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Forecast. It is a beautiful one at that. We have a little bit of a hazy sky. The sun is shining here we will see sunshine throughout the day. Off to a cool start. In the 40s in livermore and santa rosa. Low 50s, concord. Later today, warming up into the low 80s for most spots at the north bay. Around 82 degrees at the south bay. And for the east bay. The central bay, mid to upper 70s for the warmer spots there. This is the beginning of a warming trend we will stick with for the next few days. A clear cool start to your sunday. Sunny and warm this afternoon. Near 90 degrees midweek. Details coming up. New details on the suspect shot and killed by chp officers friday night. Police believe the man was involved in an armed carjacking. They say it started as an apparent Traffic Accident on highway 101 near highway 92 near san mateo. When officers arrived, they said the suspect was holding a gun and ignored commands to drop it. So they opened fire. Driver of the second vehicle was not harmed. Investigators are trying to figure out if the driver and the suspect knew each other. Part of the investigation is to figure out whether the collision was part of the carjacking or if the carjacking was a result of the collision. Investigators are looking into whether the shooting was justified. The three chp officers involved have been placed on administrative leave. President trump held a Campaign Style rally on his 100th day in office in the swing state of pennsylvania. Our reporter was there. Legions of supporters, many wearing make America Great again hats, rallied in harrisburg to congratulate President Trump on his first 100 days in office. We are keeping one promise after another. And frankly, the people are really happy about it. The enthusiastic crowd cheered to familiar themes. Cnn and msnbc are fake news. And celebrated a new direction in politics. From now on, it is going to be, america first. Mr. Trumps ambitious agenda has been met with some resistance in washington. The plan to repeal and replace obamacare has stalled. And the president still needs to secure funding to build a wall along the usmexico border. The president has a historically low approval rating. He promised a lot. And he has delivered on a lot. Mr. Trump visited a manufacturing plant earlier in the day and find an executive order creating an office of trade and manufacturing policy. Cbs news, harrisburg, pennsylvania. Meanwhile, the president skipped the white house correspondents dinner. It is an annual gathering of celebrities, washington journalists and government figures. One comedian offered some levity with a series of jobs at President Trump. We have to address the elephant that is not in the room. The leader of our country is not here. That is because he lives in moscow. It is a very long flight. On the serious side, speakers talked about the First Amendment and the role of the democracy. We are reporters. Not judges. Not legislators. Our job is to put the best version of the truth out there, period. Especially now. Bernsteins watergate partner bob woodward, now an associate editor with the Washington Post also spoke last night, addressing trump directly thing mr. President , the media is not fake news. Also hundreds gathered at lake merritt for the peoples climate march. It was one of more than 250 sister marches supporting the main one that happened in washington dc. It coincided with Donald Trumps 100 day in office. They say they want to show the president that protecting the planet is more important than protecting profit. We are at the turning point in the history of our planet. We are at the turning point in the history of our country. We are here to make it known that we want the stopping of fossil fuels. We want people to control the climate of this planet. It is everybodys planet. The oakland march was put on by a coalition of more than 75 organizations. At the same time, the president is acting to free up new areas for oil and gas drilling. Including some off the coast of california. He is asking the interior secretary to take a look at the issue. He wants to undo a plan from the Obama Administration that prevents new leases on california and alaska through 2022. With the executive order is likely to face a lot of pushback. The state senator from Santa Barbara said she will put forth a bill aimed at blocking the president. Going to the proposal of century sites, that they could lose protective status. That includes the greater marine sanctuary off the coast of sonoma. This has triggered the monterey aquarium to react negatively. Thing in a statement with a stroke of a pen, we have taken a huge step backward from a 40 year history of Global Leadership in Ocean Conservation will. And the president calls to unveil the tax reform package. States including new york and california, already pushing back for removing itemized reductions such as state property tax. We spoke to John Dickerson about the reform. Dickerson says it sets off an interesting political challenge for the administration. Politically, is a president in bad shape if the states that wont vote for him are unhappy . That will be an interesting fight to see if state and local taxes if they succeed and get their congress. It is a long way to go. John dickerson will be interviewing President Trump about his first 100 days in office, on face the nation. The white house is calling it the biggest tax cut in u. S. History. Also topping