No. A lot of people dont know why theyre here. They just told us to show up. Reporter at issue, a plan to build a massive export terminal here in west oakland near the bay bridge toll plaza as many of the dozen 100 coal cars a week would arrive to utah on their way to china or mexico. Originally the developer on the project promised coal was not part of the plan but when we confronted him, he back pedaled. Are you saying theres no likelihood coal will be coming through there . Its not known. Theres no contract in place at any commodity at this point in time. Reporter he blamed environmental groups for stirring up controversy. I think theres a lot of disinformation being promoted. I think theres a narrative being promoted by the sierra club. Doesnt consider all the facts and doesnt respect the fact that the city is in a binding contract with our company. But the sierra club says that contract can be tweaked and tonight they Hope City Council with hear out the expert and make changes. So exactly what can city council do tonight . They can just leave things as is and let the plans sort of play out or if they think coal would pose a threat to this community, they can look at making changes to that contract to keep coal out. Reporting live in oakland, christin ayers, kpix 5. Santa clara is considering banning the sale of booze after halftime after another alcohol fueled fight between fans. Kpix 5s phil matier on whos leading the charge to turn off those tabs. Thats right. The images youre about to see caught all of our attention last week and this week they caught the attention of the Santa Clara Council and theyre talking about putting an end to the tabs in the stadium at halftime. Take a listen. I was disgusted. I felt sick and i had a hard time watching it. Reporter it wasnt the first video shocker for Santa Clara Councilwoman lisa gilmore. Last season a fan was caught on tape being brutally beaten in a stadium bathroom. Phone hasnt stopped ringing. Its an issue thats affected a lot of people. Reporter gilmore and two of her former Council Members plan to make safety a front burner issue. We need to take more action. I dont think were doing a very good job. One of our big issues is people are coming to the stadium drunk and impaired. Reporter according to police, they average about 30 arrests per game. Most of them are drunk in public. Well have maybe one or two assaults. Reporter still the chief doesnt think the real problem is drinking. I think people have to remember we have close to 70,000 people in the stadium for a large event and the people that are misbehaving, really about onetenth of 1 . Reporter gilmore and another Council Member disagree and are suggesting tighter tailgating rules, even a ban on booze sales in the stadium after halftime. I think it will help control a little bit of the behavior inside the stadium. Im not opposed to it but i dont think thats going to solve the issue. Theres a lot of violence happening around our country and i think a lot of it is unavoidable. I think we need to target that small minority of fans. All i know is its too much. Its too much and we dont want to tolerate it. A kpix 5 survey usa poll of the bay area, residents found 39 said they could keep the beer flowing all the way through. They felt good about that, but 56 said they think it should be stopped at halftime. 5 werent sure. Heres a bigger question dogging santa clara officials. 19 thought they were doing a good job of Public Safety at the stadium but 63 said the city and the cops need to do more to make people safe and thats the number they dont want to keep seeing here in santa clara, whether or not they keep serving those 10 beers or not. Veronica, back to you. Phil matier live outside levis stadium. We appreciate that. Another fan fight to show you now. This time its out in Southern California. Shows a bunch of sports fans repeatedly beating up a guy wearing a Colin Kaepernick jersey. It happened after the 9ers lost to the steelers. The person who posted the video online said 49ers fans messed with the wrong group inside that restaurant and the melee spilled outside. Two Police Officers are hospitalized tonight after a gun fight in a mall parking lot. Gunfire erupted late this afternoon at a mall in san city in monterey county. The two officers shot are expected to survive. Theyre in the hospital. Police say the officers were trying to arrest two suspects wanted on outstanding warrants. At least one of those suspects was in that gray bmw surrounded by evidence markers. Both suspects were killed in the gun fight. This took place northeast of monterey near seaside high school. Rescue teams had to pull a man out of a car that plunged over a San Francisco cliff. It happened near lands end. Officers say he somehow drove over a cliff. He wound up wedged inside the overturned car. As it possibly came over the edge of the cliff, it made 180degree turn, landed on its roof, probably skid down the hill and a large bush plant prevented it from continuing off the mountainside back on to the street and down here on balboa avenue. That vehicle also took downpour lines as you