Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 6pm 20150128

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the public. >> the intent is to have law enforcement and victims relax and assume it's a toy firearm and in reality it's a real weapon. >> reporter: and then there are the fake guns that have been modified. there's a nerf gun transformed into a shotgun that shoots live rounds. >> reporter: there is no legislation that keeps real looking guns looking real. brady campaign says there hasn't been a tragedy or enough tragedies from this to get the attention it requires. it's reasonable to expect real guns aren't allowed to look like toys. police officers say they have only one option. >> any gun it doesn't matter what it is, we're just going to have to assume it's real. >> reporter: livermore police are also concerned that children who are allowed to play with toy guns are not also being taught to drop it when approached by a police officer. don't try to prove it's safe. just drop it. >> the police officer says all guns are real. >> reporter: they say they have to. and they have seconds to make the decision and so often as we have seen they have decided to fire their own weapons. >> thank you it ann notarangelo. another reason these fake looking guns are a concern to police officers, gun assaults on cops are up 55% over last year. >> a developing story out of san francisco tonight. police piecing together details in a pair of fatal shootings in the bayshore neighborhood. chopper 5 caught these pictures of an suv with bullet holes in the windshield. they say it's actually where this incident ended. a man shot inside the vehicle has been killed. a woman who was shot stumbled into the old clamhouse restaurant looking for help. a few blocks away on revere street, police found the body of a shooting victim in a driveway it's believed the two shooting scenes are connected. no word on what sparked the mishap. san francisco attorneys have dropped charges against a teen accused of stabbing 14- year-old rashawn williams last fall. the accused teen was arrested in september charged with killing williams in front of a convenience store in the mission district. williams was visiting the store with his two younger brothers when he walked outside and was stabbed. recently released surveillance footage showed the murder and proved that police had arrested the wrong suspects. >> anytime you have video, it's very helpful. however, a video on its own is just one piece of the puzzle. >> the accused teen who isn't named because of his age is in the process of being released today. no additional charges have been filed against the new suspect. and we're learning more tonight about the two drivers arrested in the death of that san jose jogger. these two san jose men 18 and 23 years old are behind bars tonight for allegedly street racing on yerba buena road. this was the aftermath. police say they were driving way over the speed limit when their cars collided bounced off a guardrail and then slammed right into a jogger. devin feeley is live in san jose. officials say the road has been a problem for years. >> reporter: friends and family have been coming out all day long. the family is heart sick but hope the tragedy will put pressure on city hall to come up with a plan to put the brakes on speeding on this street. police stepped up patrols near the scene of a deadly accident in which a 24-year-old jogger was killed after two cars careened into the guardrail and pinned her against a tree. >> somebody needs to fix the road. speed bumps and whatever it takes really over there. have a cop there at all times. >> reporter: the victim kira's family is calling for the city to fix a stretch of yerba buena road. it's long had problems of speeding and street racing. the vice mayor has vowed to help. >> we know there's issues on this road because we have traffic enforcement there periodically. we know that people are going too fast. we have seen though this racing activity. that's more recent. >> reporter: according to san jose's department of transportation, four people have been killed in three crashes along that stretch of yerba buena in the past five years. the last deadly crash just last month. the vice mayor says immediate action is needed. >> if you are exceeding the speed limit slow down. we know that radar feedback signs work. we know that they do help slow traffic down. i'm going to suggest we get those in place immediately. >> reporter: construction crews repaired the guardrail destroyed in the crash but kira's loved ones say the damage to their family will not be so easily mended. >> the city doesn't have the luxury of time. she hopes to have some speed calming measures in place in the next days or weeks not months or years. the department of transportation says all of the drivers involved in the deadly crashes were either speeding or under the influence of alcohol. a former chp officer who