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Before it was sent . The president. Tell us everything about the conversation. Irving he said and you said, to the best of your recollection. He said what do you think of this . I believe i saw the text message or on his phone. I remember saying to him, the wording on the first sentence, i guess its a long sentence. The wording on the first sentence. What leads some to believe he had something to do with the events that happened at the capitol. What did he say . I dont recall him saying in response to that. I believe that was the end of the conversation. Did he change anything in light of your comments . No he did not. What made you think someone may perceive the president in having a role in the violence at the capitol. It was my interpretation of the words. I dont write speeches or anything, but the phrase these are the things that happened to my sounded as if, as if culpability was associated. I dont think its a a tree t act to assault the capitol. Calling them patriots is a stretch to say the least. Is that what it is a stretch or flatley wrong. I dont think its a a tree patriotic act to attack the criminal. Criminal. Unpatriotic, sure. What happened at the capitol was wrong and tragic. It was a terrible day. It was a terrible day for the country. I thought it was inappropriate. Why . To my meaned it was a day that should be remembered that wasnt the temper of the tweet. Despite the violence of the day this continued. Rudy guiliani calderon several political allies in the hour before the joint session resumed. Jim jordan, lindsey graham, josh holly and ted cruz. We know why mr. Guiliani was calling him. At 7 02 he lift a voice mail for senator tuberville that became public. Lets listen to the start of it. Senator, or coach. This is Rudy Guiliani the president s lawyer. I am calling you because i want to discuss with you how theyre trying to rush the hearing. How we need you, our republican friends to slow it down to get these legislatures to get more information to you. Mr. Guiliani did not even mention the attack on the capitol. Instead he was pushing on be half of President Trump to get members of congress to further delay the certification. Even though some members did proceed with objections, Vice President pence and congress stood firm and con lewded the joint session in the Early Morning hours of jan seventh. Here is what members of the party said in days and weeks after the attack. There is no question, none that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day. No question about it. The people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president. And having that belief was a foreseeable consequence of the growing c creshendo of false statements, conspiracy others and the verballage that the president shouted no the largest megaton on planet aeurgt. The violence, destruction, chaos we saw earlier was unacceptable, undemocratic and unamerican. It was the saddest day i have ever had as serving as a member of the eps at this tuition. Madam speaker, today the house was attacked. Its an attack on the republic itself. No excuse for it. A woman died. People need to go to jail. The president should never should of spun up certain americans to believe something that can not be. After 3 00 in the morning congress certified the Election Results. Soon after this statement by President Trump was posted on dan scavinos twitter account because his account was suspended. He said this would be an orderly transition. We learned the statement was not necessarily his idea jason miller, a Campaign Advisor said he heard nothing from the president or the white house about assuring the nation a transfer of power would take place. Mr. Miller took it upon himself to draft the statement and calderon the president at 9 23 and convince him to put it out. Lets hear what he said about the call. Did he disagree with something you put in the statement, a word or phrase he did not want to be included . I would say just a, he wanted to say peaceful transition and i said that ship has already sailed. We will say orderly transition. That was about the extent of the disagreement or pushback from the conversation. The last person President Trump spoke to that night was his head of personnel. He told us that they talked about the events of the day and the multiple resignation by administration officials. The decision whether to resign was one that weighed haeufb leon people in the administration. On the one hand those here, as proud as they were to serve, write stpaoused to be associated with President Trumps dereliction of duty. Others worried leaving trump to his own devices would put the country at continued risk. Listened to what we heard from those including the secretary of labor. And then after that some people were resigning obviously over january 6th. Which know who they were. Did i consider it . Yes. Did i do it . No. Concerned about if people in the Council Office lift who would replace me. I had some concerns it would be someone who was giving bad advice. On the morning of the seventh, the decision i arrived at was that the most constructive thing i