Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 6pm 20131016

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few feathers, and i don't mean on daffy duck. the unions have said they don't like dealing with him so it is not surprising these past couple days have gone smoother. >> they should take advantage that he is not here and maybe we can get to a deal. >> reporter: both sides have been singing the praises of the three mediators who are here including george h. cohen. he has been in talks with pro football, fee basketball, and pro hockey. hopefully they will make a difference. at this point, i still cannot tell you whether we will have a strike tomorrow or not. brian webb kpix 5. >> brian, thank you for that. we will check back later. as we have been reporting night after night, people are down right angry about all this. as allen martin shows us, even those wideep connections, there is no denying that. >> reporter: we spoke with a former member of the b.a.r.t board of directors. while the two may not see cry to eye, they certainly see problems. >> the angst this is causing, the anger. >> and it is not the first time. >> every single time since we had a lengthy strike in 1979, every time. this is nothing new. >> so, how do we prevent this standoff from happening again. they say the problem lies partly with the board of directors. what he sees is an unnecessary lair of bureaucracy. >> there are three elected transsit boards. two of them are in the bay area. >> b.a.r.t is one, strike ac transit is tore. >> b.a.r.t started in the early 1960s. a lot of us leaved that everything was democratic in those days including how you make a train run. it is a place where elected people don't need to be. a lot of places they do need to be. this is not one. >> i say not the board. i say the structure of collective bargaining for problem transit workers needs to change. the disfunction lies in the fact that you have two parties, unions, and management negotiating when the big impact are on a third party that is the rest of us, the public. >> and if you think this round is bad, just revisit 1997. >> i am mad. i am upset. i am dispinted. >> just prohibiting transit workers from striking, they do it in new york, and certainly the bay area is no greater union than the city of new york. >> we have alwaysed that same dynamic of going down to the last minute, and that has to end. >> now it's important to note that b.a.r.t is created by state legislation. so any significant changes to how the board operates or how these negotiations are conducted has to come out of santa clara. >> it is an interesting concept. he mentioned new york doesn't allow their transit workers to strike. i don't know about muni. i think they are also prohibited from striking. i could be wrong. there is too much at stake. there are too many people at. >> we'll check in live at 6:30 for an update and, of course, bring you any developments live as they happen. you can also find transit alternatives if b.a.r.t does go on strike. check out our survival bide on meanwhile, ac transit is pleading for governor brown to accept in before its workers walk off the job this week. kpix 5's ryan takeo spoke with a labor expert who said ac transit workers are taking a cue from their b.a.r.t counterparts. ryan. >> reporter: that's right, ken. the expert says ac transit workers want a better deal in part because of b.a.r.t. either way, east bay bus riders could be without a ride as soon as thursday unless the governor odes taco bell cooling off period. the ac transit bus line might as well be a lifeline. it's how riders like this waiter get to work. like many ac transit riders, he does not have a car, and he can't imagine what it would be like without a bus ride. >> it would hurt loot of people, too. >> it would hurt loot of his coworkers. half of the lum staff took public transit in today. >> a lot of money would be lost for people whoa just can't get to work. >> obviously, it would be a real mess. >> that's why ac transit asked governor brown to step in and order a 60 day cooling off period to delay a thursday strike. ac transit leaders have come to two agreements with 192 leaders, but the rank and file rejected both of those deals. >> now we are at a quandary wondering what we will hear from the union next and where we should go from there. >> yesterday ac transit leaders said the timing of this strike and the fact it is so close to a possible b.a.r.t strike is merely a coincidence. >> a strike notice is not timed for the b.a.r.t negotiations. >> but uc berkeley professor says ac transit drivers are probably reacting to the b.a.r.t talks. >> i think obviously they are being influenced in some ways by what's going on with the part strike. >> both part and ac transit workers face issues. they want safety addressed. you can't blame anxious bus riders worried about how they might get around after shootings. unlike b there are no backups for these bus. >> that means i'm going to have to pay a lot of money to take cabs to work. >> the labor expert warned that b.a.r.t union leaders will then have to sell whatever deal they make to their members that something ac transit union leaders have not been able to do twice. new at 6:00, the u.s. supreme court reporter today paved the way from the release of thousands of inmates by rejecting an appeal from governor brown. a federal court ordered california to reduce its prison population because of overcrowding. the state has fought it insisting it has addressed the