Right now still waiting to get latest update from bso and airport officials as to that is going on with all these multiple situations here. The Fort Lauderdalehollywood International Airport i welcome my coverage, were get somebody conflicting reports this street what ted was talking about. Some of them are coming from Law Enforcement quite frankly which is understandable in situation like this. Its breaking news story. Everyone frying to ascertain exactly what is going on. Broward sheriff as of nine minutes ago bso saying there is active search. That there were unconfirmed reports of additional shots being fired on airport property. These situations, you know, you often get other reports like that, as david was talking about with you earlier, any little thing in situation like this, any kind of word, any kind of rumor or even loud noise can spark these sometimes. But when you have confirmations in the Law Enforcement agency a little more credence that would make sense with what were seeing with all of these people running in Different Directions, so chaotic. Worth mentioning this is really still Holiday Travel time. The high season here in south florida, people coming. Air canada flies there, lot of tourists coming in and out of south florida at this time who are here for the holidays. And lot more people traveling and flying in and out of south florida than the rest of the year. You see people on the ground there from chopper 4 still making their way, a little less panicked, seem to be calm. Looks like passengers and crew members or airport employees. But still people just going in Different Directions out on the tarmac there. Also more from differenting a fell chopper 4. Also the traffic we saw just completely coming to a stop. But as you mentioned, we have confirmation that the shooter is Esteban Santiago, he had military i. D. , he was born edge new jersey, trying to find out more about them. Whether theres another active shooting scene there, whether theres another possible shooter or people might be in more danger. Top of the hour, just after 3 00. If you are tuning town cbs4 hoping to watch ournr regularly scheduled programming, we are doing breaking News Coverage right now of a shooting that has taken place, a deadly shooting at Fort Lauderdalehollywood International Airport. It has been a tragic day here in south florida. Cbs news hasni been table confim a gunman named Esteban Santiago walked into the baggage claim area at the delta baggage claim area just before 12 50 this afternoon, and opened fire. We have reports that five people have been killed, that eight more are injured. I iowan you its early on those numbers could change. But it seemed as though once the gunman was taken into custody, things were beginning to get back to normal. We were told that the upper level of the airport was being reopened. We saw passengers who had been evacuated on to the tarmacni slowly being allowed to go back into the airport. Then suddenly, without warningxd and at this point without explanation we saw another scene of panic as passengers began running once again from the airport on to the tarmac. There have beennr unconfirmed reports of another shooting situation on airport property. We have not confirmed those reports. But bso tweeting out on their twitter ask the c. A. T. There is active search underway as they attempted to confirm whether or not there is still a danger. That there is still a threat. As of right now, those reports are unconfirmed. The situation at the airport as you can imagine is a scene of chaos. You are advised not to go anywhere near the airport if you dont have to. The airport is completely shut down with no flights arriving or being allowed at this point to take off. We saw string of planes on the tarmac in line being ready to be cleared for take off. None of them going anywhere as this situation unfolds. San francisco course continue to watch, these are live pictures the law enforc enforcement sceny much out there in force. We havexd tednr who is at th you are watching cbs news special report. The scene at Fort Lauderdalehollywood International Airport. With just over two hours ago there was a mass shooting, authorities have arrested a suspect identified as 26yearold Esteban Santiago who said to have entered the baggage claim at the fortnr lauderdalehollywood International Airport terminal 2 to be specific, opening fire and killing five people, injurying eight others. But, again, as we said just over two hours from the time of that first attack, another scene of utter chaos did unfold as hundreds, you see here remain on the tarmac, scores more being escorted around the airports northern perimeter. Built its a parking garage in between two other terminals that is now the focus of a sudden and profound influx of Law Enforcement personnel. Heavily armed. And moving forcefully. Again, reasons unknown, those evacuated from that parking garage do remain sheltered behind cars, and any other barrier as they did seek cover and continue to do so. The Broward Sheriffs Office does confirm an active search is underway as there are unconfirmed reports ofn shots fired on airport propertyo obviously this is axd very fluid situation. The reports of those killed and injured could change as we do watch again this scene of mayhem there at the airport. We want the turn now to our transportation correspondent chris van cleave in washington who has been speakingco to his sources throughout the afternoon, what can you tell us . Josh, just real quick on what were seeingxd now, this increae in Police Presence, the increase intention. That comes from these unconfirmed reports of additional shots being fired on airport property. Thats whats kicked off this active Police Search that pushed people back on to the tarmac. And had other people sheltering behind cars. Certainly is possible that there were additional shots also possible that just because of the influx of Law Enforcement and as theyre searching everything, that makes a lot of noise, that somebody hears something that may not turn out to be gunshots but you got to treat it as though there were in fact gunshots while youre trying toco figure out what exactly happened here. Its not at all clear if were dealing with a secondni shooting or just sort of nerves that come out of the first one. Weve