shared nude foes toes of women' rested was sentenced today. sean harrington was given three years pro became. the scheme took place after harrington arrested the women for dui. he was given three years' probation. he forwarded her personal cell phones to his phone. today harrington gave his first public statement outside the courthouse. >> this cost me the career at the chp a career that i love and i was good at. i apologize to my family, wife and friends and to officers everywhere and especially to the two women involved. >> harrington pleaded no contest to two counts of unauthorized access to a computer and copying computer data. the dui charges against the women were dropped. hundreds of palo alto residents are feeling a little safer tonight. they may be a step closer to staying in their homes. new at 6:00, kpix 5's len ramirez with how that might happen. len. >> reporter: it's going to be a big challenge because mobile home parks throughout silicon valley especially here in palo alto are facing pressure because of the valuable land they're on but with its statement today the santa clara county board of supervisors says that places like this are worth saving. at the buena vista mobile home park about 400 people have been living with the fear of eviction for the last two years. >> this is the only place for me or for my community to live to be able to pay our bills, to be productive members of society. >> reporter: melody chaney has lived in the park for 14 years and is afraid that she could be homeless if forced to move out. she says there is nowhere else she can live in pricy palo alto for the $1,300 in rent she pays now. >> the cheapest apartment in the county i have seen within the last six months for a one bedroom is $1,700 a month. >> you have given us the hope of staying in our home. >> reporter: that's why the santa clara county board of supervisors took an extraordinary step today setting aside $8 million in an affordable housing account to use as seed money to eventually buy out buena vista property. >> let's protect the residents in place. they are and the integral part of the community and less hang on to an increasingly scare source of affordable housing. >> reporter: it's not the usual way public money goes normally goes to build new high density housing projects but simitian said it's time to think differently about what affordable house something. >> hard to imagine frankly that we would be able to accommodate 400 very low income folks any less expensively than keeping the existing park in place. >> reporter: it is the latest twist in a long batting for people to feel safe at home. >> it's getting a step in the right direction now that they have started it maybe we can get other foundations and other cities or other nonprofits to add to the pot. >> reporter: there is one big problem in all of this and that is that this mobile home park is not for sale according to the owner who i contacted by telephone today. the deal was recently in the works with the developer fell through. the county is hoping that a deal can be made by raising money 25 to $30 million for the value of the property. len ramirez, kpix 5. buena vista is the last mobile home park left in palo alto. well, within minutes, burglars in san francisco brazenly smashed into a museum and made off with prized pieces of california's history. kpix 5's juliette goodrich with how these guys got away in the high-end heist. >> reporter: 2:30 in the morning and suspects with dark hoodies ram a stolen suv into the front of the wells fargo history museum shattering the glass doors. a security guard was held at gunpoint while two other suspects stole historical nuggets inside. >> and took approximately four to ten ounces of gold nuggets from the case. >> reporter: the gold nuggets were showcased in a front display. we spotted one of them on a counter after the break-in. >> i'm sick about it. >> reporter: so sick about it, museum patron susan stockdale went inside the bank to find out what happened. >> i asked, yeah, i said i'm really sick about this whole, um, this smash-and-grab and everything and he said, oh, that's okay as it turns out it's gold that they use for little kids when they come i guess for field trips. >> reporter: so it's fake? >> it's fake. >> that's what i was told. >> reporter: so the front of the museum is all boarded up. the suspects got away. but no one can tell us exactly how much that gold is worth or if it's really worth anything at all. police say they are still looking into the value of the gold. the entire operation lasted only a few minutes. the suspects getting away in a silver four-door sedan. despite the destructive break- in the museum's historic stagecoaches were not damaged. in san francisco, juliette goodrich, kpix 5. >> that is just one of a series of smash and grabs that we have seen here in the bay area as you know. earlier this month, burglars used a u-haul van to smash through