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Im michelle griego. Im kenny choi. We begin with Craig Boswell live at the white housement it appeared to be a very cordial meeting between the two today. Reporter certainly, good to talk to you. President obama and president elect donald trump meeting in the oval office for 91 minutes. It is the first time they met face to face. We are told the conversation on the phone was less than a minute on election night. They discussed foreign policy, domestic policy and how to staff a white house for simultaneous crisis. President elect donald trump and his wife melania visited their new home to talk to president obama about the transition to the trump administration. The meeting lasted for almost an hourandahalf and it could have gone in for a lot longer. Reporter trump met with the president in the oval office to discuss a smooth transfer of power. We discussed a lot of situations. Reporter the two men have had a combattic relationship. But now it is time to work together. We want to do everything to help you succeed. Because if you succeed, the country succeeds. Reporter First Lady Michelle Obama met privately with melania trump. President elect trump says he wants to hit the ground running when he moves into the white house. He is meeting with House Speaker paul ryan on capitol hill. They will set aside their differences. We will work hand in hand on a positive agenda to took the countrys big challenges. Reporter one of the first items on the republican agenda is to replace obama care. Every single republican thought obama care was a mistake. Reporter they are wanting to pass comprehensive tax reform. President elect trump suggesting he would seek president obamas counsel in the future. He hoped there would be many, many more meetings. After the meeting there were no such meetings established just yet. But president obama was open to the idea. Kennings back to you. We heard how long they spoke. How long do these meetings usually last . Reporter i was here when president elect obama came to meet bush. That meeting lasted 65 minutes so this one stretched past that. At that meeting, george bush and laura bushing , we had video of them greets the obamas. We didnt get that kind of meeting here today. Nancy pelosi says she can work with president elect on certain items including a bill to create jobs by working on the nations infrastructure. New at noon, hundreds of students are marching the streets of San Francisco right now protesting the outcome of the president ial election. Students from several campuses in the San Francisco Unified School District walked out of class. Chopper 5 is overhead. The exact number of people is not clear. But, San Francisco police say it is more than a thousand. Many are chanting not my president. The School District says it has not authorized the protest. But, it is working with the Police Department to make sure everyone is safe. The protesters are blocking some streets prompting a traffic advisory for downtown San Francisco. Kpix5s emily turner is with the students in San Francisco. You can follow the march on facebook live. It is facebook cbsSan Francisco. And we are hearing about student protests in several bay area School Districts. Injuries and arrests in oakland as protests against president elect trump got out of hand. Kpix5s anne makovec joins us live from oakland with the latest developments. Anne . Reporter you can see some of the damage here behind me on this walgreens store. This scene repeated over and over in downtown oakland. We just heard from major libby schaaf. She spoke surrounded by school kids who were protesting and chanting black lives matter and interrupting her press conference where she was calling for calm as protesters say they are coming back out tonight. It is no way the protesters could trash the most progressive diverse inclusive city in america. Reporter the cleanup began at sunrise and there was plenty to be done. Block after block of buildings covered in graffiti. Busted glass on Downtown Business doors. From what started as a peaceful protest at around 5 00 last night. Outside oakland city hall. Hopefully, we are angry enough for things will move forward. Reporter the crowd grew to 7,000 people. At 8 00 p. M. , splinter groups became violent throwing rocks and small explosives at police who declared an unlawful assembly. Called in help for neighboring Police Departments and used tear gas on the crowd. Three officers were injured. 30 people were arrested on charges ranging from assault on an officer to vandalism. Bunch of cry babies. Reporter this oaklander is a trump supporter. The election is over. Thats how we do it. The rest of the country thought he was good. No use breaking windows. Reporter even those who support protesters antitrump message. I dont like him at all. Reporter dont approve of the violence. I dont think it is going to help. And, this is the way that some Business Owners are trying to protect their properties right now. You can see the sign in the long window saying woman owned small business. Against trump. Notmypresident. Now, major schaaf also tried to explain why the police werent doing more to stop some of the vandalism. And basically, she said, because that often incites more violence. Often against police. Live in oakland, anne makovec, kpix5. And, thank you. Campus police are trying to identify a suspect after a San Jose State University student said she was attacked as kpix5s maria medina reports, the students muslim head wear may have been a factor. Reporter the Muslim Student association wrote aless s l on the facebook saying while the alleged victim is okay, they plan to meet with campus leader to mike sure this doesnt happen again. I dont feel safe. Reporter the latest attack on a student is why kyle goody says he feels that way. I feel like that is just something that is outrageous. Reporter on wednesday at 2 00 in the afternoon, a female student walking through this garage claims a man approached her from