just heard from delta airlines, this shooting happened in terminal 2. Delta airlines and air canada operate out of that terminal. Delta is saying that preliminary reports indicate that haul delta emplou for. They say that they also refer to this as ongoing active shooter incident. But delta saying all of their employees are accountedq air canada has said similar that their employees and passengers are all accounted for as well. ni certainly very tense ongoing situation here as police are trying to figure out just what happened. This is a big airport. Theres a lot of space here. You got to go by car by car, airport baggage. We should note again that the suspect taken into custody by authorities identified as 26yearold Esteban Santiago. Was taken conscious, seemingly able to certainly speak with the authorities who arrested him, chris, certainly he might have provided additional information. I know you had mentioned that perhaps simply where he parked his car might have sparked the response that we saw. You arenrco going to try to t whatever information you canni t from him. Clearly right away Police Wanted to knowxd was he acting alone. Are there other threats out there. How did he get to the airport. Did he park his car. If he parked hisni car in a gare you have to treat that like its a second crime scene, did he put something in to the car. You can see by the officers on the screen here youre looking at very heavily armed fbi agents whonr are wearing bulletproof vests and weve seen some in tactical gear, they are treating this as though there is in fact a very active potentialni danger of there being another shooter, even though we dont know what prompted these reports, these unconfirmed reports of additional shots being fired. The airport initially had remained partially opened perhaps if only to get planes down on their way to the Fort Lauderdalehollywood inter,ational airport. I do, though, again for those perhaps just joining us, want to make clear that the initial attack took place in the baggage claim area, which certainlyni ds have as in most airports certainly around the country, a far less stringent degree of security than we see in depature terminals. Thats true. Thenr baggage claim area s basically considered open public space. Anyone can go in there. So, your security presence is going to be officers who would be patrolling area, as well as security cameras theres not a check, there is not a pat down, theres not a metal detector for somebody to go through before they enter baggage claim that is open space, open to anyone in the public. Weve known this is a soft target, talked a lot about those soft targets at the brussels attack this is just one of those spaces where anyone can access. As we do know both white house and president elect donald trump have both been briefed as to what has happened in fortco lauderdale. Do we also know Florida Governor rick scott making his way there, we want to bring you florida senator bill nelson speaking with reporters just moments ago. I just got off the phone with the airportxd director and adm admiral, the head of tsa. co nine people shot, five are dead. It happened in the area whereni people bunch up in baggage claim area. That, just like in an area where lot of people bunch up is an automatic soft target and one of the things that we did, because of the german shooting a year ago, we doubled viper teams, the dog teams. Because the dog isni one of thei best detoronto, is that we have still you cant cover every airport, every crowd that bunches up. And thisnr shooter, his name is Esteban Santiago, he was carrying a military i. D. We dont know if thats active, if thats another family members i. D. , well have to determine that. And of course we dont know a motive at this point. But youve heard the reports that from the eye witnesses, when he finished three magazines he just sat down and then the Law Enforcement apprehended him. It was totally random . We dont know. This could well be someone who is mentally deranged. co or in fact it could be someone who had a much more sinister motive that we have to worry about every day. And that is terrorism. We cant conclude that. That was senator will they will son of florida. Sharingxd the reports that he received in art from the head o tied with you authorities and taken into custody, 26yearold estewa, this sant yak dough who again senator did report walked in to waggage claim area there. And tired a weapon, intact went through three hagxd scenes, according to hag scenes, before sitting down and he mention the, chris van cleave joins us. These were questions that we have discussed follong the attacks in bros i will. Brussels. The attack in istanbul, again, at that airport. The notion of a soft target, perhaps a question that i will be asked again today, can he seemingly without answer which is to say, how far out can you move a security perimeter and still feel as though not just facility but certainly passengers traveling, cueing up in those lines are in fact safe. Its a real problem 6789 wherever you put that security boundary theres going to be people outside lining up to get through it. So, if you make the checkpoints at the front door of theni airport, then you have people cueing up in front of the door at the airport that is just as vulnerable, might be worse because then theyre all concentrated at one point of entry. Where as now we are going in multiple doors, people are spread out its not like you have everyone in one place. What police and Law Enforcement experts spay they believeco is e best strategy for un imperfect solution is a layered approach, where the closer you get to areas where people gather, where you get closer you gets to the secured areas the more security you see. The additional measures that odont see, that it just continues to increase step pi step until you get to the check point, youre cleared then even past there theres additional security. Yet, chris, again these are discussions owe have had. The snare crows that you just laid out snare crows you played pout speak to entrances to airports, how screening passengers approving to the airport. Arriving for security screenings before making thiara on to airplanes. Even as we have seen in a post 9 11 order, exponential increase in levels of security at departure terminals, at airpor