the front doors of the patagonia store in san francisco. they cleaned out thousands of dollars of merchandise. then in november, last year, chanel boutique in union square was the target of burglars. they used a car to ram through the glass there and steal a quarter of a million dollars in handbags. >> and in walnut creek, four people used a stolen pickup truck to ram a tiffany's back in august. they stole several small jewelry items but the most expensive merchandise was locked away. still ahead, it looked like any other furniture shop. couches, tables, but in the back room, a very different operation. the suspicious signs that led police to bust this business. >> silicon valley tech giants win on wall street. what's contributing to their latest big time success. >> the change today we had a lot of cloud cover rolling in all day long. it looked like it was going to rain. but it did not rain. will it rain before we flip the calendar to february? the answer next. >> and he worked to protect citizen lives. now this police k-9 is fighting for his own and the community is rallying behind him. a concord elementary school teacher was convicted today for multiple counts of molesting students. 46-year-old joseph martin could face life behind bars. he was found guilty of 19 counts of child molestation at woodside elementary school. martin will be sentenced next month. when is a furniture store not a furniture store? when it's in one on monterey road in gilroy. the store never opened, never sold furniture and when police busted it, this is what they found in the back. more than 1,000 pot plants and 50 pounds of processed marijuana. the street value, $2 million. police arrested this guy, 39- year-old puk nguyen of gilroy. they also charged him with stealing about $80,000 worth of electricity to power the illegal business. this was not a good day on wall street. stocks suffered their biggest drop in about three weeks. allen martin is here with the overall fall in shares not the only headline of the day. >> reporter: we had two big stories out of silicon valley. apple's last quarter was the most profitable company ever. it made $18 billion in the final three months of last year. the profit that drove the sale was the 74 million iphones. apple has so much cash it could buy 480 of the s&p 500 companies. yahoo is going to sell 15% stake in china's alibaba group to save it billions in future taxes. can it could quiet rumors of a possible shareholder rebellion. yahoo stock was up 7% after the announcement. but it's reported earnings dropped to 30 cents a here is down 16 cents from a year ago. but apple and yahoo's numbers came out late today. the markets had already reacted to news from other major companies that their earnings reports weren't nearly as good. [ bell ] >> reporter: stocks tumbled after disappointing earnings reports. technology stocks led the way after mixed news from microsoft. the software giant beat wall street's expectations. but it said that [ indiscernible ] revenue for its new operating system was down and blamed weak sales in asiana. microsoft was down 10% on the news. caterpillar had a soft outlook down more than 7%. >> volatility is more historical, nothing to get excited b you should be using these opportunities when you have a 400 point sell-off to bit stocks that you know and love. >> reporter: while investors are selling, consumers are buying at a pace we haven't seen in nearly a decade. the conference board is reporting that the consumer confidence index is at its level since august 2007 four months before the start of the great recession. lower gasoline prices are helping americans find other things to spend their money on. here's where stocks ended the day. the dow down 291.5. nasdaq down 90.25. the s&p down 27.5. now, for tomorrow, another key announcement. the federal reserve is meeting and the fed has not raised its short term benchmark interest rate since 2008. it's near zero but the falling oil prices may cause a delay in rate increases. >> 401(k) took a bite today but you saved it on gas money. >> saving a lot at the pump. >> thank you. federal regulators have given their final approval for safeway to be sold. the pleasanton-based supermarket chain is being bought by rival albertsons. the two companies agreed almost a year ago on a deal worth more than $7.5 billion. albertsons says the sale should close by this time next week. selfies and status updates resumed as normal today. facebook and instagram are up and running today after an hour long outage last night. facebook blames a glitch during a routine technical upgrade. still, some users in the east bay completely freaked out. people started calling 911. >> help! my facebook doesn't work! >> dispatchers want to remind people only to call 911 for a real emergency. this is a real emergency. we may be having a dry january but that isn't stopping a north bay city from preparing for the next big soaker. novato is