could think of was to seek a meeting of the cabinet. You know i thought that trying to work within the administration to steady the ship was likely to have greater value than simply resigning, after at which point would of been power less to the at ministration. You thought there should be a cabinet meeting. You know why i i dont remember why. I think it probably had to do with marks view of how the president may react. You know, but things like that there was a couple of calls where you know meadows and or pompeo, more meadows. How is the president doing. Pompeo may say how is the president doing . Meadows would say hes in a really dark place. Here is one for example on the seventh of jan. This day after, right. Potus is very emotional and in a bad place. Meadows. You hare the secretary wanted President Trump to convene a cabinet meeting. He put a request in a memo to the president. Hire is what it said. He remembered the president no longer publicly question the Election Results. After wednesday nobody can deny this is harmful he also highlighted the importance of the public knowing the president would invoke his cabinet in Decision Making and not certain private individuals. Though the secretary did not say it i was referring to Rudy Guiliani and the rest of the socalderon clown car working with President Trump to over turn the election. Secretary understood the president needed to do more to reassure the public about the last few weeks of the trump administration. Mr. Potenger, when you made the decision to resign did you walk out of the white house immediately . No, i wanted to first talk to my mediate boss, that was the National Security advisor, Robert Obrien. Robert obrien was traveling on the sixth. I reached him at about 4 30 p. M. And told him that i was submitting my resignation. He accepted the resignation but he also asked whether i could stay until he could get back to the white house. I agreed to that. We both wanted to make sure i was living in a responsible way. We still have foreign adversaries to think about, hackers, terrorist, nation states. I didnt want to leave my chair empty being i was the top security staffer in the white house. I ended up staying at my desk through the night. When Robert Obrien arrived back the morning of the seventh i debriefed with him and left for the last time. So you and i both share a passion for National Security of our country. Can you share with me what is your view on how january 6th impacted our National Security . Will when you have a president ial transition even under the bit of circumstances it is a time of vulnerability. Its a time of vulnerability. For a contested election i was certainly concerned that some of our adversaries would be tempted to probe or test u. S. Resolve as an example in late december the iranian government attacked the u. S. Embassy in baghdad. They did that using terrorist proxies. President trump did handle that. He sent a very clear warning to the ayatollah and his regime. I think that had a usefully fect. I think that we of handled other threats of the nature and luckily no other threats materialized before the in all ration on the 20th. But our National Security was harmed in a different way by the sixth of jan. That is that it i think it i emboldened our enemies giving them a narrative that our system of government doesnt work. That the United States is in decline. China, the putin regime in russia, t tyran. Theyre fond of pushing the narratives. By the way, theyre wrong. We have heard from the entirety of u. S. History from kings that the United States is in decline. Those kings and despits have been proven wrong aoeufr single time. None the less january 1st fed a perception that i think emboldens our adversaries. I heard from allies and close friends, supporters of the United States, that they were concerned about the health of our democracy. I think its incumbent upon us to put their minds at ease, our own hearts at ease by investigating what happened on the sixth and making sure that it never happens again. Look i have always said democracies are not defined by bad days. Theyre defined by how they recover from the bad days. Thats what wire doing hire. To bring accountability to that and come back stronger than when we went into january 6th. Ms. Matthews when you left the white house for the last time that night january 6th, what do you think americans needed to hear from President Trump . I think the American People needed to hear him and see him commitment to an orderly transition of power. In the aftermath of the Capitol Attack it wasnt enough to just ask him to condemn the violence. He needed to agree to peacefully transfer power over to the incoming administration. Thats one of our fundamentals in what it means to live in a dedemocracy. That evening when i resigned the resignation statement that i drafted i referenced this. I said our nation needs a peaceful transfer of power in hopes it would put a public pressure on the white house and President Trump to publicly a tpwroeu to an orderly transition. Thank you. I yield to my friend from virginia. Thank you. The staff who remained at the white house jan seventh