see right there which complicated the rescue of that victim. The driver was then rushed to a hospital. Theres no word yet on his condition. Weve learned there is a brewing battle between the city of san jose and Santa Clara County over ambulances. Right now it takes ambulances too long to get to emergency calls. City wants to fix that problem. But only on 5, len ramirez learns the city may not be able to. Reporter Santa Clara Countys ambulance contract with problem plagued rural metro expires next june. The county is putting the contract out for bid. Fire chiefs say the process is already off on the wrong foot. We want to have some input in the process. Reporter sources told kpix it came as a shock to cities who want to partner in and provide their own Ambulance Service are being excluded from the process. We want to be open to any and all possibilities, one being a Public Private partnership. Reporter he raised the possibility of the Fire Department providing its own Ambulance Service earlier this year after the county had had to financially bail out rural metro and since taking over Ambulance Service, rural metro has missed Response Time targets. The chief says cities might do better. Time shows we get there quicker than the ambulances do. Reporter the city sent a letter saying the exclusion of cities makes no sense if the county is trying to improve medical service. Ken jaeger says the bidding process is still a work in progress. Theres certainly a lot of time and opportunity for us to change the draft. Reporter jaeger says the county will get more input from all of the stakeholders when the issue comes back to the county board next month. Len ramirez, kpix 5. Rural metro is in the middle of a merger. It could happen before the contract runs out next june. Tonight we learn the valley Fire Evacuation center in calistoga will be closing on thursday. The number of people staying there has gone from over a thousand to a couple dozen as evacuees return home. For those who have lost everything theyll be transferred to one of four other Evacuation Centers in and around clear lake. Kpix 5s Juliette Goodrich on whats being done till those people get their lives back on track. This is one example. This is a warehouse filled with donated items and they will go to all of the fire victims in need. Another harsh reality though right now is for those returning home who dont have a home. Theyre now stuck in places they never thought theyd let me ask stuck in places they never thought theyd live before. Our home now is in an rv park. Reporter after going to the fairgrounds, a hotel, and then back to the fairgrounds, Shannon Adcock and her family have now landed here, the Hidden Valley rv park. And everything they have here is a donation. Like the kids bikes, they were burned at the house. We have tents. We have a dog kennel we got from the wonderful animal shelters over there. Reporter like a lot of people left homeless by the valley fire, a tent is the only option. They have nowhere to go. Some dont have family and some dont have the option to put forth money to get a place. What were trying to do ultimately is get people in housing as close to their community as possible. Reporter county supervisor rob brown says real housing is going to take some time. First they need to figure out how many people show up to stay in this park and the rancheria. Its a matter of getting the right people in the right place. We want to identify the inventory then we want to match up a single person, a couple, family of six. We want to match that up with appropriate housing because theyre going to be living in those houses for a long time. Until that match making can happen, this is where some families can stay until the next challenge starts. I havent thought about starting over yet. I dont want to. Its scary. In the meantime volunteers will be here in this warehouse collecting all these donated items, putting them in the truck, and delivering them to fire victims who need them desperately as soon as possible. In calistoga, Juliette Goodrich, kpix 5 news. Hot enough for you today . Taking a live look now from our dublin camera where weve seen triple digits for several days in a row but some relief from the heat is coming our bay and chief meteorologist paul deanno has the details. One day is all its going to take this time and frankly we need it. Dublin, hot. 104. Pittsburg, triple digits for you. Sunnyvale, you almost hit 100 today. 