receiving special honors today from the national weather service for their storm preparedness. after last month's storms, the city has improved its storm readiness procedures including conducting community prep programs and maintaining a 24- hour warning and emergency operations center. seems so long ago, paul. >> what are people on the east coast doing right now when they look out here? >> in a vacuum cloudy 68 would be a dream for people in the east. boston got whacked. they are saying i'll take san francisco's weather. we're saying we'll take some of your melted snow. good trade. doesn't work that way. outdoors the garden variety 70- degree cloudy day in january. that happens in florida and hawaii. but it doesn't happen that often around here. it did today. hayward 70 and cloudy. livermore 69. oakland, san jose, 68. san francisco san rafael 66 because the storm came up from the south even though it was cloudy didn't rain we had some warm relatively speaking humid air. couple of sprinkles up in mendocino county. most of showers were virga. rain that evaporates before it hits the ground. i flew over the sierra yesterday. hardly see any snowfall. here's the numbers. 27% is the snowpack right now. that is down 27% over the course of one month. it is very, very dry out there. we need some snowfall. did have a storm. it is snowing a bit in the sierra now but that low that gave us the clouds is now peeling off to the east. it is moving out. replacing it, another ridge of high pressure. which means more dry weather. sunshine is back tomorrow. mid-60s. there will be plenty of storms this week. they will swing by to the north. top of the ridge up in oregon and washington not for us. it is another seven-day forecast with no rain into february i might add. sunny and 70 for a second straight saturday. next week we say hello february we'll keep the dry streak going. there is a very small chance we may go dry from christmas to valentine's day. that's the heart of our rainy season. >> crazy. >> you're saying there's a chance? >> yeah, well. >> "dumb and dumber." >> good mov thanks. the outpouring of support to help a navy fighter jet made a bay area fly over this afternoon. it was from the naval air station la more in the central valley. a lot of people heard it as it flew over the bay area and then bused berkeley. flight tracking software had the fighter jet at a low altitude of 2500 feet. people reported windows rattling. no word on the reason for today's low pass. for the past several years the k-9 in a north bay town's police force has helped protect the community until he was recently diagnosed with cancer. john ramos tells us now the community is stepping up to help pay for the dog's treatment. >> reporter: the small town of sebastopol has a small police department with only 12 sworn officers. oh, and then there's frank. frank is the only k-9 on the force. and his handler nick says besides being a good buddy, he is also a valuable asset to the department. >> he can do suspect apprehension and handle protection and trained to protect me. >> reporter: so it was a shock when about two weeks ago nick found a large growth on frank's neck and the vet diagnosed it as lymphoma. the next shock came when nick found out how much it would cost to pay for the treatment. >> probably about $10,000. >> reporter: which put the department in a difficult spot. as much as they love the dog, frank is considered a law enforcement tool. >> we got to be very judicious about how we are spending the taxpayers' money and whether or not the community is going to get back for that money that they spent some value. >> reporter: so nick reached out to the people asking for donations on a "go fund me" website. more than $14,000 has been raised in just six days from people as far away as the ukraine. diane blake drove all the way from richmond today to write a check for the simplest of reasons. >> i mean, if they can live longer, why not? >> reporter: no one knows how long frank has. but he has responded well to the first two treatments and if he is feeling up to it he gets to go back to work tomorrow. and just seeing how excited he is about that makes it worth every penny. in sebastopol, john ramos, kpix 5. >> very special dog. nick says any money raised over the cost of the 19-week treatment will be used to pay for frank's future medical expenses. coming up in our next half- hour, a storm hits the northeast. snow slowing but some areas were largely spared. how much actually came down amidst a flurry of warnings. >> a police beef with google. why departments are so upset about one of its apps. >> and backlash against the first lady. what michelle obama didn't do ♪ with kaiser permanente you'll connect with your doctor any time anywhere. another way care and coverage together makes life easier. ♪ become a member of kaiser permanente. because together, we thrive. ♪ no piling up in boston covering up cars but in other areas