knew the president needed to address the nation again. It had a speech prepared for him that morning. He refused for hours to give it. As you heard casseday hutchinson testify previously President Trump finally agreed to record an address to the nation later that evening, the evening of jan seventh because of concerns he maybe removed under the 25th a behindment or impeachment. We knew the threats were real. Sean hannity said so that day. He wrote, no more stolen election talk. Impeachment and 25th amendment are real. We obtained the raw footage of the president recording his address to the nation that day, jan seventh, more than 24 hours from the last time he addressed the nation from the rose garden. Lets take a look. Whenever you are ready, sir. I would like to begin by addressing the heinous attack yesterday and to those who broke the law, i will pay. You do not represent our movement. You do not represent our country. If you broke the law, cant say that. I already said you will pay. The demonstrators who infiltrated the capitol have defied. Its defile. I cant see it i have well. I will do this. Im going to do this, lets go. But this election is now over. Congress has certified the results. I dont want to say the election is over. I just want to say congress has certified the results without saying the election is over, okay. Now congress. Ya, right. I didnt say over. Dont go to the paragraph before. Okay. I would like to begin by addressing the heinous attack yesterday. Kwreud is a hard word for me. Take the word yesterday. It doesnt work with heinous attack on our country. Say on our country. Say that. My only goal was to insure the integrity of the vote. My only goal was to insure my integrity of the vote. On january 7th one day after he insighted an insurrection based on a lie President Trump still could not say that the election was over. Mr. Pottinger, you have taken the oeugt many times in the marines and as an official in the executive branch. Can you please share with us your view on the oath of office and how that translates to accepting Election Results and transfer of power. Sure. You know this isnt the first time we have had a closely election, in this country. President trump certainly had every right to challenge in court the results of these various elections. But once you have had due process, under the law, you have to conform with the law no matter how bitter the result. Once you have presented your evidence in court, judges hear the evidence, judges have ruled. If you continue to contest an election youre not just contesting an election anymore. Youre actually khalinging the constitution, itcivil. You are challenging the societial norms that allow us to remain unified. I think that one example for example you have Vice President Richard Nixon back in 1960, had lost a hard fought election against senator john f. Kennedy. There were irregul irregularla. Many asked for him to fight and concede. In one of his finest moment he said no, he said it would tear the country to pieces. He conceded to jack kennedy and announced he would support him as the next president. We have the example of a democratic candidate for president , al gore who faced a similar dilemma. He strongly disagreed with the Supreme Court decision that lost pe office. But he gave a speech of concession in late december, mid or late december of 2000 where he said this is for the sake of the unit of us as a people and for the strength of our dedemocracy. I also am going to concede. Im going to support the new president. His speech is actually a pretty good model, i think, for any candidate, for any office up to and including the office and from any party to read particularly right now. You know the oath that our president s take is similar to the oath of office i took as a u. S. Marine officer and as a white house official. Its to support and defend the constitution, protect the cons did i tuition, bear faith and allegiance to the constitution. Its a sacred oath we take before our families, we take before god. And i think that we have an obligation to live by that oath, and i do still believe we have the most ingenious system of government on aeurgt. Despite the imperfections. I dont envy countries that dont have this system that allows for predictable peaceful of government every 48 years. Its not something we should take for granite. Thank you. As we heard at the start of the hearing in the mediate aftermath of january 6th republican Kevin Mccarthy understood President Trump bore responsibility for that day and should of taken action on the violence. He was more can did with colleagues. As you will hare in a moment the context of the calls was a resolution was introduced into the house calling for Vice President pence and the can be net to remove President Trump from office under the 25th amendment. Lets listen. I have had it with this guy. What he did was unacceptable. Nobody can and should defend that. The only discussion i would have with him is i think this will pass. It would be my recommendation for you to resign. I mean that would be my take. I dont think he will take it but i dont know. Let me be very clear