todays capital consumer watch. Julie watts is here to explain the plan and how it might impact you. It does impact us all. This will symbol fivefiling taxes and give tax rakes to the working class. Critics say it is a big break for the rich. And at the expense of the upper middleclass. Under the trump plan, we will have a massive tax cut for businesses and massive tax reform and simplification. The proposal would cut the Corporate Tax rate from 35 , to 15 . The plan also reduces the number of individual income tax bracket. The white house says they are trying to figure out how to pay for cuts without adding to the deficit. It is a tax giveaway for the very wealthy that will explore the deficit. The white house will present the final plans by august. Secretary Steve Mnuchin has been in a Leader Meeting with leaders to pass the plan. This could benefit the bay area people by getting rid of the tax for people making over 200,000 a year. It also eliminates several itemized deductions including state taxes. That could be costly to people in them accredit controlled states with high local taxes like california. Techs experts say plan to double the standard deduction may actually make up for the loss of the state write off. Others say the state tax reduction is crucial for california. We are in an abnormal area. California is a different beast with different rules. Soapmaking one broadspectrum change in tax code doesnt necessarily fit for us or may be new york or other places where real estate prices are completely different than the rest of the country. The presents plan would still allow itemized deductions for things like charitable contributions. Last year, more than 43 million u. S. Families claimed the state deduction. Certainly, the bay area is unique. Right now, 105,000 a year is considered low income. Nationwide, that is double the Median Income for everyone else. I cannot imagine the Trump Administration feels about the state of california. But the votes are in the other states. And if they benefit from it, they will rule on it. It is going to come down to whether or not this tax reform package needs 60 votes in the senate or not. If it needs 60, then that sort of thing will have to go. Do you think they would get it . We have to see how the moderate democrats do on this one. Up next, Assembly Member david chu joins us. And what is next for his proposal. ,,,,,,, two bay area cities just hit a roadblock. The bill, failed to pass the Assembly Transportation Committee Last week. The Pilot Program would have installed speedsafety cameras a plan to install speed cameras in two bay area cities hit a roadblock. The bill failed to pass the Transportation Committee last week. The Pilot Program would have installed speed safety programs along some streets in San Francisco and san jose. The pictures would snap pictures of cars going 10 miles an hour over the speed limit. And then a 100 ticket would go out in the mail. Joining us to talk about what happened is the bills author, state Assembly Member david chiu. When this was proposed, i was there and you were there. We had the mayors of san jose, San Francisco and state assemblyman. Everybody was saying that this was a proven way to reduce speeding, reduce fatalities and other collisions. It is proven. It goes to the First Committee the second committee. The Union Representing the Highway Patrol comes out against this. What happened . It was very disappointing. We have support across the spectrum particularly from Law Enforcement locally and the California Police chiefs association. Unfortunately, there are some Law Enforcement unions that are concerned that this will impact discretion, take away jobs and nothing could be further from the truth. This bill was for a test program . Correct. In San Francisco and san jose. Correct, no highways. So what does this have to do with the job security of the Highway Patrol officer . I think they were concerned about slippery slopes down the line if we allow cameras to be used here, that it might impact them. This is a program that has been proven to save lives around the country. So they come out against it. What was the rationale . I doubt if they walked in and said, this will cost us jobs. We heard a lot of arguments. At the end of the day, we understand folks are concerned they will lose jobs. At the end of the day i dont understand how people will lose jobs. If they lose jobs, it would be the local police. You are absolutely correct. The local police chief, we had the heads of the San Francisco Police Department tell us why this is important to safety. And at the end of the day, we will never be able to put a Police Officer at every corner of every dangerous street. So we need cameras to complement that. So it is not a job killer. It wasnt just the unions. It was the Civil Liberties union. The aclu. Let me make it clear. This is a bill that did clear the assembly as the committee. We discussed issues around privacy in great detail. What was the privacy issue . You are taking a picture of somebodys plate going 10 miles over the speed limit. You are right. What was raised by the aclu was not having tickets on low income folks. What we decided to do with this bill was to not only make sure these are maximum 100 tickets and no point on the record, but if you are low income and you sign under multi perjury that it is a 20 ticket. This is what happens in sacramento. We have very public unveiling of laws and private stifling of them in the hallways