what was supposed to be a monster storm just didn't pan out. welcome back. i'm elizabeth cook in for veronica de la cruz. >> i'm ken bastida. here's a look at the storm from space. satellite snapped this photo of the blizzard during its peak intensity. it is covering new york through boston in this photo. millions of people were prepared. they were told to hunker down in the storm. but residents were not ready for oceanside flooding. jim smith reports. >> reporter: this is the seawall here at green harbor beach i marshfield. a section of the wall collapsed creating a huge problem here not only for the coast itself but for people living along it. >> keep on patching it up but that don't do the job. >> reporter: are you afraid of the high tide today? >> not afraid. i'm nervous. >> my wife is a little nervous with this breach down the street. she left and went inland to our daughter's house but i stay. i say the captain goes down with the ship. >> where we've breached the wall here we have to make a determination as to whether to evacuate some of the people down here because of the breach. so as you saw earlier today, the way the condition of this road was from everything that washed over the wall. now that the breach is open, it's going to cause more flooding. >> reporter: by late afternoon, the intensity of the snow increased again and the winds whipped up as well as concerned mounted about that next high tide. in mar, field, massachusetts, jim smith, kpix 5. new york city was back in business today after shutting down roads and rails overnight. they got less snow than predicted. the governor lifted the travel ban this morning. here's an interesting view of the storm from the top of the statue of liberty. you can see how fast the snow covers the ground. chief meteorologist paul deanno is taking a look at where that storm is blowing tonight. paul. >> it is still blowing in new hampshire and maine and parts of eastern as a matter of fact. that intensity is right on but it went 100 miles farther east than predicted. that was a critical 100 miles because it meant that new york city and philadelphia didn't receive the brunt of the storm. in new york the forecast was 18 to 24" of snowfall, the top five biggest event ever instead what fell in central park was 9.8." not the blizzard of 2015. now, boston did get it. their forecast was 18 to 30" of snowfall. it is still a blizzard there. and already, there are 26 inches of snow on the ground. so a little move in the storm made about 40 million people not get a storm and moved to the east and boston got the brunt of it. it was intense but not where it was thought. we'll talk more about our forecast. can we get some rain please? that's coming up. >> thank you. thousands of cancelled flights in new england are creating a domino effect on flights here on the west coast. sfo has canceled 85 flights. most of those are in and out of east coast airports. so far, oakland and mineta san jose have not canceled any flights. tomorrow will be a big day as the airs try to get back on track. santa clara recording its first flu death of the season. health officials say the person to died was under the age of 65 and are not had a vaccination. that person died over the weekend. the county says 7 cases of severe flu have been reported this flu season. [ chanting ] these doctors who treat students on all ten uc campuses walked off the job today for a one-day strike. 150 positions provide primary and mental healthcare and they have been at a contract impasse for a year over money. president obama cut short his trip to india to make a stop in saudi arabia. he was there to meet the new king salman and pay respects to king abdullah who died last week. during the hour long talk they focused on the campaign against isis and the fall of yemen's government. they only productly discussed human rights. the obamas arrival in riyadh is causing a stir especially on social media. the first lady's head was not covered as she gets off air force one. women are expected to cover their heads in saudi arabia. more than 1500 tweets were sent today to an arabic hashtag that roughly translates, michelle obama immodesty. man of them were critical of her attire. the l.a. police chief is leading the effort to get a popular traffic app changed. reporter dave lopez on the why the chief argues it endangers officers' safety. >> i'm a google user. i think that i'm just bringing something forward to them that they should consider. >> reporter: the chief made it clear he has a concern with the ways app which google purchased for more than $900 million two years ago. it's not the price tag that bothers the chief but what the app can do guide you through a traffic jam but can also pinpoint the exact location of law enforcement officers in that area. >> given the incidents in new york and given other things that is have occurred i think it is the risk outweighs the benefits. >> reporter: the chief made