problem and is giving prisoners proper medical and health care. the supreme court, however, rejected that appeal. the supreme court took up two cases dealing with affirmative action, and the outcome will likely be felt here in california. jeff nguyen has more. >> reporter: just as the students took part in a rally as the u.s. supreme court took up the issue of affirmative agency again, ucla says african americans make less than 4% of the student population. >> asians or international students, i see them every where by don't see people that look like me. >> the case before the high court says a law of 209 says race cannot be a factor in college admissions. it went into effect in 1988. mercedez is applying for grad school at ucla and says getting in should be based solely on credentials. >> i wouldn't want that person with the lower requirements to have more points over someone that might be better call fid for the program. >> here at ucla, the prop 209 caused the admissions rate of under represented minorities to drop between 1996 and 1998 bring nearly half. >> i think we're still ham strung by this law. >> dr. hunt is a former chair of the admissions committee at ucla. he says admissions at ucla and berkeley the talk of two campuses has improved the last few years but the gains have been modest. >> back in 2006, there was a new york times article that said less than 100 freshman will be african american. >> for students like this, getting into a prestigious university is one thing. what you get out of it may depend on a diverse environment. >> in orange county there isn't much diversetism here at ucla, that is why i love it because there are so many different backgrounds and it is fun to meet everybody. >> at ucla, jeff nguyen. a rash of truck thefts has companies watching their backs. patrick cedillo has more about the target for thieves. >> this the probably the second time in the past two years we have had a large loss of commercial type vehicles. >> reporter: a different type of crime rate is hitting. >> the large increase in the theft of predominantly ford, f 250, f 350. some of the 450s. >> someone is shifting work trucks. not to sell on the black market but for their paid load. >> taking the vehicles to another location and then stripping the vehicle of all the tools and equipment. >> whoever stole this truck didn't even think to look under the hood. these parts are worth thousands of dollars, but they wanted something they could take and sell easily. >> work tools, drills, grinders, anything that is not bolted down on the vehicle itself. >> monday morning we came in to work and my guys were here ahead of me. they questioned me. >> adam buchanan went to work last week to find this truck had vanished. he thought he would never see it again. >> three days later we got a call from a local gas station that says please come pick up this abandon truck. >> everything was left intact on the truck. the tires alone are worth hundreds of dollars. thieves ended up with nothing. >> but it had a load of trash in it. they didn't need it, guess. >> for many, the tool there is a are stolen are priceless. >> these are tools they have accumulated not over the last couple years. some over a lifetime. >> patrick cedillo kpix 5. >> police tell us about a dozen commercial vehicles have been stolen over the past two months. maybes jolted out of bed as the feds surprise mexican drug cartel suspects. the bus that went down right next to a day care. this is a unique fix to a unique problem. >> remember those broken bolt on the bay bridge? now we are getting a closer look at the fix designed to protect us during an earthquake. highs for many brought another frosty night. frost advisory for the second straight night. we will talk a cool down and how chilly the temperatures will get in my 7 day coming up. >> i'm sure there are 40 fabulous people that we want to meet. a sweet job opportunity for bay area chocolate lovers, and the hiring process is anything but traditional. ,, look at them with that u-verse wireless receiver. back in our day, we couldn't just move the tv wherever we wanted. yeah, our birthday entertainment was a mathemagician. because if there's anything that improves magic, it's math. the only thing he taught us was how to subtract kids from a party. ♪ let's get some cake in you. i could go for some cake. [ male announcer ] switch and add a wireless receiver. get u-verse tv for $19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. at kaiser permanente we've reduced serious heart attacks by 62%, which makes days with grandpa jack 100% more possible. join us at and thrive. up to the sound of f-b-i and swat agents raiding their neighbor's homes. as kpix 5's don ford reports, one suspected mexi as some east bay communities woke up to the sounds of fbi and s.w.a.t. agents raiding their neighborhood homes. as kpix 5's don ford reports, one suspected mexican cartel drug member was bust near a day care. >> an fbi s.w.a.t. team raided this house before dawn. inside they captured 47-year- old huer save gonzalez. the feds say he is mart of a mexican drug cartel. >> the subject in this case is considered around and dangerous sew our agents used extreme caution when entering and making those arrest. >> before sunrise, six search warrants for served across the east bay. two more in antioch, one each in oakley, pittsburgh and concord. >> we consider this location location number three. >> here rat this site delay found cocaine and methamphetamine, but no weapons. when