95 for vallejo. The only spot that was cooler was right along the coastline, ocean beach today, high of 74. It was sunny from start to finish. The time lapse in san jose. You can see the shadows moving and thats about it. Even in sausalito you had mainly sunny skies, a little bit of haze from the fire burning in monterey county. Aside from that you were fog free. Tomorrow morning a different scene in sausalito. All the cloud cover and rain you see in Southern California, would be nice to get some rain but well take cooler weather. Thats the source of our weather change. Tomorrow will be a whole lot different if youre out in the afternoon. Well talk about how much cooler and what happens for the next seven days. Thats coming up in about 8 minutes. An east Bay Elementary School will be getting some relief from the heat but its all because of what some are calling racist comments from a School Board Member. How the district is helping cool off the situation. Hospital stays add up quickly but tonight a new tool to remove the pain of surgery bills. Plus cable car driver by day, but his quick thinking in the water earning him the title, were following breaking news tonight just south of fresno. A military jet has crashed just north of lemornaval air station. A witness took this photo. The pilot was able to eject and parachute to the ground. Right now its not clear what went wrong with that aircraft. Lemor is a center for the navys west coast fa18 operations. A man accused in a bizarre kidnapping of a vallejo woman sat before a federal judge today. Matthew muller reported not guilty. Steve large on the show of support from mullers family. Matthew muller was surrounded by u. S. Marshals and held in shackles for his First Federal court appearance. A number of his sacramentobased family members were here in the courtroom to support him. As they left they were surrounded by news crews but declined to talk. A family spokesperson says the case has been difficult for everyone to grasp. I how is he doing . Id say he is fragile. On the other side its an overwhelming situation for him. Hes fragile right now. I cant comment upon my communications with him but hes in need of very hard work on the defense side. He issued a not guilty plea to the complaints against him and argued the judge should allow him to be unshackled in future court appearances. His next Pretrial Hearing is set for two weeks from today. That was steve large reporting there. In a separate action, denise huskins, the woman kidnapped and her boyfriend have filed a claim against vallejo for how they handled the investigation. Brand new Charter School in sunnyvale was closed today and will be closed again tomorrow while the school conducts emergency background checking on all the staff. A teachers aide and lunch monitor at the school, spark charter, was arrested last week for alledgedly sexually assaulting a girl who is a student there. The Office Discovered there were no records of any criminal background checks which state law requires. I think it was a significant failure on the part of the administration of the Charter School to not have those background checks done before school started. County Education Office does not run sparks because it is a Charter School but the county could vote to revoke that charter. Some kids will be getting air conditioning only because a School Board Member suggested they did not deserve it. John ramos has the story. Reporter good thing the kids were off today because it was hot at los huntes elementary school. Its happening because of a different kind of heat. He created this video and posted it online featuring a reporting in march of School Board Member Denise Elskin explaining most kids at las juntas dont have air conditioning at home and therefore dont need it as much. Whether that means that those students are acclimated, i would say 95 of their residents have air conditioning. Reporter she said her words were purposely edited out of context to make them sound racist but the video fired parents up and soon there after the district approved them to get air conditioning. The rationale behind it isnt as fair as all kids need air conditioning. Reporter perhaps an important warning to politicians. Youre no longer in a box. Youre no long er secluded. The whole world can now hear and watch what you said forever. Reporter john ramos, kpix 5. Hot in martinez. Hot in concord. Hot in dublin. Three days. Heres the best part. Not going to be four days. It stops here. Were getting tweets in from folks saying it feels like the wind direction has changed and were seeing more of a southerly wind. Wind direction changes. All it takes. Sometimes its really hard to get but were seeing temperatures drop near the water. San bruno, 90s earlier today, down to 71. San francisco, 84. Down to 69 degrees. Inland youre saying livermore, 97. Still hot outside. You get your change tomorrow. A little bit of haze over San Francisco bay. Thats a live look at the san mateo bridge. Vallejo, 59. Concord, 58. Fremont, 57. At least its been cooling down at night. We can cool down. Maybe wondering, september 21st, isnt it fall yet . That date differs every year. Its going to be wednesday morning just after midnight on the 23rd. 1 22 a. M. On wednesday. Well go from the 100s to the 80s. Remember that winds go counterclockwise around low pressure. So significant for us because if its to our south, here comes a southerly wind surge and thats going to drop us 10 to 20 degrees. The first low pressure area, that will get us cooler on tuesday. That goes away but a different low pressure area to our north will feed in the onshore flow. Thats going to keep us cooler. Bottom line, you dont like the heat, youve gone through the past three days. No additional hot stuff in the forecast. Fremont