to awful you. I have been very clear to the president. He bears responsibilities for his words and actions. No ifs, ands, or buts. I asked him if he holds responsibility for what happened or feels bad. He told me he does have some responsibility for what happened. He needed to acknowledge that. President trump has never publicly acknowledged his responsibility is for the attack. The only time he apparently did so is in that private call with Kevin Mccarthy. There is Something Else President Trump never acknowledged. The names and the memories of the officers who died following the attack on the capitol. Were honored to be joined tonight by police and First Responders who bravely protected us on january 6th. Your character and courage give us hope that democracy can and should prevail, even in the face of a violent insurrection. We onwe can never thank you enoh for what you did to protect our democracy. On january 9th two of President Trumps officials texted each other on the glaring death of a Capitol Police officer who succumbed to his injured on the night of jan aou air a seventh. This was his director of Public Relations and communications. Their job was to convince people to vote for President Trump. They knew his heart, mind and voice as well as anyone. They knew how he connectd with his supporters. Here is what they had to say about their boss. Also said shitty not to acknowledge the tkaeugt of the Capitol Police officer. The response, thats enraging to me everything he said about supporting Law Enforcement was a law. The reply, you know what this is of course if he acknowledged the dead copy would be implicitly faulting the mob. He wont do that theyre his people. He would be close to acknowledging what he did at the rally got out of control. No way could he acknowledge something that could be calderon his fault. No way. President trump did not then or now have the character or courage to say to the American People, what his own people know to be true. He is responsible for the attack on the capitol on january 6th. Thank you and i yield to the gentleman from illinois. Thank you. Tonights testimony and evidence is as sobering as it is straight forward. Within minutes of stepping off the stage, donald trump knew about the violent attack on the capitol. From the comfort of his dining room he watched on tv as the atack escalated. He sent tweets that inflamed and expressed support for the desire of some to literally kill Vice President mike pence. For three hours he refused to call off the attack. Donald trump refused to take the urgent advice he received that day. Not from his political opponents or the hr eul liberal media but his own family, his own friends, his own staff, and his own advice eurz. In the midst of an attack where there was no time for politics the people closest to trump cold him the truth. It was his supporters attacking the capitol, and he alone could get through to them. So they mid fo played foyer him. Still he refused to meet the moment and honor his oath. It was only once the Vice President and members of congress were in secure locations and the officers defending the capitol began to turn the tide that President Trump thin in gauged in the political theater of telling the mob to go home. Even thin he told them all they were special and that he loved them. Whatever your politics, whatever you think about the outcome of the election, we as americans must all agree on this, Donald Trumps conduct on january 6th was a supreme violation of his oath of office and a complete dereliction of his duty to our nation. It is a stain on our history. It is a dishonor to all those who have sacrificed and died in service of our democracy. When we bring sent our full findings we will recommend changes to laws and policies to guard against another january 6th. The reason thats imperative is the force thats donald trump ignited that day have not gonna way. The militant, intolerant ideology, militias, disaffection, the weird fantasies and disinformation. Theyre all still out there ready to go. Thats the elephant in the room. But if january 6th has reminded us of anything i prey it has remind reminded us of th. Laws are just words on paper. They mean nothing without Public Servants dedicate to the rule of law. And held a koeupbt apbl by a public that believe oath matters, oath matters more than party twaoeublism or cheap political points. We the people must demand more from our politicians than ourselves. Oeugts matter. Character matters. Truth mat eurz. If we do not renew our faith and commitment to these principles this great experiment of ours, our shining becon on a hill will not endure. I yield to the against al woman from virginia. Thank you. Throughout our hearings we have provided many facts and painted a vivid picture of the events of january 6th. The violence the human violence, both emotional and physical. Including the tragic loss of life. The threats to our constitution, the rule of law, and the danger to this nation. A nation we all love as americans. In tonights haring se o january 6th. We described how the preuz of the United States who was bound by oath to the constitution and