airports. Around the globe. It has not p as profound again in these baggage claim areas such as one where the initial pack took place today. Can you screen everyone coming in to apagoge area. Is that something that the public would even sort of put up with . These are questions that you have to factorish. One of the who is going to do it. The tsa to do it . If so, where is that staffing and that manpower going to comef the kim going to come from . If you have local police do it same can he. There are a lot of challenges how do you secure public spaces . can have this conversation pout people going into a stayed crumb. You might go through security, i was at the rose pole i went through metal detech for to get in, before i went through that i was in long line of people eghting to debt screened. Thats a soft target. Whether at airport or any public gathering point. Not a perfect solution. You cant pulled a bubble that creates, okay, everyone is safe now sort of situation. It is the inherent danger in the open society we live in. Again, the Security Forces at the major airportsxd across this country do differ from city to city. What do we know as we heard from senator bill nelson, briefed by the head of the tsa who said that, again,ni Esteban Santiago, suspect identified by authorities later taken into custody in the baggage claim area of terminal 2. Said to have unloaded three magazines, killing five, injuring eightni others before then taking a seat allowing authorities to apprehend him. What do we know about the Security Force there at the failed hood airport and nr fot Lauderdale Hollywood eight port and the Quick Response time all Things Considered here . You have Broward County sheriffs officers that are deputies i should say that are stationed at the airport. They are the Uniformed Police presence at that airport. I have flown through this couple of times, every time i was there, you saw noticeable patrol presence, sometimes long guns, some times k9s thats in addition to the tsa. So you had detachment of police, First Responders already at the airport when reports of shots being fired they would have been first ones there. Were talking within seconds if not a minute or two. On to the scene. Because there were already officer in terminal 2. From there you would see rest of the sheriffs deputies stationed at that airport would converge on that scene. From there youre going to bring in police from surrounding jurisdictions as well as sheriffs off. Federal authorities, the fbi and atf are also on scene. You have a lot of police in the Fort Lauderdale area, that is a big metropolitan area you can get a lot of respond theres quickly. Initial security footprint you have Uniformed Police in that airport, they are sheriffs deputies, also tsa officers, they are unarmed they are manning the checkpoints so they are not necessarily First Responders the way the police are. Chris do stand by in washington. As for those joining us you are watching cbs news special report, a scene of continuing unfolding chaos at the Fort Lauderdalehollywood International Airport. Where just before 1 00 p. M. Eastern time today, just over two hours ago. A man entered the baggage claim area of terminal 2 of airport. A man, suspected later taken into custody and identified as 26yearold Esteban Santiago, who some reports suggest was wearing some sort of uniform and was bearing a military i. D. He is said according to senator bill nelson of florida, who has been briefed by the fsa, to have used weapon town load three magazines in the shooting, he would kill five, eight others would be injured. He was later said to have, after sitting down, he was taken into custody, but then we saw a scene of chaos unfold, anew as it looked like authorities had things under control, passengers looked to be entering the terminals who had been stranded out on the tarmac, parking garage between two terminals, saw suddenni and profound influs of law enforce. Personnel heavily armed as they made their way with reports of active shooter and shots possibly fired on airport grounds. We do wouldnt show you, though, some video of the scene just moments after the shooting is said to have occurred this again in the baggage claim area of terminal 2 at the Fort Lauderdale airport. It is the home to both air canada and delta. co you listen, you cannr hear scres in the background. Then this was also a still image provided to us from, again, just outside terminal 2 this is just outside a door from which you would exit the baggage claim area push up against that chain link fence on the other side of that presence is in fact the tarmac. As you can see there, it would appear that there is a victim with quite significant loss of blood perhaps being attended to by one person as again we saw Police Officer leaving that scene. This is now the scene that we are seeing on the tarmac. We can tell you that hundreds do remain on the tarmac at the airport. Scores more are being escorted around the northern perimeter, sign of our times, all with their hands raised. This is again what it looks like outside the terminal there at the airport. As we did again mention, the Broward Sheriffs Office did confirm active search, was underway. It began just over one half hour ago was connecticut firmed of more shots fired on airport grounds. That could be attributed to any number of things as it is obviously a very fluid situation here. Again, chris, chris van cleave our transportation correspondent as we do see, these scenes of what is happening outside the airport proper here, what do we know whats happening inside that airport at this time . Well, we know that tensions are running high. That there are police, sheriffs, federal authorities that are working on clearing this airport. What youre going to have to do now, particularly after this round of unconfirmed reports of shots being fired is clear every parking garage, clear every terminal going parking space pi parking space, floor pi floor until youve determined that there is no more danger. That is going to take time. And so ha you ant to do if crew the police, secure every on can debt them sheltered in safe place slow the operation down. Time is on your side at that point. Go through and see ha you can find or see ha you can clear up. at this point are eighting for a sheriffs preeing that