agents couldn't open a safe, they hauled it away for a lock smith. neighbors were shocked to wake up and learn a mexican drug cartel member might be living next door. yolanda braggs offer rates a children's day care. >> it makes me very nervous because drugs comes with violence and things like that. >> wow. only yards away is martin luther king junior high. >> i am glad they caught this man. hopefully they can clean this stuff out of here. we don't need it. >> the fbi says it's been a good day. >> as a result of today's open ration we were able to arrest four individuals, search six locations, seize drugs, and process these sites all in relation to a drug cartel. >> the fbi says the suspects will be taken to downtown oakland where they will be arraigned in u.s. federal court today. in antioch, don ford, kpix 5. other bay area headlines tonight. an autopsy has been completed in the death of that british sailor during the america's cup training. andrew simpson died when his boat capsized in the bay back in may. medical examiner reports say simpson suffered extensive trauma to his head and neck and drowned. take a look at the car that ran into this salon in san jose. this picture was captured by the san jose fire department. this is the aftermath. no win dean a little bit of shattered glass. two workers were in the store at the time. no one was hurt. that window is now repaired and the salon is open for business. for weeks we have been focused on the threat of another b.a.r.t strike, but remember the bat bolts that threatened to delay the opening of the new bay bridge? we couldn't stop talking about that. well, crews are now installing the permanent fix for that problem. tonight, we can show you what it looks like. >> this is a unique fix to a unique problem. >> beneath the deck of the new bay bridge, the permanent fix for those bad bolts is taking shape. >> along the way there have been tweaks and revisions, but the overall concept has remained the same. >> the last time we saw this job crews were laying the ground work for the saddle, literally. carving nooks in the concrete so it could lock into place. now, about six weeks later you can see that saddle. that's where the steel cables will be threaded through to secure one of the bridge's seismic shock absorbers. >> if you could see inside, they have litling channels and they will start putting the tendons which will be anchored at either end. those kind of go up and over and they will be basically tensioned on both sides. that clamping force, that pulling down that will provide that same clamping force as the bolts were supposed to provide >> securing the cables doesn't end with those steel cases. >> as you can see, there is quite a bit of rebar sticking out. >> that is for a giant concrete blister which will enclose the entire fix. one that is done the false work will come down. >> we are still on schedule to have everything installed by december. and then once every box has been checked and t crossed and i dot 0, then they will start to remove this. >> reporter: see. you forgot about the bolts, didn't you? cost of the fix, $10 million. >> how could we forget about the bolts. >> forgot about them. >> we knew everything there was to know about the bolts. >> the bolts to the b.a.r.t. but you know what, that is a beautiful bridge. >> it is. talk about the commute. >> reporter: nice when you can look through those tables and see nothing but blue sky. many beautiful structures in the bay area. the bay bridge is one. let's take a live look outside at another one, the golden gate bridge. not a cloud in the sky. no marine layer. you hit 78 in san francisco today. one of the many warm spots throughout the bay area. mount diablo as views from dublin. 82 in oakland today. a record low this morning of 45. then you warm up to 82. santa rosa, you had a record low of 36 and climbed 44 degrees all the way to 80. 79, the high today in san jose. as i mentioned, san francisco, 78. nothing on kpix 5 high def doppler. we will stay dry, but something did happen in berkeley earlier this morning. 1:00in the morning we had a minor earthquake .2. we had an earthquake in berkeley earlier today. no damage reported. satellite radar, big circle i put over the west coast because we are staying sunny and dry all courtesy of high pressure which will keep us dry for the next several days. the high will be moving a bit. not moving much dorm. chilly start. sunny, mild finish is exactly what you will have tomorrow. thursday, i am seeing a little bit of a change. no rainfall. rain will stay far away. it will kick up a light on shore flow drop our temperatures down about 3 to 5 degrees. 74234 san francisco. cooler than today, but b. sunny, mild in the city. concord 81. san jose 80. everyone running about 3 degrees above average. oakland, 80 degrees. 83 tomorrow for livermore. extended forecast, sunshine right on through the you could with. look at that saturday and sunday. not as warm but still plenty nice. low 70s near the bay. mid 60ed at the coast. 