by duty to insure the laws are faithfully executed took no action when the cornerstone of our democracy, a peaceful transition of power was under attack. But its more than that. Donald trump summoned a violent mob and promised to lead that mob to the capitol to compel those he thought would cave to that kind of pressure. When he was thwarted in his effort to lead the uprising he i kninsurance at this gated the attackers. A man who just wanted to do his constitutional dude duty. In the end this is not what it may appear. A story of in action in a time of crisis. Instead it was the time action of Donald Trumps plan to assert the will of the american pema pr not until it was clear that his effort to violent see disrupt or delay the counting of the Election Results had failed did he send his message, a message to his supporters. He kph commisorated with their n and told them to go home. That was not what you to those who broke the law, but instead it was his newest version of stand back and stand by. To me this is personal. I first swore an oath to support and defend the cops at this tuition against enemies and domestic when i entered the u. S. Naval academy at 17. I spent two dick aides on ships at sea by known and identifiable foreign enemy thats sought to do us harm. I never imagined that the enemy would come from within. Abraham lincoln 23 years before the civil war said, if destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and its finisher. Donald trump was the author. We the people for ourselves and our prosperity should not let donald trump be the finisher. Thank you. I yield to the vice chair. Thank you, very much. I want to thank our wit tpheuss for joining us today. The members of the shreubgt cmmittee may have additional questions for todays witnesses we ask you respond expeditiously in writing to the questions. Without objection members will be allowed ten Business Days to submit statements for the records. Including opening remarks and additional questions from the witnesses. I would now like to turn things to chairman thompson for a few closing words. The members of the committee and i appreciate and thank all persons who have come forward voluntarily to provide information to help protect our democracy. Our and our work continues have we have made clear throughout the hearings our investigation is Going Forward. We continue to receive new information every day. We are pursuing many additional witnesses for testimony. We will reconvene in september to continue laying out our findings to the pheurpb people and pushing for accountability. In the first hearing of this series i ask the pheurpb people to consider the facts and judge for themselves. The facts are clear and unambiguous. I thank the American People for their attention over the past several weeks. I wish you all a place ant evening. Let me again thank our Witnesses Today. We have seen bravery and honor in the hearings. Ms. Matthews and mr. Pottinger both of you will be remembered for that. As will casseday hutchinson. She sat here alone, took the oath, and tiffed before millions of americans. She knew all along she would be attacked by President Trump and by the 50, 60 and 70yearold men who hide themselves behind executive privilege. Like our Witnesses Today she has courage and she did it anyways. Casseday, sarah, and our other witnesses including officer caroline edwards, shay moss, and her mother ruby freeman are a inspiration to american women and american girls. We o eu a debt to all of those who have and will appear here. That brings me to another point. This committee has shown you the testimony of dozens of republican witnesses. Those who served President Trump loyally for years. The case against donald trump in these hearings is not made by witness whose were his political enemies. It is instead a series of conning ifses by Donald Trumps own appointees. His own friends, his own campaign officials. People who worked for him for years, and his own family. They have come forward and they have told the American People the truth. For those of you who seem to think the i had would be different if republican leader mccarthy didnt with draw nominees from this committee. Let me ask you. Do you think bill bar is such a delicate flower he would wilt under cross examination. Patel, he canner rosen, donahue. Of course not none of our witnesses are. At one point in 2016 when i was first running for Office Donald trump said this, i would stand in the middle of fifth avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldnt lose any voters. That quote came to mind last week when audio from trump advisor steve bannon surfaced from october 31st, 2020 just a few days before the president ial election. Lets listen. What trump is going to do is declare victory. Hes going to declare victory. That doesnt mean hes a winner. He will say hes a win i remember. The democrats more people vote early that count. They vote mail. They will have a natural disadvantage and trump will take advantage this. Is a strategy. He will declare himself a winner. When you wake up wednesday morning it will be a firestorm. Also if trump is losing, by 10 00 oclock