it clear in his opinion police officers working the streets can be in danger by this device. and he used what happened in new york on december 20 as an example when two new york officers were gunned down. the man who gunned down those officers. >> my point is it could be used for that and i don't see that that risk outweighs or is outweighed by a benefit. >> reporter: the chief wrote a letter to larry page the ceo of google expressing has concern and asking if there was any way they can discuss the app. the chief hasn't received a responsible. we got this written responsibility. police partners support ways and its features including reports of police presence because most users tend to drive more carefully when they believe law enforcement is nearby. >> the people may drive better if they know that a police officer is around the corner but they don't post locations of police buildings which would do the same thing. >> is there a solution here? >> there's no legal recourse that i know of. i'm pointing out something that -- that i think is a legitimate concern. and i hope google acts ton. >> reporter: but with two million users in los angeles alone and 50 million worldwide, is there any chance google will remove that feature in the app? from downtown los angeles, dave lopez, kpix 5. >> mass transit administration officials say they are looking into this. these pictures were recorded by about a week ago by someone's dashcam at 19th and crossover drive. the person who recorded it says a muni bus ran a light that had been red for several seconds. almost hit the car that was trying to pass through the intersection. the mta says it's trying to find out more about exactly what happened. still ahead, $1 billion up for grabs. coming up in tonight's consumerwatch the government cash available for struggling homeowners and why if we don't use it we'll lose it. >> plus, money for your old mattresses. how much one county is offering to keep peop it's an underused program to help struggling homeowners keep your home california with a large chunk of federal money up for grabs. kpix 5 consumerwatch reporter julie watts explains if we don't use it, we will lose it. >> reporter: times have been tough for the west family since shannon lost her job last year. >> it's hard, you cut things back and you cut your lifestyle back quite a bit. uhm. >> going through your savings. >> reporter: something the couple says almost cost them their home. >> we weren't readky to get rid of it. we were going to fight. >> reporter: so they turned to keep your home california. the program has been around since 2011 when the feds gave $2 billion of bailout money to the state in an effort to keep low and moderate income families from losing their homes. >> we can use that funding up until the end of 2017 or until it runs out whichever happens first. >> reporter: and steve gallagher from keep your home california says the state still has about $1 billion left to spend. there are 4 programs. mortgage reinstatement assistance for those who have fallen behind on their payments, principal reduction for homeowners who owe more than the home is worth, transition assistance which helps people going through a short sale or a deed in lieu of foreclosure, and unemployment mortgage assistance which pays your mortgage while you look for work. recently extended for up to 18 months of unemployment. >> we verify whether or not people are still, um, unemployed because if we find that somebody did get reemployed, then we will stop making their payments on their behalf. >> reporter: the wests hope they won't need unemployment mortgage assistance much longer but it's a huge weight off shannon's shoulders allowing her to focus on finding work. >> it's not a glorious home. we love it, by love which is is in it, which is -- but we love what's in it, which is our home and family. >> they have a tool to check if you qualify for their programs. go to and click on "links and numbers." >> $1 billion still in the pot. >> up for grabs. >> all right. thank you. alameda county wants to put cash in your pocket if you help get rid of illegally dumped mattresses. recyclers have started tagging some of the mattresses with pieces of paper saying, the mattress can be redeemed for money. people can get from six to $12 for hauling the tagged mattresses away and taking them to a recycling facility in oakland. the plan is to tag hundreds of mattress in the next future weeks. still ahead, a new look for lyft. >> plus how twitter is making it easier to share your videos and messages with friends. sports rolling in here on a tuesday. we have some super bowl media day nuggets. >> i'm here so i won't get fined. >> tiger woods looking like michael strahan. >> flight home was a joke. >> for this warriors season ticketholder, man, what a view. >> they can hear me. of course. >> sports is next. okay buddy what's your favorite kind of cheerios? honey nut. but... chocolate