80s inland. wondering when is the rain going to start? long range computer forecast models say about a week or two from now. >> a lot of people have already shut off the sprinklers, kind of thinking. >> reporter: yeah. not yet. soon. coming up, apple thinks outside the b. why it's putting its face on a woman who made a certain kind of plaid popular. >> i just want to be able to meet the people behind the paper. a golden ticket to a sweet job. the creative way a bay area chocolate company is hiring for the holidays. ,,,,,, the great american novel. so you can happily let life get in the way, while planning for tomorrow. so you can finish the great american novel banking for the life you have investing for the life you want chase. so you can again. the company announced it's hiring burberry ceo angela ahrendts for a newly created position. she'll be senior vice presit overseeing the operation of apple's retail and online stores. ahrendts is credited with transforming the burbey image from stale to chic. she starts work in the spri. apple's also banking on itst generation of ipad models. e company unveiled this colorl invitation to the media forn october 22 event in san francisco. it reads "we sti have a lot to cover." apple last updated its ipade amost a year ago when it unveiled the ipad mini. a chocolatier in concord is ready to hire its holiday employees -- quadrupling i' staff. kpix-5's ann notarano reports: instead of the usual paper resume, this coy wants people to show why t'e a chocolateir is ready to quadruple its staff. kpix 5's ann notarangelo says this company wants people to show why they are the sweetest candidates. >> this is about as close to being a kid in a candy store as a grown up can get. the company's owner is ready to sweeten up her team. >> i am sure there are 40 fabulous people we want to meet and they want to come work with us. >> christmas is starting early this year with people already starting holiday orders. rachel is in a time crunch to hire 40 people. >> dish washers, delivery drivers, people in shipping, passages, manufacturing, customer service. it's across the board. >> the family owned business treats employees and customers like family. the traditional methed of of applying for a job with a written resume seems stale. >> imagine santa's workshop. we're looking for santa's elvs. that's what we do here. >> the paper looks the same to me. there is no feeling or soul. >> so they are asking people to join their holiday talent search by creating a two minute video. >> i worked at insurance shop. >> this 16-year-old already submitted her resume via youtube. i talked to her mom who said her daughter didn't like this process very much. she is tech savvy so it wasn't difficult. what was difficult was crafting the message. it took her 12 takes before she got it just right. >> she didn't know what to do, no all honesty. >> and didn't she do a great job. >> so does mia have a shot? >> she has a shot >> others might be turned off when they learn they are in for long hours and sometimes seven days a week until christmas day, but those who make it may find they've landed a really sweet job. >> i'm looking for people who want to make other people happy. >> in concord, ann notarangelo kpix 5. >> some of these seasonal hires will likely become full time employees. people who are interested can go to for more information. >> hopefully ann notarangelo brought some back. a big bucket sitting downstairs, right? >> i hope there is a job for taste testing. another night of urn certainty for b.a.r.t riders. how the stress of a strike is taking its toll and the update. it is nothing but a blatant attack. >> a war of words. just two days away from the debt ceiling deadline. why a come bro muse and the capital may now be -- why the capital may be in jeopardy. and pancake backlash. how a sheriff publicized a charity breakfast. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, now at 6:30: riders fed up and exhausted waiting for bt >> i think it is cruel and sadistic. that puts -- it is wonder people can even sleep at night. now at 6:30, riders fed up and exhausted waiting for b.a.r.t and the unions to get their act together. >> let's check in once again with brian webb. he is following every step of these b.a.r.t negotiations. brian. >> reporter: hi, liz. the latest steps were some union folks coming back in with coffee in their hands. they have been up stairs trying to hammer things out. down here in front of the building, a lot of media folks here. union people off to the side, gathering, waiting like the rest of the bay area trying to figure out will there be a strike or not. both sides seemed a little more positive going back to the bargaining table earlier today about 1:00 p.m. even after being here all night with no deal. 57million is b.a.r.t's sew- called and best offer for salaries, pensions and benefits over the next four years. the union trying to decide where to go from there. both sides haven't found a solution yet. >> we still have mayor economic issues and workloads that need to be hammered out. the good news is last night we were able to get closer on some. there was enough progress the mediator was able to come out and announce that we were doing so well that there was not going to be a strike. >> the federal mediation is doing a spectacular job coming up with creative ideas that both parties will be able thrive with and embrace. >> reporter: in the meantime -- to live with and embrace. >> reporter: in the meantime, b.a.r.