or 11 00 oclock at night it will be crazier. Will he say there, they stole it if biden is winning, trump is going to do some crazy shit. Of course four days later President Trump declared victory when his own Campaign Advisers told him he had no bias is to do so. What the new steve bannon audio demonstrates is Donald Trumps plan to falsely claim victory in 2020 no matter what the facts were, was premeditated. Perhaps worst. Donald trump believed he could convince his voters to buy it. Whether he had actual evidence of fraud or not. This same thing continued to occur from election day onward until january 6th. Donald trump was confident he could convince supporters they licks was stolen no matter how many lawsuits he lost. He lost scores of them. I was told over and over again iny pheps detail the election was not stolen. There was no evidence of widespread fraud. It didnt matter. Donald trump was confident he could persuade his supporters to believe whatever he said no matter how outlandish and ultimately that they could be summoned to washington to help him remain president foyer another term. As we showed you last week even President Trumps legal tame lead by Rudy Guiliani knew they had no actual evidence to demonstrate the election was stolen. Again it didnt matter. Here is the worst part. Donald trump knows that millions of americans who supported him would stand up and defend our nation were it threatened. They would put their lives and their freed only at stake to protect her. And he is pre preying on their patriotism. He is preying on their sense of justice. On january 6th donald trump turned their love of country into a weapon against our capitol and our constitution. He has purposely created the false impression that america is thraeut ened by a Foreign Force controlling voting machines, or that a wave of tens of millions of false ballots were secretly injected to our election system or ballot workers have secret thumb drives and theyre stealing elections with them. All complete n nonsense. We must remember we cant abandon the truth and remain a free nation. In late november 2020 when President Trump still pursued lawsuits many urged him to put evidence of fraud forward in the courts and accept the outcome of the cases. As january 6th approached i circulated a memo to my republican colleagues explaining why our congressional proceedings to count electoral votes could not be used to change the outcome of the election. What i did not know at the time was that president s trump own advisers also republicans, also conservatives including his white house council, Justice Department, campaign officials. They all told him almost exactly the same thing i was telling my colleagues. There was no evidence of fraud or irregularities sufficient to change the election outcome. Our courts have ruled it was over. Now we know that it didnt matter what any of us said because donald trump was not looking for the right answer legally or the right answer factually. He was looking for a way to remain in office. Lets put that aside for a moment, focus on just what we saw today. In our hearing tonight you saw an american president , faced with a stark and unmistakable choice between right and wrong. There was no ambiguity. No nuance. Gone ald trump made a purposeful choice to violate his oath of office. To ignore the on going violins against Law Enforcement. To threaten our constitutional order. There is no way to excuse that behavior. It was indifferencable. Every american must consider this. Can a president willing to make the choice thats donald trump made during the violence of january 6th ever be trusted with any position of authority in our great nation again . In this room, in 1918, the committee on women suffrage convened to discuss and debate whether women should be granted the right to vote. This room is full of history, and we on this committee know we have a solemn obligation not to idly squander what so Many Americans have fought and died for. Ronald reagans great ally, margaret thatch i remember said this, let it never be said that the dedication of those who love freedom is less than the determination of those who would destroy it. Let me a sure every one of you this, our committee understands the gravity of this moment, the consequences for our nation. We have much work yet to do, and we will see you all in september. I request those in the haring room remain seated until the Capitol Police have escorted witnesses and members from the room. Without ob skwreubgs the committee stands adjourned. The january 6th committee making the case tonight donald trump betrayed his oath as president of the United States to preserve, protect and defend the constitution. Instead of working towards the peaceful transition of power he will fully sat violent in his dining room, watching the violence, and stoking the violence by his tweets and inaction as hi former press secretary said, he put gasoline on the fire. Margaret, there was a lot we learned today and new evidence and congressman kingser saying he didnt fail to act he chose not to act. What are the implications of this. He has been clear here. He sees this as a