of the committee rooms. That may have been what happened here. Was there anybody ready to vote for this . Nobody even wanted to go on record. Again, we had a majority of democrats that supported this. That was the first major committee. The second Transportation Committee, what was decided was that we were going to do this for a few months. Hopefully negotiate some changes to address some opposition points and bring this back up. If the opposition point is that nobody should get a ticket and we are not for this we are afraid it will cost jobs how do you negotiate that . We will continue the conversation about how business save lives. How an the streets of San Francisco and san jose, we have a crisis every 18 hours. There is a parent, child or spouse that is hit and killed on the streets because of these dangerous collisions. We have to do something. And 140 communities around america, this has been shown to work. Good luck. It seems like this gets in the back room and we are really moving toward speed cameras. It is our hope in the coming months. Keep hope alive. Moving on. Taxes. Just a couple seconds left. What is your impression of the president s tax proposal and how it will affect california . It will put a real crimp in the text plants. The tax proposal i think from everyones account, from left to right, would frankly be terrible for america. It would blow a hole in the federal deficit. And it is really a set of tax cuts for the rich that will come at the expense of middle class americans in california. And it will have a huge impact on california. Up until now, you have been able to raise taxes in california and say, dont worry. You can take it off of your federal tax returns. President trump is looking to make sure that his wealthy friends continue to get enriched at the cost of everyone else in california and america. Thank you for joining us this morning. We will turn to our forecast. Some sun and a little wet. On a sunnier notes, it will be a nice day outside. Lets forget about taxes for a minute. We will take a beautiful look outside. Looking at the bridge. We do have some hayes and sunshine. Temperatures are cool into the upper 40s and low 50s around the bay to start the day. High pressure continues to build. Sunny and warm again today. As the ridge access shifts and lend, so will the wind direction. We will see a more northerly flow over the next few days. And with an increase in northerly flow, we will see an increase in temperatures as well. Topping out in the low 90s by midweek. Not all of us will see 90s. But they will be on the temperature map. A look at what to expect today. San francisco, low 70s. Mid70s, oakland. Low 80s, concord and san jose. All of the temperatures are forecasted well above average. Southbay, topping out in the low 80s. Campbell, morgan hill, san jose, palo alto 70s as well. Mid to upper 70s, hayward. Along the coast, upper 60s. 68, pacifica. Inland, temperatures topping out in the low to mid80s. Low 80s for dublin, pleasanton and san ramon. Slightly warmer in antioch. Low to mid70s around the bay for oakland and alameda, berkeley and San Francisco. The further north you go, 80 degrees around santa rosa and sonoma. Upper 70s and low 80s for lakeport and cloverdale and clearlake. If you are traveling around the state today, upper 80s for sacramento and the central valley. Talking 60s in the high country. Heading up to see any of the lingering snow up there. 70, monterey today. A Beautiful Day along the coast. Sunshine continues to be the story through the work week as temperatures increase by midweek. Topping out in the low 90s for the warmest thoughts inland by wednesday. This is not the end of cooler weather. In fact, right now, there is a chance of having another weather system that could possibly bring a couple of showers. In the meantime, sunshine through the extended forecast. We will take that. Back over to you. And the b. A. R. T. Expansion to san jose is on the fast track. The agency says it is an extension from fremont to san jose and will open ahead of schedule in december of this year. The 10 miles of track and the stations come with a price tag of about to . 3 billion. The extension will eventually correct connect people to the dda transit center. And a spokeswoman from the Transportation Agency will be here later in the show. We will break down the b. A. R. T. Latest crime report and plans about fair jumpers. And a creative 8yearold lifting the spirits of Cancer Patients. How her heart felt headbands are bringing muchneeded smiles. We will be right back. ,,,,,,,,,, sharon chin introduces us to this weeks jefferson award winner. Welcome back. A San Francisco girl has come up with a way to fight cancer. We get introduced to the sicks jefferson award winner. Volunteer maisie garnet leave the bingo game for Cancer Patients at the childrens hospital. I have been stuck in here for a week. I feel like i am at home and having fun. Maisie is known for the fluffy headbands that she calls, maisie puffs. They are nice and soft. She gives away the headbands as bingo prizes. Most of the time, she sells them for between 20 35 a piece and donates all the proceeds to Pediatric Cancer Research. I think it is important. Because people die from cancer. I want to help them. Maisie is an inspiration. The Community Relations officer praises the third graders big heart. She has raised over for thousand dollars already in just a short year and a half, to benefit Pediatric Cancer Research at the