-- riders worried about their ride in the morning. >> everyone is up until midnight twittering, facebook, texting each other, how are we going to get to work. what are we going to do. >> we have heard a lot about the financial woes of b.a.r.t and what its workers think they deserve, but lost in the conversation is how it's affecting the riders. talk to them, and one word always seems to pop up. >> they're trying to use us as pawns in their game. >> definitely being used as pawns. >> we're pawns in this little game that they are playing. >> as both sides in the negotiations trade insults and a stake threat hangs over the bay bridge, it is the riders whose lives are in limb bean they're getting fed up with it. >> i think it is cruel and sadistic because that -- it is a wonder people can even sleep at night. >> some people can't. michael lopez just started a new job today but had to get up at 4:30 just in case the b.a.r.t workers decided to strike. >> having something bad happen is almost better than being uncertain about it, right? and being able to deal with it. the uncertainty is definitely disheartening. >> no updates until the morning is playing us for chompers. >> it is the uncertainty most people object to, waiting until 1:00 in the morning to find out if you have to get up at 4:00. the sentiment seems to be if there is going to be a strike, get on wit. >> because with strike you can prepare and plan, things like that. you know what you're doing. uncertainty is more fearful than knowing the consequences. i would rather just know what is happening than every night checking my phone at midnight. >> according to b.a.r.t, 10,000 fewer people rode today than the day after columbus day a year ago. this may be the case of killing the goose that lays a goldening. >> some people continue to take the ferry so i changed my mode of transportation altogether and started taking amtrak. >> it may be a reminder that sometimes when you push a customer away, they won't always come calling back. in san francisco, john ramos, kpix 5. >> reporter: so we are on day 156 of these negotiations. still no word if there will be a strike tomorrow or not. liz, at least when the uniron reppings went back inside with their coffee, they also went in there with smiles on their faces. hopefully, that's a positive thing. >> hope so. potential for a strike today had twitter abasements #twitter was worldwide with about 7,000 tweets going out. if you felt a little more crowded on muni bus lately, it is because ridership is up from last year. they say trips taken on muni have increased by more than 4%. last year more than 2 million trips were taken and that number is expected to go up. they are exploring ways to expand service to growing ridership. one day closer to that debt ceiling deadline. tonight, thousands of at this times canceled vote on a bill that would have raised the borrowing limit. the legislation would have funded the government until mid january and extended the debt limit until february. but the votes were not there to pass it. senate talks will now resume to come up with a bill that both parties can agree on. >> reckless, irresponsible, radical. no words are adequate to describe how out of the question the republicans are trying to do here. >> we're working with our members on our way forward and to make sure we provide phaetons the american people. >> house democrats sat down with the president att the white house this afternoon. they say congress needs to reach a deal before thursday's deadline to raise the debt limit. fitch ratings says they are putting america on negative watch because of the debate on capital hill. investors are losing confidence. stocks in red today. starting to close down operations because of the shut down. if no deal is reached, thousands of employees at the lab will have to be furloughed on friday. private contractor are also face the prospect of not getting reimbursed when the government reopens. expanding operations in the north bay. the company will reopen and upfriday a vacaville facility. it estimates it will create 200 jobs with hiring to start later this year. they say the planned expansion would make the vacaville location the best bio tech facility in the world. coming up, the promotion for pancakes. why a fire chief is now in the hot seat over an emergency message. rage against that machine. the law law that could bring you some relief from some of those annoying robo calls. ,,,,,,,,,, at kaiser permanente we've reduced serious heart attacks by 62%, which makes days with grandpa jack 100% more possible. join us at and thrive. highway 237. first reports indicated there were injuri involved. you can see.... the breaking news over i 680. this is a bus accident. first reports indicated there are injuries involved. you can see this vta bus has slammed into the guardrail. again, this is at i-680 at highway 237. it looks leek police are holding up traffic in the area. looks like emergency crews are responding and this is in the south bay area. first reports that there were injuries reported in this accident. appears this vta bus crashed into a guardrail. traffic is backing up on one side of the freeway. tore traffic seems to be completely brought to a halt as emergency crews respond to think accident. we'll have more information as it comes in. some peninsula residents were surprised by an emergency message they received. >> some 27,000 palo alto residents got this noisy smart phone emergency alert about, of all things, a charity pancake breakfast. no, it obviously was not an emergency. kpix 5's len ramirez spoke to some people who say the fire department abusing this system. >> the imis that not message went out on the -- instant message went out to tens of thousands of people in palo alto all at once. >> i got a text, an email, a phone call. >> the fair department sent out word that they were a, holding a pancake breakfast saturday morning. and b, that a helicopter would be landing at a local school for demonstration