behind, pulled on her hi jab and caused her to lose balance and choke on the material. People should be allow today feel whatever and worship whoever they feel. No one should be discriminated or attacked because of that. Not my president reporter the attack happened a day after election day. The same day after san jose state students walked out in protest of Donald Trumps win. The republican once said he proposed a ban on muslim immigration. Thats a scary thought to think about. And i could see why that connection might be made. Reporter while it is unclear if the student was targeted because of her religion, others say any attack on campus is a sign more enforcement needs to be done. Why couldnt they just have cameras and see who the guy was and catch him. It is not funny. Is it student on student crime or are these people coming from outside of campus . It is a mixture of both. Reporter as for the suspect, he was described as wearing a dark colored hoody and khaki plants. Maria medina, kpix5. A man is in custody accused of stabbing his mother and grandmother in livermore. Tyler hassle was arrested a mile from the hill flower drive. His 85yearold grandmother died of her wounds. His 62yearold mother has injuries not considered life threatening. Investigators are looking into the motive for the attack. They say haskell suffers from various mental illnesses. Death penalty opponents hope the Supreme Court will block prop 66. It is aimed at expediting the Death Penalty appeals process. California has not executed anyone in ten years. The ballot measure is expected to pass. Right now, the yes votes are at almost 51 . But ballot counts continue in dozens of counties. A separate measure on tuesdays ballot, proposition 62 would have repealed the Death Penalty in california. It lost by a wide margin. Well, fresh off the 2016 election, and now, the former mayor of la is setting his sights on the 2018 governors race. Antonio viaragosa says he is in the running including Lieutenant Governor gavin newson. His priorities are rebuilding the middle class by investing in schools and repairing roads, bridges, and other infrastructure. Donald trumps victory has some people considering a new chapter in canada. But a growing number of californians are planning a different kind of exit strategy. Yes california is calling for the state to suggestion seed. Their agenda has a trending called cal exit. We dont think it is the greatest coincidence in the world that california pays more into the system than it gets, loses money, 15, to 35 billion and has the highest taxes. Conditioned accord to fund schools and has all of its infrastructure failing. They are trying to secure a special cal exit vote in 2019. The latest step in tearing down the old bay bridge. What will be different the next time you drive by . Mostly sunny and seasonably warm today. But, rain may be on the way. And your veterans day forecast is still ahead. And, this is a live look over a protest over Donald Trumps presidency. A student walked out on van ness. Much more throughout the broadcast. , upbeat music [voiceover] you are San Francisco. Weve been with you from the beginning. Weve seen each other through good times and bad. Sickness and health. Were with you San Francisco, and you bring out the best in us. Care. Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and trauma center. Also global stocks are rebounding two days after taking a bi we are watching wall street. Right now, the dow is up about 250 points. Also, global stocks are rebounding two days after taking a big dip upon the election of donald trump. Banks and other financial stocks are rising the most while utilities and real estate stock are losing ground. Well, as don add trump prepares to take the oval office, the Class Action Lawsuit against him and his now defunct university moves forward today. The lawsuit accuses Trump University of failing to deliver on its promise to teach success in real estate. Today, judge gonzalo curial will exclude any statements made by or about the president elect during the president ial campaign. Trump drew Harsh Criticism during the campaign for accusing the judge of being biased against him due to his mexican heritage. More demolition of the bay bridges old eastern span is underway. This is time lapse footage from this morning. Crews are removing another truck. The second of 14 to be removed during this stage of the demolition. Each trust ways about 1. 7 million pounds. The process is expected to continue until 5 00 this afternoon. Caltrans expects another one to be lowered every seven too ten days weather permitting. Let get a check at the forecast with julie. And the weather is actually quite nice. It will be nice today. Nice tomorrow. We do have a chance of showers on the way for some folks. Lets start off with what to expect. Blue skies right now. For the most part, over sfo, mid level clouds out there. Temperature wise, we are in the 60s and the 70s. We are calling it seasonably warm. 72 in livermore. Here is what to expect to make our way into today. Today sunny. Increase clouds a little bit in the afternoon. Ahead of an approaching front. And overnight, friday night into saturday, possible chance. A chance of light showers, mostly for the north bay. I dont think most of you will see showers unless you live in the north bay. Again, a chance of rain during the overnight and Early Morning hours. And the satellite perspective, our ridge is breaking down. That means we will allow more of a bit of a change here. Increasing clouds for veterans day tomorrow. We pause it friday afternoon. You can see we do have the increasing clouds. It is overnight. Early saturday morning. That is when the front passes through here. We are showing light rain. Up north, near santa rosa. Short livered and drying out for saturday. High pressure builds back in saturday into sunday and temperatures will rebound. So, high temperatures today in the 70s and 80s. Nice. Pretty much area wide. 71 pacifica. 77 in oakland. 78 in fairfield. 