday. New kwraoeurs day looks great. Plenty of sunshine. Again, chilly temperatures through at least the middle part of the week. Then, wednesday, things look unsettled into thursday morning. Friday, clear, then, once again, with wet weather could return by saturday and sunday. But, the temperatures do increase as well by the end of the week. We can see 60s by sunday. That is a check of your seven day forecast. Vern, how is the world of sportss . I will tell you what sports . I will tell you what, coming up next for you and you and you and you, the raiders, 2012 season is over but the 49ers bring on the may offs, closeout the cardinals. Was the performance good enough to get next weekend off . [ laughter ] [ girl ] wow, you guys have it easy. I wish i had uverse when i was your age. In my day, we didnt have these fancy wireless receivers. Blah blah blah. If i had a sleepover, i couldnt just move the tv into the playroom. No. We had to watch movies in the den because thats where the tv outlet was. And if dad was snoring on the couch, we muscled through it. Is she for real . Your generation has it made. [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver only from at t uverse. Get uverse tv for 29 a month for six months. Rethink possible. First, take care of Business Today. And for playoff position, as the saying goe let the ch may. Nfl is all about the post season tournament now. 49ers needed to first, take care of Business Today and for a play off position as the saying goes, let the chips fall where they may. Jim harbough trying to win the nfc west, again. Collin, lets it fly. Michael crabtree, just like he drew it up on the board. Slow start, 76 over arizona. Could of had more, david ackers, up by 1 point, 3rd quarter now. Squeezes this one to hit crabtree for the touchdown 17 6. Fast forward to the 4th quarter, frank gore. His 51st career rushing touchdown. It broke craigs franchise record and the 49erss win that and the west, final of 2713. The Western Division champions that means a lot to us and our players. I congratulate them for getting that done. I remember the first four years what it felt like this time of the year, you know, you are just playing for playing for pride and playing for, you know, just going into the off season to get better. Now, to, you know, the last two seasons to be playing for something. I mean, man it is a blessing. We are grateful for it. One of the goals was to win the division. Ultimate goal is to make it to the super bowl and to win that. 49ers need it pet are son, getting the second seed in the conference. Peterson, up the middle. He had 199 yards on the ground. He needed 209 to be the single season rushing king. Packers respond. A touchdown of their own by aaron. Time ran out the vikings get the winning field goal from the time expires to win 3734. All right, here is the nfl play off picture. The 49erss will be the number 2 seed. They will get a first round bye with atlanta one wild card game is set. Green bay will host minnesota. They just saw each other today and then again. The other match up is determined by what happens in the night game going on between washington and dallas. The winner wins the nfc east and will host seattle. Now, the last time prior started a Football Game it was the sugar bowl. Running ohio state. Nearly two years ago before he became al daviss last draft pick. Prior, in his second year, getting the first start against san diego. Chargers up 100 and then prior, first career touchdown pass to hayward. A 9 yard score. Prior, 13 of 20, a couple of touchdowns. 3rd quarter, rivers answers. Alexander on the receiving end of that 34 play to make it 24 7. Prior on the naked bootleg gets in. It is a 10point game. 2414. After a blocked punt. It is prior hitting moore. Now, the raiders are within 3. Under 2 minutes left. They had no time outs. Had to go for the kick. At . And it landed into the good hands of the San Diego Chargers and oakland is out. They lose by a final 2421 to finish the year at 412. You guys really did not give up under it. Rain coming down and everything. Fantastic. You know, to have to be with a group of teammates like this and the guys that just keep fighting, just like all year. Kept fighting. I know it did not go right the whole year the way we wanted but, guys kept on digging. Kept on scratching, fighting, that is what you want in a football team. That tells you in the future when certain people are going to be here or whatever the case may be that you have fighters in the room. It makes you just want to be successful. All right. Here is a feel good story. Runs the colts, missed the last 12 games while battling leukemia on the sidelines. And luck hits hilton for 70 yard play. The colts win on an emotional day. Winners final of 2816. The ravens are next in the playoffs for them. Here is the play off bracket. Denver gets the number one seed, new england gets the 2, houstons loss dropped them to the 3rd seed. And the second wild card game is indianapolis again hosting the baltimore ravens. But, they oh. Sorry, sad day for the raiders. But the 49ers keep moving on in a nice career day. 16 of 28. 276, two touchdowns, no interceptions. We like that. Yes. All right, that is it for us. We will see you back here in half an hour and then at 10 00 and 11 00. Good night ,,,,,,,, jeff tonight partisan wrangling over the fiscal cliff. Im willing to get this done but i need a dance partner. I want to be clear that there is still serious differences between the two sides. Jeff a divided congress reconvene for 11th hour negotiations. Nancy cord cess on capitol hill. Failure to act could force the economy back into recession. An uneasy wall street is much wag. Another death today after the crash of a russian jetliner. Barry peterson has the new video that captures the moment of impact. And icy rescue, carter evans shows us what happened when Good Samaritans in california headed for thin ice. Give me the rope. Now. Captioning sponsored by cbs this is the cbs evening

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