true test for fellow write pub i will cans. Failure to act. Is that a strong leader. Is that the character of someone you want leading the party. Its what he and Congress Woman cheney are standing for. Interesting to hear him lay out the on going threat, again bringing that back to the militant intolerant ideologies, militias, alien nation, the fantasies and stkeus information, theyre all out there raidy to go. This isnt a prosecution of the past. Its a warning of the future. Warning to the party. It felt in some ways like a closing argument. We heard this is not it. In the fall we potentially will have more hearings. One if not. Two we hraeurpbd that tonighttoe committee hugging the Capitol Police officers there who sought to defend the sim poll of democracy at the u. S. Capital on january 6th. There was a lot of talk about oaths tonight. Two members of congress who served. A marine. The oath that everyone who serves and the president takes has to mean something. The words have to mean something. Today was the moist a cute failure on the president s part. To go back to margarets point about the party there. Is no this wouldnt pwoeupbs you from the job hidely. You cant say that out loud as a republican without getting in trouble about donald trump. Thats an extra ordinary thing to have such a failure. Or else youre like liz cheney who possibly faces losing her seat. The contrast everyone in the white house wanted donald trump to stop the violence. He refused. He refused to talk about something being peaceful before the cameras. There were new details we learned today from the hearing we didnt know previously. Tonights testimony showed how close the United States came to a very dark moment. New testimony and footage. We saw in a secure location the congressional leaders of the United States, democrats and republicans huddled around a phone talking to chris miller, can the building be secure . Can we do our jobs . It was a open question that night january 6th whether american democracy would continue as it should, based on the constitution. This was new information coming to light. It has political implications. More importantly consequences for democracy as people watch and digest it. A bipartisan moment as will. Another moment with consequences as Vice President pence looks at a run for president him civil. He was working the phones. The Vice President was calling the peupbt a gone and getting them to act bringing in the national guard. We heard the praise of Vice President pence saying he was firm and direct. He took on the role as shadow president. The actual president was not doing anything but creating more chaos. The details of the white house, lawyers and otherwise, ringing with situation. They timely got the president to make a statement and they collapsed. Mike pence had another half a day ahead of him to the capitol. He was the just on the phone asking about the military. He worked another half a day for the vote to be taken and stay at his post. Mike pence was doing the job of the day as the president of the United States fled the field. Scott, we also learned tonight that members of Vice President S Secret Service detail were saying goodbye to family members. They were concerned about their own physical safety. It was that close to where they were. They were concerned they couldnt even evacuate mike pence and his family there. That radio traffic really landed Vice President s security detail, secret service detail, calling about their families, worried they were in danger. That the former Vice President was cry highed. You see him here evacuated to a underground hiding area. They were worried they may die. Its worth noting in the 187 minutes there were people who died. Five deaths and there were Police Suicides among the First Responders in the days after. Its also worth noting in the 187 minutes there was on going kinetic confrontations and fighting. Police officers traumatized. Its worth noting 850 people are charged with crimes, many who are soon headed to prison. We also some of the video of donald trump practicing what he was going to say. A script had been agreed upon by others. Then him practicing and changing the words. We sat here when they played that and said if trump see thats he will be angry. It makes him look foolish. And the phrase he wouldnt say, the election is over. Thats a character riftic of president. The forummer president that came up time and again throughout the hearings. Which was you hear from people in the military swaeurg a oath of a hraoeupblg insurance to defend the country against foreign and domestic. Allegiance to the constitution. You heard that time and time again with mike pence. With donald trump its he didnt want to look weak or Say Something that made him look like he lost, hes a loser. That was a context you heard throughout the hearings. I thought it was interesting, nora, that congress womney the nce s, rpere. Antrg thatst ays say. She made the point there it was a decision by Kevin Mccarthy the republican leader to not go ahead and seek republicans on the panel. That they wrong their because pelosi they were complaining and donald trump said nobody