Trip to cuba and the u. S. Many people renewed their faith in the church. Marley hall has more from philadelphia. Pope francis waved farewell at the airport in philadelphia as he boarded a plane for rome. Vice President Joe Biden was there to send him off. His final request to the u. S. Theres more the family of society. At the beginning of his last day francis met with sex abuse survivors and vowed that those responsible would be held accountable. I remain over whelmed with shame that men entrusted with the tender care of children violated these little ones and caused grave harm. This guy is a monarch. If he says they are gone, they are gone. Hundreds of thousands of people celebrated a Late Afternoon mass with the holy father. Faith grows when it is practiced and if is shaped by love. Cell phones captured his trip down the parkway an emotional moment for one woman. Many felt personally touched by the holy father. Each one of us say this message is for me. Church officials announced the next world meetings of families will be held in ireland with some of the worst abuse sex scandals and recently realizized same sex marriage. A family drove 13,000 miles to see him and the pope told them they were crazy. They drove a volkswagon bus all the way to philadelphia. They loaded up their four kids for the seven month trip. When the vatican heard about it arrangements were made for a once in a life time meeting. In mont rey county vandals defaced the statue of serra who was just elevated by the pope. They knocked over statues and put green paint on it. Volunteers pitched in and cleaned up the mess just days after the poem cannonnized the missionary. Some native americans opposed it claiming many native American People were mistreated under the mission system. The Prime Minister of india in front of a huge crowd last night downtown san jose and crowd outside the sap center was nearly as loud as the capacity crowd inside. Thousands watched history unfold in the silicon valley. With indias Prime Ministers visit to the san jose the first of an india state head in california in decades. It was amazing. I was waiting for a long time. Tens of thousands appeared but only about 19,000 got one. Hundreds waited outside to try to stab a ticket. This man traveled from texas to hand out tickets hoping he would be one of the lucky ones. Tell me why you are so excited to meet him. Because hes done so many good things in india. Focused on how both countries can invest in each other but not everyone gave him a warm welcome. We should not have been given the visa here to come. Hes a criminal. 3,000 protestors applied to stand outside the sap center. Why is the United States inviting someone whooshing straited genocidal campaigns. Riot teams watched closely accusing him of being a protestor. The other person was shoving me from the back holding my neck and pretty much strangling me. It was a day filled with emotion no matter what side you were on. Kp uk 5. Lake county schools in middle town are reopening two weeks after the valley fire left much of the community in ruin. The fire burned 76,000 acres now 97 contained. Nearly 2,000 buildings have been destroyed including more than 1200 homes. A lot of people who lost their homes are still looking for shelter. Mark kelly shows us one man may have found the answer inside his rv. Back from burning man and feeling good arthur was quickly devastated to see these images from the valley fire homes burned to the ground. They have lost everything so they are really in shock and grief. But taking those lessons he cultivated about Civic Responsibility and community he had an idea to help. Welcome to my little coach. It was parked outside his little front door. Maybe somebody should stay in the rv for the winter instead of me putting it in storage. Instead of collecting dusk arthurs rv just back from burning man will soon hold a evacuee a place to call home for a few months. If i can get them something to call home right now that feels safe and private and theres i figure it would be a powerful thing. But to connect other rv owners he launched rvs without borders and the response was quick. And i said wow maybe it will work. Arthur admits this is all an experiment but if it works it can give fire victims a little bit of comfort. Even more than shelter. Its about reaching out a hand. In san jose mark kelly kpix5. Since the fire lake county has loosened its rules when it comes to recreational vehicles. People will at least one acre of property will be allowed to live in an rv for up to a year. Urging victims to register for help. Together the fires destroyed more than 1700 homes. Workers from fema and the Small Business administration say temporary housing is available at the state level transferring 10 million from the Rainy Day Fund to help pay for fire clean up. She delivered the super moon and now we are here on a monday. It was too hot this week especially when you are running a half marathon. It started off in the high 00s and by the time we were in the mid 70s. A little too warm for running. 40,000 people running through the streets of san jose yesterday. If you are getting ready to run out the door we do have the return of the natural ac and you can see it right there pushing on shore along the immediate sea shore into the bay. Temperature wise we are in the 50s and 60s again not that great comfortable sleeping weather in the inland areas in the 60s. Otherwise todays High Temperature approaching 90 degrees inland low 80s across the santa peculiara valley low 80s in santa rosa and ovie sokos and 70s which is seasonal across the bay. We have the full seven day forecast but first good morning to gee yana. We have reports of debris in lanes but its causing flat tires on some vehicles. We hear that at least nine cars off to the right side of the roadway there so devil avoid definitely avoid the area if you can. Use 280 instead of 101 so they can figure out that mess there. If you are working your way along highway 1 foggy conditions to limited visibility. Looking good across the bridge. No delays into San Francisco and so far so good on the san mateo bridge. 