is my other favorite... but apple cinnamon is my favorite too... and fruity... oh yeah, and frosted! okay, but...what's you're most favorite of all? hmm... the kind i have with you. me too. for over 60,000 california foster children nights can feel long and lonely. i miss my sister. i miss my old school. i miss my room. i don't want special treatment. i just wanna feel normal. to help, sleep train is collecting pajamas for foster children, big and small. bring your gift to any sleep train and help make a foster child's night a little cozier. not everyone can be a foster parent but anyone can help a foster child. tonight, a bay area state senator is trying to snuff out ecigarettes and if he gets his way you'll see a lot less "vap- ing." that story at 10:00 on our sisters station on nightbeat at 10:00 on our sister station, kbcw 44/cable 12. a reward is being offered for whoever put puppies in a garbage began. they sealed up these five-week- old terriers in a bag. they were dumped at pass o noble park this month. a couple took them to the shelter. the puppies are in foster care now. twitter is rolling out some new features including a new mobile video experience. twitter already owns vine, the app for sharing six second long looping videos but now users will be able to capture edit and share 30-second videos directly from the twitter app. the company updated private messages. users can now direct message a group of up to 20 people at once to chat in private and share photos and links. and the rideshare service lyft is ditching its signature pink furry moustache for a new look. the rebranding now features a five inch glow stash. >> hm. >> there you go. on the dashboard of lyft cars. glow stashes are plastic and glow pink at night. >> you couldn't tell the color. >> what is it sinking lines. >> yes. >> i thought it was magenta. >> well, close. >> hot pink. >> very good. you know, worcester, massachusetts, just broke its all time snowiest day ever. 36", three feet of snow. >> we are just praying for rain. >> we can't get a drop of rainfall around here. temperatures are in the 60s. right now it is warm and humid and cloudy in oakland. 10 inches of snow. we are warm. they're not. san jose 61. san bruno 61 degrees. had some showers close by today. storm system come up from the south that's why it's so warm despite the cloud cover. gave some rain to orange county. san diego county, los angeles. yesterday, but that storm like every other one since christmas eve has missed us and look at this difference. december the sixth wettest december ever in san francisco with nearly a foot of rainfall. average is 4." january also averages 4." we have not seen one drop of rainfall officially in san francisco. this month and we are going to end the month that way, as well. no rain between now and february. concord tonight 45. livermore 43. chilly but not cold. san jose you'll drop down to 44. san francisco staying around 50. the cloud cover like a blanket over top of us. why the clouds? storm system came up from southern arizona and southern california. it missed us. it's over nevada now passing just to the east of reno a little bit of snow for the sierra about 7,000 feet. need a lot more. not going to get it. here comes yet another ridge of high pressure. so many things are happening around us, it is uncanny to think that right over top of the bay area, we basically have this blocking ridge of high pressure and have had for the past five or six weeks. here it comes once again washington it will do? a blocking ridge does one thing really well. it blocks all the storms passing by to the north. they will be close in southern oregon. we'll get rain towards seattle and portland but nothing for us because of the ridge. we need it to move. it's not going to. sunshine is back tomorrow. despite that, the weather will be cooler as the winds come from the north. storms will pass by. the record dry january that we had last year, that record lasts all of 12 months because we'll have a record dry january for a second straight year. >> your extended forecast, we're going to get close to 70 for the second straight saturday. cloudier on super bowl sunday and monday, no rain for another 7 days. vern glenn will update you on sports and the super bowl next. for over 60,000 california foster children nights can feel long and lonely. i miss my sister. i miss my old school. i miss my room. i don't want special treatment. i just wanna feel normal. to help, sleep train is collecting pajamas for foster children, big and small. bring your gift to any sleep train and help make a foster child's night a little cozier. not everyone can be a foster parent but anyone can help a foster child. today, tomorrow, this week, traditionally the first super bowl week highlight media day. the league threatened to fine seahawks runningback marshawn lunch who doesn't like to talk $500,000 a lot of skittles if he did not make himself available. so how