is defending me. Liz cheneys point was. Her point was this was their decision. Had you trump republicans. Bill barr and others were there. Were they not tough enough. Do you think bill barr is such a delicate flower. Yes. They have also tried to paint a narrative that courageous Young American republican women are coming forward and these 50, 60, and 70 year old men are hiding. Its the truth. The defense could be donald trump took actions x, y, z. But had you this tweet go out during this going on, chairman said, this is all here say. Say. Thats not true. Its a lie. Its direct testimony of those involved. What is more important is this is a tactic leading to january 6th. When something serious goes on you divert the attention by saying something not true. This is a live issue of democracy for the country this. Is not the past. This is about deploying inception of the past to make people look away from a serious moment. The president of the United States not doing his job. Threatening them, threatening the safety of these people coming forward to testify in the case of furthering a understanding of what happened and how close we came to defiling the symbol of our democracy. Destroying it. This is a crossroads of reckoning for the republican party. After haring this where do they go . Do they back trump again in 2024. Its a crossroads for garlin. Do they make a decision that former President Trump had criminal intent as he sat there on january 6th . Lets answer that question. We have followed this. This is the eighth hearing we have watched together. They have interviewed more than a thousand people. Its very damning of what the president did, inviting, stoking, inflating the mob. Can he be held criminally responsible and for what . Will it go further than the public hearings . Will the attorney general move on donald trump in a way to make him legally culpable . Right. Thats a huge legal and political question. That is something that the mayor said this week, nobody is above the law. That doesnt answer the question of on what basis can you prosecute. Its one of the arguments for the committee to have been set up in the first place. Congress, the public airing for the record. That was compelling for people. Like you heard today, thighs republicans who went forward and testified like Matt Pottinger who were appealed too on the basis of duty and Public Record. There is value in this even if the Justice Department doesnt go forward for the prosecution. This is there for the Public Record in the end. Nicole is still on the hill for us. Nicole, this is the eighth and final hearing this summer. We heard there will be more hearings in september. What more are they hoping to show us . Well, at this point we know the committee is working on a report. We expect them to put forth the findings in september in a interim report and something later in the year. They say the midterms wont be a fact any their decision to release the report. In addition you will have, you know legislative solutions. Thats also a goal of something of this committee. We saw this week in the Senate Reforms to the electoral count act making the process easier Going Forward to clear up am big ambiguities in terms of the law. The doj investigation as well as this separate investigation that is happening in fullton county georgia. Looking into the former president s efforts there to press state officials there. Is still a lot going on with respect to a number of investigations. I want to point out a little color at the capitol as people are coming out here. You heard towards the end of the hearing the reference to the officers and widows and family members. I thought it was striking, they didnt expect to hear anything new. Still we heard a number of new revelations. You saw many of them Holding Hands as they were acknowledged tonight. I think that is striking. Many of them were crying in the first hearing. Its a testament to the resolve that many of these families are here and felt it was important to be here again tonight. Nicole killian, thank you. Thank you to everyone here. Sko t, margaret, robert, john, thank you to all of our major garrett, jeff. Thanks to everyone involved in our coverage tonight. More will happen on our cbs streaming, local news and tomorrow on cbs mornings. This has been a cbs news special report. Thank you for joining us. Im Nora Odonnell in washington. Now you can save big on supersonic wifi from xfinity. Can it handle all of my devices . Oh, all that. And it comes with a 2year rate guarantee. What . ok no annual contract. No equipment fees. Oh, and a free streaming box. Oh, i like streaming. Its all just 50 a month when you add Xfinity Mobile with unlimited data. Will you add a motorcycle . No. Did you say yes . The new xfinity supersonic bundle. Its kind of a big deal. When you need help its great to be in sync with Customer Service. A team of reps who can anticipate the next step Genesys Technology is changing the way Customer Service teams anticipate what customers need. Because happy customers are music to our ears. Genesys, were behind every customer smile

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