hopefully principle us some more information. As to ha the sakes is there. If ear getting close to feeling likely can rule out a second shooting or if in fact there were to shootings at this airport. Its parked in screes in security across the airports across the country. Port authority of new york and new jersey, increasing security at the new york area airports. That will include increased random bag checks, increased of refly armed arc tactical officers as i will as Uniformed Police and canine units, lax is in creasing Police Presence at los angeles airport. Similar at miami as i will. Right now, you are going to see very tense but methodic search going on inside the airport inside all the buildings, all the parking garages, make sure that there is not a continued hostile presence apt the airport. This as another team of investigators are going too to learn as much as they can pout the suspected shooter here. Reno that there was military i. D. Involved. This shooter theyre going to look at his military status. Theyre going to look are he lives, are hes from, are hes p. Ho he knows, ho hes been talking to. As they try to figure out that prompted this shooting. Ha prompted the suspect. That shooter, suspect identified taken into custody 26yearold Esteban Santiago, we know born in new jersey. Taken into custody in possession of a military i. D. , reports suggests perhaps he was wearing a uniform, darknr uniform of soe sort. That is not, however, be confirmed. As we do see again screens of just screens outside thexd terminal we see police heavily armed. All manner of bulletproof clothing. Als saw Broward Sheriffs Officers, we saw fbi personnel as ha level of coordination even in these moments just following ha weve seen happen here at the airport, what level of coordination is it that were talking about. You got high level of coordination. The fbi, sheriffs office, aff atf are talking to each other, coordinating that hopefully from the same command post. What can happen in a situation like this, you now have numerous tactical teams, numerous officers from all over the region theyre trying to search this area. Some of them are going to have card keys to be able to get into places. Others are going to be a little bit more involved that can decree tate a lot of noise. Somenpjt what may have led to these reports of possible additional gunshots could just be the process of searching and clearing and banging and slamming that may go into0x thing. The more people you have, the more chaotic it can be. Theres a lot of coordination. Were waiting for a brief can here from police. Appears that as to briefing is about to begin here mow men theyrely. Chris van cleave, stand by. Lets join again briefing currently underway. Federal bureau of investigation. Shortly before 1 00 p. M. Today we had active shooter inside terminal 2, lower level by baggage. The active shooter shot at least 13 people. Eight people as i know right now are being treated, i dont know theco degree of their injuries. Five people have succumbed to their wounds and tragically are dead. We are not releasing any information on any of the victims until we identify them which and wenre able to respectfully notify the next of kin first. The investigation continues, we have area s. W. A. T. Teams and broward s. W. A. T. Team clearing the entire airport. There will be no movement here about the airport until s. W. A. T. Teams give me realtime information that its safe. Right now were taking this scene considered fluid and active. We have one of more critical pieces of information is, we have the shooter in custody, he is unharmed. No Law Enforcement fired any shots. The subject is being interviewed by a team of fbi agents and Broward Sheriffs Office homicide detectives. Theres been incredible cohesiveness and cooperated rakes between Broward Sheriffs Office, the fbi, all the local Law Enforcement entities. Well answer your questions at the end. At this point im going to put the director of the airport to tell you about what is going on at the airport and hear from the bureau then ill come back to answer questions. Thank you, share of. Moo im the airport director at the Fort Lauderdale International Airport. When the incident occurred weni responded, many of you know suspended operations at the airport for the time being, working together with all the Law Enforcement to address all. Needs and concerns of the passengers that are inside the building and on airplanes right no. Theyre all sheltered in place. Were not sure exactly when the airport will reopen for operations. Were going to Work Together with all the Law Enforcement thats here. ni our airlines taupe the other agencies before we move, reopen the airport. In the meantime as sheriff indicated were just going to go step by step methodically through the building before we take any steps to reopen operations. Well keep everybody informed as best we can through social media and our airport website as to when that will be and set up hotline for families or friends that may be looking for folks that they havent been able to reach and also publish that in relatively near future again upon our website and through social media. Thats all i have for now. Good afternoon. My name street george, im the special agent in charge of the fbi miami field office. The sheriff mentioned the fbi is working very close cleon with the Broward Sheriffs Office supporting their ongoing effort here at the airport, working doing all of the w ness interviews as well as suspect interview. The investigation is very early. We have a lot of preliminary information that were going through, that at this point our role to actively support the Broward Sheriff Office until we make aco determination an the nature and motive of this incident. Thank you. The shooting in terminal one . What can you tell us about that . At this time theres been no shooting any place else but downstairs terminal two. No confer make of any shooting. As a matter of fact at this point as i speak only gunshots fired at any time during this horrific incident have been downstairs at terminal 2. What happened at terminal 1 . Everyone was evacuated. They heard shots upstairs. Seems like somebody got injured evacuating, nothing to do with gunshot or anything like

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