purposes only. >> if i had to do it again i probably would have put the helicopter in the first or second sentence. >> fire chief defended using the system which was designed primarily for major emergencies. it says so on the system's home page. for the community event which benefited the project safety alert. >> the city has used the sec to notify of events so that was the intent. >> but it sparked an out cry from some who claimed the system was being misused. one man said seriously palo alto, you felt the need to send me all three about your community pancake breakfast? >> i this emergency systems should only be used for emergencies because the risk if it's not is that if a resident hears it and thinks oh it's just another advertisement, that defeats the purpose of the line. >> i think there are probably other ways they could have done that. >> supposed to be an emergency system. it might be a bit of a misuse, but again, i wouldn't have found out about it otherwise so i didn't mind. >> ross said he went to the pancake breakfast based on the notification and said it was worthwhile. but the city of palo alto is now reviewing its use of the alert system. >> we'll take a look at utilizing some of the other technologies and possibly reserving the alert sec for that emergency notification only. >> despite the controversy of how people found out about the event, the actual pancake breakfast was a big success raising about $10,000 for a local charity. in palo alto, len ramirez, exhibition 5. >> the message a-- kpix 5. >> the city did not scyphozoan l 911 call about the -- receive a single 911 call about the helicopter. new rules that will punish len ramirez -- tele marketers the next time they bug you at dish. >> reporter: a live look outside, clear skies. we will talk about how long we stay sunny, how long we stay warm, coming up. i'm dennis o'donnell. today is either happy anniversary or a day that will live in infamy. so i am going to london wondering what should i pack. you are about to see the only sports cast in the nation with boss inia included. we'll show you why, come -- bosnia included. we'll show you why, coming up. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, there are reports of a woman h a one and breaking news out of san francisco tonight. we have a report of a woman stealing a car with a 1 and a 3- year-old aboard. that vehicle described as a dark blue soak wagon. it had been left at -- volkswagon. witnesses reported seeing a woman get into the car, state up and speed off. suspect is described only as a white female. there are reports that car may have been spotted near portolo. we will keep an eye on the story and report back if we hear anything new. americans are about to get relief on those recorded tele marketing calls. julie watts fills us in on a new law that could finally bring us peace and quiet. >> reporter: yeah. we have all received them, those annoying calls and text messages from tele marketers. starting tomorrow, those calls and text will be illegal unless you have given written permission for them to contact you. it is the final element to go intofect of the telephone consumer protection act amended last year. it also bans companies from using autodials, those contraptions that can make hundreds of calls per minute. the average american gets about 10 unwanted tele marketing calls and text per week. businesses that don't comply could face fines of up to $1,500 per call or text. charities and political groups are exempt. well, the official start of the holiday shopping season is right around the corn. but if you're looking for a good deal on this season's holiday toys, don't rush out and buy on black friday. a new study finds you'll find best prices on most toys during the first two weeks of december. that's when retailers tend to do a second round of price cuts. the rule does not apply, however, to very popular must- have toys like tickle me elmo from a new years ago. finally, valuable lessons about saving for retirement that won't cost you a penny. stanford university is offering mook massive open online course in the finance of retirement and pension. it's offered by a professor from stanford's graduate school of business and starts this week. the goal is to help people make better decisionsuttheir finances as they near retirement. people who graduate will get a certificate and a free stanford education. although, the finance of retirement sounds like something you probably wouldn't want to take until you're nearing retirement. can't imagine a lot of 18-year- olds rushing out to take that class. >> never hurts to be prepared. >> and it is free. >> he didn't go to stanford but he is a very good meteorologist at that. >> reporter: my farm went to stanford. does that count? >> here is live look outside. i will show you what's going on. we want to go out to oakland where alicia is addressing the media. >> hopefully we will be able to notify the bay area and our passengers if indeed there will be train service tomorrow, wednesday. we're working to try to bridge that gap. there is still a lot of work to be done, but the good news is we're back there. we had progress last night. hopefully we can continue to tackle those big remaining issues tonight. they are discussing lots of ideas. we are working with the financial parameters. we have taken some of the union's ideas and trying to integrate them. we are crossing them out and trying to see if we can get some agreements. >> no word on any kind of strike in the future or