hospital. We are grateful for her support. Maisie came up with the idea for her headband fundraiser after she made one for her baby sister. So for the people who didnt have hair, it would be for them. So i thought about cancer. The 8yearold makes him on evenings and weekends. Her parents accompany her as she sells them at school festivals, Football Games and craft fairs. And maisie hope that cancer survivors will wear her headbands with style and smile. When you are happy, your body wants you to feel better quicker. So for selling hundreds of headbands to raise thousands of dollars for cancer research, this weeks award goes to maisie garnet. Kpix5. You can nominate a local hero for a jefferson award too. Coming up, congress has avoided a Government Shutdown at least for now. The temporary measure that funds the federal government for one more week. Uninvited from berkeley but welcomed in modesto. Can never forget. Edgic lesson we this gas pipeline ruptured in san bruno. The explosion and fire killed eight people. Pg e was convicted of six felony charges including five violations of the u. S. Pipeline safety act and obstructing an ntsb investigation. Pg e was fined, placed under an outside monitor, given five years of probation, and required to perform 10,000 hours of community service. We are deeply sorry. We failed our customers in san bruno. While an apology alone will never be enough, actions can make pg e safer. And thats why weve replaced hundreds of miles of gas pipeline, adopted new Leak Detection technology that is onethousand times more sensitive, and built a stateoftheart gas operations center. We can never forget what happened in san bruno. Thats why were working every day to make pg e the safest Energy Company in the nation. Welcome back to kpix5 this morning. The time is 7 59 a. M. We are going to start this half hour with another check of the forecast. Plenty of sunshine on top. Temperatures out the door this morning, low to mid50s. Ready much everyone at this hour. 53, santa rosa. 57, san jose. 60, concord. Temperatures will warm. Talking about low 80s for the north bay, east bay and south bay. Central bay, upper 70s for you. Near 70 along the coast. Some of the cooler spots as well along the bay. Over the next 24 48 hours. Starting a clear and cool today. Sunny and warm this afternoon. And the weather will get warmer. By the middle of the week, topping out at 90 degrees at the warmest thoughts inland. Not everyone will see 90 degrees. Today, talking mid to upper 60s in pacifica. For the pacific coast, dream machine event. We will talk more about the forecast coming up in just a bit. The government. It is not shutting down. At least for now. Ahead of the midnight deadline friday, the house and Senate Approved a set a temporary spending measure to keep federal agencies open for another week. Lawmakers have until may 5th to work out a larger spending bill that could run through september. The temporary measure spared the president from having a Government Shutdown on his 100th day in office. Democrats remain sharply critical of the Trump Administrations early work. But the president rejects any suggestions that his white house stumbled out of the gate. I have to tell you that i dont think anybody has done what we have been able to do. Historically dismal first 100 days. Budget, creating jobs, draining the swamp, f. Next week, the house may revisit another hot button issue. The healthcare reform bill that was initially opposed will be voted on. Cbs political director John Dickerson sat down with President Trump for an exclusive interview about his first 100 days in office. Alan martin has more. While the president and his first 100 days in office is certainly no shortage of topics. I think critics point at more disappointments than accomplishments. And the administration wont see it that way. The president wont. The president wont see it that way. I think you have to look at different sections of the administration and you have to decide how much weight to give each of those accomplishments. He has not had a legislative victory. That means that legislation does not exist to change things as he would like to see them changed. It also represents a problem for him. Because his negotiating skills have not born true in washington. Will he change things exwill be he will he be tougher or softer . You can catch the exclusive interview with President Trump this morning on face the nation right after our newscast. It is interesting that the president took time to sit down with John Dickerson after talking against the mainstream media. Im not sure cbs was in that group. We will have to see. He has a lot of things he is pushing for with his base. It seems to me he is still a president that is appealing to his base as opposed to the state of california. He seems to have written us off at least for now, before any reelection. And there is always the international situation. The latest is a show of force in the Philip Yancey with heightened tension over the north Korean Missile program. American and japanese ships moved through the area friday and are now doing exercises near the korean peninsula. Meanwhile, in the bay area yesterday, the former u. N. Secretary general ban kimoon told us the Trump Administration is actually taking the right approach. I appreciate very much such a strong principle taken by the President Trump. It is important that they should unite. He also described north korea as defiant. He also said it is