13 minutes between 880 and the 101. Thank you gia na. Ben carson is in a dead heat with donald trump and wall street journal polls shows trump with the support of 21 and carson with 20 within the margin of error there and Carly Fiorina and marco rubio tied for third. The race is tight for the democrats Hillary Clinton at 42 Bernie Saunders at 35 and joe biden has 17 even though he has not decided to jump in just yet. Hoping to help her Campaign Fund Hillary Clinton will attend a trio of Campaign Fundraisers private homes in saratoga and east bay. Tickets for each event range from 1,000 to 2,700. On tuesday shell have breakfast at a fourth fundraiser in San Francisco before departing off to tennessee. Some rather scary moments this is in san antonio for a republican president ial candidate Carly Fiorina a back drop came crashing down on her yesterday as she spoke to a group of business owners. She was not injured and continued to answer questions even making a joke or two about the situation. No word on why that back drop came down. And as House Speaker john baehner prepares to leave he vows the federal government will not shut down. I expect to maybe have a little more cooperation from some around town to try to get as much finished as possible. I dont want to leave my successor a dirty barn. In an exclusive interview with cbs face the nation the Ohio Republican said it wouldnt happen. Hes been under a lot of pressure to push through a bill to take away funding from planned parenthood. That partly played a role in his decision to step down. Some private words from the pope sealed it. I would repeat that except it would really cause me to cry. I dont want to put my colleagues through all of this. House speakers last day october 30. Hes served in Congress Since 1991 and been the speaker of the house since 2011. Hopes the landing. By the end of the week the u. S. Superior court is expected to announce whether it will weigh in on the anti trust challenge to Major League Baseball to build a downtown ballpark for the as but mlb has refused to give the go ahead because the giants claim territorial rights to santa clara county. Since 1922. Charged with sexually assaulting a woman on campus set to appear in a court house today for a preliminary hearing. Brock turner was arrested in january when disputes found him pinned down after he assaulted a woman outside the house. A interesting camera pays off. Just ahead how he helps self a crime at his own home. On a monday we want to know whats cool about your school. Email nominations at cool ,,, the death toll in that seattle duck boat accident has risen to five and new information the tourist boat lacked a critical repair. It needed an expel repair a year ago. It veered into an on coming bus more than 50 people taken to the hospital with injuries at least 16 are still being treated. The ntsb has learned that international which refurbished the accident vehicle in 2005 notified its customers of the potential safety related concern in 2013. They recommended repair or increased monitoring by frustrate operators. Several victims involved in the crash are from fremont. Gas prices have dropped 9 cents a gallon over the past two weeks. Heres a look at bay area prices 292 san jose 2. 91 in oakland and 3. 09 in San Francisco. They are 80 less than last year. Coming in the next half hour well explain why these low prices may be sticking around for a while. We are not going to argue though. No we love them. 31. Good for you. I stopped and got some hot chocolate. You get free hot chocolate when you fill up your gas. At 2 30 in the morning . Pretty much. This morning when you head out the door another mild start. Its been very mild for several days in the bay area and temperatures 50s and 00s and yes the return of the on shore push. We do have cloud cover. Cannot barely see the tip of the. You see the lights blinking for the aircraft. Well we probably will have airport delays as a result of that very deep expanded marine layer. 50s and 60s out the door this is the return of the marine layer right there. On top of that we do have mid and high level clouds drifting in over the Pacific Ocean a little bit of light precipitation associated with that cloud deck. None will make it into our bay area. We have an area of low pressure dropping out from the north enhancing our marine layer. You are going to have to hang on for some sunshine. Cooler temperatures associated with that area of low pressure. 90s throughout the Central Valley today 77 for a high here upper 60s for monte rey bay. Coming down in comparison to yesterday but temperatures still mid to high 80s away from the bay low 80s peninsula 66 pacificca and the beach. 68 degrees for San Francisco pretty spot on and the cooler air mass which is so welcoming tuesday through thursday and bump up the temperature friday obviously to see cooler temperatures. Its huge, its big, its the giants against the dodgers tonight on the mound at 7 15. We know what this is all about. Yes we do. I might be there tonight checking it all out. Checking the roadways so far a couple of things to look out for this morning. Westbound 92 as you approach the bridge right at the toll plaza first report of an accident chp headed out to the scene non injury a big rig involved. Elsewhere still dealing with a trouble spot as well as you work your way towards the bridge a couple cars here but that wraps up quickly no delays as you head into San Francisco this morning. Stop and go conditions on the westbound side as you work your way out of tracy not too bad from the top of the alta mont headed to 680. So far its been an easy ride from liver moore valley towards the about dublin interchange. No delays so road work to look at that. We have this trouble spot there with debris in lanes that caused a couple spot tires. So we are seeing no delays but a lot of activity on the right shoulder so that may slow you down. Use 2380 as an alternate in the meantime and