specifically what they're doing in the negotiations. go back to paul for weather. >> reporter: yeah. a beautiful sunset going on now. sunny skies. chilly mornings. mild afternoons. here is live look at mount sutro. what a gorgeous day we had today. temperatures, if you are going out for that evening walk, livermore, 78. san jose 76. we have cooled off in san francisco. your high was 78. currently 69. high def doppler dry. do not plan on any rainfall for at least the next week. october is when we begin to ramp up. we're not seeing it yet. we have a school cast. craigmont berkeley. to talk about what has been going on, what will be going on. big ridge of high pressure keeping every ounce, every acre of the west coast dry from the pacific northwest dry. we won't move that much over the next several days. we will get a chilly start. mild finish. thursday, low pressure will pass by to the north kicking back a light on shore flow. you will keep the sunshine and we will keep the dry weather. so, high in the afternoons. sunny and movement 70s and 80s continuing. not a drop of rain for awhile. it was chilly this morning. it will stay chilly for the next several mornings. we are looking at highs in the low 80s inland. saturday through sunshine. thursday near the bay you will drop down to mid 70s. weekend looks beautiful. top of next week we stay sunny and dry. that is your forecast. sports is next. ,,,,,, look at them with that u-verse wireless receiver. back in our day, we couldn't just move the tv wherever we wanted. yeah, our birthday entertainment was a mathemagician. because if there's anything that improves magic, it's math. the only thing he taught us was how to subtract kids from a party. ♪ let's get some cake in you. i could go for some cake. [ male announcer ] switch and add a wireless receiver. get u-verse tv for $19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. baseball..but for the 2nd te in their playoff series, on one run was scored.. === the lights went out in detrt during game three, that's n the only power outtage, jusk the tigers. boston's john lackey hopin' his arm doesno cold.. while justin verland continues to pitch lights o. he struck out six straight one point, picking up right where he left off against t a's but lackey matched him o for zero in the run column.e strikes out eight in six ano third shutout innings... mi napoli struck out twice wite boston's john lackey zero for zero in the run column. struck out 8. mike napoli struck out twice with the white sox so he rolled the pants legs down and sometimes that's all it takes. 49ers, they are flying high after winning three straight games. they will be spending even more time in the area over the next two weeks. just don't call it a vacation. >> i'll tell you something, this is know longer a vacation. it's a quest. a quest for fun. >> yeah. san francisco is going to travel over 1900 miles for this week's game in nashville. from there, they will go nearly 4200 miles to london to face the scrag wars. then, the 5300-mile trip back home to san francisco will they will have a very well deserved bye week after traveling 11,000 miles. >> i am guessing you probably won't have to worry about talking too much. >> you're exactly right. no. pretty much. i'll just go with the clothes on my back, pack my toothbrush a great attitude. >> the warriors have harbaugh beach golden state is playing two preseason games in china against the lakers. for both teams the trip is, well, the chance to experience culture in a whole new way. >> going down slide. oh. the slide. the great wall. >> lakers guard young can cross crawling down the great wall of china off his bucket list. 14 of 24 points in the fourth. the warriors rally back to beat the lakers. soccer. bosnia taking on lithuania. bosnia was 1-nil to secure their first ever world cupb . they went crazy where soccer gave country men a rare reason to celebrate. and that, folks is what sports is ill a about. >> good night. that is a huge fish. a storkeler came across a fish so big took 15 people to carry it out of water and up the beach these thing, ken, as you well know. >> yeah. >> they die at 3,000 feet so they are rarely seen and rarely stud did on, so you know. >> i do well know that. they found the stolen car in san francisco, the one with the two kids inside. the lady got in, took off. the kids are okay. we're putting the story together. we'll have more coming up at 11:00. >> the latest is always on our website, including the latest on the b.a.r.t negotiations. >> 12,000 miles, all he is taking is a toothbrush. >> black shirt. ,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, [captioning made possible by fremantle media] announcer: it's time to play "family feud"! give it up for steve harvey! [applause and cheering] steve: hey, welcome to the show, hunt family. good, good. welcome to the show, everybody. thank you very much. [applause and cheering] let's go, hey! welcome to "family feud," everybody! i'm your man, steve harvey. we got another good one for you folks today. returning for the third day, from temple hills, maryland, it'wares e amily! [cheering] and from woodstock, georgia, it's the hunt family! [cheering] everybody's here trying to win theirself a lot of cash, and, of course, somebody would love to drive out of here in a brand new, head-turning ford fusion. yeah. audience: [cheering] steve: let's play "feud"! give me latonja. give me bobby. let's go! audience: [cheering]

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