from 98 to 77. A refreshing breeze in redwood city with a high of 76 degrees. It will be about 5 degrees warmer thursday and friday but not hot. Still upper 80s inland. Upper 70s near the bay. Next weekend will cool down once again. That may qualify as a completely comfortable 7day forecast. Hot to cold, hot to cooler. Now were going to kind of settle right in the middle. Its amazing how temperatures can drop 20 degrees like that. Just because of the ocean. Air conditioner out there. Still ahead, the new signs apple is very serious about its electric car. Plus, taking the surprise out of hospital bills. Californias new tool to let you crunch the numbers ahead of crunch the numbers ahead of time. Bills got a very tough 13lie here. Looks like we have some sort of sea monster in the water hazard here. I believe thats a kraken, bruce. It looks like hes going to go with a nine iron. That may not be enough club. Well hes definitely going to lose a stroke on this hole. If youre a golf commentator, you whisper. Its what you do. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. This golf course is electric. California trying to help patients avoid big medical bills. Julie watts on a new tool to help you crunch the numbers before you go under the knife. Ling jeremy expected hed have a scar from his hernia surgery. What the young dad didnt expect was a bill for 20,000 for a surgery that would have cost him only a few hundred if he would have chosen a different hospital. Now the insurance commissioner is attempting to level the playing field. Californians until this moment have really struggled to get price information. Reporter the department of insurance along with Consumer Reports and ucsf unveiled their new healthcare compare tool. Youre going to be asked increasingly to pay more out of your pocket before your Health Insurance kicks in so you need to know what these things cost. Reporter he points to the growing out of pocket maximum that can leave the insured paying thousands for a procedure that might have cost much less at a hospital a couple miles away. The website allows patients to pick a procedure, compare hospital ratings, and determine the high, low and median price for that procedure in their region. It stops short of giving you the specific cost of each hospital. What wed like to have is realtime information about each medical provider in your area. That information is held by the Health Insurers and so far theyve been unwilling to share. This is a step in that direct. Reporter until theres a law requiring insurers to share price info, it links you to your insurers website for the specifics where you can use what you learned on the site to gauge what you should be paying. The hope is to potentially save them thousands and prompting providers to keep costs down. Ultimately its the patients responsibility to fend for themselves basically. Julie watts, kpix 5. The site is intended for planned surgeries like hip replacement, childbirth and hernia operations. California healthcare compare was paid for by an Affordable Care act grant. Coming up in the next half hour, pope francis on an historic trip. His message for the masses in cuba ahead of his visit to the u. S. Plenty of donations for victims of the valley fire but tonight criticism that theyre our top story tonight, a showdown happening right now over a secretive deal to ship tons of coal through the city of oakland. People demonstrating for and against it. We learned one side may have paid its supporters to show up. More on this story ahead tonight at 11 00. Santa clara city Council Members are monitoring a plan to limit the sale of booze at 49ers game after recent alcohol fueled fights between fans. Our exclusive kpix survey poll finds 56 of people think alcohol sales should be stopped at halftime. A power struggle brewing between san jose and Santa Clara County over Ambulance Service. The countys contract with rural metro expires next year. Now san jose and other cities want the authority to bid on Ambulance Service contracts to improve Response Times. The county may not let its cities take part in that bidding. Tonight pope francis is finishing his trip to cuba before traveling to the u. S. Tomorrow. The theme of his message today, personal transformation. Cbs reporter Chris Martinez is in havana with the latest. Reporter pope francis waved to the crowd as he arrived in santiago, cuba monday afternoon. Another huge and final mass is planned in the morning at the shrine of our lady of el cobre before the pope leaves to washington. He held an outdoor mass. Along the route the faithful cheered and waved cuban and vatican flags. The pope stopped to kiss several small children. During mass, francis told the nearly 150,000 cubans in attendance to believe in the possibility of personal transformation. He invites us to overcome our preconceptions that others, much less ourselves, can change. Reporter the connection to todays homily a special one for francis. This is the day in 1953 when the pope first felt the calling to be a priest. Francis then blessed the city in 41 of the cross. President and mrs. Obama