the only country in the world that has developed and tested Nuclear Weapons in the 21st century. Security was high and modesto during a speech by conservative commentator ann coulter friday. She planned to speak at you see berkeley last week but that was canceled after a highly publicized freespeech showdown. In her first speech since an attempted attempt at berkeley, ann coulter teed off on the university. The media was not allowed into the event but we did get hold of this video. The communists are running the university. Speaking to a crowd of about 600 people at a gop dinner, the conservative commentator said it is the berkeley administrators that are to blame. They got free speech. They got the positions. Police and modesto say they are ready for anything. We saw them on rooftops, motorcycles and horses. She said some things i certainly dont care for. This woman has lived in modesto for 35 years. I also think we are not the kind of community that is going to draw out people that are violent or hateful. Even rebecca harrington, who organized the dinner for unity, said loud demonstrations are not just how this community works. People were like, we are going to have protests. We were like, that is your right to do that but that is not where we want to go. We want to take the high road. All last week, it was like, is she coming, is she not coming . It looks like it is a school that is adjusting to a new reality. Eventually, they got it together so that on thursday, the day she was supposed to speak, she didnt. They had a lot of Law Enforcement present. I think they are learning how to deal with these kind of threats. It certainly puts the city on the hotseat. The mayor will talk about us talk to us about what they learned and what they will still be doing. That is after three cancellations of public speakers. We will sit down and talk about why free speech may not be so free. And we will talk more about the forecast. Today, another beautiful sunny day. Temperatures will be warming. 90 degrees at the warmer spots inland. I will tell you where coming up. , we learned the santa clara sheriff wants to provide deputies with aroundtheclock affordable childcare. A powerful part. A rookie stuck on the graveyard shift. Expect original reporting from kpix5 news. Expect more. ,,,,,,,, demonstrators at uc berkeley the campus remained mostly peaceful on thursday. Despite cancellation o despite fears of violence between extreme right and left wing demonstrators at u. C. Berkeley, the campus remained mostly peaceful thursday. After the cancellation of a speech from ann coulter. Police cleared the park after several hours with a dispersal order but they did make a handful of arrest. And we have mayor jesse arreguin. What happened on thursday, your impressions . We, as we said all along, we are committed to making sure that everyone has the right to freedom of speech. We had groups that came into the city, both on the extreme left and the extreme right. Came and spoke. They discussed and it happened without violence. And police did confiscate weapons. What do you think the key difference was . Several things. One, we had a very large police presence. Not just on the campus but in the city of berkeley. They were visible. They literally formed a line to separate the two sides. That did a lot to deescalate the situation. That is more proactive than you have been in the past. Yes. What triggered that . For number one, we had more resources. It allowed us to be able to deploy more resources to monitor the situation and to help deescalate things. That is something we will do in the future. To make sure we have enough resources. As well as when you call and police from the entire bay area, how much does that cost . My understanding of how much it costs u. C. Berkeley because they called in the mutual aid, the cost was 300,000. 300,000 . It is a large price tag but the priority is keeping the community safe. First and foremost. We will do what we can to keep citizens and businesses safe. If it keeps up at this rate, that could be really expensive for free speech. What happened thursday, i am hoping will be a turning point. We can show people to come, speak, engage in nonviolent discussions and debates. We want to respect and protect free speech. You have one coming up. Returning next friday . Yes. The last time he was there, i was there. A fullscale confrontation. Rocks, bottles, busted windows, you name it. They had it. Expecting the same . We can certainly expect that if he comes, there will be a similar response. It is hard to know whether he will come or not. It is just maybe a pr stunt. We will be prepared. How will you be prepared this time . Making sure we have enough resources deployed. Using the strategies we have been using. Not just on thursday but previous events. To be visible, to be in the crowd. To try to separate groups. To confiscate weapons. In the past, i have covered demonstrations that have gone awry in berkeley. You have been there. Historically, it has been demonstrated demonstrators versus police. Will you be applying lessons from this . A lot of times he say, when you show up with a lot of force on the police side, you are charged with antagonizing the situation by making bringing people out to counter it. That is the challenge police are facing. We do need to make sure we have enough police there to respond and make arrests. But we dont want to do we really want to evaluate the situations on a casebycase basis. We do want