80 in vallejo as well as napa. 78 stand rosa. 77 in san rafael. Sunset 5 02. Sunrise, 6 46. Here is is a look at the extended forecast. A couple of shots of rain in this extended forecast. We are dry tomorrow. An then again, a chance of rain overnight into saturday morning. Early saturday morning likely for the north bay. Drying out sunday and monday. Another chance of rain tuesday. And then, looks like we are drying out into wednesday. Your veterans day forecast looking pretty nice. Looks good. Well, it is a snack that is sweet, healthy, and packed with nutrition. Fresh grocer tony has our tip of the day. Reporter well todays tip of the day is a duche melon. Loaded with flavor and nutrition. They are a super food and great this time of year. Cantaloupes are still good. And honey dews but they are winding down. Dulcenea. Lets talk about selection. When you buy it. Heavy for their size. They have a small cavity. That is what is important. You want to make sure, check the top here. And make sure it is not soft. That means it has been stored around way too long. When you bring these home treat them like you would a regular cantaloupe. Keep them in the fridge they will start to break down quickly at room temperature. Keep them in the fridge. Great for us. Delicious. At this time of year for breakfast, you cant beat it. Im your fresh grocer, always remember to eat fresh and stay healthy. Still ahead, helping to feed and educate dozens of needy children every year. And acting as a resource in the community. We will meet this weeks jefferson award winner. Area and, this is a live look from chopper 5. This is over a student protest. Van ness and pacific area. As these students are marching toward city hall in protest of Donald Trumps presidency. Well be right back. Takes a ,,,,,,,,, village. Into action. Today her village project not ps feed and educ for the past ten years, a bay area woman has taken the words it takes a village into action. She feeds the neediest children and helps the adult ins the community. Allen martin introduces us to this weeks jefferson award winner. Reporter calling this dinner dance for those over 50 a senior moment was no accident. First of all, i have so many. That is the title. Arent they are dressed up . Reporter for adrian williams, aka miss adrian, this is just one program organized by her nonprofit, the village project. Ten years ago, she was living in oakland working a high paying sales job. I used to love shoes. Now i wear sneaks. Reporter then, in San Francisco, she had an epiphany. I realized that the kids over here were murdering each other. And i couldnt understand that. Then, the babies were on lock down because there was so much violence. We have somebody who need to eat righty way. Reporter in her free time, she started a program for the babies. She added a summer camp, then took a leave of absence from her job. My boss said okay. He gave me copiers and a whole thing to set up. I was supposed to go back. I never went back. He held my workstation for two years so i got hooked. Reporter that is how the village project began. Adrian moved from oakland to live in the western edition. And she is focusing on feeding and tutors 20 children during the school year and 50 to 60 in the summer and as haded kwanzaa and mardi gras celebrations to add to the community. She is like a mother to me. Reporter for ten years, lakiesha howards learned from miss adrian. To be passionate about what you want to give to the community. Go for your dreams, and you know, you can do whatever you put your mind to. I want to give you a key to the city. Reporter miss adrian is seen as keeping African American culture alive in San Francisco. She has persisted and insisted we will have a stake in this town. That we have contributed so much to this community. That we need to be recognized. It is so honorable. Reporter and dont believe her a minute that miss adrian is going to quit her passion. I go to bed thinking about what i am going to do in the morning. Oh lord shes awake. Reporter so for uniting a community through her village project, this weeks jefferson award in the bay area goes to adrian williams, allen martin, kpix5. The next event is kwanzaa. To volunteer and donate, use the link to village project on cbssf. Com hero. You can nominate your own local hero for a jefferson award. Well be right back. ,,,,,,,,,, student protesters are on the move towar now. Chopper 5 is live over van ness avenue in San Francisco where student protesters are on the move toward city hall right now. They are demonstrating against Donald Trumps president ial win. And we will continue to follow this and bring you updates at 5 00. Also, the commercial crab season is set to open next week. But crabbers will only be allowed south of point reyes. We will tell you the new concern for whales in the area. That story and more tonight at 5 00. And that is going to do it for kpix5 news at noon. Have a great day everybody. ,, who says i shouldnt have a soda every day . My doctor. My dentist. Definitely my wife. Hey wait. We have better bubbles. Make sparkling water at home and drink 43 more water every day. Sodastream. Love your water. This is the new comfort food. And it starts with foster farms simply raised chicken. California grown with no antibiotics ever. Lets get comfortable with our food again. Maya im worried about my sister. Rick im worried about those lips. Nicole i didnt do it. I couldnt go through with it. Zende you agreed to be maya and ricks surrogate. Nicole i changed my mind. Zende so you didnt go through with the procedure . Nicole im not pregnant. Zende [ sighs ] steffy youre really asking me to help you here at forrester. Quinn i think it would be a wonderful opportunity. Steffy as long as i stay married to wyatt. Quinn steffy, i want you as an ally. I want us to be able to work together. And of course i would like to keep you as my daughterinlaw. Steffy see . You are unbelievable. Youre still manipulating the

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