foggy conditions along highway 1. Limited visibility so be careful. No delays so 14 minutes ride southbound 101 from the richmond to Golden Gate Bridge toll plaza. No delays on the westbound side. You are clear all the way to pittsburgh and if you are headed towards the east no delays right now. Dont forget to always check traffic with our radio partners. Back to you guys. Thank you. Take note a Security Camera may be watching you. Its true. John ramos shows us how high tech following went to work for a local homeowner. Arrogance of aaron friday ken jensens daughter was standing at the window of their home. Cam who is a bit of a tech junkie has installed cameras and they captured the whole thing on video. The car pulling up, a man hustling up to the front of the house snagging the ups package and thats when bruce wayne turned into bat man. I got to the car and my first reaction was i could reach in and grab the keys. I could stop them somehow until the cops get there. Ken grabbed the arm of the woman passenger and grabbed her purse. Shes got id in here. I know who they are now. I reached in and grabbed it as he sped off and of course the victory dance i have your purse. It turns out the purse was not much help to police but then ken posted the videos on clay cord and the folks at the local on line news blog said it sure looked similar to a story from 2012. I pulled up the old news clip and said this is the exact same guy. He really hasnt even changed his clothes much right . So long story short he tells the cops and they arrest daniel price of concord again for package theft. It should serve as a warning to thieves the cameras are Getting Better and theres a lot more out there. As for daniel price he may want to look into another line of work. His film career isnt working out so great. In concord john ramos kpix5. Even though the thief saw his daughter in the window they went ahead and tried to steal the package anyway. What was in it . Who knows. Doesnt matter. Something you dont ,,,, good morning everyone. Lets look at your forecast High Temperatures on monday. Typicallith 70 in San Francisco. Pretty close if not spot on. Concord 4 degrees above normal. 68 degrees this afternoon 80s arraigns the peninsula partly sunny and high clouds across san jose 83 degrees. East of the bay west wind 10 to 15. Numbers stacking up in the mid and high 80s. 70s in and 80s across. Up stream we go to 87 degrees in cloverdale and checking the roadways right now chp on the scene of an accident westbound 92 at the san mateo bridge blocking lane number seven. No injuries. Also word on troubles. More on that coming up. Strange delays before a football game. The st. Louis rams got more pregame fireworks than they bargained for. Stray fireworks setting the field on fire in st. Louis as the rams made their entrance. The match up with the steelers started a half hour late after they finally cleaned up that mess. In detroit a driver nearly burned down a detroit area gas station trying to kill a spider. The critter was hanging out near his gas tank when he tried to torch it with a lighter. Instead the whole pump went up in flames. The station attendant saw the whole thing and shut the pump down while the driver grabbed an extinguisher. I saw it on the camera you dumb so and so. Do you know gas goes boom. He didnt have anything to say for himself . He was sorry. He apologized. He was sorry. He didnt know. Its just one of them things that happen, stupidity. Thats all i would call it. Just stupidity. What happened to smashing one right . The gas pump was charred but no one was hurt. And incrediblely the mans car was barely damaged. Hope he got the spider. Just get a shoe. Yeah, hello. Animated fantasy hit the box office over the weekend. In this case the sequel out did the original. Thats not how that one goes. Whats wrong with suffer, suffer scream in pain, blood is spilling from your brain. How nice. Hotel transylvania two was number one among movie goers raking in 47 million. The far behind maze runner the scorch trials and everest rounding out the top five over the weekend. Its 4 56 right now. A big set back to normalcy for the area ravaged by the valley fire. A live report coming up in just moments. And gas is cheap and its , good morning everyone, this is the live look out at the bay bridge toll plaza. Things are looking pretty good. Right now anyway. As its just 5 00. Good morning everyone, it is monday, september 28th. Im michelle griego. Happy monday everyone, im frank mallicoat. Nearly 5 00. And lets get you out on to the roads and talk about that weather too on a monday and we kick it off with roberta. I have noticed that 2 30, 3 00 in the morning there are more people on the roads now than ever before in the last 20 years, that means that more people are heading home earlier and were heading out an wilson valdez. Just look at that. As well. Just look at that. With the huge areas of patchy fog. Temperatures are in the 50s and 0s and later today the clouds retweet. However mid and high level clouds stream overhead and well call it partly cloudy and full forecast coming up in 18 minutes after the hour. Lets take a live look at the san mateo bridge, ch on scene of the accident just before the toll plaza blocking the number 7 lane. Big rig involved but no injuries and again really no delays, its not very busy right now and traffic is good as you come into foster city. 101 though a headsup. Near shoreline still careers incidents from the right shoulder but all the debris is now out of the lanes. A live look at the Golden Gate Bridge coming up. The valley fire is now 97 contained. Cal fire expects to reach full containment a week from today. The fire burned 76,000 acres and blamed for four deaths and today children in middletown will return to school for the First Time Since the fire broke out. Kpix 5s lisa chan joins us from middletown. Lisa . Reporter good morning, well schools starting at 9 00 a. M. The morning and classes for cobb elementary will

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