to allow freedom of speech and peaceful assembly. It has been a challenging time at berkeley over the past few weeks. Since the selfidentity of the town has always relished its role and been there. To the people of berkeley, we continue to remain a city that has free speech and social action and nonviolence. Certainly trying to make berkeley it is the leftwing reaction to the right wing that leads to that too. Old sides are responsible. I dont think what happened reflects berkeley or our values are are first commitment to free speech. I know one person was arrested for wearing a mask. Will we start banning masks and other things . Those are actually not allowed to be used to evade police. It is a state law. It is one of the many strategies police are looking at. What are some of the others . I cant get into detail. I dont want to show our cards. But some of what we did on thursday shows the new approach that we developed in reflection of how to respond to these types of situations. At 300,000 a time, how long can you afford to go on at this . We will continue to keep the community safe. That is our top priority. Public safety. Violence and vandalism are not free speech. We will put our foot down when that rightwing or leftwing provocative worries want to come to the 60 to the city. Thank you for joining us, jesse arreguin. Mayor of berkeley. We will see what happens by friday. Maybe we will be explaining what went right or what went wrong. Now we will take a look outside. Where everything seems to be going right. If you like sunshine and mild temperatures, we have them for you. Starting in the low 50s for pretty much everyone at this hour. 54, livermore. San jose, 57. Santa rosa, 53. The satellite showing why the weather is so nice. This is highpressure Holding Steady over the pacific. As this access moves inland, we will see temperatures warm. A shift in the overall flow. A more northerly flow by the middle of the week will get temperatures into the low 90s for the warmest spots inland. A beautiful week. Had for some inland. Temperatures in the low 90s. Today, above average. Low 70s around the bay. Mid70s for San Francisco and oakland. All of the forecasted temperatures today are above average for this time of year. We will take a look at what it will feel like in your neck of the woods. Low 80s for many spots in the south bay. Cupertino and campbell and morgan hill. Upper 60s along the coast for many today. Inland, low to mid80s for antioch, brentwood, walnut creek. Upper 70s, the closer you get to the bay itself. 73, alameda today. As well as San Francisco. Low 80s as you travel north to santa rosa. Upper 70s, sonoma. Upper 70s low 80s in the far north. 83, cloverdale today. A look at the travel forecast around Northern California shows temperatures in the upper 80s toward sacramento and central valley. Looking at 60s for lake tahoe today. Near 74 monterey. Sunshine remains the story for the week. Temperatures gradually climb as we make are best way through the work week. Near 90 degrees by middle of the week before temperatures start to gradually cool heading into next weekend. Back to you. Now for some terrible weather news. At least five people are dead after several tornadoes tore through texas this weekend. The tornadoes left behind mangled cars and piles of debris. One tornado was about a half mile wide. It uprooted trees and overturned cars in a 40mile path. Many people are still unaccounted for. Fire officials expect the death toll to rise. Up next, b. A. R. T. Breakdown. Asking what is next for the Transit Agency after a sudden spike in crime and people not paying the fair. ,,,,,,, violent attack and robbery by a mob of teenagers. We have learned that b. A. R. T. Has been seeing a spike in crime. It stands well beyond last weeks violent attack and robbery of a mob of teenagers. The b. A. R. T. Police chief, jeff jennings, says crime is up 22 from last year. Almost every category of crime has seen an increase. B. A. R. T. s parking lots are also being hit. Police say that thieves are sawing off catalytic converters from peoples cars. Five different east bay stations have been hit. Two thats each. And fare evasion continues to plague the system. The b. A. R. T. Police chief says a regular riders are feeling tempted to break the rules. They are like, why should i be the person paying . Nobody else is paying. We will enforce that. B. A. R. T. Directors are considering a 3 million proposal to prevent fair fare evasion. Discussed the system 11 million every year. Joining me to talk about this is the president of the b. A. R. T. Board. I have to get right to it. What are you planning to do in the wake of this takeover at the Oakland Coliseum station. That made national news. We understand that riders are very concerned and some riders are scared. We have started to take action. We have more action we plan to take in the future. For this crime occurred last weekend, the Police Department already recognized there was a spike in crime and it was concentrated at two stations. They had already begun extra overtime shifts in the evenings at these few stations to really increased police presence. That is something that will continue. What are we going to see. What is a b. A. R. T. User going to see on nights and weekends . When they are feeling vulnerable, what will they see . They might not see anything different. We have a really big system. B. A. R. T. Police officers are typically patrolling a couple different stations. These