will greet pope francis when he arrives at joint base andrews tomorrow afternoon. Francis will also address congress on thursday before heading to new york and then philadelphia. Chris martinez, cbs news, cuba. The pope will bring his message to the u. S. Tomorrow. Hell spend two days in washington before heading to new york city thursday, then its off to philadelphia where hell spend the weekend before leaving for rome next sunday. Pope francis plans to address the controversial issue of Climate Change when he comes here to the u. S. He says its a global problem with grave implications and warns the entire world needs to cut Greenhouse Gases and live simpler lives. A recent Pew Research Poll shows 45 of americans dont believe people are causing Climate Change. When someone like the pope says this is important and youve got to take notice, most people with listen and perhaps understand a bit more. The pope will address congress during his visit and some lawmakers are protesting his speech, saying his Climate Change message is questionable science. The Evacuation Center at the napa county fairgrounds in calistoga scheduled to close on thursday now. Only a couple dozen valley fire evacuees are left. A show of overwhelming generosity from the community. Volunteer groups are sorting bags and stacks of donated items. So much stuff, the overflow is being taken from the fairgrounds to a nearby warehouse. Volunteers say they are determined to get every item to a person in need. There has been concerns everything in this warehouse ends up with the victims. Theyre trying to ease concerns that some of the donated items are going untouched. A 15yearold santa cruz boy is charged as an adult in the killing of his 8yearold neighbor. Gonzalez pleaded not guilty today. He was around he was arraigned for several felony charges in the death of maddy middleton. Prosecutors say gonzalez could face life in prison. To campaign 2016 now. Republican president scott walker giving up his run for president. The wisconsin governor says he wants to clear the field. Walker says it would be better as voters focused on a limited number of conservative alternatives to donald trump. Walker was once a top tier candidate but he was overshadowed by the rise of the billionaire businessman. A new poll from cnn shows gop challenger Carly Fiorina now in second place behind donald trump. She took 15 of Republican Voters in the weekends poll. Neurosurgeon turned politician ben carson has fallen to third place. Trump is still the leader at 24 but his numbers have dropped 8 points in the last few weeks. For the democrats, Hillary Clinton appears to be gaining ground. The cnn poll shows her way ahead of Bernie Sanders and Vice President joe biden. Biden has not yet decided to run and when you take him out of consideration, clintons lead jumps out even further. The Rapper Snoop Dogg says he may change his name to snoop tech. He spoke today at the tech crunch disrupt today in San Francisco. For the past few years snoop has spent estimated 135 million fortune helping startups like phils coffee and a marijuana delivery service. His latest venture unveiled in San Francisco is the website maryjane. Com to help legitimize the use of pot. Mary jane will be the door to bring people out of the closet because theres so many people in the closet right now. The site will include news about pot and consumer guides like maps to dispensaries. It will officially go online next month. Its one of the most treacherous swim meets on earth and 10 days ago the alcatraz invitational nearly turned deadly when a swimmer passed out in the water. Kpix 5s joe vazquez tells us thats when a San Francisco cable car driver jumped in to action. Reporter a Navy Volunteer keeps a close watch and this is exactly why. Last sunday a surfer named jesse spot spotted a swimmer who passed out. He was floating face down then he turned him around. Jesse it turned out is a grip man. Thats what they call the guy who drives one of San Franciscos world famous cable guys. I caught up with jesse today at work on the california line. I got off my board and grabbed him from there and got his face out of the water. He was breathing but he was blue and just convulsing. Reporter this video captures what happened next. They secure the victim to the back. Jesse climbs on top to hold him in to place. They rush ashore awaiting paramedics. The victim spits up a whole bunch of water and eventually regains consciousness. Jesse is a hero. Reporter the near drowning victim is barker, an army war veteran twice deployed in iraq with the 82nd airborne. He says hes doing just fine and that hes grateful for jesses quick actions. It was just coincidental i was there. He gets to swim another day. Joe vazquez, kpix 5. Doctors arent sure what happened to graham, maybe a seizure, maybe a heart issue. But what is certain, jesse and the others who rushed to the rescue saved his life. Still ahead, problems mounting for volkswagon already accused of rigging its cars to pass smog tests. The new trouble for the german automaker. Plus pumpkins ready for the picking. Whats prompting the Early