did lynch respond? >> i'm here so i won't get fined. >> i'm here so i won't get fined. >> i'm here so i won't get fined. >> i'm here so i won't get fined. >> i'm here so i won't get fined. >> i'm here so i won't get fined. >> i'm here so i won't get fined. >> i'm here so i won't get fined. >> i'm here so i won't get fined. >> i'm here so i won't get fined. he repeated that 29 times in five minutes before walking off. everybody else was in the spirit of media day. look at them gyrate. there were the usual off the wall questions like this for patriots head coach bill belichick. >> what stuffed animals do i like? celebrity you both like to meet, man, i wish this would be a better debate but it's not the levels aren't there for us. >> i like a little puppet that you can kind of put your fingers in, a little monkey and then he can talk and move his fingers and nod his head and think how to talk back to you. >> i would have loved to meet michael jackson. that's my favorite artist. >> it was pamela anderson. >> over here. >> oh, wow. her. >> i don't know, it's all the same to me. no, i don't want to. i'm not getting paid to test balls these days. it's not my job to do that. [ laughter ] >> it wasn't bad. >> i got the eye of the tiger ♪ i can't know the rest i just know the beat. my kids love that song. i don't really listen to katy perry because she doesn't do it for me. i'm more a beyonce drunken love type of guy. tiger woods will make his 2015 debut this week in scottsdale. the pga is also in the desert with the super bowl. woods says he is finally healthy after back surgery. although he did require emergency dental work last week when while watching his girlfriend lindsey vonn scene to her 64th world cup win a photographer knocked out one of his teeth! >> pain -- >> flying home was a joke. i couldn't eat. i couldn't drink until he fixed them. until i put the temporaries on. i couldn't have anything touch it, even breathing hurt. >> all right. the nba. the warriors are going to try for the 20th straight home win when they host the bulls tonight. i hung out with one season ticketholder who really enjoys her view. [ screaming ] >> reporter: when you go to a warriors home game, chances are, rose marie is going to be there. commuting from vacaville. she has been a season ticketholder for 26 years. for 26 years she has made this ascent to her seat. the first chair on the last row at the top of oracle arena. why the top row? >> you can stand up whenever you want to. >> you're not obstructing you anyone's view. >> no. you can see the whole court. [ applause ] they can hear me, of course. i used to be a cheerleader. i can promote that all the way down there. >> steph curry! >> reporter: we found her at the 100th consecutive sellout with her friend barbara. when i asked for her favorite warrior, she said it was like choosing her favorite son. but -- >> my grandsons have their favorites. the 11-year-old likes number 11. >> okay. >> likes klay thompson. i can understand that. >> and the younger one likes curry. >> klay fades to the corner, pump fakes, three, good! >> got to love her. she drives from vacaville down to a bart station just takes bart right over to the warriors games comes in and enjoys her ws claps, cheers, goes right home. >> she was there when it was lousy and still there when it's good. good for i saw a commercial that said you can save $500 by switching to progressive. that was me, mom. [ laugh ] i thought you said "that was me, mom." [ laughter ] announcer: it's time to play "family feud"! ["family feud" theme playing] give it up for steve harvey! [captioning made possible by fremantle media] steve: let's go, big pretty. audience: [cheering] steve: thank y'all very much. i appreciate you now. i do. well, welcome to "family feud," everybody. i'm your man, steve harvey. >> hi, steve! steve: folks--hey, baby. we got a good one for you today. this family's returning for their fifth and final day. boy, have i had a blast with these boys right here. they got a total of 41,590 bucks, from charleston, south carolina it's the kirkpatrick family! audience: [cheering] steve: and from san diego, california it's the brown family! audience: [cheering] steve: everybody's here trying to win their self a lot of cash and remember, today, if the kirkpatrick family wins today's game, they're going to drive out of here in a brand-new ford fusion hybrid right there. audience: [cheering] steve: hey! let's play "feud." give me john, give me judi. ["family feud" theme playing] guys, here we go. top 5 answers on the board. when a man grunts like a caveman, what does it usually mean he wants? john. >> food. steve: food. audience: [cheering] steve: pass or play? >> we're going to play, steve. steve: they're going to play. audience: [cheering] steve: bill, let's go. when a man grunts like a caveman, usually means he wants what? >> a beer. steve: a beer.

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