key stations where we will have increased enforcement they might see more officers. Typically, the officers are nearby but you might not see them. They might be on your train but not your car. They might be on the station at the station but not on the side you are on. That is part of the challenge of b. A. R. T. If something happens, is someone there . Are there enough police . There are debates about whether there is enough. We do need to fill some positions. We have 38 vacant positions. I think one of our big priorities is filling those positions. Working more on recruitment to make sure we can get enough officers in there so we dont have to use as many of these overtime shifts. What is the problem with getting officers at b. A. R. T. . There have been a variety of problems. People retire or leave for other agencies. It is competitive and that the bay area. We are competitive with other cities around the country. It costs quite a bit to live in the bay area. What can you do to make people feel safe . Ridership is down on the nights and weekends. And sometimes it is cheaper to take uber or lyft to as opposed to b. A. R. T. People talk about safety on the trains. I think b. A. R. T. Is quite safe. I take b. A. R. T. In the evening very frequently. It is quite safe. We do have a recent spike in crimes over the past few months. Over the past few years, crime is actually down on b. A. R. T. That is a good point. Because you feel safe. Perhaps i would feel safe. But we may not be the same as if somebody sees a homeless person sacked out in the car they might not feel the same comfort we feel. I have heard people say, i dont feel secure and i dont like what im seeing on b. A. R. T. I think we clearly need to do more to make people feel secure. We need to get the message out more that the Police Officers are there. We encourage people to download the b. A. R. T. App where they can support anything they see to the police that they are concerned about. It is something you can do discreetly on a train. We need to work on increasing the nighttime and weekend ridership so people feel safe. The trains are still quite crowded at night and on the weekend. You will not be the only one on the trains. We will also work on other things besides safety to encourage people to use the trains at night and on the weekend. Something we are working on is a Pilot Program to have a group fare for the weekend, particularly for the airport, so we can be more competitive with uber and lyft and other things like that. It is eight tugofwar. During the day, you are pack to the max. On off hours, you switch to a different system. It is difficult. It always seems a tugofwar does whether it is taking up two seats or reluctance by the b. A. R. T. Board to impose rules because you dont want to shift people out. Customers say like they dont feel it is clean or safe. We have had more shifts in the past few years to keep the system clean. Particularly at the most crowded stations at downtown San Francisco, to clean those stations. It is difficult with growing ridership and you have so many thousands of people going through a station every day. It is difficult to keep up with. We have everything happening in the cities that b. A. R. T. Exist in. When you have a homeless crisis, that is something that impacts b. A. R. T. As well. It is something the whole region needs to tackle. Really quickly. The fare where will you start putting people on and checking the fare to make sure people are paying . We are doing quite a bit and we have been for the passed couple of years, including some Capital Improvements to make it more difficult. We are just starting the discussions about passing a new ordinance and having proof of payment inspectors. I think we are still working out exactly what that will look like. The board brought up a lot of questions at the Board Meeting this week. I think that will be an ongoing discussion. There is agreement on the b. A. R. T. Board that we have to do something about the fare evasion. Get more folks, get more money, get more cops and get it all going. Thank you for joining us, the president of b. A. R. T. We are taking a little bit of a break. And we are back with another look at the weather. ,,, pix five. Be sure to tune in to John Dickersons exclusive interview with President Trump. Have a great sunday. I want to thank everybody for joining us. Face the nation is next right here on kpix5. Stay tuned. Check out John Dickersons exclusive interview with President Trump. Have a great day. ,,,,,,,, captioning sponsored by cbs dickerson today on face the nation, as he hits the 100 day milestone, President Trump adds more to his to do list, and takes a couple of victory laps. We intent the day with him. The president of the United States of america. President trump. Dickerson it was back to the comfort of the Campaign Rally for the president as he marked his 100th day in office. But before that celebration among the diehard support in other words harrisburg, pennsylvania we sat down with the president at the white house for a wideranging interview. Everything from the north korea threat i would not be happy if he does a nuclear testily not be happy. Not happy mean military action . I dont know, i mean we willi see. Dickerson what he thinks of his new job. I love doing it. You know, i am thoroughly enjoying it. It is always a challenge like life itself is a challenge, but it is something

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