Harvest and fears they ma, problems mounting for one of the worlds biggest carmakers after being caught cheating u. S. Emissions tests. Volkswagon is being looked at by german officials as well. Germanys transport seeing if it has been falsified in europe. This comes after the Environmental Protection agency accuses voke wagon of rigging its diesel cars to pass the test. They could face fines of 18 billion. Apple reportedly getting serious about plans to build cars. Driverless cars planned with a 600person date. Analysts say this is an ambitious date considering the learning curve for any company trying to break in to the car business. In a city where the median home price is well over a million dollars, today we found a house on the market for 350,000 but there is a catch. Take a look. In this twobedroom shack on delong street in the outer mission. It was built in 1906 and needs some serious work. Looks like an old earthquake shack. The property, agents say the inside isnt much better but its the land. Location, location, location. Its the land thats most valuable. A mother jumps from a moving car with her 9yearold son still inside and then that car crashes in to a bus. Tonight, the mom is blaming the whole thing on a spider. Ill have that on bay area night beat at 10 00. Join us on our sister station kbcw 44 cable 12. The view from berkeley was a clear one today but clear meant hot. Berkeley, 90 degrees. You probably want that to change. Its going to change tomorrow. The biggest air conditioner on earth is back. Coming in strong. Coming up in sports own it, fix it, move on. The 49ers have a lot of fixing to do, while across the bay, the raiders looking to build off their come from behind win and kevin hogan gets a special honor for leading stanford to a huge upset win over usc. ,,,,,, grow old with me let us share what we see just you and i grow old with me let us share what we see and oh the best it could be just you and i were still about 6 weeks from halloween but in some places its already time to pick pumpkins. Reporter ron jones takes a look at how the weather is playing a role. The owner says its thought really the drought thats affecting this halloween Pumpkin Patch but its the recent tripledigit temperatures. Reporter putting on the finishing touches at bastille farms in sacramento, fall family fun is an important Business Strategy especially during halloween. For decades thousands of families have taken train rides through spooky cornfields and walked through haunted houses. But also scary at this family farm is the summer heat and how its affecting this years pumpkin harvest. The early heat we had brought the crop forward quite a bit. Reporter Dennis Bastille says keeping the Main Attraction alive for the fall festival is a challenge. Some of his pumpkins are withering off the vine. Right now as you can see, theyve been orange for a few weeks. The pumpkins are popping up too early, getting hammered by the sun. With this compounded heat its getting weathered away. Its going to be soft if we dont get it off the vine. Reporter some will be tossed out. It wouldnt be too bad if we didnt have all this heat weve been having. Some reporter reporter at this point theres really nothing to be afraid of. His staff is doing all they can to keep these acres of pumpkins alive. I think were going to be just fine. Halloween, 40 days away. Of course the costumes have been out at costco since like july. Your kids probably picked their out. Heres a peek of temperatures. Were beginning to see the end of the heat wave. Not all of these numbers are 80s and 90s. Let me take you to San Francisco. 8 minutes ago, his backyard sunshine but 69 degrees. Lets go a little closer to the water here. Pacifica, lindsey patton, cloud cover coming in. Were down to 64 off a high of 80. Get away from the water especially on the other side of the hills, still hot. Were talking 90 degrees right now. Bill moons backyard, sunshine, warm there, no wind. Napa, 98 degrees. Well be about 20 degrees cooler tomorrow. Heres the reason why. Great thing we can do here with weather bug is show you four different live cameras. It rained earlier today in Southern California including big bear and tucson, thats not darkness. Thats a thunderstorm right now. It is pouring down there and thats kind of the source of our air that will give us much cooler weather tomorrow to the tune of 20 degrees cooler. Its been a warm september. In fact, in San Francisco 4 and a half degrees above average for the month. That is the warmest september weve had since 1997. That year sound familiar . Also the last time we had a very strong el nino like were in currently. We have an area of low pressure to our south. Well not tap in to the rainfall which is unfortunate. That counterclockwise flow will feed out the southerly flow. Temperatures drop tomorrow. We simply get the ocean influence back, Mother Nature turning that big air conditioner back on. That will get us cooler. Thats the big drop tomorrow. The significant thing is once we dropped, we stay down. The temperatures will not rebound to the 90s and 100s any time soon because of a different area of low pressure. The sky will be to our north. Its going to do the same thing. Its going to keep the flow from the ocean going. Temperatures wont be hot. Fog back to the coastline tonight. Much cooler tomorrow. Despite the fact that well be cooler, well not be wetter. Well be rainfree for the next seven days. San jose, upper 90s today. 80 tomorrow. Santa clara, 78. Union city, 76. 60s along the beach. San ramon tomorrow 80. Dublin, 79. Oakland 73 tomorrow. Maybe a sliver of fog. Clover dale tomorrow much cooler, 80 degrees. Well stay cool. No 90s in the forecast. Warmest weather will be thursday and friday, upper 80s away from the water. Morning fog, afternoon sunshine. Sports is next. , jack del rio has won 69 games as the head coach in the nfl but none meant more to the hayward native than the one his team earned yesterday. It was special. Yeah. I had to focus on taking my mind elsewhere so i didnt get all choked up. Very special for me. Derek carr led the raiders down the field. Winning touchdown was just about 30 seconds left in the game. Theyll look to follow that up next sunday in cleveland and del rio thenkz he has a solution to avoid what happened last sunday when the raiders followed up their first win of the year with a 520 loss in st. Louis. Were not going to travel to st. Louis. [ laughter ] isnt that what happened last year . Good solution. The 49ers certainly didnt enjoy their trip to pittsburgh. Big ben and the steelers torched the defense for 43 points. But jim tomsula didnt see the loss as his team crashing down to earth following their week 1 win. We were outplayed. Coach, we lost the football game. And all im talking about is own it, fix it, move on. Everything is an evaluation so whether win, lose, draw, we talked about it a week ago too. Were being crowned. If you want to crown them, then crown their [ bleep ] a lot of people crowning us. Its a 16 week season. We dont need to get on a roller coaster. I dont ever see tomsula having a danny green moment. College football, kevin hogan was named the pac 12 offensive player of the week after he led the cardinal to a win over usc. Texas beat arkansas 3524 on saturday and the win was extra special to the red raiders head coach Cliff Kingsbury who felt he called the team soft when talking to a camp at summer. At the Texas High School Coaches Convention this summer, he stood up and said the full back will [ bleep ] he just got [ bleep ] twice in a row and probably next week buying in as well. That did feel good. Today he responded to clingsbury. If that was [ bleep ] kicking id love to see what last year was. Hopefully he feels better. A coach thats been in it for 10 years, i know better than worry about somebody whos been around for a couple of the 500s. Well just go forward. Before we move forward, own it, fix it, and move forward to next week, lets take one last look back at the plays of the weekend. In to the secondary. Another touchdown. Nobody in an auburn jersey could bring down lsus leonard fornet. He ran for 228 yards and three touchdowns and the mariners, rangers Felix Hernandez makes the catch on the comebacker and puts the ball back to Adrian Beltre who cant believe it. And we had our first player to get hurt over the weekend while celebrating. Notre dame quarterback went up for a fist bump and came down with a torn acl and he is out for the rest of the season. The tigers and the royals, keep your eye on the ball here. Lorenzo cain run down the ball, hits off his back and bounces right to Andrew Romine who bare hands it and makes the tag. A touchdown for the rebels talk about the ball bouncing your way. Ole miss jumped up to 3rd after knocking off second ranked alabama. Ranked alabama. Well see find options to fit your budget. Nah, nah, insurance, nah, nah, nah, discount. My names flo, you want to go out with me . No. Uhhuhhuh announcer its time to play family feud give it up for steve harvey [cheering and applause] steve hows everybody . I appreciate you now. Thank yall. Well, welcome to family feud, everybody. Im your man, steve harvey, and, boy, we got a good one for you today, folks. This family here is returning for their fifth and final day, with a total of 41,680 bucks. From mount prospect, illinois, its the fabiano family [cheering and applause] and from columbus, ohio, its the Tucker Family [cheering and applause] all this for a chance to win some cash. And remember, if the fabiano family wins todays game, theyre going home in a brandnew stateoftheart ford edge right there, folks. [cheering and applause] lets get at it give me michael. Give me joe. [chuckles] all right, here we go, guys. Top 6 answers on the board. Name something the worlds smallest strip club might have only one on the inside. Michael a strip pole. Steve a pole. Pole. Pass or play . Michael were going to play, steve steve theyre going to play. Anitra . Anitra anitra, yes. Steve hi. Good, good. All right, name something the worlds smallest strip club might only have one of inside. Anitra one stripper steve one stripper. Hey, gary, how you doing

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